At the Churches (Ministers) and otherB are request ed to hand tho Sunday church no tlcoa not lator than Friday ovonlng to Insure lnsortlon Saturday.) METHODIST EPISCOPAL M Rot. II. I. Rutledgo, Pastor. X Sunday school at 10 A. VI. Morning sorvlco at 11 A. M. Epworth Lcaguo at 0:30. Evening sorvlco at 780. Prayer mooting on Ihurgf'ay ovo nlng at 7:30. Strangors welcome. conducted overy Saturday as follows: Sabhath school at 2 p. m. Preaching services at 3 p. m. Como and spend an hour with usj wo will do you good. $ ciiuncii op ciinisx Regular services ortry Lord's day. Sunday school, 10 o'clock A. M. Communion sorvlco 11 o'clock A.M. Y. P. S. C. E. 0:30 o'clock P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening each week 8 o'clock. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Rev. A. O. LIND, Pastor. Rosldenco 471 Elrod Avo. a Mnrnlnir nnrvlrn IOtHO In North ! Bend. Evening sorvlco 7:30 In Mnrsh fleld. Sunday school each Sunday nt 10 n. nt. Ladles' Aid Thursday at Mrs. O. O. Lund's homo on Broadway. Thoso having lottors or desiring to join the church on probation will also bo received. 8ubJoct for tho evening sormon, "Tho Chrlstod LIfo." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. K Christian Science hall, 327 Third itreot, North. Sorvlco Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject, "Man." Sunday school 12 M., Wednesday p. m. FIRST RArriST CHURCH. Rev. O. LoRoy Hall, Resldenco D92 Sixth street Plumes: Residence 2GG. Study, 289-L. Sunday. 10 A. M. Sunday School. Claude Stutsman, superintendent. 11 A. M. Prnarhlnc norvlco. 3 P. M. Roys and girls' mooting, Mrs. Q. L. Hall In charge It P. M. Services ot Eastsldo. Young Peoplo's meeting at 0:30. 7:30 P. M. Evening scrvlcca. t NORTH IIEN1) PRE811YTERIAN Rev. D. A. MacLeod, Pastor Sunday school nt 10. Christian Endeavor nt 0:30. Preaching morning and evening. Subject for Sunday morning will bo "Something Worth Knowing." Subject for tho evening, "Ib Life Worth tho Living?" EPISCOPAL Em man ii cl Church Rov. Robt. E. Browning, Rector v-v-VTVT-r-rvi v -r t v -r t f 8 A. M. Holy Communion (2nd and 4th Sundays). 0:30 A. M. Sunday school. 11 A. M. Morning Borvlco and sormon. 7:30 P. M. Evening sorvlco nnd sormon. Sorvlco at St. Lulto's Episcopal churoh, Emplro, ovory Frldny ovonlng and In St. Mary's Church, North Bond, ovory Oundny aftornoon at 3:30. MAHSHFIELD PltlCSIlYTKKIAX CHURCH Sunday school at 10:00 A. M. Christian Endeavor at 0:30 P. M. UNITED IIHETHHKN' CHURCH OF NORTH 111 INI). Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service ai 11 A, M. and 8 o'clock. Chrlstlnn Endeavor nt 0:30 P. M. MARSHl'IELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. A. R. Munro. High mass will bo Bolomulzcd at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, tho Rov. Hither Monroe colobrnut. During tho Lenten season services will bo held each Frldny evening, tho Stations of tho Cross being followed by benediction of tho Blessed Sacra ment, v When you fool dull; out of sorts, a Inonrua half tck ana cveryming dcud . -- ----- wrong, you can blamo It on your llvor. It Is torpid. You nocd HERBINE A Medicine of .Power In All Liver Disorders. Trh.n liver la torpid, It throws impurities into th'O system, wWch hamper oCvcy organ In tho body. Tho result Is that func Monal nroccsscs arc not properly carried on. Impurities get Into. ho Woo" .To atomaeh I. bilious, the kidneys week nnd tho, bowels IrrcBular-gonorally constipated. Hcrblno clears out al thwe Impurities, opens up tho obstructed channels. strengthen, ho torpid liver cleanses tho blood, purifies and regulates the. bowels After tho system has been thus overhauled, there is an Immediate Improvement. Appetite returns, digestion is good, tho 7l rise, the mind clears of gloomy foreboding and everything look, bright and cheerful, which means, eound. healthy conditions ovcrywheto In tho body. Price 50c per Bottle. JAMES F. BA1IAH0 PBOPRIETOn 8T. LOUH, M0. To cure SmnrtlDB KrrlMlK Sore nyrn or Wenk Sink, me DlcyilVUfl Ufu o"' A SHOWING OF ' s'nnts FIT I iflil H AND I INISH I REAL MILIC and REAL CREAM dollvorcd to your homo on FIVE MINUTES' NOTICE. PHONE 320-J. F A. Sacchl. OLD AMD RlCOMMtNDIDBYl Loiklmit.Pm-.sons DniR Co. "The Busy Coriu-i" Tho Rexnll Hloic. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTI8T8 4 C. J. Colo, pnstor. f Sovonth Day Advontlst sorvlces aro tr, -. i&3 ,! ; " w, Send For Tins Seed Mnual-FrG NORTH BEND CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Fathor Sprlngor, Rector. Mnss will bo colobrntod by tho "" . Rov. Father SirIngor nt 8 o'clock. IJIImk. Utituntilot purity iml C.imlnttKin. MoKKltrutltJ hyuiunlrH time two qutljliri tlmw lliVfi)rh!glrAftiiuJt,i. Oullull Qulpptd botttMy undt lli dirdion i4 4 KKatiA and ciptrt 1 Iffff rrrnor, til avrM Vrtk. W' "mnbuyiiitUIlTtKfdi.roulniy (v 'aCK,ni UF. Snd (ot uttlotf. i it uui, if, uuy io sttnn NORTH REND MErilODIST CHURCH. Tho sorvjees Sunday will bo as fol lows: Sunday school, 10 A. M. Proachlng sorvlces, 11 A. M. Junior League, 3:30 P. M. Evonlng sorvlco at 7:30 P. M. At tho closo of tho morning sor mon tho doom of tho church will bo opened to thoso who deslro to unltu with tho church In full connection. HAVIJ YOU REGISTERED? Tho Inst day on which votorB mny reglstor In ordor that they mny cast their ballot nt tho pri mary election April 10th Ih April Ctli. Oct busy nnd regis ter all you who hnvo not dono HO. DEAFNESS CANNOT HE CURED lirl'fftl npnllcntloiu, m they cminnt reach tliodUntrrd iMirtlnu of tliccnr. Ilicrola mil tone way to clllo dcnfnrss ntul (lint la by con illtutlorial rrtncdlm. Iicufmn la rmurd b mi Inflninnl condition nftlio lminiiin llnlncol the KiHUcIiIhii TiiIjP. When till lilbo Ii In flAinrdnu Iiiuoii rnmlilliiK onnd or linp-r (ect linirliiK. nnd w lien It In entirely clocd Dcnlncra In Hie rriult, nml iiiiIcm tho ImIImh niolloti cnii lie tnlrn out nnd HiIn ttlliorcntorrd to II nnrinnl roiulltlon, lirnrlnir lll tie tic Muned (nrever;nlnernriioiitii( ton nrcrmmed liyl'ntnrrli. lilch In notliliiR Imt nn InlUm ined rnmlltlnn of tlir imirmimiuri'iirtii, Wo will ilve One Hundred Dollar for am rate nldrnlncint (canned by ratarrli) that can tint he cured hy lla.i'i Catarrh Cure. Bend lorclreiilan.frrc. B , . . K' J: rKN'KV A CO., Tololo, O. Hold by nrneffl.itii.7IW Tnkc ilall'a famlh rlll iorconilniatlon. UVVMY LOAF ALIKE In froshnosB, crlspncss, llghtncsa nnd tootliBomeness. No tllsnppolntmoiicB In our bread iih thoro aro In homo baking. Wo don't bco why any woman should worry over n hot flro, with reatillB nlwny tinccrtnln when wo will do her baking hotter and chenper. Do you? Coos Bay Bakery Tho plnco for good goodies. Phono 111-L Warkot Avo. Marflhlleld nftor thoy havo boon sent l,om. , our Laundry, bIiowb thorn in i, ,ro stnto of perfection. Liiundn,..i9lll a beautiful finish, thoyRVohd BntlBfnetlon to their owners tl? tho BlIghtOBt Injury , ,i0. $ fabric. It Is notlroublo, too MV kcop tho gnrinentH In tlicl'rT, ' Blinuo. Our elmrgea aro noinSt Coos Bay Steam Laundrv PHONE .MAIN 8TJ ' rrr mtfM&lw aKRvauco. 12? LOUR ' w"! Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Dependable Merchandise npHAT'S the kind of goods that you find at the "Big Store" always. The kind that may be depended upon for quality, for service and for value. For Many Years This store hns served tho people of this com munity with everything needed to wear by nil members of tho house hold. This is not nn ex pensive storo in which to buy, even though tho ohnrnctcr of the merch nndiso is of tho highest stnndnrd of excellence. Our prices nro ns low as our worthiest competi tor's lowest prices. "We give you tho world's best nnd nsk tho lowest prices consistent with desirable merchandise nnd thoughtful storo service. tlj$jJ Everything in Men's and Boys' Clothing Dry Goods, Women's Wear Shoes for Men, Ladies and Children HURRY! ITS GOING FAST AVo have n limited quantity of ALDER ArOOJ), cut into 2-foot lengths, suitable for fireplace that we will sell at $2.23 per load, while it lasts. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phone 190-J. 182 So. Broadway. TltV THE KDOB WITH YOCn IflKmrn ' Examlno a collar freah from eu laundry. Notlco Ub cloar, whit, eel or, Hb ovon, elastic tmtatu ti smooth nnd Its porfoct shape. ' Thon tost tho top odgo by'rnntlM your fingor-tlp ovor It. Notice ti smooth, allck finish gWon It. N0u. Ing thoro to rub, dig or IrrlUte y:Er neck. This test will prore the Talte e our oorTlco. Bond us a trial kmi'. nnd apply tho tost. MarshfiellHancl & Steam Lamb Rlauzey Ilron. Props -rhons 22W. Our Wagons Go Anywhcro Anytlw! HE AL ESTATE Am MliK INSURANCE Bargains in City and 0f. .?j77c Property. AUG. lIZEEN. fi8 npnf.rn1.Ave.. Mnrshfield W (it Mfi I AVv.-T "V .. -4 iW! Wfijl If I fSx - W IMST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo i:quipii:i) with wiiu:m:s and hl'iiauini: iiki.ij SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY SATURDAY, MARCH 9, AT 3 P. M. INTKINOCKAN TltANSI'OKTA'l'lO.V CO.MI'AXV. ,,,l,,,,e ' O. K. McOKOUOi:, Agent. Now Is the Time TO IIAVK THAT ItKSIDKNCK WIItBI) I'Olt LIGHTS. ESTISIATKS GIVK.V Coos Bay Wiring Co, PHONIC S137-J Unique Pantatorium TIIIC SIODKU.V DYKRS, CLKAXEM, PItKSSKltS nnd HAT RIJXOVATOM Agont for Kdward !:. Strauw & C4 flno Tailoring Lot us maka To-.r next Suit. 2flft" Oommorclnl. riinne230.1 Tin: Fitiuxii oi-' coos day' S. S. ALLIANCE i:qihim:i with wiiiki.ksh SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR PORTLAND AT 4 P. M.f TUESDAY, MARCH 12 COX.i:CTI.G WITH THK XOIJTI1 HANK ItOAD AT l'OHTLAVl) XOUTH PACI1IO STi:.UISIIII COMPANY. Vhow ' '' O. l MvGi:OHGH Agent. WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FHOXT ST. Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Pork Bunker Hill Eastsidc and Other Location! I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 I'ront St. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY i i j T It. HIKO II. OLAIUCE. MMaBaaaaaa.a.M.iM.iM l - MERCHANT & The Big Store SON STR. WASHINGTON WILL SAIL FROM SAN FJUN CISCO FOR COO BAY, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, AT 3 P M. STEAMER HOMER SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS KAY MONDAY, MARCH 11. CUUb Ai F. S. Dew, Agent Ocean Dock Specialist on norvea, ipln rhournntlsm. Phone M, North Dent EQUIPPED WITH WIHELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIME. SAILS FOM POUTLAXD AT 8 P. M. OX MAItCII B, 12, 10 AXI) oQ SAILS FHOM COOS HAY AT 8KRVICK OF THE TlIlB OX MAHOh"" O. I, 23 AXD 30. 2, A. ,..,.., Am " Phono Main 3.1u. T-H. U. F. WINKLER, J-' Nuturojiatb aud ClilrojirW'0'' All chronic dlaeaies treated. Coniil- tatlon free. Office hour: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 6 to 8 p. Naturopath Institute Room No. I No. 13C Broadway, Maribfleld, 0 pyt. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician HrniliinU nt l.a Imurl'nn Cb00l Osteopathy at Klrksvllle. Mo. 0flc In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 11; w 4: Phone 1G1-J; Marsbfioldj Orejoa. T. J. IOAIFE tU S A. H. HODOINB Marshfield Paint (& Decoratine Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD. Furnished Phone H0L Oregoo WANTED M I JARPET8 UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, b, the Pneuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders tot work taken at OOINO IURVEY. PHONE 1M J W. UENNBTT, Lawyor. )fflee oyer Flanagan & Dennett B larahfleld OfoS T-R. J. T. McOORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfield, Oregon. )fflce: Lockhart Building, opposite Post Ofli Phone 106-J D R. A. J. HENDRY'S WajIbh lvA.if1 Ttnrlnrfl w. , j a j tilh Cl' aro vquippou iu uu - "V..H mu BUUIfc UUUbO -' lowest prices. Examination " Udy attendant, Coko bulldlnf. opP Ite Chandler hotel, phone lll-J