THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1912 -EVENING EDITION. ' 4 -" ' " '' ' I., - i .n r J ' " ' BLAKE INItii WILL FHtMl BIG PETITION i ABOUT EVENT Y Former Marshfield Man Tolls Opponents of Prize Fights Cir culate Protests Widely Appeal to Council. of Ceremonies at Panama- Pacific Exposition. Dr. J. T. MeCormnc lias receioI tho following self explanatory letter from Jacob M. Blake, formerly of Marshflold but now a resident of San Francisco, who was named as a Bpo- clnl rcprcscntatlvo of Coos Day at tho ceromonlcs Incident to selecting tho Oregon slto at tho Pannma I'aclOc Exposition grounds: San Francisco, March 10, 1912. "Tho 'Oregon First' dologatlon has como' and gone. You have probably followed tho account of Its reception In bur local papers and nro already informed of nil that happened In tho way of colobratlon and entertainment on tho part of tho visitors and of tho people of San Francisco as represent ed by tho Panamn-Paqlflc Exposition officials. "On Thursday afternoon In com pany with Mr. Samuel Magncs, I holped to form tho mllo-long proces sion of automobiles that took tho officials and tho visiting delegates through tho park and tho I'rcstdlo to tno rnir sito on North uencn. uero at what would bo tho foot of Hakcr street extended, tho Oregon Commis sion chose n pint of ground for tho Oregon nulldlng. Oregon hns tho honor of selecting tho first slto to bo choBon for n stnto building. Im mediately followliiK this ceremony, however, Gov. Oddlo nnd his party selected nn adjoining slto for tho No rnda Hulldlng. Ilnth of theso build ings will linvo fluo views overlooking tho harbor nnd tho Mnrln County shore. "Friday wns devoted to entertain ing at wpnrnfn luncheons for tho men nnd women of tho pnrty. nnd a reception wns given by tho citizens of San Francisco at tho St. Francis hotel on honor of tho visitors. Tho program wns completed with n rldo about tlio bny on Saturday morning. "I had tho pleasure- of mooting Governor West, who wns Indttrcd to remain ovor nnd nn Suudny morning delivered nn address at tho Cor 5 Thoator upon tho subject of "Pennl Reform Methods." I heard tho ad dress nnd I feel suro Hint nil of tho nudlonco, nnd tho theater wns filled with tho most representntlvo citizens of both tho city and stnto, would Join with mo In congratulating nil tho pcoplo of Oregon In hnvlng so kind ly, nnd nt tho snmo tlmo so prnctlcnl n mnn nt tho hend of Its stato Insti tutions. I ntn suro Hint tho people of Coos Hay aro a unit In supporting llio reform methods that ho has In stituted. "I nsk you to again thnnk tho Mnrshflnld Chninlmr of Commerce for furnishing mn tho opportunity to tnko part In this nffnlr." It wn sstatod today that by ono of tho parties cumulating potltlons against prize lights being nllowod In Mnrshflold that twenty-Ilvo or so of tho potltlons would bo circulated In vnrlous parts of tho town and that all would probably bo proBoutcd to the council at tho next meting. It Is cxpoctod that tho council will grant tho potltton and prevent any futuro fights being held horo. Tho scones nt tho last bout Satur day night and especially tho fact that women nnd children wcro admitted to It, added to tho fact that many havo boon opposing It for somq tlmo Is said to be responsible for It. PORTLAND IS OPPOSED North Bend News A "sun room" bus Just been com pleted nt Mercy hospital for tho bono lit of convalescents The pori h him boon enclosed with glass and fit tt I up with cheerful sitrrouudliiKH for pntlontH who aro not Hlllllcleiitly strong to go out of doors. W. J. llrown has purchased tho II, I Saviigo ranch on North Inlet for JG.OOO. Ilu gotii tho stock mid uiiilpment and forty ncros. It Is oxpoctod tho. North llend Con densary will resume opuratlons about April 1. Harry Russell and wife aro now located on tho former Williams' ranch on Catching Inlet, Mr. itut.t.oll huvlng bought the property. Fruit Inspector l M. Ilall-I.owls has iirniiKv:! to deliver n series of addressee before the North Ileud High school students on horticulture. Fred (Hustler has returned from nn extended stay at llolso. Idaho, and will remain on the liny. Mrs. Oln lor will return soon. Sheriff Stevens Stops Henderson O'llrleu (Jo nt Grcslmin Thp I'ortlnnd Tolcgram bf Tuesday printed io following: "If Danny O'Drlon and Karl Hondcrson ontor tho ring nt Grcsham tomorrow night nnd attempt to pull off a fight, both will bo nrrcstcd. I notified thorn to this effect n week ngo, nnd this morn ing nlso notltlod A. J. Edwards, tho mnnagcr. I shall havo deputies In nttendnnco to seo Hint no prlzoflght Is permitted to tnko plnco." Thus spoko Sheriff It. L. Stevens today shortly aftor lonvlng tho grand Jury chamber, where ho Is said to linvo conferred with tho Jurors roln tlvo to the proposed "exhibition con test." Uoth O'llrlon, who hnlls from I'ort lnnd, and Henderson, who Is n Mnrsh llold product, nro snld to bo In tho pink of condition, nnd would linvo euturoil tho ring ut slightly more than inn pounds, ns tboy woro ox poctod to mnko tho llghtwolght limit at 1 : 30 tomorrow nftornoon. A largo bunch of I'ortlnnd sportsmen hail planned to nttond tho contest. Many tickets for tho bnttlo havo boon sold, It Is asserted, but the coin will have to bo returned. Though 'Sheriff Slovens' Intention not to permit tho contest, which watt to linvo been of 10 rounds, without a decision, wns not duo In any moas uro to tho fnct, it Is roportcd that be hind tho proposed "exhibition" wns n clover bit of politics. A hard bnt tlo was expected, nnd probably tho ring would linvo been ornnmented Irregularly In nnnrchlsltc lino before tho round limit expired, should thero havo bcou no knockout. It lu re ported that In such ovent n great liuo and cry would havo bcou raised from tho stump ngalnst tho presont Dis trict Attorney and one candidate for Sheriff for not doing their duty nnd suppressing tho "prizefight." "1. told tho principals u wook ngo Hint thuy should not bo purmlttod to pull.thls nlTuIr off," mild Sheriff Sto vans. "However, tholr inanagor, A. J. Edwards, evidently thought ho could pass wo, bocauso ho took tho matter up with tho grand jury. I heard that preparations woro con tinuing for tlio light, nnd nowspnpor notices havo bcou recently publish ed. "I went boforo tho grand Jury ro tative to tlio matter this moriiln,,. What took place thero I nut not nt liberty to say, but my Hiibsciuont net speaks for Itsolf. I telephoned to I Id wards' place and talked to his brother, telling him that If tho prlncl pals entered the ring nnd began tho light they would be nrrestod. Thnt Is nil thero Is to It. Thoro will bo deputies thero to seo that nothing hnppons, nnd If necessary I shall go out thoro mysolf." I OU will like the clothing weve brought here for for your Spring wearing, It's a f act tj That we are selling the best clothing on Coos Bay $ That we are showing the largest assortments . fl That we have the largest volume of business I That we can save you from $5.00 to, $10 on each suit That we give you the strongest GUARANTEE- Because we sell for CASH. Marshfield "Money Talks" Hub Clothing & Shoe We Feature Stetson Hats Stetson Shoes rwwrw!wa.wywiffY .j Wt SSaTnTS!7mT,T Pf "11 V t""fliiTHH iT.'U I V M tflf f VI rTTffi J! nfe it I W0 "Tw iisitix in mm rf j,niF. dmiiiiu n " ww. ifcv I A Bandon Jffai p,ojrjliiuNwlHi cnjainln Qllcs first Class Auto Senice Special trips to North Dond nnd Empire, nny tlmo. Train nnd pnrty calls n specialty. Phono It t J nights nnd day. Aftor 11 P. M Pnlaco rtootaurant, Phono G-J. Rosidonco rhono 28-J. I). L. FOOTE. Proprietor. REAL ESTATE AND FIUE INSURANCE Baredins in Gitu and Out side Property. AUG. FBTZEEN. fi8 Central Ave.. Marshfield. Doans' Transfer For All Kinds of Hauling wn deliver coatj in north HEND AND EAST 811)11. IiUIIIV COAIj 90.00. heaver hill 90.00. (Coal 1 Cash) Phono 3.11-11. Mnrshflold, Ore. THY THE KDQE WITH YOUR FINOER. Exnnilno n collar fresh from our laundry. Notlco Its clear, white col or, its oven, olastlo stiffness, li smooth nnd Us porfoct shape. Thon test tho top edge by running HnvP Tlinf Rnnf p:VflfIyoup flngoMlp oror It. Notice th ave inai ioor iixeui.,anih . i.pv rmi.h vnn v. NOW Sec COJiTIlELL Phone ItlUI J. W. Cnrdluer of North Hend 1ms bought an Interest lu the Couulllo Hard ware store at Couullle. How- over he will urn kIh up hU position on the road for n while nt least. MIks Holla llroulllui'd has liueu suf forlng from an attuek of appendleltls and ulll probably uudeiKo an opera tlou today or tomorrow. J, A Jaeolisoii left today on a luisi ness trip to Coiiulllo. Mi-s Oarflold Simpson nnd Mrs. W. n SIiiimoii and dnimliteis. Aud rey and ICdllh. of North Hend. nro Marshfield visitors today. A special meeting of Hie Presbv terlnn l.iullos' Aid Society was heid nt the homo of Mr N. O. Mol.ood to perfect nrrannmiontiJ for a congn Rational supimt to be held In the chun-h net Wednesday evening. A mimbvr of tho high school i.tu dents n-e nantstlng this afternoon In aecoriunig tile lisll invparatorv to tho silver medal output this owinliiK. ONIiYilHAIMtOADS S. W. Van 7.llo of this city, who for a number of years be- foro coming hero wiib a resident of Kosohurg hns a record of 32 railroads that havo boen propos- ed for Roseburg nnd Coos liny, dating hack as far us tho year of 1S70. Ho states that surely tho limit will bo reached soon, but has faith In the recent Doyle electric line thnt Is proposed to como In horo. North Hend Harbor. l,ooe loaf ledgers and binders from $1,110 to SU.n.oo at Norton .V Hansen's. , Tho stores. Wo Have Been Successful In buying n largo stock of first class Electrical mntorlal nnd enn givo our pntrons n very low prlco on houso wiring. Got our prlco you enn't nfford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J smooth, slick finish given It. lag thoro to rub, dig or Irritate your nock. This tost will prove tho value of our service. Sond us a trlni bundU nnd apply tho test. Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry Mmizoy Hros. Prop? Phono 220-J. Our Wagons Go Anywhero Anytime. Don't Throw Away Your old shoes. Wo fix 'em while U wait. i THIS KIjKGTHIO 8HOK SHOP I 180 8o. Broadway Mnrshflold 'Till? KHIIJN1) OP COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE MQUIPPKI) WITH WIHi:iiKSS ' SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR PORTLAND AT 1 P. M., FRIDAY, MARCH 21 CONNHCTING WITH Till? NORTH HANK ROAD AT P0IITLU1 NORTH PACIFIC STKAMSIIIP COMPANY. Pbono II. C. I McGi:OItCi; ,pA STR. WASHINGTON V1LL SATL -PKOE SAN F.RANC1SCO, FOR COOS BAY, WEDNESDAY, MARCII2& STEAMER HOMER SAILS FftOM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20. F. S. Dow, Agent Ocean Dod PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY The Times' Want Ads bring; roiultn WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. twtrs. a. r. ii)M?r. J,VX Vocal Tcnc ncher. KQUIPPKD WITH WIRKLKSS Steamship Breakwater ALWAVS ON TISIK. SAILS FHO.M PORTIiAND AT 8 P. SI. ON MARCH .!, 12, 10 AND SAILS FROM COOS HAY AT SI?HVICI? OF Till? TIIH? ON MARCH ft 0, 10, 1M AND !J0. l. a. PARKHUHST, Agft. Phone MIn J3 Coos Bay 139 South Tenth. Phono 47-J. nil. K. P. WINKLF.R, Nn KT . ,1 ( i Nutuiopatli and Chiropractor INaiUrOpatn lOHege All chronic dlsensos treated. Consul McKlnley .sillii;r .Ml'SH' PKO. PLH'S I. 10 mid l.-ie Ci:T STO It I.. Liyi'll) VlvWHKH for houso-clenn. lu." in y.v, ,"iu ami sum bottUw at NOHTON .V IIIXSUVS Tmi Stoies. Rl I) WCK hi KCKIIOIi'F HALL, DON'TJEBALD Nemly Kvery On,. av Sivure n Splendid Grow tli of Hair We have a remedy that has aided to Krow hair and prevented baldnebs In I'll out of 100 cases whoro used mcordliiK to dlreitlons for a reason, able leiiBth of time. Thnt may seen like a stroiiK statement it is, nnd wo mean it to be. and no one should doubt It unless they put our claims to an actual tost. We are so certain Ueall "93" Hnlr Tonic will euro daudrulT. prevent baldness, stlmulnto the s.calp and hnlr iiiiiik, mii laiiniK uair nun grow new iiiur. inai we personalty pivo our posimo guarantee to refund every penny paid us for it In every instance where It does not Rive entire satis faction to tho user. Iteall "Hit" Hair Tonic Is as plea stnt to une as clear sprint; water. It It. delljthtfuly poifumed. and does not Kreiiko or sum the hair. Tw sixes. r.Oc and $1 00. with our k'uur- CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHIC, HYDROTHERAPY nnd nil bronchos of Natural Thera routics taught. Terms reasonable. For Information address DR. BIRD B. CLARKE North Rend, Oregon. NOUi'M IIUXR, SATPItllAY nlulit, t nMl Urtok of U" a" erwlnly tnko M U('H an. TOKI.I.H'S OltCHItS. " ' 't,k o. oM ou,y nt l,ur tort The llll- viirrn oiiiiuw, Kosn storo Lockhart-l'arsoiib ah mii ai.D. 1 1)1U Vo TUe j, corner" W.K. WISEMAN TEelOld Reliable Second Hand .Store Man Desires to announce that ho Is again MACK IN IU'SINESS in the Rornltt IlulldlnK, !I23 S. Hrondwny Will buy and sell new and sec ond hand furniture, stoves, ranges, sewing machines, etc. Will also store household goods by tho month. PHONE 2 10-J I Utlon free. Otllce hours: 9 to 12 a. m,; 2 to 5 and 6 to 8 p, m Naturopath Institute Room No. 1 No. 136 Droadway, Marshflold, Ore j-R. G. W. LKSLIE, ' -J Osteopathic Phyelclsa Graduate of the American school oi Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Offlc In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 H A' Phono 161-J; Marshflold; Oregon J. W. HKNNKTT, Lwyor. Jfflse over Flanagan & Bennett Dank larshflold Oregor rR. J. T. .McCORMAo, Physician nnd Surgeon Marshfield, Oregon. Jfflce: Lockhart Building, opposite Post 0Th Plione 105-J '"AST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SURMARIXE nKLL SAILS FOR. SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS BAY SATURDAY, MARCH 23, AT 1:30 P.M. INTER.OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. O. P. McfiKOIWE, M Pliouc 1 1. T- R- A. J. HEXDUVs 1- Modern Dnntal Parlors. We are equipped to do high clas work on short notice at the ver 'owost prlcos. Examination free Lady attondant, Coke building, oppr Jlte Chnndler ho el, phune U2-J Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill Eastside and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance ln North Front Street NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' Department of tlio Interior, V. LMua unite. ... nOSEBURG, Ore., Feb. 13. J" , who. ; ia Notion l horobV clven tD n'.ii... n.nlr HrO.. April 20, 1908. made timber"' cation No. 0675, for JU Section 33, Township 2 j Range 14 W. Willamette mi has filed notlco of intention o final timber and stone prw'fr tnhllol. nlolm in tllO land D0" u. scribed, beforo Register and R ,5 or United States Und " ",. d Rosoburg. Ore., on tho li May. 1912. ... Ulnlmant names - m, Franklin Elliott, of EmP'. Tom Talbot, of Kinp ro. "-; .& Ham Gall, of Mnrshfleld, ore., wages, of Empire, ore. .,E3i BENJAMIN F. .uut W&ZZ Try The Times' Want Ad