The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 09, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Page 8, Image 8

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1 wi
smw '" ' - 'n
Makes delicious liome
baked foods of maximum
qualify at minimum cosft.
Makes home baking a
The only Baking Powder
made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
Mo' Alum No Unto Phosphates
Mrn. F. 0. Birch, Miss Mary Hanson I. D. Dnrtlo, Mrs. C. S. WInsor, Mrs.
and Frank Howo nro tho commit- II. E. Durmostor, Mrs. Goo. Windsor,
too In charge of social arrangomonts. Mrs. J. W. Gnrdnor, Mrs. Ella J.
0 Mnrsn. Mrs. J. T. Mttcgcun, Mrs. N.
Tho D. M. C. was ontortalnod Wod- o. McLeod, .Mrs. D. 0. Vaughan, Airs. (
nesdny afternoon at tuo nomo or .Mrs. j, y, Jacobs, Mrs. James, ,uias iNci
Gco. Ayro on Ninth street. Tho tlo Savago, Miss Gortrudo Mandlgo,
meeting was opene 1 with scrlpturo jtlss Amy Reynolds, nnd Messrs. 101
roadlng by Mrs. Dlnck and a hymn, nier Russell, Walter McLeod and J.
nnd continued with readings by Mrs., y. Grant.
Lull, Mrs. Dowrd, Mrs. Grnof, Mrs. i o
l'atehot nnd Mis. Ke ley. Mrs. E. u i PrIonj8 i,nvo recolvod word that
Gracf was elected vlco-prss dent, to MJgg MnU(o Vailxicr w.i not bo visit-
II soino time n xt
s now In Los An-
gclos and It was thought that Bite
The Rest There Are!
I uraoi was uuciou vico-prsmuoni, 10 M, M u , inlntor '
lull tho v .nancy enured bv the reslg- . ,, ,. .. untll
nation of Mrs. W. 13. Smith. After ' f. on. " "lnt or is
I the serving r reflects the, tub J JJ" it w tl
.jU.....a - ...... i,V4.. o. v i..u ,, roct from callfornl.i
homo of Mrs C. I . Marsh on 1 ,!rU t0 Co()9 ,,ay lo V11 her mother, Mrs.
and Centr.l streets A.onS tho g K ,, , , her s-t Mr,
prosont were Miss Mamie OuKvscn, ,,,,,, ,-." "i,,' ,. i,.,. into.. ,.n,.i,
m.., ir t i roof m... v , i. ICf fJs Frrrlngei, but latest lopoit
Mrj. J'j, i,, urRur, .Mrs. a. x. urtmi, ,. .. . ,...,...,.", .i.,, ,, i
(Continued from pngo 2.)
At a muslcalo reception for Miss Vir
ginia 1'lorco, a woll known Derko
loynn, who was formerly tho soprano
soloist for tho Iloston Oporo C.
Miss Plorco, Miss Cathorlno Chrlstlo,
violinist, and tho host will glvo tho
iiumbora of tho program with Frod
Mauror. and Miss Edith Ladd accom
panying." 0
Tho Thlmbla Club will mcot Fri
day, March 1C, with Mrs. W. C.
llnlloy us hostess.
Tho Young Peoplo's Socloty of tho
Norwoglan Lutheran church will hold
Its rogular business nnd social moot
ing at tho church hall Wednesday,
March 13. Miss Jonnlo Johnson and
Ollvor Larson will liavo chargo of
tho program nnd rofroshmonts.
Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Daptlst
church will hold a business mooting
announced, but tho fow wooks fol
lowing Loni promise to bco ovon
more social doings than did tho
couplo nf wcoks provlous to Ash
Mrs. 8. C. Small was hostess at a
charming brldgo lunchoon Tuesday
nftornoon, a fenturo of which was
tho protty decoration of rooms nnd
tnblo, tho daffodils nnd Jonquils and
tholr follngo lending thomsolves so
readily to tho color schomo of yellow
nnd groon. Invltod woro Mrs. J. M.
Upton, Mrs. Esther Converse Mrs.
W. S. Nicholson and Mrs. F. C. Cohen.
L. J. Simpson nnd wlfo of North
Uond nro oxpoctod homo In a week or
so from tholr southorn trip. Mrs.
Simpson has boon visiting at Los
Angeles nnd nearby points, whllo Mr.
Simpson hnB boon looking nftor bus
iness Interests In Toxns.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Droulllurd ot
Wednesday, Mnrch 13, at the homo of North Uond, who woro plnnnlng to
Mrs. La urn Smlthgall
Mr. and Mrs, L. W, Hnlmborg nro
movo to Iowa, linvo docldod to roinntn
on Coos Hay for n tlmo. Tholr ro
movnl was proposed on account of
I I.. ,,.... ..... .!....,.. ..In,.
Mrs. Helen Baldwin. Mr. K. F. Kol- 1H"W "ll" """' "' "'"."
ley. .Mrs. Ellon Stgtln, Mrs. 15. W. 0
Lewis, Mrs. Henry Muck. Mrs. W. J. Tho "Jolly Dozen" will moot Wod-
Anderson, Mrs. Jessie Colvln, Mrs. noadny, March 13, at the homo of
I). II. l'akhet, Mrs. It. R. Hendry, Mrs. Lungdon at Hunker Hill.
Mrs. T. II. Dreser, Mra. A. Carlson, . n
Mra l nin.iur... If.. Al.. I11I M U
n V m lZ ' n m fi o ' n.' The W. 0. T. U. of North liond ,
nor. Mrs. M. I, Stromborg nnd Mrs. ' J ' ZTAl "' WIZ, " ,
' y This day wns set asldo primarily for
0 a mothers' mcotlng, nnd wns opened
Tho Mlnnlo-Wls Soclnl Club will bo with n scrlpturo reading by Mrs. W.
entertained Thursday, March 14, by Nollson nnd carried on with various.
Mrs. Charles LnClTapollo. i readings by Mrs. A. Footo, Mrs. Frod J
0 Lister, Mrs. J. V. Hodson nnd Mrs. I
Tho Freshman class of tho North J Woodhull. It was planned doflnlto-1
Dond High School woro guests at n ' to "nItl n Demorest Silver Mcdnl
birthday party given Monday ovc- Contest tho evening of Friday, March
nlng In honor of Miss Martha Ross ? ,nt. "j0 tM,t',od,.?t Episcopal
by her mint, Mrs. W. R. Simpson, church In Marshileld. Soven contost-
Tho young peoplo spent a Jolly tlmo "nts ,w,n tnko part. Thoso present
nlnvlnn enmna nn.i HinPitiP nn,i rnt. Tuesday woro Mrs. R. N. Emery, Mrs.
ly enjoyed tho delicious feast that ?,rgnn nSn nMr, nh rnvn'
woBM.Vssde-s IAo?a0ni?.ta?080 ST t&?hfi
nil !,, hm'C0! Ir,?"CCS Do,8tcr, Dr. D. Clnrko. Mrs. Frod
nn rtA '"nid1 0bM' 0,o Mo"'? Llstor. Mrs. II. O'Marn, Mrs. J.
Sh tJn, Pri rn ""hi IIttroI4 , Woodhutl. Mrs. Golden, Miss Mndgo
5 ' Pt"' Wn.L00"' Joh" 8ho"imrd Golden, Mrs. Wm. Nollson nnd Mm.
nnd Tom Wattcrs. A Footo.
Mrs. G. Holllstor nnd Mrs. Lynn so, , , , . .
Dnbcock nnd children of North Dond t M,ss Mnr Clnrko returned this
nro plnnnlng to spend tho coming wook from a tow weoks' visit In
two wcoks visiting at Ten Mllo lako"1,ot,nn,,
and vicinity. "I g
0- I Mrs. W. Putmnn wns hostess
Tho Progross Club mot Mondny Thursday nftornoon in tho Women's
with Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, tho sub-1 Eoro'K" Missionary Socloty of North
Joct of tho dny being "OrlcnUil Rugs ' Dond' A rcKar progrnm had been
nnu Antiques." Tho hostoss rend n I" "' " ' " i. V.- a 1 1 ' .it. ,l . ,
very Interesting pnpor on Oriental IoWH' w,th Mr8, Albort UiBy nB ,ond-
IIurs illustrating tho Important fen- or: , ,
turcs with a collection of dlffcront Good Nows From Forolgn Coun-
varlotlcs. Mrs. C. W. Towor road gov- ,r,?1.,Mr5 J- Woodhull.
oral nrtlclcs on Inco and laco making From 0llr nrnnch of Missionary
nnd Uio members contributed many rk" .Mrfl: !;111w; ,s,lovc"?
old nnd vnluablo pieces to tho ox- ,,,1! Uncl miy Llstonod" MrB.
hlblt. which, with n loan exhibit of , ..r."1"11"1, .
old china nnd neodlowork wns an Jn- ... M'Btpry Ilox Drill" Mrs. J.
torostlng fenturo of tho nftornoon. Wo,on''' .,.,,
After tho study hour ten wns served ,.,?rn,y(T lhc,mc?Tf?r "r illB8lo
by Miss Mnudo Reed nnd Mrs. Earl 55,0gAn"d Tho1,r1Io,il?r Tn1' F
rini-rv ,irnoen.i ir. ., . w, Stovons nnd Mrs. Wm. Nollson.
tumes. Mrs. I. S. Knufnmn. Mrs. A. ' .. Among thoso presont woro Mrs.
u. unrKor nnu
woro nppolntcd
Mrs. M. C.'Mnlo'noy lInJvcX PUB80.n' Mrs. Mnrshnl. Mrs.
n cotnmlttoo on ontial .' I;:.a"Jsor' Mrs. Elmer Wood. Mrs.
suffrage In nccordnnco with rosilu- worti.,.ii r' wm vnf.' Mr8, .
tlons ndoptcd by tho club. Mrs. M. .,, " Nellson nnd
U. HOrton. Mrs. F. A. Tlfwlenti nn.l."""' ",uu'1 "'''
Stetson Hats
Stetson Shoes
Standard Makes of the World's Best
Hub Clothing & Shoe Co.
Ing, March 13, with Mrs. Eva Gam
mill, election of officers will como
'p, all smaller business wns left till
Hint date Among thoso prosont
woro Mrs. F. A. Tlodgen, Mrs. A. L.
Darker, Mrs, Jus. H. Cox, Mrs. II. I.
Hyde, Mrs. A. L. Dutz, Mrs. A. E.
Dlmcnt and Mrs., F. M. Flyo.
Miss Edith Hlldonbrnnd ontor
talncd tho C. D. 11. T. E. Club Tucs
duy ovcnlng nt tho homo of hor par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hlldon
brnnd. A very cnjoynblo ovcnlng
was spent at cards and music, fol
lowed by refreshments. Miss Ellzn
Ayro will bo hostess to tho club next
Monday. Thoso present this wook
woro Misses Dcntrlco Smith, Uesslo
Flyo, Mary Hanson, Ellzn Ayro, Iica
slo Ayro nnd Edith Hlldonbrnnd.
Tho nnmo of tho club has been chang
ed to C. I. E.
dron, Mrs. W. D. Curtis, Mrs Jn
Cowan, Mr8. S. 0. Small, Mrs 'j n
Klutioy, Mrs. J. W. Illldonbrand, Ma
Lydla Lang, Mrs. J. W. Mitchell Mri
John Dlatt nnd Mrs. Dorsoy KrclUer.
Mrs. W. S. Nicholson woro named a
committee to confer with other clubs
nnd organizations to promote civic
improvement. Mrs. F. E. Lcofo nnd
Mrs. J. W. Dcnnott woro elected to
membership In tho club. Tho noxt
mooting wm uo hold with Mrs. M. C
Horton. tho subject for tho day, "Ro
cent Ethical Movomonts."
ontortnlnlng this ovonlng In honor of Mr. Droulllnrd's honltli. but as ho
tho birthday of Mr. Holmborg,
Miss llolva Flanagan and MIsh Al
pha Mauzoy woro guestu of Miss Mary
Hnnson nt nn Informal evening, Sat
urday, 0
G. W. Kaufman nnd wlfo nnd
dnughtor roturnod this wook from n
Bavornl weekB' visit nt uorthorn
paints, Mrs. Knufmnn nnd baby
upending most of tho tlmo nt tho
homo of hor pnronts, Judge nnd Mrs.
CyriiH Happy, at Spokauo. Mr. Knuf
mnn spoilt u few wooks with friends
nnd relatives nt Suattlo.
Mrs. J, W. lleuuett nnd somo oth
er Coos Hay Initios nro planning to
organize u dancing club to glvo n
Borles of hops during tho noxt fow
Mrs. W. F. Miller wns hostoss nt n
plonsnnt llttlu sowing party TliurH
dny. Among hor kuohIh woro Mm,
F. G Horton, Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mrs.
F, M Parsons, Mrs. Etigono Cros
thwalt and Mrs. E. F. Morrlssoy. Ho
freshmeiits woro Korvod.
Mih. 0. It, Pock wns hostoss to n
has boon Improving thoy mny nbnn-
dnu tholr dopartiiro nltogothor, much
to tho gratification of tholr many
Tho North Uond Flro Department
Is planning a benoflt performance
thoro In tho near future. "Olo Olson"
Is tho play selected nnd tt will bo
tiudor tho direct Inn of Mr. Swear
logon, Mrs. Win. Crimes of Mnrsliflold,
who underwent a minor oporntlon at
Moroy Hospital this week. Is reported
rapidly lecuperatlng, much to tho
grutlllcntlon of hor many frlouds,
A plonsnnt surprlso wns given nt
I tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Front
I Grluolds nt Uuiikor Hill last Sntur
I duy ovonlng, tho occasion bolng Mr.
'Grlnolds' birthday. Various dl-
versions woro enjoyed until midnight,
when a sumptuous lunchoon was
served. Among thoso prosont woro
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ilrlnkloy, Mr.
, and Mrs. J. Kendall. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Win. Onto, Mrs. lluntz, Mrs. Goo.
Craig, Miss Sigun Larson, Miss Gor
trudo V. Craig. Miss Clara Lovolass,
.Misses violet nnd Gladys Ilrlnkloy,
fow friends at n sowing party lust , Miss Mabel Crnlg, Clias. Skorrltt, A.
L'row, uiios. Knox, E. O. Wlllott nnd
Vernon Ilrlnkloy.
Mondny aftoruonii,
Mrs. A. L. Houseworth, who has
lioen qulto 111 of plourlsy tho past1
wcok, is now rapidly improving.
Mr nnd Mis. Harry Urndllold and
family nro moving Into ouo of tho
cottages next tho Williams building
Mrs. Turner MmNhIiIi nf Cniiulllo
spent tho wook ns tho guest of Mrs.
(1. W. Crnlg of Hunkor Hill.
Shormnn W. Gnmblo and Eva Mll
drod Wood, two woll known Coos
Day young people, woro mnrrlod at
Mrs. Geo. Gclsondorfor ontcrtnlnod
Misses Kruso nnd Gortrudo Mnndlgo
Informnlly nt Bowing Thursdny nftor
noon. 0
Coos Chapter No. 00, O. 13. S
gavo n lnrgoly nttondod and vory do
llglitful business meeting nnd soclnl
iniirstiny night in North Dond.
Lodgo work nnd Initiation woro tho
prlnclpnl diversions of tho ovonlng
and woro followed by tho serving of
refreshments by tho comniltteo In
ohargo Mrs. C. M. Dylor, Mrs. I. D.
Ilartlo, Mrs. Hums nnd .Mr., it v.
Hiirniester. About 40 mombors of
tho Eastern Stnr woro nrosont in tnifn
imri in tno initiation, nmong thorn
.Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. .Mnndlgo, Mr. nnd
.Mrs. W. Stoln, .Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R.
Simpson. .Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Dylor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. G. Colomnn. Mr. nnd
Mrs. M. E. Evorltt, Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
L. McGulro. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wld
nor, Mr. mid Mrs. A. E. Morton, Mr.
nnd Mrs. C. II. Worrell. Dr. mid Mrs.
Itovorcnd nnd Mrs. Robt. Drown
ing returned yesterday from a week's
Joint visit at Ton Mllo. Mrs. Drown
ing hns been staying nt tho A. M.
Prentiss plnco for several weeks, but
returned yesterday with .Mr. Drowning.
Thnyor Grimes writes thnt ho is
now settled In Chlcngo but thnt it If
bo cold thoro ho doesn't liko to go out
oven to mall n lottor. Ho will short
ly begin his art studies In that "city
of tho blizzard."
Saturday ovcnlng nt tho homo of
tho brldo, on Mondo nvcnuo, Josoph
S. Taylor and Mrs. Fnnnlo A. Smith
woro uulotly married by tho Hov. Al
bort Hlsey of tho Mothodlst-Eplsco-
pai cnurcii or North Dond. Doth
brldo nnd groom nro woll known
Mrs. W. T. Morchnnt ontortnlncd
Mrs. J. W. Dennett nnd Herbert Lock
hart nt dinner Thursday ovcnlng.
Thursday nftornoon Mrs. C. F.
McKnlght entortnlned tho A. N. W.
Club nt her homo In South Marsh
Hold. A numbor of membors woro
prosont to enjoy tho nftornoon, of
which Mrs. McKnlght, recently nd
nilttod to momborshlp, was, for tho
first tlmo, hostess. Miss Dlnncho
Fordlno wns guest of tho club.
Among tho business trnnsnetod was
n voto to nnv tho clllh dlion In Min
Oregon Federation of Women's
Clubs. Present woro Mrs. F. R
Alton. Mrs. F. M. Frledborir. Mrs. T.
T. Unit, Mrs. F. A. Hazard, Mrs. I.
Lnndo, Mrs. S. Lnndo, Mrs. Chns.
Stuuff, Mrs. E. MlngiiB, Mrs. Mnry
McKnlght. Mrs. L. M. Nolilo nnd Mrs.
Eugene O'Connoll. Mrs. O'Connoll
will entertain tho club noxt week.
Mrs. Evn Gnmmlll
nn Informal dinner
ovonlng, entertnlnliiK Miss
se.iM.H8 Ellzn Ayro nnd Miss Iless.e not ejecting' to Return homo fo
"' iKdVcrnl witnt.-u
v"" '
Tho Women's Auxlllnry of tho
Presbyterian cliurch mot Wodnosdny
for n ejulot sosslon nt tho homo of
MIbs Frances Williams is cntcrttls.
ing tho P. Q. Sowing Club thl. ..
tornoon nt hor homo in West Mini
flold. Hor guests nro Mrs. Herbrt
Colomnn, Miss Sllvormnn, Miss c
pontor nnd Misses Nora Tower, Mir
ProtiBS, Floronco Alkon, Helen Dnj.
ley nnd Ruth Atlon.
Messrs. Thompson, Sogorsten, Hot.
tor nnd McCnskoy loavo Monday it
p. m. on tholr walking trip to Rom
burg. Shipping tholr luggage to
Portlnnd and suit cnnui through l
Rosoburg thoy plan to tako the Alert
to Alligpny, wulk to Scottsburg is!
theiico to Roiiohtii'. From here, lit.
Huttor i'1'l j.o enel. tho othen t
Port'nn I nnd irlnlty.
MIbb Holon Drndloy entertained i
fow gucstB Informnlly nt cards Thun.
dny ovonlng. Among thorn wen
MIsbos Floronco Alkon, Frances Wll
tlnins and Nora Towor! Messrs. A. A.
Sogorston, Goo. McCnskoy, II. 0.
Huttor and Goo. Thompson.
North Dond peoplo. Tuesdny thoy 'r,:rnrnr Fnnn Annnimppt
moved to tho now homo orcctod byU,LeCl0r reiUOn MnnOUnCey
sir. inyior on North Dond Holghts.
Miss Grnco Kruso writes friends
thot b!io Is having n flno tlmo In San
Francisco henrlng good music nnd
seolng tho Intcst plays. Thnt tho
worm is not so largo nftor nil Is
Program for Entertainment
Tho Coos Dny Concort Hand will
glvo nnothor of tholr Increasing
popular public concerts tomorrow if-
tornoon nt 2:30 o'clock In tho Open
Snmi.11? ,VrVncl n IBt Bh0 .hB? B?fn I w- Director Fonton has pre
cltv , f, Z Mnir.,0,,,0nl11 "1? Pro.l n program of usual excellence
cit, nmong thorn Miss Mno Donnettifor ti10 occnslon lncludlnc the fol
miil Mrs. Arthur McKoown. Sho Is ". in . ' ' lnc,ulUnB ,ne I01
plnnnlng to visit Miss Mndim Hnrrv. !?w" R ' ,",Uor"- ..
nt Dominican Collet. San" iinfnoi. iVnrc" u.n,"0? V.S
wns Hostess nt .which school tho Inttor Is now nt.' uvorluro "Nobuclindnozzar"..i
party Mondny tending nnd from which Bho cradu-l !ly1, "Softl' Unnwaros" ....Lin
Hljs Mary Han. lotos In tho spring! . MIhb i Kruso "; Oporntlc Soloctlon. "Luchozlu Doi
gin" Donlgetll
Melody, "Aftor Stinsot" Pryor
Rliss nn Fnntnsln. "Chnnson Russe
Mrs. F. S. Dow. As nt tho noxt moot-lMlzpnh class
n i .ninoiuu i'liuiiiBia, uiiuimuit
vftXll?,ion,JlnlLni"!, FInss 80VO n Marcli,' "Gunrd'oVlIonor'V.Lonnhir(lt
J0r plonsailt SOclnl SUbsoqUCl O I. Stnr aiiniiirlnil nnnnnr"
businoss meeting Friday night nt tho b,nlod jtonnor
rooms. A largo crowd
ownod by Mrs. C. W. Towor, Tho j tho Rnptlst church in Mnrshflold last
Cordiality Club will rominio Its moot
Ings ns soon ns Mr. mid Mrs. Urnd
llold nro sottlod,
Frlouds of Harry Winkler, man
ager or tno North Dond Drug Com
Tuosdny, tho Row G. LoRoy Hall
olllclating. Tho ceremony wns wit
nessed only by lmmodlato rolntlvos of
tho contracting parties. Thoy de
parted ttio same day for n months'
honeymoon trlu to California nalnts
irnny. and Miss Rose Walt of Marsh-1 '" ", " . l"?, " '
Held linvo been npprised that tholr I w"B,',rv ,,Mn " ld Ml!8, l' W"
Juarrlnge will toko plnco Mny 10. . ?" of I,orth neml nml tho sroom
I Is tho mniMKor of tho Gnmblo Estnto
.. ..,...- .7" , I ranch on Kentuck Inlot. whoro tho
....o, u nun .iitnmwii huh son. VOUnu rmillln will innlrn tlmlK l,n.....
. .. I V lltllV.
Jooy, who were oxpocto.l homo from
San Francisco via Drain this wook,
nnvo wrinen tnnt tliey linvo docldod
to extend tholr stay n wook.
Already plans are belli made bv
number of tho I.onten obiorvors for
'tvriu's Knin firinr .ladiai ivn.i,..
.I'U'" ' ' "... ..bp.d. . LUlllll...
N!B nna rintae liavo not yot lttton !
Mrs. W, A. Morrison of Dunkor
Hill, who has boou nulto ill tho past
week, Is reported Improving.
The Kpworth League of tho Moth
odlst Episcopal church Is planning to
glvo a combined social nnd literary
ovonlng Wednesday at tho church.
';. North Bend News
ho serving of rofroshmont onded
Mrs. Chns. Cavannugh was i
von. l,f.,...ilf..i , t 'in. Uillin. vaviuiuiiB" '
Blvin in.i I ...!.e.!,Vlc..5'f "K MarUiflold shopper yesterday.
JhW oKrtL0.h.S. '"1 .. " Alpha Wlck.und Is spoudlnj
1 Mrs Win Ho.Bfnii ir. , u .". . , Ul weok WIl relatives in ismpir
'l.J .!.. V n f,.,,1, Jr" ft"d ISSlstod
llamn a'tus'" frn! T".? "$2 ""' c A. Smith has rented tho Parker
aK un. . ?B,nr? "Stnbnt homo on Mendo nvonuo and M
Spring Is Here and the Weather
now working on tho "iiniininini." . .....
lie nn tlm "iinii..i..i.,i... I .. . .. .. ... . if
chorus frnm i,A v.t i , ,. ",J. "." ir nnd Mrs. F. v. aicvciw
tuoiiis noni tho "Moss nh." wioh'nii ......c.minr t i
lliov nrosont. V.nei. a,, .i.... ". "ib " "v """"'..,..-.
"". .with rolntlvos on North Coos
Miss Doslreo Wyntt was hostoss to
a number of hor young frlonds Wel
nosdny ovonlng at tho homo of hor
parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. F. Wyntt.
Informal nmiisoments occupied a
P onsnnt evening nnd dainty refresl"
monts Avoro served.
Misses Ail nor. nnl. i
nontflr nnl iT.M."".' "K,,U3 V"r-
esses- ;,;srUK
Mlrl8? I.San Bry0TBI,,nB: "tertofnlK
.miss Lillian hlmoro and Messrs. Tom
I onnott. Arthur Peck. Ansgar LaKe"
atrom nnd Preston Jones.
A GYnnDy.ManlB0;.Dr' "olllstor and
n,'. i. 1 l nro tho latest auto ro-
others have o?deMd. Ul
Tho Ladles' Art Club mot Friday
n tornoon. Morel, 8, t tho home , o?
'sJsoS,,?annhf l"
j?Ltl2ll,' -as
KroltMrwii ".""." ? ..MTB: ?y
keek. S frZt
, . uuwucr, jirs. ivy Con-;
Georgo Smith, who hns spent three
wcoks In Portland on business, re
turnod yostordny via Drnln.
Tho Mlzpnh Dtblo Class held
social Friday night at tho Presby
terian church.
Alex. Anderson returned oa tnf
last Dreakwntor from a visit of t
mont'.is In Portland.
I Miss Lllllnn McCnnn Is spendlnr
tho week nt tho homo of her sisiu.
Mrs. K. R. Hodson, of South Marsh-flold.
Mrs. W. D. Simpson nnd daugh
ter, Miss Edith, wero guests yester-
uay or airs. W. N. Kkbiaa oi d
Mnrshflold. , ..
Tho North Dond High School af
bntlng team will debate the Gran"
Tnss High School debating team
Grants Pass April 6, for tho cham
pionship of Southorn Oregon, w
North Dend team will liavo the neg
atlvo side, tho subject being the sa
as In tho county debates.
First showing of now SI'I"