power, Mr. Smith onys. Tho total de veloped water power todny Is about b, 000, 000 horsepower. Tho total stationary power ubciI In tho United. Stntcs steam, water and gus Is probably over 30,000,000 horscpow--er. : UUT 01 There is always Good Style in an ARROW Collar The Big Window Display At Toggery should suggest to you the completeness of our Shirt department. We are showing the Cluett Shirt in every new feature of the season here you can see the line represented complete and an enormous stock to select from. These Shirts areguaranteecf to fitproperly and the colors will not fade when washed. Yours, Anxious to Please, The Toggery - ' I,,.,, i r CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At (lie Close of Huslncss February 20th, 1012. UESOUIICES. Loans nnd discounts. . .' $221,234.34 Bonds, wnrrnnta and nocurltloa 73.02C.11 U. S. bonds to sccuro circulation 26,000.00 Real ostnto, furnlturo nnd flxturoa 81,011.34 Cash nnd sight oxchnngo 144, G49 94 Total $315,721.7.1 LIAIIIIjITIIvS. Capital stock paid la 1100,000.00 Surplus nnd undivided profits 9,235.00 Dlrldcnds unpnld 0.00 ncrvo for tnxca 1,000.00 Circulation, outstanding 24,000.00 Deposits 410,881.04 Totnl '. . . . .981(1,721.7.1 In addition to Capital' Stock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is $100,000.00. IMI'OUTANT NOTICE TO I'ltOI'EKTT OWNEH8. Olvo us n dTlptlon of your property and wo will obtain for you amount of taxes oo snmo. Sheriff docs not notify you. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAHSIiriELD, OltEGON. At tho close of bimliu-SK, Feb. 20, 1012. RBSOUHCES. Loans and Discounts S429.2C6.C0 Banking Houso .' 00,000.00 Cash and Evchangoa 166,01 1.32 Total S644.278.01 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In 00,000.00 Surplus and Undlvldod Profits D7'42H? Deposits 030,860.84 Total S644.278.01 HURRY! IT'S GOING FAST Wo have n limited quantity of ALDER WOOD, cut into 2-foot lengths, suitable for fireplace that we will sell at $2.25 per load, while it lasts. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phone 190-J. 182 So. Broadway. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. I1ENUY SENGBTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullli om.e Phone 191 Marshdeld Offlca 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents "EASTSIDUr Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call nt The Pacific Monumental Works South Hrondway nnd mnKo selec tion from tho largo stork now on hand. Mr. Wlls-un has In Ills employ tho only practical nmrble and granite cutter In Coos county. And none hut tho best work Is turned out. Screens and Screen Doors Get Ready for the Fly Season No Hies can crawl through our screens Lawn Mowers From $5 to $12 All Ball Bearings. Can be Operated by a Small Child JdvMk lUi- Agciits for INDIAN and HANLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. QET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. ItEALLY PltACTK'AL PLl'MIIIXO Is that which ylolda tho bent nnd niOHt service A hnndsomo bath room, for Instnnco, la such nn Invltor of frequent uso that It Is tho Ideal of prnctlrnl plumbing. Wo can equip your bathroom hnndBomely for much k'88 than you may Imnglno. Willcy & Schrocder :itit North Front Ht. Phono 22-J. Mnruhflold. Good Electric Lighting Is Impossible Without Proper Lamps and Shades Satisfactory lighting results rest not alono upon the generating plant and .distributing systems of the Electric Company. Receiving adequate electric current at correct voltage in itself will not produce good lighting. The new Mazda) tungsten lamps give almost three times as much light for the same consump tion of current as do the carbon incandescent lamps. Ve maintain representatives who are experts in illumination and who will prescribe for house holds not satisfied with lighting results. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co Commissioner Smith Makes Special Report Showing Danger to Public. tDy Associated I'rcso to tho Ooos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 23 Concentration of control over water powers by largo Interests in import nnt localities Is Increasing so rapid ly thnt Herbert Knox Smith, commis sioner of corporations, has reportod to President Tnft thnt tho govern ment should prcservo tltlo to tho re maining power sites and develop them to prevent a possible monopo lization of public utility companies. A full report of the commissioner's Investigation of wntcr power develop ment was presented to the president today. Commissioner Smith directs par ticular attention to tho increasing nfflllntlon of wntor power concerns nnd public service ngcnclcs, such ati street rullwny and lighting corpora tions, nnd oftentimes banks ns well. Tho connection, between Bitch con cerns ho regards of serious public significance. Tho concentration of control over wntor powers, tho com missioner dcclnrcs, Ik exorcised part ly by direct ownership of stock, but mainly through Interlocking direc torates. Tho rnpldly Increasing concentra tion of wntor power control nbout which tho commissioner sounds n wnrnlug may becomo, ho says, tho nucleus for n monopoly of both wntcr nnd steam power. If tho wntor pow er cannot moot tho cntlro demand of a given locality ho points out that tho owners enn ncqulro nuxlllnry fuol plants nnd handle wnter nnd fuel power over tho same distributing lines nnd thus n complete commercial powor monopoly might gradually bo built up In fact already oxlHts In n locnl concentration. Ton great groups of Interests, with the Oonornl Electric Company ns tho most powerful, nro declared by Com missioner Smith to control or strong ly Influcnco nbout CO per cont of tho dovelopcd commorclnl wntor powor nf tho United States. These ton groups thcmsclvra nro moro or less Intcr-rolntcd, with resultant growing community of interests. In this con nection tho commissioner's report rays: "Tho public can cither dovolop and opornto tho rites, soiling tho en ergy at market rntcs, or tho public mny lenRO tho sites nt a rental fairly representing Its natural value." Tho commissioner favors tho rental sys tem. Tho wntor power of tho country, dovolopcd nnd practically capable of dovclopmont nt this time, probnbly doos not exceed 2G, 000,000 horse Tho bureau of corporations, In Its Investigations, found concentration ot water powers, according to tho re port In three distinct phases. First there wns a contrnllzntlon ot control In ench Important locnlltyj second ly, largo interests influenced a num ber of these local concerns, nnd flnnl ly thero was found n growing rela tionship nmong the big lntcrastq, "In California six great powor corporations, of which tho most Im portant Is the Pnclflc Qns nnd Elec tric Company, (with 118,343 horso power,) together control 375,000 horsepower oer 80 per cent of nil the developed water power In tho stnte," Mr. Smith says In discussing local ccnctrntlon. "In Washington two comrymM control 210,000 horsepower, or about 70 per cent of nil developed water power. "In South Carolina, tho Southern Tower Company ownB nbout 101,000 horsepower or 75 por cont of th totnl commercially developed with 73,000 horsepower undeveloped. "In tho southern peninsula ot Michigan, tho Commonwnlth Power, Ilnllwny nnd Light Company controls 52,000 horsepower or 73 por cont ot tho commerclnlly dovolopod, to gether with probnbly 71,000 horse power moro undeveloped. "Practically similar conditions ex ist In Montana, Colorado, Ocorgln. nnd nt Niagara Knlls." PLAY BALL But play with a OFFICIAL SPALDING NATIONAL LUAaUU CORK CENTER BALL $1.29 EACH COBK m CENTER CORK THE OFFICIAL BALL OF TUB WORLD SERIES Cork Center Base Balls will be used in all World Series games for the next Twenty Years Send for a copy of the Spaldlnit Catalogue frcetoauy addtcsa Scad for aamplca of Date Hall Uatcrlali for Ualfornia. free. A. 0. SPALDINO & BROS. ISS OEARY STREET SAN FRANCISCO We Carry a Complete line of Spalding Athletic Goods THE GUNNERY Front Street Marshfield, Ore. 1'IHIIINC KltAGAH Fimiti Martin Itnndlciiiuu and EImmi Pomc roy in Clash. Tho Coqulllo Ilornld says: Martin ltnndloman, who owns n ranch on tho shoro of tho Coqulllo, between Lnmpn Creek and Prosper where ho nlso engages In fishing, caused tho arrcot of Ebon Pomoroy on tho grounds of unjustly tamper ing with his iintB, nnd thus Intor ferrlng with tho fishing of Mr. Hnu dlomnn. Constnblo Kelly nrrostod tho defendant nnd brought him be fore Judge E. Q. D. Ilolden yestor day, trial bolng by jury, couslBtlnr df P. E. Drnno, J. P. Schroodor, I) II. Johnson, W. L. KlBtnor, J. W I.ovcuo nnd A. P. Miller, a good com potent Jury. Eight witnesses testi fied lu tho enso. Attorney Llljoqvlat for tho prosecution nnd J. J. Stnnloy for tho defendant. Tho enso began nt 10:30 a. in., submitted Jo tho Jury nt 10 p. in., who wrestled with tho fishy fracas until midnight whon Constahlo Kelly aroused our vonor nhlo nnd distinguished Judgo Ilolden only to Inuform hlin tho jury hnd disagreed. Cost to tho county nbout $75 $10.80 of which nro for wit ness foes. Mnrtln Hnudlomnu'a pursm contributed a porsonnl mini of iCCt. Tho unmolested fish In tho rlvor fioom to bo t'n only winners In tho nffnlr. MAKE SfiiOfiSO POUNDS OK TILLAMOOK CIIEKSL'.. TILLAMOOK, Or., March 23 Tho magnitude of tho dairy ludustr) lu this county wns demonstrated by tho report of tho socretary of tlio Tilla mook County Cronmery Association. Tho report shown thnt 2,010,223' pounds of cheese was manufactured' liiBt yrnr by tho 18 factories compris ing tho association. It Is estimated" thnt other factories throughout tho county manufactured nnothor million; pounds. Tho averago prlco ot cheese received during tho yonr was 13,070 cents por pound. Of 24,131,803- pounds of milk delivered to tho fac tories tho average yield was 10.8& pounds of chceso from each 100 pounds of milk. Tho percontago of butter fnt nvornged 3.G8G for tho year. It is estimated that $1,000,000' worth of cheoso will bo manufactured!? hero annually when tho county la fully opened up. - EXTKA COPIES OK THE SPECIAL KAIIAVAY EDITION COOS HAY TIMES - Wrapped ready for mailing - mny bo obtained nt tho offlco. " Prlco 20 rents onrh. It would surprise you to know ot tho groat good thnt is being dono by Chamborlnin's Tablets. Darius Dow ney, of Nawborg Junction, N, D.r writes, "My wlfo has been using: Chamberlain's Tablets nnd finds: thorn very effectual nnd doing her lots of good." If you havo any troublo with your stomach or bowels gtvo them a trial. For sale by all dealers. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE yif f , m ' piKRiniaco. I Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality fl b