HERE'S AN ABYSS OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "SATISFIED" AND "SELF-SATISFIED" -rrrTIJvKUTISlNa In Tlio TIMES ivill Tut Your Ileal EsUito "Jn Gtas Stat WANT ADVERTISING Jn Tlio TIMES Will Keep (ho Income from Yow Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really help tho family rovonucs by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tho classified columns, you may keep that little extra Incomo as "steady as a clock." ,. iii nut tho facts about your wll.r,;.,n ttm ovos of all "nos- Wmr n town. And" If ! &, ono of thorn who ought to h offn it, "" MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS OL. XXXV KMnbllslied In 1878 iw Tlio Const Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mill Cooi liny AdwrtUir. No. 206 lag f THOUSAND ARABS SLAIN El ITALIAN TROOPS Lother Thousandjof Desert Tribesmen mjuicu in i iciu tngagemuiii. ORST ENCOUNTER OF TUHKU-IIHLIHIM VHn kalians: Claim to Have Lost Less man un nuuuieu Killed and Wounded. Inj Associated Press to tio Cobs .Bay! nr.k-nA7r Trlnoll. March 13. ore thah ono thousand Arabs woro ,.t.j .4h nnnthor ono thousand 1IICU " " ero foifndod In tho stlffost oncoun- ir of tho TurKO-iiniian wur, uwuoju ig to Italian advices when tho Ital idj itormod and occupied yostordny .. t.og nnHlmnnt of Folat which ere strongly ontronched and hold rUrgo forces of Arabs. rhi A mil defended tholr ndsltiono ut. fcn iiimnut br.ivory and finally ere routed by tho Itallnn troops' j tfonets. over iuu Amu coiimeH wo left on the bnttloflold. Italian Ulcers report an enormous number ere carried off by tho retreating semr. Tlo loss of tho Itn'llnn oops was three officers and 25 sol- lers killed, seven officers nnd GO (Idlers wounded. t TROUBLE IN PORTUGAL brernment Troops Resort to Royal- M Movement. Dr Assoclatod Press to Coos Hay Times.) LISBON, March 13. A largo pnrt ! the tenth regiment of tho Portu gese Infantry nt Ilraganbn hns lotscd tho bordor with nrms nnd felned tbo roynllstn. Othor rogl- hents statlonod In tho north havo en removed, tho governmont fcol- lc that tho roynllat propaganda has lessened tholr loyalty. IE TODAY Keamep Sails Early This morning tor San Francisco neturns Sunday. The Redondo sailed this mornlnir pr San Francisco with a cargo of (tnber from tho Smith mill nnd con. Merable miscellaneous frelnht. Shu 14 only a fair list of outgoing pas sers. Ehe Is scheduled to sail from San Bflsco for COOS Rav nnxt Rnmlnv "ernoon at 3 o'clock. Anong thoso sailing on tho Rodon 0 this morning woro: a. tohan, K. S. Hudson, Joo Wehela, M. K. Augustlno, F. Korn, j. oimpson, w. C. Tlppott, Goo v r. ' 'eccn' unns. Coursoy, H. P'lSOn. R. H. U'lnn W n II..-H H Np, Nels jenson, Wm'. Broad. PITNEY GETS PLACE pte Confirms Appointment of I ' associated Press to Coos Day I Time WASIIlNr.TnM r. ,, ,. , l"ncellor Mahlon Pitney ot New r-y was today confirmed by tho paste to assoclntn mi.o f , o.. I !?e C0l,rt of tho United States. L. Vote wns 50 to 26. Tho op Pf'tlOn to ChnpAllrr mnn.. n.inin P'seiy from hl rfnoioinna ini,n. PJton. crumbled during- tho first I u'8 ot tho senate's executtvo . ,I0QI the VOtn hnlno .no.t.. rn,y after 2 o'clock. MRSHFKU) I)RVBLOPMKN'T . LEAGUE. A" members nt i, ,.. and .11 ;;..:: r"",.hr lelf.i. . "lucra interested in tne jlt."ul "arahfleld are requested ner n . B t0 b0 held at th0 '' --i a mbii, aoovo tne 'rid. ui, on Kront street, "evening, March 15. 8- D. CATHCART, Pres. I fiET vm,. ow'.'.:'r ". hTnini.". ""'""tuuKS and ST. KS S ? 1AY novelties at the OH REDONDO - "" STORE. IN TRIPOLI TO TRY ALL II Indianapolis Dynamite Con ; spiracy Cases Will Be Heard at One Time. (By AsBoclntod Press to Coos Day Times.) INDIANAPOLIS, March 13 All tho defendants Indicted for violation of tho federal ntntuts governing tho transportation of explosives nnd all who pleaded not guilty yesterday must go to trial In ono enso October 1, according to a final ruling of Judgo Anderson after ho heard tho arg'umonta of attorneys for tho do foiiRo on u motion for separate trials. FINS DA Y'FOIt' WOMEN Ami'i-lcnii Kuffi'iiKi'ttcs DcMcciul on Nutloiuil Invnialu'i-v Todny. Times.) (Ily Associated Pross to tho Coos Dny WASHINGTON, I). C, March 13. Today Is Huffriigcttc' day nt tho caiJ tol. With hearings uri'iingcd bofnro tho senate commltleo on wiininn suf frage nnd tho Iiouho coininlttco on Judiciary, ndvocntes of tho pending bills to nmond tho federal constitu tion so as to give women tho right of ballot planned, descend upon tho lawmakers In forco. STREET WORK IN Estimates on Cost of Two Pro jects Asked By Council Other work. At a mcotlng of tho North Dond city council last evening tho city en gineer wns Instructed to preparo es timates of tho cost of grading Meado nvonuo between Virginia and Oregon street nnd Oregon street from Sher man' to Chester etreot. Thes im provements havo beon under consid eration but tho property owners first wanted to securo un Idea of what tho cost would bo. Tho matter will bo taken up nt tho noxt meeting. Some of tho residents of Bangor appeared boforo tho council and urged that Geo. W. King, proprietor of tho Entorprlso Meat Market In Marshflold, bo compolled to movo bis slaughter yards. Tho council decid ed thnt It could not forco tholr re moval but thnt It could regulate them nnd this will bo dono Tho Coos Dny Motor Boat Club was granted permission to utilize the waterfront at the foot of California streot for the purpoBo of anchoring n boathouso thero and also putting n tank for tho storago of gasoline thero. Tho council discussed an ordinance regulating the storago of gasoline In tho city. Nothing doflnlto was done. Tho usual nurabor of bills were al lowed. PMN NEW OPERATION Millionaire Stokes of New York Will He Patient (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, March 1 3 W. E. D. Stokes, the millionaire hotol owner who was tho target for a revolver of two actresses a few months ago. will bo operated upon shortly for Injuries which ho believes he received In tho noni, t thnt Hmft. Tho operation i Involves the removal of ono of lua kidneys and tne suusiuuuou u i kldnoy of an animal. - 1 BASEBALL coods at NORTON HANSEN'S. OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS. The LADIES' AID of the METII-mc-m ....ot,'wltl fonka CHICKEN "TAMALES WEDNESDAY aftornoon. 'TAMALES on SALE after FOUR O'CLOCK. TOG LA F0LLE1TE GIVES HIS Wisconsin Presidential Candi date Issues Lengthy Plat form for His Campaign. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) MADISON, Wis., March 13. Tho political creed of La Follotto was given out horo today. Ho declares his belief In the Initiative, referen dum, recall, direct nominations, gov ernment ownership and oporntlon of express companies and his opposition to ship subsidy, Aldrlch currency plan and Canadian reciprocity. In tho platform tho Sonator says, "I bellovo In tho tnltlntlvo, referen dum and recall and direct nomina tions: nnd elections not only, as ap plied to states but also In tho ex tension of these principles to the na tion as a wholo Tho equalization of tho burdens of taxation on a prop erty basis through tho adoption of graduated Incomo nnd Inheritance taxes. Tho parcels post. Govern ment ownership nnd government op orntlon of tho express buslness'nt tho actual cost to tho public. Tho rca romiblo valuation ot tho physical proporty of railroads, Justly Inven toried nnd determined ns n basis for fixing rates and tho extension of powers nnd administration of tho control of tho Interstate comm'Orco commission. "I would hnvo tho nation know how much of the $18,000,000,000 capitalization was contributed by those who own railroads nnd how much by the people thomsolvos. "I believe In tho crcntlon of n commission with tho power to Invest igate and ascertain tho illogal act of all tho trusts and combinations and with power to nscortnln tho roason nblo vnluntlon, not tho monopoly val uation of tho physical properties of ABOUT LINES Claim Boise People Are Buying Simpson Tract on South Slough. There Is much speculation ns to tho significance of tho doal which tho Simpson Lumber Company has on for tho sale of n tract of about 1G00 acres on Smith Slough, near Rocky Point, the reported prlco of which is $250,000. No ono on tho Bny seems to know Just who Is In tho syndicate that 1h trying to swing tho deal but holders of land adjoin ing the Simpson tract understand that It Is composed principally of people at Boise, Idaho. Besides tho Simpson property, they havo nego tiated for othor proporty there, of fering $150 per acre for it. Somi think that the deal has rail road significance but thoso on tho Bny who appear to bo tho closest In touch with It declare that It Is sim ply a townalte deal. ItomI to Bridge. Ben McMulIen, of Myrtlo Point, wns In Marshflold yesterday on busi ness. Ho reports that the people nt Mvrtle Point ore confident that a line will be built from Myrtle Point to nrldge at once. Whether tho South ern Pacific will put It through or tho SmlthrPowers Company will build their own logging road ho was un able to say. Tlilnk it Old Rumor. But little credence Is placed lo cally In the report In "Tho Rnllroad Man's Magazine" which was reprint ed In Tho Times yestorday concern ing th? Northwestern's extension. Tho storv is practically a rehash of tho story printed In The Oregonlan about a month ago and which was denied by President Gardiner of the Northwestern. Some here claim that President Gnrdlnler's denial of the story of the Northwostern extension was for the purpose of concealing their moves. One man says that he has had ad vices from a friend at Landors. Wyo., that the Northwestern is storing con struction material near there, evi dently for the purpose of pushing the extension westward from Landors. Street Railway Plans. Tom Coke, who Is in charge of --ContlnuadoB page 4.) R 0 the great monopolies, beginning with tho natural resources, such ns coal, Iron and oil nnd In tho creation of a tariff commission of oxperts, clothed with real power to determine tho val uation of all tho clomcnts of pro duction, costs nnd profits of produc tion nnd tariff rates and to nscor tnln tho dlftorenco botween labor In this country and abroad. Tilings. Ho Opposes. "I am opposed to ship subsldtos which once ontrenchod will become another corrupting Influence. In our politics. To further extravagance on the hdvlco of interested persons not only in building battleships and po litical navy yards, nnd am In favor of unprejudiced commission to Investi gate and report what Is required In the way of national dofonBo. "To dollar diplomacy, which has reduced our Stato Dopartmcnt from Its high place as a kindly Intermed iary ot defenseless nations Into trad ing outposts for Wall street Interests, aiming to exploit thoso who would bo our friends. "To tho Aldrlch curroncy schomo. "To Cnnndlan reciprocity agree ment." ccompnnylng tho platform La Follotto makes tho Btntoment, "When Roosevelt becamo president tho to tal amount ot stock and bond Issues df nil4 combinations' nnd trusts, In cluding rnllways thon In tho combi nation, was- only $3,78-1,000,000, nnd when ho turned tho country over to Tnft. whom 'ho had solcctcd as his successor, the total capitalization of the trusts nnd combinations amount ed to the enormous sum ot $31,072, 000,000, more than 70 per cent of which Is water. Prices woro put up on transportation and on products of mines nnd fnctorlos to puy Intorcst nnd dividends on this fraudulent cap italization." T ARE DISCUSSED W. S. Chandler New Candidate Suggested Three On One Ticket. Today thero Is considerable talk about the coming olectlon ot, tbrco Port Commissioners. As the candi dates will bo voted on In tho pri maries April 19, thoro will probably be a double campaign. Today it was reported that an ef fort was being mado to havo Dr. E. Mlngus, A. II. Powers and W. S. Chandler run on ono ticket. Mr. Powers is out of town, bolng In San Francisco on business, but Is ex pected back In a day, or two. Ho will probably nnnotinco then whether ho will bo willing to bo a candidate Mr. Chandler 1b just recovering from a severe Illness and oxpects to leave soon for San Francisco and other California points to recuper ate. Ho would not bo hero to roako a primary campaign, but It Is under stood that ho would bo willing to ac cept tho position If elected. Will Meet Tomorrow. Considerable Interest centers In the meeting of the Coos County re publican committee which will bo held at Coqulllo tomorrow. Aside from filling vacnncles on the com mittee and the election ot a' now chairman, it Is understood that othor matters will come up. It has been Intimated that thero will be a discussion ot tho candidates who havo already entered tho field and probably an effort to bring can didates for offices for which no ob plrant has announced himself. About the only office for which no ono has been announced 1b that of represen tative from Coos County. It Is un derstood that Ed Rackloff, the pres ent representative, will not run. Tom Coke to Ran. W. J. Rust announced today that Tom Coke, formerly a member of the Marshflold city council, would be a candidate for the democratic nomi nation for county commissioner. Tho term of W. T. Dement of Myrtle Point expires this year. Mr. Dement Is a republican and will be a candi date again. ST. PATRICKS 'Dny NOVELTIES at COOS BAY CASH STORE. 0 nuns SOUTHERN PACIFIC EKPRE5S AGENT KILLS Conference Between English Mine Owners and Workmen Today Without Result. (By Associated Pross to tho Coos Bny Tlmos.) ' LONDON, March 13 Tho conference- botwoon tho BrltlBh coal mlno ownoro and dologutos of tho striking minors undor tho auspices of sovoral mombcrs of tho cabinet, presided ov er by Premier Asqulth, was resumed today in t ho foreign ofllco a nd satis factory progress was said to bo mado. Tho Promlor oxprossod groat satisfaction ovor tho courso tho nego tiations nro taking. Tho distress in England, Scotlnnd nnd Wnlcs from tho strlko Is becom ing ncuto, particularly In Wales. In thnt country, prnctlcnlly tho wholo llfo of tho pooplo depends on tho out put of tho conl mines. In Cardiff, tho Chief Constnblo reports 700 fam ilies In Immcdlnto need nnd in pure ly mining towns much suffering Is ovldcnt. No conclusion wns reached nt to day's conferonco. Tho conferees ad journed until tomorrow. C2KRMAN STRIKER KILLED (By Assoclntod Pross to tbo Coos Day TimcB.) BERLIN, March 13 Tho coal min ors' Htrlko In tho great Gorman coal Holds of Westphalia has taken n sor Ioub turn. Fighting occurrod in a numbor of places and nt Hornoa, a strlkor was killed In n clash with tho police TAFT TO ASK President Wants New Neutral ity Legislation to Keep Peace With Mexico. (By Assoclatod Press to tho Coos Day Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 13 Prosldont Taft pointed out to mom bora of tho Foreign Relations Com mltteo and Texas congressional dolo gatlon at n conferonco today that tho neutrality laws of tho United States were not spocldc enough. It is re ported thnt ho said that unless Con gress enacts now measures It will bo dllllcult to prosorvo poaco with Mex ico. Presldont Taft appealed to his callerB to help him preserve poaco by preventing neutrality law violations nnd suggested that somo steps bo takon at onco for tho onactmont ot moro adoquato measures. Tho con foronco rosultod from tho appeal ot Prosldont Mndoro that tho Unite States put Into effect stricter neu trality In Texas. After tho confeienco, tho Sonato Committee on Foreign Relations hold a meeting and framed a Joint resolu tion which would prohibit tho ship ment of arms from tho United States Into any state on tho Amorlcan con tinent which Is In a condition of dis order. Tho resolution would im poso heavy penalties, the Intention bolng to mako It Immediately appli cable to tho Mexican situation. Tho resolution was adopted Unanimously in tho committee and roportod to the Senate immediately. The senate lator unanimously adopted tho resolution which was in troduced by Senator Root. Root said thero were thousands of Ameri cans fleeing from their homes and properties becauso they nro Imperiled, by arms and ammunition sent across the border from the United States. TO AID EMPEROR Chinese's Army Starts for Pekln to Put Him Back on Throne (Dy Associated Pross to the Coos Bay Times.) PEKIN, March 13 General Sheng Yuan, who under the empire held tho Goyornment post in the Provlnco of Shen SI, Is marching at the head of ion thnimnnrl trnnim from tho I'rov- inr- nf Knnsn to Pekln to restore tho Emperor to tho throno. Tho commander of tho Emperor's guards at tho Palaco received a message to this effect today. EABTEK cards and NOVELTIES at tho COOS BAY OASn STORE, FAIL TO END GOAL STRIKE SPECIFIGILAW TRAIN ROBBERS Brave Messenger Kills Two- Men Who Held up Fast Train Near Sanderson. USES MALLET ON ONE AND REVOLVER ON OTHER: , . David A. Trousdale of. San An tonio Hero of Sensational Crime Today.t l SAN ANTONIO, Tex., March 13. Express Messenger David A. Trous dalo prevented tho robbery ot a Southern Pacific train near Sander son todny when he killed two high waymen who hold up tho train. The robbers boarded train No. 0, west bound, n fow miles cast ot Sandor son. The mall and oxpross carB and locomotive wore dotachod. , Thon tho engineer waB compolled to run the coaches ahead. Ono of tho robbors took Trousdnlo back to tho train and kopt him undor guard while tho oth er covcrod tho crow ahead And start ed to rlflo tho safo and oxpross box. Trousdnlo Is Bald to havo omployod a ruso In signalling to nn Imaginary person back of his captor. As tho robbed turned, Trousdnlo graspod a mallet and beforo tho highwayman could shoot, dashed out his brains. Arming himself with tho doad rob bor's revolver, Trousdalo waltod for tho return of the othor bandit, after ho had rifled tho express boxos. Stopping from envor Trousdalo klllod" him. All the stolon property wns re covered nnd tho train proccoded. Trousdalo Is a young mun who re cently wnB promoted to nn oxpross run. Ho lives in San Antonio. Both tho doad bnndlts nro Ameri cans. A book found in possession of ono contalnod tho nnmoa of a numbor of persons In Oklahoma and Kansas. Thoso woro tolographod to through tho authorities of thoso states. A third robber nuspoct who is bo llovod to havo escaped during tho oxcltomont la bolng soarchod for. E Immediate Resignation Presi dent of Mexico Demanded at Chihuahua. (Dy Assoclntod Press to tho Coos Bay Time.) CHIHUAHUA, Mex., March 13. Tho Immodlato resignation of Prosl dont Madoro and Vice-president Pino Suaroz nro demanded in a bill pre sented today boforo tho pormanont commission of tbo stato legislature. Deputies presenting tho measure ask that a spoclal session of tho loglala ture bo called for their adoption, thuB placing the stato In tho position of formally repudiating tho central government. FOREIGNERS ARE ALARMED" Importation of Arnui Thought to Iter Menace to All. (By Assoclatod PresB to tho Coos Day Time.) MEXICO CITY, March 13. Mem bora of the European dlplomatlo corps hero see in tho free passage of arms through Juarez tho groatest menace to Mexico. The foreign dlp- lomats, according to ono authority, are alarmed because tho distribution Inundation of arms is bound to sproad through tho republjc and Its effects will bo felt for years, Tho danger arising from this source Is as great to other foreigners as to tho citizens of the United States. Notice to Elks. All members of Marshflold Lodge, No. 1160, B. P. O. E., are requested to be present Wednesday evening; March 13. Nomination of offlcors will close and election will follow. GEO. GOODRUMi Acting Secretary. You can got SPORTING GOODS any tlmo, EVENINGS or SUNDAYS, nt NORTON HANSEN'S two stores. Don't miss tho Band Boys' Danco-J K 1 0 QUIT Saturday evening. N ' J J & f ii m fcfr i ITTHltii r,Aj '