THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1912 EVENING EDITION COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor anil Pub. DAN K. MALONEY News Editor - Entered at tho postofflco at Marsh Beld, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mall matter. ill SERVICE REPORT MADE- walt MASON THE POET PHILOSOPHER Dedicated to tho servlco of tho peoplo, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrive unopposod. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. DAILY. Ono year $G- Per month 50 WEEKLY. Ono yoar $1.50 When paid strictly In ndvanco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per yoar or $2.50 for six months. Shows 481 Places In Marsh field at Which Carriers Can Deliver. i Olllclnl Vtxsr of Coo-j County An Independent Republican news paper published ovory ovonlng except Bundny, and Wookly by The Coos liny Tlmos Publishing Co. n i LOWER COST OK LIVING. T 11131113 Is helpful suggestion to residents of Coos County In ro cont experiments and results an nounced by tho United States Agricul tural Department. Carollno Hunt nnd Dr. Lnngworthy of tho department of agrlculturo, who enjoy tho reputation of holng exports as to tho nutritive values of foods, bring good tidings to tho nufforcrs from tho high cost of liv ing. Live- on choeso, tlioy proclaim, nnd you will got moro of Imlnncod ration for your mouoy than from al moBt any othor articlo of diet. Thoy find that whon dices? Is proporly prepared nnd properly usd It 1b easily dlgostlblo. Thoy state that it may easily bo ln'ro lacul into tho bill of faro In such quantities ax to sorro as tho chief sourcn of nitro genous food. In case a miuitl.titc for other foods of Uiii clnni Is de sired, choeso may bo mado tho sub slltuto. Cliooso has high nutritive valuo. Its porcontngo of muocle-making ma terials Is high. It can bo kopt and prepared with cane. Its flavor Is np totlzlng goncrally and It mny bo sorved In a great varloty of ways. Wolght for weight, choeso contulns nearly twlco ns much material for inusclo as hoof of avorngo composi tion and moro than twlco as much heating powor. It clrnrly Is a moro economical and sustaining food than moat i ) Horo In Coos County whoro wo pro duco It oo plentiful nnd of such ox eollont qunllty thoro should bo a chooso propaganda. Thcro nro 181 business houses nnd residences In tho Mnrshflold mall car rier district, according to a report which Carriers Sneddon nnd linns havo Just completed for tho Postof- flco Department. Tho carrier district docs not ombraco tho ontlro city lim its of Mnrshflold, Tho report covored tho work of tho carriers last week. It shows that each carrlor travels nn nvorngo of thlrtcon miles a day In making his deliveries. It also shows that tho avorago number of pieces of mail dollvered VSmL t VER on tho alort to servo its readers with tho latest and beat nows nnd literary features obtainable Tho Tlmos is pleased to nnuounco that It has mado n ontract for tho exclusivo publication In Mnrshflold of Walt Mason's proso poem service Renders of Tho rimes havo now nnd then road theso llttlo gems In Tho rimes rppriutod from other pnpers, but horoaftor thoy ,vill nppoar in Tho Times on tho samo days ns thoy nro ubllshed In tho Portland Journal and othor metropol itan papers. Tho best Is none too good for readers of Tho Tlmos Oh, Ahoy dear, your ring enroot, has been a thing of wonder; for years you'vo wrought nnd slugged nnd fought, and records ripped as under. And now Kllbnno has inndo It plain Hint ho can ABE ATTELL triumph o'er you, Just take tho snek nnd don't coino back! This, Abey, wo Imploro you! For wo nro sick of pugs who kick nnd whlno when they nro beaten, and blamo defeat to Inward heat from things that they have enten. "Put out by chanco!" they cry, and dniico around llko fronzled Gaby; "wo lost," thoy clack, "but wo'll come back." Oh, pleaso don't do it, A boy I It's tuff nnd crool to got your grool; no man onjoys his bitters; but tnko It down without n frown; oo not llko tlresomo critters wno must oxpinm wun nugui I have about 100 pairs of Broken Sizes Men's and Boy's Shoes That I Will Close On At Once at ACTUAL COST PRICE During this sale you can get Boys' Shoes at Si nn. $2.25 per pair. ' MX Men's Shoes that formerly sold at $5.00 nowmw $3.00, $3.25 and $3.50 per pair. wgof Sale Commences Saturday Mornino And continues one week only. Here is your chance to get a good pair of shn , cost. SHOES STRICTLY CASH. m O. O. LUND 215 South Broadway. A Year of Great Improvement This lias been n year of unusual and heavy ex pause with the Oregon Power company, dally was i BBS. Tho numbor of stops nnd main until nil sports nro Jaded; tread not their track; O don't como mado dally by carrlor was 3B1 and tho avorago wolght of tho mall de livered dally by carrlors was 39 pounds each. KEDONDO IN TODAY. back, and keep your fame unfadcdl MONEY l-XJK CHIN' A. ftrrrtrM. 1912. '7 Cfeutf . M.lUl.W AJ.B. CbmSn dOWJ Powers Will Temporarily Lend Fi nancial AHslslnnco to Ifer. (Dy Associated Pross to . Coos Day Times.) PEKIN, March 11. An Interna tional syndlcato of bunkers of tho North Bend News Stcniucr Arrives From Snn Francisco With Many Passengers. Tho Redondo arrived In today from San Francisco with a largo list of United Statos, Groat Dritain, Germany passengers and a good cargo of and Frnnco intend financing tho gov frolght. Among thpso arriving on ' ornmonf or governments until Chl hor woro tho following: I noso finances nro restored to normal Capt. II. Jacobson, W. R. Pohl, conditions. Thov exuoct tn mivnnrn Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Covoy nro visiting at tho lievener home on North Dcnd Heights. Mrs. J. Folsher nnd child, Mrs. S. Farrln, W. J. King, A. Stanley, M. Dutlor, Mrs. W. J. Dutlor, W. V. Ogron, E. K. Jones, C. J. Itoyholds, H. Day, W. A. Ruthorford, W. Ruth- orford, J. L. Urico, G. Alloy, O. Ban yan, O. Child. F. P, Dorry, C. Howoll, P. Flxloy nnd flvo steerage. To Get Delicti It I Btated today that stops aro being tnkon to havo B. B. Bolleu, tho harbor who lo'ft hero a fow wooks ago leaving somo cred itors in tho lurch, back to Coos Bay to answor criminal chargos. Boliou Is Btipposel to bo in Portland or Van couver, Wash. botween four nnd five million dpllnrs In tho noxt two or throe months and hnvo already paid $241, 000 nnd will pny tho Chinese representatives abroad J12G.000. Next week, $420, 000 will b paid to tho government at Pekin. The Presbyterian Ladies ' Aid will meet t m. homo of Mrs, Chns. Murr Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. Uolslngor will lenvo soon for Nowborg whoro thoy will mnko their futuro homo. Wide extension of electric distributing lines ex tension of gas mains and improvement at tho gas works all have made combined attack ou our resources. I ALL POWER IN ASSEMBLY. WANTED IN PARTIAL PAYMENTS Constitution for China t Finally Approved Now. (By Associated Press to Coos Boy Tlmos.) NANKIN, March 9. Tho constitu tion of tho now ropublio as finally ap proved today places tho supremo pow or In tho hnnds of tho assembly. All acts of tho president roqulro approval , of tho assembly nl woll as compjoto Mrs. 12. J. Kottrlng, of South Mnrshflold, was the guest today of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Fdrrlss, of Union avonuo. A homo talent piny, "Olo Olcson," will bo given tomorrow night at Eokhoff hall for tho bnnoflt or tho Firomon. General Manager Ferrln of New Coos ' "! ?" "L ?!lB tf " OUKGON TIJ) LANDS rn HE two rocont decisions on tltio I to tldo lands in Oregon aro nt- trading much attontlon, chlofly on questions ns to tho futuro or po tential valuo of tho proportion. Tho title to tho tldo and overflowed lands In Lincoln fonnorly Benton county in favor of tio CorvnlllH & Eastorn Railroad Company was up held by tho HUpromo court, In a suit uy mo atalo to recall tho orlglnnl grant In nld of tho railroad which openod Ynuulnn Bay to n, connection with tho outsldo world 30 yeura ago. Tho most recent decision of Circuit Judgo John S. Coko sustaining tho right of tho Port of Coos liny to the tide InudB thoro for the development of thnt port coverH wldor ground. Tho OHHoutlnl question appears to be -whether purchaser from tho stnte of such tldo lnndn hnvo ncqulrod tin ub soluto tltlo, or ono of which thoy aro liable to bo doprlvod at any subse quent tlmo by tho uso of such lands being roqulrod for publlo purposos. Undor tho nnclent law of England tho shores botwoon high nnd low wa ter mark Including therein tldo nnd overflowed lands npportulned to tho klngt But such rights did not extend 10 suutung ore tho public from land ing and doing business on such Hhorps and construction of liters nnd wharfs for such purposes was also- oxcoptoa, When after tho war of "independ ence tho territorial rights of tho Eng llnh king wero absorbed in tho United Statos, nnd passed to oach sovereign stato as In tqrn constituted, the royal rights to tho foroshorq on tho ocean and on bays nnd navigable wutera bo tho proporty of ouch state In whoso territory the uplntid lay. Out tho stato cou,ld not Invade (hu inallonnblq publlo rights to landing on nnd to tho llmltod uso of tho foro shoro, especially for the purposo of connecting nnvlgablo water with tho land, Whethor, If Judgo Coko's Judgment rovora wldor ground in favor of tho public, it will stand in futuro de cisions romnlns to bo soon. nut mo right of tho stato to soil and glvo titlo to tldo and ovorflowod lands subjoct to limited Inallonnblo publlo rights has boon ropoutodly nfflrmod. Portland Journal. Hay Railway Projects Wires. J. M. Upton is in rocolpt of a tele gram from, Gonoral Mnnagor Forrln of the Soattlo company which Is pro jecting nn otoctrlo lino from Robo burg to Coos Bay In which ho askB If Coos Bay will not bo willing to pay Its bonus for tho road In partial paymonts, thnt Is paying part oach tlmo a stipulated portion of tho road Is complotod. turn over tho ofllco ns soon as tho dotallB of launching tho constitution al govornmont can bo accomplished. CONVICT MILITARY TYRANT. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rood and son, Gates Rood, of North Coos Rivor, wero guests yestorday of Mrs. K. Rood, or North Bond Heights. CULLINGS OF OOQUILLE Arch Fiend of HaytJ Must Answer for Treachery. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times,) PORT AU PRINCE, Hayti, March 1 1. ("Innnrnf Tuln DIaai it.. ,M1, K10" T'ri "!" C-'n""tnry tyrant of HayU," was col din, n , I iuuui0 con-, aomncd to death on tho chargo of dltlon providing tho company would imvinn. in.ti.j n .... .. '. . send a man horo who would show IB 1008 In whinh T. . tho proposition Is a bona ' Xo" This was about tho iv .....' Bh.?f to dcnth The accomplices l wh of tho day on Coos li v. i . i t V com woro ncqulttod. Tho dato Bay new ,of his execution Is not sottlod. run. iuiil u imriy was Horn invoait. i (."it mo v;oos ny and Bolso I "" ,B ausouuoiy IMIterato nnd Ifiujuvi nun UUUIOII cIoho touch with tho projoct. signing documonts It Is nlso stntod thnt Right of Wnv . V ", IIIIH"US Agent Mursh of thJ , So ut horn K . v" ,rot 1Prs ' Prc elfle has Informed tho Cm nl ., I Mnrph H- " "' Nows of Coos County Scat as Told by Tho Herald. Noar tho noon hour Monday a flro startod noar tho furnnco In tho high ochool. Tho scholars woro marchod out In good ordor not knowing tho oxistpneo of a flro until thoy had left tho building. Prompt rosponso to tho call was mado by tho firomon but tho flro was subdued boforo tholr arrival. But llttlo damago was dono. Many local Masons aro contemplat ing Joining tholr Marshflold brethren In tho obsorvanco of Easter SUndny, whon appropriate services will bo rondorod by tho Knight Templars and othor Masonic bodies on tho Bay. E. C. Barker visited with his par ents nt Falrvlow ovor Sunday, leav ing for Marshflold Tuesday whoro ho will rosido In tho futurop His houfao hold goods havo boon shipped to his now homo. Should discontentment ovor cross tho path of Mr. Barker tho open hand of good fellowship Is ovor extondod by his ninny frlondsi In Co qulllo to guldo him Joyously on tho Journey of llfo. The money has been invested to properly serve a first class city with a first -class future. The facts stated, however, make it particularly desirable that bills for electric and gas service should be paid on or before the 10th day of the month. Prompt collections enable the prompt meeting of our own monthly obligations and give better service. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co, BO NOT BE A DELINQUENT Arthur Coates of Bandon and John uny or ljuctiro Crook, with his dog "Sandy," vlsltod Coqulllo Monday preparatory to going to tho South by porsons in while In offlco used n rubbor stamp In Ho betrayed his President Alexis on l..rn......i .... . .. .. .which II. 1!IU. nnil iiiraiitnll .11 iiiiui iiiuti Liiti nnrin iian.i 1 .. ,,. ,-i -, . . .--- - w. people whoso robldonco proporty is rcctod r oxecutlon on the follow- J"?, ", ro tiio abl llty of tho dog in being negotiated for that It will bo ' '" V On that occasion ho killed i i U?t,,nB ba,r W.U1 .bo t.?tod- "Sandy" tnkon over Just , ,.'""? wn..D . ,ccn,on u. M" s a dog valuod at a high flguro for ssrsV&rS FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At tho ckxs or buiIoeM. Fb. 20, 1912. RESOURCES. Loans and DlicounU 1 499 istfi Banking Hou. "............. ." . .' .' . 60,000 Jl Cash and Erchangos jgj ohjj Totnl G4I,!7I01 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid la . 6OO00l Surplus and Undivided Pronta 67.'40MI Depita ::::::::::::::::: mim Tota 1644,271.01 a fow days. AGED POLITICAL ASPIRANT On last Friday. March 1. County Troasuror James Caugholl celebrated his 77th birthday. Thoro Is nothing strange or startling about a birthday, ww nnmi u iiiiin is so vigorous at that ago as to run for offlco, its rather ro markablo, especially so In tho Can- .w.u o, UH uo is so popuinr, do spto his ago, that no ono opposos him for tho honors. Wo hopo to soe tho Captain onjoy many moro birth days. Gold B6nch Globo. POISON SIYRTLH POINT DOGS Tho Myrtle Point Entorprlso says: Reports of dog poisoning nro com ing in from tho southwost pnrt of town. Bon McMullon's dog got a do80 somowhoro ono dny last wook, but wns noticed In tlmo to snvo tho animal's llfo. Jnko Strong stntod to tho Entorprlso thnt ho found n ploco of boef closo to tho walk near his rosldonco. Ho had it analyzed nnd It was found to contain strychnine Mr. Strong bollevea thnt Mm nrn. mlscuoii8 scattering of poison bait is woro Included In tho chnrtro nin, him. IIODIKS ARE RECOVERED Coronor Jowott rocelvod a tole IhrSfi1. ri Eton "tatlng "::,"" 01 mo iwo mon re cently drowned thoro had beon ro oV'Tn p " 'n8trilcd tho Justice of tho Peace 1 to see that tho bodies woro given burial. Tho two men Z? xllMnB.ln R bont BtoIn 'rom Jo soph Wharton, of West Rosohurg. P?Lnh;n '" w-"ro'n near the Elkton ferry, tho craft overturned. A third man In tho boat, a brother of ono of tho victims, wns rescued by tho ferryman. Roseburg Rovlew. RAYMOND H. ItAKKR FOR COUV. TY SCHOOL SUPERINTHNDEKT uis worK upon tno trail at bruin nnd a successful report of fho hunt Is anticipated. Prof. Raymond E. Baker, of Ban dpn, has announced hlmsolf ns a can- fir rw. th0or,0IUb,,cnn nomination mJ n i.ul,t? Sch001 Superintendent. Mr. Bnkor Is nt presont a resident of Bandon, but wns superintendent of w.uu,a in aiyruo I'olnt G13TTINS FILES DEOL.RATION Coos County Senatorial1 Candidate Ignores Statement One. SALEM, Oro March 11 Frod K. Gottlns, of Marshflold. Inst waaV filed with Secretary of Stuto Olcott his declaration of Intention to become n candidate on tho republican tlckot for Sonator from tho olghth sonntor- iui uisinci. 110 says that ho will support tho republican candldnto for United Statos senator who receives the largest numbor of votes In tho senatorial district. John T. Long, of Rosoburg, has also filed his declaration of Intention to become a candldato on tho ropub- iiii iiBKHi iur prosecuting attornoy ror tho third prosecuting attorney district. fop fmi years, and orcnnlzod Mm ,ii. -..!.-. v..;r; "."'..?. ".L'"ou" u,wv "thoro nnn hn.h r.v :..:?." "w'uu .:. '1,. '."."UU.UB vumo, ror somo " "."" ";.r""i .u ',l' lo V' niP- Comnound nnd hof,, t .: ..,..,: iiiiu uuiiu ni niny nugnt nana o anph "" "' " 4," our years' courso. .. .: - - .v Hu mKt,a u l..ll ..-. .. .. llui 1. . 1 - , R. O, Collins, Postmaster. Barne- gat, N. J., was troubled with a severe la grlppo cough. Ho says: "I would bo complotCly exhausted after each fit of violent coughing. I boucht a bottlo of Foley's Honoy and Tar bait and got tho poison on Its hands, HU jmiuiiK mum inio its mouth; got onough of tho drug to provo fatal. niKsiauc IDW' m nm Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality During his suporlntondoncy thoro tho uwtuum ui aiyrrin I'nlnt linl Qfi -.. Plls pnss the stato examination for olghth grado pupils, n largo major It) of whom ontorod high school. n,-r.r,.11a,kor w,Ul lt nwated and elected, dovoto his ontlro time nnd onergy to the duties nf ti. i ' and will not uso h ns nn adjunct to somo other occupation. Ho will hnvo amuruny ror regular office day, thnt being tho only business day on which ;yv.iui ro ireo rrom school duties. Mr. Baker will nlso hold threo teach ors associations In tho county yearly as required by law, nnd will inbor to ndvanco tho cause of progressive ed ucation In ovory way that his official duties permit. (Paid advertise- all tho coughing spells had entirely censed. It can't be beat." For salo by Preus3 Drug Co. and Red Cross Drug Co. People Take Notice! Wo have all lengths of stove wood rtt onln .. .o, jjb ranging rrom 1.60 per tier up. We can furnish any length you wish. L. H. HEISNER Phone No. 120-J or 49-L. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho Close of Business February SOtli, 1013. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts f 221,234.14 Bonds, warrants and socurlUea. J. ...!.!!,,'. .' ', ', ', ', ', ',,,', iS.itttf U. S. bonds to socure circulation !!!.'..'!!.!!!! .' 25,000,01 Real estate, furniture and fixtures !!.'.' !.'!.'.' .' 81.011.i Cash and sight oxchange ttt 144,549,11 Total fW5,7fll.TJ n .i . , . LIABILITIES. Capital Block paid In 1100 000.00, Surplus and undivided profits !!!!.!! " '.'!!!!. sisSS.Ol Dividends unpaid , j,'( Reserve for Uxes .!!..'! 1 QO&ioJ Circulation, ouUtandlnc ' u'tM 00 Deps,t8 ::::::::::::::::::: m,uim ?"ota'''; 'w;wm ers Is $100,000n00O CaP'Ul 8tCk th ,ndIv,dunl ,,ftb,,,ty of 8'ockhold' IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPKRTr OWNERS. mn ,U! de8cr,pt,on of your Property nnd wo will obtain forjou amount of taxes on same. Sheriff doB nt ! ,., - w ww uwv wut Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, HENRY 8KNG8TAOKEN, Mrr. Cooullls omc Phon. 1.1 -Mar.hfleld'omS'n-J. Farms Tlmb.r Coal and Plattlnr Lands a specIaUy. General Agents "EAST8IDF." Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill Eastside and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St. Unique Pantatorium TIIE MODERN DYERS, CLEAKE. PRESSERS and HAT RENOVATOR Agent for Edward E. Strausa & fine Tailoring Let us make 1&' next Suit, . 255 Oomninrrlnl. Phone 3&V-14 WM. S. TURPEN 1 Architect! 171 FRONT ST.