"-" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1912 EVENING EDITION UUuthrniU (DunrantiH &.AAott$M ,MtMvi& Whttcrttt- ncV;fi-rfi?aA ts I . " ' '- 'wJtrX-r'r,t"tt'WJM'rt'JPtn7tAfA sirirtfii(;A0v&' ftJf r.fet.u, ,,!.,.,. .... ..,.. ? ,f j ,,.: "':" "v.'" ' mm, yyy t m u ms. ...... . ir r' , (locals1 J fi nl,a?,ctJri wrrs s lf rf i... CLCVtLANO.OMIO. O t - 1 - - -' --' ' - w -rri rHimrnp i n ji i UitraxrarararorCTfc j-(i.vj.r.v-ip,Kj;:-jr,l'.7ijj3ijj, F LWiPG .... & . vertsj Jiatf .1 JP. MSlC-(4?VL4rj Look For The Guarantee l-JERE'S a reproduction of our Clothcraft Guarantee. You will find it in the inside pocket of every one of our coats It's your pro tection against the chances of defect imperfec tion or dissatisfaction in material or workman ship. It means Clothes Insurance To the manufacturers' guarantee we add our own because of our confidence that Clothcraft Clothes will make good. It is the only guaranteed all-wool line in America at $J0 to $25. Woolen Mill Store friends nnd nolghbors from Cntchlng Inlet nnd woro T. M. Collvor, Carl Smedborg, Uurt Hollonbenk, Gcorgo Dlnko nnd Chns. Jackson. rntlior Bcrlous conditio. n Mrs. Noblo will probably leave for Port lnnd In a dny or two. COOS HAY TIDES. MARSHFIELD MILL-TO-MAN CLOTHIERS OREGON Always "The Busy Corner" The Rcxall Store LIKE A THIEF Kidney Disease crcopa upon you nnd when you wake up to the fact It In dually too Into the damage linti been done. If you suspect Unit you have any form of Kidney trouble, If you nro puzzled qh to tliu cause of your III health, ho on the Rafo side and take nf) iiivtinv Avrnr '(XUUU- IY1LHNILI 1UlVJl, We know this remedy will euro Kidney trouble ns wo know that Its formula Is superior to any bIiuIIiu- remedy and wo have proof of 1U Iti effectiveness. Sold with tho Roxnll guarantee. , Two bUcs, COc nnd 11.00. Lockhart-Parsons Drue Co. I PHONE- -MAIN 298 US FOR HALE 2 M ncroa clonrod lnnd, nil fenced 1 V4 miles from Mnrshflold; good Improvements house nnd bnm, 0 dozen chickens, 2 milk cows, good young team horses nnd wngon, nlso good boil er nnd onglue; nil go at bargain. J. 10. Fltzgornld, Mnrshflold.. Phono 31 1C. t FOR HALE Town or good young horseH. Inqulro J. C. Donne. WANTED TO HUNT amnll farm near Coos Illver or Catching Inlot. Phono 209. WHEN THE RAILROAD COMES and Before, Have Your Baggage Handled by The TRANSFER COMPANY D. Ferguson Receiver and distributors of freight, gener al s.torage and transfering of every de scription. Furniture and freight crated v shipment Warehouse, Market Ave. and waterfront, rear Lockhart building. phone 163 MarshML Ore. FOR HALE Team, weighing 200 lbs., nnd hnrness; price $12G. H. D. Putnnm. Rox G33. North Ilond. WANTED window donning and odd Jobs. Phono 161-X. I'OH HALE Good restaurant. In qulro Tlmos ofllco. FOR UKXT Furnished rooms; 135 Second St. ORCHESTRA MUSIC Furnished for nil occasions. Duuby's Imporlnl, at Bradflold Uarbor Shop. FOIt SAM: 11:0 lure homestead with lmprovomonts nnd a llvo room house on tho Hnino. 2 ml from tho Coqulllo River. For particulars cnqulro of W. W, Coy, Conloguo Cntjip, Lnmpn, Oregon. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance utle Guarantee and Abstract Co. Coqain. nm H15NRY 8ENG8TACICKN, Mgr. w 0ffl,8 Pnon8 191 Murshfield Offlco H-J. rnl, Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents "BASTSIDBT FVOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE WANT ADS NEW TODAY FOll HAM; One new Ud-foot guso lino launch. Soo Max Tliuinor- man, 8C2 North Front stret. HOMESTEAD Locations. Inqulro 812 South Drondwny, E. L. Spnuld-Ing. WANTED TO IIUY Mare, not over nine yenrs old and well broko; weight 1000 to 1200 lbs. H. J. Mandery, 812 South Broadway. FOIt ItENT Two nlco sunny house keeping rooms. Inqulro at Nas burg Grocory. IjATTI.N HOTEL Board and room, $1 per day; $6 per week; family style, 316 Second St., South. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS to rent. 392 IJroadway. Coos Delicatessen FINE HOME COOKING. PURITY, CLEANLINESS. HEALTHFULNESS Only the best of everything good at reasonable prices. Merchant's lunch dally from 11a. m. to 2:30 p. m. Hoi w Is given tbj tlmo nnd l icht of high nnd low water nt M .rshfleld. Th tides nro plnced In tho order of occurrence, with their times on U'o llrst line nnd heights on tho sec ond line of eiK'h dny; n compnrlson of roiHGcutlvo heights will Indicate wheti or It Is high or low wnter. For liili unlor on bnr, subtract 2 hours 3-1 minutes. Marclt, IIM'. S.10 2.30 8.22 1.4 S.9 0.4 8.40 3.1C 8.C3 0.8 CO 0.7 0.17 3.GC 9.27 0.3 C.8 1.1 9. fin 4.3S 10.00 0.1 C.B 1.7 10.3S .".29 10.32 0.2 1.9 2.3 11.27 13.17 11.09 0.3 4.3 2.9 12.23 7.23 11.57 Date IS hours.2.32 Tldo ..C.9 19 Hrs. Foot 20 Hrs. I Foot 21 Hrs. 'Foot 22 Hrs. Feet 23 Hrs Feet 24 Hrs. .3.01 .0.2 .3.30 .0.4 .4.01 .CO .4.44 .0.C .fi.ll .C.G .r..fi3 School Mooting A mooting of the directors nnd pntrons of tho Hunker Hill school will bo hold this evening to consider tho recent troubles be tween Principal Shcrrlll nnd tho pu pils and patrons. County Superin tendent Hunch nnd Supervisor Mc Cormnc will bo present. Haaar in May It la nnnounced that tho bazaar to bo given by tho Ladles of St. Monica's Catholic church will bo hold tho first .week In .May, Instead of tho first week after Easter. It was postponed on account of tho weather conditions. THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON Gcnernlly fnlr to night nnd Tucsdny. Light frost In Interior nnd west nnd heavy frost In enst tonight. Southwest to west winds. LOCAL RE- TEMPERATURE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4.43 a. 111.. Mar. IS, by HonJ. Ostllud, .special government 1110 teorologlcal observer: Maximum 53 Minimum 35 At 4.43 a. in 43 Precipitation none Wind southwest; pnrtly cloudy. WANT ADS. I HORN. WILSON To Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Wilson, nt their homo In Foru dnlc, Saturday, Mnrch 10, 1912, n boy. Mother and child nro do ing nicely and tho father Is ns proud as a successful cnndldato for offlco. L. J. PETnOMOULX. Proprietor. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J HULLS' To Mr. nnd Mrs. II. A. Ed Iln, nt their homo In liny Park, Moudny, Marclt IS, a girl. Mothor nnd child nro doing nicely. Council Tonight Tho Marshflold City Council will meet tonight to take up various matters. lluys Auto Ed Llndborg has sold his Cadillac touring enr to "Slim" Wilson, who forniorly conducted tho Hhlno stand nt J. E. Wynno's harbor shop. Divilgo StnrtH Tho dredge Oro gon which tins boon undergoing iu pntrs will begin pumping Into tho bulkhond nenr tho Maso.iS'j Opera HotiBo tomorrow morning. Mnny nt Dnnco Tho St. Pntrlck'a ball given nt tho Englo'a hnll Saur dny ovonlng wnslnrgoly attended nnd proved to bo ono of tho most onjoy nblo of the sorles given by tho Cooa liny Concert Dnnd. Mnny nt Funeral Tho funornl of II. F. Ross, tho woll known Catching Inlet plonoor, nt tho Cooa RIvor com otory yeBtordny wns Inrgoly nttond ed. Thoro wns nn especially largo nttendanco of tho oldor residents of this section who united In paying trlbuto to him. Rov. O. Lo Roy Hall officiated. Tho pnllhnnrorH worn DAYTON es llfPP Wm& Huy Roslnuranl L. 11. Uutko nnd wlfo hnvo purchnsod tho O. IC. Res Inurnnt on Mnrkot nvcnuo from A. Moon, taking possession today. They hnvo recontly nrrlved on tho liny nnd nro Impressed with tho opportuni ties hero, deciding to locnto horo pcrmnnontly. May See Hoat Yesterday nftor nnon n lnrgo number of pooplo visit ed the llosslo Dollar, tho big lumber carrier which Is loading nt tho Smith mill for Chlnn. Tho Nnnn Smith was also loading nt her slip, making n iloublo nttrnctlon for tho visitors. Tho HoksIo Dollar wns named lit hon or or Mrs. Mcvlllo Dollnr, who Is hero from Snn Frnnclsco with her hus- bnnd. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hollar nro guests nt tho C. A. Smith company's offices. Ik'iiii'lt Wod Again Tho Rosc burgltcvlow snys: A mnrrlngo llconso hns been Issued In Portland, to W. F. Ilornell, ngod 35, nnd Miss Ocr trudo L. McOuIrk, nged IS, of this city. Mr. Rornoll directed n bnnd nnd opornted n thentcr In Roseburg n your nnd n half ngo, slnco which tlmo his first wife hns sccurod n di vorce nnd mnrrled n civil onglnecr named Palmer. Mlsu McQuIrk Is n nlcco of Mrs. M. DoVancy of this city nnd wns omploycd for n short tlmo ns tlckctsellcr In Mr. DerneH's thca tor. Ilornell for n short tlmo opornt ed tho Mnsontc Thcntor horo but failed nnd left n number of creditors. WALTER C. SCOTT, who formerly resided horo nnd who lost all his household offects In tho wreck of tho Cznrlnn n few years ngo, nr rlved hero Snturdny. Ho Is now traveling through this section for n San Frnnclsco firm. W. F. HARMON rolurncd todny from, a visit with his wlfo nnd bnby at Tho Dallos, Ore., whoro they hnvo boon visiting relntlvcs. Ho hns prnctlrnlly mado up his mind to lo cnto at Tho Dalles and will prob ably leavo for thoro In two or three weeks. PERSONAL NOTES CHAS. T1IOM of North liond wns n Mnrehflold business visitor todny. A. STONELAKE of Ten Mllo Is n Mnrshflold business visitor todny. MRS. REUBEN LYONS of North In let Is a Mnrshflold shopper todny. II. W. PAINTER left for Coqulllo nnd other valley points on this morning's train. B. C. PADDOCK nnd wlfo will shortly niovo Into npnrtments In tho O'Connoll building. REV. J. T. M. Knox returned 8atur dny ovonlng from n trip to Port land and other northern points. J. W. OIBNEY of Cnmp 8 on Coos Rlvor Is In Mnrshflold todny on business nnd pleasure. DAN CONLOOUE nnd Sam Vnnco returned to tho Conloguo Cnmp nt Lnmpn todny nftor n urort stny In town. MISS HELVA FLANAOAN expects to leavo on tho noxt Rodondo for Snn Frnnclsco and oihor Califor nia points. MRS. CHAS. MASTERS of EnstslJu left Saturday for Portlnnd whoro Hho will tnko u courso In a busi ness college J. M. MARHOFFER Is expected hero this weok from Crescent City, Cal., to visit nt tho homo nf his sou, F. M. Mnrhoffcr, In South Marshflold. JESSE SMITH was down from his Coos River ranch todny on busi ness. Ilo recently romplotcd n flno now home. 0110 of tho best nnd most modern country residences In tho county. It has hot water bout and Is modern In ovory wny. Howover, ho failed to hnvo n flre placc built In tho new homo nnd longs for the old flreplnco which ho enjoyed for many years. MR. McNEAR, tho Junior member of tho hardware firm of MoNoar & Son, spnut Sunday on tho Day na tho guest of J. W. Gardiner of North Rend nnd other friends. Ho reports everything In tho lower valley Is prosperous. Ho says that ns soon as tho launch Coqulllo, which Is being rebuilt, Is complet ed, she will hnvo n speed of 18 miles per hour, reducing tho tlmo from llaudou lo Coqulllo to nbout nn hour nnd a hnlf. Dl.v Has Accident Dr. Gcorgo B. DIx received his now 30-horsopowcr Cadillac runabout on tho Atllnnco to day. Ho nnd Gcorgo Goodrum took It out for n trlnl Bpln nnd ns tuoy rounded tho turn on tho plank road way nenr the stnvo mill tho tnachlno skidded Into tho railing, tearing off tho mudgunrds, breaking a whool nnd doing other damage 10 tho car. They woro going at a pretty merry clip at tho tlmo and tho wot plank ing caused tho nccldcnt. Neither Mr. Goodrum or DIx wns hurt. EXTRA COPIES of tho COOS HAY TIMES SPECIAL RAILWAY EDITION Wrapped nnd rendy for mailing at Norton & Hanson's. Two Stores. Only 20o por copy. PECULIAR ACCIDENT A rntlior iocullnr nccldont befell ono C. A. Cllpplngor's flno tenm of drnft horno8, Inst Sunday. Mr. Clip plngor hnd let tho nnlmnls, that weigh about 1G00 ench, Into tho ynrd nenr his hnrn, when they began play ing nnd biting nnd chasing onch oth er. Whllo engaged in tho nntlcs ono of them began to root, nnd nn exami nation disclosed thnt ho had broken tho bono In ono of his hind logs be tween tho hock nnd hip. Tho nnlmal has boon plnced In n sling nnd Its log put In a cast, with tho hope thnt tho bono will unlto, which novor Is very uuccossful nt best. Myrtlo Point En terprise. , Mnrshflold, Oro., Mar. 18, 1912. Dm. flrny .i Co., Chandler Hotel, Roonm M and in. READ A TESTIMONIAL FROM ONH OF YOUR HOME PEOPLE I called on Dr. Grny nt tho Chand ler Hotel nnd hnd him oxtract an ulcoratcd tooth for mo with tho vital ized nlr. It was dono without the least pain nnd' no bnd nftor offocta In tho lenBt. In fact It was moro a pleasure thnn a dread. Don't miss this raro opportunity ns tho Drs. do oven motv than they claim. Remem ber the date, until Saturday, March l!:t, nt Chandler Hotel. Call early and secure engagement. Signed Geo, Million. BICYCLES IMPORTANT Yhink before you act THINK Before you buy a BICYCLE. Have you evor tried to get parts for your wheel? THAT'S ALL Dayton Bicycles Are STANDARD Any part can be duplicated at Marshfield Cyclery Agents Phone 180-R, 507 Front On May 1st we will ndvnnce tho prlco of nil Dayton Models 1 (freight charge from Portland). Ask those who know us If wo gen erally mean what wo say, J. LEE DROWN roturnod Saturday ovonlng vln. Drain from Snlem, whoro ho wont to attend a mooting of tho Oregon board of pharmacy. JACK MBREEN roturnod on tho Nann Smith yesterday from a visit In San Francisco, nt Stanford Uul vorstty and nt Dorkeley, following his trip to tho Wcstlughniifio fac tory at Pittsburg. MRS. J. T. McCORMAC roturnod Sat urday ovonlng vln. Drain from her southern nnd custom trip. She ' hnd a hard trip In and wns suf fering from n sovoro nttnek of tonsllltls on her arrival, D. R. PETTIT. tho orchardlst, loft this morning for Coqulllo Valley. Aftor finishing somo orchard work In that locality ho contemplates making n trip to California, leav ing by bont from Iiniidou. MRS. MARY WICKMAN of Emplro has boon spending a few days nt tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. Will Magoo, in West Marshflold. Another dnughtor, Miss Annlo Wlckmnn, Is now teaching school at Flagstaff. R. 0, Collins, Postmaster, Darno gat, N. J., wns troublod with a sovero la grlppo cough. Ho says: "I would bo complotoly oxhnustod after each fit of violent coughing. I bought a bottlo of Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound and boforo I had taken It all the coughing spoils had entlroly ceased. It can't bo beat." For Bale by Prouss Drug Co. and nod Cross Drug Co. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, flno onos, por pound l'JtUc, lOo nnd 8 l-:to MRS. L. M. NODLE has recelvod word that hor nleco, Miss Maudo Noblo, who has been attondlng St. Mary's Academy In Portland, Is vory til. Sho has been ailing from rhoumntlsra and othor complica tions for a fow weeks and Is In a Fancy Dried Apples, por pound.lSJJo Looso Muscatel Raisins, por lb,.10o Seedless Sultana Raisins, por lb. 10c Drlod Ponchos, por pound 10c Small White Deans, 18 lbs. for. 91.03 llnyou White Deans, 18 lbs. for.$1.00 The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality, Cash for Potatoes The market is excited and now is the time to sell. Before selling or shipping call up Phone 278, or see me personally. F. S. DOW t nn