THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OBEGOH, MOHDAY, MARCH 18, 1912-EVENING EDITION. 4 B fc ,v w LITTLE GIRL F SEES (Continued from pagn 1.) NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS MYRTLE POINT POINTERS News of Upiwr CihjiiIUc Valley ns Told by The Enterprise. T. Coach nntl John coy or uan that tho company paid out to the growers of tho valley and for help last season thlrty-threo hundrod and Eomo odd dollnra. With tho exception of nbout $400 tho stock subscribed Inst spring hns nil been paid In. and tho company will start this season's work under much more favorable conditions. Tho board of directors oiecieu ror don wero In town over night Sunday I en route homo from a hunting trip to fim lintnnti! section. They got tho ' i tit:r of only ono wild cat on tho threo- nnd Jwso Day, started off with a rush days trip. 'tho ensuing year consists of tho fol and for tho first two rounds It looked ! Miss Graco IJlnck has resigned nor , ""J Ltockholclors: N. 0. W. Por ns though Chishoim wns going to ut. position nblo to make a Btrong showing. How- school I nvnr niilalitil im'm Hliowint? ended .111(1 In nt Slltl It wns realized by the crowd that It she has chargo of tho third grade was only tho nmtter of n fow rounds i room In city schools of thnt plnco. until ho would bo put out by Day. Miss Vera Talbot has resigned as Chishoim showed lack of oxperl- liiyid opcrntor nnd manager at tho lo- i -l.... ...... ........I.... n.1 iiriiD rrin.. .if tlm ri.nttllln Vnltnv Tnln- "'....... ..., .... i ti '..!.., r Mloa rn1n nkmlnr a f!renk to tllU town. With a VlCW Of quick, although ho generally swung tho now m'nnngor. (supplying tho town with good, puro uustnvo aenrocuor insi wcck hoiu muu ". ... - -- M..' ."Sum "1 , " ' Si -': " """" OOLI) PEACH WATER SYSTEM A nlnn lino was surveyed out h fow days ago from tho head of ttllcy his jowolry business nnd stock to Oeorgo Unckleff, nnd expects to movo onto n ranch nonr Flshtrnp. Mr. Hnckloff Is well known to tho Jewelry trade hero, having been employed In wntch ropnlrlng n couplo of years, when C. L, Hondor wns In tho busi ness hero. Mrs. Luclnda Sartcr of Marshflold returned to her homo last Saturday nftor n week's vtelt at tho homo of her grnnddnughtcr, Mrs. C. A. Cllp plngor, of this city. MYRTLE POINT IMPROVING Now Cily Hull mill Two Mocks of Pacing Projected There. Tho city council mot last Monday ovcnlng with nil members prosont and thoro wns a largor number of In terested citizens present at this moot ing than usually nro. Tho building committee on tho now city hull ro portod thnt they had seen rod n pre liminary Hkoteh from Architect Tur pln of Marshflold of a municipal building, thrco storlcfl nnd bnsoment that can bo built at n cost of not to exceed $2G00, finished to tho present needs of tho city. A petition signed by tho proporty owners of 700 out of tho 800 foot of tho frontngo on Spruce- stroot bo tweon Fourth nnd Sixth streets nnd asking that thnt portion of tho stroot lying between tho contor of Fourth street and tho center of Sixth stroot bo paved with n hard surfneo paving, wns then road. governed by tho law us rogards tho payment for tho Improvement of streets ns It may bo nftor tho elec tion, when tho proposed nmondmont will bo voted on, nnd will In all prob stead of onto the general fund of tho clly. Tho petition was gruntotl. Myrtle Point Enterprise. myrtle point creamery wild and trusted to luck for rosit'u Tho first round stnrtcd with cms holm rushing and swinging whllo !iay was apparently Blow. Chishoim Inn l cd scvornl to Day's head. Tho second was pretty much tho snmo ns tho first and two or throo of Chlsholm's swings dnzed Day lor an Instant. As tho gong sounded Chishoim dropped his hands and started to return to his corner. Day was leading nt tho tlino and struck him Just ns ho turned, knocking mm to his knees. Chishoim protested against tho foul but tho reforeo would not nllow It. In tho third Chishoim started to use tho pivot and was warned against It by tho reforeo. In n clinch Day got Chishoim leaning over so that ho landed several short Jabs to the back of Chlsholm's neck. In another clinch Day wns nblo to reach witli his right by short undercuts to Chi holm's right oyc. In tho fourth Day continued to piny for ChlBholm'u soro oyo nnd booh had him bleeding profusely. Chis hoim began to show signs of tiring nnd of being worried. Again In tho fifth Chishoim wns warned against tho uso of tho pivot.. Day was punishing him considerably nnd Chishoim was giving little In re turn. Early In the sixth Chishoim went down nnd took u count of nine. In stead of following his early start of leading on Day, Chishoim was trying to avoid Day's punishment. Ho wns practically helpless. Day landed on him ngnln nnd ho went to tho floor nnd took tho count. It wns not u knockout but Chishoim wns all In. Evon beforo this, n number hnd called to Chlsholm's supporters to throw up tl.o sponge and save n pos sible knockout, but they did not do BO. Wins on Foul. In tho eighth round of what wnu to hnvo been u ten round go, Slug llosnii, tho Denver Hill Chluniunii, was given the decision over "Chuck" O'Connoll on u foul. Somo clnlmed that this go was oven hotter tlinu tho innln ovont, although others who had roon previous limits between tho Clilnuiiinu mid O'Couuull did not think It wiih ns koimI mm tho oilier one. This Ih (ho second time tho Clilna inan linn won on u foul, Tho bout wns n decidedly bloody ono, O'Connoll bleeding profusely from tho homo nnd mouth nftor tho fifth round. Ills face was badly bo npatterod and tho Chink's shoulder nnd back whore O'Conuell leaned on him In clinches was red. Tho Chink showed especial clever ness In ducking O'Connoll's swings nnd landed some heavy rights to tho fnco at regular Intervals. About tho only piiuUhnieiit O'Connoll was nblo (o inflict was In the clinches when ho would gut some short arm upper cuts to tho Chink's stomach. Jiut ns the gong sounded In tho fifth round, tho Chink slipped to tho floor but wns quickly ou his foot ngnlu, III tho uliclltll. Ill a rush. O'ft.nnnll landed u silff one Itulow tho bolt. The blow did not Injuro tho Chink but (he foul was so plnlii Hint tho decision wns Immediately given to tho CI liinumii. Whll tho Chink had n llttio tho best of tho go throughout, It was far from being a decisive victory. Wilson Is Victor, v Hilly Wilson wns elvon Mm io. clslon over Kid Holbrook of Hnudmii in tiio fourth round of tho first pre liminary on u foul by Referee Joo Schott. Wilson wns Inrgor than his opponent mid hnd more oxporlence, easily out oliisslug him. Howover, Bomo of tho llnudon lad's friends protested vigorously over Sehotl awarding It ou n foul. Day wns nppiiroutly In excellent condition for tho go, not showing nny signs of tiring. I,. M. Ullveus, his physical trainer, was greatly pleased over his slowing. Hoferex Cleason ut Dnv.niiiniinim nnd the .sing Hoi-nn-O'CoiiiioIl bouts ("' R'Mirrni sil'IKincilOU With way lo handled the goes. uue or tiio best crowds that has ready turned rut fur nnv recent fight hero her. - lighting power of 100 kilowatt units nrotcctlon. A storage reservoir will bo built on Bomo elovntcd placo near town thnt will glvo n sufficient prea suro to throw a stream of wator over tho courthoiiEo or nny other building In town In enso of flro. Gold Dcach Qlobo. COOS COUNTY GOLD Phil Guthnrdt, who Is mining on somo lenscd ground on Salmon moun tain, was In town from thoro this wook. Among tho gold, which ho brought In was ono nuggot thnt tips tho scnlcs nt ono ounco nnd is valued nt ?20. Myrtle Point Enterprise. POUT ORFOHD NEWS Benjamin Clothes Curry County Events ns Kecorded In The Tribune. The fnrmors' tolephono system In this neighborhood Is now nn assured fact, nnd construction work hns al ready commenced on tho lino run ning south. Tho territory ombracod will extend from MubsoF Creole to Sixes Illvor. Tho Port Orford Port Commission met nt this placo Inst Saturday with nil tho mombors present excepting E. D. Thrift. J. M. McKonzlo. ns treas urer, gnvo bonds for n thousand dol lnra and reported thnt tho sheriff had collected and turned over to him $200 of tho ono mill port tax, which money will ho U3cd to dofond tho ponding suits ono nn Injunction to In?"' .."..' ..""':' icstrnln the sheriff from further col IIIU IIUIIUUIIUID ..,. !. -- .! !. ,!, n pledged themselves thnt thoy will bo n X-miVsuR l nst Secretary pnvnrnn.1 liv Mm Iiiu' nu rni?.ir,t f l.n I !nn,,Unl""8 "J111. nalm1 HLCrOiarj i.onoy ror refusing to mo cortnin pa pors hostile to tho port. It Is to bo hoped that both suits will fall. J. Huntley announces his candi dacy In this Ibsiio of tho Trlbuno for nblllty enrry throwing tho cost of tho lho ropiUllcnn nomination as county iiuiiruYuiuuiiL ill iiiu uiiuinuciiuiin in JndgO. inu Hircoi on iiiu property uwnurn in CREAMERY STAHTS SEASON Directors Arc for Cotilllo Valley Institution Plans for ii IHg Vcnr. Tho Conditio Sentinel says. Tiio Couulllo Valloy Creamery EiihiiIiii; Company commenced operations on Mnrcli 1. Tliey churned a90 pounds KleelccI Year. Tho Myrtlo Point Enterprise says: 'of cream on that date, wluen yielded Tho Myrtlo Point Canning Com- 230 pounds of butter. Tho Hew pnny hold tliolr niuiunl mcotlng nt building constructed by fio company tho city liall In' this city yesterday Is n two story structure -10 by 7"i afternoon. A largo number of stock- feet mid wns erected ut a cos1 u( up holders woro prosont, 1C7 shnres of proximately $3500. The capacity of tho stock being represented. Minutes tho plant Is not less tlinu 4000 of last year's mooting woro rend and pounds of butter per day. and It Is approved, nnd tho reports of tho ostlmntod thnt within ilm mouths board of directors nnd treasurer from date tho output will prornbly rend nnd ordered filed with tho seoro- lonch from 12 ! u 1500 or uidr per tnrv. The treasurer's report showed dny. M cn-rfuitiiv' fCTVv vk BN fl!vjj..j.-liCW-y W. ft. r Arc as Necessary to your good appearance as the railroad is to Coos Bay Spring; Models Are Here Sold Exclusively At The Hub "Money Talks" Bcrjanijn OotHcS Marshfield nw Stetson Shoes Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Baridon Ssr Stetson Hats was present. Tho Coqulllo valloy contributed Inrgely to tho crowd, tho special train bringing over 131 In addition to thoso who arrived on tho early trains Saturday. Several ErceforAlN. Several times during lho evening TKOril,KWITIISTIUICHHS Half a Do.cii Officers Wounded hi Massachusetts. (Ily Associutod Press to the Coos Dny Tim os.) DARKE. Mass.. March to Sev- II looked ns though some lively free- ornl shots wero oxehnnued between for-nlls would bo sldo nttractlona for strikers nt the Harre wool combing tho crowd In tho rluk. Most or the plant nnd tho civil offlcors horo to purtlclpnnts In these wore pretty 'dny. Half n dozen officers wero much under tho Infliionco of liquor slightly Injured nnd flvo won, nil nnd friends suppressed tliolr pugl- Ilnllnns, woro nrrostcd. Tho troublo llstlc tondeiieles beforo nnythlng followed nn nttempt of the compuny sorloiiB happened. However, It kept to send sovornl londod frolght cars Marshal Carter and Special Watch out of tho yards. Tho train moved innii Chniuhers on tho Jump. Ono1 without Interference, but suddonly of (hem started Just ns Josso Dny got nbout two hundrod strikers Biirround Into (he ring and Day starlod oil and nttneked n hnlf dozon offlcors through tho ropos nftor blm. Tho nnd many shots wero fired. Tho riot VAST AXI) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH W'lllEI.ESS AND SLUM A It INK HEIJj SAILSIFROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY MONDAY, MARCH 10, AT 3 P. M. Phone I IXTEK-OCEAN TIIANSI'OIITATIOX COMPANY. I. O. 1 MifiEOItOE, Agent. STADDEN All IJnds Of lllOtO(TSph WMt, bromide rnlurglng snd ioiiX finishing. crowd thought Dny kicked nt ono of them mid hissed him considerably for It. VI.OKE.WE TO (JET 1,1 OUT was quickly quelled and the street cloarod. lllfill SCHOOL STUDENTS .NOTICE Studonts expecting to outer tho commercial department of Mnrsli- . , ,., ,. , ,,,.,, , ,-,.,, fiolrt high school next fnll nro asked orH(.n iui l-nuipIlM forMcctrlcnl t0 n,nko tlmt fnct ,(now by . Kl blll-'WP o., Mninl: i! t ft,rrl"K w,th rrinclpnl Darker about . .ii i i ,i i" M'.,,rth ,.s At tho matter nt once, n special election bore- the vote was' w Tii-'nnpv qni IS to 8 In favor of granting to O. 0. A T"-no'-N- Sl""- nushmnii, of Shorldnn, n frnnchlso to mnlntnln nn electric Ilglplng pnd power piniu ni mis pinco. The fran NO CAUSE TO DOUBT. 'THE I'KIICXI) OF COOS DAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR EUREKA AT 9:30 A. M., TUESDAY, MARCH 19 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTl,AXI) NORTH PACIFIC STKUI.MIIP COMPANY. O. F. MtfiEORGE, Agent. Phone II. Don't Throw'1 km Your old shoos. We fix 'en il U wait. THE ELECTRIC SII0I3 SHOP 180 So. Ilrondwny JlMtlMl STR. WASHINGTON WILL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS BAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 16, AT 7 A, M, STEAMER HOMER SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY iM.ujn.uay:, MARCH 11. Play Ball HfH,nJ!!u.!8 t0nJr Vl, m" ,U,l, ,'" "?,,,,X" A Stntci.ient of Fncts Racked by n tho - elusive. Construction work will bo, Stronir (iiinrnutce JS'" .r;'"l ,!E,.!,,n.!!.t H .. Wo Ktmrniitco'niul p-sl- i V- im i .ii , ' "T""" ' live letter to nil sufferer from con- I eh.h.J'nV Vnn.T,n n,"x,m"in.Btlmtlon. In every case where o.jr Th JJ ? r m Iwntt units. n,m0lly flUls to ,, thU wo w, , The town of Florence resorved n the inmiev nal.l us for It Timi's n of the franchUe WIU!t y0H to 8nntlno them at on F. S. Dow, Agent Ocean Dock Coos Bay . m II rNatnrnnath Lo M CIIIROPHACTIO, OSTEOPAIBS HYimOTIIEIlAPV and all bronchos of N-turl T politics taught. Torma reou For Information address DR. BIRD B. CLARKE North Rend, OrEi. PROFESSIONAL OIRECTf MRS. A. 11. fllDIiKV. Vocal Tcnclier. 130 South Tenth. rb0D I'-1 Rut play with a SPALDING CORK CENTER BALL $1.25 each OlllcUl National l.t-auue The Officlol Ball of the World Series nd the Bull that plays the same riht through the game SHE PROPOSES TO WEIi TIMID SCHOOfi TF.ACHF.R Uexnll Oidorlles nro onton Just like enndy, are particularly prompt nnd iiKreeablo In nctlon, may bo takon nt any time, dny or night; do not cause diarrhoea, nnusoa. Krlplns. excessive looseness, or othor undesirable ef fects. They havo n vory mild but positive nctlon upon the organs with Cork H -SS2Si Center CORK Send for a copy ofltie Spnl.llng Catalogu ficctoauy atlatet Samplo of Material! for Hate Halt K V uullstoii. free. WN a r..v-u, l ,M. " 3t-a.ijiji4rA(iJ a UKU2. Geary SI. San Francisco MINNBAPOI.IS. Mnrch 11 The mtest thing In leap year proposals has boon rocolved by 11. 11. Jnckson. assistant superintendent of tho pub-1 whl,cl1 ,hoy C0I" ln (,n,n,- appar ttn Kri.nnin. ti. i i...,J i.lon,,' actlng as n regulative tonic oh MMi , o. V. . '7"" "' "I'on tiio relnxed muscuhir cent of btlnn Wilson, of St. Paul, nnd rends: j tho bowel, thus overcoming weak "You need a wife, noss, nnd aiding to restore the bowels "I need n husband. to more vigorous nnd honlthy nc- "You nro too timid with tho younS V,&1 Orderlies are unsurpnssnble "al08, and Ideal for tho use of children, old. "I liuvo more money than I can In-1 folks nnd dellcato persons. We enn- vest." I nt too highly recommend tjioin to I nil sufferers from nny form of con- 'aaaaaaa..... j. . Biipniion and its ntteinhint nvii- ' l'XTRA COPIKS OF TIIF . Tint's why we back our faith In t'lom . SPKCIAI, RAILWAY KD'TIOV I).'" ?llr Iro,ls f mouev back if COOS it v timi,"s a ' " "" IUH K'vo entire satisfaction A Wrnm.e.1 rend'v for .... !iii 1 1 T103'- " tablets 10 cents. 36 iy be obtained at tl.o offtcJ! ! "!a,s i" ."!L?u,!.i Aab 0':.0 ........., .tun uu'i cu'ni'i Itexnll Romodlos In Marshflold only at our storo Tho Roxall Storo Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug Co.. "Tho Ilusy Corner." Y-i it .. if. u'INKLEIIi V Naturopath .adCUiVg All chronic dlssascs treatea. ... . rtffira honfi. . . . . r .nit ( olrl 8 10 ii a. m.i iu - .,, ii rsnturopain inBuiuk" - No. 136 Droadwoy. Mrihw- FQUIPPKD WITH WIHF.I.KSS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIM K. SAILS FRO.M PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. OX MARCH s, 12, 10 AND "0 SAILS FROM COOS RAY AT SF.RVICK OP T1IIJ TIDK ON MARCH 2, h. A. PARKHURST, Agent. Phono Main )J3i). O, 1(1, 2;l AND ao. kH. G. W. LESLIE, LJ Osteopathic IbyId Uraduate of mo !... --. . ,N.I...!ll. MO. v Osteopatuy ai """" ...ii'W In Eldorado Dlk. Hours "" J 4- Phone 1C1-J; MsrsnrieU J. W. nENNBTl. Lafryer. Jfflse over Flanagan & Bnel! may frice i'u coins each, 4 Try The Times' Want Ads, Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill' Eastside and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 IVont St. 1 .1 - T III . JLV I larshOeld 0:4 We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of first class Electrical matorlal nnd can give our patrons a vory low prlco on house wiring. Oet our prlco you enn't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J it. J. T. McCOlWirti Physician and Suw Marshfield, Oregon. Jfflce: Lockhart Buiiama. j Phono 105-J II' . nR. A. J. HENimY'S ....! prl"- -' modern ! vlfh' We are equipped to ow .work on short notice ai , .-.. Rxamintt'01 uwoov ,..... -- .t,,i Lady attendant. 00110 ... .. . .. l nhOD i'Zi Biro unanaier ii"'" T- ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE HENStISI Wis