v THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGONFRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1912 EVENING EDITION Y OU don't pick your friends merely by the way they look; you want something more than the "front" in the fellow you "tie to." Better pick your clothes in the same way. Hart Schaffner&Marxr '1 clothes are genuine quality, sterling worth all the way through; they are ai good as they look, and that's .' good enough. ' All-wool fabrics well shrunk and the best tailoring in the world; that's what keeps them looking right. Suits $18 and up Woolen Mill Store 'mi vfc Cc;;rfh: I(rt Scluflher U MutSx? This Btoro la the Coos Day homo of Hart Schnffnor& Marx clothes 1PCM wm,. 1 COOS DAY TIDES. Hoi w Is given tlio tlmo and lsclsht of high and low water at Marshflold. i Th tides nro placed in tho ordor of occurrence, with tholr times on ! the (lrst lino nud heights on the sec-, ond line of each day; a comparison i of consccutlvo holghts will Indicate whether It Is high or low wateri For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. ,Dato. March, 1012. 22 Hrs. .4.44 10.38 5.29 10.32 Foot .6.6 0.2 4.9 2.3 23 Hrs. .5.11 11.27. C.17 '11.09 Feet .6.5 0.3 4.3 2.9 24 lira. .5.53 12.23 7.23 11.57 ' TUB WEATHER. 0 (Dy Associated Press.) OltEGON Fair tonight with light frost along tho coast and heavy front In tho Intorlor. Sat- urday fair with easterly winds. Drought Home. Alfred Hill of North Marshflold, who has been at Morcy hospital for sovoral wopka as a result of Injuries sustained at tho Smith mill, was brought homo Thursday. IttifH Hccoml Auto -Dr. A. L Housoworth today purchased a sec ond Dulck runabout. A fow wcoks ago, ho purchased ono for his wlfo and tho one purchaBod today makos tho second new mnchlno In his family. Petition out Tho potltlons of A. II. Powors as a candldato for tho re publican nomination for Port Com missioner woro placed in circulation this morning, Boon after Mr. PoworR tiled tho declaration of his candidacy for port commissioner. Always, "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store 7TH SATURDAY SALE A Bargain 1 Can rexall Tooth Powder 25c ) 1 Best Quality Tooth Brush 35c For Saturday Only Both for 25 Cts. See Our Window Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE MAIN 298 US iGladys Brockwell Co "The Fighting Hope" lUiANCH ISATKS' DRAMATIC 1 SUCCESS. An IntoiiRO drama of tho present day. First tlmo over presented at popu lar prices. A play that no ono should mlhs seeing. No oxponso will bo spared In tho preparation of tills pro duction. PRICKS 2.1. an nml HO Cents. T. J. IOAIFB Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. 'Phone 58 ANT ADS. where, any time, night or day, phono 184 X, or 228 J. J IM Lot ua l in blk. SO, &Aad- Cheap, cash. J.W.I t, 443 K Uth St.. Portland, Or. I VTJ:i) ScMiiid-lmiHl cook btovo ;;;M:wlnjT, Must bo' "-aui. uau ftt Tjmes. omco Wore Saturday noqn. WANTKD Six oxporienced coal minors; two punip-men; ono rope rider. Apply Heaver Hill Coal Co. WAXTKI) Hoy to work Saturday nights at Java Coffeo House. FOR SALE Good restaurant. In quire Times office. 0,,!,.SAUJ Thrfo sllversldo fish ,w. A Imrf'fllll Xfi.of tin or.1.1 owe. Address It. L., cr. Times, j frILSA!'U"""TI' N-y Store ofi hlu' ', "'ercnanaise, three miles CiMm,e Po,nt on bank f ffin rlvor' ono-quarter mllo ,?vR' tlon. Stock will In- Ud n anUt 2'800' F0r t0rmS WCIoskey,, Norway Ore. I te&' C' mn Orpington egg r&one evn.; ' V "'"""' " " ta, -i1-A., FOH SALK 1-0 ro homestead with Improvements and a five room house on the same. 2 ml. from the Coqulllo River. For particulars enquire of W. W. coy, Conloguo Camp, Lampa, Oregon. FOU SALE Ono new 20-foot gaso line launch. See Max Tlmnier man, 862 North Front stret. flieIi .""" ''"""-'dlutcly, responsl- Kin to pnro Ia. i.i.... taPAO rn ."" ,v" IUIUUI. JVCICI- ""' 1R1 ''U.1"V Kflll C.r-r. clear, '"' ,u- acres, no totanf i. Team' 8tock' tools. .25 taoi nay corn, spuds. 50 chiek- - mo, so. Coos Hlvor. fR GOOD AUTO SERVICE Any- FOR RENT Two nice sunny house keeping rooms. Inquire at Nas- burg Grocery. $ A. H. HODOmi Marshfield Paint (2b Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD. Furnished Phone 140L Oregon First Straw Hat Tho (lrst straw hat of tho soason was sprung by F. A. I Cohan of tho Ilusy Cornor today and j although it attracted moro or loss at tention on tho street, it was strictly In keeping with tho weather, sum mer seldom If over affording a nlcor I day. Notice to Church floors Owing to tho condition of Markot nvonuo pend ing Improvement, thoso nttondlng tho Isorvlccs nt tho Episcopal church on ! Sundays and other days In holy wco,c nro uskod to uso Highland avonuu, coming through Dr. McCormac's place. ' Chinaman Dead Chin Ling, who had resided on Coos Hay for nbout 25 years, died last niyia mo uow Why building nftor a long illnoss. Ho was a cook and until ho was taken 111 n fow months ago, ho was omployod ut Dandon. Ho Is survived by a fam ily In China and a brother, Chin Wing, who lives on Coos Day. Ho will bo hurled tomorrow. Cnptiiro Cows Residents of South Marshflold lato last night mado vigor ous complaints to Marshal Carter and Nlghtwatchman Shoupo about throe cows that woro trampling tholr lawns and awakening thorn by tho clanking of tho bolls that two of thorn hnd at tached to them. Aftor a llvply chaso, tho bovlnos woro taken to tho DON'T RIDE YOUR LITTLE W MOTHER'S WHEEL ANY MORE oct a DAYTON Yoni im Working Man's Time Table (Compiled by ono who's been thoro.) im ((tlirfjlij) ! THE ONE WHO WALKS Ootttng Up Eating Dreakrast Starts to Work. Walking Walking At Work THE ONE WHO RIDES. ...5:30 A. M Sleeping ...6:30 A. M Getting Up R.ir. A i niinlttnir Tlreakfast .'..'" ... 6:30 A. M baling urtsiKiuBi . . . . .r.;45 A. M Starts to Work ''' T.nn a i At Work Full (Cold j ' Dinner" Pall ! ! '. '. '. 12 i 00M '.'. Going Homo to Lunch KuU a suck JiiiSJ-S:::::::::::!. SBK JiSnoiv ::::::::::::::.. 5!?g s- .Bt.ru ho. UilU 'itttlltltl.V(tltJ M-,-,-w. wauung Walking Eating Supper Tlrwl Out ! C:30 p. M .:,'. KeBUn? C:45 p. M Ready to go out 7:00 P. M Enjoying Himself LATTIN HOTEL Doard and room, 111 per day,- 1 6 per week; family style. 315 Second St., South. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS to rent. 392 Broadway. Don't forget the Turkish Baths. PHONE S14J. BUY A Have Steel Rims Will Not Warp DAYTON GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS TO RIDE NOW Havo Steel Mud-guards Keep the Mud Off YOU WED SOT SEND A POWER OF ATTORNEY OR A STRING OF AFFIDAVITS EAST TO REPLACE A DEFECTIVE PIECE. If you havo to raise tho seat-post on your bicycle moro than two incrcs, don't you think you ought to havo a frame two inches higher? Wouldn't It look better? We carry DAYTON ROADSTERS with 2C-lnch frames (tho right bIzo gor a man six feet tall.) MARSHFIELD CYGLERY The Times' Want Ads bring result. Phono 180 R. SOLE AGENTS Cor, Front and Alder. city pond whero tho owners will havo to pay 1 8 or so to get them out. Died nt Coqulllo Miss Ida Laffer ty of Coqulllo who died at hor home there a fow days ago was burled to day. Shu was rormorly connectod with the telcphono exchnngo and was well known on tho Day. Gets New Position Luko Falrcs, formerly associated with his fathor In the Chandler cigar stand, has ta ken a position with a Portland real estate and coal company, travollng outof tho Itoso City for them. I Candidate Petitions of Mllo Sumner us a candldato for republi can county committeeman from tho Contrul Marshllcld precinct nro bo lug circulated today. Tho uow mom hers of tho county committees will bo .elected ut tho primary election April 19. Coining Here A report was cur rent today that F. D. Walto and J. K. Kollock aro expected here shortly on matters conccted with tho old doal botwen them and Major Klnnoy. W. J. Rust, trustco of tho Klnnoy proper tics', stated this aftornoon that ho had not boon apprised of tholr approach ing visit. Coqulllo Rout Sunk Parties from Coqulllo today report that tho Steam er Favorlto mot with a mishap at tho dock in Dandon last night and this morning was totally submerged along Bide tho dock. Just how It happen ed, no ono seoms to know. Tho ox tent of tho damngo will not bo known until sho Is pumped out. Invited to lJumlon Poc Cattorlln of tho Dandon Gun Club lias invited tho members of tho Marshflold, North Bond, Myrtlo Point and Coqulllo Gun Clubs to a danco to bo given by tho Dandon Gun Club at tho now boach pavilion at Dandon Saturday overl ing. On Sundny, tho Dandon Club will havo a big shoot and Mr. Cattor lln. wants as many of tho crack shots of tho county as possible to attend. Deal Not Closed Capt. Edgar Simpson who linn Just roturnod from San Francisco statod last uvcnlng that tho partlca who havo been nego tiating for tho tho purchaso of 1,500 acres of tho Simpson company's holdlngH near tho mouth of South Slough have not closed tho doal yot. Capt. Simpson did not caro to ills diss tho matter In detail owing to tho deal not having reached a definite stage. Accimxl Woman Hero, Goldlo DcBtcott, who has been confined In tho county Jail pending her trial on tho chargo of murdering Chas. Mur ray, camo ovor today to look aftor Boino business matters. It was re ported that bIio had been admitted to hall by some who stntod tliat no officer was with her. TIiIb report was Incorrect, C. F. McKnlght, hor attorney, stating that a deputy had accompanied her hern. To Hold Court Judgo Coko will loavo oarly in April to hold n torm of circuit court nt Gold Doach. Tho session will bo convened about April 8 and will probably last a week. Judgo Harris of Eugono Is oxpoctod horo to aid In tho April term of court In Coos county which will bo con vened April 24. If tho attorneys can agrco on the date, a npccial torm of court may bo convened earlier by Judgo Coko to hoar tho Footo and Destscott murder cases. Child Dies Vornon Wilson, tho one-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. F. Wilson died yestorday while bolng brought from tho homo noar Alle gany to Mercy hospital for treatment. Tho llttlo ono had been 111 of pnou monia and uat bolng hastoncd on George Gould a launch to tho hospital for medical ltatmont. Tho father has been omjloycd until recently in J. E. Wynne'.' harbor shop. Tho funeral will be hold this aftornoon, Riu II. 1 nutleiliiu olI'clatliiK. Dolt WIiim Tho" Salem Statesman prints tlio following concerning Eric Dolt, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. Dolt: "Dy dollvorlng an oration on Cuban affairs in n mannor that arous ed the enthusiasm and admiration of both friends and Judges, Eric Dolt, who also mado an onvlablo record for himself last year In football, won first place Monday night In tho fresh man oratorical contest, which was hold In tho chapel undor tho direc tion of Professor Dlddlo, hoad of tho department of public spouklng In Wlllumotto unlvorslty' Cupt. Mmgeiuf Tulks Capt. T. J. Macgeun of tho Steamship Breakwat er dollverodMin address boforo tho pupils of tho South Marshlleld school today In response to a request from Supt. F. A. Tlodgen. Ho spoko on "Monuol Training" and drills In tho schools, dwelling on tho futuro bene fits tho Kchool chlldron would dorlvo from thorn and pointing out that thoy might bo an nid to military training in caso tho hoys should ever bo called Into sorvlco. Tho address wan a vorv Instructive ono and was greatly appreciated by pupils and teachers. PERSONAL NOTES HENRY HOLM, who now resides at Plat B, was a Marshfield business visitor today. AL SMITH of Coos River went to Co qulllo yestorday to look aftor busi ness interests. MRS. HERBERT 1IAYNES Is shop ping and visiting friends and rola In Marshllcld today. RALPH MATSON has roturnod from a trip to Portland, Pasco, Wash., and other northorn points. CAPT. EDGAR SIMPSON of North Dend was in Marshflold last even ing on business and pleasure DR. IRA D. BARTLE was a Marsh flold business visitor yesterday, coming down to got his now auto. GROVER EVANS loft thle wook via Dandon for his old houu. In Calif ornia where he expects to remain. MR8. LEW HAZARD of Coqulllo ro turned homo today aftor spending a day with Mrs. Fannlo Hazard and othor rotatlvos here. ARTllUR MILLER, August Carlson nnd Archlo Gormond roturnod on tho Rcdondo yestorday from a fow weeks' trip to Sallfornla. MRS. CHAS. BTIFFLER and llttlo daughter. Shlrloy, and Mrs. Byrd Lattln of South Inlot nro visiting and shopping In town today. S. D. CATHCART. Jas. Ferry, Jr., and Jas. Ferry, Sr loft yostorday for Myrtlo Point to survey somo of tho Ferry holdings In that soctlon. II. E. DACON, who was formorly a resident of tho Day roturnod yes terday nftor a year's stay in Wash ington and will remain horo somo tlmo to look after Interests on tho Day. E. C. CORTELYOU wilt loavo tomor row for San FranclBco nftor a fow weeks' stay In this soctlon in tho Interests of tho Romlngton Arms Company. Ho expects to roturn horo In tho noar futuro. J. F. CONKLIN was up from bin South Inlot ranch this week and states that ho Is proparluf, to cut more lumber at his sawmill thoro than horotoforo. Ho plans to cut mostly spruco this summur. CHAS. FISHER, a brothor of Mrs. T. J. Scalto, will loavo tomorrow on tho Redondo on a trip to his old homo at New Britain, Conn. Ho will go via. Panama, thonco to Now York City, to Danuomoro, N. Y nnd then to his old homo. Mrs. Scalfo and tho chlldron aro plan ning to loavo noxt month via. tho samo routo to visit in Connecticut for a fow months. Fishing Tntklo at Norton & Han sen's two stores. Partly by driving .blood from tho surfaco and congesting tho kldnoya by throwing too much work upon them. Foloy Kldnoy Pills strength en tho kldnoys, glvo tono to tho unln ory organs ond restoro tho normal action of tho bloddor. Thoy are tonlo In'nctlon, quick in results. Try thorn. For salo by Prouss Drug Co. and Rod Cross Drug Co. The "Child's Welfare" movement has challenged tho attention of thoughtful pooplo ovorywhoro. Moth ers are natural supportors, and will find In Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound a most valuahlo aid. Coughs and colds that unchecked lead to croup, bronchitis and pnoumonla ylold quickly to tho healing and soothing qualltios of Foloy's Honoy and Tar Compound. For salo by Preuss Drug Co., and Red Cross Drug Co. Just Received NEW SHIPMENT SWISS PURE ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS Imported from Switzerland. This is the finest kitchen ware ever made. Will last a lifetime. NO RUSTING NO OUri?PINO NO LEAKING- And saves its price sovoraL times ovor. . Stew Kettles Stew Pans Coffee Pots Tea Pots Casseroles, Rico Cookers, Dippers and LadltJs Tea Kettles Frying Pans Funnels, Cups. The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. Be Sure and Move All the potatoes you care to sell this season. The present prices are too high to last. Highest cash price on day of delivery. f. s. DOW i