yUMBOQMLONjOQS BAY IS BETTER THAN A CASTLE IN SPAIN .... nnin'T COOS HAY tnnn.ooo to Ini- I E1CCrin ." ' 'bor and tho U. 8. Irovc tho inn o fcToTco. uy deepening nnd E tho r pel to the-. (nm Smt xmt& MEMHEH OP ASSOCIATED PRESS COOS COIWTV HEALTH Rl.SORT. Cccs county Is ono of tho lu-a'tli l"t c-imtminltlr-3 In tho United States, n good place to live, and at tho same time It presents opportuni ties to persons In nil walks of life .. I.. ?u IullVIl I IM1HI " '' , XXXV. . U. Count M 1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Cons: Mull mill Coos liny Aih M-tler. 00)5 ay and coos county th COUNTRY OF UNPARALLEL D OPPORTUNITY &BMMMiaMMMMnaMMJlHiHIHHHHMNflMliBSJalHHHuHilD PANORAMA VJ13W OF THE CtTY OF MAI? SlI FIELD. Ml'HM.KI) IIY tho west- bnrdB of tho Infant dnys of extant i 1 ward trend of clvlllza- Htory may havo painted tholr ngo i Se.K.rS'of'lh'o achievement I. colors that are Amcrlcnii has carved itu Kiowiig, in mi mm ib enennnung way across what wiib n, boautlful nnil inlraciilous, wo havo a few years ngo tho Amor- record of noblo manhood, exalted lean wilderness, and Ib ambition and heroic achievement, upbuilding and peopling "ro on our own continent, and at tho oxlremo shoro of tho our own doors; a history nnd n American contlnont, ly-! tlomo. thnt might well Insplro to Ing along tho Pacific wnt-B"hllmoBt song tho bnrdB of old, or crs. For llfty yonrB and tho poets of tho present, nnd thus more tho work of subju- sung, ccllpso tho hectic glamor of uiCiholldcrncss has been going l" "" ' '"V't thorn . ehrm n , and tho magic changes wrought, of ,nfntunlon thnt Btiu nRors Iretbcr with tho merit of soil nnd around tho story of Ulysses and tho laile, haro Inspired pioneer nnd Trojan settlement under tho bluo ktto King 01 WW! Wimuorfl mill ncn biwl'h ih iimy, mm iiiriuiUK aro iuu b that nature has scattered along recollections recurring to tho heroic western shore. Thus Inspired, period wiion lllon resisted tho shock kr sought to awaken tho ochoes In or Agnmouinoirs arms, and distant El ID end a W lierilOSH (IT I r. HDruco tuicim ueuimiu inn ui-iumiuiuii ui mu li mntlo and cedar: chanting In freighted Argos. Hut In tho eternal Irtle measure thu future grontnosa press westwnrd, tho fabled Argos, which tho advantages It possosseB wmi tncir tiny nurcions uecamo enra- lt.it Inevitably carry It as tho west- voih, tno carnvois, in turn, utenmo b Inninllui: of tho Dressing mil- a Hlilp-of-tho-llno. cnrrylng thousands in halts upon tho shore of our of tons, and which could put a dozen r Pacific ocenn. to gather accumu-' ArgoB In Its hold; nnd tho shlp-of-. hi strength before crossing tho tho-llno hns becomo nn ocenn stenm-J Iter to tho regenerative work bo-, or, a floating pnlnco carrying thous- :d. lands of pooplo, or n transport enrry-' To pa!nt a picture, thoro must bo In u small army, nnd In tho hnrbor moject. foreground, background or Coos Hay tnoro is ninpio spaco Icanopy; to state n fact graphical-, for theso ocean mammoths. Here must bo comparison; to por-l Tho scones of tho achievements r a condition, there iniiBt appear Hung by tho earlier poota woro clr- te. People aro horo because of cumscrlbod; tholr territory was irresistible fouo which Is con-, small; their seas woro lnkes,, anu, tlr Impelling tho world of com-1 tholr natlonnl domnlns woro moro (free and of lettirs westwnrd; It ranches whon compared with tho ox JT be an Intcrniluablu romul na tho tent of sen nnd land over which havo taturles lilt by like shadowB Into boon accomplished tho nchlovomonts put," but nm rfheless tho movo- of modorn civilization. Tho crossing fW is contliiuoii on and on, each of tho Atlantic and tho subjugation 'uuatlon as It p i c 3 leaving inonu- of tho Amorlcnn contlnont hns no "wouis Hand work In tho ro- pnrallol with tho mucn sung ancients, HKsHsslVL MssssMBHsH6lrtABisr,'?l w f sssssssV fffKEQn& 'UjUk T,n l DREDGE OREGON AT WORK OX COOS HAY. and ruin" W. literature Peonlo . . ieemed by tt 'ysoroua pr ;39 to be unco ftl. f t i, : "r. uiivffi5rip R World. ..i., Bwsr "ate;". , nt;j7 f I r? aa4 Pre p-'wmai its achlovomouta I architecture. 0 western shore. oro aesthetic and of tho eastern pioneers, unvers- nltles of advanc- 33 tho Atlantic, sons of Albion patronage upon ress, tho scientific iont of tho Amor- arther back, tho ik , tho Mongol "king west to- Izatlon. the moro rous physical and 'Mtinnv-E.. ?f 'he newer 11 HtTiin--' mingled contempt "nntiBrt . at tney deem th0 8 BnUuehf ,rc ant assumption of ' He mliiin lnn,aturo civilization Wri.m;i""M. wbo are pushing weTer uch tho inspired 1 And thus tho resistless march of thn human family, impelled by a 1 1.... mnotorimm na it la Irresistible, 1 l..l H.n ronalprn RtlOrQ 01 tllO uua icuuucu vv .. v..- --- -- - lA,lr, MnMnnnt. nflssintr over tho plain, and girdling tho globo with electric currents to convoy intelli gence to any point at will; wo havo a recent past to gazo upon, ono that is prouder, more brilliant than tho fellcltious visions of tho Greeks, moro rose-colored than tho concep tions of tho Romans, moro glorious than tho history of the early set tlement of tho Atlantic coast it lies In tho marvelous resources and matchless opportunity for empire building on Coos Bay and In Coos county. . n Today tho westward bound mil lions are gathering and halting on thla western shore, as in centuries past thoy gathered on the Bhorea or tho black sea, the Mediterranean, and on the chalky cliffs of Albion, Some Facts About Coos Bay Coon Hay has n population of 12,000. Com Hay Una tho only safe, decp'Bcn harbor between San I'rnnclsco nnd Portland. Coos Hay spout thousnnd of dollars within tl.o imnt two years In dredging Ittt harbor. Coos Hay has mills, shipbuilding plants nnd other factories In operation and opportunity for others; tho problem of cheup fuel nnd material, and wntcr transportation Is horo solved. Coos Hny has four hundred squaro miles underlaid with conl. Coos Hny has tho largest belt of standing timber tributary to any port In thoentlro world, timber estimated nt 1,000,000,000,- 000 foot. Coos Hay district produces strnwborrles, ripe, luscious nnd pnlat- ablo, from May until Decombor. Cranberries, blackberries and kindred fruits grow to perfection. Coos Hay linn tlo largest mill on tho Pacific Coast (C. A. Smith Lbr. & Mfg. Co.), and tho most modem In tho world. Coos Hay Is tho port for ono of tho lnrgest steam schooners on tho Pacific Coast; capacity, 2,220,000 feet of lumber. Coos Hay Is tho nntural distributing center for u vast territory. Coos Hay's cities aro modorn nnd up to dnto In nil respucts, build ings, electricity, gas and wntcr systems. Coos Hay hns mllca of tho most boautlful ocenn bonch on tho Paci fic Coast. Coos Hay Is In closo touch with tho coast cities, two passonger Btenmera botweon Coos Hay and Snn Francisco each week, ono ovory llvo days botweon Coos Hay and Portland, bosldes various steam schoonors ovory low days. Coos Hay's Port Commission Is arranging for extonslvo Improve ments of tho harbor. Coos Hay has adjacent tho finest dairy lnnds In tho Northwost; genes grcon tho yonr round. Coos Hay section ranks second In tho Stnto in dairy productB. Coos Hay shipped 1,000,000 pounds of butter InBt yenr. Coos Hay has seventeen crcamorlos situated In Coos County. Cooy Hay hod nn increnso of nearly 200,000 tons In tho shipments In nnd out of this port within tho past year. Coos Hay has four Incorporated cities within a radius of six miles Mnrshflold, ICastsldo, North Houd and Kmplro. Coos Hny recontly erected (nt Marshflold) a J7G.000 hotol and n $50,000 high school. Coos Hay mills lost year loaded tho Hazel Dollar, ono of tho lnrgest lumbor cnrrlora In tho world. Coos Hay schools Btand nt tho bond of tho Stnto In tho manner of advancement of her school systom, nnd' outsldo of Port land tho high schools of Cooa County lend tho Stato, asf reported by Stato Suporlntondont Ackormnn. Coos Hay la the only port on tho Pacific Coast whoro coal can' bo loaded Into stenmshlpa and schoouors direct from tho mlno'a mouth. Coos Hay has ono coal mlno that haa beon In contlnuou8 oporatlon for 5-1 yoars. Coos Hay has tho most equablo cllmato on tho Pacific Coast. Coos Hay has tho lowest death rato of any section In tho North west for 1010 Including accidental deaths, only flvo to tho thousand. Coos Hay offora romarkablo Inducomonta to Inveatora, tourlsta and sottlera on account of cheap cost of living and hoalthy cll mato. Coos Hny enjoya deep-sea fishing; tho lovers of this kind of sport can secure theso fish by going out to sea In gnsollno launches to tho fishing banks a few miles off shoro, whoro tons of halibut, ling, cod, sea bns3 and othor deep-sea fish aro caught. Coos Hay streams aro filled with trout and three kinds of salmon chlnooka, sllvorsldes nnd steolhcads. Coos Hay has a government hatchery near tho head of navigation on South Cooa River, and Hborates C.000,000 salmon fry annually, and cannorles on Coos Day pack and can tho fish. Coos Hay abounds in clams nnd crnba, whllo on tho headlands of our coast, rock oysters aro abundantly found at low tide. Several fish markets tako caro of tho local demand. Coos Hay has many attractions for the hunter; thoro aro deor and elk In season, bear and cougars for tho mountain hunter, and duck3 and geeso oa tho lakC3 and Btreams. Coos Hay la noted for Us market gardening. Tho Cooa County potato la famous; another leading vegotablo product is celery, and there Is a ready market for ovory bunch that Is grown. Cabbago, beans, peas, onions, turnips, rutabagas, beets, carrots, rhubarb, cauliflower, and similar vegetables crow vigorously and In abundance, and without tho extra work of irrigation and fertilization. Radishes, onions and cabbago can bo grown tho year round. Coos Hay haa sevoral roads under construction, besldea those eomnleted for the autolsfs pleasuro; thero aro a great number o automobiles owned by Individuals, besides those kept In tho public garage, and tho number Is constantly Coos Hay waa vfsltcd last year by the U. S. Battleship Boston draw- Inc 194 feet of water. , , T Coos llay ships lumber regularly to South America, China and Australia. building grcnt commercial cities till j they gathered strength for passing beyond tho wntcr. Tho circumnavi gation of tho globo la nearly com ploto In extant history. Tito ndvnuco guard of tho newer civilization of tho J occldont Ih looking westward across tno rnciuc to tno decaying, crumu- 1 ling orient. I Tho advancing civilization of tho now world Is treading hard on tho heels of tho effete, dying civilization of tho old. Tho liuinnu current In Its courso westwnrd Is halting on theso shores, nnd Its millions will ! mnsB and nggrcgato horo In tho prep aration to push across tho Pacific to absorb tho new-old fields toward tho sotting Him. Hut pcoplo hero aro only nt tho threshold of this process of upbuilding on tho western shoro of tho American continent. Tho possi bilities horo nru such ns roqulro centuries to fully appropriate. i Tho raco across tho continent lum been mado with such hastu that thoro Is much Intervening torrltory that will easily asslmllato a far greater population, and tho halting lino nloug tho Pacific shoro In varied pos MlillllleH of e'lnmto and toll gives promlso of a future whoso groutnesH Is boyoud tho human ken to dlvluo, or tho power of laiiKiiago to portray. , Within tho wealth producing for ests of C'ooh county nro trees that woro growing whon Columbus sight ed tho shores of tho Azores. Tho hills of Coos nnd Curry counties con tain nlmost oxhnustloss stores of cool and Homowhoro In their hidden depths fountains of oil nio awaiting discovery. Cold Is nlsn found In theso ombryo niountnlns nnd some day may bo uncovered In qunntltlo thnt will make tho world wonder. Tho valleys and plains nnd countless of prophet or statesman. And It will bo readily seen by tho thought ful observer that In tho process of peopling nnd upbuilding of tills west ern shore, Coos county presents unus ual physical fen lures as a dlfltlnct soc tlou of tho continent, both In relation to sea and laud, that mark nor an having no superiors nnd but fow par allels on tho shoro lines of tho sor ernl continents. Nature stems to havo drawn hor lines for tho concentration of Pa cific's commerce nt nnd through Co oh Hay's entrance-way. Coos Uayj Ih tho westernmost and most prom inent headland of tho United States, pushing fur beyond ItH gunornl coast lino, causing It to bo tho first lnnd sighted by tho Incoming craft from tho orient, but unllko most othor bold and prominent headlands, It Is pro vided with a capaeloiiH and safo land locked harbor, rapablo of accommo dating the comiuerco of a homts phoie. Tho tondoney, progross and devel opment of commerce, and general transportation trnlllc In this ago makoH tho matter of dlstnnco and t lino of transit botweon great com niorclul ceil I era I ho controlling factor In tho problem of successful commer cial competition. Howovor much of cnrrylng trado good business mnn ugomout may succeed In gathering for tho benefit of any given lino of transportation. If a now and com peting lino Ih opened that offora moro luminous nnd quicker transit, such rnuto nnd lino will luovltnbly absorb tho business of other Mnca. Such Is tho Inexorable law of trado nnd com merce. This Ih not offored nB n now thought or argument, but rather as nn universally nccoptud axiom upon which to bnso n theory and porfect a A I,l'.MHi:it SCHOONERS AT NORTH HUM) WAITING TO HE LOADED.! hills bountifully watered everywhere, Btand unparalloled In tholr product ivity, and our cllmato, mild and balmy, tho atraosphoro filled with ozono from tho ocean and balsam from tho forests, scorns a special dis pensation, and causes many to think that tho Garden of Edon haa beon falsely located by tho chronicles of history. In reviewing theso possibilities of tho futuro, tho query naturally comes to tho mind: Whoro will tho gathering hosts build tholr great cit ies, both Inland and commercial porta of entry? Whoro will Southwestern Oregon figure, and how will she faro In tho settlement of tho great Incom-j lng population? This la a quest!on for the logician, tho statesman, thO prophet. Naturo haa ondowed South--westorn Oregon with a lavish hand, and her Induatrlal centers and com mercial marta will grow In exact keeping with tho energy and spirit or progress and liberality of her people. There aro somo pages of natures book, however, which even tho lay man may understand, without the aid! schemo of railroad and ocean trans portation which naturo Beoma to havo omployed all hor arta to mako unas sailable to competition and Impreg nablo to Innovation bo long as tho Burfuco of tho earth and sea romnlu tho olomonta over which trado aud travol movo. Naturo does nothing by halvoi. Not only la C003 Hay tho most wo3t em headland of tho United States, but her harbor la tho most western harbor botweon tho Mexican and British Columbia linos, and It holds a position approximately half way ho tween thoso two foreign boundaries, As a point of advantage commercial ly, from seaward, Its morlts will at once strlko tho studont and buslnos man. In tlmo of war Coos Head of fora a strong point for fortification against an Invading foe, nnd tho har bor can bo reached and entored by craft crossing tho Paclflo In shortor tlmo than othor points because of Its bold position, and because of tho Ja pan current which serves Coos Bay (Continued on pace 4.)