A P0UT16AL ROOSTER IS NEVER Of ANY ACCOUNT IN THE POULTRY BUSINESS WANT ADVERTISING ta Tho TIMES mi mt Your IUmU Estate "ia (E003 la Exmt& WANT ADVERTISING la Tho A Will Keep the Income from xoas Furnished Rooms from Lapclagt YOU can really help the family revenues by routing a fow furnished roomB and, If you know how and whon to ubo the classified column, you may keep that little extra incomo as "steady as a clock." too Market" Effectively! n will put tho fttct8 about your -rnnertr boforo tlio oyos of all "pos Pim. buyers" In town. And It & ono.,?fBOiiu wh ught t0 own ". you'll Boll HI hi MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV Established In 1878 on Tho Const Mali AMUNDSEN FOUND SOUTH POLE; SCOTT'S FATE IS IN DOUBT Norwegian Explorer Reached Goal But Britisher May Have Also Got There. AMUNDSEN DENIES HE fl SAID SCOTT GOT THERE May Result in Controversy Similar to Cook-Peary North Pole Episode. ' AMUXDSKXS COUSIN O I LIVED OX COOS II AV i . T A cousin of Cnpt. AtnunUBon, dlscovoror of tho South polo, 4 formerly rcsiuou m ouu uiiy, having boon kcopor of tho Cnpo Arago Llghthouso until nbout thrco yeara ago. Koopor 4 Amundsen resigned horo on uc- 4 count of 111 health. Ho vlBitod Capt. Amundsen at San Fran- Cisco when tho oxploror wbb bo- Ing glvon tho reception thoro i following hlB successful trip a v-. tlt Iia VtitMiunnt Piltmnirn. A f mruuh" " .."- - . "o-- - , Tho bout III which AUiuntison a mfi.u Mint nnrllniiH till) in now on exhibition nt Uoldon Qato Vj parK, ban iTiiui'ibco. umui mi- ( a niiins nf tho oxnlorcr visited A Keeper Amundsen on cooa nuy. "" " -. . i (Dy Assoclntod I ress to tho Cooh liny Tlmoa.) IIODART, Inainnnlti, Mnrch 8 Captain .konld Amundsen, tho Nor wegian explorer, iltnlos having tolo jraplidl anything regarding Cnptnlu Scott, the British oxploror. Amundsen up to tho pro out 18 tho only member of tho expedition who has landed from tho Frnni. - Nobody It allowed to go abonrd tho vohhoI under any prctoxt whntHoovor. Tho uplorer says hu Is plousod with tho results of his expedition but other wise mnlntnlns absoluto sllonco on the subject. AmumlHou will stay here a fow dnya and go Australia to give a fow lectures, afterwards de parting for Europo by a clrcultotiH route. Tho announcomont of tho discov ery of tbo South polo enmo In this brief mes8ago: "Ilnhnrt, Tasmania, Thursday, Mnrch 7, 1912 Polo at tilned Hth-17th Dccomhor, 191 i. All woll, Itonld AmundBon." Tbo confirmation of Amundsen's sttalnmcnt of tho South polo Doc. U, 1911, recolvod today from tho explorer himself nt Hobart, sotH nt rest tho conflicting roporta current on tho subject yesterday. A dls pitch published In tho Dnlly Ex press of London yostordny datod at Wellington. N. V... doclnrod Amund sen haj stntod Scott had ronchod tho Mutn polo. It was assumed tho doc Isratlon lndcntod that ho (Amund sen) had succeodod and erodlt was Siren gonornlly to tho Britisher. Amundsen now declares ho snld noth '0S regarding his rlval'fl oxpodltlon. 110TH MAY HAVE WON' Cpt. Amundsen Has Charts to Show Aiiieriru (Jives Views. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TIme8.) NEW vnni.- iin.i, c ti.,.i..i Drldgninn, president of tho Arctic v.uu u, America, oxprossod llttlo sur prise over tho nowa of Amundson's h and snld ho would not bo sur prued If news wna recolvod In a fow mai Bcott also had attained tho south polo. WILL SUI1M1T PROOF cPt. AmuiuUen Hits Charts to Show I. i ins Conquest. ty Associated Press to Cooa Bay LOK-nnv ,4 '"' ....... AmoBlu' . . 8.. V" niimiT, mo auuea inni no win tK .u1" charU nml nI1 lnforma- ' the expedition without delny, rwT.nf.to d'spntch from Hobart REPORT IS DENIED nndsen says H Knows Nothing (B ... ?l,,U8 Expedition. ' A85oclated Press to Cooa Ony , times.) YotJ'0' March 8Tho New ''om Ainnnn has rocolve'I a diapntch WH expedu'loln l XPl0r" "ALDwijnsoian W'C JmiIoiw Itojolrcs Over DIs- ' delated Press to Cooa Bay "ffiS.iri.rcI, 8 ' th l ,? .oxPlorer In comi Cant. command ?Wtl0n , n'Ze,gler No-th pole An- ! SWS'T?.'! I0-' a-J' ovor mTZZ 0f 'South por of He hi aa8en and Scott wnr j.... both .success- AMUNDSEN IS GIVEN HONOR Royal Geographical Society of London Accepts His Claim of Discovery. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) LONDON, March 8Tho ltoyal Geographical Society nccopts unquali fiedly AniniKlsen'fl claim of reaching tho South polo, tnklng it for granted that ho was first to reach tho goal, nlthough Amundson's brlot dispatch docB not mention that fact. After mooting Scott nt tho Uny of Whales, January 19, 1911, Capt. Amundsen camped with nlno men nt longitude 104 weat, latitude 78. Ho 1ms not revealed IiIh subsequent movements. Scott's ngent In New Kenlund ex presses tho opinion thnt Scott must hnvo changed IiIb plnns und proceed ed mi new exploring mid nclentlflc work, tlniB possibly delaying hla re turn some weeks. Wonder About Scott Qcogrnphora point out that Amtind aen and Scott may both h'avo been, nt tho polo within a mllo of each other without knowing It and aclentlsts horo nro awultlng further dctnlla be fore accepting definitely tho defeat of tho British explorer. The mes Hngo roielved yostordny by tho Lon don Dully Kxprcss from Wellington In which Amundsen wiib reported ns Baying Scott had reached tho South polo wna bnscd on n tolegram al leged to hnvo been sent by the Not woglan explorer but tho authenticity of which Amundsen today, denies. In responso to cablod Instructions to ask Amundsen point blnnk wheth or Scott ronchod tho South pole, tho correspondent of tho London Even ing Star today tclegraphod tho fol lowing atntomont, "Amundsen re fuses to any anything on tho ques tion as to whether Scott ronchod the South polo or not." XOItWAY IS GLAD (By Assoclntod Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) CHRISTIANA, March 8 Rejoic ings over Amundsen's success in reaching tho South polo nro wide spread ovor Norway today. Tho fool ing Is voiced In tho Storting by President Frederick Konow who snld amid cheers of tho mombors, "Wo cannot begin our day's work without expressing tho thnnkful Joy, admira tion nnd prldo with which wo are flllod by tho nowa thnt Capt. Ronld Amundsen and IiIb comrades hnvo ronchod tho South polo nnd planted tho Norwegian flag thoro. "Wo are proud In tho thought thnt thoso men nro our fallow country mon and that they havo onco moro succeedod In covering tho nnmo of Norway with glory.'' Tho Storting thon tologrnphed greetings nnd thanks to Amundson at Hobnrt, Tasmania. Telegrams of congratulation In tho nnmo of King Haakon nnd of tho Ueogrnphlcal Socloty horo were forwurdod to Amundson. Hla mnj osty has consontod to tho uso of hla nnmo nnd that of Queon Maud on tho maps of tho nowly discovered territory In tho Antnrtlc. Tho city la gaily decorated. Two Others Severely Hurt and Eleven Entombed in British Columbia. (By Associated Prosa to Coos Bay Tlmea.) MERR1TT, B. C, Mnrch 8 Sovon were killed nnd two severely injured yesterday in an exploaion at the Diamond Vale colliery. Eloven men nro still underground but aro known to bp safe. NOTICE The ferryboat Transit will bo tak en off tomorrow evening for repairs and service suspended until further notice. ALEX. HALL, Capt. Now stork SWEET I'EA SEED nt RED CROSS. HARD CANDIES iWc PER POUND nt STAFFOHRS Saturday & Sunday. Engraved Calling Cards at RED CROSS. SEVEN DIE IN AN EXPLOSION MARSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1912 EVENING EDITION. ARBITRATION TREATIES ARE BEATEN United States Senate Emascu lates Agreements so as to Make 'Them Practically Useless. ( By Associated Press to tho Coos Bny Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 8 American participation In gonornl ar bitration of international difficulties is n dead Issue so fnr as concerns tills aosslon of Congress nnd prob ably for ninny yonrs to como, accord ing to government officials who sum med up tho Sonato's action yostordny In stripping tho proposod nrbltrntlon treaties with Frnnco and Groat Brit ain of this vital foaturo. Thoro Is llt tlo expectation that President Tnft will submit tho treaties in tholr man gled form to clthor of tho powers for possible approval. TAFTT OHIO TODAY President Begins Three-Day Campaign in Home State, Talking Prosperity. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ALLIANCE, Ohio, March 8 Presi dent mndo his first noar platform pnlgu through Ohio and Illinois to day with a long talk with L. C. Lny lln nnd William II. Miller, two of tho Tnft loaders. Laylln snld "Things nro looking up In Ohio." Tho provi dent mndo his first rear platftorm speech nt Alliance, talking on "Pros perity." 0. G. LANDffl S Coos County Pioneer Who Served as Scout for Gen. Miles is Dead. Oliver Q. Lnndrlth of Ten Mile, a ploneor of Coos County, dlod at Mer cy hospital In North Bond nbout 10:30 this morning after a llngoring Illness of Brlght's disease Mr. Lnndrlth wna born In Missouri, April 20, 184C, nnd practically his ontlro llfo was spent on tho frontlor. Ho first enmo to coos uotiniy in I860, having crossed tho plains frmu Mlsnnnrl with n nnrtv Of Whom tho father of Marshal Cnrtor was also ono or tiro memoora. inoy stopped In Lane County In 18G3 and envon vnnro Inter moved to Cooa County. After ten years rosldonco here ho went to Idaho in ibju nnu spent nonrly twonty years In tho mlnni Pnrt nf tllO tllllO. llO WOB a scout In tho Idaho and Montnnn In dian campaigns undor uonorni isoi son A. Miles. For tho Inst twonty years ho had lived at his ranch at Ten Mllo. Ho Is survived by ono dnughtor, threo step-children and two slstors. Mrs. S. B. Cathcart of Marshflold and Mrs. J. II. Crow of Lornlno, Lnno County, Oro., nro slstors of tho de ceased and Miss Alice Lnndrlth, tho dnughtor. rosldes nt Rosoburg. Mllo Plorson of Mnrshfleld, Mrs. Frank Fierce of tho North Fork of tho Coqulllo nnd Mrs. Oliver Kenyon of Lnkesldo, but who la now visit ing In Kansas, aro tho stop-children. The funeral nrrangomonta have not been porfected. Ii.VWRE.VOE STRIKE NEWS Big Demonstration lint No Serious Trouble nt Mills. (By Associated Press to-tho Coos Bay Times.) LAWRENCE. Mass., Mnrch 8 Tho striking textllo workora made a Mg demonstration todny before the mills opened. Thousands of men and women crowded the approachea to the factories. No serious trouble resulted though. OUR SPECIAL SALE TOMOR ROW. Imported painted china. Cup and saucer 16c. Croamer 15c. Cov ered sugar to match 15c: and others. i.rrr-Tr mm WIVWYU'S. These special prices tomorrow only. PEO PLE'S o-l anu in ukst mum.. SPECIAL CANDY SALE SATUR DAY and SUNDAY at STAFFORDS. HEAL IILK and REAL CREAM delivered to your home on FTVE MINTTEB' NOTICE. PRONE 82D-J. F A. Saccbl. HAINES' FLOUR that settles it. THIS is FEED DAY nt Haines. STRCKEN ENGLISH VIKW GIVEN English Think Changes Have .Made Treaties Useless. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, March 8 Tho action of the United Stntos Sonato In nmonding tho treaty is consldorod by offlclnl circles to mako tho agrcoment prnc tlcnlly useless. .Tho evening newspapers expressed no surpriso ovor the omnsulation of tho nrbltrntlon treaties by tho Unit ed States Serin to so as to ollmlnato from their oporntlon tho Monroo doc trlno, Immigration nnd Btnto dobts. Tho Pall-Mall Qazotto .sayB such trentles aro only posslblo botwocn na tions which nro never likoly to fight nnd thnt thoro Is "No need to sign nnd seal a declaration of lovo and af fection for ono's brother." LA FOLLETTE IS Makes Statement That Per sonal Attacks Should Be Avoided. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) . MADISON, Wis., March 8 Ln Follotto In n stntomout horo today broko his silence on tho presidential candidacy of RooBOVolt by tho decla ration "In tho prcsonco of groat problems, porsonnl nttacks on can didates should havo no placo." That La Follotto, howovor, will subject Roosovolt's public record to clnso scrutiny is indlcntod in tho statement. FOR COOS DAY Southern Pacific Officials Try to Rush Harbor and Bar ' Improvements. Capt, T. J, Mncgonn, who hna boon using ovory posslblo ondoavor to so euro tho improvomont of tho Cooa Bny bur, has Just recolvod word from high officials of tho Southern Paclflo thnt thero may not bo tho dolny ln securing nction that was Intimated In tho recent lottor of Congressman Hawley. Tho likelihood of tho bar dredgo project agnln bolng dolaycd will probably spur on tho effort to Bccuro earlier fodornl action nnd n now roport t by tho government engineers Is not unllkoly, ln Captain Mncgenn's opinion. ' Cnpt. Mncgonn also expects a high official of tho Southorn Pacific to visit hero personally soon and look into tho situation, Cnpt. Mncgonn wrote them a strong lottor pointing out tho necessity of onrly nction. In n letter to him, a high official of the Southern Pnclfic says: "I am nctlvely ongngod In tho work of putting this matter propoiiy boforo tho Washington, D. C au thorities in such a way as shall In sure tho earliest posslblo considera tion of thnt important mattor. Tho entiro weight of Southorn Pnclfic representation will bo utilized nnd relief should bo forthcoming with out unreasonable delay. Your sug gestion of such action has been an ticipated anl our peoplo aro already deeply interested in tho situation." LOCAL OVERFLOW. nuy Autos Hnrry Noble and A. O. Rogers, Jr., havo placed orders with Russ Tower for two now Bulck 30-horsepowor touring cars. Thoy will be delivered at nn early date. Want Auto Truck At a mooting lata evening tho Mnrshfleld Flro De partment instructed n commlttoo to Investigate tho advisability of rec ommending to tho Marshfleld city council the purchase of a combined auto hose and chemical truck to bo used to haul the flro engine to and from fires. Tho hose and englno companies were also reorganized for the ensuing year. SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE NO. 2 Imported china. PEOPLE'S 5 10 and IK-CENT STORE. TAMALES for SPECIAL occasjons made to ORDER. Phono UfliJJ. BARTER'S. WHEN IN DOURT, buy at Haines. Don't forget the Turkish Baths. PHONE 214J. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have VLWAYS'USED. PHONE 72 Pacific Livery ft Transfer Co. 1 A Consolidation and" Coos INVITED TO WILL APPEAL CASE AT ONCE Port Commission Anxious to Get Final Decision in Tide Flat Suit. Tho Port of Coos Bny Commission is nrrnn&tng to immodlntoly appeal tho test enso of Honnessoy, Chad wick ot nl. vs. tho Commission ln which Judgo Coko In tho circuit court yestordny handed' down a do clalon ln tholr favor. Tho caso is ono ot tho utmost lmportnnco to tho hnrbor of Coos Bay ns woll ns to ovory other hnrbor ln Oregon nnd In caso tho Oregon supromo court sus tains Judgo Coko. ns many lawyers who havo followed tho caso nro con fident thnt It will, tho peoplo will bo saved many thousands of dollars ln maintaining their watorways. While tho Port Commission hns ndoptcd tho plan of Cnpt. Polhomua for Improving tho Bny, this plnn does not tnko In nil tho tldo flats over which tho Commission hna control under Judgo Coko's decision. Tho wharf linos will bo ostubllshed, prob ably, on tho lines laid out by Capt. Polhomus but tho control of tho tldnl urea back of theso linos Is a big factor In maintaining tho chnn nol In tho lnuor hnrbor and bar by affording tho power to tho ebb tldca which wash out to sea tho deposits which form ahonla. . A peculiar phnso of tho case Is thnt Judco Coko. with tho oxcontlnn '0t somo of tho corporations, Is ono or mo inrgoBi property ownora wno will bo affected by tho jdoolslon. Judgo Coko hna oxtonslvo proporty holdings on tho wntorfront nlong tho Bny, nlong Isthmus Inlet nnd tho oth or InloU mil If his decision Is sus tained 111 tho supromo court, ho will probably not rcallzo within a num bor of thousands of dollars what tho property would otherwise, bring. In this enso C. R. Peck repre sented tho Port Commission nnd C. F. McKnlght roprcsontcd Pat Hon nesBoy. J. W. Bonnott entered tho caso for n tlmo ns tho nttornoy for Mrs. Jnno Chndwlck but wltlidrow a fow months ago from tho enso. IS LOCAL LOGGER Body Found in Bay Identified as That of Wm. Hyland Stranger Here. Th.o flonter found In tho Bay near tho old atavo mill yestordny after noon was Identified this morning ns Charlos Hyland, a loggor. Tho Iden tification wna mndo by J. A, Colo man and Ben Mllllgnu of tho Owl snloon whore Hyland spout consid erable of hla tlmo while ln Marsh flold. Cliaa. Fenaler ot tho Hub Clothing & Shoo Company, also Iden tified tho body through a suit ot clothing nnd a pnlr ot shoes that ho had Bold him a few weoks ago. But very little is known about Hy land. Ho ! supposed to havo been around tho Bay for throe or four months but whero ho camo from and whoro nls rolntlves aro cannot bo as certained. Ho was a heavy drlnkor and Is supposed to hnvo fnllon Into tho Bay while Intoxicated. Thoro aro no marks on tho body to Indi cate foul play. Coronor Wilson will bury him this nftornoon. Found by North Rend Man Tbo body was found by O. D. Mad den of North Bond who was walking along tho watorfront.t Ho immodlnto ly phoned Coroner Wilson nnd kept guard ovor tho body until Mr. Wil son reached there. Tho man was dressed as a loggor, wearing a pair of calked logger's boots, practically now. Practically tho only thing In his pockets was 45 cents. Ho had apparently been in the water about 10 days. Ho was not badly disfigured asldo from a few scratches that would como from be ing rolled along on tho bed of tho bay by tho current. Ho was appar ently about 40 years old, about six feet tall and wolghlng nbout 200 pounds. His hair was closely crop ped, was dark, slightly streakod with gray, nnd ho wore a short mous tache. EARLY MILLINERY SHOWING. First showing of new SPRING MILLINERY all this week at CLARK MILLINERY, Kodaks and Films at Red Cross. of Times, Const Mall Mq 202 liny Advertiser. W VISIT COLOMBIA South America Republic's Rep presentative at Washing ton Causes Stir. OFFICIAL STATEMENT IS ISSUED AT CAPITAL No Explanation of Insult to American Cabinet Officer is Offered. (By Assoclntod Press to tho Coos Bay Tlmos) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 8 A now twist wns given tho tanglo ovor Sec. Kiiox'b proposod visit to Colombia by tho Issunnco of a stato niont by Roborto MncDounll, charge d'affalrs of tho Colombian legation, stating that Knox had not boon in vited to Colombia. Tho atntomont is official and no explanation accom panies It. DENIAL IDE BY SEC. CALERD Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs Not Planning Trouble With U. S. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay TlmoB.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 8 Emphatic denial has been mndo to Ambassador Wilson nt Mexico City by Mnnuol Cnloro, Mexican mlnlstor of forolgn affairs, of tho lntorvlow nccordod to him declaring that Auior lcnns nnd other foreigners will bo hold hostages should n forolgn forco Invndo Mexico. Wilson ln n dispatch to tho Stato Department today said that Caloro had doclared his sentlmonts nro ox actly oppoalto to thoso oxprossod In tho allogod lntorvlow. Ho also as sorted that ho would not lot tho mat tor rost with a niero donlnl but in-' tended to pursuo n rigid Investiga tion. Approximately 2000 robols nro re ported noar Chihuahua city. Affairs havo greatly quieted thoro. Out bursts havo occurred in u numbor of othor localities. OltOZCO IS ACTIVE (By Associated Press to Coot Bay Times)' CHIHUAHUA, March 8 Gonoral Orozco, hoad of tho rovolutlon in Moxico, today sent out 500 men to look for Pancho Villa nnd his troops, It was desirod to ascertain tho dis position of tho men rnthor than to bring on a fight. THOUI1LU IN SILESIA (By Assoclntod Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) BERLIN, March 8Tho striko fov or has spread through tho Stleslan coal fields of eastern Prussia whero tho minors havo presented n demand for n 15 yor cent Incronso In wngoB. Tho govornmont 1b endeavoring to find a basis of Bottlomont. INTER-CLASS IES PLAYED Marshfield High School Basket ball Teams in Contests Yesterday. Tho first buskotball games ot tho nowly organized Intor-claBS loaguo woro staged yesterday afternoon at tho Marshflold high school gym. and icauited in tho sophomores defeating the Juniors 17 to C, whllo tho fresh mon won from tho eighth grado 15 to 5. A great deal of class spirit was shown by both sides and tho rooters of each clasB woro out in full forco, Tho Bophoraoro-junlor game was hot ly contested. S. Clnrko was easily tho star of tho gamo, making nearly all ot tho sophomore points. Tho freshmen-eighth grado gamo furnished a great deal of amusement for tho spectators. Both teams, ln tholr Inexperience, had ovidontly con fused football with basketball and somo of their antics occasioned ft great deal of fun. Tho freshmen, howovor, got off somo good team, work and deserved to win. The Junlor-sophomoro lineup was: Pitman (1. f.) Isaacson. Olson (r. f.) canson. Kriiso (c.) O. Clarke. Affrimnn tr t .Tonaflti. 1 TTnltrnrrl (1 tf fl .Tnlinann. ,'Pl vv.o- - - ..-. ,i-..ld