THE GRrATEST THING IN THE WORLD-AND THE SCARCEST--IS PLAIN HONEST i tTANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES I Will I'ut Vour Real Estate "In I .1.. urnrimt" Effectively! (Earn WANT ADVERTISING In Tlwj TIMES Will Keep tho Income from Yowr Furnished Roams from Lapsing! YOU can really holp tho family revenues by renting a few furnished rooms aud, If you know how and mrntz n will put tho facta about your onortr before tuo eyo of nil "pot- ffll" in town. And If onortr before tuo eyo of nil "pot C buyer." ln town' And " !lwi one of thorn who ought to STll you'll NU It! when to use tho classified columns, you may keep that llttlo extra lncomo MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS ' steady as a clock." mn VOL XXXV Established In 1878 m Tlio Const Mali HTEMPTED MURDER AND SUICIDE" VERDICT III BUI SHOOTING MARSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall Mn oof) nml CoiA liny Advcrtlxor. Coroner's Investigation of Mc- UUiiie nay i-iiuo This Afternoon. I FURTHER INVESTIGATION 'Un IJ'.u nr MAnC nC PACE MAI Dtlimwi- ui wrwu Many Rumors Concerning Tragedy in Circulation Woman Recovering. (Special to Tho Time.) munnw nrn.. March 20. Tho Kroner's Jury In tho McDufllo trag- idr lato tni niiurmiuu uiuubui. wdlct of ftttompted murdor nnd nul ilie. Tho vordlct followod tho ex amination of roany wltncssos. l... ...i pnnalitnrnliln talk linrn iftM tho coronor'a vordlct wan re timed that tho Investigation of tho itootlng or airs, uon mwuiuu uuu .l. vminp nt McDufllo yoatordav wrnlng would not end with this vor dlct HOWOVor, una wuh lursoir talk and did not como from an official Mrce. ..... Mri. McDumo is roporiou getting atom nicely today nnd unloss unox EMted complications sot In, alio will sickly rocovor. UcUumo s runorni nan hoi uauu nr rimed for yet. uh MpDnnin owns a lnrtro farm leirBandon and dlfforoncos ovor tho Itcome from It nro said to linvo boon rummlhln for BOinO of tllO ClnsllOB lathe family. A couple of years ngo ill iniuiuicu suit ior n uivorco out tier mado up nnd this was dropped. Un. A. R. Clinton of Coaulllo Is B t lister or Mrs. aicuuiuo. ADM 1 IS IN M Gin ANIDRAGITE OUST COURT IS NEW FLAN (Dy Associated Press to Coos liny Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 29 A bill to abolish the United States commorcc court was fnvornbly ro portod to tho Houso todny by Ropro nontatlvo Sims for tho majority of tho Intorstato nnd foreign enmmnrrit committee Tho monsuro practically wuuiu restore manors to tno statutes oxlstlng boforo tho pnsBngo of tho commorco court act In Juno, 1900. Tho law would bo chnnged, however, tO ntltllOrlzn tlin pnlirta tn crnnl tnm- porary Injunctions restraining tho operations or tno commission's or ders "only In cases where tho court ontortnlllH cravn datilitu rnnrnrnlnir tho validity of tho order and la of tho opinion that Irropnrnblo Injury would onsuo If tho suspension wns not grnnted. Another chnngo vests In tho Inter Btnto Commorco Commission exclu sive nuthority over nil lltlgntlon to which It Is a pnrty, relieving tho Dopnrtmcnt of Justlco of responsibil ity. A minority report opposing tho contention thnt tho commorco court Is useless nnd oxponslvo will probab ly bo presented. Ambassador Wilson Sent Guns and Ammunition to be Used for Protection of Americans There. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 29. Acting Sccrotnry of Stato Wilson to day confirmed tho report from Mex ico City thnt all depondablo Ameri cans were to bo nrmod for tholr own dnfonHft nnrl ntlinr fnrnlin pnvnm. ments will tnko like safeguards, it was announced thnt Ambassador Wilson will distribute, to Americans tho 1000 army revolvers nnd rifles now en routo. Tho Mcxlcnn govern ment countcnnnccB tho arming of foreigners. Taft waived tho recent neutrality proclamation ln cnBo of a snipment of arms which left Now York yestorday. It 1b understood tho Mexican government would not as sess duties from European nations for ubo of their subJccta. Tho proposition of arming Amorl- cnnB moets with tno approbation of Prcsidont Mndero, who admitted It Is n ncccssnry precaution against tho rough clement In Mexico City which would not hcsltato to tako advantage of tho dcBpntch of government troops rrom tho cnpltnl 01 WO FIELD MINERS 10 y M I G EA6LES ROME M UY NEWS OF COOS BAY New Rumor About Southern Pacific and Hill Systems Compromising. Some new railroad rumors woro lftfllt hnm ft nttntf nml n iictwl si mi- tluMt speculation. No official wlflcatlon of thorn could bo ob- uisra. One of them wna a now version of Jii report about C. A. Smith nogo- Ultlnr Inr thn linn nf Mm Soilhern Pacific. It wna to tho of- i imi instead or tho locnl lino go ut to the C. A. Smith compnny. It .H'MiCAiiy io go to tno tun systoin l ) a compromlso whoroby tho Hill "vf mruixi over ino rnciuc uront tern and North Coast Lino proj- to tho Southorn Pacific. Tho Mill neonln. thn air,-.. ..,; i,ho local Ilno to Rosoburg, -"' n win connect with tho Oro- Dn E Utrl J l-i ....... . i. . - "ern Oregon, whoro It will COll- tlon " " MXDOX WOMAN DEAD lfv 'V . lli'lnmii Kiirrumlis to n BANte,,J,!oT'i?Tmo .. W p ii i ' '" ninrcn as. sirs. of L, i who 8"fforod a utrokq Sit,. .'"ra11" (1,oa touny. i!2!-f,xtr years o,(1 nml cam k poll y"8lx years nRo frora Da,-i itli .."" yegon. Blio la 'era m nf "U8Ui'i two dnugli- m Xv "P"8- ono of tl10 Bona - -V .uiBn;u or uanuon. M G BE TODAY ALLIAlCEi Pfeamshlp Sails Thie Mnrnlnn w Humboldt Bay Returns Monrinv. A"anro. "o,l this mornlns '"MH9nn- l a g0011 eargo ol IT, T , fro,ht- consldor Eubrci,"?;,cfiel for reshlp- M,; . "r sn wanclsco. ir MrlT vr .' ' ' he luIo, t0 ret,"'n : It 9a7.rl0y and sail Mondnv hMr FUana- S1,e Js now Aong thr?"1": ten-l,n' Bohoilulo. thifl'lns on tho AUl P E18 morning wero. I'in n&Cn W". A. A. Wjohnc' MarUn- J- Cinclnnn tg w n an(l wife. Mrs. D. oid.f,.v"rr-: 'e M SrAiMox,can PUnocho WAPfoRI)S Saturday and HERE TONIGHT Tho mooting at tho Chamber of Commorco tonight for tho purpoao of discussing means of facilitating tho reorganization of tho Port of Coos Dny nnd also for dovlslng means of rotninlng tho dredgo Oregon horo, promises to bo largoly attended. Tho first matter of Importance is tho do viBlng of means of raising funds to koop tho Oregon busy on tho projects ndoptcd by tho Port Commission which not only makes much needed Improvements In tho channel but will also bo of great boneflt by fill ing In tho low proporty. Some havo suggested thnt nil tho big proporty ownors In tho port dis trict pny In their tnx nnd thnt It bo turned over to a trusteo to bo ex ponded for work by tho Oregon. Whether this enn ho accomplished or legally done hns not been deter mined. P. B. Lcofo, the onglneor In chnrgo of tho government work here, hns been suggested as tho man to act as trustee If this plnn enn bo carried out. KveryonoMs urging thnt tho special election for reorganizing tho port be called nt tho oarllest possible dato In order thnt tho harm dono by tho knocking out of tho port commission niny bo kept as iienr tho minimum ns possible With vory few exceptions, tho peoplo of tho ontlro section nro Indignant ovor tho situation nnd want It remedlod ns soon ns possible. Tho tug Hobnrts is in from tho Slualnw. ALONG THK WATEIIFKONT Tho Itodondo Is duo ln tomorrow from Snn Francisco. Tho Bronkwntor will sail nt 3 o'clock in the morning for Portland. Tho' tug Colunibm, which hns ueen tied up nt tho dock nt North Bond for somo tlmo, will soon bo put back Into servlco. It Is oxpocted that Cant. Magoe of Emplro will havo command of her. Chief Knglneer Jonson of tho Kb tabrook Steamship Company arriv ed hero this wook from San Fran cisco to Inspect tho construction of tho now vossel which la being built for the company at North Hand. Tho Washington sailed this morn ing for San Francisco with n big car go of gonornl freight nut n wunwr small pnssengor list. Among thoso sailing from Marshflold on her were Miss Williams, Mrs. Cntterlln and Merlin Catterlln. Cnpt. Mastora of Sumner expects to soon havo tho rebuilding of tho Mlllicoma completed so that ho can put nor on the Sumner run in plato of tho Curlew which was recently run down and destroyed by the tug Columbia. Ha may change the name of tho boat to tho Sumner. Negotiations nro on for the sale of the natty gasoline bchoonor Anvil to MoMcan Interests, but Captain Voy poy. managing tho vessel, said that rn,,-la tn MlO fiffpCt SllO llBll HOOU sold for service In that territory are premature. Tho Anvil Is lying at tho city levee whoro she was berthed after being withdrawn from tw Port-land-Dandon run in tho fall, says the Oregonlan. Special Candy Sale Saturday and Sunday at STAFFORDS. Marshfield Delegation Had Fine Time There Last Evening. A scoro of tho mombora of tho 'Mnrshflold Acrlo of Knglcs returned today rrom Bandon whoro last night thoy lnltlntcd a largo class of candi dates. Following tho Initiation, a eoclnl session wns onjoyod. All tho ICaglcs woro loud ln tholr pralso of tho treatment accordod them at tho clty-by-tho-Boa. It In oxpoctod that tho Bandon members of tho Knglcs will soon tnko steps to orgnulzo an Aorio thoro. Tho following aro tho candidates who woro Initiated InBt night: J. W. Ackman, Chas. Conrad, J. It. Burnott, J. A. Fostor, Qoorgo L. Howltt, C. 10. Qardlnor, Chaa. Por. klns, Clnronco Myers, J. O. Pago, C. S. McCulloch, Bon Campboll, J. A. Ansclmo, Harvoy Campboll, Sam Gait, Wm. A. McKay, Wm. A. Ton brook nnd J. F. Wondllng. Among tho mombora of tho Mnrshflold Aerlo who woro In at tendance last night woro: C. C. Oolng, J. W. Davis,- W. W. Holland, Addison Cook, J. B. Sned don, Will Sneddon, Hugh MoLaln, M. J. Ostrow, u. B. Plncgor. Paul Bot tis, Chofl. Ouimotto, Will Rhodes, Wm. Chrlstonson, Robort Ingorsoll, Earl Winner, Rubs Nnsburg and O. W. Dungnn. Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of tho Prcs- hytcrinn church will hold a COOKED j FOOD SALE at Perry & NicholBon'a Furnlturo Store, Saturday, March iff), beginning nt 1 p. in. NEW RULE IN PORT DECISION Oregon Supreme Court Chang ed Attitude on Elections 1 Opinion. Tho full text of tho decision of tho Oregon supremo court knocking out tho Port of Coos IJay reached horo yestorday and is attracting consid erable attontlon. Lawyers who havo looked tho opinion of Justlco Mooro ovor nro porploxod becauso tho decision Is con trary to the rulo laid down previous ly by tho supremo court. In a previ ous decision, tho supremo court ndoptod tho rulo sustaining tho re sults of olcctlons excopt whoro It was shown thnt tho result "probably" would havo been different If tho technical provisions of tho lnw gov erning it had been litornlly compiled wl.h. In the Cooa Bay cafeo, tho court adopts tho rulo that tho elec tion Is void because It wns not prov en that the result could not hnvo ' pnshlbly" boen different. So far, It has not beou ascertained whether the supiomo court Judges wore unanimous in tho decision knocking out tho port of Coos Bny, The decision Is a lengthy one, Sev ern! t.vpo-wltten' pages being devot ed to showing that quo warranto pro oeodings, under which tho case was liiHiltuted, are not, in Oregon, sub ject to tilnl by Jury. Had tho case bteu one to be tried before it Jury, the findings of fact by tho lower couit would not havo beon subjoct to review by the l.lgher court. Hold ing that it was not a Jury case, the supreme couit went Into all tho rec ords It had of it. However, there was consldorabltt oral toetlmnny tak en at tho healing ln Iho lowor court, which wag by stipulation, heard by Judge Coko without a Jury thnt was not of record. This testimony was ns to tho fluctuating of tho voting population on the Bay. Aside from the discussion of tho quo warranto proceedings, tho opin ion Is as follows: 'Considering the cast at bar on Its morits plaintiff's counsel argues that errors were committed In re ceiving, over objection and exception, testimony g"d5'gjJ$5w-LSk4S? (Continued on pas 4.) MUNSEY TELLS OF ORE DEALS Publisher Gives Sources of In formation Concerning Steel, Trust. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 29 When Frank A. Munaoy, tho mnga zlno publlshor, placed a valuation of $782,000,000 on tho proporty of tho Unitod States Steel Corporation In an artlclo published in Juno, 1008, ho did so after consulting officials of tho corporation and having had ac cesB to its books. Ho mado tho dec laration today as n witnoss boforo tho Stanley Investigation commtttco. "I nl8o based my estimate," said MunBcy, "on talks with othor men In terested in tho steel business nnd with ChnrlcB M. Schwnb, John W. Gntcs nnd others who were not then In tho stcol corporation. In tho artlclo Munsoy said tho ore holdings woro worth CO cents a ton. On this ftguro ho bnBod tho valuo of tho oro properties leased by tho corporation from J. J. Hill. Ho waB asked about his estimato of $105, 000,000 ns tho valuo of tho oro hold ings of tho Tonnossco Coal & Iron Compnny. Thnt valuation was fig ured at 16 conta a ton, ho said, and also was based on forms of tho Hill loaso. Munsoy reluctantly said Georgo F. Baker wna tho director of tho Btool corporation quoted In tho artlclo as saying ho would not soil tho oro properties as acquired under tho Hill lcaso as thoy woro an "In surance ngalnst competition." PLAN TO STOP Ml E (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Tlraos.) CLEVELAND, March 29 Ab a means of preventing a strlko In tho bituminous coal Holds tho minors proposod to tho oporntora today to abandon nil tho original union do- mnndB nnd nnk Olllv nn Inrrnnan nt Ilvo cents a ton over tho present scalo and flvq hours work on Saturday In stead of eight. STATEMENT BY J. W. BENNETT Explains Attitude on Port Commission and Tells What Should Be Done. Editor Times: To wipo out tho past and look to tho future for tho organization nnd maintenance of tho Port of Coos Bny, formulated nnd mnnngod on business principles, nnd not organiz ed and managed for pntronngo or porsonal motives Is, I bollovo, tho duty of every ono who hns tho in terest of Coos Bny nt heart. A Port Commission operated on conservative business lines will do moro to ndvnnco tho interests of Coos Bay than ono can concelvo and If tho power vested in a commission is usod Improperly, it can do prop tionatoly as much harm whon badly managed as it can do good If propor ty managed. But I am not going at this tlmo to criticise tho past, that lias been aired enough ln tho news papers, nnd what I suy horo will not bo with tho view of stirring up tho past whatovor, as I havo no HI fool ing ln tho matter whatsoovor. I could not keep provoked with anyone long If I wnntod to, nelthor am I puffed up or olnted by tho decision, In fact, on tho contrnry after looking Into this question. I was sorry to find It In such a horrible mess and tho condition it is in satisfies mo all tho moro that big projects of this char acter should bo handled by business men, freo from projudlco, working for tho public good and nbovo unj doslre to uso tho olllclul position for personnl gain, or to reward friends or punish enomles. But lot us get down to business, Hero Is tho situation. Tho Port law in its present form unfortunatoly was a mistake to begin with. It did not have proper consideration or it would not be as It in. In tho olden times thoy gave notice by posting thorn on the trees, that was boforo tho tlmo of newspapers. Now they usually give notice by publication In tho newspapers. The port law required one hund red and eighty notices to be posted py tlie clerks and Judgoa appointed (Continued on page 4.) (By Associated Prcsa to Coos Bay Tlmo.) CLEVELAND, Mnrch 29. Al though thoy said that nothing but disagreement faced thorn, tho opera tors nnd minors of tho bituminous Holds ncnln conferred tmlnv in n ri. nnl effort to fix a now two-yenr wngo scale to tako effect April 1, nnd thus prevent suspension or a probablo strike. Both sides said thoy would mako no concession nnd thoy oxpectod be- forn nll'lll In lin In n nnalllnn almllnr in Hint nt Mia nnflirnnlln inlnnrd nn.l oporntors with all negotiations brok en off nnd Biif.pcnslon of work or dered to begin Sunday night. M T PORT BATTER .MARSHFIELD CITIZEN WRITES HIS VIEWS ON J. W. BENNETTS ATTITUDE. Editor Times: "Lost wo forgot," nnd In ordor that thoro may bo a cotnpllanco with tho "Puro food nnd drugs act," and that things mny bo proporly labolcd, thoso who might bo Inclined to bo easily lulled Into peaceful sloop and forgotfulncss nro respectfully re quested to bo present nt tho Cham ber of Commorco mooting tonight, or nt somo othor convenient and propor occasion, to wntch nnd honr our good nnd Irroprosslblo Josoph Bonnott kick his old lint into smlthorona and assure tho peoplo of Coos Bny of tho fact that ho has fully and complete ly misrepresented himself In tho past and, honcoforth, that ho and his nlio. reformed ally, tho progressive and public-spirited Southorn Oregon Company, will bo found ovorflowlng with lovo nnd affection for all of tho I pooplo of Coos Bay all tho time, nnd thnt ho nnd tho good nnd gonnroiiH Southorn Oregon Company In tholr opposition to tho improvement or Coos Bny havo only been guided by motive of deepest nnU elncorost In terest for tho truo welfare of our good, but simple and misguided citizens, How lovoly, oh how lovely of yoii, J Mister Bonnott, and don't let us for-1 got also to glvo duo credit to your ' good frlond and financial backer, tho Southorn Oregon Company, who J has so long been noted for Its prompt nnd cheerful paymont of taxos and I its generous donations for all pult-1 lie enterprises. Wo now fully rBa llzo that your deep and unsolfiBh In-1 teroBt (with omphaslB on tho intor est and sometimes a llttlo water ront thrown In) ln the wolfnro of our peo ple Is uch that your only motive In ) opposing thClr mlsguldod efforts to I Improve our llttlo harbor was to ' domonstrnto, In primer lanniia' fbe ' utter foollslinofis of our attempt to proceed without first Booking you ,n I your gront and prlcoloaa wisdom nnd unsolflshnoBs and 'also securing per-1 mission of your good frleud ih b lovod Soutl orn Oregon C'oii.uany All hail to such good and genorous1 friends of the- pooplo ns you and thnt i good nnd BOul-posoaged coiioratlon, , We now know that In a:l the of-i forts nnd monoy you nnd oar good I frlond have spont In your un-L'lva purposo to save our simp! i pHcpl from solflah destruction, yn i.evr evon onco thought of tho Inle.o.-t (tnxes or water rent) of you; un-a'f-Ish self, the good and arnerou .nu-4 fill Southern Oregon Company. Ban-1 nett's Trut Company, Bonuatt (VS.) Land Office, or Bennett, Swan-i ton and Bennett's well fur-j nlB'ed and well oqulpped Law D partmont banish auch n thoug'-t. i And then, too, you havo gonorouslv opened our eyes to tho fact that whci you Imuorted tho "Evonlng Organ" nil tto wny from tho wilds, Jclclos and avalanchos of Alaska, properly protected with an Alaskan Grizzly hide (hairy side out) and generously nourished and greased with Sea Lion blubber and othor usoful sub stances, you wero wholly actuated by Formal Suspension of Work in Eastern Fields Called' This Afternoon. LARGE NUMBER WILL BE AFFECTED BY IT Hope of Preventing Labor Struggle Given Up Others Still Negotiate. CLEVELAND, Ohio, March 20 Formal ordars far n niiAtinnnlnn nt nil operations In tho nnthrnclto mlnoa ucginning April l woro Issued by tho Unitod MIno Workers of Atnorrca this nftornoon. Prcsidont Whlto Raid tho suspension was oqual to u BtriRo, oxcopt that tho men at tho pumpa nnd others neccssnry to protoct tho mlno proporty will bo kept at work. Tho anthrnclto coal oporntora nro not Inclined to rojoct absolutoly th demands for a Binall lncrcnso tn wogcH tn their opinion oxprosBod to dny by a person authorized to upcak for ono of tho loading coal oporatore. Ho also said tho operators woro rondy to moot tho minors nnd rcsumo no gotlations and would wolcomo any efforts looking toward an avoidance of tho strike. Tho demand for n 20 por cont In croaao, however, novor would bo granted, ho Bald, anil nn thn minnm docllnod to submit a compromise proposition, uio consideration of a smaller Increaso had not como bo- roro tno operators. Any furthor over tures will havo to como from tho minors, ROYAL ASSENT TO BILL GIVEN (By Associated Proso to Cooo Bay Tlmo.) LONDON. MnrAh 90 llnvnl n- oont was given tho minimum wago mil nt noon todny. Tho bnllotlng bognn todny In nil tho districts of tho United Klnirilnm nn thn nunnllnn of whether tho million minors now on BtriKo should return to work pondlnir tho decision of thn illntrlot COlirtU to bo nilliolntoil linilnr thn government's minimum wngo net on mo rates or wages In tho various editors. In somo cases thn rnaull nf-lhA ballotlnir will bo known thin wnnV. Tho colliers In many dlsirlctn favor resuming worn, kiiii returns rrom tho ballotlnc will nnl hn nrflrlnll? announced until Anrll 4 nnd l nrnh- nhly win bo after Enstor boforo tho milium roiurn to worK. Tho totnl cost of tho H.trIko to tho minora' unions to dato has been $5, 21C,2no, nnd tho bnlanco loft In tho union treasury now amounts to only i,iu,uuu, most or which Is Invest ed In securities which will not bring tho full valuo under a forced salo. most unsolflsh and public-loving con siderations. Whon, then, you Hhnll mount tho High Sont, thou good and Holy Jo seph, and proceed to kick bo many holes in that wretched old hat whlj'a has beon so sadly mlsropresentatlva of and unfitting tho generous, and uiiBolflHh motives of Its wonrer, wo. your moak, misguided and lowly poo plo will bo thoro, haliolujnh. God bless mo, God bless my good South orn Oregon Compnny, Ood bless Boii nott's Trust Compnny nnd God bloaa my organ, too. Amen; monthly stntomonts of account will bo sent In duo courso. DISILLUSIONED CITIZEN. No Action Vet Nothing doflnlto hns boon hoard as to what Sheriff Gago and District Altornoy Drown propoBO to do about tho requests to prevent tho llondorson-O'Ilrlon prize fight hero tomorrow night. It Is ex pected thnt Sheriff Gago will bo here tomorrow and It Is possible thnt If the flgf-t Is held that, a bunch of those present mny bo summoned bo foro tho grnnd Jury noxt month Special Candy Salo Saturday and Sunday at STAFFORDS. Our Sntiuilny Bjhc1iiI Sale To iiioitow regular fJ5o 10-rjiiart Galvon laoil Btichct, Saturday only lie. Something nmv in Eastor Novelties. Many new tliliurs Just In. Pcoplo's 5, IO and Hip Store. SEED OATS 8I!J PER TOY at HAINES. j i DREDGE MEETING CALLED All partios interested in tho retain ing of" tho Dredge-"Oregon" on tho project na outllnod by tho Port of Cooa Bay Commission, will moot at tho Chamber of Commorco at 8:00 o'clock P. M. Friday, March 29. J. T. McCORMAO, President. Llbby CO Alt, The Kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Paclflo Livery & Transfer Co.