MAN MAY HAW MORE KNOWLEDGE THAN A WOMAN BUT HE IS NEVER SO WISE -vmrmsQ m Tho times 1" vnr4ld EaUto "In (Slam Sag Sfarai WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep the Incomo from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapstngt YOU can really help tho family levonues by renting a' fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to use tho claaslQed columns, you may keep that Httlo extra Incomo as "steady as a clock." L Market" EffccUrclyt out tha facta about your 11 W,L heforo "So eyes of all "poa PPtTilr" n town. And It """. one of thorn who ougut to .! u'll .oil Ul own - MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established in .1878 M Tho Coast Mall dlxxxv MARSHFIELD, OREGON MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1912 -EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Canst Mall kiq pifi anil CooflHny Advertiser. HI SLOUGH PIISONER BREAKS JAIL JIT NORTH BENO JL??$m' f "S5"" umllMmJ- (IIED'BABS FROM -J Ul I TJMIt- i""UM nstable Emery Claims He "Had Two Confederates Assisi mm. M L.ndon of South Slougu yes. E& towns conflnod on a chargo "rt.??..i . nnsault II ram Loo fflXSuiTol Tar Hool Point Jth i dangerous weapon, and has m,ea ipra .' ,'.-: lncd that iwo iihiww ... i-'L.Alltitf Intl. IftuUble Emory of North Bond Irttted Lanuon iniu dhmu, ... . .rrlllt Irriioi! bv JllBtlCO inn na ll niiii" ... .. mock of Marshfield nnd wnH ro lled to keep him In Jail thoro un- l. Mnriinnn wllOn 110 WaB tO iti bcn arraigned. Ho wna In Jail rr yesterdny morning but somo stMunnR IIIO uny, huiii."iiu uii h iiilde slipped somo Instrunients .. nm iiipii 4ruilil(il 111 tn to nry t iteol bars from tho window and ypt. Sheriff Oago nnd Deputy Prosocut- 5 Attorney IiiiJonviBt wure nijuiiuu Mscapo today and will take lm- ll tiM fnr IiIh nWirreflt. It (Kchnrgod by A. It. Loo that a i days ago Landon ciuno niong ny Ynmf rpnr Tnr Tool Point, nnd lint.,1 a hntiriin nt lilfl Krrflld-fath- i, Hiram Lcc. nged 82. nnd ordered a to "throw up IiIh hnndH." Tho tiin compiled nnd then Mm. Leo imrril nn thn ncnim. I.nndoii or- Ired her to throw up her hnndH, but K Jumped hack nnil I. undon mnuo ict-away, mumbling somo oxcubo, irtrdlnff'M Mm vnnnirnr T.on. Joit what tils motivo was ronmlns b determined. Not much Is ion about Lnndon. Arclilo Phll- uoreman of tlo Simpson Lumbor imnint'fl lniilnir nnnrntlflna nn mtk filrtnt'll llivntt Inntn.l Hi, nftnn A It li understood Hint It was wir on ins nnuings thnt Doputy rcwcutlng Attorney Llljoqvlst or ni tbo warrant Issued far Lnn- 'i arrest. !a tbli connection, It Is Btntod thnt isuoa aaa oeon a niomuor or. n party i u un Duiuu niougn mat nnn tfS ClUfltn, ffnmA nt 4li CAotilnnta k or less trouble. Sheriff Gago M bfn nlnnnltlf in Invnatlirntn Min Iwjta awlnst tho gnng, It Ib snld. Conitablo Bmcry of .'North Ilond pviwra juauco I'onnock this morn- i- - ,o iiiiiuiii mac nuiiuuii M two confederates who aBslstod "aurcflKingjail. fVNNWVNf.f ILLINOIS 10 VOTE 0 MEN .Gov. Dcneen Calls, Special Ses sion of Lcgislatureio Enact Preference Primary. (By Associated 'Press to Coon Bay Tlmos.) CHICAGO, Mnrch 25. Governor Donoon today called tho-stnto lcgls lattiro In npcrlal session 'to pnss the prosldontnl preforontlnl prlmnry net to bo effective with tho stuto prlmnry April 0. The session wiib cnllcU for tomor row uftornonn. 1 10 GIVE IN ADVANCE 'UUMltt OK MIDDLR 1TKST RTSK DtSUNDS OP EXGI- tERS FOR IxailSASE IX WCES. Awoclated Pteza to Cooa Baj TLmea.) LSY0RK' MaroU 2C Fi"r I r" '"ciuainc lirncUenlly all . - "' oi uojfjigo and north Norfolk & Wtatorn, rqfusod f7?111 the Ineroaso of wngos 2fcd by the locomotive ongl- J wpli 'was presented at a joint I rtfi ri-i """"leefl ropresunt tW ?fl,,0o of Locomotive ti ,, twp.lvo PenU and WlS55:!?.,rom U,e "'oadB. I'ttce n .i "l . l uml tUo wnK Ho.rin,ie,fio"Blnoor3 an.d owor trelRht f much needed advance 2 wUch tho Interstate . ancr??im,S,0n declined to al- M 'lu"uo ley say, en l il.Uon8 .f n Uavo Loen rtdudiol uinuoua antl other u V? "?? declare that tho fix. f lad ;:.-aara wase for conduc- l"llMht j . waa tue rosu,t t ItiS L" a P"ceent. n:.:r are DrBsnntoi .x... i. l... BlOfiS . .. , 'ttniii,! ...."" ui mo roaus "H. thirl "lcrease(l ?18G59C50 "'"M oi, 7,! "ecreaso In not and whllo rt uv. fD 8"e emnlovod tlm total " thi. ft Stoue lecllned to ;ill do fan 'm,e what th0 engineers aecllnlng to lncrensn wnPfin lc0OSEn?vI!?.S and NOVELTIES -. unnii i-iTvwn " vaj SENATORS' I I ILegislators Are Angry at Letter of -Attorney .General Wickersham. -(Dy A8Boclntod Press to tho Cooa Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Mnrch 2C At lornoy General WIckorHhnm caused n Btlr In tho Sciiutu today by refusing to supply information concerning tho tloorgnnlzutlon of tho International Harvester Company, asked by a resol ution adopted Mnrch 1C. Sonntor llncon took exception not only to tho nttornoy gonurnru nctlon but to bis manner of communicating It Wickorshnm nnld In a lottor that it is 'incompatible with tho interest of the United Stntes to Bupply tho infor mation desired, bocnuso tho corren pondonco on Illo rolatod to buulnesB which wan unnnlshed. llncon Bald tho languago was discourteous, nnd that apparently Wickersham had for gotton thnt ho woh a creuturo of con gress: Wlckertfhnm wroto "I am directed by tho President to nay thnt In my opinion, It is not com patible to supply tho information." Borah said ho did not hco how tho president could glvo Instructions ro gurdlng tlio nttornoy genoral'B opin ion. "Nor do I," responded nacon. Several Bonntors euggostod that Ba con move thnt tho communication be not received but ho did not do so, and on motion of Leo It was laid on tho table for consideration nt another time. MEATTRUSTHAS GIG MONOPOLY Combination Is as Effective as If Organization Actually Existed. ' (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Tlmea.) CHICAGO, March 25. Thnt Ar mour and Co,, Swift & Co nnd Morrla and Co. havo today Just as effectivo a monopoly of tho meat business as if their proposed "Billion Dollar Com blno" bad been created, was tho con tention in substance of Attorney But ler in his closing argument for tlie government in Us nntl-trust suit against tho Chicago packers. It b expected tho case will bo In the hands of tho Jury this afternoon. MORE MEN WORKING EUGENE, Ore., March 25. Great activity all along tho lino la reported on the Coos Bay railroad. Twohy Bros, have the "mon wanted sign out and aro sending all who apply to tbo front. Besides those who are en gaged In tho tunnel about 300 men Sre employed on the stations on the high ground beyond Elmlra, the ob ioct being to finish tho high ground by the time that the low ground t Jo cornea dry. Air machinery will be ut ilized Jn tho tunnel which will expe dlte operations, EASTER NOVELTlES-o new lino Just received at COUb CASH STORE. A TURKISH BATH will do you GOOD. Phone 21 4 J. MEXICAN REBELS 10 FLOAT LOAN Attempt to Get Business Firms at Chihuahua to Advance Money'More Trouble Ex pectedThere. (By Associated Press to tho Cooa Bay Tlmea.) WASHINGTON, Mnrch 23- Efforts to forco tho banks and businoBs hous es of Chihuahua to adyanco a loan of ono million, two hundred thoua r.nd Mexlcnn dollars, aro being mndo by Mexican Insurgents. Tho loan la to bo guaranteed h that state, ac cording to Stato Dopartmont advlcea which also Bay tho robots aro making efforts to collect initio taxes duo tho fodoral government nt tho ond of March. That Americans In Maplmt, north of Torroon in Durango, may receive protection, a dotachmont of federal noldlors havo been drafted. NOTICE- TO END LIFE Chicago Woman Writes San Francisco Coroner Inten tion and Turns on Gas. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bny Times) SAN FRANCISCO, Mnrch 2C -Following tho receipt by tho coronor of u letter In mnll todny notifying him of their Intended sulcldo nn Investiga tion dtsclosod tho lifeless bodies of Mrs. A. Morso of Chicago and nor thlrtocn-yoar-old daughter, Ethol. They had dlod of asphyxiation, pro bably Inst night. Mrs. Morso nskod that tho bodies bo cromated and un less word Is rocolvcd from Chicago her wishes will bo compllod with. In tho woman's purso wns $203. No motivo for tho tragody Is nsslgnod snvo sickness and lack of rolatlvos. Tho Stnto Department messages on tho engagement nt Eocnlon aro mea gro and contradictory. Fighting continues there. HARD WATTLE IS ON Influrrcctos Reported to Have Best of Federals. (By Associated Press to tho Cooa Bay Tlmos. JIM1NEZ, March 25. Fighting be tween rebels and government forces was resumed today In tho vicinity of tho village of Corralites. Numer ically superior tho Insurrecto forco seems to havo tho federals .surround ed. The soldiers of both sides aro nearly exhausted ob this Is tho fourth day of tho battle. Water and food aro senrco and tho hot sun nnd dust add to tho novorlty of tho strain. Dur ing tho night anothor train load of men reinforced tho lnsurroctos. TEXTILE MILL WAGES RAISED Over 120,000 Employes of New England Mills Get Advance Now. (By Associated Press to tho Cooa Bay Tlmos.) BOSTON, March 25. Moro than 120,000 toatllo operators In Now Eng land received n gonornl advanco In wages today when tho Increases an nounced recently by many cotton nnd woolen manufacturers wont Into ef fect. Tho ndvnnco varied from 5 to 10 per cont, but with tho exception of tho 25,000 persons employed In tho mills owned by tho mnnufactur ors of Fnll River, whore a 10 per cent rnlso tins been granted, tbo op erators will not know tho exact amount of their Increases until pay dny. REV. HALL TO LEAVE HERE Michigan Man Who Claims He Marshfield Baptist Minister WILL UNDERGO ; AN OPERATION! Is Kimmell to Test Sur gical Skill. (By Associated Prosa to tho Cooa Bay Times.) N1LES. Mich.. March 25. Tho Niloa' "Mau of Myatory" who insista that he is Georgo A. Klmmoll, tho missing banker, dospito tno veraici ot Um court to the contrary, wont to Ann Arbor undergo an exam ination nnd probably an opornuon to bo rolloved of alloged prossuro on tho brnin. Many poraona Btlll bollovo tho claimant la tno missing man. KILLED IN COOS COUNT V St- LouU Jury Accepts Evidence that Missing Sian was main In a rocent case at St. Louis, tho family of Klmmoll waa successful In no .nntAniinn hnforo a Jury that Geo. A. Klmmoll was killed in Oregon, tho Jury holding tnat wnno was an im- .,... TIia milt was to colloct In- surnnce that Kimmell carried. Ac cording to evidence uororo tno jury, Klmmoll whllo with a party of bur . tronxnrn hunters was slain in Cooa County. No ono has beon found In Coo8 county wno Knows nnywuut, of the nlloged tragedy or of tho bur lod treasure which tho Ktmmell party wos supposed to be seeking. MONEY FOR PROMOTERS Farivn and Doyle Get $300 of Coos Bay Railway Bonus. Tho Roaoburg Revlow aaya: The Cnnyonvlllo Call announces that the peoplo .there havo turned ... tmn in onRh to J. A. Doylo and his associates on the assuranco that work on nn elegtric railway io u bul't through Canyonvlllo will begin,i u tnva r.nat weok Mr. Doyle was quoted here as saying a contract had been let ana worn wumu "!, in ten days on a line to Roseburg. i . .lovo Intnr llo WnR fltlOtod In Portland papers as saying that the contract would oe iei -booii. hui .i,ir.n. wimtnvnr hnH so far devel oped, hero's hopln' that tho Catiyon- vllle people win realize euiiiuuiiuB more definite, after having paid ?500 for the privilege of thinking It over for 45 days. As generally viewed here, real railroad builders do not work on such a small basis. IIOEV AT EUGENE II. P. Hooy, chief engineer of the Southern Pacific construction work in Oregon, cam in from San Fran cisco on the Shasta Limited Friday morning. Eugene Guard. Resigns Pastorate Sur prise to Congregation. Rov. O. LoRoy HnH yostordny ten dered his resignation na pastor of tho Mnrshflold Baptist church aftor n pastorate of nearly threo years. Ilia resignation en mo na a surprlao to tho congregation. Ho stated thnt his resignation wns not for tho purpose of accoptlng an other chargo nor was it bocauso ho was not woll paid but It was bocnuso ho did not havo tho prayerful aslsi nnco of his momboro na ho deairod It. Rov. Hall Btntod today that ho had not made any plana for his immed iate futuro. Just beforo coming to Marnhflold from Medford, ho rojocted a call from tho Arleta Baptist church ot Portland and during bis chargo hero has rejocted threo other cnlla from Oregon, California and Wash ington congregations. When ho announced his resigna tion took his congrega tion completely by surprlso and not a fow tears were shed. During his pas torate horo, Rev. Hall has been very active and has not confined efforts to Marshfield alone but has lookod after tho Baptist work in this section from Bandon to Gardiner. In consequence his retirement will be groatly rogrot ed by tho friends bo and Mrs. Hall have made here. A meeting of the Marshfield Bap tist church congregation has been called for next Thursday ovonlng to take action on his resignation. Some of tho memebers aro trying to get him to reconsider his decision to leave, His letter of resignation' waB as fol- lOWB On or beforo four rnontba from date, as we may mutually agree, I desire that our relation as pastor andJ people shall termiuate. u i Know rightly my own heart It Ib to do tho will of the Master nnd to advance Ills work. Hoping therefore that thla resignation Is for tho good of our work and the advancement of Ills cause, I have thus decided to Jay down the trust which you havo voted unanimously to me now three times. I desire here publlcally to express my gratitude to you for the measure of support which you havo granted to us whllo we have been among you. 'Mrs. Hall and myself shall always 'hold In loving remembrance tho workers here who all along have ' sacrificed and labored to lift tho burdens with us. The "tie that binds ! Ar- ftea.r-tB" Ja . -TPfAJUJISJffi&i-i0 1 (Continued on page 4.) NEGOTIATIONS TO OF ENGLISH E MINERS FUTILE NW"i'S. M y M RESUME W Men Break Away From Union in Scotland and Return to the Mines. I By Associated Prena to Cooa Bay Tlmea.) GLASGOW, March 25 A general breakaway of tho minors from tho atrlko movement seems probablo in Scotlnnd. Ono thousand men re sumed work In tho pits nt Boll IIIH, Lnnnrknhlro. In other pits thoro also wns n resumption of work, NO ACTION ON COAL STRIKES Committees of United Mine Workers Await Confer ence Tomorrow. (By Associated Press to tho Cooa Bay Time.) CLEVELAND, Ohio, Mnrch 25. Both tho policy commlttco and tho executive board of tho Unltod Mlno Workers of America horo today de cided to tako absolutely no action on tho present coal situation ponding tho outcomo of tho conforonco be tween tho operators nnil minors In tho bituminous flolda which will bo resumed tomorrow. LOSES CONTROL OF CACTUS Burbniik Such Express Company for BaiimgcH. SAN FRANCISCO, March 25. Luthor Burbank of Snntn RoHa, Cal., plnnt wizard of International reputa tion, has brought suit ngnlnst tho Wolla-Furgo Express Company for $11,947, claimed na damngea by tho Iobs of certnln thornlesa cactus, ono of his greatest crontlons. In his complnlnt tllod today Bur bank nllegos that tho exprosa com pany turnod ovor n ahlpmont of 6000 splnoless cacti nt Sydney, Australia, without authorization. Tho markot valuo ot tho cacti is given as $5447.71. It is nllogod In tha com plaint that through tho action of tho express company Burbank has lost control of the world markot for hU creation, THREE DIE IN W Rock Slide Near Sand Point, Idaho, Throws Freight Into River. (By Associated Press to tbo Cooa Bay TlBM) SAND POINT, Idaho, March 25. TWreo of tho train crow wero killed early today when the weat-bound lim ited freight of tho Great Northorn plunged Into a rock slldo six mllea west of horo. Whon tho train of CO cars struck the slide, tho engine and three cars rolled, ovor tbo embank ment Into tho Pend d'Orotllo River. Tho dead are: Engineer' WlclUln, of Hlllyard, Wash. Fireman Charles Sumnors, of Hlllyard. Rrakeman C. R. Orcnn, of Hlll yard, Wash. Wlcklln, Summers and Orcnn wero plnnod within tho cab of tho loco motive and drowned when tlio engine sank benoath tho waters of the river. NORTn BEND NEWS. Miss May Peterson of Marshfield spent Sunday ns a guest at tho homo of her lsster, Mrs. E. E. Rlggs. Mrs. W. N. Ekblad and baby of Marshfield are spending a few days at tho homo of Mrs. Ekblad's slstor, Mrs. W, D. Simpson. Miss Lillian McCann has returned from a visit with Coos River friends. Mine Owners and Union Un able to Afjroe on Terms ' of Settlement. PREMIER ASQUITH IS AT CONFERENCE HEAD Operators Still Oppose Stipu lating Minimum Wage for Employes; (By Associated Press to tho Cooa Bay Tlmea.) LONDON, March 25. Tho confor onco of Promler Annulth and mom bcrs of tho British Cabinet with tho ownors and minors, roapoctlv'oly, lasted throughout tho day, but If any progress toward n solution of tho deadlock was mado, It was not sufll clont to Justify a resumption ot tho round table negotiations botwecn tho owners and tho minors. Tho mlno owners still nppoar dis inclined to depart from their origin al nttltudo of opposition to tho intro duction of special figures such as $1.25 and fifty cents for mon nnd boys, respectively, into nny of tho tormn of nottlomont. Coal la now soiling for $1.25 n ton, DISCUSSION IS DELAYED ICngllMi Mlno Owncrx nnd Operators SHU Negotiating. (Dy Associated Press to tbo Coos Bay Tlmos.. LONDON, March 25. Tho dlacua slon of tho minimum wngo bill for minora has ngatn boon poatponod un til tomorrow, na negotiations nro still proceeding between tho mlno owners nnd tho minors undor the guldnnco of Promlor Aaqulth and members of tho cabinet. TIES UP VESSEL United KtatcM Crulwr Uimblo to Ob tain Fuel In England. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times)' WEYMOUTH, England, March 25. Tho Unltod States cruiser, Pralrio, now lying In port hero, cnrrylng one hundred whltohond torpedoes, Is finding difficulty In procuring coal for tho voyngo to Amorlcn. An attempt to purchase 120 tona of stoma coal watt unsuccessful. IS M TE Present Chinese Government With Joint Memorandum Charging Broken Faith. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) PEKIN, March 25. Tlio mlnlators of tho United Statea, Groat Brltlan, Gormany and Franco today prosontod tho Chinese, government a Joint mem orandum of recapitulation of negotia tions botwoen tho financial group and tho Chlnoso government since Febru ary 27 and establishing a strong case of broken faith on tho part of China, Tho memorandum concludes with a protest against tho Belgian loan to the Chinese government, WORK ON TUNNEL Mn- Twohv Brothers Will 8tart chlnery April 1, Tho Eugone Guard says: P. B. DoLano, chiof clork for Two hy Brothors, contractors of construc tion for tbo Wlllnmotto Pacific Rail way, wont out to tho camp at the Notl pass early In tho weok with pay checks for laborers employed, on tun nol work, Eight loads of machlnorf havo beon haulod to camp this weok, lnii proved road conditions making this possible, and two moro loads will lcavo tho warehouse today for tho construction camp. Included in tho list nro compressors, dynnrao and other devices for tunnollng, Thus far tho work of tunneling baa beon dono by hnnd labor, but It la an nounced that machinery will aup plant the laborers by April 1. FIX PRICES FOR DREDGING Don't forget tbo Turkish Baths. PHONE ai4J. Tbo Portland Journal says: At a special meotlng of tho Port of Portland Commission hold yester day afternoon, n prlco of 12 cents a yard for making a fill for tho new gaa plant of the Portland Gas & Coko Company was voted and It Is prob able that tho dredge Columbia will mako tho fill Just below the govern ment moorings as soon aa alio has completed tho fill being made for the alto of tho new Southern Pacific, frolght depot on tho east aido of tho rlvor. It la eatlmated that there will be about 215,000 cublo yards to bo dredged for tbo gas plant fill, ilk CN &... , iJiTlXkJ. .iXtmiil ul! fl A.