THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1912 EVENING EDITION. i 4 COOS COUNT1' HENS BUSY " TRY 10 GET NTS Is now making a systematic Coo8 t.nty this year, Igll to BOCliro nOW industries llnM unniirlMpn nr Hi Chamber of Commerce Mak ing Systematic Camoaign for New Industries. Tho Mnrshflcld Chnmbor of Com- morco campnlu for tho Bay. Owing to tho groat tlmbor resources of this section and tho cheap watci transportation, tho campaign at present Is being concen trated on woodworking establish ments. This wook porsonul lottors woro sont to 1,200 woodworking es tablishments throughout tbo Unltod States calling attention to tho advan tages of this section and copies of tho special edition of Tho Times wcro mailed to each of thorn. Tho Chamber of Commorco hns nr rnngod for the distribution of ull of tho 0,000 copies ol Tho Times. C. Qt Chapman of tho Portland Commer cial club In n letter acknowledges tho receipt of COO copies which ho Bays bo will placo ndvantngeouBly. Tho following is tho toxt of tho let ter to tho woodworking establishments: 'If you contcmplato a romovnl of 1 IS !ES TO BE ASSESSED Assessor Thrift Not Enumerat ing Them as Taxable Property This Year. I''or tho first tlmo In many years, mortgages will not bo assessed in Ever Largest Production of Eggs Known in Coos County . . Nover in tho history of Coos county has thcro been tho production of eggs I y mat moro present, uruinnruy, at this tlmo of tho year, oggs nro ox-1 pected to ndvniR'o, but tho unoxpocted nnppencu louny, ana uio romn prico i 'dropped to $.20, with tho wholo salo price at $. IS. V. S. Dow, who handles probably I tho greatest portion of tho eggs urougnt into una lorruory, siaicu. 10- day that at tho present tlmo thcro was nt least 20 cases of eggs n day So If you hold any securities or this nnturo amr forgot to enumorato thorn whon tho assessor was listing your tnxablo property, you can now fool rollovcd of being termed a "tax dodger." At a recent conforenco of tho as sessors of Oregon, It was found that very fow of tho assossora woro list ing all tho mortgages In their coun ties. Somo woro assessing only tho ones that woro turned in and not , searching tho records to mako tho as sessment of mortgages comploto. ' j Assessor Thrift bad been making tho mortgage assessments from tho .county records and In view of thoi fact that other counties was not do-1 Ing tho samo and In consequonco en-j umorntlng only n small portion of tho ' 1 securities there.ho did not feel It was fair to Coos county monoy loanora j that thoy should bo troatod differ-, or coo dozen, surplus Mnrshllold. coming Into CAM) OP THANKS. I (lesiro to express my heartfelt thanks to my many frlonds for tho many nets of kindness during my lato bereavement In tbo loss of my belov ed husband, J. F. Tanner; nitto i... other offerings presented by kind friends. MRS. MARY TANNER THINK THIS OVER This Offer Should Ouln tho Confid ence of the Mont Skeptical Wo pay for all tho modlclno usca during tho trial, If our romedy falls to completely rollovo you of consti pation. Wo tako all tho risk. You nro not obligated to us In any way whntovcr, If you accept our offer. ontiy. no earn inni niior uiscussing .ThafB a mButy broad statomont. but tho mnttor with Judge Hall and uoun , , tnnnn ...rv ,..,, nf lt nnlll,, .. ,.. ,......, .. . . -- t io niniior wuu juugo iiiiii ami uuuii ... nV(irv wnrii n i. your manufacturing operations with- , CIork Wnton, ho decided not to as-j l"0. ,0cmyoroS ,n,r ?0 you? In tho next fow years, wo Invito your ' thom tlllB yonr nny thing no mororair to you .... . .,." i, r. ...... boss iiicin hub yi-ur. i a mnat nr.lnntlfln. enmmnn-i attention to tho claims of Coos liny as being best adapted to tno econom ical manufacture and transportation of tlmbor products, on tho Pacific coast. I "Within n radius of sovonty-flvo miles of Coos Ilay aro one iiundrcti mid forty billion feet of standing tlmbor, with tho groatost variety on tho Pacific coast, much of which can now bo acquired at a price of ono dollar, or loss, por thousand foot Btumpago. "Coos Ray, fourteen miles In longtli, now accomodates vcnsols car rying throo and ono-hnlf million foot of lumber, hns a mud bottom nnd nt a small cost Is bolng dredgod to nc cotnmodato tho largest ocoan-golng vcbboIb. "Tho Southern Paclflo company haB under construction a railroad from Eugono, Oregon, to Coos Uny. Wo nro mailing you a cony of tho Coos May Times, which gives moro dotnll od information. Should you fool In terested, wo Invito correspondence." A mniit ntlrttif lflrt itntnmnti.tintiBn , . .. . . 0 I 4 111WOV OiUllhllll., VUllUllUil-DVIlOU it is csiiiimied umi iiia '""" ' treatment is Roxnll Ordorlles, which monoy or rnthor securities that will. cnton ,lko cnn,iy. Thcr nctVo bo exempt from taxation this year , , , , t BcIcntlno (BC0V. In nrna rnnnvt will lirt tiinrn tnnn f ..' . . ery that is odorless, colorless nnu In Coos counyt $200,000. will bo moro than tasteless; vory pronounced, gcntlo nnd pleasant In notion nnd particular- This In- Inc of tho Drodgo "Oregon" on tho grodlont docs not cnuso dlnrrnooa, DREDGE MEETING CALLED All parties Intorostod In tho rotaln-ily ngrconblo In ovory way, .. i. n.n,ii,n 'Ornirnn' nn Ihn I crndlnnt does not cntmn projoct as outlined by tho Port of Coos nay Commission, will moot at tbo Chamber of Commorco at 8:00 o'clock P. M. Frldny, March 20. J. T. McCORMAC, Prosldont. RECALLS llY-fiONE YEARS Evort Nymanovor, tho piano man, was surprised nnd dollghtod tho oth er day to hoar from n pupil thnt ho taught tblrty-ono years ngo near Mo llno, Illinois. Mr. Nymanovor, a nowHpnpor nnd magazlno writer as well as a piano man, Is n llbornl con tributor to tho Swedish press. Sholdnhl, Iowa. Mr. Evort Nymanovor: Whon you rocolvo this lottor you will wonder who It Is from and I don't supposo you aver could guoss. Havo you forgotton thnt llttlo old Blinnty on Hampton Uluff In Illinois? Thoro Is whoro I first wont to school nnd you woro tho tonchor nnd In af ter years I hoard of you through tho papors occasionally; nnd for a num ber of yoars I havo taken tho "Swed ish Trlbuno Nows" nnd In It I havo road sovorol of your lottors and al ways onjoy thorn very much. In tho last ono I road you gnvo your address so I thought I would wrlto nnd toll you that at least ono of your old tlmo scholars was roadlng your lottors nnd still romomborod you nftor ull thoso yoars. MRS. HILMA ANDERSON Llbby COAL. Tho Kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Pacific Livery & Transfer Co. CAN YOU QUALIFY? nausea, flatulence, griping, or otnor lnconvonlonco. Roxnll Ordorllos nio particularly good for children, aged nnd dollcnto people If you suffor from chronic or hab itual constipation, or the associate or dopondent chronic ailments wo urgo you to try Roxall Ordorlles at our risk. Romembor, you can get thom In Mnrshflcld only at our store 12 tab- .,.,.1, oq To Allots. 10 cents; 3C tablets, 2C conts; ... .. ton ..i.,..- m -, .l , Zeigler Bros Shoes for Ladies This past week we received from Philadelphia the swelle line of Ladies' Shoes ever handled on Coos Bay, These Shoes embrace all the newest ideas for Serine ..j r Cf . CJ- "D ri i .& aU oummer onoes wxioras r uuips new colonial Prices $3.00 to $5,00, fi lies, The extreme in Stylo Not too freakish. The quality is the tip-top achievement in shoe-making. All widths A P 0 D E "We can fit the hard to fit feet. "Money Talks" Marshfield Hub Clothing & SllOe CO. Bandoo Benjamin Clothes Stetson Hats Stetson Shoes Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won Its great reputation nnd oxton slvo snlo by its romarknblo cures of coughs, colds nnd croup. It can bo depended upon. Try it. Sold by all dealers. CATLIN. 111., protect tholr daughters through Investigation of tho standing and charnctor of suitors, moth- orn of Catlln linvo fortnod n "Mothros' Protective Asslcla- Hon" nnd plan to oxtond It to othor cities so Information can bo oxebangod. Hero Is a list of questions prospoctlvo suitors must nnswor to qunllfy: "Do you smoko cigars? Do you pat- ronlzo dnnco hnlls? Do you drink? Aro you profano nnd vujgnr? Aro you a churchgoer? nro you consldornto of your mothors nnd sisters? What aro your buslnoss prospects?" I 80 tablots, CO conts. Sold only nt our storo Tho Roxnll Store Lock- hnrt-ParBons Drug ConVpany "Thu Uusy Corner." NORTH BEND NEWS. Tho M. 13. Lndles' Aid Socloty Is bolng ontortnlnod this nftornoon at tho homo of Mrs. Chas. Van Zllo. Tho Launch Tioga will mako n spoclal trip to Marshflold Friday ov onlng on account of tho Domorost Oratorical contest. First Class Auto Service Special trips to North Dond and Empire any tlmo. Train nnd pnrty calls n specialty. Phono 144J nights and day. Aftor 11 P. M., Palaco Restaurant, Phono G-J. Rosldonco rbono 28-J. ;. L. FOOTE. Proprietor. Union Oils JAHOLINK DI8TILLATK UENZINE KKROSENB SAMSON GAfl ENGINES And CENTRIFUGAL PUSfPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Unnhflcld, Ore. rilONE SOB-J Mali Order Solicited. HURRY! IT'S GO.ING FAST "We have a limited quantity of ALDER WOOD, cut into 2-foot lengths, suitable for fireplace that wo will sell at $2.25 per load while it lasts. ' C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg, Co, Phono 190-J. 182 So. Broadway, T. J. fiCAIFE 42 A. H. HODOmi Marshfield Paint (3b Decorating Co. Estimate! MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phone 140L Orogoa DON'T GET RUN DOWN Weak nnd miserable If you havo Kidney or Dladdor trouble Dull head pains, DIzzIiiobs, Nervousness, Pains In tho back, and feel tired all ovo-, got a packago of Mothor Cray's Alt-1 O.MATIC-LKAr tho pleasant herb euro. It novor fnlls. Wo havo many testimonials from grateful peo ple who havo used this wonderful romedy. As n regulator It has no cqunl. Ask for Mothor Cray's Aro-nintlc-lA'iif nt D ugglsts or sont by mall for KOc Snmplo FUK1J. Ad- Try Tho Times' Wnnt Ads. drens, Tho Mother Cray Co. N. Y. I.o Roy, A Poorly Running Watch Is Worse Than None ftfKi ' ' "- .-'" you novor know the right tlmo, enn't depend upon It for keep ing liiisdnoM oiiKngements, liable to stop any mlnuto. ihhmU olonuliiK. tlmt'rt nil. If you'vo that kind of n tlmo plero lot us ronovnto It for you. Tho oottt will bo reasonable, K.pert wtttoli repairer In oharite -All work miaiuutooil. Red Cross Drug Store (Jewelry Departm't) llione--lS8-J. DONT I1UY YOUIt MUTTER CREAAI OR .MIIJC FROM THE COOB HAY ICE AND COLD STORAGE COMPANY Unless You Want Only tho BEST PHONE 73.T Delivery 8 a. m. 2 p. m. Bean Pot Oheesn Try It. WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire! and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. 1IHNHY HKNGBTACKKN, Mgr. Coqulllo Offl: Phone 191 Marshfield Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal aid Plattlnc Lands a apeclalty. Qtnaral Agenta "EA8TBIDF," PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D" . 1III1U U. OLA1UCE. Specialist on nerves, spina a4 rhoumatlsm. Phone 174, North Dend. D. We Have Been Successful In buying n lnrgo stock of first class Eloctrlcnl material and can glvo our patrons a very low prico on hoiiBo wiring. Got our prico you can't nffnrd to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J A. J. HENDRY'S Modem Dental Parlor. We aro equipped to do high elan work an short notice at the van lowen prlcea. Examination free Lady attondant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel, phona 112-J. rR. E. F. WINKLKR, Naturopath and Chiropractor AH chronic diseases treated. Consul' tatlon free. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 6 to 8 p. m Naturopath Institute Room No. 1 No. 136 Broadway, Mnribfleld, Ore pR. G. W. LKSLIR. Ostcopnthlo Physician Qraduato of the American school ot Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 tc Phono 161-J; Marshflold; Oregon J W. HENNKT1, lawyer, )ffle over Flanagan & Dennett Dank larshfluld Oregor M..lWll I.. IMUlliUMIIIl, WANTED!!! City Auto Service 'ARI'ICTS L'l'llOITKItlXtl AND i ' '" ' t'rtful Drivers and PIANOS TO n.KAX. Uj tlw lHuinn J '.?M 'iargwl Our motu.: .. rt , , Will go auywhore at any time." tic Cloanlug Compauy. Orderu fo. -Ulll, ,allCO ,, a8(, 1huPi work lakfu Ut Blanchard Livery Wo have 8iei re iub Uvery uni bf if i.. u. Utusrei and aro pi pa rod to rorulor eso,lnt ervID it the people o' Co( Uuy. Ctrulu! Ive'-s. bhw r:js 4-d uvvryth'nt. hut wh; lutfau utiiaciory t)rvi(o to the public. Phon. ua for a Jilvlas hur. H rig or an thing ndfd Id ire Uvery line. 'Ve a Wo do truok K butnn8 of ...i kind. RiaNCHARI) ItROTHKRS 1'hont- 13S-J C.hery. I'wd tinil Sne S.rvlc HI Klrut nd Aldar Strain DR. J. T. McCORMAC, Marshflold, Oregon. )mee Loekhnrt Qulldlne. Parties Desiring -Monuments Erected Would do well to rail nt Tfie Pacific Monumental forti South Broadway and niakr Mic tion from tho largo stock nor u lmnd. Mr. Wilson has In lilt emplo tho only practical marble and rulU cutter In Cooa county. And sou but tho best work Is turned oat. - " in VAST AND COJLMODIOUS Steamer Redondo HQUIPPUI) WITH W1RRLK3S AND 8UI1MARINK DELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR. COOS BAY THURSDAY, MARCH 28, AT 3 P.M. lNTIJR-OCKAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono U. C. F. McOEORCE, VI Onnoiltp ost nflli-o I- STR. WASHINGTON "U'lT.T. KA7T. 1?m cav r a xrnTarTk l?ROM COOS BAY, FRIDAY, MARCH 29,' AT 6:30 A.JI STEAMER HOMER SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR C00SBATI . SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCUS F. S. Dew. Acent Ocean Phono inr.-J (iOIVO .V llltK IMIOMC HWl lu.ii rim.-e l)a htiHti 7$ and 46 N'lgh I'luiiie 4i" ltll(!vi:il .V (iOODM.K, Propilt'torv 1U')1, ESTATE AXD Flliti INSURANCE (t)'faiiis in Citu and Oat side Property. AUG. PRIZISBN. 68 Contral Ave., Marshfield. Unique Pantatorium THK MODKR.V DY15RS, VIM V.NKRS, I'RKSSKRS ami HAT RKNOVATOR8 A sent for Kdward E. Strains & Co. fine Tailoring Let us make your next Suit. MS Commercial. Phone 230-X. Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Parle Bunlccr Hill Eastsidt and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 FVont St. XOTICK OK FINAL SlfrTLKjiKXT. Notice Is 1 ereby glvon that the undersigned has filed her final ac count In the matter of tho eatato of Byron V. Savage, deceased, nnd the County Court of Coos County, Ore gon, has set Monday, the 1st day ot April, 1818, at 10 o'clock a. in. of tald day. at CoqnllU city, Coos Coiyjty, Oregon, as the time and Place for hearing of objeojlons to aid final aocount and the sattlement nf said estate. 1 Now all persons having objotlons ' to said final aocount ara horeby uotl-' fled to Hie the same with tha nlnrir ' of tha abov named court on or be-1 fore said date. Dated this 29th day of February. 1012. EMMA R. SAVAOT3 Executrix of the ostato of Byron F Savage, decoasod. tFlrst publication Feb. 29, 1912; Inst publication March 28, 1912.) "nn: iimi:m) of coos hav O ALLIANCE HQl'IPPKD WITH WIRKLKSS Sails From Cocs Bay for EureVa at, 7:30 A. M., I Friday, March 29, and nvery y y crn'YTC.r"piVf'2 u-i'nii frills vai.'imi ntvir ir.n AT rOK1 I ......,.,, (Mill liin tltillJ II IWll (a- v. - NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPAM' ,, Plume 1 1. C. F. .M'-dKOHGt. After the show try a Turkish Bath Phono 214-J. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS ;teamsMp feakwatei ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM I SAILS FROM COOS THE TIDE. srfgl ORTLAND AT O A. M. ON APRIL '"'.matCE OOS WAV APRIL , i:$, JiO AXD 27. AfW-11 I, A. PARKHVRST, U vhone i" w