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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1912)
THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 4 5O.O00.J $6,011." 50.000.01 K740l.ll 36.86M 44,MI. $ iJJi' COD LIVER OIL EMULSION fit ne. beatific EmuWonol CoJUrOH.brttM"JB em.tket. It conUuu puro lir oil. thoroughly emul- ui bi!ng pnmuicol health u7wek od delicate, thu U bth,.ttnr.tK,U.ey eed to ' bum thtm ,uon . . V"i TouareWpf, ' -i :. l.'. iii tick th tmntr fcool, tl we'll rriura vow In large bottles 75c. At the , , 'BUSY. CONNER'? - llockhart-Parsons Drug Company PHONE MAIN 298 US WANT ADS. i t ....... ollvoi- tint! hnrkln Oil Central avo., botwoon Mothodlst church and TontU at.; aiso uow kcot brooch with atnothyst In con fer, ucavo at ucu urosa uruj. Btore. I OR SAI.f: Cliojtp; a !10 ticre Im proved ranch on easy terms. Appiy U. Anderson at Portor Lumber jirJ. fAHTV who took umbrellu marked '8. W." from Club Clgnr Storo is ihonnand will plonsq roturn um- creiia ai onro. OR MLB Lots a and I in lilk. 20, I Cruet' Add. Chonp, cash. J. W. Weit. 43 K 11th St.. Portland, Or. OH S.VUJ Tho Norway Storo of itneral merchandise, tliroo mllos telow Myrtlo Point, on bank of C0411III0 river, ona-quartor mllo from IL R. station. Stook will in telte about 12.800- For tornis tad particulars apply to Mrs. S, J. wciotxey,, Norway Oro. rdll 8ALU li!0 ucro liomcBtcnd uh Improvements and a five room bouie on tho same. , 2 ml. ma tho Coqulllo Klvor. For Wtlculara enqulro of W. W. Coy, Ccalosue Camp, Lampa, Oregon. H8ALE Ono 6-room bunj'.ow, wn, ana two lots, on :ivoa FWt. South Fifth Htrnnt. 12450 I'or quick tale. See J. C. Doano. INTEIJ Detachablo dosk typo- "'r Biatia, t'ooa liny Paving . Co., at Chandler hotel. I IlKNT H-ronill linnim on Smith F'oadway close In. Seo Dr. C. C. PUttrt, Coke bldg. Vacant Apr. 1. IVTEDsix oxnorloncod coal Rn; two pump-mon; ono rope ff. Apply Denver Hill Coal Co., 1 Mill Good restnnrnnt. In- p Times office. 'MLE flnn ....... m, . ... Jcb.' s Mux Thinner- - j North Front strot. RENT Two nlco sunny housa- WS rooms. Inniitrft nt Nns. Ft Grocery. .'Ik-Board and room, ,1, ,.-' per weoK; ramify 5151 Second St., South. !ffiIS"En "OOMS to rent. wway. ks't?'au,'s: "ebron pQta- lnhi.T.V -.? uroucn, m rt . .' u address North i P0Uto';, also 8ma" Burbnnk I FOlt ai7. rr: m t.. r,luJ w, no 'ton.,; m' 8tock- t00'8' 2P 1 Ceo v.,. ' 8puas' 50 chlck- ""j. oo. uooa uivor. JLYICB-Any- i"Xi or 228 J. WANTED ! ! ! Co. CI CIN' by tha Pneuma. I at " rder" f0r a HARVHY Bnun -wa, mo il ut i! iPodT IHli mmmm TO to CopjrliM lUrt Sthitfotr 5c Mtn i YJTOU needn't be! afraid to be seen anywhere wearing Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; they'll be a credit to you wherever you go. "We're glad to have men whom wo clothe travel around some; it's good advertising for the town. All clothes don't do it; but these do. New spring suits and ovorcoats; In tho latest niodols and fabrics 8ulta 18 and up Ovorcoats HG.G0 and up Woolen Mill Store This storo Is tho homo of Hart Sohaffnor & Marx clothes. TFe Royal TONIGHT MOOD K Convention nt Dotrolt In 3000 feet of pictures. TIiIh Is n most wonderful production of any largo carnival. CUTTKIl AND SOUL In tholr Dutch Comedy Act. TOMOItllOW NiailT Entire chungo of plcturo program and Vaudovlllo. Pictures: ".MANLY MAN" Imp Drama "DAHK riUTIIKH. TIIK SQUAW" Indian Itomanco TRY TIIK EDQK WITn YOUR FINGER. Examlno a collar fresh from our laundry. Notice Its clear, whit ool or, Its even, elastlo stlffnaas, U smooth and Its perfect ahap. Then test the top adga by running your flnger-tlp over it. Notlca tha smooth, slick finish given It. Noth Ing there to rub, dig or IrrltaU your neck. This test will prove the value of our service. Send us a trial bundle and apply tho test. Marshfield.Hand & Steam Laundry MAUtey Bros. Prop Phone 220-J-Our Wagons Go Anywhere Anytime. Coos Bay Naturopath College CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHIC, HYDROTHERAPY and all branches of Natural Thera reutlcs taught. Terms reasonable. For Information address DR. BIRD B. CLARKE North Bend, Oregon. We Clean and Press ladies' and Gent's Sutts Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry FHONK MAIN B7-J COOS HAY TIDES. Dol .w Is given th o time and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Th tldoa aro placed In tho ordor of occurrence, with tholr tlmsi on tho first lino and holghts on the scc 1 ond line of each day; a comparison tof consecutive heights will Indlcato whether It Is high or low wator. For high wator on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Date. March, 1012. 25 Ilrs. .0.45 1.31 8.51 0.00 Feet .G.O 0.1 3.0 0.00 26 lira. .1.03 7.G2 2. GO 10.26 Feet .4.1 5.0 0.2 3.8 27 Urn. .2.46 9.1G 4.08 11.34 Fcot .4.1 G.4 0.1 4.3 28 Ilrs. .4.27 10.40 G.12 0.00 Feet .3.8 G.4 0.0 0.0 29 Mrs. .0.22 6.33 11. Gl 6.08 Feet .4.8 3.0 G.7 0.1 30 Ilrs. .1.02 6.33 12.51 6.G5 Feet .G.4 2.1 6.0 0.1 31 Ilrs. .1.38 7.19 1.43 7.36 Feet .6.0 1.2 03 ' 0.1 TJ1R WEATHKH. (By Associated Press.) 4 OltKGON Fair tonight and Tuesday. Light frost in west with honvy frost In cast to- night. Variably winds, mostly northerly. t noiiN. DHNNISON To Mr. and Mrs. Clins. Denntson nt tholr homo at Day City, Monday, Mnr. 2G, a 10 pound boy. Mother and child aro doing nicely. This In tholr second son. I'lour Higher Local flour Jobbers wore notified today of an Incrcaso of 20 cents hi tho prlco horo. Vlglit in Idaho A Portland pupor announces that Dud Andorson, who participated in ono or two bouta on Coos Day, will shortly fight "Kid" Scaler at Coour d'Alono, Idaho. Mmlo Quick Trl Mrs. S. Lando this morning rccolvod a tologrnin from hor husband stating that ho reached San Francisco on tho n dondo nt G o'clock this morning, hav ing had a flno trip down tho coast. Dredge Repaired Tho Larson dredgo Oregon has bcon ropalrod and will bo taken to Sumnor to comploto tho Catching Inlot project. Tho dredgo nonvcr which has boon work ing on tho project will bo returned to tho Hay. Rity Launch Cnpt. Robort Krug- er hns sold his launcn, mo uisiiuicu, . i.v anttlltlni- Wnrrnn TtnOil and A. J. Jnnollo who will put on a run on tho Smith and Umpqua Rlvors out nn,n.inM it wilt Im ovorhnulod ui vim .. . .. -- hero nnd taken north Just as soon as tho weather win permit. Hand Concert Although tho nu dlenco was not nearly as Inrgo as at somo of tho provlous concorts, tho program given by tho Coos Day Con .., nnn.i n( tlm Mnsonlo UDOrft House yesterday nftornoon was groat- mi .ahahmI mimnnpa lv onioyou. tno b"ii '" woro oxcollontly rondored. -.i i.. i,.tPAPntntnoa slum- pod 25 conts per hundred on tho lo- cal market toaoy as a reauu ui u " cllno In tho California market. Tho Homor hns about J6000 worth of Coos County potatoes In hor out-going cargo for which Jobbers paid from $2 to 2.2G per sack. Funeral Tomorrow. Tho funeral of Mrs. Goorgo Doubnor will ho hold tomorrow nftornoon nt 2 o'clock from tho Wm. Doubnor homo, tho Rev. R. E. Drowning officiating. Tho Robok ahs will have chargo of tho sorvlcos at tho gravo. The body is being brought horo on the Stenmor Wash ington from San Franslsco. Wunt Ads Get Results "Cut out my want nd In Tho Times. It did the business." This 1b tho gist of a letter from L. W. Myrlck of tho Gar diner Mill Company, who phonod a want nd to Tho Times from Gardiner a few days ago. "Pleas Btop my want ad of potatoes for sale been .so I havo sold all I had of that kftid.' Is tho text of another lottor from Wallace Croit"'' "f North nnrt tn Dayton Bicycles GIRLS: Be nico to Mamma and Papa. You know you want a Bicycle for the Easter holidays, We will keep the tires ..naA nn nnri" illfi hfiar nS 'oiled for you if you buy it from Marshfield Cyclcry Dayton Agents Phone 180-R, 607 Front. Tho Times this morning. Thcso aro out Ulustratlvo of tho many testi monials of tho valuo of Times want mis thnt aro rccolvod dally. Kill Varmints Harry Jarvls and T Hnuschlldt last weok killed a bob cut and n largo otter on tho ranch of Mrs. Ellznbotlt Adams on Coos Illver. Enjoy Outing Mrs. Ellznboth Ad entertained a stunll party of ft lends at hor ranch on Coos Coos riv er Sunday. Among those in tho par ty woro Miss Mnmlo Mnhonoy, John Kronholm, Walter llutler nnd Mnir Lmno, Autos Collide Near tho Ferndalo brldgo on tho MnrHhllold-North Uond road this afternoon, Frnnk Hnguo's auto collided with Geo. D. Mandigo's mitchltio head-on. The sldo lights' on both machines W3ro broken and ono of Hague's tires ruined. Circulates Petitions P. M. Hnll Lowls Is today circulating nominating petitions for Stovo Galllur of Ilandon who tBa candidate for tho republican nomination for shorlff of Coos Coun ty. Mr. Gatllor was formerly Bhorlff of Coos county and was dofoatcd by W. W. Gago. CnUlt Flfili. A numbor of local flshormon landed good strings of trout yesterday. Warnor Ogron nnd Ralph Kriioo mado about tho best catches on Coos RIvor. Some tried fly fishing successfully, Hlllls Short when In from Ten Mllo n fow days ago roportod that tho trout wcro ris ing to tho fly Micro. Program Here It is understood that tho program given at Eckhoff hall .In North Bend last Friday even ing whon a numbor of North Bend youths contested for tho Domorcsi modal will bo repeated In tho Marsh flold Methodist church next Friday evening. Tho North Bend High School orchestra will also participate in tho program In Marshflold. Try Auto Trucks D. C. Darkor and Clint Maolhorn who wore In Marshflold Saturday en routo to Port land aro planning to put two llvo-ton niitn trnrtra In Hin frnlirM nml nnflR- engor sorvlco botweon Uandon, Lnn- glois and l'ort urroru. ijoikiob tno Inrgo nmount of dairy products haul ed out of thoro each soaoon, that sec tion supplies Bnndon with a largo share of tho matchwood which it sltlps to San Francisco. ' looses Moustache. J. W. lllldon brand's friends aro having moro or loss, dlfllculty In finding him theno days. It Ik all tho result of his shaving off his moustacho which has boon a distinguishing feature of his distinguished countonanco for thoso many yonrs. Thoro Is now a dobato as to whethor ho looks younger and handsomer without tho hirsute np pondngo. Mrs. Hlldenbrand snys ho doesn't and Hlldenbrand Is trying' to get ovldonco to offsot hor decision. THE ROSS FUNERAL Tho funeral of B. F. Ross was largoly (attondod Sunday. At tho Iioubo at half past olovon Bhort Bor vlccs woro hold by Rov. a. Lo R. Hall, flvo rowboatB full followed tho re mains from Ross Inlot to Catching Inlot whoro nil got on board of tho Wnh-Ta-Waso and woro takon up Coob RIvor. Tho body was takon from tho Wnh-Ta-Wnso nnd cnrrlod to tho Alert whoro tho funeral ser vices woro hold. "Penco, Swoot Penco" and "Josus, Lovor of My Soul" woro sung by tho choir. From thoro tho funeral procosBlon followed tho remains up tho steep hill to tho Coos RIvor comotory. At tho gravo tho usual services woro hold nnd "Nonror, My God to Theo" was sung. Tho floral offerings wero beautiful und In profusion. MrH. Robb nnd son, Goorgo, havo ti'o sympnthy of tho ontlro communi ty In tholr snd borenvomont. A FRIEND. THE ELECTION CALENDAR GenornI election will bo hold No vember G. .... Primary election will bo hold April 19. , , At tho genoral oloctlon will ho elected president, vice-president, ono United States sonntor, -threo con greBsmon, secretary of stato, sher iff, clerk, assessor, treasurer, district attornoy, coronor, surveyor, commis sioner, Justice of tho peaco and con Btnblo. At tho primary election parties will nnmlnato for Bnmo offices and In addition will oxpress their cholco for president nnd vlco-presldont and will elect dologntes to their nntlonnl conventions. noclstrnt'nn closes on April 9, Last rtnv for rnndldates to fllo nominating notltlnnfl. April 4, Registration reopens April 29. Closes for Inst tlmo Mny 15. CHEER UPS EGGS "IS" PLENTIFUL IN EAST NEW YORK, Murch 25. Matrons who are Issuing Invitations to egg rolling parties, lenton cluba that aro arranging Eaator egg sales and all tho host of ogg-onthuslastB, from kitchen mochanlcs to tho manufacturer of darning eggs, c'rup. Eggs aro going to bo Btlll cheaper. Thousands of cases of hen fruit nro bolng rushed to this city from tho south and west and flags that havo been flying at half mast havo been raised to wavo In tho good news. It's tho coming of spring that has started tho hens to work, said some of Now York's most prominent hen expertB today. When tho weather begins to warm up a bit nnd tho- ground begins to get soft, then the hens will repent of their winter Inactivity they begin laying for all they're worth. So give threo cheers for tho helprul hen; She's back on the Job, thoy any, again. The prlco we've paid While she has laid Nothing but off since Lord knows when! PERSONAL NOTES WM.. DUNGAN left this morning for Coqulllo vnlloy points. T. M. COLVER of Coos RIvor Is a Marsh Hold visitor today. A. S. HAMMOND rctumod Saturday from a business trip to Portland. E. J. COFFELT of Coos River Is a Mnrshflcld business visitor today. A. II. GAFFNEY of North Ilond was a Marshflold business visitor to day. MRS. C. F. McCOLLUM of North Ilond was a Marshflold visitor to day. MRS. P. D. BLAKE of Catching In let was a Marshflold visitor yester day. CAPT. W. C. HARRIS of Sumner Is a Marshflold business visitor to day. AL NICHOLS of Emplro Is In Marsh flold on business and ploasuro to day. HARRY WINKLER of North Bond spent Sunday with frlonds In Marshflold, MISS LAURA DIMMICK of Coqulllo Is spending a few days with frlonds In Marshflold. FRANK GRANT was down from tho Smtth-PoworB Isthmus Inlot camp to spend Bunday. C. 8. WINSOR of tho Bank of Oro gon at North Bond was a Marsh Hold business visitor today. BEN DAVIS, a Rosoburg High School studont, is spending a fow days with friends and rolntlvos on tho Bay. JAMES WATSON, Coos County clerk, was hovo from Coqulllo to spend Sunday with relatives nnd friends. WARREN REED and A. J. Janollo roturnod to Gnrdlnor after spend ing Sunday hero on business and plcnsuro. JUDGE TURPEN, formorly of Em plro but now of North Bond, was looking aftor business In Marsh flold today. II. II. Wilson of tho Coob Bay Monu mont Works hns roturnod from an oxtouded trip through tho Coqulllo vnlloy and Curry County. MRS. MOORE of California who has boon visiting at tho homo of hor sister, Mrs. Kruno on Isthmus Inlot loft today to visit relatives at Ban don. MRS. A. K. P1DOEON nnd baby loft this morning for tholr homo nonr Allegany aftor n fow wooks' stay at the Dado Haines homo In South Marshflold. JOE SCHILLING wont to nandon this morning to look aftor busi ness mattors thoro. Ho will re turn tomorrow and proceed to Gardluor. P. J. LINDBERG loft for his homo nt Port Orford Saturday aftor a Hhort visit with his son. Ed Llnd borg, nnd at tho P. M. Wilbur homo. MRS. LAWHORNE of Catching Inlot was In Marshflold today en routo to Allegany whoro sho will visit nt tho homo of hor daughtor, Mrs, Al bort Stommorman, A. J, Carlson hns resigned as foro mnn of tho C. A. Smith planing mill nnd gone to Portlnnd to tako his position thoro. His family will Join him In Juno. GEORGE ROTNOR.mannger of tho Woolen Mill Storo, nnd J. L. Bow man of Portlnnd, proprietor of tho Woolen Mill stores In Oregon, left this morning for Bnndon where they will spend n fow days on bus iness and ploasuro. HENRY HUOGINS was tho guest of Supt. Frank Smith nt tho Soutn Coos RIvor hntehory Sunday. Ho says tho hatchory Is ono of tho fin est ho over visited nnd ho hns boon in practically all in tho Pacific Northwest. There nro nbout 5,000,000 young salmon In tho pools at tho hatchery now. FRANK SUMNER and Mllo Sumner roturnod today from an ovor Sun day visit with tholr paronts at Gar diner. This was Frank 8umnor's first visit thoro In n year nnd ho re ports that Bandon la coming ahoad rapidly. Ho notod many new buildings and industries along tho lowor Coqulllo and says that the only sign of railroad building there in thnt soctlon is tho propos ed logging road from tho river bo tween Parkersburg and Prospor to Bill's Creek, about olght miles. Llbby COAL. The tnd YOU bare ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Paclflo Livery & Transfer Co. The Potato Flurry Has Passed what the future has in store remains to be seen. I still will pay the highest cash price on the day of delivery. f. s. DOW AMONG THE SICK Mrs. J. T. McCormac, who has bcon quite sick, is reported consider ably Improved today. lira U A n.lnnl.l. nt tllinlrA, Mill ....n. . i. vill.iu.uo u. Auunu. ..... who underwent nn operation at Mercy uospitai a row days ago is roportoa getting along nicely. Wm. Nowmnn has roturnod to Catrtp 2 of tho Smith-Powers Logging Company to resume work after bolng confined at Mercy hospital for n fow wcoks. Joe Clawson while returning to his homo In Bunkor Hill Saturday night slipped and foil off tho trestle works of tho locnl railway, sustaining two broken ribs. Al Donning was discharged from Mercy uospitai niter Doing connnoa thoro for sovornl wcoks an a result of an Injury to his leg which he broko a yoar ago. . Mrs. Jtoy Mooro who recently un derwent an operation for appondib Itls at Morcy. .Hospital Is rapidly lrn- proving nnd will probably roturn to hor homo this weok. i. Mrs. Robort Rooko of Coos River who roccntly undorwont an operation for cancer nt Morcy Hospital has re covered sufficiently to bo movod to. tho homo, of hor nophow, Thomas Rooko, In North Jloud, whoro Bho will spend a fow weeks. I?,l Pn.lnn nt Mm Ptm It h.Pftwnrfl camp on South Inlot is confined nt Morcy hospital as a result of bolng struck by a bounding cable Ho was rendered unconscious oy ino mow and It was first thought that ho had been ktllcd. AIONQ THE ."WATERFRONT ' Tho stoamor Flflold nrrlvod at Ban don today from Snn Francisco. Tho Randolph Is expected in this wook from Eureka. Tho Alllanco, which was schodulod to sail tonight from Portland for Coob Bay will not loavo thoro until tomorrow night nnd connoquontly will not roach horo until Thursday. Tho Homer will anil Tuosday after noon at 3 o'clock for Ban Francisco, taking out a million shingles, 2G0, 000 fcot of box snooks, 2G00 sacks of potatoon nnd about 7G tonB of mis cellaneous frolght. Tho stoamor Washington crossed tn oarly today from San Francisco but In coming up tho Bay In tho hon vy fog, sho ran on to tho mud and will bo hung up thoro until about four o'clock ttils nftornoon. A Portlnnd pnpor Baya: W. S. Scammoll, who addod tho steamer Homor to his floot recontly through purohnso, hns nlao ncqutrod tho Mo Cormlck stoamor Yellowstone, which 1b duo horo from Ban Frnncjaco. Tho Yollowstono Is a cargo vcssol, unlike tho last BtoamorB built by tho McCor mlck Interests, which also havo paa songor accommodations, NOTICE TO REBEICAIIS Western Star Robokah Lodgo No. G3, I. O. O. F. mombora nro hereby requested to meet at I. O. O. F. hall at 1 o'clock Tuesday to attend the funornl or Sister Mrs. Geo. Duobnor, By ordor of ELIZABETH COX, N. G. KATE LANDO, Sec. Aftor the show try a Turkish Bath Phone 214-J Tho "Child's Wolfnro" movomont hns chnllongod tho nttontlon of thoughtful pooplo ovorywhoro. Moth ers nro natural supportors, nnd will find In Foley's Honey nnd Tar Com pound a most vnlunblo aid. Coughs and colds that unchockod load to croup, bronchitis and pnoumona ylold quickly to tho healing and soothing qunlltles of Foloy'a Honey nnd Tor Compound. For snlo by Rod Cross Drug Co. DON'T BE A READY MADE MAN 1 Whon you can Havo Your Spiring and Summer Suit Mado to your and fit guar anteed at tho samo prlco. Solect your cloth from over 300 patterns. Wo nro right up to tho mlnuto In our styles and this season, wo aro show ing somo exceptionally nobby gar monts, Suits $15 to $38 Come In and seo our samples and talk it ovor. The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality.