POULTRY MEN STAMP THEIR EGGS BUT IT WILL NOT CARRY THEM THROUGH MAILS u'ANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES Will Put Your Kcnl Estate "la WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep tho Income from Yoht Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really help tho family revenues by renting a few furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tho clnsslllod columns, you may keep that Httlo extra Inoomo as "steady as a clock." Mtttt& iho Market" luiccuvciyj tt will put tho facto about your irnnorty hoforo th0 oyes of n11 "po? VJPPonL"nra" In town. And If glDU j . ., , fhoro'fl one of tliom who ought to SSTil you'll -on iti MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Qtaa mn Established In Rosecrans, Belonging to Asso ciated Oil Company, Goes on Rocks. FEAR THREE LOST F IN A SMALL BOAT Vessel Carries Crew of Thirty Six Second Vessel Nar rowly Escapes. I ny Associated Press to tho Coob Day v ' Tlmo.) 0AV1OTA, Call., March 12 Tho nil tank Btoamor ItosocranB of tho AModatod Oil Company wont on tho rocrs near uuiu ' --- - tiro storm. A small boat capsized whllo attempting to land through tho inrf and It Is understood that throo wars drownod. Tho Rosocrann car rid a crow of thlrty-Blx. Tho vossol in a serious position but It Is bo- . ia . n , Mnr will enf ntt m lD" "'.."".e. ""v.i: ' Cljde, also of tho Associated Oil Com tmr, was In Bravo dangor for a whllo f ... . . it-...l il.n, ul.n ...111 rtnt lin CUt II IS UCIIUVUU W1UV " "" " " wrecked. ELECT THREE Terms of Port Commissioners Mingus, Sengstacken and 1 Harris Expire. -The announcement that candidates for throo places on tho Port of Coos Bay Commission will bo nominated nt tho regular primaries to bo hold April 19 Is enlivening tho local po litical Odd nsldo from tho tsuddon display of activity In tho gnmo ovor itsto and county ofllcos. Tho terms of Dr. 13. Mingus, Henry Sengstacken and Capt. W. 0. Harris expire this year and their successors fill bo nomlnntod In April and olect ed at tbo regular olcctlon. It Is understood that nil thrco will be candidates for ro-oolctlon, nl tbough nono of them hnvo definitely announced their candidacy. So far as heard, tho only opposi tion to any of them roportcd to dnto bs corao from J. W. Donnott. It is understood thnt Mr. Bcnnott wants Jss. H. Flnnagnn and A. II. Powers to enter tho ruco, Whothor thoy will remains to bo determined. HE DOLLAR DUE IN FRIDAY Big Lumber Carrier to Load Here Direct for China Capt. Olson Pilot. Tip nop Dollar, which will tnko out I! lnrvst enrgo that wns ovor take" over t e Cooa Day bar, will rlvo hero nriy Friday morning from San rnnclsco, nccordlng to nd- Tlcoi received today. Sho will bo P'loM up tho const nnd into tho bay bv Capt. o. W. Olson of tho nn Smith, who roninlnod ovor nt wo Francisco this trip for this pur pose. In a who to Mrs. Olson. Cant. Ol- "n annQiinr-d that tho Desslo Dol- ' would sail from San Francisco Wednesday. TOO Bessie Dollnr wilt tnkn on n "fgo of 3,500,000 feot of dlmonslon wr at tho Smith mill for China. ; "is is a fuU cargo fQr h(jr ajjd " will sail direct. It Is expected. Is posslblo that Molvllle Dollar ,. aother representative of tho Dol- " &lcaiKshlp Company wljl nccom- m tho vessel horo. , 'ns fr loading tho vossel hav- "een nado It Is expected that a "y and night shift will b0 worked. Drill I 8l Do,Iar Ba,,s undor th0 "iisn flae and haw , ...ui, t, . "'on of the otllcors aro Chinese. STlLWivrn n..,. luv ockoi iiftivj".s ana ", Ml VYYV Kstnuiisncu i; VOL aAAV 0j t0 Const Mall iOirSTEAMER WRECKED "" ON CALIFORNIA COAST TODAY OF COUSIN MARSHFIELD, PATENT TRUST CASE APPEAL Government Likely to Try to Get Rehearing of the Noted Suit. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, March 12 Attor ney Gonoral Wlckorsham Indicated today that thero Is n strong likelihood of a rohoarlng being aoked of tho U. B. Supremo Court In tho "Patent Monopoly" caoo which was decided yostcrday by a divided bonch, four to thrco. Ho said ho had taken tho matter up by lottor with tho parties at Issuo, asking If a rehearing Is de sired. Tho government not being a party to tho suit, can only act through tho dofcatcd parties. A rohoarlng would bo nsked on tho ground that a full bench had not passed on tho case PLAN NEW LAW. Now Legislation to Curo Monopoly Danger Ih Proposed. (Dy , Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmoa.) WASHINGTON, March 12. Dills to curb tho monopolizing power of tho patentees ovor unpatented ar ticles used on operating pntontod ma chines began to show llfo today In Congress. This, was In renponso to tho nppoal of Chief Justlco White of tho Supremo Court for Congress to rhango tho lnw which tho court found yostordny gavo tho patentees prac tically unrestricted prlvllogcs regard ing tho manner In which their pat ents may bo used. E. D. Mooro, com mlsslonor of pntonts, has prepared a bill to nmend tho lnw bo thnt pat entees may not Impose onorous con ditions upon tho purchasers of their patontcd articles. Large Number Injured in Acci dent on Milwaukee in Wisconsin Today. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) MILWAUKEE, March 12. Flf- toon norsons woro hurt, nono fatally, In tho derailment and ditching of n portion of tl-o Chicago, Milwaukee nnd St. Paul pnssongcr train ucnr Onkwnml. Wisconsin, todnv. A do- I fcctlvo'rnll It Is said causod tho ncol doiit. Canton Terrorized by Chinese Bandits Who Order For eigners to Leave. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times.. HONG KONG, March 12. Tho sit uation In Canton, where tho revoltors under Luk, the brigand chief, aro endeavoring to oust tho local and provisional governments, Is rogarded by tho consular authorities hero as most alarming. European missionaries have been ordered to quit tho territory at onco and all avallablo river vessels aro being pressed Into service to bring jefugees to this city. Thrco thousand arrived hero yesterday. Drltlsh gun boats at Canton are cleared for ac tion and the vessels in tho harbor keep up steam for emergencies. 1878 TRAIN WRECK RURTS FIFTEEN FLEE IN FEAR OFRRIGANDS OREGON TUESDAY, MARCH DENY ALL DEMANDS OF MINERS Operators of Anthracite Mines Will Not Make Concessions Joint Meeting Tomorrow. (Dy Assodnted Press to tho Coob Day Tlmo.) NEW YOltK, March 12 Tho sub coinmllteo of tho nnthraclto coal op erators was proparod to meet again today to complete tho draft of a roply refusing tho domands of tho hard coal workers. This roply, which will ho given to tho mlnoworkors tomor row nt tho Joint mooting of operators and minors' roprosontntlvcs, Is ox pectcd to bo so framod as to glvo tho minora an opportunity to submit n now proposition. It is oxpoctod that nil of tho original domnnds of tho mi nors will bo donlod. ROOSEVELT IS LET OFF Y Former President Premptorlly Challenged in New York Damage Case. (Dy Asaoctatod Press to Cooa Bay Times.) MINEOLA, L. I., March G. Col. Roosovolt was drawn ns Juror No. 7 today for tho damago suit of Mlchnol Carmody against tho Now York Cen tral, but was quickly ollmlnatod by John J. Graham, counsol for tho plaintiff, who challenged tho Colonol poromptorlly. Why ho oxorclsod his right, tho lawyer did not oxplaln. EARLY MONDAY Patrick Rooney, Father of Mrs. John Yoakum, Succumbs Very Suddenly. Patrick Roouoy, father of Mrs. John Yoakam, dlod Buddonly yostor day niornlug at his homo near tho Yoakam ranch on tho Coqulllo-I Marshflold road. Death wua duo to j old ago. j Mr. Rooney caino to America In 100G, roachlng Coos Day Octobor 2G of (hat year. Ho was born near tho historic Tar a Hill, County Month, Ireland, In 1S32, and spent tho major portion of his llfo thoro. Tara Hill Is about fifteen miles from Dublin. Ho Is survived by his wlfo and two chlldron, Mrs. John Yoakam and John Rooney who rosldo In Ireland. Four grand chlldron resldo in Coos county. Thoy aro Mlsa Mary Ellon, Roonoy, who Is taking a nursos courso at Mercy Hospital at North Bend, and Patrick J. Roonoy, Joo Koonoy and Dartl oloinew Roonoy, who ate omplnyod by tho Smith-Powers Logging Company. Mrs. Molar ity of South Maruhflold Is a slstor of Mrs. Roonoy. Tho funeral will bo hold at 9:30 Wednesday morning from St. Mon-. Icu'b Catholic church, tho Rev. Father J. A. Mo ran olllctatlng. SMELTER TRUST PROBE. House Wants to Know If It is Being Investigated. (Dy Associated Proas to tho Coos Bay Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, March 12. Tho House adoptod today a resolution calling on the Department of Justlco to ninko known whethor tho depart ment was investigating any "smoltor trust" In the United States, whothor ' the American Smelting and Refining Company was connected with it, whother the prosecutions woro begun or wero In contemplation. ' , Tho resolution was a substitute , from the Judiciary Committee for ono Introduced by Representative Martin, Democrat, of Colorado. SPRAY Pumps at MILXER'S. Card of Thanks. I wish to publicly express my ap preciation to tho A. O. U. W. and M. W. A. for tho prompt payment of the Insurance policies which my late husband, Emll Ogron, carried in them. -MRS. MAGGIE OGREN. J W 12, 1912 EVENING EDITION. FIRST STItIKE STARTS. Union Begins War on Non-Union Miners in Pcnnsylvnln. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) TAMAQUA, Pcnn., March 12. Ef forts to strengthen tho union In tho event of a posslblo strlko caused n tie-up of tho Lehigh Coal and Navi gation Company's No. 0 mlno and tho Ncsquhong cplllerlcs hero today, moro than 2000 men and boys bolng Idle. The troublo was caused by tho refusal of a dozen to Join tho union. The British mlno owners and coal miners conferred for thrco and a half hours today, without reaching a sot- tlomcnt of tho dispute WAASAAAAVWVS TAFT TO HAVE CLEAN FIGRT Insists that All Personal At tacks on Roosevelt Sup porters Stop. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, March 12 After a conferonco today participated in by Prcsldont Tnft, Sonator Crano, Di rector MoKlnloy of tho Taft Cam paign Bureau and Sccrotary Miles, It became known that hereafter tho Literary Bureau will not Indulgo In personalities nor In attacks on Roose velt or tho men supporting him. Taft Insisted, it was said, this method of nttack be abandbnod. DELEGATES"" TO Mexican Revolutionists Plan to Make Appeal to Presi dent Taft. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Tlmo.) CHIHUAHUA, Mnrch 12 After tho manner of Mndoro and his follow ers, Pnsqual Orozco and tho revolu tionists ho loads, aro to hnvo tholr representatives nt Washington, Man uel Lujan nnd Junn Prletn Quompor, both well known local attornoys, Toft today for tho American cnpltal to place boforo President Taft tho mor Its of tho rnvolutlonary causo. Tho commission wns nnmod by Orozco nnd his counsellors with tho bollof that bollgcrcncy might bo recognized. REBELS LOSE BATTLE Rumor Thnt Mexican Federals Have Relieved Torrcon. (By Assoclatod Pross to tho Coos Bay Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 12. Rumors that tho Mexican fodoral troops had engaged tho revolution ists in n battlo nonr Torroon and had won n victory roachod tho Stato Do pa'rtmont horo today. Tho roport camo from Consul Gonoral Hannn at Montorroy who snld ho hoard Tor rcon had beon rollovod. Senator Culborson of Toxas today arrangod to discuss with Taft tomor row tho situation in Mexico and tho ncod of moro American troops on tho border. Many telegrams from Cham bers of Commerco in Toxas asking for more troops have boon received by the War Dopnrtmont. KILLS CANARY FIRST. San Francisco Woman Strangles Bird and Commits Suicide. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Bay Tlmos.) SAN FRANCISCO, March 12. Af ter strangling her pet canary, Mrs. Violet Broderson ended hor llfo to day with cnrboljo ncld. Despondency nnd Illness wero tho causes. Lawn MOWERS at MILNER'B. Notice to Elks. All members of Marshflold Lodge, No. 11 GO, B. P. O. E aro requested to be present Wednesday evening, March 13, Nomination of officers will close and election will follow. GEO. GOODRUM, Acting Secretary, , After tho show try a Turkish Batb Phono 3 14-J. I I NG A Consolidation and Coos SMITH COMPANY L E Several Officers and Many Strikers Injured in Clash Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BERLIN, March 12. FIvO pollco men and many strlkors woro injured todny in a riot near tho Hamborn district of Dusseldorf in which 2000 striking coal minors nttackod forty officers with rovolvors and stones. Tho pollco charged with drawn sabers. Collisions botwoon strikers, pollco and non-strikers occurred today in six or eight localities In tho coal regions. Tho mlno owners havo tele graphed to tho Minister of tho In terior to Bend troops or to rolnforco tho pollco In tho coal district. Tho pollco authorities assort that tho po llco protection is sufficient. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, March 12. Tho dis putants In tho British coal war mot again today In round tnblo confor onco nnd tho mooting established tho fact that tho long standing deadlock had been broken. Tho conferenco took place at tho Foreign Offlco un dor tho presidency of Promlor As qulth. BANDITS LOOT JEWELRY STORE Seize and Bind Japanese Pro prietor and Family in 1 San Francisco. (Dy Assodnted Press to the Coos Day Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, March 12. Dragging tho Jnpancso proprietor, his wlfo nnd two chlldron from their bods nnd binding thorn with ropes, throo masked mon lootod tho M. Zamans Jewelry storo early today. Goms valu od at $4000 nro missing. Whllo ono of tho bnndlts kept Mrs. Zaman and hor two chlldron covered with n re volver tho oilier robbors compollcd Znmnn to npon tho snfo. Tho family was thon bound nnd tho robbors loft, JCiunnn released himself aftor strug gling for an hour and notified tho po llco. ALLIANCE IN Steamer Arrives From Eureka and Sails for Portland This Afternoon. Tho Alllanco arrived In at noon to day from Eureka and satlod a few hours Jatpr for Portland. Sho had a largo list of through passongors and a miscellaneous cargo of freight. Among thoso arriving on tho Alll anco woro: W, Doard, E. P. Rogers, Joo Bull, Wm. Tuckor nnd P, B. Mossman. Among thoso leaving on tho Alll anco aro: Mlko Luklch, Nick Luktch, Mrs. Harry Wagner, Geo. Holllstor, H. R. Zaml, J. A. O'KeRy, A. H. Granger, R. D. Rlchey, R. J. Stolnhaus, L. R. Grout and H. F. Grout. 5-8 and 10 gal. MILK CANS at MILNER'S. A TURKISH BATH will do you GOOD. Phont JUJ. M G ME M of Times, Coast Mall Mq 205 Hay Advertiser. FILES BIG Raise $6,000,000 for De veloping Company's Busi ness Further. PLAN TO OPEN YARDS ALONG ATLANTIC COAST Expect to Ship Lumber Direct From Coos Bay in Own Ves sels Through Canal. Tho C. A. Smith Tlmbor Company yesterday filed with County Clork Watson at Coqulllo a mortgago for $G, 000, 000 covering Umber holdings in Coos, Curry, Lnne, Linn nnd Doug Ins counties in Oregon nnd In El Do rado nnd Humboldt countlos, Cali fornia. Tho mortgago runs for twon ty years and Is to tho Merchants' Trust Company of Chicago. Tho In terest rato is at six per cont. It Is stated Unit 4, 500,000 of tho principal has already been advancoaV nnd tho bnlnnco will bo In 1013. HAVE BIG PLANS. Tho filing of tho big mort gago nbovo referred to is understood to bo for tho purpose of raising funds for extending tho business of the C. A. Smith Lumber Company. It Is undorstood that Mr. Smith is planning to havo arrangements com pleted for Invading tho eastern lum ber mnrkot Just as soon as tho Pana ma canal Is oponcd. Tho plan la said " . to Includo tho opening of yards at Boston, Now York and other Atlantic shipping centers. Thcso will bo sup plied by tho company's own ships car rying lumber direct from Cooa Day through tho Panama canal. Tho now vessel, which tho com- t pany Is now arranging to havo built, i will bo tho first of this float of lura bor carrlors It Is undorstood. GETSlGElY OF FINE AUTO. Marshfield Hardware Company to Handle Michigan Cars' in This Section. Tho Mnrshflold Hardware Company has just beon nppolntod ngonts for the Michigan nuto In Coos nnd Curry counties. Tho firm InBt week receiv ed a fine forty horso-powor touring car which will bo used for demon stration purposes. Tho following statomont rolatlvo to tho maehlno wns mado today: Tho Michigan Auto Is mado hy the Michigan Auto & Buggy Compnny of Knlnmazoo, Mich. This company has mado its great success In standing be hind Its vehicles for tho last thirty years. Now as thoy havo entered In to tho automobllo business, thoy nro ready to stand behind tholr nutos ns woll, They glvo a llfo guarantee of tholr maehlno, which no other company In tho automobllo business will do. Tho othor companies only gunrnnteo tholr mnchlnoB for ono year. Thoy mako two slzos of automo biles. Ono Is forty horso-powor and tho othor thlrty-throo horso-powor. Tho forty horso-powor mnchlno com ploto with prosto tank, lighting sys tem, top and wind shield, solf starter and speedometer, soils for $1725. Wo will gunrnnteo this car to bo equal, If not bettor, than cars ranging from $2100 to $2500. Tho thlrty-throo horso-powor, which Is n Httlo smaller, sells for $1525, f. o. b., Marshflold. Theso nro both flvo-passongor touring cars. Wn nrn nnl cnlnt? Into dntnll tn toll about tho kind of onglno, enrburator, or other oqulpmonts ns wo havo a l forty horso-powor car hero nt Marsh field on display. Anyone In need of u car wo ask to call and oxnmlno the Michigan, com pare It with others, nnd bo your own Judge. Wo will be glad to show you the spoed and tho power of the car at any time. We nro tho sole agents of Coos and. Carry counties for these machines. MARSHFIELD HARDWARE Ofi S-W FLOOR PAINT at MILNEI m 6