The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 26, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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rTTnTisiNa in ti.o tries
ffANT AM ln
Will Keep the Income from Yomr
1'tinilshcd Rooms frou Lujwdngl
YOU can roally holp tho family
revenues by renting a few furnished
rooms audi If you know how and
when to uso tho classified columns,
you nmy keep that little extra lncomo
Will 1T "
the Market" EffccUrclyl
,. U1 put tho facta about your
Il.Jtr before tUo eyes of all "pos-
pSP buyers" n town' And "
P? 4I?f.oK wb0 0U8ht t0
on i
as "steady as n clock."
Established In 1878
nq Tlio Coast Mnll
" -SliiEL. ? mi hi i iiiimiM i in. i...
A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mull Mq 017
and Coos Hay AihcrtNc r.
f first
r prlc
T. J. Thrift Says Countv
Show Slight Increase Over
Last Year.
Assessor T. J. Shrift expects that
ho and Doputy Assessor R. J. Mont
gomery will complete tho assessment
of Marshllold this week, If hu doos,
ho will return to Coqulllo to supervlso
boiiio of tho work In tho valloy townH
and will then devoto his attention to
tho ofllco work In connection with tho
nnnunl assessment.
Mr. Thrift stated last evening that
vory few changes woro being mndo
from Inst year's nsscssincnt and tho
valuation of Marshllold will remain
boon Supreme uouri nuiub
Bion for Organization
was iiiuu"'-
AUUUUHwl-o unuww
UmipIH and Norm aena
Commercial Bodies Arrange
NCW Lieouuii.
rulrman arluica of tho oxocutlvo
S tho MarBhflold Ciiaui
'"SSmmowo announced thlu aft-
?JftH tKSasTi
Ibeendcciuca to can u uiw'
?f tho North liend aud Mursh-
Pd Commercial bodlo,
na arraugo iur u o..... -
, tb reorguulio tho Port of Coos
Tho uicoiiug win uu "
ltl.0.0. ft uau in MiuBiinuiu.
iTteplau "uw o lo ""'" " ";v
Ll election caneu ui uutu u ... m
Un.ninn rnrrlcs as It undoubt-
lir till. Gosenior West could op-
wt ' it a . ..M.i.i ill Man
!:t a commission "" '"'"""'nbout tho snmc. Tho total assessed
nemler election nuu u u " vnltintloii of thu county will show a
cnlulonors could bo chosen. Uiil'M inrrnnun.
Ttli ould enable "ow com- . . j . bo dfflcltv
sonoraof the new pou 10 urri i b , fln,ing tlio ownoro of various prop
ria fund to kmI ." ''h0 1 cities and says that tho tlmo conaum-
Son here ana coniiiiiioiiai mil otl ln i,ntK thorn up extends tho
tcnenlf. Unless this Is do no. 1 o ! u rcqu,rC(, for tuUlng tho ccn8UB
mnvf probably bo taken nwny. ..,.
" ..-- ...I.. f.ill tt.lwvu llt -tctwj.t..tjt
a neru emu nun in ".'".i "
hernment approprlntlnn for opor-
Irjhtr on tlio Hay Is expended.
b Port of Coos Hay Is no more
bit Is tho effect of u decision
kid down today at Salem by tho
iron Supremo Court In tho case of
I SUte of Oregon vs. tlio l'ori or
t Day.
toiramj announcing tlio decision
ie court wore received this nflor-
i. , w. liennctt received tno
oilng message from J. C. Mooro-
1. clerk of tho Supremo Court:
'TU port caso was rovorscd In an
uci by Juuro Mooro."
Ill wu tho last of tho cases nt
Uw tho validity of tho Port of
BJ. the port hnvltiK boon bus-
(1 la ill tho previous litigation.
lit cio of tho Ilonnott Trust
spiny and tho Southern Orogon
inny vs. tho Port of Coos Day.
Tort Commission wiir Riistalnod
Judjo Durnott of tlio Orogon Su-
T( tonrt hold that tho question
ftitror not tho section of tho law
ruing ror tho posting of notices
iPCClal olectlon wnn onn thnt
ll b only raised by tho Stuto of
r thla rulllic. ntstrlnl Attnr.
Ctorge M. Drown Inutltutod an
t ijainit tho Port, contending
It ai Invalid because, tho oloc-
wr hi creation was Illegal bo-
DlnV Of Din nntlxna nl anlil
leswere not proporly posted. It
wiMiaea mat only nbout 105
uv juorcs of election In tho
I Cooj Day district had poBtod
Of the nlrwtlnn At t. tll
weloped that about 40 of tho of-
i mo eicctlou did not post
cue was tried boforo Judgo
" wae. Ho hold thn dofnot In
ft of notices waa not auffl-
W uare nllnrn.l Mm i
Wtlon. Mruvlnll.. I. i... . it..
u the proposition for tho or-
, .! Ino l'ort carried by a
OUMIInn Af '. .i-
Ho tome Hn ""J ";
kVi ik .-"' "u unto ll wo
P'liaat the decldlnn nf , !
f nnMU,ld b aHwd to stand as
-.uwi Aitornoy Geo. Ilrown
Fear Ninety of More Were Lost
in Explosion Near Welsh,
West Virginia.
(Dy Asaoclatod Prcsa to Coos Day
WICLSII, W. Vn., March 2C An
explosion ln tho initio of tho Jed Conl
& Coko Company at Jed today impris
oned bovonty-nlno of whom ten wero
taken out allvo and ono Is dead.
There nro hopes that tho slxty
olght remaining onos may bo recover
ed alive.
The bodies of four miners wero
taken from tho mlno up to 3 o'clock
this afternoon and 10 had been res
cued allvo. It Is roportod at this
hour that there oro still 03 In tho
mlno. Government rescue nion be
llovo but fow of tho remaining men
ln tho mlno nro allvo.
Fighting in Mexico Again As
sumes Serious Pro
portions. JIMINEZ, Mox., March 26 Tho
. An i.mlA rinnnrnl TntllflB
ifiiT iet th' Umo for appeal Urblna and Gonoral Trucy Aubert at
tacked tho uacionua uoiurt-o, u...
miles weflt of hero this morning. The
placo Is dofonded by 1000 H00"1'8,
with thrco rapid firo and two field
plecos. Gonoral Pasqual Orozco, tho
rebel commnnder in chief, Is on nis
way from Chihuahua with reinforce
ments. . . .
Wbon Gonoral Orozco arrived no
took command In person of all the
rebol forces. At U o'clock the ma
neiivorlng for position was In prog
1 mu i,ni. wnro creatly
Peeled th. . .-t . 'Lv"- .'""'VrHvni nf Orozco. It
n&mSu? wln 00 osKod by.waa expected tlip Bklrmlshlng would
J Commission and If tho high develop Into nnothor battle on (a
largo scalo this afternoon.
A meeting of tho mombera and con-..-.onn
of fm First Presbyterian
church Is called for Friday evonlng,
at 7:30. Mntter of vital Importance
to tho church will be considered.
By order of DOARD of TRUSTEES
Porsnns desiring to attend sevlccs
,- rioHd ,iiiirh can now gain
b. " 1' v"n u,r B .x av.w,,u "W,'VV". " ii. M.h wnlk
I'ttfnt. . . "onapi in port entrance oniy iv uDii.t, v..v .o"
I'oiNh.1 can not bo re-' extending along MarKm. "" ;
Ir.' . ''Jl"yeri. Snmn ,! mnmhor then to take' the Market
tiM.-f''1 'heir portion of avenue "elevated." .
h iwe? ' o a mix-, ;-;--: T",,,, .. ,
ttoat appealing, especially
w. "eat annniinrn.1 llil I.a
Itronnds on which tho appoal
I'M taken ut.,,1,1 i. '.
WWdual to bear tho ox-
1 2 ...iW' Jl W- Donnott,
W.tule?.th0 original suits,
' the validity of the Port
oi tk. :s ee? t0 aefray tho ox-
to b2fiPeaUnd "'ocaso was
i i,ta tea " "" w,ul U1
. Wfft of Iocislon.
Hl tth a,am. ,r tno '"Bn
urtk.:..1 l,. to ar
v oreani,.; t,,u oieci'on and
,n San ration of tho port nU
BCCMUrl ' C.rJ,M' U W,U
olnt Tnly fr tho Governor
..' a new t.l
; done originally '
.We In tho nnR i,v ti,
III probably stand
Decide to Submit Refusal of
Eastern Railroads to Grant
Wage Increase to Referen
dum. (Uy Associated Press to Tho Coos
Hay Tlmos)
NEW YORK, March 2 6. Tho do
mnnds of tho engineers of fifty rail
roads cast of Chicago and north of
tho Norflk and Wostorn railroad hav
ing been refused and nelthor of tho
committees of tho railroads and ongl
ncora Indicating a rotroat from their
position, moves woro mado today to
Huiimit tno wnoio matter to a roforon
diim voto of tho engineers Involved to
dctorrulno tho policy to bo pursued.
There Is no talk of strike and In fact
Granl Chief Warren 8. Stono of tho
Brotherhood of Englnoors Bald many
things could happon boforo a strlkd
took placo.
Fifty representatives of tho Broth
erhood of Locomotlva Engineers
headed by Warron S. Stono later vot
ed hero to BUbmit to tho so-called
strlko voto tho question of nn In
crease and standardization of wages,
ns refused by tho eastern railroads.
It will requlro sovoral days to dlB
trlbuto tho ballots. April 10 has
been set ns tho dato for making pub
lic tho result.
Harriman System Pushes Con
struction of Road to
Coos Bay.
REVIVE 01,1) Itl'MOIt
Sonieono Htartod tho report
ngnln today thnt tho C. A. Smith
Company had bought or wns
about to buy tho local railway
betwocn hero nnd Myrtlo Point
from tho Soutliorn Pacific.
Supt. Miller atatcd that ho had
not heard anything about any
such dcnl aud did not think
thoro was any truth In tho ro-
'.' ' som
ttitth. pAq.uSun ab0"t tho
Ch!1 Commission now
CbPrt of U,,s yr'B tax
' afniitro.. m. t"c' Present can bo no legal oiecmm """"r" v.",
fMlj."! '"""'"Iprablo prop- practically nn ln'P018S,l),1,.tIrt?n "".!
wkw ' rr "n'l water- 180 men wno remum "
lonimiinrv untn rf'" .....-.
others move away and some ou ac
count of sickness or for other reasons
cannot comply with the instructions
to post the notices.
1 Prn..t . .
' ,r mnchreD,r",nv.Prsnnt with
ItkI.:lrylnROut of thn nro.
llcea ncernlng tho not
" soma declare thoro
ANGLER'S LICENSE at liners'.
Thnt rapid progross Is bolng mado
on tho oast nnd west lino of tho Ilar
rlmnn eystcim across Orogon, tho
westorn torminus of which is oxpect
cd to bo Coos Hay, is shown by tho
following nrtlclo from tho Ontario
Tho Utah Construction company In
chargo of tho railroad construction
work on tho first 1G0 miles of tho
Oregon-Eastorn railroad west from
Vale, has sub-lot nlno mllos of tho
thirteen miles of grading between,
horo nnd tho mouth of tho Malhour
canyon nnd tho othor four mllos will
bo lot this wook.
Tho first llvo miles of grndlng work
has boon lot to Sub-contractor Gold
smith of Caldwoll, who has establish
ed camp two miles west of town nnd
has commonrod work on each sldo of
tho enmp anil will grado up to tho
city limits, connecting tho grado with
the Ontnrlo-Vnlo lino horo. i
Tim nnv( f.nt vullna nf tvrmln la 1in
a.iu tivov n.. w. o - - .
Ing built by Jorry Hurloy. a sub-con-1
tractor who has boon working on tho
Nyssa-IIomcdnlo extension of tho Oro
gon Short Lino railroad and tlio un-tarlo-Nyssn
Irrigation projoct.
Wok has been going on in tho Mal
hour canyon, in tho cuts and tunnols
for tho last threo months, whoro 300
men aro at work. Tho thirteen miles
of roadbed from this city to tho enn
yon Is nn easy pleco of work, ns prac
tically no grado Is roqulrod. It is
learned that 130,000 cublo foot of
dirt will bo movod nt a cost of
As soon as the thlrtoon miles of
road bod from Valo to tho canyon Is
comploted, which will bo laid and
work trains operated from Valo to
tho Mainour jconyon an j.dsuppllos
and mntorlal transported to tho can
yon camps by rail as well as all tho
heavy machlnory that at presont can
not bo hauled out ovor tho rough
Anothor contemplated chango Is
tho moving of tho headquarters of
tho Utah Construction company from
this city to section 25, two miles
southwest of town, which hao been
leased from tho roadland company.
This change Is necessary because of
tho crowded condition of tho camp
north of tho railroad yards.
Operations at tho Malheur canyon
camps nro progressing rapidly. At
mile post 39 tho crews havo bogun
boring on the 2,600 foot tunnel Into
tho rocky cliff In both approaches.
Headway Is rapid nnd soon will bo
Increased through tho use of double
shifts of crews.
Tho Hank brothers aro alsq drly
ng a tunnel at mile post 56, keeping
a smnll crew on grado work.
-rim Ktnrtlne of eroding from Valo
will glvo a greater Impetus to all tho
operations, and from rellablo sourco
it is learned that forces will bo In
creased within a week or two.
ItooM-velt anil Wilson Suffer Attack
In House Today.
(By Associated Tress to the Coos Bay
WASHINGTON, D. C, March 26
,.,..i t ...o-nin.r tlin hnnso luninod
today Into a political skirmish In
' ....!. ti. ..-. no f fJnvnrnnr Wilson
I and Theodore Roosevelt figured most
i i.,tt,- Th nntliurfit started
1!UUIIUM". 7i l . .1 .
when Minority Leader Manu had the
clerk read from the desk a recent
bitter newspaper attack on WHaon
by Hearst, In which tho governor's
democracy was denied. It drew re
publican applause.
Former Coos Bay Couple Air
Differences in San Fran
cisco Divorce Court.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March 26.
Tho Examiner prints the following:
Hero Is n chronological list of
cruoltlos contained in tlio divorce
complaint mado by Attornoy Thomas
S. Ml not:
Novembor 13 When ho enmo
homo to dinner alio accused htm of
spondlng his tlmd with othor women
and said sho did not want him around
tho liouso.
Novombor 1-1 Nagged nnd scoldod
him until ho had to leave tho houso.
Novembor 15 Camo to his ofllco
nnd in the prcsouco of othor persona
called III in a liar, thlof and crook and
threatened to send him to Jail nnd
disgrace him in ovory josslble way.
November 16 Sho camo homo at
midnight and mndo him got out of
bod nnd loavo their npartmonts nt tho
Novomhor 10 Ropeatod porform
anco of Novmbor 15 in his otllco.
Docombor 1 Rofusod to talk to
him whon ho cnllod hor on tolophono
to mako provision for hor support.
Docombor 3 Rofusod absolutely
to spoak to him and has not spokon
to him slnco.
Wed Second Tlmo
Less than two years ago whon At
tornoy Thomas S. Mlnot nnd his di
vorced wlfo Elizabeth mot nnd woro
reconciled nt tho blor of their dond
son nnd- romnrrled a fow days lator,
Mrs. Mlnot declared that all their
troubles had been duo to a lack of
understanding on her part.
Sho said that sho had novor boon
nblo to approclnto tho fact that a pro
fessional man must devoto at least
a part of his tlmo to IiIb careor to tho
oxcluslon of his homo llfo. Tho trag
ic death of their boy, sho said, had
shown her hor mlstako, and at last
their warring temperaments had boon
subdued by tho molting pot of sorrow
nnd thoy had como into tho haven of
porfect understanding nnd happiness.
This boasted understanding wns
not long lived. Yesterday Mlnot,
whq was formorly a, United Statos Do
puty District Attornoy, with offices In
the Pholan building, fllod suit for
divorce Jn tho Superior Court charg
ing his wlfo with oxtremo cruelty.
Mrs. Mlnot lives at tho Bbrkshiro Apartments.
Tho Minots woro married in
Marshfleld, Orogon. At tho tlmo
of tho ronrnrrlngq on May 8, 1010,
thoy wero unanimous ln declaring
thoy "never woro roally happy," but
tho birth of tholr son, Thomas, in
1893 cemented such lovo ob they had
for each otb,or,
Too Often Away frpni Homo
"We did not understand each other
then," said Mrs. Mlnot, referring to
their first marrlago, "and It soomod
that tho causo lay ln our differing
temperamonts. Wbon we married
my husband was a young attornoy
nnd gave much of hw tlmo to his
homo. Later, howovor, ho broad
ened in his work and big cases fell
into his grasp. Important legal mat
tors require greqt attention, and Mr,
Mlnot was compelled to spend much
more of bis tlmp away from homo
than I, as his wlfo, waR willing to al-
"', knew 1-u "as ambitious and I
I should fcuve bten tho first to en
courage him," she continued, "but
then you know there are some
things that women never will under
stand. "We.are happier now than wo hayo
over been before," ahe said In con
clusion at the tlmo of tho second mar
rlago, "We understand each other
now. It Is awfiil that wo had to loso
our boy to bring UiIh about. How
happy ho would havo been to havo
seen this!" , .
Mlnot came to San Francisco in
mm m wlfo did not como with
him, declaring that their married llfo
must enu aomuiuuo uuv,.... ... .......
temperamental differences and 11 oil
suit for divorce on iuq grouuua ol ,.
compatibility of temperaraont. Mln
ot did not contest the action and sho
was granted tne. aecreo . """
450,000 MINERS
Operators Declare That They
Cannot Grand Demands
of Union.
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
CLEVELAND, Mnr. 20 "A strlko
Is prefcrablo to granting tho minors'
domnnds. Wo ennnpt grant tho wage
Increase, oven If nil tho othor do
mondB woro waived, ln other words,
tho operators cannot ylold and if tho
minors do not, n strlko will follow.'
That wns the statement Issued to
day In behalf ot tlio bituminous oper
ators of Westorn Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Indiana, and Illinois by J. C. Kolsou
of Torro Haute, who added that tho
opcrntors will mako no further offor
thun to extend tho present wago
ngrcomont nnothor two years. Tho
dlfforcnccH, thoroforo, Involving tho
possibility that moro than 450,000
minors will quit next Monday whon
tlio presont wago contract expires,
today appeared no nearer settlement.
President Controls' State Re
publican Gathering by
105 Votes.
Roosevelt Supporters' Therv
Meet and Elect Contest
ing Delegation.
4 26. Senator Stephcnnon wins,
Jury in Chicago Federal Court
Discharges Accused Beef
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Day
CHICAGO, March 26 "Not Guil
ty" was tho verdict tho Jury returned
today In tho trial of tho 10 Chicago
packers accused by tho Uovornment
of violation of the criminal sections
of tho Shorman anti-trust net. Tho
vordlct wns returned boforo United
States District Judgo Carpontor after
tho jury had deliberated for moro
than ten hours.
All tho dofondants wero In court
when tho vordlct was read. Thoro
was no excltomont although oach do
fondant smiled nnd somo shook
bnnds with their nttornoys. Tho
court room wns crowded nnd a hur
rlod exit of mnny from tho room
whon tho vordlct wns rend wns check
ed by tho Judgo. Tho vordlct wbb n
surprise to mnny who had boon
wntohlng tho caso. Tho Jury was out
19 hours.
There wore threo ballots, tho first
standing olght for ncqulttal nnd four
for conviction; tho second, oloven
for acquittal and ono for conviction,
nnd tho third being unanimously for
acquittal. Ono ballot taken last was
on the quostlon of whether if ono
was guilty, all woro guilty. This
stood ton to two In ravor ot tno prop
oBlton. Tho Instructions of Judgo
Carpontor laid stress on tho quostlon
of rcasonablo doubt and tho Jurors
woro instructed that if thoy had such
doubt as would Justify tliom to pauso
in any important affair, tnoy coma
not roturn a verdict of guilty.
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
Indiana republican convention adopt
ed a resolution Instructing tho elato'a
fotir doIogatCH at largo to tho nation
al convention to vote for the ronoml
nntlon of President Taft. National
Committeeman Harry 8. Now, formor
Vice President Fairbanks, James
Wntson and Joseph D. Oliver woro
elected dolcgates. Tho Tnft faction
had a majority ot 105 over tho sup
porters of RoosovolU At tho closo of
the regular convention tho Raosovolt
delegates hold a separate convention
In tho rear of tho hall and olectod as
dolegatcs at largo former flonntor A.
J. Bovcrldgo, Fred Dandls, Edwin M.
Leo nnd Charles H. Campbell.
(By Associated Pross to tho Coos Bay
Tlmos. j
vote of 772 to G67 tho Indiana re
publican convention for tho election
of four dolegates nt largo to tho na
tional convention today tablod the
minority report ot tho credentials
committee seating tho contesting.
RooBovolt dolegatcs.
Democrats In Miih.iucIhihoUh to Voto
For Governor for Prctddcnt
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Tlmos;
WASHINGTON, March 26 Oovor
nor Fobs today notlflod Roprcsonta
tlvo Curloy of Mnssachunotts that
whllo ho Is not n candldato for pres
ident, ns announced last night, ho
desired his nnmo to "appear as a pro
forontlal candldato to bo voted on at
tho primaries ln Massachusetts April
30." Champ Clark accordingly do
cllnod to allow his name on the bal
lot thoro.
RE 0
Advance Rapidly Follows Announce
ment or vcniici.
(By Associated Press to the Coos Bay
CHICAGO, March 26. After tho
announcement of tho verdict of tho
packers' trial, provisions advancod
all round. Tho rise was 15 conts for
pork and TV to 10 cents for lard.
Additional to tho cost of packing
house products, this was attributed
on tho exchange to tho active cover
ing by shorts nnd to sympathy with
a bulge In tho price of corn.
Swift & Co. shares advanced 2$t
points on tho Chicago Stock Ex
change toda yan hour before tho
vordlct. Aftor tho Jury a reported
further Jump of threo and one-quarter
points occurred.
(Continued on pace 4.)
Missouri Murderer Protests Innocence
on Sralfold.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
nav Tlmesl
MATIYRVILLE. Mo.. March 26.
JIoz Rasco, murdered or tho Hubboll
family of four, was hanged ln the
yard of tho county Jail today. Rasco
protested his Innocence on the scatt
ers they have brought here.
SCREEN DOORS, Window Screens
Leaders of English Miners'
Union Will Return to
Districts. '
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
LONDON, March 2G. Unless tho
national minors' strlko is sottlod
within iwn nr tliren (lavs and tho mil
lion idlo miners roturn to tho pltB, tho
men's loauors win go uacK 10 tuoir
respective districts in ordor to organ
ize tho relief work for tho distressed
This is tho substanco of a state
ment by ono of tho men foromost in
tho negotiations on tho mon's sldo.
He Insisted tho minora havo no in
tention of further reducing tholr de
mands, Tho owners, howovor, nro said to
havo expressed a willingness to grant
tho spoclfled minimum rates if excop
tlonB bo mndo In ensos whoro coal or
rent nro given In part payment of wa
ges. Many additional manufactur
ing plants closed today for want of
Premier Asqultli Kuys lie Is Unablo
to Terminate Labor Trouble
I By Associated Press to Coos Bay
Tiroes, j
LONDON, March 26. In n short
spooch in tho Houso of Commons to
day, Premier Asqulth confesaod tho
governments falluro to terminate tho
coal strlko. Ho said: "Wo havo
dono our best with porfect thorough
ness and impartiality and it Is with
profound disappointment I havo to
confess to tho Houso all our labors
aro unavailing."
Premlor Asqujth mado this final
appoal to tho dlHputants:
"If nt this fifty-ninth mlnuto of
iiw. ninimnih tmnr. thu tiartlos can
not como to a rensonablo arrange
ment on a matter of relatively
small proportions, thoy will havo a
vory serious account to render to tho
country. Tho government has dono
all it can."