The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 29, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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F you think you can do better by having
your domes made to measure than well do
for you here in
clothes ready-made,
you Ve got a chance
to think again.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
use better fabrics than you
find in most clothes; put
better linings, trimmings,
tailoring into them than
you get in most clothes.
It's a waste of time to wait
for your clothes to be made
when you can step in and
get the best that's going in
a half-hour, or less.
Suits $18 ruid up
Woolen Mill Store
Hcl w Is given thj time and
height of high and low water at
Th tides nio placed In the order
of occurrence, with their tlrae on
the first Hue nud heights on tho sec
ond lino of civch day; n comparison
of ponaociitlvo heights will Indicate
whether It Is high or low water. For
high water on bar, subtract 2 hours
3 1 minutes.
Date. Mnioli, 1012.
brnko has received word that hor
fathor, Isaac Tnnnor, of Hot Springs,
South Dakota, died March 7. Ho
was 87 years old.
Not Found Constablo Emery of
North Bond has not yet found any
trace of Prod Landon of South
Slough who broko Jail thoro Sun
day. Ho says It Is now up to Sher
iff Oafo to handlo tho caso.
Finish Walk. Tom Procso and
John Johnson who had tho contract
for building tho Central nvenuo
wnyk havo complotcd tho Job. Tho
walk have completed tho Job. Tho
podestrlnns, was put In In excel
lent simpo.
track. Tho annual mooting will pro
bably bo hold right after tho shoot.
To North Bond About 20 Marsh
flold Masons wont to North Bend last
evening to nttend Initiation and a
banquot by tho North Bend lodge.
W. P. Hod80ii was Initiated nnd tho
social session was an unusually en
joyable one.
Housebreaker Mrs. 0. W. Evert
son was awakoned tho night boforo
last by someono trying to break Into
the houso through a back window
Mr. Evortson was absont at lodgo
and she phoned for Judge Hall. Bo
foro tho latter arrived, thn wnnlil-lin
Intruder had mado his oscnpo through
29 Mrs. .0.22 R.3S 11.(51 COS
Fcot .4.8 3.0 5.7 0.1
30 lira. .1.02 G.33 12.51 C.55
Poet .5.4 2.1 CO 0.1
Dl Hrs. .1.38 7.19 1.43 7.3C
Peet .0.0 1.2 C.2 0.1
Cofjrfjht Hirt Schiflhcr te Mux
This storo Is tho homo of
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes.
(By Associated Press.)
OREGON Pair tonight with
light frost In northwest and
heavy frost In cast and Bouth.
Saturday fair and warmer, ox-
copt near coast.
For twenty-four hours ending
at 4:43 a. in., Mar. 29, by BonJ.
Ostllnd, special govornmont mo-
toorologlcal olmorvor:
Maximum Gl
Minimum 41
At 4:43 a. m 44
Precipitation 39
Total precipitation for tho
year 47.35
Wind northwest: rainy.
Open onicc Tho recently organ
Izod Record Photo Abstract com
pany Is arranging to opor. ofucos
nbovo Mngnes & Matson's storo.
E. A. Harris will havo chargo of
the local office.
- l'"i 11r. Li'n.l'rTMr8.'rc!. A'-?9Hv
WANTED Young Indy to learn mil
linery; oxccllcnt opportunity. Ad
dress X Y caro Times.
plows, etc.
Lakeside, Oro.
Woolsoy's plnco,
Always "The Busy Corher"---The Rcxall Store
TiTe Best Yet!!
Rexall Playing Cards
Regular 25c
Special for
Only 1 5 cts,
Lflckhart-Parsons Drue Co.
-MAIN 298
FOR SALE Oood young work
maro; well broko. Seo J. C.
FOR RENT Pour Room funilihed
houso. Pbcuo 174-X.
ulshcd. Inquire nt bnrbur shop,
150 Front st.
rOU SALIJ Lotn !1 and In blk. 20,
Gravos' Add. Cheap, cash. J. W.
Wost, 443 E Uth St., Portland, Or.
TO HENT 8-room house on Soutli
Broadway closo In. Seo Dr. C. C.
Tnggart, Coke bldg. Vacant Apr. 1.
At the closo of business, Feb. 20, 1012.
Lai... , . HKBUUKUEB.
w and Discounts f 429,806.69
Pill "' .................... BV,VVVVV
VU1 w Evchanges 166,011.32
Totl 1644,278.01
Jltl Stock raid In , 160.000.00
S1Dd Und'vIdod Profits . .' 67.408.17
I'WIU K9R SB9.84
Tctl 1644,278.01
FOB SALE Hay and pasture on
Woolcoy'u farm, Lakeside, Oro.
FOH SALE Few sacks of cliotco ear
ly sood potatoos. Goo. Ross, Phono
I'Olt HALE Sot of buggy harness,
WANTED Six oxporloncod coal
minora) two pump-moh; one rope
rldor. Apply Deavar Hill Coal Co.
FOH SALE One new 20-foot gaso
line launch. Soo Max Tlmmer
man, 8C2 North Front otrot.
LATTIN HOTEL Board and room,
$1 per day; G por weok; family
stylo. 316 Socond St., South.
I 1 1 r linnn n A fW 1 . . 1 1.
I'mjlfitnc Vnatnrilnt nfUt.' nttfU.i ... . . . .
n.. i.;. : -:t:vvl "".r i !.""" " nro looxout ior
..--.., uuuu .,, u wlul;n, iuilr bucks, 1110 OlICIKlCr.
ui iiomioes ucionging to Harry Nas
burg woro stolon from tho dock In
the rear of tho city hall, it Is ex
pected that arrests will' bo mado in
tho enso.
Accepts Kcsliniatloii Tho ennem.
gntlon of tho Mnrshflold Baptist
church accepted tho resignation of
uov. u. t,ouoy iinll as pastor, effec
tive May 1. Tho trustees aro In
structed to tnko stops to socuro a suc
cessor to him.
1'lau Clul) W. N. Ekblad and Dr.
Win. Horsfall aro trying to organlzo
a local branch of tho American Fed
eration of Motor cyclists. It requir
es twolvo mombors to Bocuro n chart
er and so far they havo listed but
ten but expect to bo nblo to get tho
othor two shortly.
Elks Plan Tho Marshflold Lodgo
of Elks nt Its mooting Wednesday
night mado arrangomontB for tho In
stallation of tho now olllcors nt tho
mooting next Wednesday ovonlng.
Bosltlos tho Installation, thoro will bo
initiation of candidates and n social
Want Longer Service Itcsldonts
of Eastsldo aro planning to petition
tho county court for hotter ferry sor
vlco. At prosont, tho forry Transit
makes Its last trip nt 5:30 In tho
nftcrnoon and Eastsldors claim this
provouts them, from attending even
ing nmusoments In Mnrshflold.
Hough Off Coast As n result of
tho wind nnd rnlnstorm last night,
tlto bar Is rcportod qulto rough to
day and tho Nnnn Smith, Washing
ton nnd Alllnuco aro detained In tho
lower Bay. It Is very rough off tho
coast and tho bnr was brcnklng prot
ty bnd this morning.
IiiNtructN Men Thoro was n fair
ly good turnout of tho mombors of
tho Mnrshflold divisions of tho Ore
gon Naval Militia at tho former hall
of tho Hodmen on North Front
street Inst evening. Cnpt. Macgonu
devoted most of tho ovonlng to In
structing tho men in seamanship.
Wjlllt Yltl' Kltfm1T?naltAri.t
tho district lvlnir bntwnnn Rmith family horo from tho Roso City
Slough and tho coast, alone thn' J2 ,0itt, J5ri9Pntl ... .
rnnd from Emnlri, m Tln,ln ..i1"1"' " I'EOl'LBS Of COqUUIO 18 A
.- WM iui Tniahlinlfl litlnlnnaa trtaltnw I
J. E. PAULSON and wlfo of Coqulllo
woro Mnrshflold visitor today.
O. A. BONEBRAKE of Catching In
let is in Marsh field today on. busi
ness. W. T. WALLACE of Ross Inlot is
looking nftor business in Marsh
Held today.
J. HAVILLA of Bunker Hill expects
to lonvo Saturday for Portland and
other northern points.
J. A. WARD Is oxpoctod homo to
morrow, next dny from a busi
ness trip to Portland.
MRS. ROBT. McCANN nnd Miss Lill
ian McCann of North Bond woro
Mnrshflold visitors today.
G. N. TREADGOLD of Bandon is
Bpondlng n foy dayo on tho Bay
on buslnoss nnd plonauro.
F. B. WAITE who has boon looking
aftor business interests on tho Bay
will leavo for his homo nt Suth
orlln tomorrow.
J. W. CLARY and wlfo, fathor and
mother of Jack CInry, havo ar
rived hero from Colorndo to mhko
tholr futuro homo on tho Bay.
C. P. McKNIGHT loft this morning
for Langioln, Curry County, whoro
ho will havo chnrgo of tho Installa
tion of n now Masonic lodgo Satur
day night.
MRS. II. A. ARNOTT who linn boon
looking nftor business in relation
to tho J, B. Arnott ostnto horo will
lonvo for hor homo in Washing
ton tomorrow.
WILL SNEDDON, J. B. Sneddon and
Addison Cook woro among tho
Mnrshflold contlngont who loft
yestordny to attond tho Eagles'
Initiation nt Bandon.
F. BYRON of Portland has tnkon
a position in tho J, O. Langworthy
harbor shop and will bring his
buroau. candy Jnrs, trunks, chnlrs, TWO FURNISHED ROOMS to ront.
tables. lipdBprliiKB. cross-cut snwa. khz nrnnnwny. .
tteamer Redondo
EQUIPPED ll'lmn i...nn,,, ..m n.m.r.i.ivtr mnr.T.
O. F. McGEOnGE, Agent.
i r. .
Fred Nomio
Auto Service
".ironB . .
All Mi.r. ,mDl Hates
Blu,LdrLvlnK assured.
;r.M. Af0-;,,"iv 'e1-"
first Class Auto Service
Special trips to North Bend and
Empire any time. Train and party
calls a specialty. Phono 144J njghta
and day. After 11 P. M.. Palace
Restaurant, Phone 6-J. Residence
Fbono 2 8-J.
D. L. FOOTE, Proprietor.
There's a reason for everything; even for this rain.
What is the reason for this rain?
I wonder if I've done something wrong?
You know teacher often says she is punishing you for
your own good, That it hurts her more than it does you, etc,
High School Girls, Grammar School Girls!
If this rain ever lets up I am going to give reasons why
you should ride bicycles.
I may bump up against those teachers who are advocat
ing a five-hour continuous school session (on empty stom
achs) ,
My arguments will appeal to you and, I hope, your par
ents, See that your parents read these advertisements anyway,
All arguments for Ladies' Bicycles fall in a rainstorm,
just as alfsigns fail in dry weather,
So look for something in this space when the weather
clears up,
Phone 180-R.
Dayton Agents
60 Front St,
planning for tho creation of anoth
er school district. Thoy claim that
tho prosont school on South Slough
1b scurcoly accessible for tholr chil
dren, GetK MooHchcnd W. II. Dlndlngor
has Just rocolvod n flnoly mountod
moosohoad from Unlonvllio, Ontnrlo.
It 1b pronouncod by thoso who havo
Boon it to bo ono of tho moflt beauti
ful spoclmona ovor soon on Coos Day.
It la probablo that it will bo purchas
ed by tho Marshflold lodgo of tho
Loyal Order of Mooso for tholr lodgo
Hun of Herring. Thoro Ib n big
run of liorrlng in tho Bay now. The
bulkhead In front of Forndnlo acta
as a sort of flfthtrap for thorn nnd
many havo boon gnthorlng thorn
without tho aid of hook or lino or
not. Tho flsh conio In on tho high
tldo and tho rocodtng tldo loaves
thorn strnndod in tho little pools on
tho mudllnt whoro thoy can bo pick
ed up.
Now Patent Cnpt. T. J. Macgenn
of tho Bronkwator has Invontod a
now drag for vobsoIh which is de
clared to bo far superior to anything
that has yot boon Invontod. Ho has
mado application for n patent but
owing to tho possibility of tho ro
qulromont that drags bo used by all
vohhoIh being abolished, uo patent
has boon granted yot,
. EmiuHtrlniiH Bother Two North
Komi women who wore giving an
exhibition of their abilities as eques
trians by fast driving through tho
Btrcots of Marshllold Wednesdny
night ondangorod Borno pedestrians
and woro notified by Morchnnt Pa
trolman Ohas. Donna that thoy had
hotter desist. Thoy immediately
Marshliold btiBlnoss visitor. Uo
Is making n canvass of tho coun
ty In tho Interest of his candidacy
for tho republican nomination for
AL SMITH and A. O. Rogers, Jr.,
woro down from tholr Coos Rlvor
ranches today on business. Both
oxpressod groat rogrot that tho
Port of Coos Bay Commission wns
knocked nut.
from Myrtlo Point yostorday for a
short visit with IiIb family. Bo
sidOB his llvory buslnoss nt Myr
tlo Point, ho has takon tho con
tract for tho grading for tho now
aldotrack for tho local railway
at $1.00 nt HAINICH.
Partly by driving blood from tho
surfaco and cougostlng tho kldnoya
and partly by throwing top much
work upon thorn. Foley Kldnoy Pills
strongthon tho kldnoya, givo tono to
tho urinary organs and rostoro tho
normal action of tho bladdor. Thoy
aro tonic in action, quick in results.
Try thom. For boIo by Rod Gross
DriiK Co.
Spring and
Summer Styles
Of tho Famous
loft for North Bond.
Deal I'ciidlnif Tho donl for tho A"l a.a. A
Simpson and adjoining proporty onjlllIfiTT FrOW
South Inlot nenr Rockv Point is still '-'''''? v w
ponding. Most of it 1b covorod by nn
option which will not expire until
May 1. It was roported today that
tho Boise, Boattlo and San Francisco
pnrtlos who aro said to bo mem bora
of tho syndicate negotiating for It
wero arranging to closo at onco on
somo of tho proporty.
Meeting Postponed. Owing to on
ly n fow mombera being present, tho
annual mooting of tho Marshflold
Gun Club which was to havo beon
hold at tho Chandlor last ovonlng
wbh postponod until noxt Sunday.
Sec. Ekblad was Instructed to Bond
out notices to all tho Marshflold men
who take pleasure in shooting asking
them to participate In a shoot Sun
day at tho grounds nonr tho race
Monarch Shirts
Theso Shirts aro tho Standard of tho
world and wo havo a largo stock tc
Boloct from.
Prlrefl $1.00, $l.RO nnd $12.00.
The Bazar
Phone 32
The House of Quality,
A small handful of Flakod Peas addod to
any soup, fifteen minutes boforo it Is ready
to servo, will greatly improve Its flavor and
3 cups of beef stock
V4 cup cold water
1 Yi tablespoonfuls catsup
Tiny piece of garlic ,
1 cup Sperry Flaked Peas ....
Vt medium onion
tablespoon Worcestershire
Salt to taste.
Boll onion in stock until tonder, add catsup, Worcestershire, gar
lic, dash of white poppor and Bait; then add tho flaked peas. Cook
slowly 20 mlnutea, etraln and servo with croutons. Stick onion with
whole cloves.
rw ReiUuVant. P