nSi EVENInA hUlllUN COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor nnd I'ub. PAN K. MALONEY News Editor Entered at tho postofflco at Marsh flold, Oregon, for trnnsmlssloB through tho malls as second class mall matter. RULE OP THE PEOPLE T EDISON AM) LIHKHAL EDUCATION. THOMAS A. EDISON Is reported to liavo gl von. tho students of Yalo some vory plain statements In an address delivered tlicro recent ly. Ho' told thorn that ho had no need of, or placa for, tho students of clthor Yalo or Harvard, in his lino of work; in fact, that tho Bo-callod lib oral training which was given thorn rathor worked against thorn to tho ndvantago of tho young man who had worked his way up with tho prac tical knowlcdgo of tho world and of men. Ho told them that it was tech nical knowlcdgo that was wantod in not only his lino of work but in othor kinds of work as well. Train ing in tho clnsslcn, or what wo somo timos term tho "humanities," would bo of llttlo practical uso to them if thoy woro to play their part In tho world's affairs. Mr. EdlBon's gonlus as an Inventor is unquestioned, and in uttoring thoso sontlmonts ho finds hlmsoif In n vory rcspectod company thoso days but fortunately for tho destiny of tho classical tralng, ho Is not llkoly to find all Its advocates flocking to his sldo because ho lias Boundod thoso clarion notes. Othors, scarcely less notablo, havo voiced fllmllnr sontl monts. Not tho loaBt among thorn was Horbort Sponcor, who In his os Bay on "Education," took proclsoly tho samo stand that Edison takos. According to Sponcor'u Idoas about tho training nnd lilting of tho mind, ono should ho guided solely by tho prlnclplo of practical utility. Only thoso studios should find u part In tho child's training that would ul timately tend towunlH elllcloncy and rapidity in broad winning, or to uho u broader phrase, that would promoto ono's usefulness In tho world. No ono contends that education, no matter of what kind or In what de partment, aught not to bo practical. It should give ono a better and more effective grip on life, enabling ono to llvo a fuller and a richer life. All this Is practical, but It Is practicality that means far more than that of olthor Sponcor or Edison, The whole trouble Is, that they, along with thoso who think with them, have whittled down tho Idea of the practical until it means scarcely more than tho pur suit of the necessities for physical ex istence, or rising u llttlo higher than this, tho croatlon or working out of something that tho world can make uso of, ui commodity lit for tho mar hot. To educate nnd to train a child does not moan simply tho equipping of ono to bo n more elllclent bread winner. If this wero ho, then odu caters have beeu on the wrong track for many long centuries. Hut ex perience has proven tl to bo othor wlso, Human life cannot bo Inter preted only In terms of tho physical sldo of man, and yet there Is a strong tondoncy In this country to make tho oducatlonal standard of Just such a nature. And so there hail boon much said nnd done to exalt technical training and to belittle the old train ing nnd culture iu tho clnsslcH re ceived by our fathers, Thoy wero instructed and odlilod iu those stu dios that holpod to make their life not only an Inspiration to othors, but n Joy nnd comfort to thomsolvcH. Hy contact with the noblest minds of tho ancients, their own lives wero jnado fuller and richer. Hut, wo are asked, what practical good Is all this delving In tho thoughts of thoso who havo been con tdgnod to nntlqultyT What Is tho uso of pouring over subjects that cannot bo turned to account in our ovory-dny llfo of winning from tho world a liv ing? Again wo reply that It do ponds upon what moaning wo give to tho term, a practical life. If it moans what a poison has and does, thou lot us eliminate from tho curric ulum all that makes for a broad and liberal training, aud acquire only tochnlcnl knowledge Hut If tho tonn, a practical llfo, means all that Jesus Christ put Into It, then a lib oral education, so far from being a Huperllutty, Is of Incalculable bene fit In pitching one's llfo high, and In giving a broader and saner outlook on the lives of others. Wo are oi ten told that such aud such a person rose to distinction without any col- logo education, as tho' it were an ar gument for the futility of tho college. It would bo nearer to tho truth to say; that they attained thulr mark In splto of, not because of, tholr handi cap, Wo havo had no moans of cal culating how much more effoctlvely they would havo acquitted themsel ves had this obstaclo beeu removed. And so, with all duo rospoct to Mr, Edison's vlow about tho practical otllcloncy of tho trululug, we feel that it would bo n serious loss If life's definition wero so narrowed as to make all education tend towards ma terial advancement to tho negloct of tho culture of tho mind as an aid to a higher mental and moral llfo. HE pooplo of Oregon and tho United States aro In tho midst of ono of tho greatest political revolutions sluco the establishment of tho government. Tho effort to bring tho govern ment back to tho peoplo Is being stubbornly resisted by tho politicians. At tho recent meeting of tho Coos County republican central commlttoo ono of tho old school politicians stated that ho had enough of this "progresslvencss." It had "prog ressed too many offices into tho dem ocrats," ho Bald. Yes, and tho man who said It and others llko him and tho vicious principles nnd policies which they promulgated until It fastened bosslsm nnd political mls- ruio upon tho pooplo, aro tho ones who nro rcsponslblo for recent repub lican defeats. Itopubllcan party principle are alright, but too many republican pol iticians havo been all wrong. Thl? Coos County ropubllcan politician may havo hnd all tho progrcsrlvonet's ho wants, hut ho has not had nil ho is going to got. Tho pooi lo will havo their way, no mattor what In strumentalities aro adopted nn llio moans to work out their will. Tho Inlttatlvo nnd referendum nnd recall aro mcro Instrumentalities. Tho politicians hnvo endeavored to dofo&t nnd damn tho laws roturnlng to tho peoplo tho right to rulo thom boIvcs. Thoy call It freak legislation. NovortholeBB, Oregon has led tho en tire United States n political prog ress nnd tho othor Btntcs aro quickly falling Into lino. Tho Amorlcnn peoplo havo created and accumulated wealth amounting to 1140,000,000,000. Four men own $2,000,000,000 of It; nnd 10 mon own and control $30,000,000, 000. or nearly one-fourth tho total. Evory man Is ontltlod to ovory cent thnt ho earns, but not to nny siinro oi wnni somo ono ciso earns. Thoro Is a conviction nmong this peoplo that whon a fow mon own nnd control n largor part of tho total woalth produced and accumulated by all tho peoplo of America during 250 onrs, thoy must havo coma Into tins. sosslon, through npeclnl privileges in tho law, of Bomo of thnt earned by tho other 90,000,000. Tho determi nation to oradlcato thoso special nd vantagea Is now going on In this country. Tho pooplo do rulo, thoy always havo ruled, thoy always will rulo. No man should talk of "tho peo plo" In tho third porson. I WITH THE X toastandtea: PRAY, PARDON THESE BLUSHES Many Unite in Praise of the Special Railway Edition of The Times. WHAT Till: STATI PHIXTEIt THINKS OF IT Salom, Orogon, March 21, 1312. Mr. M. C. Moloney, Editor Coos Day Times, Marshfleld, Oregon. I nni todny In receipt of copy of your special railway edition of the Dally Times. It is a magnificent paper In all respects matter, arrange ment und printing. Several of tho cuts notably timber or forest scenes aro works of art. It should do a great deal of good In directing atten tion to tho resources and possibilities of the country tributary to Coos Day. Accept my congratulations on the Issuance of so valuable a paper. Slnrercly yours, WILLIS S. DUN'IWAY. Stnto Printer. Mr. ANOTHER PORTLAND OPINION Portland, Oregon, ' March 21, 1012. M. C7 Moloney, Editor Coos Hay Times, Marshflold, Orofc. Dcnr Sir: ... , , Through tho courtesy of a friend In your city I hnvc Just received a copy of tho recent Issue of tho railroad and prosperity edition of your paper, which I am reading with gront Interest. From evory standpoint It Is a splendid Issuo, reflecting great credit upon the publisher and should mnlerlnlly add to the growing Interest In Coos Bay Boctlon- of our stato in whose development In every direction your pnpor Is having such a large Part, Truly yours, HOWARD C. VAN METER. Com mltteo on Publication for Oregon. AMONG THE BIOK. Dan Roberts, onglneor of tho Alurt who underwent un operation for "p pondlcltls at Mercy hospital tho first of the week, Is reported .getting tilong nicely. Mrs. Grlnold of Hunker Hill who , recently underwent an operation at Morcy hospital Is reported getting 'along nicely. Duncan Douglas yesterdny under went nn operation for tho removal of his tonsils. Throat trouble compelled him to give up his course nt Orogon Agricultural Collego a short tlino ago. Miss Annie Smith and Miss Helon Wicks, her cousin, who Is hero from filnhnmiul. Call., left this uftornooii ! for Allegany to spond Sunday. From i ineru mibs wiuku win b lu -, ! to vlBlt nt the J. E. Parker homo mid Miss Smith will return to Mursnornu. Levi Helsner who has been suffer ing from fever for several weeks Is now able to sit up at his homo and Is reported to be rapidly convalescing. Miss Mnblo King, who has been seriously 111 with appendicitis nt hor !homo In Uunkor Hill, Is reported I much Improved todny. ! "" ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho launch Tramp sailed today for Port Orford nnd Gold Ilcach, sonatorlnl uibuiH Bonaiorinl .11.1.1.. on tho fnllnwitm ....?.". I .:! HI nm noml ' 'fl will, during my tZlf" tied, ftlllv ii.rffiP....7.i.Pn.n .91 Off! .11 nnd trust to tho boa 2 "'ft I stntul for tho IiiltiMi'US ''""UM PAPER WAS A SURPRISE (From Coqulllo Herald.- The Coos Day Timet) of Saturday Inst consisting of 62 pages Is boforo us and wo aro amazed at tho pro duction of so creditable, a paper ema nating from a town tho slzo of Marshfleld. It Is printed on good quality of hook paper, tho front page containing a map depleting the routes of the several railroads proposed to gether with steamship lines lending to Important places on tho contlnout. Beautiful halftones portray tho many industries of Coos Hay together with cuts of enterprising men who wore factors in tho up-bulldlug. of tho city. Statistics Interesting to our residents, as well ns valuable to thoso coutemp 'A HEAUTIFUL EDITION" Coos Hny Times Publishes road" Number 'Hall. Tho Coos liny Times, ono of South ern Oregon's foremost dnllles, re contly published a so-callod "rail road" edition, n copy of which reach od Tho Nows' ofllco this morning. Tho Nairn Smith sn'led this after noon for Dny Point with n cargo from tho Smith mill. Tho stenmor Washington Is duo In tomorrow or early Monday from Snn Francisco with passengers and freight. "' primary elect ,"' Plo's choice for Pnlto n8.H or .corrupt practices ,, t T" A from Inxntlm. .. . ... mlred i$ fnvornblo to farmers ll ft orable to laborer.,, ? 10Crg!s,afc firearms, oimnsiti,,.. .. .. gn,tIoi, salaries of state and cmuf. " nnd creator erm.n ... .co.untf otni' lions. I stand for StolcmV, Words to bo prlnBul,H ballot: "Statement KS omy In appropriation, ft WdfKf,o,olnS FOR SCHOOL SUPI.:1N7EN Announcement Is made u.i, Raymondjp. linker. Td. DO 11 for for Mr, cumuuaio at tho retiuhllmn uKDaeit . tie DrW'l County SchoolpeK Dandon, but was b, StaBS schools nt Myrtlo ffl LB ' Tho Homer arrived In tills morn- Othor than containing numerous nr-JIng from San Francisco with u cargo tides rolatlvo to tho progress or tho oi general iroigni. auo win win una Coos Hay country, tho pnper is pro-.Sunday or early Monday. fusoly Illustrated with half tono cuts of a varied nnturo. Tho paper con- Cnpt. C. E. Edwards now plans to tains fi2 nncos. clothed In a benutl- launch his now boat noxt Tuesday. ful illustrated cover of orlglnnl do-, Tho boat will bo chrlstenod tho Rnln slgn. As editors of country pnpors "ow nnd will bo ono of tho classiest roa zo. t Is no smn tank to nub Ish crnns inni nave over iiicii mo uoos lntlng n homo in our favored section, n pnpor of this magnitude, especially Uny waters. Kindly rush out a spoclnl edition for tho following montnl omission. Do not euro to havo It spaced with tho ordinary ovoryday hack work. mora is mnro whoro thin enmo iroin, wnicn will olthor bo burned up or paid for por lino, nccordlng to tho market dovolopmcnts nftor this is shown Its fnto. For your special Information, nnd to nvolil confusion, will state that this is a poem, to-wlt: To hnvo a missing sonso of two Is something 'to doploro; And) yot tho man who Incks a fow May count his blosslngs o'er. Tho mnn who's donf, his lot is drear. Yet. in tho dlmo-show's throne Ho soos tho piny ,but cannot hoar mo ii-iustrat-od song. To council meotlngs ho enn go, Nor hoar, nor euro a rap About that groat foronslc flow, Tho Strnw nnd Copplo scrap. No gentlo muslo can ho hear Tho whistles, though, can't burst his oar On thoso O'Kolley boats. Tho blind innn'B fato Is sad indeed; Yet hnvo you thought that ho Deprived of vision, ennnot road Tho lonp year poot-rooT And should ho bo both blind and deaf (Which seoins moro than Is duo him) Ho still can rondor humble thanks No ono can rend It to him. Ah, (to bo brlof), thoro'B death It self, A thing for all to fear. And yet tho dead man doosn't know Tho rnllroad Isn't hero. Dlgslt. (As a guaranty of good faith.) ' I. J. K. Tho lattor slgunturo Is NOT to bo published but supplies tho editor somebody to lay It onto In enso of an uprising. P. S. On second thought, ploaso uoiri iniDiisii any of tho nbovo. nro given upon all subjects In nn at tractive manner. It Is tho best odl tlon of n nowspnpor we hnvo been privileged (o scan for many n dny, nnd If tho citizens of Mnrshfleld vlow the true worth of tho paper one-half as miicn ns we do, tuey nave cause to be proud of tho owners nnd work ers who made possible the execution of ho vnlunbloa work. , CHEDITAHI.E EDITION (From Marshfleld Sun) Tho Coos Hay Times laBt Saturday Issued a special edition of the news paper containing S2 pnges. It was printed on book paper nnd finely Il lustrated with half tones. Tho Ihsuo Is u highly crodltnblo ono nnd in any copies aro bolng sjmt to different pnrlB of tho country. Tho nowspnp or gives accounts and Illustrations wlinn Mm lltnllm! fnrrn In confronted I with tho Issuance of n dally paper ns1, Tho dredgo Heaver which has boon well os a hundred of odd Jobs which ,'" sorylro near Sumner whllo tho Lnr aro only known to tho mnn actively Hon dredgo Oregon wns being re engaged In printing a country news-' Irol was brought down from thoro pnpor. Editor Maloney, of Tho toun'- Tho Oregon will resume, Times. Is to bo congratulated upontwork " to Catching Inlet project Mr o (Tor Is In nubllsb nc this mncnl- soon. ' flccnt edition. Thnt It will result In I miicn goon, ami inni it win repay ino advertisers represented goes without saying. ItoBoburg Evening News. "UNTITLED TO GRKAT PHA1HE" (From Coqulllo Sentinel) Tho Sontlnol ncknowlodgos tho rc colpt of n copy of tho "Hallway nnd Prosperity Edition" of tho Coos Hny Times. Tho publication is a crodltn blo ono, prlntod upon eighty-pound It comprls- Thirty-seven longshoremen nro now employed loading the Hosslo Dollar. Sho wlll.tnko on 2,000.000 feet of lumber at the Smith mill nnd will sail tho latter part of next week for Pugot Sound, where sho will com pleto her lumber cargo and take on coal for her trtpjo China. " NEWS OF ARAOO AND VIOL NITY. Frank Fish nnd family, who years, and orgnnlzod the hiA J thoro and brought it Vto nun ui u mil rour ycn' VT During his superintendence ? bciooIb of Myrtlo Point h, J plli pass tho stato oxamlnitj eighth grade pupils. n Urj, j lty of whom entered hlhi5J5 Mr. Bakor will, If homuiuL olectod, dovoto his entire Ub, S onorgy to tho dutlos of th IE nnd will not uso It as nn aiCi somo othor occupntlon. He tint! Saturday for regular office dijS being tho only business dar oaita tonchors nro frco from school to Mr. Dnkor will also hold thru.. orn' nBSoclntlons In tho countrieS ns roqulrod by law, nnd wlUhtol ndvnnco tho cauBo of progreuluit ucntion In overy way thathlioic dutloB pormlt. (Paid hh. mont). NOTICI1 to mo republican votcrioftSi Hlxth ropresentntlvo dlatrlct ol 0 gon, comprising tho countleiofCoa nnd Curry; I hereby nnnounco my citlilw for renomlnatlon nnd re-electloja representative for tho sixth && und respectfully ask that jo kj sldor my candidacy before mutii yuur uunoi on April iv. Very truly, (Pnld A'lv.) 8. I. PIERCE. Hiinnr-rnlnnilnrnil Htnrk of all the resources and Industries 0s flfty-two pnges and Is profusely ,invo uon living n fow miles bolow of Coos Hay. Illuminated with photo-engravings Coqulllo tho Inst three years, aro now living at tueir Homo In Flshtrnp. "A FINE NEWSPAPEH wlilpfi rnlil In Ifa nt trnpMinnnuu flint I convey to tho render a vivid ploturo ' of tho resources of tho county. No "The Times got out n special num- display advertising mars Its pnges hor Saturday, consisting of R2 pages, and tho write-ups aro modestly printed on book pnpor. Tho work Is drawn. Ab a whole It gives tho read Mr. Clarence Hnrklow and Miss Mnblo Houghton wore united in mur rlago Wednesdny. March 20. at IiIl-Ii noon. Tho maniiiKe' took nlncn t FOR ASSIWSOU I will bo a cundldntoforthert;& Haiti nomination for tlio offlrecfU Bossor of Cogs county, nt the prist? election to bo held April 19th, lilt I served tin assessor of thli too) from 189!) to 1898, Incluilre. it motto: "Justlco to nil," I ro?t fully solicit your support T K. II. IIANSLV, (Paid ad.) Myrtle PoItU . FOR ASSRSSOll I hproby nnnounco myiclfatuS dnto for, tho ropubllrnn nomlit'ii for AHBessor for Coos County at tit primary to bo held April 19, lilt (Paid adv. (1KO. K. PEOPUJ sets forth clearly tho many ndvan tapes and opportunities of this place. Just how the paper was gotten out tho samo time a dally paper was printed, tho work all being done on one prehrt Is a mystifying question, ovtn to n nuwspnpor man. Tho Times Is untitled to all the credit possible to heap on It for the Issue, which seems to hnvo met a long felt want on evory hand." North llviul Harbor. tho ontlro county Its Industries. Its resources nnd Its futuro prospects. Tho compilation of tho Information nnd statistics embraced within Its. covers must hnvo entailed much labor. was witnessed by relatives mends of tho young couple, Hnrklow and his brldo will tholr homo In Norway. Thin aud Mr. mnko young RON. C. 8. .JACKSON, P0II rW IX11TING ATTOHNKV. H will litiuarll.illy rnforrf a I largely along tho boom order, aud er an unexnggerated presentation of tho homo of tho bride's parents and criminal laws without fcnrcrlut CHEIHTAHLE SPECIAL EDITIO., THE WEATHER What Is It that 's moro talkod about than all things olso on earth, but novor In zoal or onrnest, In nngor or In mirth? Whnt Is It that peoplo of all dogreo discuss and novor quit, nil seasons, through, from morn till night? Why only simply "It." It Is cool or warm, or wludy or calm, or cloudy or rainy or fair. Is It droughty or damp, or frosty or "nlco" or fragrant or balmy air? All peo plo from miss to groat grandpa, though expressing no wisdom nor wit will mnko romarks about tho wonth or. calling it simply "It." Be Sure and Move the potatoes you care to sell this season. The present prices are too high to last. Highest cash price on day of delivery. f. s. DOW (From Grants Pass Courier.) Tho Coos Hay Tlmos of Marsh flold brought out last Saturday a 52 pago illustrated edition which is cer tainly ono of tho handsomest boom pnpors wo havo soon for mnny a dny. Tho Illustrations nro superb, bolng llnoly prlntod, roprosontlng n wldo1 section of country ou Coos Dny. Ev ory pago is roploto with most Interest ing mattor and taken all togothor Is n most crodltnblo showing for Marsh flold and tho country genorally nround It. ny tho wny, that country down at Coos Day is attracting tho nttontlon of railroad men who havo In contemplation n lino which Is to como up Rogue River to Grants Pass. Tho Courlor extends to Tho. Times frntornnl greetings nnd right hand1 of good fellowship, Lot them build their railway to Grants Pass and this city win moot thorn half way. COlllllo nro IiIl'IiIv r,.u I...I i n and considerable expenso and It Is j their acquaintances who wish them very iioiiihiiii ii ino puiuirauoii is a : nuppy voyage through llfo. a.im.naa In I'l.iltll tl ,. n Itnntw.lal ui. " t.t. ..v. ... J .v.t. ...f u ............. .,w lit. The "special" will havo wide dis tribution both by tho publishers nnd . by tho Chnmbora of Coinmorco throughout tho county. Thnt It will result in much bonollt to tho county Is I boyond question, nnd tho publishers nro ontltlod to groat prnlso for bo ably carrying out tho project. I Miss Loin McAdnms, who has been 'spondlug n few wookx m i... 'i..,.n Hoblson homo, returned to her homo In Coqulllo Thursday. Miss Morlo Itadnbaugh has boon ongngod to teach tho coining term of school In tho Strung district on Fat Llk. Tho school will open tho first of April. FORGIVE AND FORGET Revcngo may bo sweet to tho man who bollovea ' In tho malice mado methods of liv ing, Dut happier far Is tho man who por colroe That It Isn't so sweet ns forgiving. Romemborlng wrongs mny bo all very woll. That wore once on a time so upset ting; Dut why on such things need tho memory dwell, When thoro's Joy to bo had In forgetting? Mrs. J. H. Rndabaugh and chlldron visited at tho llonry Itadabaugh honio a fow days last weok. Mr. and Mrs. Plnkston wont to Co qulllo Snturdny on tho boat and re turned tho samo day. Eathan Wlmer has moved from his ranch on Flshtnm to hu rnti...in law's place n fow miles from Coqulllo. (Ills Schroedor and family have moved onto Mr. Wimgr'a placo at Flshtrnp. Important to rexi te pnlllc tow en t In the Courtx." C. S. JACKS0.V, (Paldnd.) HosetiinrOf FOR JOINT HKPHKSKNTAWK I horoby respectfully nnnounci cnudldncy for tho nomination for w olllco of Joint Representative, nw to tho will of tho Republican nto of Coob nnd Cury Counties, u pressed tt tho coining primary tlon. If oloctod I Bhnll endeavor to t form tho dutlos of my office In i e nor that will meet tho approm nil rtoRtiwtfully. (Pnld Ailv.l A. J. , MAR31 c uHle8 araC M,IIr l8 v,sm"K ,M Co QUESTION OF THE DAY? Doos tho thin woman worry 4 bocnuso sho has such a narrow outlook? Tho uppor FiBhtrap school will op. en April 1. 4 Forglvo nnd forget! nnd the light thnt will shlno Whoro darkness was groat will bo glorious; . Tho Joy In your hoart will bo simply ' Mrs. Chnrllo Wilcox undorwont an uivme, ; '! uuuii m. myrtle Point a few days you'll know that It's vlrtuo ko, Sho Is reported getting along For o A Big Showing ii Spring Styles in: Suits WALT MASON THE POET PHILOSOPHER HINTS TO ROYS. I would explain In formal terms, that digging up fat angle worms Is healthful oxerclso; It makes a lad's lung action right, it bolsters up hi" ai potl o. Improves It s oars and eyes. But pulling weeds or planting pois ; la hard upon the neck and knees- fs not like digging bait; If they'd enjoy abounding hoalth which is a bettor thlmr than WPniM.l i. .' . L.i?' criminate. To piny a frequent gamo of ball win mv ,... . "" ?:'"" - JUU IlIlIlllNllIIin MARRIAGE KINSniP TANGLE WwIdlriK of Ohio Girl to Stepfather's JvnT mBo110 "olmeB, ,of Bollo iventro, this county, recently was married at Ravenna. Ohio, to Perry ,v mVt, C0Trcmny "elng performod by the Roy. J. A. Wharton, i A relationship tangle Is mado by this marriage that Is difficult to un- To piny a frequent gamo of strong and tall, a vision for sore eyes; but sawing wood will warp yor back and put your Inwards out of whack avoid that exorcise. If you'd acquiro flno polso nnd stylo, each day von mn?iit in ail.i... ...;, ,1 "" convenient crook, but do not not paint tho garden fence-such exorcise Is too intense, nnd It may make you sick. To walk ten leagues with hound and gun on rabbit's trail is splendid fun. thnt makes the muscles mS but splitting kindling Is a chore that mikes tho nervous system s rel ot father do that Job. In short, my dear delightful ladMl o Jobs apo dSted tU," f.?i?J?, ibi, " 'our 'JnJs L lbir In't'hosu ....u ,... .u "'ji"h nuutcauuitt juu a,H,. ioi w. fk. that builds up brawn and thow. ?. M.uk.niiw LuqjXY l&Cl rayol. John Tn..d0 'f t10 BtP'laBiter of husband chWh0 ls.a brothor of '" ecnmn d.Sno parried her uncle nnd whRJ11! Sutor of hor father, bro the ?eraBbni ,s son of his orot nor. Sho Is her own nunt and ' " husband Is his own uncle .POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT j FOR STATE SENATOR II hereby announce myself as can '?n'Me ,0rth0 ren"bl'n nomination ( for tho office of state senator for tho Just in I Ready-to-Weaf; From $8.50 to $25.00! FIXUP Marshflold & North Bend Shop The Electric Shoe is wnERE TnEY inj.82T phom i per rA,n vv' THE ELEOTRIO SHOE SnOP 180 So. Broadway Mir liUufah,