The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 15, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Image 1

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inn Put Your Ileal Estate "in
ffloos lag 2Fmj8i
Will Keep the Incoino from Your
l'm-nislicd ItooniH from linwulngl
YOU can really holp tho fumlly
revenues by renting a few furnished
moms ami, If you know how and
when to use tl c classified columns,
you niny keep that llttlo extra Income
na "ptendy as a clock."
tho Market" KfTccUvcIyJ
n will put tho facta nbout your
" rtv boforo tiio oyos of all "pos-
r.rn'a ono of thorn wuo ougut to
Established in 1878
nH Tlio Const Mull
Li Lumber Carrier Arrives in
P" O..M ITnnnmcnn
rTOm ouii ricinuiouu
Early Today. '
The Bcsslo Dollnr, tho big lumber
rrler of tho Dollnr Steamship Coin
nr arrived In hero enrly thla morn-"'"..:-
i.-..t nnn nnn font
I lumber at tho Smith mill for Chl-
Isa ports. Sho ion. Him i runciaco
Sout B o'clock Tuesday ovonlng nnd
rived oft mo uoos nny um uuuut
n'dOCk last evening, uwinu 10
go darkness nnd rough wonthor,
ipt. I), w. uison 01 iiiu i-Hiuiu
bO plIOlCll Iicr Ui uiu ruuoi, uuliuuu
M tO crOSS 111 ""in linn niuiimijj.
fee trip up tho coast, In over tho bin
to up tho Hay to tho Smith mill was
ido Without a aingio iniiuwiuii in
Tho docks woro lined with Cooa
r r.conlo cngcr to boo tho largest
fcjscl that lias over cntorod Cooa
if, Bho Is Bllfiiitiy longer tnnn 1110
azel Dollar, mo inrgo voshui which
adod hero last spring. UlnstB
om tho Smith mill whlatlo grcotod
iMclvtllo Dollar, of tho Dollnr
Hcamshln company, and hla wlfo,
In. E, K, Johnson of Coqulllo nnd
L II. Powers of Murahllold woro In
(alcg pnsscngora on hor.
IlrlngN itiimiici Here
Tart of the cargo which tho Peaalo
ollar will tnko from hero to China
Nil bo shipped In on other vessels
Ion Eureka and Crescent City.
be latter will bo redwood for n apo-
al order, a vossol bolng chnrtorod
bring about 300,000 fcot of It
Ire for rcshlpmcut. nosldca thla,
leBesslo Dollar took on about 100,-
00 railroad tics at Snn Francisco.
her Inst trip from China, tho
lesslo Dollar brought 10,000 tons of
tight, when loadod to capacity
Ilia dead freight, sho drawn nbout
feet of wator. With .1,000,000
t of lumber aboard, It la oxpoct-
that sho will draw about 21 fcot
water. Tho 10,000 ton cargo
om tho Orlont was unlondod from
m Francisco In eight days. It la
rctctcd that It will tnko nbout ton
into load hor at tho Smith mill.
J Bho Is in chargo of Cnpt. Grnhnm,
new maxtur. Ho tamo from Eng-
3d on tho Dollar i-omiinnv'H nowost
id largest vessel, tho ltotjoit I)o:,.i ,
king llrst utile or. Sho enrilca u
lew of about forty I'hlnoso and ton
'tcho Ainerluins, tho hitter bolng
per, engineers, etc. Sho snlla
fcder tho llrltlsh Hag.
ICaut. Olson will romnlii In nurt to
Biot her out when alio anlla. It
fill not bo known for u fmv ilnvx
Ibelher sho -vlll piocood tiirui'c im
le Orient fro n bore.
Melville Dollar who riinm horn
frith the vessel la iilu well known
p ine nay tlirough two or throo
Tevlous Visits and In linlin? wnrinlv
lelcoir.e.1 by tbo many frlenda ho
fade on those occasions.
DR. fin; 0N
A Consolidation of Times, Con si .Mull
and Coos liny Ailvcrllsi r.
No. 208
Tells About Clear Lake and I
Answers J. w. Bennett's
Attack on Local Men.
Editor Times:
Somothlng Booms to bo hurting J.
W. Uonnott vory much; some ono or
Bomo olomont la not working In hnr
inony with hla BoUlah nnd personal
lntorcat nnd from tho tono of hla re
marks ho Is charging It mostly to tho
Coob liny Wator and Power Comnnnv
of which I nm president. I
mtiBt confoss tho Btockholdors of tho
company did not scok Mr. llonnotfa
ndvlco when It lllod on tho Clonr Lako
wntor aupply for tho reason Hint they
woro nblo In tbolr own opinion to got
bottor ndvlco from other sources. Our
oporntlona lmvo boon a thorn In Mr.
llonnotfa aldo ovor Blnco wo bounii
work on tho ayatom nnd ho hns made ,
Bomo nttompta to put obstneloa in out .
wny by Bcrlpplng Bomo pnictlcall '
wortlilcss land hordorlng on Clonr
Lako, Ednn Lako and Pot Lake how
ever thla stalling process did not lmvo '
tho dcalrod offoct nor did It lmpnlr1
our rlghla. Tho Btockholdors of tho
Coos Uny Wntor nnd Power Compnny
lmvo conducted their business In good '
rami ami ntivo not and will not ask
any favors from nny one. Wo havo
oxpectod and bo dcalrod that these
rights might bo of somo public bono
lit nnd wo nro willing that tho public
Bhnll prollt by whntover offortB wo
lmvo mndo to prcsorvo for thorn this
wntor Riipply. If tho public does
not dcslro It, there Is no offense; the
few dollars wo havo spent In main
taining tho rights la of no conse
quence to ua but that $ I , r 0 0 evident
ly looka awful big to Joe. And hero
Is tho thorn. Joo knows vory well
that tho Clear Lako water righta are
valuable and for sovornl citizens of
Cooa Hny to glvo thoso righta to tho
public Biirpnases hla understanding;
that Is what hurts. If wo would
havo put n prlco of $50,000 on our
righta then wo would bo bottor gon
tlomon. Wo have not asked the
public to purchnso our rights, wo
havo mado no attempts to thrust It
upon thorn and that hurts Joo also,
hut on tho other hand I would ask
bow much effort has been cxpondod
In annoying tho city council with
overtures nbout Mr. Dennett's water
ays torn?
Now n few words nbout the prior
righta on tho Clear Lake aupply out
of which Joo la trying to make some
capital and at tho same time discredit
tho honest purposes of myself nnd
corporation associates.
In tho Coos Day Times of March
B. F. ROSS, Resident Of COOS "' ,llc flrf)t twenty-five white men
County Since 1853, Passes wh0 K'ulC(1 hcr0 aml h0 ,uul th0 dl8-
AWAV at Hnmn Fnrlv Tnrlnu t,ncllon of hulldlng tho first house
away ai Home tany loaay. ln KmllrCi ,l0 wnB born Novombor
IJ. P. Hoss. ono of tho best-known 23. 1S27. In Spencer County, Indl-
nnd most highly respected pioneers n,a. and was tho son of a Kentuck-
or this section and ono of tho three "in. His fnthor, 13vnn Hoss, settled
oldest living residents of Coos Day, with his family In Indiana nt a very
died this morning nt his homo on Parly date. Thero ho engaged In
Cntchlng Inlet. Death enmo nftor n farming nnd thero his mnrrlago to
few dnys Illness of complications duo Catherine Ash by took place. Ho ro-
to his advanced ngo. moved to Iown In 1841 nnd hla death
Ncwb of his death enmo as n great necunod nbout n year lntor. Ills
shock to the many friends of tic w'fo enmo to Coos County In 1S82,
venerable old mtiii. Whllo most "f 'nhl"K her homo with hor children
thorn know of his Illness, all hopul ""til she died In 1S91. Thero woro
thnt ho would again recover. I" this family fourtcon children.
With him nt tho tlmo of his doath Henjnmln P. Itoss nftor leaving tho
'" district school learned tho trndo of
n plnsteror which ho followed until
1S50. Ho then stnrtod ncroa's tho
ii". :fVnW4Y?l
n. k. hoss.
Marshficld School Board Re
tains Him Tom Bennett
Wants Golden.
At a meeting of the Marahlleld
school board yesterday nftornoon,
Supt. P. A. Tlcdgen was rculoctod
for another year nnd tho present
high school faculty waa also reelect
ed. Tho election of the grade
teacherB was postponed until another
Tho reelection of Supt. Tlcdgen
waa not entirely uimnliuuus, Tom
Dennett appearing nnd urging thnt
P. A. Golden bo selected nnd when
this was refused asked that tho elec
tion bo postponed until ho could clr-
f.llllltfl Itllllf lllllU 1.1 ,. tl f...t
plains with ox tonms, hnvlng llttlo I den. Director John C. .Merchant
was hla vonornblo wlfo and tholr
only child, Qeorgo Ross.
Mr. Hoss had been qulto nctlvo de
spite his advanced years until a Bho: t
tlmo ago.
trouble with tho Indians who stolo
some of his stock but who did him
no serious Injury. After being on
the rond six months, Mr. Ross ar
rived in Lnno County, taking up n
donation claim on which ho novor
proved up. Inatend, ho went to Ru
rekn, Cnll.. nnd engaged In prospect
ing In tbo mines nt ShaBta mines and
then nt Scott'a River minoa nnd lntor
In Wenvorvlllo. No loft tho lattor
plnce In March, 18152. going to Jack
son County, Oregon, where ho fol
lowed mining for ono year. In Au
gust, ISfiS, ho locnted In Coos Coun
ty Here ho first ongnged In tho ho
tel buslnesB nnd lntor In tho butcher
business nt Coal Ranks. In 1SR7 ho
took up tho homestead clnlm or 170
acres where ho mado his homo tho
bnlnnco of his life. This Innil is sit
uated on Ross Inlot which was nnmed
for Mr. Ross.
In 1SCC, ho cnllBtod In Cnpt. Har
Mm. TCnMinr M. T.noUlmrf niul A
C. Aiken nro tho other two oldo.'.t ' comiuiny nnd served three montlm
living realdonta of Coos Day. ,n " " "0BH0 "lvor In(,,nn wnr'
Tho funeral will bo hold at tho '""?" tho frontl0'-- '" . '
Cnns nivnr rnmniArv R.,n,inv nt 1 J0'"0'1 n compnny of rogulara undor
o'clock, tho services bolng conductod
by Rov. G. LoRoy Hall. Tho stoamer
Alort will loavo Marshtlold at 12
o'clock with tl o funeral pnrty. Tho
Wnh-tn-Waio will mnko n spcclnl
trip from Ciitchlng Inlet with tho
funnrnl party from thnt section.
.Sketch of Ills I.lfc.
In early iltiys of Coos Day when
the Indiana wov more numerous
Major Carney and wna with thorn
nbout ono month, having Bovornl
skirmishes with tho Indians nnd giv
ing good Eorvlco as n soldier.
In 18C4, Mr. Ross was Joined in
marriage, with Mlsa Rhoda E. Dono
brake, n nntlvo of Iown, born In
1842. Thoy nro survived by ono
child Geo. R. Ross, who resides on
the old homestead.
Politics held qulto an Intorost for
imm wiiruvu mi inooiwiiuu sevorni Biieru: ror flcvornl years. In 1878,
times. Por a iiuinb"r of yenra ho he wns elected county commissioner,
wiis the mediator bit en tho whites being reelected In 1882 nnd ngnln
and the Indians Ml tales of his In 1S88. Ho wna Indonondont In hla
dealings with the lid ins woro most
Donjamln I'rri.k'ln Ros wns truly
h pioneer of Coos County, being one
political opinions. Mr. Ross waa an
active worker In tho United Brethren
church In which ho was a class lender.
W. Bennett Requests Sheriff
to Hold Back His Por
tion of it.
J W llemiGtl V Iniify itlutnnm.
f'pnono today notified Sborlff
Res office today to withhold that
pion o f o taxes pal.l by htm for
Port of Coos Day. Whothor tho
pal request will i,n Hiirrininnt
pen' tho tiirnlnn nvr nf Hw nv
loacy to tho p0rt nnniinioui.. ia n.
J,r. Denneifa ronnnHi .,. ., .i,
Mes of h'ldiiacan nn.mni, i u
nnMt ... "
', me llpni..!. ni,.,., n
P4 ,, ...! , i uai vuiiiiiiii;
Sn1pa;C'a"f0rU,il C0BI & mbor
W full an.) ,. .. , , ..
Iftnn . . "' l,,u OHIIIIOIl (IO-
I--M in u 1,1,1,.,,.,
l -"Mtnini
""e nas
than tie whiten and tlioru wan morn Mr rnc .i, -.. ...,.. .
Ilw. rnnrtl. I nnn tl,n rilllnu-llli.' mniin. . " . " ' """ " "" n"iiiiiy ourvisi IIH
tliin Clear iVnko water not for:"r U'8H '"V'".'"' 1? " l'on,r"' 'Mr: of election nnd also n. deputy
snlo. Wnrren Rood and Joo Lyon,
who filed on Clear Lako three months
boforo Mnrsbllell'a doctor's applica
tion waa rejoitod, aro both here In
Portland nnd nro determined to keep
tho wator for Reedsport." This Is
quoted as being an oxierpt from n tel
egram from J. W. Dennett to T. T.
Dennett. It Is not clear who is
mount by tho Mnrshlleld doitor. but
thnt la not necessary to prove the re
lative position thnt tho llllng of Wur
ron Reed and Joo Lyon on tho Clear
hako wntor has to other tilings on tho
same supply nnd nt tho same time
show that Mr. Donnott hna not mnrl
suhstnntlnl Inquiry Into the matter.
In a Btatomont mndo on March 0th,
J. W. Donnott la credited with the fol
lowing: "Josoph Lyons fllod on Clonr
Lako, July, 1910; tho nppllcntlon wns
approved May 9, 1911. Ho got por
mlt No. f!34 on npplleatlon No. 134f!
to apply these btored waters to the
bonollclnl ui-o of municipal and Indub
trial manufactory, etc." Tho Iter-
ords of tho County Clerk of Douglas
County, Orogon, will show thnt tlio
Coos Dny Water nnd Power company,
a mystery.
no public announco
f.pim Cnns County Murderer
Expressed Certaintv of Be
ing Reprieved by West.
SALEM. Ore., March lfi. W! nt Is
considered ns distinctly n reason why
n corporation, locnteii nt jinrsiuioin, .capltnl punl.-hmont should ho re-
Oregon, did In January. '""7" '.""Mnliiwl In Oregon hns developed In
tho Clear Lako water supply and tnat '. ,
aubboquently In January. 1909, mado tlio case of Frank Garrison, son
n second llllng for tbo purpose of fenced to be hanged from Coos Coun
ohnnglng tlio point of diversion ati' and ono of t'e mon granted n re
nt tho tlmo of tho last llllng tl-ere , r!0o unM. Friday. Decombor 13,
woro no other filings of record in tho ,llon w btf kn wIlothop tho
County Clork a olllco prior to tnat .
m Tl. nro matters of record ' nto'-8 nf the Bt ,t'cl,l """-
which nny ono enn verify by writing don or retain capital punishment,
to tho County Clerk of Douglas Coun-j It has leaked out that nt his sec
ty, tho County In which Clear Lake0nil trial In Cms County, Garrison
la sltuntol. Within six months from , tJ)S gkP1, whe,h!p ,!0 wouId efer
fit..?.!' Po'SnSr,." ..'- to murder , the sec
gnii work on clearing for n plpo llno;ond deK-"e and take life Imprlson-
nnd nlso began worK on driving a'ineni or iok caancos on muroor in
wen oiuni ur DncfliWrHicnm
UiiiniiuJl? UilUL
enj Q. .. i-iimiu iiiiiiuiiiiuu- and nlso liegan worn on iuoiiik 'ineni ur 'an- uuanco mi muruer in
iDreml n (,ocls,0 of tho Oregon , tunnol whlih work has beon pursuod u,P f(rgt d-ee and n possibility of
Enron,,, n " l" wibii i iuiihui nun ii ui .... ,....- ulf. mn u-s to uiiu iueniiiiuiy u
"CreillO (,Oll I.. .1.. . .. . ., i,. ..... In.n iwliiRll. . . . . ... ....
ickin .t v u' ,llsl cnso at- i-oHunMuuBij v'v. o...-, .. iianu'n';. iiw u"ciareu nimso'r in in
-'"h Lilt. ...
m.i. '""u'iy oi tno commls-
Steam6r Arrived From Port
land This Morning With
Large List. '
Tho Ureakwutor arrived In oarly
today from Tortlnnd nftor a fairly
good trip down tho coast. It was a
llttlo rough yesterday and Joat night.
She hnd n Inrgo passengor list and
n good enrgo of miscellaneous freight.
Tho nrenkwator will sail at 8
o'clock Snturdny morning for Port
land. ,
Among thoso arriving on tho
Drenkwater woro tho following:
T. Drown, A.. 13. Johnson, D. C.
Dnrker, Mrs. Darkor, C. Mnlohorn,
G. L. Hnnsen, Mrs. Hanson Mlsa P.
Dnrklow, Mlsa M. C. Drano, W. Hill,
P. Hill, C. Hill, D. Douglas,
S. S. Williamson, Mrs. Williamson.
R. W. Cnrr. E, R. Flucklngor, D. Un
supported Mr. Golden'H clalma ttn
tho position but Directors McCorinnc
nnd llorton voted In fnvor of Mr.
Tlcdgen nnd elected him.
Tho board meeting waa held lato
in the afternoon In tho olllco of Judge
John P. Hull, clerk of tho dlatrlct.
Dlrectora Horton, McCorinnc nnd
Morehuiit were present. Following
mo following allowance or bllla nnd
somo routine proceedings, Dr. Mc
Corinnc moved thnt Supt. Tlcdgen bo
reelected for a term of twelve
montha. M. C. llorton seconded tho
motion and then Tom Dennett naked
to bo hoard In bohnir of Mr. Golden.
Ho urged that Mr. Golden bo olectod
nnd that if tho board Vaa not will
ing to elect Mr. Golden now, that
the election of n superintendent bo
deferred for nwhllo until ho could
circulate petitions among patrons
of tho achoola to get uu oxpreaslon
regarding Mr. Golden. Ho snld
that ho had the petitions already and
printed nnd would like to present
Dr. McCorinnc stilted Hint ho wna
not In fnvor or waiting, that tlioro
woro a number of tho High School
tenchora who woro anxious to lonrn
whothor thoy woro to bo rooloctod
hero as they woro deslrloun of get
ting their applications in olsowhoro
and that It waa tlmo tho mnttor
should he settled. So fur as peti
tions woro concornod, ho Btntod that
ho had mado up his mind it was host
for tho schools that Supt. Tiodgon
uo rotaincd as tholr boad. Ho said
that petitions did not always signify
tho wish of the pooplo us many sign
ed them ua tho easiest wny or gut
ting rid or tho parties circulating
them. And besides, ho declared,
members or tho board nro In n bot
tor position to Judgo tho needs nnd
welfare of the school than outsiders
who wore not closoly In touch with
them. In nddltlon to this, ho de
clared that tho circulation of peti
tions would tend to stir up partisan
ship In tho schools that would bo
Very detrimental to thorn'.
When tho mnttor enmo to n voto,
Director Merchant voted ngnlnst It,
saying that ho folt that ho had been
elected to try and get Supt. Golden
reinstated as head of tho schools.
Principal A. L. Darker wna relet
ted at u salary of f 1200 por year and
P. A. Grannls was rcoloctcd nt n
salary or $100 per month. Misses
Agnes Curponter and Esthor Silver
man wuro reelected at $90 por mouth
P. M. Hall-Lewis Heads Coos
County Republican Com
mittee Now.
At a meeting of tho Coos County
republican central committee- nt Co
qulllo yesterday, P. M. Hull-Lewis
waa elected chairman to fill tho va
cancy cnutcd by the rcmovnl of C.
D. Selby. Thlrteon members of tho
committee were In nttcudnuco Asldo
from thla nnd the filling of n number
of vncanclea, nn particular buslnostv
wns transacted.
There wna u slight contcflt ovor
the ehatrmnushlp. Three cnndldatoa
woro nominated, P. M. Unll-Lowis,
nnd C. I. Relgnrd or Mnrshtleld, nnd
Senntor Chase of Coqulllo. On tho
third ballot, Mr. Hall-Lewla was.
At tho meeting u lottor from Sonn
tor Chase stilting thnt ho would not
ho n enndtdnlo for renmnlnntlnn on
tho republican ticket wns rend.
It wna nlao nnnounced thnt J. S".
Darton of Coqulllo had decided to
become n cnndldnto for state ropre
scntntlvo from Cooa County and thnt
Geo. E. Peoples would probably bo
como n "nndldnto for assessor.
It wna decided to raise a fund of
nbout $150 for Incidental expenses nnd
to tend notnrles to the logging camps
to seo that tho republican voters aro.
registered. ,
An entirely now county contrnf
committee will bo elected nt tho pri
mary election April 19 nnd they wlir
havo chargo of tho campaign. Tin
following wero appointed to fill vn
cnncloB In tho precincts named until
tho April olcctlon:
W. C. Chase, In West Coqulllo;
R. A. Church, In Lake; P. M. Hnll
Lowls, In Central MnrBhfloId; J. E.
FItigorald, nt Llbby; C. E. Jordan,
at EaBtaldo; T. O. Russoll, at Boavor
Hill; D. Clinton, In Missouri; J. D.
Myers, In Loo; E. P. Clinton, at
Pnrkorsburg; Floyd Spires, In Wost
Myrtle Point; C. 11. Nosier, In En
cbnuted; M. II. Domont, In Rolnnd.
C. A. Solilbrcilo presided iib tem
porary chnlrmnn at yesterday's moot
ing. Those in attendance wero (7. A.
Fohlhrode. J. J. Cllnklnlmrd. O. E.
Mnyhee, J. A. Ward, Duncan Porgu
boii, P. M. Hall-Lewla, P. E. Allen,
L. G. MaBtera, J. S. Darton, W. C.
Chnso, C. A. Jnmloson, J. W. Clinton
nnd L. A. Roberts.
0D. oUL.
, ""' Jll'll tbo decision Is sluirflv
li!ly WaS H-0 labt .Inv.nn u-I.IM,
ish n ,f ami lll01' w"s " big
bllle -"iiih ouico in Co-
'es i,i..r:.. . ...
- uui-eiy or swedlsii . .
ltl wii-U Will hnlH n TIA.
L?V t the church
Ith. ",ft Kvcnlng, March
work of crnstructlon being nocossaiy , ler. P. Bi Llnil0P j. w. Mulkoy, J
.nSn,rd;su;ncos,,nnd ro "If I n tried and sentenced to be Z. J 8t.wj.rd. Mill.
nf ,in lino as well as tholr ilostlna- hnngod for murder. Governor West '.' aiaruson, t. i- uiazier,
tlon nre on file in County Clerk's Wjj not et mo bang, so I will only
offlro In both Douglas and Coos Coun- , f0 sentonoo anyway. On top of
ty an-l we have no desire to ronco- ed , , Ju , hayo
nnvthini; from one wlio books iokiii- .... ... ...
mate Information relative to this ' a chance of getting even less than life
matter. Joo Dennett woul I have1 imprisonment." Garrison Is reported
tho public believe that the Coos Day ' ns saying to his attorneys,
Water nn't Power company is irvms
to sell the city or Marshflel 1 a ' gold
brick." CrimMnT our noi 'ine 'e
wnrthinas. I do not think the mem
bers or the City Council nre such a set
of Jackasses that there Is any danger
(Continued ob page 4.)
BpeclulUt, now at Chuudlei Hotel,
for one week.
nUF CREAM Cmt vrttl AVinP. Ask
SACCm for itv Phone 80J.
L. M. Stout. R. A. Lano. J. Ellorbv.
S. T. Towers. J. Wahl, II. C. Corn,
Duolah Wlllard, A. Z. Wowns, J.
Mills, Mrs. Mills. W. A. Toutsch, E.
C. Van Houton. W. Yorlan, P. Hunt,
Mrs, Vedder, L. Kallos, C. Footare,
E. D. Rudd, May Hoffstatter, Mrs. J.
D. Davis, J. IJ. Davla, P. Hogelstrep,
C. Gi Powers, W. 8. Grogg, J. O.
loolo, W. R. WInnlngham, T. G.
Heald, R. Harrison, Mrs. Harrison,
S. D. Nunn, P. Jean, P. J, Crowley,
Ia Melvin, J, E. Trayer, Mrs. Morgan.l
llivlsloii ItesiiIlN on Free Sugai'
in House Today.
(Dy Associated Press to tho Cooa Day
WASHINGTON, I). C, March 11.
A split In tho democratic ranks re
sulted today when tho houso took
up tho "freo sugar" bill. Domocrats
from tho cano and boot sugar pro
ducing states havo proparod speech
es against tho measure Thoy con
tended tho bill meant nn cud to tho
American augnr growing IndiiBtJy.
Chnlrmnn Underwood of the wnys
nnd menus committee mndo it
known that It was hla Intention to
end tho general dobnto nnd Into to
morrow the moasuro Is expected to
pass. Republicans nro proparod
whon tho dobnto la endod to ask n
recommlttmont or tho hill to nd
vanco tho chnnco or this carrying, It
wns snld thoy wero proparod to waive
tholr condition ror n continuation
or tho Dutch standard nnd tho pref
erential feature of certain grades of
Julia Olson, Mrs. P. A.'Arnott. E. M.
lloienthall, J. C. Vonor, O. Hansen,
P. Bollou, T. M. Walkor. Fred Leo.
V, Dontchlfr, T. Stofnnoff, P. Do
Clark, R. E. Yott, O. F. Gray, P. A.
Gray, Emma Gregg, A. D. Egorton,
S. It. Allen, II. J. Moslor. Mrs. Dry
ant, D. P. Dunnvan, C. D. Lash, A.
Danmoyer, P. Goldenborg, N. Erlck
Bon, J, Klaavl, E. Shull, O, Garmra
dus, P. Kallas, 0, Googeos, J, Mat
Bon, W. J. Gregg, P. Hickman, E.
Mlkutus, J. Lysiski, G. Garrts.
One of Worst Squalls of Sea
son Last Night and Today
Bad Along Coast.
Owing to tho wire being
down all day, Tho Times Is
4 without Its usual Associated 4
4 Press nows this ovonlng. 4'
Last night and todayCoos Bay
has beon oxporlenclng ono of tho
worst squalls of tho benson. A high
wind accompanied by rain nnd hall
hns mado tlio weather most dlsagreo
ablo. No damngo Is reported from the
high wind that blow In fitful gusts
last night, at times assuming tho pro
portions of a vorltnhlo galo.
Tho Western Union wlro botwecn
lioro nnd Rosohurg hna been out of
commission Blnco yestordny nftor
noon A treo foil across tho lino near
Laird's nnd whon this wna ropalrod
the lino got crossed with tho tele
phone lino. This wnB romodied and
something olso wont wrong which
Mnnngor Schottor hns boon unablo to.
It wns vory stormy off tho const
yesterday nnd last night, the high
wind and heavy sea making It hard
for tho steamers. Tho nroakwntor
was 21 hours making tho trip rrow
tho Columbia bar to tho Cooa Day
bar, it being ono of tho roughest
(tips sho has had in months.
Th total nroclnltntlnn fni fK In
84 linnrn nn Pnnn Tlair nrna 1 HO
w - w..SM w wv. uh; nia 4