THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1912 EVENING EDITION M ILLICOMA HAT FOR SPRING S & The Latest Development in Stiff and Soft Hats THE BEST $3.00 HAT MADE Woolen Mill Store , LEADING HATTERS IPQffil COOS HAY TIDES. Hoi w Is given tin tirao and height of high and low water at Mut'oli fluid. Th tides nro plnced In tho order of occurrence, with tholr tlmos on tlie flrst lino and heights on tho sec ond lino of each dny; a comparison of consecutive heights will Indlcato whetl or It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Unto. Mnrrh, 1012. siiiiss. .1.01 9.155 i.:is 10.00 Kect .0.0 0.1 G.5 1.7 Hrs. .4.-14 10.38 5.2!) 10.32 Foot .CO 0.2 4.9 2.3 23IIIrH. .fi.ll 11.27 0.17 11.09 I Foot .(l.G 0.3 4.3 2.9 2lHrs. .6.53 12.23 7.23 11.57 Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store MINUTES COUNT WHEN VOl' AHH WAITING FOR MEDICINES. That N (lie limn mIicii quick .service In tlit thug Ntnrc Is appreciated. Kiimnf von want a lircsrrlntlon In u liurrv.. .Our PiKwri-ltif !.. tin. ti.irtmrnt N nrunul.ctl and conducted nlouir the most iidi-n 1 llmu in pharmacy. Wholly In charge of Registered pharmacist, who nro sup- pilCil Willi mi) iiiiiiiiy mi- uiu iiiuk nun riirri'l'l compounding 01 .lilj prescriptions of ALL physicians, ( Our facilities nro tliu finest In the rltjr our prices lire (he most reasonable, imtl u NEVER OVER CIIAHRI2. Hiinerlnr sorvleo mill n miiiiiii-u ili'iit In wliiit nut nroHi'i'liw tloa patrons receive. Proscriptions from your physician liy telephone receive cxirn aiieiiiiiin. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE MAIN 298 US CONDENSED STATEMENT ;0f ThelFirst National Bank of Coos Bay At tho Close of Business February SOtli, 1012. RESOURCES. Loam and discounts $221,234.34 ' Bonds, warrants and securities 73,920.11 U. S. bonds to eocuro circulation 2C.000.00 I. Real estate, turnlturo and llxturoa 81,011.34 Cub and light oxchango 144,549.94 Total $3 13,721.7.1 LIABILITIES. Capital Block paid In $1 00.000.00 I Surplus and undlvldod profits 9,235.09 ' DlFldends unpaid 6.00 , Rrterro for taxes 1.000.00 ; Circulation, outstanding 24,000.00 "Wilts 410.881.C4 Total $513,721.73 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers li 1100,000.00. IMPORTANT NOTICK TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Cite us a description ot your property and wo will obtain for you Lunount of taxes od samo. Sheriff does not notify you. IH.ANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAHSHFIELD, OREGON. At tho close of business, Feb. 20, 1012. I... , RESOURCES. wns and Discounts J429.2CC.C9 "ttMng H0use 50,000.00 "n and Evchanges 1C5.011.32 Total JC44, 278.01 LIABILITIES. Pltal Stock paid In 1 60,000.00 fi i?.Bad Univldod Proflta B7'42HT "'Wsita 53C.8C9.84 Total 1G44.278.01 Arties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at The Pacific Monumental Works South Broadway and iimkp selec tlon from the largo stock now on liund. Mr. Wilson lias In his employ tho only practical marble and granite cutter lu Coos county. And none but tho best work Is turned out. I'lN .... 1m ' i"e son hn, n , I 1 Who toijr cayuiu F'aberlain?. rcmmended to try i'n.. "" Couch nmn.. ;i "" a lnll . . """U HltU 'aswi Domo was finished 8lls. 29 r,8..0ver'" wites Mrs. Mtrali; " 0.wl'ng street. Sydney. Have That Roof Fixed JfOW See GORTHELL Phone SlU The Royal TONIGHT HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE CUTTER AND SOULE Spanish .Musical Comedy Till: (JAV SEHENAREKS PICTURES Till: TWIN SQUAW tin: door keeper tweeerledum'h white suit Laugh after Laugh II) Cents O. J. LEMANSKl, Prop. People Take Notice ! Wo tiavo all lengths of stovo wood for sale, prices ranging; from 11.50 per tlor up. Wo can furnish any lougth you wish. L. H. HEISNER Phono No. 120-1 or 49-L. KJICU f Uwn.whotiavn oma Inventive utitlltr M9 II 1um writs UIIKKLKY A tl.l.NTIItr!, Illbsai I'm.,1 Allan,... Wutlulm U. tt WANT ADS. FOR HALK Tliico Mlvcrsltlo llsli nets. A bargain. Must bo Bold nt onco. Address R, L., cr. Times. FOR SAM'!- The Norway fitoro or general morohnndlso, tliruo inlloa bolow Myrtle Point, on bank of Coqulllo river, ono-quartor nillo from R. R. Htatlon. Stock will In voke about 12,800, For terms and particulars apply to M,rs. S. J. McCloskoy,, Norway Oro. FOR SALK C. Iluir Orpington eggs for hntchlng. Prlzo winning stock Phono evenings, 2U4-X. WANTED Immediately, rosponsl bio girl to euro for Infant. Refer ences. Tel. 294-X. FARM FOR SALi: 11)2 iimn, 30 clonred. Team, stock, tools, 25 tons of hay, corn, spuds, DO thick ens. Goo. Wltto, So. Coos River. WANTKD CJIrl to work In printing ofllco. Apply at Times olllco. WANTED Roy to work Saturday nights nt Java Coffeo House. FOR SALIC 2V& acres cleared land, of the Reynolds Company's tract nil fenced 1 miles from Murshfleld; good improvements, houso and barn, C dozen chickens, 2 milk cows, good young team horses and wagon, also good boil er and engine; all goes at real cost. J. E. Fltzgorald, Marshfleld. Phone 3110. FOR SALE Good restaurant, quire Times office. In- FOR SALK 120 aero homestead with improvements and a five room house on the same. 2 ml. from tho Coqulllo River. For particulars enquire of W. W. Coy, Coulogue Camp, Lampa, Oregon. FOR SALF One new 20-foot gaso line launch. Seo Max Tlmmer man, 8G2 North Front stret. FOR RENT Two nice sunny house keeping rooms. Inquire at Nas burg Grocery. LATTIN HOTEL Board and room, $1 per day; 1ft per week; family style. 315 Second St., South. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS to rent. 392 Broadway. LOf'A U TEMPERATURE PORT. RE- For twenty-four hours ending nt 1:43 n. in., Mnr. 21, by UenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: .Maximum 57 Minimum I! 7 At 1:13 n. m 32 Precipitation none Wind northwest; clear. Mnklng Improvement Tho Wool en Mill store Is Increasing Its stock holding capacity with another double row of shelving. Frost Tonight I). 1). Ostllud. lo cal U. 8. weather observor, received word this morning that this section of Oregon would bo visited by a light frost tonight. . . Improve Store Norton &. Hanson ' nro putting In n balcony and adding, much new shelving to their Central u venue store preparatory to Increas ing their wholcsnlu trade. Buys New Aii'to -1). L. Footo has purchased n new Cadillac nuto which will be added to his local lino for public service. It will bo tho latest model and one of tho finest ears on the bay. Wetl In Coqullli Mrs. Pearl Hels-uer-Mlller and E. A. Vnlller, who re cently came to Mnrshlleld from San Frnnelseo, woro married nt Coqulllo yesterday by Jtmtlco of tho Penco E. (3. U. Iloldeu. The brtdo Is a daugh ter of Mr. nnil Mrs. Levi llelsner. They will reside In Mnrshlleld. Iliirliil Hero W. C. Doubnor re ceived word today from his son Geo. that the body of Mrs. George Doub nor would ho shipped from there for Coos Bay on the Steamer Washing ton which leaves San Francisco nt 6 o'clock this afternoon. Mr. Doub nor will accompany tho remains. Tho dnto of the funeral will ho announc ed Inter. Reported Wetl According to re ports received here, Mrs. Hansen of Bay Park who left hero recently for Florida, was mnrrlod recently to John Herman of Ruskln, Fin. Mrs. Hanson loft hero about two months ngo, soon after tho death of her hus band who was fatally Injured by a fall from an elevated walk near their liny Park homo. No Ralls Coming Tom Coko, In charge of tho preliminary work for tho Tormlunl Railway, bos been ad vlRed that tho Redondo Is not bring ing ralU for tho company this trip, but probably will next week. He first plunnod to lay tho track on North Front strcot, but owing to tho street hnvlng to bo torn up to put In n newer. It has been decided to start construction on South Front street near tho depot. Arrange ments nro being made to have tho rails and ties dumped nonr tho lat tor point, n special wharf being built for tho purpose. Get Autos 11. C. Noblo of Marali flold received n now Bulck touring car today and Dr. Bnrtlo and Dr. Hol- llstor of North Bend each received n runabout. First Dny of Spring Today Is tho first dny of spring, this being leap year and tho equinox consequently occurring on March 21. Petitions Signed Petitions of I. S. Smith as candidate for tho republican nomination for state Bcuntor from I Coos and Curry counties nro' being circulated today In Mnrshlleld nnd I North Bend. They woro quickly filled and will probably bo mulled for filing tomorrow. Settle Case An old case of John Krouholm vs. D. L, Foote over n suit of clothes which Krouholm claimed Foote lost whllo the lnttor was opera ting a cleaning nnd pressing estab lishment was settled today. Krou holm had n judgment, including costs of about $5.! nud this was reduced to $12 which Footo paid. Svw Chinese Flags Mnrshlleld Chinese today are exhibiting the lings of the now Republic of Chlnn, thu first of tlu Hill's ari'lvlnir todav. Gow Why got the llrst ones and was much elated over them. Instead of thu Chinese dragon, the now lings uro stripped, the colors being yel low, white black nnd blue. (nlller Candidate Parties arriv ing hero from Coqulllo state that Stephen Gnlllcr of Batidou has an nounced his candidacy for the repub lican nomination for sheriff. O. O. Lund of .MiUHhlleld Ik the other can didate,. Mr. Gnlllcr was n candidate against W. W. Gage, tho democrat who Is seeking reelection, n few years ago and was defeated. Found Lost Locket The effective ness of Tho Times' wnnt ndvs. re ceive demonstration dully. 'Tuesday evening, Miss Hazel Merrymuu lost n valuable chain and locket which she treasured very highly us a keepsake Wednesday shu advertised It In The Times nnd today tt was returned to her by Mr. J. E. Cooley, It having been found by his daughter, Miss Ruby Cooley, who read tho ml lu Thu Times nnd relumed It promptly, (ev erybody reads The Times' want ads. That's why they produce results. Special Sermons Two speclnl top ics will bo discussed at the Baptist church next Sunday by tho pastor, Rev. G. LoRoy Hull. In tho morn ing his theme will bo "Why I Am A Baptliit. In tho evening, ho will use ns a prelude to his sermon: "Of what value aro prize llghtH to n city?" Should tho III! now going on by thu dredge be coming lu around the church, tho audience will find an ele vated walk which has been construc ted along Market struct to the church especially for that purpose. Vanity Fair A gorgeous threo reel subject will bo on exhibition nt tho Orpheum nil dny Friday, entit led "Vanity Fair. This reaturo pic ture deals with William Makoponco Thackeray'H noted novel, which was afterwards made famous by Mrs. Flsko In tho rolo of Becky Shnrpo. This story runs nearly an hour, be ing three times ns lung ns tho usunl picture, nnd Indies and children should tuko advnntago of tho day shows. Thu price remains ton routs. rumps out Salmon Tho Dredge Oregon which yestontny wogan punn lug Into the bulkhendliig nonr tho Masonic Opera Houso Is pumping out n largo number of llttlo fish which nro declared to be young salmon. Evidently snmo of tho schools of lit tle aalinou recently released from tho hatchery uro now In tho upper Bay and uro getting too nonr tho suction. G. W. Trlbboy said that ho saw thou sands of tho little salmon, tlicro Do ing three sizes from two to about live Inches long. Aro In Los Angeles W. P. Murphy and wlfo who havo been making a tour of California aro now In Los AngolcB. Tho day they arrlvod thoro, a big rain storm occurred. It was tho llrst precipitation thoro In sovoral months. The wot wonthor wasn't what Murphy was looking for and ho Inforinod friends thoro that ho was going to loave at onto, that ho hud loft Oregon to gil n llttlo buw shlnu and escape tho rain. They nro having a lino trip and will return to tho Bny about April 1. PERSONAL NOTES Breakwater ssl Redondo in Today With a Now Supply of All Early Fresh Green Vegetables . Just What You Need to Tone Up Your Jaded Appotlto. Read This List: Now Ripe Tomatoes Ilot-houso Cucumber Young Onions Choice Cauliflower Nice Tender Asparagus Crisp Celery New Cablmgt Rhubarb Turnips llivts Carrots Sweet Potatoes. Fresh Head lettuce New Cream Squash Fresh Itiitnlmgiis with green tow FRUITS Fivsli Bananas Flueapplcs Grnjio Fruit Oranges Lemons Havo you tried tho new Swanstlown Prepared Cako Flour? Wo havo it. OLLIVANT & WEAVER THE PURE FOOD GROCERS. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE Corner Centra! Ave. and Third Street. Phone 275J ARTHUR PECK Is In Coqulllo on business today. A. B. DALY returned todny from a business trip to Portland. MRS. T. J. MACGENN of Emplro Is a Marauded! shopper today. MRS. J. T. McCORMAC Is suffering from n slight attack of la grippe. TAYLOR S1GL1N was down from his Isthmus Inlet ranch today on busi ness. F. B. COUCH and wlfo nnd child will leavo Saturday for Portland nnd other northern points. MRS. HARRY NOBLE wont to Co qulllo yesterday to visit friends nnd rolatlves for a few days. ROY LAWHORNE returned today from n few weeks' stuy at San Francisco nnd other California points. HERBERT L. COLEMAN returned on tho Breakwater today from a few weeks' trip to Spokane and Portlnnd. II. C. DIERS of North Bend is a . Mnrshlleld business visitor todny. He says thoro Is no now railway news there. THEO. BRADLEY nrrlved horo yes terday on tho Redondo from Snn K Francisco to spend a few wcoks In this section. PETER CLAUSEN arrived in on tho Redondo after an extended stuy in California and Arizona for the ben efit of his health. A. W. MYERS will leavo Satur day for Portland, Spokntio nud other northern nnd eastern points on business nnd pleasure F. It. KIRK of tho Bradley Candy Company returned today from Washington points whore ho wns culled by tho Illness of his wlfo. MISS MAUUE BOWRON who was forced to give up hor studies nt St. Mary's Academy lu Portland on account of 111 health, nrrlved homo on the Breakwater this morning. WATT SHORT who has boon upend ing the Inst fow months In Snn Francisco Is reported to hnvo re turned via Bandon nnd In now spending n fow days with Joe Coach at tho lattor'B homo on tho Coqulllo. MMI DOM1N1CK d' AMBROSIO, who for several years had chnrgo of tho shine stand In a local barber shot, has returned from Los Angoloa whore ho has been located tho past year. Ho exp els to romnlu hero. CHAS. A. DENY, nrrlved hero today from Portlnnd to tnko a position with Magnes & Mntson. Ho wan formerly located at Chicago but has spent tho last fow yearn at Cor vnllls nnd Portlnnd. J. E. 1IELLENIUR, who has becu connected with Tho Times for sevornl months left this morning via Drain for Seattle, where ho will visit his wlfo and inako nrrangemontii for tho removal of his homo to Marshfleld. J, II. LEVERS, who havo boon In chnrgo of tho now business depart ment of tho Orogon Power Com pany hero plans to leave about April I for Evor6tt, Wash, to lo cate. Ho had hoped to got nway sooner to tuko tho position nt Ev erott but tho man who Is to tuko his placo hero has not arrlvod and It Is likely that ho and Mrs. Lovora will not got away boforo April 1 Cleur Streets Marshal Cartor Is today mnklng a crusado against wooden signs and low nwnlngB. Ho la removing all wooden signs nnd re quiring atorokcopors to rnlso tholr awnings bo that thoy aro at lonst seven foot nhovo tho sidewalk. T N R ew esndemits To those who lmve recent ly moved into our ncigh horhood we extend n spe cial invitation to visit our store nnd seo tho many ways in which wo can help you. Either in sickness or in health you are looking for a good drug store, ono on which you can depend. "Rely on us to tnko thor ough care of nil orders plnced in our hands. BROWN DRIG CO. Graduate Chemists. Phono 1-11-J, Marshfleld, Oregon Dayton Bicycles (PW Marshfield Cyclery Agents; Phono 180-R; 007 Front St. Be Sure and Move All the potatoes you care to sell this season. The present prices are too high to last. Highest cash price on day of delivery. f. s. DOW Hdea,w. remedy ,s for sal