THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1912 -EVEHING EDITION COOS BAY TIMES M. C. JIALONKV Keillor mid Put). , DAN K. MAI.QXKV Xciva Editor' Address nil communications to COOS HAV lhUX TIMES. Mnrslillcld : Oregon DID YOU EVEK THINK WALT MASON THE POET PHILOSOPHER Thnt a. kind word put out at Inter est brings bnck nn enormous porccnt ngo of love nnd appreciation? Thnt tliough u loving thought may not scorn to ho appreciated, It litis yet nindo you bettor and braver be cause of It? That the lltt'o nets of kindness nnd thoughtfiiliiess day by day aro really gronlor than ono Innnonso act of goodness emeu a year? That to be always pollto to the peoplo at homo Is not only mure lady llko but more refined than having "company mnnnort? Thomas A. Kdlson Is said to dlsbe llcvo In n hereafter. If lie did he would probably propaio to heat and light tho placo by storngo batteries. ANTI-YK'i: CltUSADK I liml a cruel sorrow that fostered In my heart. I always, In drawing room nnd mart, until tho people, wbarled, by ali my doleful yawps, requested mo to vanish Sl'IIDUIXfl and toll it to tho cops. And then I KOItllOW tried to down It In rich imported nlo; my sorrow still was husky when I woko up in Jail. I sung nbout my sorrow some dirges sad nnd weird, until tho briny tcardropc wcro dripping from my beard, nnd no ono offered solace, and nono would sympathize, and no ono brought a wrlngor to dry my weoplng eyes. And then ono winter morning 1 ceased to sigh and sob, and donned a donim jumper and wont and got a Job. I worked along with others who bent their brawny bnckB; I delved and picked and shoveled, nnd hewed things with nn axoj and lo, that sorrow vanished and left my soul at rest, no teardrops stained tho hnngdowns that floated on my chest! And folks who used to dodgo mo would como n'id shako my hand, and sny I was tho bono and the sinew of tho land! .Most things I have forgotten, but this much I do know: Tho mnn who makes n business of lending 'round a woo, with chain and collar on It. will walk a lonely rond, nnJ folks will shrink and shudder when ( passing his nbodo. 0wfiV.iul4im (jQQjj7KArAJ Mnraluil Curler After Uiiele.inbles Olio Forfeits $."() Hull Marshal Carter has tssuoil an nntl vico crusado, directing It esperlnlly ngalns tho parasltei that have been increasing rapidly In number hero ro contly. Tho first step In it wns ta icon yostonlny when ho arrested Frod Hoard for hnbltuatlug with tho unde sirables. Heard furnished $r0 cash ball but this morning failed to show up In City Recorder Ilutlor's court for hoaring nnd tho bnll was dcclarod forfeited. llanid has not boon seen Binco his release and Is presumed to havo loft town. Ho nrrlvod hero AMOXO Till! SICK. T. J. Scalfo Is suffering from n scwro attack of la grippe. Mrs. Robert Itooko of Coos River underwent nn operation at Morcy hospital this morning nnd is report ed gottlng along nicely. Onto Tlmmormnn, tho littlo son of .Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnx Tlmmormnn, un dorwont n minor operation at Mercy hospital tills morning nnd is report ed doing nlcojy. Mrs. Win. Grimes, who recently underwent nn operation nt Mercy hospital, was nblo to bo brought homo today. Sho and Mr. Grimes but n short time nuo from Eureka ." i Marshal Carter Is gottlng evidence, will occupy a sulto at Tho Chandler ngnlnst sovoral olhors nnd thoy will bo treated similarly within n tow days. lam: xvihh uu.v PORTLAND, Ore, March 1 1. Dr. Harry. Lnno, ox-Mayor of Portland, today announced his decision to bo como n democratic caudldnto for United States vonntnr. Tho decision camo after a previous announcement that hu would not cuter tho contest. Ills chnuge of mind, ho says, Is duo to repented demnuds from his demo cratic friends. His entry makes threo in tho race on tho democratic side. Tho other two nro Walter Plerco nnd Milton A. Miller. INC0I TH BILL IS IIP for n wlillo. uoosevei.t is disciiaugkd fury Soi-vleo Tci-iiiIiiiiUmI llermiso Ho .Might Distract Oilier Jurors. (Hy Assoclatod Press to tho Coos Uay Times.) MIXOLA, L. I., Marcli 1 1. Col. Roosovelt's Jury duty is over. Su premo Justlro Putnam told him to day that ho could bo excused. Coun foI had confided to tho court thnt Roosovelt's prosonco In tho box might distract hla follow Jurors minds from any enso and for that reason thoy would chnllengo him. A TUMCIHII HATH will do yon noon. Phone 2HJ. Chairman Underwood Reports in Favor of Passage of Excise Measure. (Hy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Tluios.) WA8H1NUTON, I). l, .March 1 I. Mnlutnlnliig the constitutionality of tho proposod excise tax bill, extending tho prmlxlons of the corporation Inx law to Individuals and conartiior- ships, hi limit tod iih a niwnuo mens- rro 10 10 i:ico ciiHioiiiH mil Km nu sug if, IUnnesontalUo Underwood, Chair I. an of tho Wars and Mouint Com irlttco, mudo a report to tho House i.iuny urging mo piiKsago or tho bill, Tlio report declaron that the propos ed tax bill Is In absolute conformity with the supremo court decisions re lating to the Income tax. Tho re port cuIIh proposed hill a combination of the exclso tax or 8!S and the cor poration tax law of 11109, both of which have been held to be valid In nil rospocts by the supremo court. Continuing the repot t, lie assorts that tho burden of "our present In direct taxation" falls upon the puopie having Incomes or less than $2,000, To llustrate the eiulble adjustment of the excise law It Is recommended thnt persons with Incomes of less tliuti $5,000 per annum would pay nothing wiiile a poison whose busi ness earns $10,000 net would pay no tax on tho tlrst i.,000 mid on the sec ond would pay only ffio u etu The report calls attention to the lucoiuo tax luw of 181M mid argues it would have been sustained If drawn In the form of tho law now proposed. DEAFNESS CAXXOT III! Cl'HEl) hy l"ril ititltcnttiiia, no they rniwnt renrh llicill-ciiK. .1 pniitnii nr llieenr llirtuN n ly llliitloniil rc-mril noiitno In i-mimsI jy mi liilliiin'i('i)iitltl'iiior Iho tiinroiiH lltilnir of llin liiiktm.liliiii I11I..1 U' 11. 1- ...I... 1. 1.: I, ,..-, iiiivil lllin iiiuu in 111 lliiiiivil nu lin(n riiinlilliiK miiiikI op mi.r. ri't-t lit-iiTliiK. nml li-n li i riillrrlr iIomM Di'iiiik'mi I 1 he riiiilt,mnt imlpn tho Inllum million in li Irtkon nut iiml IIiIk tulmrilorM t tin minimi ('iMIIInii, lu-arliiu will ho ilu. Jt iijciI firi'Wr;iiliiiriieniit nf luiiitrciitiiM'i! Iiy(,tirri nlilrhl iintlilimhiit nu Inllum ninlcniiilltloii of tlieintiroin nirfiueii. WimjIII rlvo One lluuilrnl DolUm for nny cnf of tlrnriiFH (fnuinl liy ritturrh) lint ran. lint I riinsl liy ,, CaWrrh Cure. Haul forrlriiilnr.frrf. a , 1 1 .. K VI,:SKV it 10. -role to, O. Pnlil hv )rilul4a,7,V ' Tiiio Hull' Kiiuillv rillifuri'oiiHtutlon. W.K. WISEMAN The Old Reliable Second Hand Store Man Desires to nnnounco that ho is again HACK IX 11USIXESS In tho llernllt Hulldlng, 323 S. Hrondirny Will buy and soil now nud sec ond hand furniture, stoves, ranges, sowing machines, etc. Will also sforo household goods by tho month. Ceding to IhejCoasi talked about it ml llil m m sm tUi vm c?x,: :wm is v nnn 1 , w v. " ' - jr uc1 w .'in 111 niuii 1 w ESpuU l And- B i Have That Roof Fixed vow Sec GORTEELL lhonr ai XOTICK OK TIXAL SlfTTIiUMKNT. BT. PATltlCICS nAXClC Salurtl.iy, Morch 10, KiibIi'b Hall. Music by entire liand of :t0 pieces. Poor appotlte is a sure sign of In., paired digestion A few doses of Chamborlaln's Stomach mid Liver Tablets will strengthen your diges tion mid linproNo your appetite. Thousands have been benefited by taking theso Tablets. For sale by nil dealers. $8.50 Buys You a Complete Suit Coat, Vest and Pants Our $ 1 5.00 Special Will Please You FIXUP Mnrshfield & North Bend Notlco Is hereby givon that tho undorslgnod has filed hor final ac count In tho matter of tho cstnto of Ilyron F. Snvago, decoasod, nnd tho County Court of Coos County, Oro gon, linn sot .Monday, tho 1st day of April, 1012, at 10 o'clock a. in. of mid day, at Conulllo City. Coos County, Oregon, as tho tlmo and plnco for hearing of objections to cnld final account and tho sottlomont of said estato. Now all porsons having objections 10 said flnnl account aro horoby notl flod to fllo tho samo with tho clorlc of tho nbovo named court on or bo foro said dato. Dated this 29th day of February, 1912. EMMA R. SAVAGE, Executrix of tho cstnto of Ilyron F. 8avngo, 'deconsod. iFIrst publication Fob. 29, 1912; Ins: publication March 28, 1912.) We'll be there' in lime to start that 1912 shooting season Remmgfen-UMC Eastern Factory Loaded Shells Our Fifty years jonding experience guarantees uniform loading the most successful relation between load and charge a system of wadding lubrication that insures the pattern a crimp that will stand up under any con ditions in any gun A trap record of 13 out of 15 Intcrstatcs won in the last three years is proof that you cannot buy a harder, faster, more uniform shooting shell than Arrow Smokeless Steel Lined Nitro Club Smokeless Powder Steel Lined New Club Black Powder Put in your order for your favorite trap and field loads now. There's sure to be u wuiiin list. REMINGTON ARMS-UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE COMPANY 29D Broadway New York City pprrrnrrPT??1 izw wi:.itiatf jygtv:wnrwr"--rMTIWll II III Willi in I The Gunnery Sportsmen's Headquarters City Auto Service I ood Cars. Careful Driven nnri reasonable charges. Our motto Will go anywhere at any time.' Stands Blanco Hotel and ninncr Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46 NMght Phone 46 HAItKKU ii fiOOnAfiK. Proprietor A Year of Great Improvement This litis boon ii year of unusual and hcavv ex pense with the Oregon Power company. "Wide extension of electric distributing Hues, ex tension of gas mains and improvement at tho gas works all have made combined attack on our resources. The money has been invested -to properly serve a first class city with a first class future. The faots stated, however, make it particularly desirable that bills for electric and gas service should be paid on or before the 10th day of the month. $ Prompt collections enable the prompt meeting of our own monthly obligations and give better service. Telephone 178. BANK FLANAGAN & BENNETT MAHSIIFIHU), OHKGOX. At tho cluha of business, Feb. SO, 10VJ. Loans nnd Discounts ' ...fliM"" Unnklnu Houso 80.1111 Cash nnd Evchnngos .....'!!!.' '.'.'.'.'... HM"1! Totnl ' MUlCl LIABILITIES. C ipltnl Stock paid In WJfl purpius nnu Undlvldod Profits . . . .. J Deposits 6J," " , Totnl , ta'l1 Oregon Power Co, r "7f coram: co. vim Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality DO NOT BE A DELINQUENT I i . J i f.Vi.l O aHftHft iPgmirAyllllWltM f . I A ' I I When you bujfjpsf ; i (?( Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill Eastsi e and Other Loca'ions I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 I'ront St. COXDEXSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos M i. .,..'" e Close of nusluess February 20tli, 101'J- T? T?ani f n trot luiguvJUVCDi ...111 Loans nnd discount . . tfflf1 Uonds. warrnnts and nnnnrifiol lift. U. S. bonds to securo clmuintinn " ' ' Hft Real estate, fiirnitiiro n.i . .. lift Cash nnd sight exchange H" Total . . .tSW.'51' LIAHILITIES. "S Capital stock paid In... Surplus and undivided profits Dividends nnnnM Ileserve for taxes. .'" ... ift flrpii'atlon, outstanding! .. '.'.'.'. '. .' !.'.'... ,!! 2 Deposits . 10.!I j Totnl ...?5,5,,JIJ In addition to Capital Stock 'th'e'lndlVldual liability of SW cr 13 JIUO.OQO.OO. lM!OHTAVP VATintl mn. nnn..nnrrl. ml'VKR! Rlvo us a i!"Tlptlon of your property nnd wo will o1"' ..., in taxes .i same. Sheriff does not notify you. Alter t e show uy a Turkibh Uutb 'houo 21.J, WM; S. TURF' Architect 171 FKONI Wm