THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1912 -EVENING EDITION CONTJtIUUTIONS concornlm; social happenings, lntondod (or publication In tbo society dopart inent of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to tho odltor not later than C o'clock p. m., Friday of each week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In ensoa where ovontc occur later than tho tlrao montlonod.) WO.MUN'H itianxs A Washington Judge has ruled that n wlfo has tho right to go through hor hUBbnud's pockots Nowb Dispatch. Llttlo dollar In my pocket, Kr'o I luy mo down to, sloop, Lot mo fcol my lingom 'round you, Llttlo dollar I would kcop. Let mo tenderly caross you Lot mo think of you as mlno. Llttlo dollar In my pocket, You are noar tho dangor lino, In tho morning whon I waken You'll hnvo vanished from clutch. .For whllo I am slooplng soundly, You will fool a tondor touch. my Llttlo dollar In my pocket, You and I must part tonight, Whon I'm sleeping on my pillow, Flngors soft and fingers whlto Round your sllvor throat will fimten With a firm nnd nolld grip; From tho caverns of my trousors, You will tnko a hastoy trip. You'll ho yanked from thoro Instnntor Yanked from your companion keys Taken to another stronghold Whero sho keops her recipes. Llttlo dollar I must loavo you; In my nighties I hnvo not Pockots or a plnco to hldo you. Fortuno favors hor, I wot. 1 shall waken In tho morning, Knowing you hnvo gono astray, Hut I mustn't start u riot, Mustn't hnvo a word to sny. For n loarnod Judgo tins said It Wives niny prowl about at nights Soarohlng through their husband'H pocknts, What sho llnda nro woman's rights! AIMtOPKlt proportion of color U qulto necessary to success as n correct combination, writes Elizabeth Lee. Not every woman understands this porfoctly, nnd such n one, nftor see ing two colors sho admires blended logothor correctly, copies It In hor own way without taking nny par ticular notlco of tho proportions finds the result most disappointing. Sho tins HHtnl tho same colors she nrguos. Why not tho snmo result? 8prlng nnd pretty summer frocks will Boon ho In order nnd ns tho ma jority of tho thinner drosses nro niado up nt home, tho solcctlon of the trimmings Is loft to tho nmntour ilrossmnknr. For tho assistance of this clasH I will glvo a fow examples. Pink nnd blue are favorite colors for wnrm wenthor nnd In combina tion nro vory protty, If tho blue pro xlonilnatcfl. One has only to think of n pink lint wreathed with blue forget-me-nots nnd n hluo lint doeornted In tho same way with pink roses to see how Im possible I lie former Is, oven though thoy hnvo only tho slightest hit of color souse. Ag.ilu Imagine n hluo roso held to n pink sky and tho re torso. Yet tho colors nro tho same, tho only difference lying In tho pro portions of tho two colors. I roinembor seeing n vory pretty Klrl who fell Into the nondescript clnss simply lieomisn her evening fiock of pnio pink mnrqulsetto was trimmed with a wroath of forget-mo-nots (around tho low nook) end ing with a corsage bouquet. Tho decoration wob protty, hut It ruined the entlro toilette. No trimming at all would hnvo been hotter. A hluo dross finished In tho samo way with pink roso buds would hae lusm love ly, becniiHo tho right proportion of the two colors was chosen. Tho same rule will apply to red nnd hluo, n ory smart eomblnntlon. The lnttor must .ilwnjs predominate. Hluo nnd yollow harmonize, hut nro not oasy to combine successfully unloss ono has a good sonso of color, because tho result depends lnrgely upon tho kind of materials being do volopod As nn oxnmplo n navy bluo cloth suit with facing of bnnnnn shade touched up with a little gold would bo charming. At the samo tlmo ono can Imagine tho grotesquo effect of tho two colors being used In th same proportions but In revorso colors. O Miss muli Allen will bo hostess to tno i'. (j. sowing Club nt hor home in South Mnrshllold Saturday, March 3i A mooting of representatives of tho various women's clubs of tho city v 111 bo hold at the homo of Mrs. M C Morton next Monday nftornoon to plan for n t'llo Improvement Cam paign nlong tho linos recently sug gested by Stipt F A. Tlodgen of tho Marshflcld Public Schools In a lottor to tho club women. This Is tho first tlmo that tho club women of Mnrsh llold havo taken up tho work on so oxtensivo a scale. Whother It will Ijo limited to tho school children and tho best means of forwarding tho movement will bo determined at Monday's meeting. A Boclnl dance and supper Is to bo given at tho Finnish hall April 13 by tho Modorn Woodmen of America for their friends and neighbors. O Tho U. M. O. Dancing Club Is planning to glvo a danco soon aftor Kastcr. Committees will bo an nounced later. O A danco Is being plnnncd by tho boys of tho I. O. U. dancing club in North Uend for a dato soon aftor Lent. O MIbs Mnudo Uowron who has boon attending St. Mnry's Acadomy la Portland for tho last two years has boon forced by 111 health to loavo school and return to Mnrshllold to rost nnd rccoror. 0 Ten or a dozen couples from tho North Uond High School with Miss Josophlno Qrlllln as chaporono plc nlcod at tho sandhills Thursdny af ternoon. Tho day was lovely nnd tho young pooplo had n dollghtful tlmo on tho bench. Othor picnics aro to ho planned for tho future Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnlquohoun of Coour d' Aleno, Idnho nro visiting nt tho J. W. Gardiner homo In North Ilcnd. This Is not their first trip to tho Uny as they paid a former visit' hero two or three summors ago. Tho Mothers' Day at tho North Ilond Central School was mndo qulto n gnln affair by tho tasteful decora tions of greens nnd dnffodlls nnd ear ly spring (lowers thnt woro placed In tho rooms by tho skillful hnnds of tho High School and grade pupils. About thirty-two mothors nnd guests woro present to enjoy tho program of speeches, recitations, quotations nnd songs given by the smaller pup ils. Miss Doris Fnlkonstoln, drcssod In cap and apron nnd trailing gown us a "Llttlo Mother" wns tho star of tho nftornoon, playing hor pnrt busily as sno dispensed punch nnd rookies to tho audience. Among tho talks wns u vory Instructive ono by Prof essor Itnnb. A song by tho nssom- tiled school endod tho program. 0 Tho Cordiality Club will bo cntor tnlned Thursdny, March 29, nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry nrnd Hold on Curtis Avouuo. 0 Tho Tlilmblo Club will bo ontor tnlned Friday, April B, by Mrs. M. a. Coleman nt hor homo In North Uond. o Mrs. J. II. Mllner Is expecting n slstor, Miss Harmim, to eomo shortly from Canada to mnko nn indefinite stay hero for tho sake of hor honltli. O Mrs. K. Mlngus entertained Mrs. C. K. Perry. Mrs. K. K. strnw nnd Mrs. J. T. Harrlgan Informally Wed nesday nnornoon. PERSONAL notices of visitors In tho city, or of Coos Day pooplo trlio visit In othor cltlos, together with notices of social affairs, nn gladly received in tho social do partmont. Tolephono 133. No tices of club meetings will bo pub lished and BccrotnrleB aro kindly requested to furnish same. a success was scored by P. L. Swear lngen nnd his amateur company in North Uend last week that It was do elded to glvo tho Coqtilllo Valley cities tho benefit of tho clover per formance. Tho play will bo produc ed at a later dato In Mnrshllold. Mrs. Wm. Grimes was guest of honor at a birthday dinner party giv en Monday evening by Mrs. Dorsey Krcltzor. Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Van Duyn, Dr. nnd Mrs. A. L. House worth, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grimes woro tho guests. 0 Mrs. C. A. Smith and brother, Hon Wnlrnth, nro expected hero soon to spend tho summer nt tho homo of their parents, Col. nnd Mrs. R. J. Wnlrnth. 0 Mrs. C. II. Mnrsh will be hostess to tho Women's Mlsslonnry Socloty of tho Hnptlst church tho first Wed nesday In April nt her home In Cen tral Mnrshfleld. o The Junior Dnpttst Union Is plan ning to hold n social for all members some tlmo during tho first weeks of April. 0 Mr. nnd Mrs. K. C. Paddock hnvo moved Into one of tho lints tu tho O'Connoll npnrtiuont building. Mrs. CI. O. Austin, who has been visiting for sovornl weeks with hor daughter, Mrs. F. K. Leofo, and Mrs. Sutherland who has boon n guost also iu ino uomo or nor dnughtor Mrs. W F. .MoKldowney, nro plnnnlng to loavo nhout tho first weok In April for Pasadena, whore they will spond some weeks visiting rolntlvos. en route to their homos In Michigan. 0 i-raiiK ueutli returned on tho iireiiKwnior Thursday from Portland mid Hugono. at which latter plnco ho took the government examinations lequlslto to entry Into tho govern ment forestry sorvlco. O Roy Lnwhorno nnd Arthur Miller, who havo boon spondlng n fow weoks winitlon loanilng around tu southern California, visiting In Snntn Unrbara, Sail Jose, San Diego and other towns, returned on tho Redondo Thursdny The lino wenthor mndo tho trip unus ually plo.isunt. A vory pleasant Sllvor Tea wns ghon Wednesday afternoon by tho Ladles' Aid of tho Ilaptlst church nt tho homo of Mrs, K. C. Drews with Mrs, Drews nnd Mrs. C. 0. Gosncy as ho.Uesies, A program was prepared nnd rendered hb follows: Prayer Mrs. A. '.. Downs. Reading "A Modol Church" Mrs. II. II. Pntehet. Duet -Misses Mnrjnrto Drews nnd Clonovlovo Oosney. Jfon'MiiK Mrs. 0. RoLoy Hull. Reading Mrs. Alva Doll. Subsequent to this, social chat nnd tho serving of refreshments occupied the nftornoon. Work wns given out for n bazaar to bo hold soon nftcr Easter. Among thnso presont wore Mrs. A. J. Cnrlson, Mrs. A. '.. Downs, Mrs. W. J. Murphy, Mrs. Alvn Doll. Mrs. 11. Smlthgnll, Mrs. Wnltor Richardson, Mrs. draco Naglo, Mrs. C. II. Marsh, Mrs. .1. C. Swlnford, Mrs. J. C. Doano, Mis, F. II. Drossor. Miss Mnmlo Gul ovsoii, Mrs. Edwin Rushy, Mrs. 0. Lc Roy Hall, Mrs. 1). II. Patchet and Mrs. M. J. Anderson. MIh Alnha Mauzey was tho recip ient or n dollghtful surprise Saturday evening when n crowd of her young friends gnthorod nt tho R. P. Har rington homo In celebration of hor hi ' ' Invitations had been sont out by Miss llolva Flanagan an I ns .t rri.inv In tho nftornoon nnd on Tuesday and Thursday In the evening In order to glvo men nn opportunity to attend. Thoro will bo tho usunl three-hour servlco on Good Frldny with a enntnta to bo sung by tho choir In tho evening. The dnnco given nt the Eagles' hall Saturday ovenlng, Mnrch Hi, by tho Coos Uny Concert Hand wns woll nttnniimi nnd delightful ns tho Hand .inini niwnvA nro. A number of now selections were tried out, most nf Minm pntlrelv satisfactory. New music, poular dance time, Is to bo sent for soon nnd will bo worked up nq niilcklv ns possible. Another dance will bo given Snturdny, April 13.4, I 0 Tho young pooplo of tho Christian Endeavor socloty of tho Presbyterian church hold n business meeting Tues day night nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Walter. Very llttlo busi ness was transacted, tho ndmlBslon of two now mombors, Sydney Clnrko and Horbort Urndloy, constituting the princlpnl work of tho ovenlng. Tho socloty ndjourned to moot ngaln in three months. 0 C. II. Worrell nnd wlfo of North Bend spent most of tho week ns guests nt tho Fahy homo near llul lards. 0 Miss Mattlo Dodson of Grnnd Is lnnd, Nob., who hns been tho guest of her sister, Mrs. W. Stein, of North Uend for sovornl weoks, wos called homo this week by the Illness of her mothor. Mayor and Mrs. L. J. Simpson of North Ilond nro expected homo on tho Nnnn Smith from their extended trip to Southern California points. Mrs, W. F. Miller and Mrs, C. R. Peck expect to leave somo tlmo nhout tho last of tho month for tho East whero they will visit vnrlous rela tives nnd frlonds. Mrs. Miller Is plnmlng to mako stops In Iowa. Neb raska and Now York; Mrs. Pock will probably visit In Washington before Joining Mrs. Miller In tho East. I JohiiBon In San Francisco, nnd on hor way back will stop ai iwonioni iu visit hor sister, Mrs. Hen Vundorcnrr, formerly Miss Sadlo Kruse. Mrs. T. C. Russell of Heaver Hill and her BlBter. Miss Tlnn Sneddon, nro making a visit of n few clnyH nt tho J. T. Sulljvnn homo In Hnndoii. Thoy will return home somo tlmo next week. Mrs. C. II. Mnrsh was hostess nt n vory protty sowing party last Satur day. Hor homo an 8econd street wns mndo attractive with greens nnd early flowors, Refreshments woro sorved by tho hostess assisted by hor daughters, Misses I'tna nnd Isls. Among Mrs. Marsh's guest wcro Mrs. Alvn Doll, Mrs. 0. LoRoy Hall, Mrs. Mnry Ntcols, Mrs. Pnndcrgnst, Miss Mamto GuIovhoii, Mrs. Clrnof, Mrs. A. Hutchison nnd Mrs. E. E. Kelloy. 0 The, Altnr Guild of tho Emmanuol Episcopal church will hold services nt tho church next Thursday nftor noon to bo followed by n short busi ness meeting. Tho following Thurs dny the Women's Auxiliary will hold a similar servlco and meeting. Tho Women's Auxllfnry of tho Presbyterian church wns entertained Wednesdny nftornoon nt tho homo of Mrs. F. M. Flyo. Among tho busl Hess manors of the day, election of ntucors enmo up, with tho following results: Mrs. C. H. Wnltor President: Mrs. A. L. Hnrker vlco-preslilenl; Mrs, F. A. Tlcdgen socrotnry; Mrs. A. L. Huttz treasure.. It was decided to hold n ennko food snlo tho last Saturday of tho month nt tho Perry-Nicholson build ing. Among thoso present Wednes dny woro Mrs. Jns, II. Cox, Mrs, F. A. Tlcdgen, Mrs. M. C. Horton. Mrs, A. h- . . and u inorry troup ' J- "'?rUor' M' 'V ' ' ort0"' Mr- somblod In secrecy nt tho homo of, 1" ni'nt. Mrs. Lnngdon, Mrs. F S. M. n i Mrs. Henry from ,)ow' " " ': ,''t,(J' ;Mr- A-,:' S" wIuiiko thoy proceeded to tho 11-ir- "". M". M. A. Sweotmnn. Mrs. Evn George llalues writes friends that ho will probably spend most of his summer vacation In Oakland, whoro ho Is now attending school, or trav eling around visiting various plncos. The play "Olo Olesou" is to bo given In Haiidon, Coqulllo and Myrtle Point Tuesday, Wednesdny nnd Thursday nights, respectively Such Safe IFF ' WttjJPF rlir;lon home. As the occasion was n surprise, decorations woro of nec essity Impromptu, consisting of hnnd- iirs or protty shamrock cards strewn nbout tho rooms nnd over the house. All kinds of Jolly St. Patrick's games woro played and everything wns mndo as "Irlshy" as posslblo In com pliment to tho comblnod blrthdnys of Miss Mnuzoy nnd Irolnnd's pntrou saint. Following tho festivities, n dainty suppor was spread sorvod by Miss Ruth McLaughlin dressod In royal green. Hoforo tho guests do partod, thoy prcsonted Miss Alpha with a protty gold lockot boarlng nor iiionogrnm. Among tiioso pres ent woro Mr. nnd Mrs. R. P. Hnrrlnc. ton, Mlssos Loin Montgomery, Mnbol Mnuzoy, Mary Hanson, Mary Prlco, Resslo Ayro, Elllo Church, Helen Mc Laughlin, Clnrn Rohflold, Ruth Mc Laughlin nnd Uolvn Flanagan; Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Mnuzoy, and Messrs. Chnuncoy Clarke, John Ferguson. Joo Hennott. Clay Church, Hartlett Flan agan, Harold nrlggs, Charles Roll field, Guy Stutsmnn, Jasper Mnuzoy, Everltt Harrington nnd Earnest liar. rlnton. 0 Mrs. John H. Groves nnd baby Jack of North Ilond loft today for a six weeks' visit In Astoria, Portland nnd Cnnby, 0 Mrs. Wnrren Painter nnd children or North Bend wero guests at tho Painter nnd Swoetninn homes in Marshflold this week. O Tho rector of tho Episcopal church has planned for services ovory day In Holy week, on Monday. Wednesday (lanimlll, Mrs. C. W. Retiring. Mrs A. T. Unities nnd Mrs. F. M. Flye. O Mrs. Otto Schottor wns hostess nt n charming Informal afternoon of sowing Tuosihiy nt hor homo In North Mnrshllold. Tho dainty repast sor ved tho guests wns no small part of tho entertainment nnd wns grently admired and appreciated. Among thoso Invited woro Mrs. A. II. Powers, Mrs. J. W. Bonnott, Mrs. F. A. Gold en, Mrs. G. A. Bonnott, Mrs. R. K. Booth, Mrs. E. K. Jones, Miss Alice uutlor. Mrs. w. T. Morchnnt nnd Mrs. Arthur McKeown. Your Words Will Ring True If you back them up with a ring chosen hero. If you nro as rollablo as our rings, sho Is going to get a good husband. Of courso wo nro speaking of betrothal rings, but wo hnvo wedding rings nnd baby rings too for uso nt tho propor tlmo. Thoy are prlzo rings too for beauty, relia bility and reasonable cost. THE RED CROSS DRUG STORE JEWELRY DEPARTMENT Mrs. W. T. Morchnnt Is planning to leave soon after Enstor for California to visit hor son, Chnrles, at Oakland, whoio ho Is working In a wholesale clothing hoiiso. Ho likes tho work Immonsely nnd Is mnklng good pro gress In It. Ho has seon n number or Coos Bny peoplo In tho city lately, among thorn sovornl of thoso who nro choosing tho slto for tho Orogon ox position building nt tho Pnnnmn- meitic Exposition in 1015. Mrs. Merchant will spend several weoks with hor son nnd with frlonds In San Francisco nnd Oakland. O Ralph Matson returned on tho Bieakwator Thursday from a trip to Pnsco, Wash., and Spokano and var ious adjacent points. Miss Bolvn Flangnn Is planning to leave soon for Novada whoro sho will mako a visit of several weoks with her mother's peoplo, returning In tho fall. O Mrs. W. F. Squlro is visiting friends In Portland and will shortly loavo for Snn Frnnclseo where sho will extend her trip several weoks. O rMr ? KNU',,olson Is visiting Mrs. Fred Slaglo nt Coqulllo for a fow days this weok. O Mrs. A. T. Haines ontnrtninn.i n number of friends Informally at cards nun iiiiuiiuoii Tiiursuny afternoon. Miss 'Grace Kruse is expected home about tho first of June from hor visit !?- CnQUf?,ni?, Sh0 is 8,ny'B with Mrs. S. D. Magnes and Miss Llllabol Mrs. W. T. Morchnnt held n sninll Informal quilting party Thursday nf tornoon ut her home In North Mnrsh llold, cntertiilnlng u few neighbors nt sewing. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Barker and Miss Ruth Strllller woro guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Tledgon ut nn Infonii nl ovenlng Wednesday In romoni branco of tho birthday or Mr Tlod gen. 0 Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Mitchell nro entertaining u sister or Mr. Mltch oll's nnd hor husband who expect to spend a row weeks ub tholr guests. 0 Miss Ruth Dungnn entertained a number or young friends ut the homo or hor pnrcnts Saturday evening nt n very nretty St. Patrick's Evo party. Games or various kinds In keeping with tho dny wcro played mid protty score cards or while and shamrock green wero distributed ns ruvors. Mrs, E. Shndbtirno sang for tho guests nnd assisted 111 serving tho dainty cakes and Ices that carried out In their colors the St. Patrick's simil es. The guestB of Miss Ruth woro Miss Ursula Farrlngor, Miss Nellie Wnrwlck, Miss Floronco Powers, Miss Ruth Honglund, Miss Holen Dow, Mls Adolntdo Clnrko, Miss Sarah Escott, Miss Hesslo Douglas nnd Miss Dorothy Horton. , 0 Mrs, L. W. Trnver of Pint II spout sovornl dnys this week with frlonds nnd rolntlvos nt Myrtle Point. Tho student body or tho High School nro plcnlclng today far up beautiful Coos River. A pleasant trip, n clear day, kodaks mid Inst but not least a hearty lunch, nnd every one's nnturnlly happy spirits on a High School plcnc, nro mnklng tho day n Joyous ono ns tho High School hits plnnnod to wnlkrS,,,Tl" W """"" Ul l"u river Th 'fc lunch committee . ;Be Uml Misses May Myron. VyQlTi Evelyn Laugwortliy 1.' Mnry Kruse and & if S 0- Two Interesting linnm,. I cs took place Krldny'ffiWI niBu ouiiiiiii uctwenn th. "4 vldod Into four sections nn",?11' question, "Rcsohed, it,,? H wns Justlllod In tnxlnc tu S Miss Nora Tower and iVS hold tho umrinatlvo ngaiiW na HmiBoti and Milton cflil!lM dobnto will bo continue? fe Tho second question, "nD8n L VH t in Itiinlnnlfinu .. ' """'vein, throwing tho Brills , tcaZ.'1 1 board," was won by lhe H tho entlro school tnkL .?,'M iutj, 0 Quito a number of neonl... , nlng to attend tho , nR l nnd North Bend this n ft forinor being given nt the i Imll and the hitter nBaij Androw Carlson nnd f.,M. South Mnrshllold are pi S nioyo to Portland shortly ''J tllnll lintnn In nr ,.- n. J. " ... . UI moitoKQjj MrB. John Lnron nnd wife uju expect to lenvo on tho nut r Smith for Snn Francisco froaS thoy will proceed eastward ton r .Initio ffi.,it,i .--.. week nHor nn nhsenco of uZ months, tho lnttor pnrt of tlnnfe HDOtlt Wltll Ilia mint til., r, T IllllI llln ulutnru nt ll.1..i.- .l n Lnst Mondny ovonlng, theralta or Sumnor nnd vicinity enjorei b unusually ontortnlnlng toclilite. church thoro. Musical ie!ti niwJSirSr, nnn n .,..'?" W ft (Continued on Put I,) Ti, t li (tu tn I ! k. tti . I . luiiiiiuuniii uu Will Ml nothing butter thnn ChsmWoiJ liiiuiiiuuu i it uiiu scu now qu$ 1 it kivuh ruui'i, ioriajetjci (1VIIIUI o Beautiful New Coats and Suits Kid Gloves, Waists and Neckwear for Easter HE MY13HS STORE slocks aro now n- T ploto with new, crisp, Spring nicivliaiidise, ffliilicrcd from tho world 's host markets and manufacture rs. AVo invito ovorvono to view this handsoino nssomblngc. The styles and colors are authentic, the fabrics nro of high quality and the workmanship the best we can find. Women's & Misses' Tailored Coats ( With this week's express shipment added to Spring stock, we have now a line of Coats to f you that are exquisite in stylo and perfect in tai ing, at prices that are perceptibly low. Sizes Range from 14 to 46. Prices $12.50 to $30 to our show iiilor- Newest Creations in Tailored Suits You can now find at this store almost ono hun dred distinct styles, in tho much wanted materials such as Whipcords, latinos, Serges, Worsteds and Xovelty weaves. Each suit is of individual design. and guaranteed to fit perfectly or no sale, w charge for alterations on garments priced above $15,00. Prices of Suits $12.50 to $3j Kid Gloves Here Complete Size & Color Rangei Your now Gloves should ho solected NOW, whllo our stock of sizes nnd colors is complete. Monarch, Derhy and Kskny Kid Gloves nro tho hest Kid Gloves sold. Prices $1.00 to $2,00. Long; Gloves $:i,00 to $:t.50. Pretty King Beantiful Styles, SizMJiS Now hero's a line of rJ protty styles In long W0D" of colored Crope, trimmed " flno Satin. ... Como In entirely new lJ designs and colorings In a Pj; range of sizes. Ask to see w now nrrlvnls. Il B .t mi to f150' 1 TUTU UIV V" " " Agents for American, Lady Corsets