The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 16, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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p i II II I " 'j "" iiiii;jiiii ma.-,
WAhsolutelyPiire i&
Mrs. Lnfon aftor nearly two yoars'
rcfildenco In Murahllold Is greatly ro-
! grottcd.
i 0
I w. n llrndlev and family havo
in Clothes
moved In (he house In West Marsh-1
Hold vacated by Mr. and Mrs. John I
1 1
Where the finest biscuit,
cake, hot-breads, crusts
or puddings are required
Royal is indispensable.
Royal is equally valuable
in the preparation of plain
substantial, every-day
foods, for all occasions.
The only baMnjj powder made
Irom Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
No Alum No Lima Phosphates
w i i "'""
(Continued from Pago 3)
tho Htoclc commission business
Central Oregon.
Mrs. T. W. Honnlo cnturtnlnoJ n
(liinrtet of frluiulH lit brldgo Friday
afternoon. Hor guostH woro Mrs. W.
S. Tnriiun, Mrs. Geo. Uorsoudorfor
and MrH. C. M. Uyior. Mrs. It. A.
Wernlch will bo hostess to tho small
brldgo club Frldny, March 22.
J. II. Davis and wlfo of Coos Illvcr
returned this wool; from n trip to
nrlous California points and Port
, Lafon.
I 0
, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I-'. Murch and
. daughter, Miss Charlotte Murch,
ncro host and hostesses at an In
formal dinner-party Sunday evening,
l entertaining Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Tow
1 or, Messrs. Huss and Jay Tower, Ans
gar and Cornell Lagorstrom, and
Hugo Qtilst.
; 0
1 Tho I'rlsrllla Club will bo cntor
tnlned Wednesday, March 20, by
MIbs Mabel Mnthlson nt her homo on
Hunker Hill.
; o
i The Coos Hay Coneort Hand will
1 glvo a St. Patrick's ball this evening
i at tho Ragles' Hall. It promises to
bo very largely attended.
Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Swodlsh
Luthornn church Is holding nn olnb
orato bazaar and social at tho church
hall this evening.
Tho 0. I. K. Club wnB ontortaln
Monday ovenlng nt the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Ayro by Miss Eliza
Ayro. Oames and conversation
woro tho pleasant attributes of tho
ovenlng, and refreshments woro sor
vod by tho hostoss. Present woro
Misses Mary Hansen, BobsIo Flyo,
Edith Hlldcnbrnnd, Bcatrlco Smith,
and Ilesslo Ayro. Miss Hcntrlco
Smith will entertain tho club at hor
homo In West Mnrshflcld next week.
Tho Jolly Dozen woro ontcrtnlnod
nt tho homo of Mrs. L. W. Langdon
on Bunkor IX i 11 , Wednesday. Con
vocation and a discussion over tho
program of homo study furnished
occupation for a busy afternoon. A
social ovenlng Is being planned for
bo mo tlnio In April. Miss Mnbol
Mathlson will bo hostess to tho club
Wodncsday, March 27. Among
those present woro Mrs. Hush, Mrs.
Chrlstonson, Mrs. Geo. Ilouko, Mrs.
Ilutz, Mrs. Hrockmlllor, Miss Laura
Dubny and Miss Mabol Mathlson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keating woro
host and hostess nt an Informal din
ner party Sunday evening, entortnln
lug nt a dnto midway between their
birthdays, tho Thursday of last weolc
and this wook respectively. Messrs.
George Ilotnor and George McCutch-
con woro tholr gnosis.
.Saturday ovenlng, March 0, L. W.
Holmborg wns host nt n birthday !
"sing" party nt his homo In Soutu
Mnrslillold. Among his guests woro
Messrs. G. A. Ilrown, Hoy Illceckor,
I Doll Ilongston, Victor Johnson, Guy
iKondnl, and E. Mohlor. Mrs. I Min
ings by Howard Savngo and Miss
Esther Silverman, vocal solos by Mr.
Grnnuls and Professor Wtlklus, and
Instrumental solos by Miss Ilesslo
Ayro, Professor Wllklus and Mr.
Jnckson, Among those prcsont
wore Misses K. Kllveriunu, Mary Han
son, Hruco Kolley, M. Fargo, Laura
Ilondry, Harriet HniiHon, Ilesslo Ay
ro, Solatn Howe, Itoxle Hull. Inez
Dnldwln, Cora Dyo, Dorothy Brown,
Ednn Mcintosh, Evelyn Luugworthj,
Mildred Johnson, Adelaide Clarke,
Ursula Fnrrluger Mid Ruth Allen.
Mr, find Mrs. 1. N. Holt, Mr. and
Mrs. Mllo Sumner, .Mr. and Mrs. II.
I. ItntlnilL'o M . mill Mm. V. K. Al.
Ion, nml Messrs. F. A. Ornnnls, Lob-'(Iu ! "' 8l8lor' M". O. O
lln iHiiiii'Hdii. (:liiiulnr Imihichiiii. .Iiiiih I 'iiu.
Hiiukoii, John Lyon, A. II. Campbell,
Loo Hyorly, Floyd II. Wllklus. 1-Vn-tiis
Walter, Kumost Winkler, l.eltoy
llfilinrlufiit W'fii'iit. Rlnml f l.mlitilr I .lnl. ..f 11... .1 lin..l..- np.limtl ........ .
......v. ........ ....,..u ...u...., m. ....v .,iin,u, ui "'Mm i,uuu, iimiiwu , uormnc, Mtr. r, A. Hazard nml Win.
Htoiul, Halbert Cnrlllo, Howard Sav- on tho Hreakwater from tho east to rjrnlcSi
age, Hlshop, Furdlunud Hansen, NoIb spend some tlmo In Mnrshflcld nml.
Nollson. Kilillo Holt, Loo Jackson, North Ilontl nml probably to locatol 0
W. II. McDonald, nnd Clay Church, on tho Hay. A frlond nccoinpnulea j Sundny ovenlng, Murch 10, was
mm on mis visit. mmie uio orcnsiou or n very pionsaut
0 .doublo birthday dinner at tho W. E.
Mrs. T. II. Harry Is planning to M,lVhJlnr,C,mnrL,V0nVw
leave nl.out.Mny first for San Rnfaol, rt, ' s J ' W-
lei vlulr mi iliiiifvlttii fliiirit. nt wii. iimiwwvi t ttiuiuin
w in MVt in , iv
junfZjSsi r jr I Vtl Jf'5 -' "
Are as Necessary (o
your good appearance
as the railroad is
to Coos Bay
Spring Models
Are Here
Sold Exclusively At
The Hub
"Money Talks"
ftcnjarnjn Qotfcs
Ny Stetson
Hub Clothing
and Shoe Co.
iy Stetson
Ml., lull,. ninn ..rrlv...l horn this ,,orB n'" 'Mrs- Molllof WOrO tllO llOSt
week from Doronda, Wis., to visit nt , 088CBi
Mrs. A. T. HiiTnos ontcrtnlnod n
number of hor frlomls nt dinner
Momlny ovenlng, Including among
H. 11. Flucklngor Is n guest nt tho thorn Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. SIcKnlght,
homo of his cousin, Mrs. It. A. Vor- Miss Violet IIondorBon, Dr. J. T. Me-
iilnli .1 r K' all. llnii.l linlia nun nml .
A quartet of mixed voice litis boon
nddod to tho repertoire of North
Hond High School's musical talent
iii ill 1 iniL inn 111111 tniiTi iiiii ir. ill. - . ...
that will add very niaterlnlly to the the tlmo of tho Inttor'u grnduntlon ' '. )0t'1. ran,,l," woro prosont, nmong
plcnsuro of tho many school ontor- from Dominican Collogo. Miss Mridgo "o fr. nna .Mrn. i. a. iininofl, Mr.
tnlninoiits nml nrttvltlos.
nra ns follows: I.ylo Chnpoll
Ruby Watklns, Hopraun; Ksthor I in
lioff, nlto; and Carl Colder, bass.
Tho qunrtot is working on tho "Sol
illors' Chorus" from Faust mid In
tonds to Include In Its roportolro
light mid popular music, ns well ns
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Chandler loft
this morning 011 tho Hronkwntor for
Ban Francisco whoro thoy nre plan
ning to spend nu Indefinite time.
Whllo In San Frnnclspo they will vis-
Thopnrts Hurry will return with her mothor to il.ll,,1s!; John11,,,M,nV Mr: ""I1 r.
,.'..."? their homo In Umpire , KN Hiilntw. Mrs. Tom Nlrola, Mr.
"u "". mm .Mrs. km biiiiivnn una Lnuronco
A. . Downs roturnod on tho 0
Ilreakwnter lVlday from n visit of Tho Liu08 of jlonlen.a clrcIo I110t
tl. n . ' " ,l""mi 'lH' '?tror ''"bIiiosh unil sowing sessions nt
whoso Illness ho wos called east. tho O'Connoll bulldlmr It Is llkuii-
'!:. .wn m? J'1? ".! (Imt thi! "fll?" ,,nrtor pnarat on" win
0111111111111, wnore no visiiou iwo poo- M,0 ,i0avod n week nr tin Inxtim,! nf
,MWSBS0X1JOB l,,U ,,a'' Mr" """ b0, B'vJumSd.iiteiraneTKlis?
.mis. nniiK i(n. or na WU8 nrHt ntomjeil
0 j O
Tho Mlnnle-Wls Social Club was I Tho Motor Hout Club of Coos liny
entertiilnod Thursday afternoon by will glvo 11 card party Wednesday
Mrs. Chnrlos LaChnpello. Tho day "taut, instead of 011 Monday ns usual.
WUH Klinnl nl nrl wnrlr nml n ilnlnli. Ill tllO ('lull rnnniM In Vnrth llnn.l
It tholr son, W. G. Chnndler, nnd lunch served by tho hostoss nnd Mrs. Tho commlttoo In chargo will bo mi
brldo. A. .. Downs furnished a plonaliiK lln
--0 ,H- Mrs. Win. Hoagland, Mrs. Mnry
Mrs. Dorsoy Kroltzor ontortnlnml Tlu.iuas nnd .Airs. Downs woro guests
tho Ladlos' Art club Frldnv nfMr. "f ,,, 'lll,)' A",0K oibora
1110 i.miioB Art cum i-nany niter- 0W)nt wore: Mrs. Kolley, Mrs.
noon with Mrs. A. L. Housoworth llnhlwln. Mrs. Drossor, Mrs. Perkins,
ns n88l8tnnt-liostess. Twelve incm- and Mrs, LnChappoIlo. Tho club
bors were present to enjoy tho p'oas- wU ,)0 eutortaliiod next week by
nnt nfternoon of embroidery and lr8:.J"'1". I-nCliapolIo nt hor homo on
riin 11 11 111 11 uiriiiii
Mrs. Herbert Colommi Is hostess
to tho P. Q. Sowing Club this nftor-
noon at the homo of her parents, Mr.
nounccd at a later dato.
chat, nmong thorn Mrs. John Hlntt.
Mrs. Ivy Condron, Mrs. Frank Sum
nor, Mrs. F. M. Flye, Mrs. W. n.
Curtis, Mrs. 13. D. McArthur, Mrs.
Jns. Cownn, Mrs. Win. Hoaglnnd,
Mrs. Win. Schroodor, Mrs. Lydln
Lang, Mrs. A. L. Housewoith, and
Mrs, Dorsoy Kroltzor. Mrs. Lnng
will bo hostoss next week.
and Mrs. A. J. Savage, entertaining , an Mrs W 6 Saliey M
Misses Frances Williams. Florence Colonwnw! be 1 ohIobs o'tho c
Williams, Helen Hrndloy, Nora Tow- April G.
Tho North Hond Tiilmblo. Club
met for 11 fow hours of fancy-work
ami its accompanying conversation
I at tho homo of Mrs. W. C. Unlloy.
lrlday nftornoon. Among those
prosent woro Mrs. M. H. Kverltt, Mrs.
J. A. Allen. Mrs. I. H. Hartlo, Mrs. J.
U. Horn, Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire, Mrs.
M. G. Coloman, Mrs. J, C. Wallace,
Mrs. J. C. Toollo, Mrs. S. S. Jennings,
Mrs. C. II. Hroulllnrd, Mrs. J. 0.
(Iroon, Mrs. H. O'Mnra, Miss Edith
Tho Tnnialo sale given Weluosday
nftornoon nt tho Methodist church onstoln, Mrs. M. K. Kverltt.
nun iiiiiiniiiuiy unci ohhiui. All gOOIIS
woro sold out at an oarly hour mid
demand far oxecodod tho supply.
Tho ladles nre planning like sales
for the near futuro.
J. II. Lovers and wlfo who hod
or, Hazel Powers and May Prouss
Dr. nnd Mrs. David C. VniiKban en
tertained nt luncheon, Wednesday,
Mrs. C. S. Wlnsor, Mrs. L. F, Falk-
uuun anil .Mrs. Win. Vaughnn.
Saturday evening, Mr. John Lafon
was guoat of honor at a dinner-party
given at tho Hotel Chandler by tho
Alumni or tno mitinoro Forestry
ncnnoi locmeii on t Me
1nl,n.1 In l.- .,.!.. - T)..-.l...l '"'"" " IHW IlilJ . I 110
' ' '""' ""'"' '"' "" Hosts were Messrs. A. Tardy. 0. Mi-
nnd othor northern points had to Cnskey, A. A. SoKersten. 0. Thonin-
postpono tholr trip for n short time.
Luko Fnlros loft today for Port
land nnd Central Oregon points and
may nlso make n trip through south
western Cnnndii beforo he returns to
tho nay.
k Kd. Richmond nnd wlfo nnd baby
left todny for Dallas. Oregon, whoro
,v miu' win mane inoir niiiiro iiomo,
son. i'. uentn. i Marston. II. ft.
Iluttor nnd C. Lagorstrom. Messrs.
F. I.amon nnd Orrln Pratt woro u li
able to attend,
.Mr. and Mrs. John Lnfon nnd lit
tle daughter, Floronco Junnltn, who
wore to hnvo left on tho
last Niinn Smith for California from
whence they woro to go to Ashvlllo,
N. C there to mnko tholr future
homo, have postponod tholr depart
ure n few weeks. Monuwhllo thoy
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Coko wrlto
frlonds that tholr trip through Cal
lfornla is proving unusually ploasant
becauso of tho lovely woathor they
are being fortunate enough to meet
with. They nro now In Sacramento
nftor spending the past week In San
Fruiulbco, nnd plan to go on to
southern California In n fow days, re-
mining nomo niiout the middle of
1 Ani'll
Mrs. G. W. DiiiiKKn entertained nt
a llttlo dinner party Wednesday even
ing, given In honor of MVs. Shnd
burno's birthday.
GIIKKX CAXD1KS; special Sutiir
day niul Sunday, at STAFFORD'S.
11 Tr Richmond having disposed of his imvo taken rooms In tho Tower np
'Vvi'fV Jlnosa hero In ordor to engage In urtinents. The departure of Mr. nnd
Maroh 1G. Kaglos Iln'l. Music by
entlro band of 30 pieces.
Front street.
Larflo Audience Attends De-
morcst Exercises Here
Last Night.
Miss Ilesslo Hnlnos Inst ovenlng
wns nwnnlod tho Domnrost Modnl
nt tho W. C. T. V. orntorlcul contost
nt tho Mnrshnold Methodist church.
Thoro wnH n lnrgo nttendunco nnd
tho progrmn wns excellently carried
out, tho various numbers winning
groat approbation from tho nudlenco.
Dr. illrd M. Clark of North Hond
presided mid tho Judges woro Mrs.
A. II. Nowklrk or North Hond nnd
Mrs. W. II. Cox nnd Mrs. Klljnh Kel
ly of Mnrshllold.
Tho contostnnts last evening woro
nil from North Rend. It wns an
nounced that In Juno, tho Mnrshllold
W. C. T. U. will hold another big
rontost In which mntrons, girls mid
noys win contost, each division for n
dlfforont modnl. This contost will
bo uudor tho mnungomout of Ro-beccn-Luso
Mrs. Muud II. Watklns delivered n
short impromptu talk on tho con
tosts, tholr object nnd what thoy nro
now accomplishing. Through thorn,
Coos County hns secured twenty of
the silver modnl prizes.
Tho musical numbors woro very
good nnd woro loudly applauded.
The following program was carried
Prnyor and Scrlpturo Roadlng
Rev. II. I
"Vnhob Recnmo nn Honornry Mom-
I'or" Mnrjorlo Smith
"Tho Cowboy's Rost". Amelia Llllcbo
Vocal Solo Mrs. B. Shndbourno
"Voice From tho Poorhouso". .
Ilesslo Haines
"Mnklng Shadows". . .Anna Truman
Violin Solo Charles Rohlleld
"Prisoner's Soliloquy ..Lola Rltehlo
Vocal Solo Hosslo Ayro
"Tho Surrondor" ..Shlrloy Potorson
Addross Mrs. Geo. Watklns '
Presentation of Medal
Dr. Illrd R. Clark
Closing Addross
. .. .Row G. LoRoy Hall
Tho Alllanco sails from Portland
tonight for Coos Hay.
Senator Explains Why lie Is Not a
Cmiillilate for Re-election.
P. M. Hull-Lewis, chnlrinnii of tho
Coos County republican central com
mittee, has received the following
Kilf explanatory letter from W. C.
Clinso of Coqulllo rolntlvo to his nt
tltudo on tho Konntnrshlp:
"Ab you nro nwaro, I hnvo for n
inn i mill wfini uvKiuKcii iiy ninny . r. n i i nil
frlonds. on ovory hnnd, rolntlvo to my Marshfield Development ClUD
being returned to tho lOKlslnturo for fn Intornct Mnro In the
nnnthor torm. I hnvo considered tho l0 iniCri'bl .lvlu't '" UK
inntter serloiiHly nml cnrofully. I Organization,
hnvo also glvon considerable thought . ..,,
to the polltlrnl situation In our stnto, At n meeting of tho Jlanwiu
nnd the welfnro of tho ropubllcnn Dovolopmont Lenguo last twH
!'nrL;;nW0,,!,T.r "tt" ,n8.,,?r,l0,c!l, I Hio momborshlp committee . h-
tlmo hns nrrlvod wl.on I feci that I
should nnnouncomy position concorn
Iiir tho stnto eonntorshlp, I havo do
clded to stnto, Hint Innsmuch ns n
division of tho ronubllcnn vnln nl tliln
tlnio might Jeopardize tho olcctlon hnll, on North Front street. Tbm
of n ropubllcnn to our stnto somite, I woro nbout 2G In attendance,
considerations of party fealty hnvol Thoro woro n numbor of Imprcir
Etructod to mnko n moro ncllre as-
palgn to enroll moro nnd kchni
lnrgor nttondnnce. Lnt nljWl
ineotlng wns hold In their new m
formorly known as tno iao"1
caused mo to detormlno not to bo n
caniiiumo lor ronoininatlon.
"Whllo 1 deeply nnd most slncoro
ly npproclnto the onrnest sollcllntlons
nnd Konoroug eonfldonco of my
friends, I wish to point out that It is
vitally Important tluit harmony
should oxlst nnd that the unity of tho
Republican party bo mnlntnlnod upon
n snro nnd conslstont plnform, nnd
that It Is tho duty of every Republi
can to mibuorvo tho Interosts of our
pooplo by strict adhoronco to the
prlnclploB of his Party, mid loyalty to
our State.
"Any niinoiincomont. nt this time,
as to my futuro polltlcnl nsplrntlons,
n vlow of tho forogolng, would, I
tnko It. be Impropor."
Tho Redondo sails from San Fran
ilsco for Coos Ray tomorrow after,
The oil tank Ascunsion is oxpectod
In here noxt Wodnosdny with a ship-
PKHSOV.IT. nvi.'m.-i nm
ik. . . . iiiii mp, ..,;, V
Rutledgo' ,.'no,, J,U' rot,iod yostordny
....... cuiinuiur. .Minn., wiioro ho
spent most of tho winter. Ho
wns iircoiuptinlod back by his bro
her. c. n. inn. nnd his son, F. K.
Hill. Mrs. IIIU nnd tho bnlnnco
of the family anl Georgo Grnhani
nnd family will arrlvo about April
H. F. RARKLOW nnd wife from
Myrtle Point spent n couple of
days In the city, coming horo to
ineot their dnughter, Pearl Hark
iow, who returned on the Hreak
water, nftor a few nipnths visit
with hor grandparents In Eastern
F. E. LINDER, who travels through
ho northwest giving Illustrated
inn. ' n(Ulro1ssos n tho Swedish
langungo, nrrlvod horo yesterday
on nnothor visit to this section.
Ho wns bore about a year ago. Ho
will give a series of addrossos at
tho Finnish hall.
tu talks on tho valuo of such u
gnnlzntlon nnd what might m
onninllulm.l l.v It mill fllgn 00 UCrW"
kuniiii,itvii .. . ...... ,1m,
Iiik tho inoinborshlp. Among tw
tnlklng nlong this Jlno weeJ-.
Kondnll, M. C Ilorton. I. S. Sott
r i nnur,i a it Riutiman k
It. A. Copplo.' Mr. CopplelnhUH-
mnrks statod that some ns "
to mnko It appear that the orju-a
,i .. i.l,. l.,.,nrll nnd Vtl037
nun nn nn i'ib uriiviiv - - o,
for those- who had supporled Dim. m
said this was Incorrect ns the om
Izntlon wns for all who wliW y
nld In tho upbuilding of ManMM.
It wns decided that the JW
nirotlngs should bo hem w -?
...i ii,i.i rl.ln. nvnnlnca 01 l"
inoiith. Instead of fixing any oe
horshlp fee, it wos deciaea iu
incldontnl oxponses snouiu i v "
ment of 10.000 barrels of nrn. ,....;. ' VUUber 1B confined nt homo
oil for the Orogon Power company. j v ij,,,,,. , , ..
Theoll u used In the ,anufacture HethtVvu'Kl Z ,?o'uS yS
Ill'V CREAM that will WHIP. Ask
SACCIIl for It. Phone 320J.
GREEN O.VNDV !Wc lb. Saturday
If you havo anything to sell, trado. ""'I Sunday nt STAFFORD'S,
F. S. Dow is conllnod to his homv
by an attack of la grlppo.
voluntnry contributions. ";;:
raised Inst night by Troasum --
rtr -ii ...!... Iin nHSSed H"
vl -. ,. l,.l hn the C03'
mltteo recontly appointed to c
tho city council retain the 9(-oW
Idenco qualification for voting "
elections bo continued until tneco
ell flnnlly acts on tho matter. .
Upon request of Chairman ,Kw
oi uio nionioorsuiii -"'", "j-m fl
committeo was increnu i -- f(,
Mnlonoy, Jons Hansen nnd w.
being ndded to It.
RcslKiintlon of I'uro Food l-sPrt
Aot linn vi """; v.-.Btf
(By Associated Press to the com
Time.) , . .i
Tho Investigation of cond Itlon i iU
Federal Dureau of Chemistry w
Houso was not ended with tw "
nntion of Dr. Wiley. Chairman
announced his committee naiitt,rt
closod Its lnquio -nd iW .
would bo further Investigation i
ably of tho friction mi "
clared forced lilm to retire.
I havo Veinoved my " Iotci
- ..
from Smokohouso to wi
Speclul Phono 181-R. J,SII poOlt
service ''
Don't miss tho Dand Boys'
Saturday evening.
iV V.v