The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 23, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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Entered nt tho postolllco nt Mnrsh
fluid, Oregon, for trniiBinlsslou
through tho mnlls uu second claas
nmll mnttcr.
M. C. MAI.ONKV Killlor nml Pub.
DAN K. MAI.ONKV News Editor
Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho
tjooplo, tlmt no good causo shall lack
a chnmiilon, nnd tlmt ovll bIiiiII nut
tlirlvu unoppoaod.
Ono year $0.00
3'or month 60
Ono year $1.00
When pnld strictly In ndvnnco tho
subscription print of tho Coon liny
Times la Jfi.OO per your or $2. Bo for
U DiontliH.
Ofllrlnl Paper of Coot Cniiuly
(Continued from Page 3.)
ns well as It docs tho inure northern
Thus tho track for direct Inter
course and q.ilck dispatch between
trans-Pnellle ports and the orient,
nnd tho western shore ami iulnud
tnnlB that tho country Is yielding
something to those who work or op
erate fur gain.
In southern California the evi
dence Is mostly of capital being ex
pended, very little of profit coming
out. When tho same nmount of
capital Is nppllod nnd energy expend
ed In Coos county that thero has
An Independent llepubllinn news
paper published every evening except
Siinrinv, and Weekly by
The Coos Itny Times Publishing Co.
AiIiInhh nil ciiiiiiiiunlcnlloiia to
f. I'll K3ENTI Ml HiIh Isiuo of The
I'llllU Itnv 'lllllOH til till) IHlltlll Of
Coos liny tunl Coos I'ouuiy nnd'1
to tl greater pub'ie In .Mind e in
11mm of this fuvniMl te.lon. the puli-'1
tin rr lilts emleiiviiieii to snow in
III Hlin IIIH1II - phwmii
army of statistics and facts, wltlinut
ny exaggerulliin. (hut won d convey ' UtMl
to the lender n realistic plciuio of -
tho wealth uuil umiiiiitos of C'ooh ccntois of tho Occident lies
--t - -. li . L Sl JfcL.
1 m n rrrr I n Mil i , nmT T
.... -lull J. Auh rnlla. the Pir.l'pp'.irH.
Chlnii, Jn.ia.i. mil the Ituss.nn port
5,000-mlle trims-Siberian rallwn.
and hundro'ls of minor ports open
upon the Pacific ocenn. the free
highway of nil nations, to reach this
favored po'n' on tho west const of the
United Stntes.
Taking In the possibilities of cll
innte and soil, of undeveloped min
eral resources which are possessed by
the Inland nnd mnlnlnuds that thus
give upon the Pnclllc ocenn ns n free
public highway of the world, tho fu
ture holds n great wealth of com
merce for the uphu'ldlng of the ports
nnd e'tles of this west shore of the
I'n'ted S'ntos. The fiO yenrs of de
velopment end growth of the Atlnn
t'e boi lion rd reems like n tnle of on
chnutment It has no pirellel.
And great ns ire the achievements
that hi"'.,! h.-en yvr'ni-j'". wo nre but
prr'vol nt the threshold of the pos
slb'l'tlrs ef the funir". Tho forces
nre nwnkcnlng under the ImiiulMe of
i.(, Mo-t o,vTr."t'on. ns the west
wirl tro- "in millions gntlter on tho
Pnc'llc shore.
Yr ndvautuges of position ns n
piinttre'ii t,,,, and rltv Coos liny
Is among the first on tho Pnclllc coast
eij the lavish npiiiiri.,!!.. uii nidiiH
trlnl enterpr so n.ul Investing cnp.tnl,
vvl.l daw ii mnjurlt) proponlon or
lookers for new hemes, nnd of the
iKMt energy of homcBPckors.
Coos Hay and Coos county will not
he behind In the rnce for promin
ence with the coming years, Jn tho
process of peopllni? the western
To fully and Impartially present
Coos county's possibilities In tho In
dustrial and commercial giowth of
the Pnclllc cotiHt nnd particularly of
Oreimn. tho p'cture would not he
complete If nirnt'on was not made
of other shore-lino features of tho
"ountv which nre certain to prove
Imiiortnnt fnctors In the doveljp
ment of the Pnclllc commerce. He
sides Coos Hay thete lire nt least
three poln's which me destined to
piny 'tiipor'ant inrts Hnnilon, Port
Orford mid (lo'd Heneh. The first
Is a body f water of nmple depth
which can be Improved nt n reason
able outlay, and t'e other Is nu rpeu
nihil ml nnd which, w'th proper
outlnv run bo mnde n safe harbor to
"i mini 'li.lo the llii"i'tiso rr tdo 'e
Hourpts that stirrmind It Tho first
'! Huudoii. especially commends
oniuiiiti wit i in i. . . i
gest and richest HevcCV
com of uny sen ,)f , "
stn,u9- well o!,Jg
contribute to poMMiierclal pJg
llllt In mi nun lu ,i. ,r.""Kl
II vnrlntv ,,t ... l. ."'"tHia
uc 'that have ,;eo"SCS
----- in umirtf Cm
county Is supreme Careful uiS
Hl'I'Vlltlvii iiutlln,il.... ..!.. ., ""aW
Of I
null ii.iii mill in .'.....
ho uggregaie rem-hos the ut
lug total or 100 0(io.OOO.OOOfM
one-tenth of u'l uncut timber !jii,
ill re United Sim,., Thc ,h,J"
fir lllltlti.iH ft...... il... n..... ...I""
thlH year will ngrt.Rn(0 9O.O0)''),
feet while the total froo S
S'lnnsoii .IoI'iihiiii Hnnilolah h
oilier ni'lls w'll reni., n urond t J
'""in iiiiiii i nu, minimi) f(.
i nnd nu I'm In r I., ii.. i ""J"
ulty of Coos liny nt 50.000 H
. . r
rocs ii.v i)VT.(ii
C -o" II y Ik n n tioltor r- s
o-'ny Mi-mi evr The Hciilhfjh.
"' m nlniil (lt work Thc
-'h linvo 'mid tluiitunticlii fro
Wltomil) IIICAL'TV K coos.
nlfiiin ft ! r
iiiwiis iiiv.-
Jin) nun i;oos l tunny, nun mm pin- mwor or Hoiiiiieru euge or uio .iiipaii
1 ton of Southwest Oiegou directly current, appropriating tho harbor of
tributary to It, which today makes Coos liny, thence oust through one
this political subdivision of our or tho pusses lu the Cascade moiin-
country ono or the most attractive. t"l" " Us way oust to the grent
potH for tho Intending Investor and ll"il center mid distributing po.nt
. . .. . ... ,... t i lit (Mili'iiL'll If vim will tnWii ii iiiiiii
iiomo niiiiiier, in uu iimiihi iiiijniiuiu
it l... A iii.ii-Ii.hii f.iiulliiiilit
and draw a straight Hue acrous the
This paper has been compiled and ",,t,,"M,t '" ' i1'"1 Chlcugo and
... I'ftlkU llfll llfll flllMMut III fl illliltt llllii
ho publlshors wns only .undo Zm &tl"1 tlFlm1 &
possible by tho usslstanco n.i.l co- '! ' ' ' ."nj I ortt r I.
operntlon of the business inen o ,", ' , ZViJ""
Mnrshlleld and .North Hend nnd tho ,,.,,, (rm( tmfkn , cp1 of n
lurgo ctimuiorc ill InterestH or Coos , wjlli ,,.,,,,. nrom ,1L,
Hay lhls Issue Is not pub- Kuli ,.arrt,H ltto ,,rilH of tu,
llshed us an iiilveillseinent of any world's commerce. As If contem-
partlculnr liistltiillon or iierson.biit pialliiK such development lu trims-
3iy editorial mtleles. eureriilly com- portntlon, n territory covering a him-
jil 1ml data nnd stntlsllts. Is Intended died miles In radius around Coos Hay
iu luini'j in inn h-iiiii'i nu vmiii hum nun uri'ii I'lilioni'il Willi eIIIIIISIiesS
t rut Ii Tit 1 repreM'iitatlon of the coudl- lesources In varied form, and which
tlous that ho ma) expect to lliul upon mo now awaiting the advent of home-
I.I.. ..HHl....l Ii. L.iulL.ii klilltl.l'hl flllll I'llllltill l.i .....1
his arrival In this M-ctlou
heektrs mid capital to occupy nnd
J III 111111 III llll PITIHMI , -. . "
'I'll,, riillvt'iiv mill iiriimiiu'lll mil. lleve'lll)
tlon, herewith pioseiiteil. wns eon-, Tr.mspnrtnllon and power nro the
solved and curried out h the pub-, twin kes which open the door to op
lUher of The Times. The undeitiiK- ' Prlimlly and Industrial develop
Iiik wns not ntteiiipled with any Idea I1",,, Umielled by the prospect of
of pecuniary gain to the publisher.,. , ""measure,! epnn on. with their
I.ut wns Inmigurnted with n view of , "'''"'re hnstenlug to unlock the
illBM'iiiliinlliiK """f"l knowledge to I'lu' . ,,, v'T, "" ,"',."" ,,0,,B ,f
tl,.. mitHiii.. iMiri.i iimi will li the y "'""'"''"'d values In Coos county.
mis of fur er ,, 5 J o. r ! T,, ,l,,,, ,,f l'i'speUPni which 1ms
mil,. 1 L ili iiml " UmK ,H,,',, ,,0,""n "8 0,,r,0,', !"
population and taxable wealth am w . . , ,, v . . n ,.
more quickly lug u Hentlment J (, ,, ,), Sollth ,8 ,.mll..u
nulleil effoil fur the tlev 'lopmeiit of
tbt resources of Coos lln
In tht hope that this Untie will,
to home rxteiii nt least, create a fa
A'ttrable liupreMiloii and illhSemliiHte
kiiiiwIedKt' of Ibe great rPMitirros of
thl '(Til, n nnd the men who me
l.i 'npliiK Iheui. these pane are
it H'i'i't fully submit letl
m c ,m i.oi:y
drift to the ureal iinni'piinli..l nm.
plro of Oregon nnd Coos Hay will
soon be the nieccn of tho thousands
seeking now homes nnd opportuni
ties. Our sister stntes have been ex
ploited to the core, nnd tho home
seekers nre turning to the newer,
fresher Ileitis of Oregon, nnd theso
fields form n most striking contrast.
Nothing Is known except by compari
son, nnd when the homesoeker lias
traversed the dead brown country
if Southern California for n few
week looking for soiuo Inviting
., ... , ,. , immn. seeing nothing whntever but
1Ii.ii U the most magnetic word wlint In wrought hv the hand of man.
In I..-, county's vocabulary today. f except the l.nre cmth nnd then e
Unro I- a woitderftH ring to tho pond the same lenath of time nround
wir.J tmlii ii iw which exhilarate! the ureon hills nnd forests of Coos
tho (on count v elMien Ilk a whirl1 county, it will eoin like passing from
t'o-v the r.inl lu a big touring death to life Th iir n,..i mM,
o r tfi.-r nlKhifitll It arouses his nre of the north t nceompanled with
. .tht. i.i-in to a point hIwm he canlnvallable crude v.tlues in multitudes
i.. s,. conntl - big cities, with of forms. On every hand Is evidence
irnn-if iet irlnir I'lmt g.iloro. and l-i that the country u oceunled with
t.. train loads of Coos county, profit to Us possessors ami Inhabl-
t ii mm iik t'u iiic a unLrnuii
K t ti f ! fjititti iki utwtr tt tint
earth cm etiuiil Its wealth, In Its
elahornto development. !u tho pres-i
cut ptHslhlltlcs thnt then would boi
iiallfil In lumber ng, lu horticul
ture. In dairying ami lu mining op-!
eiatlons. I
It 's seldom that a section so rich-J
ly endowed Is nlso provided with a
safe dee'i-wnter harbor, and In this
respect Coos county nnd tho stir
rouiid'ng country Is sneclflcnlly fort-1
llled. :
Here agnln the gnugo of compnrl- and the conrornintlon or tho shoio
vim must be n-ipl oil. Cnlirornln. e makes possible only six proml
Oregon nnd Washington embraces' num commercial seaport cities on tho
the same la Cludo on Its const lino entire coast, us ugaiust 35 on
that covers eleven coast states on tho tho snmo latitude of const line on tho
Atlantic shoio. from the northern Atlantic shore With sueh n iim- nmi
fn 'h,a1?0.f,S?i,,,n0 ,0, Wd?' W,,,,h- ''" ''" ''Ht VasHy'ncccs's lile ' o
In thnt const Hue nnd latitude on tho the grent commercial highway of nil
A Mantle const nro 3B senport cites nutlons. tho Pnclllc ocennV
having u poimlat'on or r.0.000 Inhabl- hy crude wealth of every form, the
ants and upwards, and consequently', .(inclusion must como to every th'iik-
.f,,nlir.IPM ",,,, 'ml"8,!n VT" ''' '"""' ,"'" '" of Coos nay
w... r'fmlT' ro illvlilea he- H destined to he that of a great com-
always w. 'be immper'ed In It. " ' "setT ng sun ' 0"
velopnient hy an extended and rigid ilt on . and I ml van ages thus blleflv "
winter season, nnd n not ovorpro- m, orated I nro 2 llclen to Inatiri d1 soil. For the same latitude coniJSl tlS ronSS .
which Is embraced by the Pacific I it iiatiire did not aton at those
develonment inust be Vlvidn, ti . l . . li mm ao nl "lnl0 rnllronds,
........i..u..i .. . . ""' 4nu 11 wtiiiiii aiiiipnr tnnt
apt- '
lit Ti'tWg)
.. '.
1'it . ! A - VW
tiiiihi: aim: .manv niJACTii'i'ii auto hoads in coos county.
Itself to businessmen of foiuslght ns
a commercial cntroport and beiiullful
slto for u seneonsi city. Tho location
Is ideal, tho scenery beautiful, re
ireshlng and pieas ng, the depth or
water from 10 to 30 feet,
open tidal flow will deepen to a
s.iillclent depth to accoiumoduto nil
ocenn craft. While Coos Hny w.ll
undoubtedly romulii tho fair queen
or the sunset sen, yet she by 110 means
stand alone lu the lu natural
accommodation to facilitate tho com
merce wh'eh her wonderful resources
wu. crento.
Cooa Hny mid Coos county today
veys and right or wajs. Within iM
years this c t) will be the teiclM
of ut least four new rondiwlf
h bly live.
I'tidor the Impetus given If W
nil. road development Coo Uiy la
become one of the most jiroireim
and substantial letilonsof IbePJ
cuiist. 1 1 1.11H disc nil d the iwJW
clothes of a plonrtr cummunltr a
stimdH foith. 11 I ve vlBoroui. w
getlc region. Mor t-.i.i he eip.
d irlng tho ccmlng nr Norl.rc
InilldliiL' to the t t can attcrJn
neglect Ccos Hny None IH.
to have cut loose frn, n . ' '". ' ,oim '" Jwo practical
and scattered Its girt of over nn ti ro'., ni8 .. . i1!!'0" ",nil wnleh 80lv8'
with lavish profusion. nnt"r " JTZt" I ?f S".0 ,lnC8' For
When the mind tnkes In and? rnl, : ,earah? territory eastward 1
weighs nl these things which mnko fom "'80' ". haa been a field,
forthiMiromlnenfeorthelmbond if0r ",udjr., nm, eM'orl.nontnl survey'
port or Coo" nay. It will be. It cnnth0n?Mh?n "P C'V" "B!neer- "
not fall of being, accei "led ' by cvorv ' fenr.c,h ,0 ". wny to corrcct ani,i'
Impartial render tha Coos nx? u in'Z ' .'ort.c.n. ,0.oxI? 'K circuitous routes.
tlned. without rivalry, ns ono of ti , "w..":"u"-0' w.,lcn '? lnt by degrees
' " "iu 111 iiiu euuui Pt'113.
111 iii'iiiiiite Kir inu 111 vnn iinoiit n . .v v
seeklnu an eligible port on the Pnclflc CvvJ m i Jin ',",. "H '" IU
const of the I'lilted Stntes at which Jn ' fi.l m""8 ,n' ,n v,pw
to concontinte eommorefl. n,i t, And then tho quickest dlsr
"1 UK' Coo-' n.iv Overland Flyer , ,
ih by far Sin KrnnoUco, Port-' , ,m . .:v. nml t,le 0,her con"t nml
1 or ltolte sud Clileago. , nlnud cities are to be connected with
u ROAD' Kinds of steol. Construction work
i- 1 He one word In the Wncllsli ' "" '""'""'ly commenced nnd within
it- umr m-rii in me i,imii(iii . " .
which todrt) set the rich " ,f """ "'" l" "nioniea to
.' n-tlnaln-,- through the ,hWl,ril -t territory so r'ch !n nat-
i'i..i 1 . 'Hi, . .-.-. hi pn .inn nn ...... . .
....o 1. (l-l.'1'U pv, lUl'IIIU- IU
which to dispatch trafllc across tho nctross t,1(Vnc " "cean nnd tho Am
North Mnerican continent ."point dlitHhMSL,nHnt t(t "i B,reat ,n,an(,
stands out so bold nnd prominent to ul' de,ot "' , tho Pnltsd
arrest the attention as tho control S,ntosC,,l;nKO -l e by way of
headland of Coos Vlnv. nnd the cur- t "n J,'10 carly tcn croP 'rom
rents of wind and water join In tho tH!!!!" nn5 o,"la VU bp r,,sho(l m
s.lect'on "P"" nnrt Thlna through to tho Win-
if Coos Hayltea as the nauio
l 1 I' Is on tho same urlnchile. ton
fi r i la the Kullroitd which Is to
n nnc coos couuty rrom the
'avirv of Isolation Just as Lincoln
f v the negroes from nnother form
r h county I4 to have a railroad, j
Is sunerlor in P. iy.v.ii). ia tons Hay Tho "aloha
Pisco fiom an engineering standpoint !. n ? . . , nrp clro,l"R the onrth
nnd is .econd to Snn Francisco only lU,fr,0?t.tho. ro"t0 w,, o qutck
lu the ?f nnd depth of Its bnrbor- 1 l1,f"n,cl' v a Coos nav: nnd those
lmv Tli,i ,.oc. n..m. ' ...'. WllO take tholr n.v M. . ...
iSilllL ;bJ
nwwusMrWlT. raw -ran
RkaWvESvB33f?4fJaE5l?kL w 3-- -(S Car lav9
laaBiiBinssjBajpasiif BaHfakSa'aawBBllaiaBBe' oas
..m ! Incoln nrtl". the A mor" "1'1'ortunltles for wonderful develop- " ,M0 ,w' nml ,,ep,h of l'8 ,,arbor- who , tnWn , Ihl U S ll"' nnd t,l0S0
t. rio dV " bis heart "' "ry Interesting In Is ) J vast Pacific ocenn Is tilled Vi eVSult l, I AZ Vme .to ,nako
I' is on the sniie Mlnt. dvantage to both the Investor of w n tliousnnd of Islands. Inrgo nnd " ,r '"1 " l'lpr 0 v,ow the
' "he l,U Void w hlX is to riches s.,,1 the toller nt manual labor ". .pr,nc,Vn,,y of wnd"ful pro- WW?J" ftlV' m"'cs scenery
..tJ rJi ilmit.. 'ii9'1,. b.," thnt It is rnr beyond tho nosalbllities lietlvlty. nnd peopled with rncos In w,".tra.l on Coos nay. ,
or white pnpor nnd blnck Ink to glvo
n ginnpso or uio land which
now Is and of tho greater land which
Is to bo.
various stagos or civilization nnd of " .di,rect rou, ,s v,a Cs
savagery, nenrlv nil nf wiii. ,.., Il,p quickest trip vln Coos nnv
some commerce. The larger mnln-' Tho attractions and nbsorblng In-'
lands boyond nre a promising field terests In objects nlong the route la"
for a developing trade. From New , via Coos Day. Its cltoata. I !
. 4if.
'" 'rX-f-:
- 3r
j. v .- ri
i -I -W 2
-y naJT "
"l:" cities of Coos county
i us me one nuove.