tiETHER A MISS IS AS GOOD AS A MILE DEPENDS TO A GREAT EXTENT ON THE MISS rTADVEItTISlNG in Tlio TIMES "A.. ,... vm.r Real Estate "in (&nm Hag Wmt& WANT ADVERTISING In Tuo TIMES Will If oep tlio Incomo from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really help tho family revenues by renting a few furnished rooms and, If you know how and whon to uso tho classified columns, you may keop that Httlo extra incomo as "ateady as a clock." win u" " ... tJ,o Market" Effectively! u will put tho facts about your JLrtT boforo tiio oyos of all "pos- P,K,Pn buyers" in town. And If the.r0 Ta-H soil It! OWB " "- MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS ou xxxv Established In ni Tlio Const Mali iDSniTi GOAL NtlNERS LIKELY NOW More Than Likelihood as Re- SUIl uiuiooui - i Anthracite Field. IroNDITIONS IN GREAT Dniiniiv nuu w...ww Most of Factories Are Closed and Balance uimiu umuiv to Close Soon. '7n.7w YOHK. March 11. A (By Associated Proso.) world-wldo strike of coal minors j regarded by tho coal trado moro than a likelihood If , tho negotiations iu progress ho- tween tho anthracite and bltu- minus workors and omployors In . this country does not result In Mttlomont. With moro than 4 ono million coal minors on a strlko In Great Drltnln and 4 150,000 In Qormany walking t out, a sovero coal shortago In 4 Europo Is faced. (Br Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) LONDON, March 11. With rapid- It dwindling coal stocks In North IMtlcs an advanced prlco of 7G por eat was domanded today and this liecessltntod tho closing of practically wry factory and quarry In tho coun try. In otbor portions of tho United Kingdom tho conditions nro almost u bad. Tho strlko shows llttlo Blgn c( settlement. Dosldea miners, an other million workors, mon nnd worri ts employed In factories and mills la all parts of Groat Drltnln hnvo been thrown out of work. Prlcos of provisions and tho necessities of Ufo hire gone up to such an extent that eitremo distress oxlsts nmong tho poorer classes. Rallronds hnvo had to restrict their train sorvlco and rhrer steamors censo running, gas and electric companies nro restricting tho delivery of lllumlnants, mnll sorvlco Is retarded and many steamors had to Ir up. Tho government's offorts to reconcllo tho contestants hnvo been unfruitful nnd It Is thought probablo as a final resort n minimum coal wago bill for minors will havo to be Introduced In tho Houso of Commons. (Br Assoclntod Proas to tho Coos Day Tlmo.) PARIS. Mnrrli 11 Almnl Inn. thirds of tho coal minors of Franco MTe rospondod to nn npponl of tho General Minors Federation to strlko fOr 24 hfllira Tlllo nntlnn tunc. ..... directed ngnlnst tho mlno owners but oesigned to show tho govornmont th solidarity of tho minors. Applicants Under Timber and aione Entry Must Person ally See Claims. (Br Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmos.) WASHIN'fiTnM m..i, 11 mi,n Supremo Court of the United States "My. declined to block tho Socrotary w te Interior In his refusal to nc Pt applications for land under tho ", er an(l stone laws whon tho ap plicants do not swoar thoy have seen " nd. Tho case was that of J ot 0reBon, who presented affidavit that sho was physically - 10 inspect tho land personally. nAnimtAN estate orrat. Jne of U(0 iuuiroad King's Wealth (n " 9100,000,000. 7 Associated Press to tho Coos Day KEWnnn..1,n'e":' The d ' ' X" Marcn 1X th. i . annra,sal of tho estate of ae lata rM.. . den t V unaru " arrlman or Ar lUi determlno th0 amount of tho toll transfor tax will be hold at Ja March 12. Tho present indl- i T tfe the va,ue of th0 e8tate hn Vn tho ndRliborhood of ono ""Wared mini .... . am uoiwrs. ui mat th iff P6r Cent W,U b0 turned ,nt0 lir . v";aau,7' Tho estate Is the W8t ev Probated In Kew York. NEW DECISION II HOMESTEAD MARSHFIELD, E OF ALL Over 350,000 Men in West phalia District Quit Work Today. (Dy ABHoclntod Press to tho Coos Day Time.) DERL1N, March 11 Tho coal strlko went Into offoct In tho Wesi phnllnn coal mlnos today whon about CO por cent of tho 3C0 000 minors employed thoro oboyod tho call of their leaders to ccaso labor. In so mo districts tho cessation of work was practlcnlly complete, wlillo in others only 15 to 30 por cont of tho men struck. Fow disturbances aro report ed. Tho conflict Is qulto ns much a struggle between tho londors of rival socialists and non-soclnllsts as bo twoon tho mlno ownors nnd tho em ployes. Tho success of tho strlko will dopond upon how far tho fooling of solidarity of tho comrades of tho1 so cialists and tho miners' union is enr rled. HOPE TREATY France Does Not Think Sen ate's Action on Arbitration Will Kill Matter. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos)' PARIS, March 11. -Tho action of tho United States Senato on tho quostlon of tho arbitration trcatlos Is rogarded .In aoml-offlclal circles hero as tantamount to their rojcctlon, though there Is somo hopo that nego tiations mny ngaln bo begun and that at a later dnto tho Sonato may rc Btoro tho gonornl arbitration trcntlcs with Great Drltaln nnd Frnuco to a form that will bo worth while JAPAN' IS DISAPPOINTED. Mi to of Arbitration Trcntlcs Causes Regret nt Toklo. (Dy Assoclaiea Press to Coos Day Times.) TOKIO. March 11. Tho fato of tho gonoral arbitration treaties In tiA Tintted States Sonato was a great disappointment horo. Rogrot Is ex pressed that tho frlondly action oi Japan In consenting to nn abrogation of tho Anglo-Japanoso troaty in so fnr ns It renulred tho Allied powers to go to war In Japan's behalf ngnlnst tl'o United States should have como to naught. Women Take Important Part in Question of, Teaching Sex Hygiene. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times.) DES MOINES, Iowa, March 11. The primary election to be hold un der the commission form of muni cipal government Is In progress here today with indications pointing to heavy balloting despite tho heavy weather. a fonturo of the eelctlon is what is expected to be a heavy vote of women in tho school election where a proposition to toaoh sex hygiene in the grades is an important question. Mayor Hanna is opposed by four ii. .-i,ii,intPH nnd there aro 32 1 aspirants to councllmenlc honors. TAMALES for SPECIAL occasions made to ORDEn. Phono 203J. BARTER'S. 1878 Ml SHE III GERMANY W ELECTION IN DES MOINES OREGON MONDAY, MARCH PROMINENT MEN William Brisben, Former Sher iff at Bcllintjham Killed, and Companions Badly Injured. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) DELLINOHAM, Wash., March 11. William Drlsbon, formor Bhorlff and stnto Republican commtttcomnn for Whatcom county, was Instnnly killed In an automoblo wreck Inst evening near Doming, and Hugh Eld rldgo, postmastor at Dclllngham, was PRES. TAFT ON Refers to Roosevelt as "Dis tinguished Predecessor" Who Started Things. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Timet) CHICAGO, March 11. President Taft Saturday night gavo a now defi nition ot a "political progrceBlvo," In a speech at tho banquot ot tho Swed-ish-Amorlcan Ropubllcnn Loaguo of Chicago. He eliminated from consid eration as rent progressives thoso who look to Socialism for relief from present day evils In govornmont, de clared that his "distinguished prede cessor" dosorved most of tho credit for awakening tho public to tho noed of notion and nrguod that "Progres sive Is, that progrosslvo docs," point ing to somo of tho nchlovomonts of his administration as proof that it lias qualified under that doflnltlon. "Tho term 'progressives,' " said tho president, "Includes all of thoso who havo boon moved to offorts of roform by tho necessity for legislative nnd governmental action to doprlvo cor porate capital and unduo vostod priv ilege of 'ts political powor nnd to bring about propor popular nnd gov ernmental control and regulation of tho uso of capital In legitimate ave nues and for logltlmato purposes. "An administration which has been successfully progrosslvo In dood is en titled to tho approval of tho pooplo. Tho proso nt Republican administra tion In what It has accomplished In oxccutlvo and loglslntlvo action Is nblo to point to many roal stops of progress both In tho way of avoiding unnecessary disturbances of buslnoss In tho way of regulating corporate capital and prlvllego and preventing Its abuses, and In tho preservation for tho public of what bolong to It, ns woll ns in ameliorating tho legal status of certain classes of tho peo ple, and In Increasing tho functions of tho gorornmot for tho bonoflt of tho wholo pooplo. "Tho progressive movement has assumed tho character ot a crusade, and many radical remedies wero sug gested, the carrying out of which would only bo less destructive than the threatened fatal courso of o dls easo. "Tho growth of Socialism In this country Is, a noteworthy Incident In showing tho extreme to whloh mnny would go In tho solution of the prob lom which I am discussing. "The futility of every socialistic Kcreme which destroys the right of property for tho uplift of humanity Is that It U Impossible, to And a suf ficiently strong motive for lnbor or for savings. Without this, the wealth of the world could not Increaso to meet the demands for tho living and comfort and Increased physical hap piness of tho growing population.' The banquot was given In com memoration of the flftloth annivers ary of the battle between the Mon itor nnd tho Morrlmac, and the pres ident referred to that first fight of the ironclads as a sort of starting point for a political speech. EARTH SnAKEfl FAR AW AT. California Instrument Records Temblor, Rut It is at a Distance. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) SAN JOSH, March 11. Father Ricard of tho Observatory of Santa Clara College reports a record on tho seismograph of an earthquake far ther away than any recorded in sev eral months. After the show try a Turkish Batb Phone 214-J. n PR06 S 11, 1912 EVENING EDITION. HURT IN AUTO seriously, if not fatally, hurt. Ex Governor Albert B. Mead was badly shaken up, whllo Anthony Wilson of tho Wilson, Noblo & Darr Company wns rendered unconscious and severe ly Injured. Tho party was returning to Dolllnghnm from Sumas whon their lights went out. In tho dnrk nesa a toam was discovered close In front. Drlsbon was driving nnd throw tho machino into tho ditch. Tho automobllo turned turtle and Brlsben's dlaphram wns crushed against tlio steering wheol. VILLAGES GET FREE DELH Postmaster General Hitchcock Has New Plan for Extend ing the Service. (By Associated Tress to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, March 11. Ex tension of tho frco mall dollvory to tho villages nnd small towns through out tho country Is bolng urged by Postmaster-Genernl Hltohcock. Ho has forwarded to tho Sonato nnd Houso commlttoos on postofllcos nnd post routes a recommendation for an appropriation of $100,000 to put tho village dollvory system Into opera tion, provided not moro than $1G00 a year bo allowed at any slnglo of fice. TAFT'S STAND Roosevelt's Campaign Man ager Asks Attitude on Pres idential Primaries. (Dy Assoclntod Press to tho Coos liny Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 1 1 A copy of Colonol Roosovolt's lottor favoring presidential primaries was forwarded today by Sonntor Dixon, his mnnngor, to William D. McKln ley, director of tho Taft campaign bureau. In nn accompanying noto, Dixon nslts whethor McKlnloy's posi tion Is endorsed by Taft ns regards McKlnloy's refusing tho prlmnry elec tion test. NOTED PATENT E United States Supreme Court Renders Epoch Making Decision Today. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, March 11. Tho U. S. Supremo Court today uphold the right ot holders ot patents to make Ilccnso restrictions as to tho way the articles they sell may bo used. A largo assembly of lawyers pres ent apparently rogadod tho decision as epoch-making. Chlot Justlco White nnd Justices Hughes and La mar dissented. White declared that Congress should act to head off "un told evils" that would follow today's construction of tho patont laws. He said that under the ruling tho patent laws could bo stretched so as to In clude every conceivable thing used in an American household. SOCIAIilSTS IN TUMUIT. Seattle Convention Thrown Into Fmroro by Demand for Flag. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times.) SHATTLB, March 11. Tho State Socialist ronventlon which assembled here today was thrown Into a tumult by O. C. Fen ol son, a delegate from Hoqulam, who moved the convention to adjourn until an American flag had been procured. The motion was re ceived with hooting and Jeers. The motion was. defeated three to ono. WANT 1 G A Consolidation nnd Coos DENY TRA T UNITED STATES MAY SE TROOP MORE RIOTING AT LAWRENCE Arrest of Woman Striker Re sults in Police Using1 Clubs on Crowd. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) LAWRENCE, Mass., March 11. A demonstration oarly today In front of tho pollco station by sovoral hun dred Btrlkors and sympathizers In cluding many women, threatened for a tlmo to dovolop Into n serious dis turbance Tho crowd nssomblod nf tor tho nrrcst of a woman striker and beenmo so menacing that tho pollco had to uso tholr clubs. Tho pollco charge tho woman with dis playing a revolver wlillo engaged In picketing. QUAKES FELT T Severe Shocks Recorded by Seismographs at New York and Washington. (Dy Assoclntod Press to tho Cooo Day Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, March 11. So vero earthquako shocks wero record ed tarly today by tho solsmogrnph at Georgetown University. Tho vl bratlous began nt 5:35 n. ni. nnd lasted 25 minutes. Tho most violent was at 5:40 and apparently was ex traordinarily violent. Tho dlstnnco wns within 2000 mllos ot Washing ton. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) NEW YORK, March 11. An earth quako of unusual sovorlty was rep corded by tho seismograph at Brook lyn College Tho oscillations bognn nt ri:38 nnd reached tho maximum at G:-t0, nnd onded nt G:0G. Tho ostl mntod dlstnnco from Now York Is 1500 miles. QUAKE IN ALASKA? Seattle University Kelmnogrnph Rec ords Sovero Tremors. (By Assoclntod Press to tho Coos Dny Tlmo.) SEATTLE, Wash., March 11 An earthquake of moro than nverago in-, tonslly was recordod by tho Washing ton University solsmograph botwoon 2:13 nnd 3:10 a. m. Tho prelimi nary tromors wero brief, which gives rlso to tho bollof that tho earthquake was In Alaska. PRIZEFIGHT FAICE. Deal Between Abo Attoll nnd Harlem Tommy Smith. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, March 11. Tho Call prlntB an account of tho proposal for a "fako" knockout said to havo boon raado by Abo Attoll to "Harlem" Tommy Murphy before Saturday's fight. Murphy and his manager, James Duckley, aro declar ed to havo admitted that thoy wero approached by Attoll. Attoll de nied tho accusation and said ho knew of no understanding regarding tho fight and had mado no proposal to Murphy or his manager. ONLY BUSINESS TRANSACTION. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, March 11. Tho state department has been watching for tho last five months tho nego tiations of a German steamship and fruit concern or a coaling station In Colombia near the Panama canal, but no evidence has been found to war rant the assumption that it Is any thing but a business transaction. There Is no suggestion of passing sovereignty. of Times, Const Mall M 204. liny Advertiser. S' TO MEXICO Rumor That American Ambas sador Had Called for Guard Declared Untrue. FEDERAL FORCES ARE REGAINING CONTROL Movement of Rebel Troops Checked by Burned Bridges. DKXV INVASION RUMOR (Special to Tho Tlmos. WASHINGTON, March 114 It Is stated positively today at f tho Stato nnd Navy Departments 4 thnt no cnll has boon rocolvod 4 from Ambassador Wilson for 4 marines to guard tho logatlon In 4 tho City of Mexico nor Is any such a cnll nntlclpatod. OROCO MAY LOSE. Burned Bridges Delay Movements! of Mexican Rebels. (By Associated Press to tho Cooo Bar Times.) EL PASO, Texas, March 11. Nows from Chihuahua is that tho ad vancing rebels aro meeting with so much delay from burned bridges that Orozco may not bo ablo to bring his army to Torrcon until after tho hoavy fedoral garrison now arriving there has boon able to crush tho robots Im tho laguna district from whom Or ozco has planned to got roln force monts. INCREASE BORDER GUARD. United States Sends Moro Troops to- Eaglo Pass. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, March 11. Tho War Department has ordored a third troop of cavalry from San Antonio to Englo Pass on tho Moxlcan bound ary to nld In tho enforcement of tho neutrality laws. SEND MANY TROOPS. President Mmloro Incrcnscs Forco In Troubled Districts. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times,) MEXICO CITY, March 11. Four troop trains loft horo Saturday for Torroon carrying Infantry, cavalry and artillery, bringing tho number of soldiers that departed slnco Saturday to two thousand. BOSTON BROKER SHOT. Angry CiiNtniner Uses Gun on Ex- rhnugo Speculator. (Dy Associated Press to Lho Coos Day Tlmos.) DOSTON, March 11. Sponcor R. Hill, a well known stockbroker, was shot and sorlously Injured In his of fice horo today by a customer. Tho customer, II. Lewlnskl, wns over powered by clorks In tho offlco and turnod over to tho police. Tho pollco decided that markot losses bad un balanced Lewlnskl's mind. Hill was ablo to walk to an nmbulanco when It arrived. FEAR FELT FOR FLEET Six Vessels and Nineteen Men Are Reported Missing in San Diego. ' (Dy Associated Press to Ooos Bay Times.) SAN DIEGO, March 11. Six ves sels of the San Diego fishing fleet with crews numborlng 13 mon aro missing and no word has been re ceived from them slnco thoy put to sea last Saturday. A sovero galo Saturday afternoon and night Is bo llovod to havo scattered tho fleet and the families ot the men fear thoy may havo perished. A TURKISH BATH will do you uoou. rnone axu. If you bare anything to sell, tradoJ rtnt. or want help, try a want ., :n Jl