THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1912 -EVENING EDITION. mm i COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONET Editor ami Pnb. DAN K. MALONEY News Editor convict kills convict Stabbing Affray In Nebraska Peni tentiary Fatal. (By Associated I'ross to Coos Day Time.) LINCOLN, Nob., March 29. A convict, Charles Davis, stabbed and almost lnstnntly klllod another con vict, John Strong, In tho stato ponl tontlary todny. Tho "Child's Wolfaro" movomont has challonccd tho attention of thoughtful pooplo ovorywhorc. Moth ers nro natural supporters, and will And In Foloy's Honoy and Tar Com pound a most valuablo aid, Coughs and colds that unchecked load to croup, bronchitis and pnoumonla ylold quickly to tho healing and soothing qualities of Foloy's Honoy and Tar Compound. For salo by Rod CroBS Drug Co. SHERIFF OAOE HURT Slioriff Qago mot with a mishap ono day this weok. Whllo splitting wood a stick returned boomorang fashion nnd struck him on tho chcok and over tho cyo, Inflicting a pain ful wound. That no moro serious results accruod through tho accldont than porhnps a small scar Is a mlr nclo. Though slightly disfigured urillko Toddy's hat ho Is "still In tho ring," nnd tho dimmed vision of ono optic does not dotcr him from vlowlng nil mattorn aright. Coqulllo Ilorald. MAKEJCHISJEo' How to Tell If Your Hnlr Is Diseased. liven If you have a luxuriant head of hair you may want to know whether It Is in a healthy condition or not; 98 per cent of tho peoplo need a hair tonic. Pull a hair out of your hoad; if tho bulb at tho end of tho root Is whlto nnd shrunken, It proves that tho hair ih diseased, and requires prompt treatment If Its loss would bo avoided. If tho bulb Is pink and lull, tho hnir Is healthy. Wo wml ovory ono whoso hair ro nttlrea treatment to tiy Itcxall "93" Hair Tonic. Wo promise that It shall not cost anything If It doos not glvo satisfactory results, il U ittfluncd to ovcrcomo dandruff, rollcvo scalp Irri tation, to stlmulato tho hair roots, tighten tho hair already in the head, grow hair and prevent baldness. It Is becauso of what Rexall "93" Hair Tonic hns done and our sincere faith In Its goodness that wo want you to try It at our risk. Two slzos 50c and $1. Sold only at our storo Tho Roxnll Store. Lockhart-Par-sons Drug Co., "Tho Busy Cornor." Special Snlo tomorrow Pcoplo'a 5, 10 nnd 15 cent Storo. HONING! CONTEST AT The Royal TONIGHT EAltL HEXDEHSOX vs. JESS DAY and DANNY O'imiEN vs. JESS DAY In Four Hounds Each. PICTURES "THE RETURN" "THE LONELY RANGE" All for 10 cents. NOTICE TO PRESHYTERIANS. A mooting of tho mombors nnd con gregation of tho First Presbyterian church Is called for Friday ovonlng, at 7:30. Mnttor of vital importanco to tho church will bo consldorod. Mooting will bo hold at Luthoran hall in roar of Luthoran church on Com mercial avenuo. By ordor of BOARD of TRUSTEES HAVE YOU READ IT? Tho Adlcr-1-ka book tolling how you can EASILY cuard against ap pendicitis, and got Instant rollof from itomach and bowol trouble Is bolng road with much Intorost by Marsh field pooplo. It Is given away froo by Iockhart & Parsons Drug Co. Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill Eastside and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 17T Promt Bt THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails for Portland From Coos Bay at 1 1:00 A. M., Tuesday, April 2 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACD7IO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 44. O. P. McGEORGE, Agent. We Clean and Press Ladles' and Gent's Suits Goods'Callcd for andJJDelivcrcd Coos Bay Steam Laundry PIIONB MAIN 07-J TRY TUB EDGE WITH YOUR FINOER. Examine a collar freak from oar laundry. Notloe IU clear, whit ool or, IU ven. lastlo stiffness, U smooth and Its porfect shap. Then tost the top edge by running your finger-tip over it. Notice the mooth, slick finish given It, Noth ing there to rub, dig or Irritate your Beck. This test will prove the value of our service. Send us a trlat bundle and apply the teat. Marshfield, Hand & Steam Laundry Mnutey Rroa. Prop Phone 290-J. Our Wagons Oo Anywhere Anytime. Blanchard's Livery We have suouro. the livery juel- iota of L. H. Helicer and are pre pared to render excellent servico to the people of Cot- Bay. Careful ilvers, gooa rise ud everything hat will mean satisfactory service to the public. Phonr us for a driving horso, a rig or anything needed In the livery line. We alio do truck Ag buslneaa of ll kinds. niiANCIIAlU) nnOTIIRRS Phone 138-J Livery, Feed aad Sale Service. 141 First and Alder StreeU R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance lt North Front Street City Auto Service frood Cars, Careful Drivers and roaaonable charcea. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Btande Dlanco Hotel and Olanco Cigar Store. Day Phone 78 and 40. Night Phone 48. DARKER A GOODALE. Proprietor. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS, CLEANERS. PRKSSKRS and HAT RENOVATORS Agont for Edward H. Btrauaa & Co. fine Tailoring Let us make your next Suit. -M5 Commercial. Phoao SOO-X. V ' ' Or ICgBMMKP JFMOR Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality YOU'LL PIND OUR MEAT O. K. In ovory respects Tho tnsto will ho right, tho tondornosa unusual, tho weight nbsolutoly correct and tho prlco very low for this grndo of meat. Tho way to know thin for yoursolf Is to glvo us n trial ordor. Wo know you'll ropont It alright. MARSHFIELD CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Mnrsliflcld JEM .J Two Market TELEPHONES! North Rond 01 Buy Your Meats at tho UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Hqvj Puro, Wholesome Meats. 'Phone 58 There is always Good Style in an ARROW Collar E. W. Kammerer Says: JUST FROM THE INCUBATOR The Prettiest Line of Easter Bonnets Ever Hatched Chicklotts, everyone of them, all tho new creations of the season, in every color immaglnable, Scatch Ups The Fuzzy Wuzzys, Valours and Beavers, Price $3 to $5 Some Dandy Stiff Hats to Show You Come in and see how the now shapes look on you, Yours Anxious to Pleaso The Toggery Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SKNOSTACKEN, Mir. Coqullls Offlce Phone 191 MarahDold Offlco 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Landi a specialty. Qeneral AgenU "EABTfllDBY' STR. WASHINGTON MLL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO, FROM COOS BAY, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, AT 6 :30 A. M. STEAMER HOMER SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY . SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 30. F. S. Dow, Agent (Ocean Dock i '-'flM CONDENSED STATKSDBNT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the Close of RiulneM February 20th, 1912. RESOURCES. Loans and dlicounta $221,234.34 Donda, warrants and loourltlea , , . -, 73,931.11 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 25,000.00 Real estate, furniture and fixtures , , 81,011.34 Cash and sight exchange 144,549,94 Total 345,721.73 J ' LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In .....1100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 1,231,09 Dividends unpaid , 6.00 Re.erve for taxee 1,000.00 Circulation, outstanding., , 24,600.00 Deposits 410,881.64 Total '. $543,721.73 In addition to Capital Stock the Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is $100,000.00. "" IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Qlre us a description of your property and we will obtain for you amount of taxes on same. Sheriff does not notify you. Many Homes Are Not As Well Lighted As They Should Be Many citizens are paying sufficient money each month to obtain the satisfactory electric lighting which they do not get. The fault lies in unscientific lamps, shades, re flectors and fixtures which they are using. No matter how good the electric current deliv ered, poor lighting appliances will blight illum inating results. Tho new Mazda) tungsten lamps give nearly three times as much light for tho same con sumption of current as do the carbon incan descent lamps. Our experts will be glad to help you solve your lighting problems. There is no charge for their service. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co HURRY! ITS GO.ING FAST We have a limited quantity of ALDER WOOD, cut into 2-foot lengths, suitable for fireplace that wo will sell at $2.25 per load while it lasts. ' C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phone 190-J. 182 So. Broadway. W KWlT Tim ni,i 1?1. i , .. MU -.-- viu AiUllUUlO-. NOW. rips a complete 8fcft ".uuBuiurnisiiinirs v Vl thing from Kitchen to S room. w a& New Goods. Reasonable Vrirn, 323 South ?WBS .Phono-y0, 21Q Ty- Coos Bay Naturopath College CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPAtmn HYDROTRKUApy nnd all branches of Natural n Pontics taught. Terms twZ For Information nddross DR. BIRD B. CLARKE norm Hcnil, Ortgon. T. X 0AIFB iftwS Marshfield Pi,n. Decorating Co, Estimates MAnattott... Furnished Phono HOL 0rim WM. S. TURPEN 171 FRONT ST. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dlt. A. J. iiii:NDuT;flisv" Modern Dental Parlors. Wo aro CQUlppod to do hljh t! work on short notlco at the irj lowost prlcos. Examlnitloa Im Ladr attondant, Coke bulldlni. cjjf alto Chandler hotel, phone 11W, rjR. U. P. WINKLUR, Naturopath and Clilropfirtet All chronic diseases treated. CocnV atlon freo. Offlce hoati: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 6 to I p. a Naturopath Institute Room No. L No. 130 Drondway, Marshldl, On pIt. O. W. LliSLlR, - Osteopathic PhjrilcUs Qraduato of the American ickooltt Osteopathy at Ktrksrllle, Mo. Of In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to II; 111 4; Phono 161-J; MarsndeM; Omit J W. HKNNIST1, LwyoT. )ffle over Flanagan k Desaett Bill larshflold OrtfH T-R. J. T. McCORMAO, - Physician and Burfeon Marshfleld, Oregon. Jfflce: Lockbart Dutldlni, Opposlto post ollleo. Phone I0W We Have Been Successful In buying a lnrco stock ol lint class Eloctrlcal material md tu glvo our patrons a very low prki on houso wiring. Get our prlci you can't afford to mlu It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J The Electric Shoe Shop IS WIIKRI3 THEY nUY SHOES FROM 91 PER PAIR UP. THE ELECTRIC SUOB'SnOP ISO Hn. Rrnadwav MsriUWJ A Moder Drlck DulUInc Ea" LlBhU. Steam Heat. EtuM Furnished Roomt with H and Cold Watsr. HOTKL.OOOS O. A. UHTLW. ProP. Rates: 60 cenu a Dar and Upw w Cor. Drodwy and tf af&rahfleld. oreroa- Have That Roof FixcJ NOW See GORTHELL PbotM 811 MEN pxrSSSL NOTICE FOR PUDMOATI0 V.t- REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE Bargains in City and Out side Property. AUG. FRIZEEN. 68 Central Ave.. Marshfield. WANTED ! ! ! JARPET8 UPHOLSTEWNCI AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, bf the Pneuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders for work takes at GOING & HARVEY PHONE 100 GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE Department of tlw Interior, ROSEBURQ. Ore.. Feb. A Vi.itl Notlco Is hereby given tn w Talbot, of Empire. Ore;,JLl"ppii. April 20. I908.iade timber" oaUon No. 0B76, for Jco0a Soctlon 33, Township ' W Range 14 W. Willamette ne" has filed notice of Intention w (J1 final timber and stone PTOor, de .oKiiov, iim n tha land ag" . ... scribed, before Register n.L t or United States Wd."h"wil Roseburg, Ore., on the 10"1 May. 1912. wltn Claimant names as " flrt; Franklin Elliott, of EnW fffr Tom Talbot, of EmP re. "7W Ham Qall. of Marshfleld, Ore., wages, ofmpre. Ore.