n; THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1912 EVENING EDITION. r t M ILLICOMA HAT FOR SPRING S tg The Latest Development in Stiff and Soft Hats & & . THE BEST $3.00 HAT MADE Woolen Mill Store LEADING HATTERS mm COOS HAY TIDKS. Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store Quick Delivery Call us up Main 298 for anything you need in our line and our messenger on his bl-. cycle will show you what Quick Service is , Lockharfc-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE -MAIN 298 US WANT ADS, WANT HI) At onco; a good flro nmn; must bo Bobcr. Address L. V. Myrlck, engineer Gardiner Milt Co. Hoyal Theater WANTED Window cleaning and odd Jobs. Phono 1G1-X. flol w Is given tin tlmo and I eight of high and low water at M.t-Bhnold. Th tides are placed In tho ordor nf occurrence, with their times on I I first line and heights on tho bcc (uid line of ench dny; a comparison of consecutive heights will Indlcato vhoti er It Is high or low water. For lt;li water on bar, subtract 2 hours 31 niluutcs. J.):ito. Mnreli, 1012. M hours.O.ni 0.39 11. 3G .COG lido 4.3 3.8 4.0 0.4 1G hours.1.07 0.27 12.20 C.45 Tldo 4.8 3.3 5.3 0.2 ? THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON-Showors In west and fair in cast tonight. Friday gonorally fair. Heavy frost In east tonight. Southwesterly winds, high along coast. roit SALE Good restaurant. In qulro Times ofllco. WANTED TO HUNT At onco; houso with largo gardon or couple acres of land near Marshflold or East side. August Potorson, Lloyd Ho-tol. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; 13G Second St. ORCHESTRA MUSIC FurnlBhod for all occasions. Busby's Imporlnl, at nradlleld Darbor Shop, LATTIN HOTEL Doijrd and room, $1 por dny; $0 por week; family stylo. 3 in Second St., South. LOCAL TEMPERATURE UK POUT. For twenty-four hours ending at 1: 13 a. m., Mar. 14, by DenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum CO Minimum 40 At 4:43 n. m 40 Precipitation nono Wind southwest; partly cloudy. (Jet New Hull Tho Coos liny Concert Hand Is fixing up tho hall abovo tho postofflco ob hondqunrtorfl nnd for rohearsals. Their formor hall on North Front street has been leased by tho Socialists. Written Briefs H. G. Hoy has filed an amended petition In tho Straw-Copplo mayoralty contest and ho nnd Mayor Straw'8 nttornoys havo agreed to fllo written nrgumonts In the case In tho near future TWO FURNISHER HOO.MS to ront. 302 Hnmdwny. Coos Delicatessen FINE HOME COOKING. PUUTV, CLEANLINESS, HEALTRFULNESS Only tho best of ovorythlng good at roasonablo prJcos. Morchant'B lunch dally from 11a. m. to 2:30 ). in. 1. J. PKTROMOULX, Proprietor. People Take Notice ! Wo havo all lengths of stove wood i for salo, prices ranging frcm 11.50 per tier up. We can furnish an length you wlob. L. H. HEISNER Phone No. 120-J or 49-L. Lame back Is usually caused by rheumatism of tho muscles of tho back, for which you will find nothing hotter than Chnmborlnin's Llnlmom. For snlo bv all doalors .Man-led Hero nalph Williams nnd Mabol Scott woro married last evening by Justlco Ponnock at his office Mr. Williams Is a local tenm Hter nnd his wlfo was formorly Mrs. Lyman Wolf. . Thoy will reside horo. Dock Finished Toots Noblo yes terday finished tho now dock on 'North Front stroot for tho Port of Cooh Dny Commission. Tho total cost was about $521) nnd It lins boon lonsed by tho Stnndnrd Oil Company. Today piling for tho Stnndnrd Oil Company's dock adjoining It nro be ing driven, Clots New Position Tom n. James who was formorly agent of tho Alll nnco In Marsh field and was previ ously located at North Pj.md but who moved to Yaqulnn n few years ago to try ranch llfo, has taken a po sition ns supervisor of tho Dull Run roservo nonr Portland. Tho rosorvo le to protect tho Portland city wntor supply. Repair Dredge Tho dredge Oro gon was brought hero today from North Denil nnd Is tied up near tho Alllnnco dock. Tho dofectlvo cast ing Is bolng tnkon out so thnt ovory thlng will bo ready to put In tho DON'T GET RUN DOWN Weak and mlso ablo. If you have Kidney or Illnddor trouble, Dull head pains, Dlzzl.ioss, Nervousness, Pains In the bnck, and feel tired all ovo-, get a packago of Mother Cray's Alt-OMATIC-LEAF tho pleasant herb euro. It novor falls. Wo have many testimonials from grateful peo ple who havo usod this wonderful lemedy. As a regulator It has no equal. Ask for Mothor Gray's Aro-mntlc-Lcuf at D ugglsts or sent by mall for 50e. Sample FREE. Ad dress, The Mothor Gray Co., Le Roy, V Y LETELLIER THE Ulfl FEATURE UVSioxiSTNOVKrrv ESCAPE ARTIST OI-OUK TROTTER H'XMAKKR POLITE REW1LDKRIXG KXTKHTAIX1XG. AH A MAGICIAN LKTKLLIKR WILL PHKSKXT WEIRD, MYSTIC FANTASIES COMBINING A wrri.K monkv, a littlk iiiuin axd a littli: siiowmax- SHIP. '"ITHK LADIKS RRIXG TIIK CHILDRIJX RTIIICTLV MORAI, RF.FINKD M STIFVIXG. OPKXIXO TOMORROW XIGHT FOR OXI3 WKKK. AW SKAT IV TIIK HOl'SB Kle. Dayton Bicycles are built for Heavy Service Atj"""" E,-ir" urnlsheU Room; with Hot , and Cold Water, 11 O T K L .C O OS P t w ... I'Ute 7 WKLIN. Prop. . 50 cents a Day and Upward - nroaaway and Market Marshnuld. Oroijou. first Class Auto Service Special trips to North IJend and r.nini'R anv tlmo. Train and party calls a specialty. Phono 181-R night, and dy. After 11 P. M., Palaco ( Rei'aurrnt, Phono 5-J. Residence rho-o 28-J. JJ. L, FOOTE, Proprietor, We sell nothing but Dnvton TJicyeles ntjd Bicyolo Sundries. "We exjieet to build up a prosperous business, ;o we must think Dnytons avc lriht. Look at one be fnro vou buv youv wlieeir You'll Ret some no ideas on the good points of a Bioyele anyway. Marshfield Cyclery Phone lO.R. Agenth for Coos County. 007 Front St. On May 1st wo wiM advance the price of all Dayton Modols ?1 (Freight charso from P(rtland). Ask fioso who know us If wo generally mean what wo say. now ono which will nrrlvo on tho Droakwntor tomorrow. It is hoped to have tho dredge ready to start tho fill near tho Masonic Opera Ilouso Monday morning. Attend Convention A dozen or so tcpubllcans from Marshfield nnd North Hcnd left hero this morning for Coqulllc to attend a meeting of tho Coos County republican central conunlttoo which will bo held thoro today. Sells Song Jay R. Tower hns been notified thnt W. E. Rossltcr, tho Chicago music publisher, has ac cepted his song "Only Drcnms." It will probably bo published shortly nnd friends of Mr. Tower, who havo seen It, dcclnro that it Is bound to mnko n great hit. Gets Parole Judge Coke has Is sued an order thnt tho sontonco of Rnlph Jnckson, who Is Borvlng ono year In tho county Jail for contribut ing to tho delinquency of n minor, xplro at tho expiration of six months. This will bo about March 10. Tho parole was tho result of Jackson's good bohavlor and prom ises to do better. His pnrolo Is con dltlonnl on good bohnvlor. Jack fou'b parents reside on Catching In let. Meet Here At a meeting of tho members of linker Post, G. A. R., yostorday It was decided that henco forth tho regular monthly meetings should bo held In Marshflold Instead of North Dond, Mnrsfhlold bolng n mora convenient location for most of the mombors. Tho next meeting, on or about April' 14, will bo hold Hi Kmplro and will bo In tho nature of a picnic, tho momborB taking tholr wives with them. No pinna havo yet been mndo for Momorlnl day. Moro Trouble Los Smith was down from his ranch today about moro troublo ovor tho road across or near his ranch from vnrlous homo steads to Coos River. Mr. Smith wanted to swenr out a wnrrnnt for the nrrest of a rnnchor nnnied RaB musRon who ho claims lino mado threats against him. RnsmuBsou wns tried n fow days ngo on nn In sanity chnrgo growing out of tho road troublo. Justlco Ponnock re ferred Mr. Smith to Deputy Prosecut ing Attornoy Llljcqvlst. llrliiR llelleu Rack T. M. Wnlkor of Coqulllo Is expected In on tho Rrcnkwnter tomorrow from Portnnd In chnrgo of Dert Rcllou, tho harbor, who Is charged with confiscating money belonging to his wlfo. Walker was going to Portland nnd wns depu tized by Shorlff Gngo to bring llelleu tmck with him. Bollou'a pnrentB Uvo i.ear Bridge Whothor thoro will bo n reconciliation of tho estrnngod couplo Is doubtful. If not, It is In timated tho case and tho dlvorco suit thit Is oxpoctod to follow It may bo rather Haloclona nnd draw In tho names of n number of woll known Cooh Dny people PERSONAL NOTES JKSS DARKER hns gono to Loon Lnko for a short stay. E. C DREWS has roturnnd from a business trip to Unndon. MRS. ENOCH HOLLAND of Llbby wns a Marshflold shoppor todny. C C. BRIDGES of Coos River wns a Miirshfleld business visitor todny. J. O. MULLEN of North Bond Is n Mnrshllel'l business visitor todny. L. I). SMITH was down from his Coos River ranch todny on business. E. W. SI! ROCK of Empire was a MniHhflold buslnoss visitor yesterday. I. R. TOWER expects to leavo Sat urday for Portland on business and pleasure PAUL CROOKS was down from Sumner yesterday on business and pleaHuro, MRS, L. M. BLIVENS oxpects to leavo Saturday for Portland for a short visit. J. H. LEVERS nnd wlfo will leavo Saturday for Portland nnd other northern points. E. K. JONES has beon making a business trip through the Coqulllo vnlloy this week. GEORGE E. PEOPLES, tho Coqulllo hotol mnn, wns In Marshflold yes terday on business. MRS. V. F. SQUIRE will leave Sat urday for Portland and San Frnn clsco for a short visit. I. C. BUTTS and wlfo will leavo Sat urday for Portland and other nor thern and eastern points. MRS. THOMPSON and Miss Thomp son of Kastsldo will leavo Satur day for Winnipeg, Manitoba. A. II, POWERS who has been In San Francisco on business Is expected to arrlvo homo on tho Bessie Dol lar tomorrow. DUNCAN FERGUSON went to Co qulllo this morning to attend t mooting of tho Coos County Repub lican Central Committee EARL NOSLER nnd his brother, Bird, passed through horo today on routo from Bandon to Floronco whoro thoy expect to ongnEo In business. B. F. NEWAM nnd wifo arrived this week from Midland, Tox. Thoy havo been in California since July nnd Intend to locnto horo. Mr. Ncwnm Is a shemakcr. W. S. CHANDLER nnd wlfo will leavo Snturday via Portlnand for San Francisco whoro thoy will spend several weeks. Mr. Chnnd lor Is rapidly recuperating from his recent Illness. DUNCAN DOUGLASS, who recently gnvo up his courso at Oregon Ag ricultural Collego nt Corvnllls to go to Portnnd to sccuro medical treatment, Is oxpectod homo on tho Bronkwator tomorrow. C. R. PECK expected to leavo tomor row for San Francisco to try a easo thoro but today ho rccolvod a telegram stating thnt tho trial might ho postponed so it Is uncer tain whether ho will get nwny to morrow or not. JOHN LAFON nnd wife nnd bnby who expected to leavo on tho Nann Smith yestordny for San Francisco from whoro they woro to go to their now homo nt Ashvlllo, N. O.. havo postponed their departure for n week or two. JOHN D. GOSS Is nt Roscburg on routo homo from Portland whoro ho trlod tho enso of Tom Thorson of Mnrshflold vs. tho C. A. Smith company for $20,000 damages for porsonnl Injuries. Thorson oocur od a vordlct for $1,500. Thorson lives nt Bunkor Hill. Mr. Gosa will probnbly roach horo Saturday from Rosoburg. HUGH McLAIN has roturncd from Coqulllo whe'ro ho wont to look ovor tho ground for flvo miles of logging road which Sooloy nnd An dorson nro to build and bids on which will be oponod soon. Tho rond 1b to bo rushed through to completion. R. E. L. BEDILION, formorly stftto roprcsontativo from Coos County, camo ovor from Bandon today. Ho reports that ovorythlng Is prosper ous thoro. Ho Is proprietor of tho Bnndon woolen mill nnd has suf ficient orders ahead to Insttro an nctlvo season. I'J. II. FISH enmo ovor from Marsh flold Mondny night to look nftor buslnoss affairs and shako hands with old friends. Mr. Fish Bays things nro moving off very nicely, on tho Bay and thnt his company Ih doing nn oxcollont business. Bnndon Rccordor. MARSHFIELD DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE. All mombors of nbnvo organiza tion nnd nil othors Interested in tho wolfnro of .Marshflold nro requested to attend n mooting to bo hold nt.tho formor Redmon'a Hnll, nbovo tho Palaco Restaurant, on Front strcot, Frldny ovonlng, March 1G. S. B. CATHOART, Prca. WHEN YOU STUDY' LATE AND FEEL WORN OUT AND DE PRESSED either from headache or nervous ness, do not forget that at our store your every drug want can be sup plied in a most careful and painstaking man ner. ' Physicians' prescrip tions filled with utmost accuracy and skill. Special medicines de livered at any time anywhere. BROWN DRUG CO. CRADUAT CHEMISTS Phono M1.J, Mariihllcld, Oregon Cash for Potatoes The market is excited and now is the time to sell. Before selling or shipping call up Phone 278, or see me personally. f. s. DOW :