COOS BAY TIMES, MAHSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1912 -EVENING EDITION THF u m i COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEIT Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALON'Ky News Editor Entorod at tbo poatofflco at Marsh fleld, Orogon, for transmlssloa through the mails as second class mall matter. Address all communications to COOS BAY IJAILY TI31ES. Marsltfleld :: :: n tt Oregon Dodlcatcd to tlio sorrlco of the people, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that orll shall not thrlfo unopposed. IRE BOQUETS FOR COOS BAY SUBSCRIPTION ItATKS. DAILY. Ono yoar t. 8.0 Per month 0 WEEKLY. One rear f 1.50 , When paid strlotlr In adranoe the subscription price of the Coos Bar Times Is 15.00 per rar or 13.60 for six months. Official Paper of Oooa County An IndoDondont Ilepubllcan news papor published ovorr evening except Sunday, and Woekly by The Cooe Day Tlraoa Publishing Oo. THE PEOPLE RULE THE result of tho first prosldont tlal primary ovor hold, tho ono In North Dakota, may not bo to your liking but regardless of tho is buos Involved or tho effect of tho outcomo, tho ovont Is worthy moro than passing consideration. It Is a groat stop in tho direction of popular rulo when tho pooplo aro callod upon to mako tholr cholco dlr- octly for n presidential candldato, When tbo presidency was croatod It was nssumod that tho pooplo could no moro namo a prosldont than a blind man could Boloct colors, and an oloctornl collogu was provided. Tbo oluctoral collogo long ago bo camo a relic; tho pooplo huvo uloctod tholr own prcsldonts for many yoiira. But now wo nro to go ono atop fur thor; tho pooplo will namo tho man for whom thoy aro to voto. Tho tldo has Hot in and it will not run backwnrds. Tho last prosldont will bo olocttil in November who has not boon n tuned by tho pooplo themnolvcH. produces inn egg. l.uo Harrows brought an egg Into this olllco yesterday that was the greatest piece of hen fruit wo hnvo .soon In may dayH. The egg wan tho product of a mixed Wyandotto and Duff Orpington lion, and was 7 1-2 Inches In clrcumforonco ono way and 7 Inchos tho other way. If you could buy uuch oggs by tho donon, hen fruit might not bo out of tho roach of tho ordinary Individual. Dandon Re cordor. HONOR AKD VOSLN Mrs. Mnry A. Bunch of Gravel Fortl Celebrate With Birthday. Tho Coaulllo Horald saya: On Sunday. March 17, a family gathering took placo at tho homo or Mrs. J. D. Bonnott, Oravol tord. in honor of tho 80th blrthdny of her mothor, Mnry A. Bunch. Not only woro direct descendants present but many from tho Acadomy nt that place woro at hnnd to pay homago to tho "dear old lady" whoso Iclntlnoss of heart and long rosldonco In tho com munity hns endeared hor In tho heart of nil. Tho following wero presont: Mrs. Jnno Goodrich (sinter). County Supt. W. II. (son) wlfo nnd chlldron Emma, Mlnnlo, Walton . ,. Mr. and Mrfl. J. D. Honnett. (dnughtor) and chlldron Eva, Lois, nay nnd mnrrlod son Arthur and Prof. P. B. Hunch (aon) wlfo and chlldron. Edith, Bessie, Itoymond, llorschol. Paul, Dorsoy. , Mrs. Wntklns (daughter) nnd Mr. and Mrs. Moreen and tholr son Wnl loco and infant daughter. From tho Academy woro Professor Hnmmond and wife, toaehors Miss Pennlo nnd Miss Graves: studonta Mlsa Wnndn Hnrry, Alva Harry. Leon Smith. Allco nnd I.orenn Redding, Mnry Simmons, Karl Simmons, -Wjfls Rosalie Holt. ' Mr. Olo Ivorsou was also presont. Mrs. Mnry A ntinch Ih halo nnd hearty and maintains nil hor facul ties unimpaired, and many years yet remain for her to gladden tho hoorts of her rolntlves and frlonds. Mrs. Bunch lives with her sister, Mrs. Jnno Goodrich, but four years young er than Mrs. II , and a llfo full of contentment Is enjoyed whoro they ran receive nnd entortnln tholr friends In n manner such as only thoso Mossed with years of llfo's ex periences can give. HOW COM) CAUSES KIDNEY DISEASE. Partly by driving blood from tho surfaco nnd congesting tho kidnoys nnd partly by throwing too much work upon them. Foley Kidney Pills strengthen tho kidnoys, glvo tono to tho urlunry organs nnd restore tho normal action of tho bladder. Thoy nro tonlo in action, quick In results. Try them. For snlo by Red Cross Drug Co. Compliments and Congratula tions for tho Country and The Times. Wo may win without credit or back ing or stylo, Wo may win without onergy, skill, or a smue, Without patlenco or apltudo, pur- Wo may oven Bucccod if wo'ro lack ing in grit; Dut toko It from mo ns a mighty safe hint A civilized man cannot win without print. This morning's mall brought many lottors congratulating The Times on Its rocont apodal odltlon and com plimentary to Coos Bay bocauso of tho excellent showing of its groat re sources, There woro orders for ox trn copies from Spokano, Soattlo, Eu gono, Portland, Rosoburg and San Francisco. Among tho lottors nnd nowspnpor notices rocolvod woro tho following: CONGRATULATION'S FROM FRES- IDENT OREGON UNIVERSITY. Eugono, Oro., March 22, 1912, Mr. M. Ct Moloney, Marshfleld, Orogon. My donr Mr. Molonoy: I wish to congratulato you on tho mngnlflcont odltlon of tho Times, a copy of which 1 havo Just rocolvod. This special railroad number of tho TimoB would bo a credit to uny city on tho coast. Undoubtedly the Coob Bny country Is worthy of nil tho words which you havo spoken In its praise, nnd hns boforo it n, futuic of very groat prosperity. Wo aro look ing forward cngorly to tho tlmo whon tho Wlllnmotto ynlloy and tho Coos liny region mny bo tied togothor through railroad connections. Each part of tho stato noods every othor part, nnd tho now railroads nro dos tlnod to mnko a much grontor Oro gon through fuller acquaintance nnd cloaor porsonnl ties. Very slncoroly yours, P. L. CAMPBELL. SECRETARY OF STATE SAYS IT IS EXCELLENT. Snlom, Ore., March 22, 1012. Mr. M. C. Malonoy. Publisher Coos Bny Times, Marshfleld, Oregon. Donr Sir: I am In recolpt of a copy of spe cial edition of your papor. You nro entitled to a great doal of credit for getting out such nn oxcol lont pnpor. My oxporlenro in tho nowspnpor business is limited to n fow wooks nt tho business end of a1 Washington hnnd press during my boyhood dnys, but It does not ro, qulro nn oxporlonced nowspnpor man to npprcclnto tho fact that you havo Issued a special edition much In ad vnnco of tho nvorngo papor emanat ing from tho towns tho snmo slzo as Marshflold. An odltlon of this char acter Is of groat value to any com munity nnd should bo thoroughly ap preciated by your business pooplo. Vory truly yours, URN W. OLCOTT, Socrotnry of State tone, describing tho various sections In n manner that carries conviction with it. Tho wonderful progress of Marshflold, North Bend and othor told by tho men who pioneered Coos nnd Curry Counties, nnd who hnvo grown up with the country. Many of these men havo made great wealth there and fow thoro aro who have not made a compotoncy. Tho publication la Mint 1'I11 dHmnf Hlfl ItlVOatflr .O UUU Vl.t.l .i. fcv..w. ..v -...-. and homescokor nnd will doubtless prove of Inestimable value to tlio soc-' tion represented. THE FINEST IN OREGON (From Albany Democrat). A now picture In tho Democrat's art gallery Is that of.F. E. Allen, one of tho city councllmon of Marshflold, whoso plcturo appears In a special odltlon of the Tlmos, ono of tho finest things Issued 1n Oregon. FOUND IT FULL OF INFORMA TION. Portlnnd, Ore., March 22, 1Q12. Mr. M. C. Maionoy, Marshflold, Orogon. , By yesterday's mall I rocolvod a copy of the special numbor of the! Coos Bay Times. Last evonlng l looked tho samo over with n groat' doal of Interest, We aro all Interest ed In Coos Bny, and facts aro thnt Borne way or othor wo got very little good, rellnblo nowo from thnt sec-' tlon. The special number of the Times In chuck full nf meat anil I have gained moro information re garding your part of the country In nn hour or two's study of tlio samo than I hnvo been nblo to gather up In tho Inst flvo years. Tho special number Is print ed nnd n credit to any section, nnd I hopo tho pcoplo of Coos Bay will npprcclato tho vnlnnblo advertising you havo glvon them. Furthormoro, I hopo thoy rcnllzo tho tlmo, effort nnd ability, as woll as monoy, re quired to produce such nn odltlon. I hopo to havo the ploasuro of a visit to Coos Bay this summer, and seo for mysolf tho progress you are making. Yours truly, O. R. BALL, Manngor. American Typo Founders Co. TDK QUIET OI1SERVER SAYS: "Coos nay girls don't tnko ad- vantage of leap yoar. They don't need to." w Greet Yu ami dthe pnnig With Great Vahi and Stylish C loth& in m M iU 3MK H nil tl IBB HHtt )h AmIm IS bR 'llvl 7Wt SMART LOTIfES Our values woro novor bolter. Stkin-Bih liiivc been oiir tailors for many seasons but thoy havo excelled themselves this spring. Come to our mirrors and try on our Stew. Block Standard Sack Suit. This is tho con servative model for the spring in suits, hi ft gives you a tailored air that sets your looks oil with dash and go. On display A choice variety of styles. Priced from $20 to $35l Others, too, for $12 to $20. M aifimes M atmi THE COMING REGION OF OREGON (From tho Portlnnd Oregonlnn.) Tho special edition of tho Coos Bay Tlmos, Mr. M. C. Maloney'a papor nt Marshflold, is a romnrkablo product of a "country" printing office It contains forty-four pages on book pnpor, profusely lllustratod to show tho resources of Coob County. In tho minds of many tho county Is do- voted to lumuor cxciusivoiy, nut tins issuo of tho Times has facts and pic tures to show just what Is being dono In ngrlculturo nnd dairying, mining, fishing, fruit raising, and nil tho com binations of diversified Industry that sustain a region of Orogon that Is nn empire In Itself. At presont naviga tion is Its solo outlot, but tho rail road Is Koine in nnnco. nnd whon communication shall bo established tho land will como Into Its own. In tho mcnntlmo tho world will know through the efforts of men llko tho Mnloneya of what awaits tho home- Hooker and Invostor on Coos Bny, tho coming region of Orogon. .MOST ATTRACTIVE PUBLICATION (From Portlnnd Telegram). Tho Industrial edition of tho Coos liny Times. Issued on March 1C, Is one of tho most attractlvo publica tions jet published by any paper in tho Pacific Northwest outside of tho metropolitan dallies. Tho Issue, out side the beautiful blue tint nrt cov er, consists of -IS pngea printed on n good grnde of book papor, richly il lustrated with hnlf-t(no reproduc tions of photographs of scones in Coos and Curry Counties Industrial plants, timber scones, vlows of tho rlvors, bays nnd const, fishing scenes nnd dnlry and fruit farms and the issuo is repieto with half-tono repro ductions of photographs of tho load ing business and professional men of tho cltlos nnd towns of tho Coos Boy country, ns well as loading stock- growera of Southwestern Orogon. Tho toxt, descriptive of tho rich country lying nlong tho southwost coast of tho state. Is moderate In CONDENSED STATESURNT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay I ux'jVxt ,,le c,09c r Business February 20th, 1012, RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $221,234.34 Bonds, warrants and securities 73,926.11 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 25,000.00 Real cstato, furniture and fixture. 81,011.34 Cash and sight exchange 144,549.94 Total ' 53 15,721.73 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 1100,000,00 Surplus and undivided profits 9,235.09 Dlvldonds unpaid 6.00 Ronorvo for taxes 1,000.00 Circulation, outstanding 24,600.00 Doposlts 410,881.64 Total f515,721.7.1 In nddltlon to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is $100,000.00. . IMPORTANT NlWlCE TO PROPERTY OWNER8. Glvo us a description of your property and wo will obtain for you amount nf taxes on same. Shorlf does not notify you. v-r--tf lyjrrrffnK. lUXWI Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. nENRY SENGSTACKKN, Hgr. Coqulllt Offlc rhona 111 Marshfleld Offlc 14-J. Farms Tlmbsr Coal aad Platting Lands a specialty. Qtasral AfnU "EABTSIDKV City Auto Service (ood Cars, Careful Drivers and raasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anynhtra at any tlmt." Stands Blanco HoUl and Blanco Cigar Stors. Day Fhonss 78 and 46. Night i'hon. 46. MARKER A GOODALE. Proprietors. Unique Pantatorium THE SIODERN DYERS, CLEANERS, PRESSERS nnd HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward E. Strauss & Co. fine Tailoring Let us make your next Suit. 2A5 Commercial. Phcme 350-X. Blanchard's Livery Wo have suouro, the livery tousl lets of L. II. Helscer and are pre pared to render excellent service to the people of Coo Bay. Cireful livers, gooa riss aud everything hat will mean batlsfactorr service to the public. Phone us for a driving horse, rig or anything needed In the livery line. We also do truck- K business of all kinds. ULANCHARD BROTHERS Phone 1S8-J livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHERE TIIEY BUY SHOES FROSI SI PER PAIR UP. First Class Auto Service Special trips to North Bend and Empire any time. Train and party calls a specialty, Phono 144J nights and day. After 11 P. M Palaco Restaurant, Phone 5 -J, Resldonce Fhone 28-J. D. L. FOOTE. Proprietor. False Economy in Electric Lighting You can comiutit an appliance to the end of an electric wire which will take one-eightieth of a kilowatt to make it opcrato satisfactorily. You can connect another appliance to the same wire which requires 80 kilowatts to make it oper ate at all. The consumption of current depends upon what appliances lighting, heating or powera customer has, hooked on to the line. The new (Mazda) tungsten lamps give nearly three times as much light for the same consump tion of current, as do the carbon incamlescenl lamps. The difference in tho cost of the lamps is repaid many times by the superior efficiency and econ omy of operation. Let an expert advise in your lighting problems. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co People Take Notice! We havo all lengths of store wood for sale, prices ranging from 11.50 per tier up. Wo can furnish any length you wish. L. H. HEISNER Phone No. 120-J or 49-L. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSIIFIELD, OREGON. At the close of business, Feb. SO, 1012. RESOURCES. ,.,iii Loans and Discounts J429, JJ Banking House M Cash and Evchanges ','" 166,011" Total 644,Mtl LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In I BO.OOO . Surplus und Undivided Profits '. '.'.'.'.'.'. '. B!'ii! ' Deposits ' 53M'" Total . ' S644.278.0t ul HEAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE Bargains in Citn and Out side Property. AUG. FRIZEEN. 68 Central Ave.. Marshfleld. t I M I JJ "''l HURRY! IPS GOING FAST We have a limited quantity of ALDER WOOD, cut into 2-foot lengths, suitablo for fireplace that we will sell at $2.25 per load, while it lasts. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phone 190-J. 182 So. Broadway. a. Modern Brick BuIUIng, Electric Llgata. Steam Heat. Ilegantly Furnished Roomc with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL.OOOS a A. METUN. Prop. Rates: SO cent a Day sad Upwards Cor. Broadway and Market Uarahfleld. Oregon. FLOUR THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP 180 So. Broadway Marshfleld Ml KINDSnOBPRiNTING DONE AT THETTMlSr0E