THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY,, MARCH 7, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Bicycle Riders SfS COOS HAY TIDES. which ono it wns, probably bccauBO ho wits afraid that somo of tho Leap Your maidens might think him too young. t There has been 109 Ivor Jolmson Bicycles sold in Ibis city under an ABSOLUTE GUARAN TEE and not one lias been returned. (Is this a record? This year they are better than ever. We equip all our I. T. Bicycles now with STEEL RIMS. Pioneer Hardware Co. i uol w Is given the tlino nnn height of high and low water at Marshnold. Tho tides aio placed la tho ordor of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho bcc oiid lino of each day: a comparison of consecutive holghts will Indicate whetl or It Is high or low wator. Tor high water on bur, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Date March, 11)12. 7 hours.C.ll 11.09 G.41 11.21 TIdo G.7 0.3 5.0 1.0 8 houre.5.48 11.50 G.33 11.47 TIdo C.5 0.4 4.3 2.4 Arrnngo Bouts Chuck O'Connoll and Sing Hosan aro scheduled to fight one of tho prollmlnnrles March 16, when Jess Day and Earl Chlsholm will meet in tho principal bout. Attui'li Chest Constnblo Cox to day sobod n chest of tools bolonglng to llort Ilolleu, tho local barber who left hero recently, for tho bcnollt of u editors. Ilolleu was a cablnot mnkor as well as a barber. 9 hours.C.28 TIdo C.l 10 hours. 0.31 TIdo 3.1 12.52 0.C 7.15 6.7 7.34 4.7 1.57 0.8 8.53 3.3 Bicycle Riders 'AYT0NSLEAD!! Did you rend an ad the other day, as follows? "Wo equip lUonrl. J. Bicycles NOW W1TIE STEEL RTMS." AYTONS LEAD ! ! OTHERS F.OLLOW TILL THEY BREAK DOWN. larshfieldCyclery fhone 180-K. Agents for Dayton Bicycles. G07 Front St. Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store --Watch This Space Tomorrow Night ri for Our 3th Special Saturday Sale Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. -MAIN 298 THIS WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) Oregon Showers In west and snow Hurries in cast to- night. Fridny gonorally fair. Winds easterly. LOCAIi TEMPERATURE UK- PORT. For twenty-four hours'ondlng I nt 1:411 a. m., March 7, by IlonJ. Ostllnd, special govoinmcnt me- tcorologlcal obsorver: Maximum 53 4 Minimum 41 At 4: (3 a. ni 42 Precipitation 23 Wind, northwest; rainy. Dance nt Llbby Arrangements havo boon completed for n danco to bo givon Saturday night nt tho hall in Llbby. Total Rainfall Tho total rainfall on Coos Day slnco Soptombor 1, 1911, is 43.80 Inches, according to tho of ficial records kopt by B. B. Ostllnd. Open Store O. A. Howard, who recently bought tho Batchollor cigar Btoro at constablo'B salo, 1b arranging to ro-opon it and to rosumo tho man ufacture of cigars. Are Fliifrt City Recorder Butlor today lined two of tho U rooks who voro Involved In tho ombrogllo In their houHo on North Front Btrect tho night befoio Inut $10 apleco. They pleaded not guilty to tho chnrgo of lighting and disturbing tho ponco, but their ovidouco and that of their companions did not substantial this claim. Tho quarrel nroso ovor a blanket. Coming Hero J. 13. Claroy of tho Golden Oak harbor shop has Just rocolved word that lila fathor and mothor aro nrrnnglng to movo hero from Grand Junction, Colorado, to locate Thoy will nrrlvo tho lattor part of March. Mr. Korn, formerly of Coquillo and candldato for county survoyor of Coob county two years ago, has rocontly boon located nt Grand Junction nnd Is also prepar ing to movo back horo. rntlicr Dies A. J. Mondol, of tho Hub Clothing nnd Shoo Co., rocolved a lologram this morning from his' brother, Josoph Mondol, In Moad vlllo, Pennsylvania, bringing tho sad Intelligence of tho (loath of his fath or at his homo thoro last ovonlng. Ills father had been sorlously ailing for so mo tlmo so that his passing wns not wholly unoxpoctod, but nov- orllio less was a shock to Mr. Mondol, who will bo tho rociplont of Bym pnthy of his many Coos Bay frlonds In his borcavomont. purchased tho J. B. Arnott property on Donuolly avonuo in South Marsh Hold for $1500. Tho deal was mado through Hall & Hall. Mutter Lower Fancy croamory but ter has taken a drop In tho local mar kot, pound and a half squares sell ing nt 00 cents bIiico March 1. Hunch Life Thriller A motion plc- turo of oxtrnordlnnry Interest, en titled "Ranch Llfo In tho Groat Southwest," will bo on exhibition nt tho Orphoum "Itouso of tho Photo play," tomorrow. This plcturo has been sccurod for this houso at nn Increased expense but tho prlco will romnln unchaugod. Among tho mnny thrilling scenes in this plcturo aro included two champion ropors, cham pion at Btccr bull-dogging, throwing' longhorus, champion of tho world throwing and tying n stcor, oxport roper and bronco buster. PERSONAL NOTES A. B. DALY Is planning to go to Portland Saturday. C. R. PECK is a North Bond business visitor today. STEVE LAPP Is In from Ton Mllo on business today. E. L. BESSEY of Coos River is in Marshflold today. AL FELLOWS is in from Ton Mite on business nnd plonsuro. JOHN SCHETTER of Ton Mllo is a Marshflold business visitor. MRS. J. D. DYER of Danlols Creek Is a Marshflold visitor today. To Hold Court Judgo J. S. Coko will go to Coquillo tomorrow to hold a special session of Circuit Court to hoar motions nnd arguments In a number of minor cases. Buys Property Judgo Laurendonu of Hutto, Mont., has bought nlnotoon lots on Marshflold Holghts from Henry Songstnckon. Tho prlco is said to havo boon S150 por lot. Have Birthdays Dan Koatlng of tho Woolen Mill Storo is todny colo brntlng his birthday. Just which ono, you will havo tq nscortaln from him. Frank Pugsley, Stafford's "Candy Kid, had a birthday yostor day and ho Is also reluctant to toll want ads. FOR RENT Housekeeping nnd fur nished rooms. 620 Contrnl. Phono 185J. TWO FURNISH ED ROOMS to rent. 392 Brondway. WOMAN wants to tako charge of rooming houso. Phono 140 J. WANTED By oldorly man, work of any kind. Can clenn houso, mako garden, build fence, clean poultry houses, paint nnd do rough carpen ter work. Will do anything. Best city roforonces. 20 conts por hour. L. Chapman, 212 Broadway. LATTIN HOTEL Board and room, $1 por day; $6 por weok; family stylo. 315 Second St., South. WANTED Good laying hons, Plymouth Rocks or Leghorns. Phono 1271 North Bond, or V. 0 enro Times Ofllco. rOR SALE Indian Runner duck eggs. Wm, Shook, S 7th at ANCONA, SICILIAN nt'TTER OUP, AND SALMON FAVOROLLE EGGS FOR HATCHING. Tho kind for eggs. I have thoroughbred stock. F. E. GLAZIER, Phone 299. North Bond, Oregon. .Coos Delicatessen arties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to mil nt The Pacific Monumental Works South Broadway nnd ihukp selec tion from tho largo stock now on hand. Mr. Wilson Iius in his employ tho only practical murlilu and granite cutter in Coos county. And uono but the best work is turned out. FINE HOME COOKING. I pitimtY. flfiEANLINESS. ( UEALTHFULNESS Only tho best of everything good at reasonable prices. Merchant's lunch dally from 11 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. ''That Roof Fixed NOW See GOUTUELL Don't Throw Away Your old shoos. Wo fix 'em while U wait. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP 180 So. Broadway Marshflold L. J. FETROMOULX, Proprietor. Children are much more likely to contact tho contngtous diseases when thoy havo colds. Whooping cough, dlptherla, scarlet fover and con sumption are diseases that aro often contracted when tho child has a cold. That Is why all medical au thorities say bowaro of colds. For the quick euro of colds you will And nothing better than Chamborlaln's Cough Remedy. It can always bo do ponded upon nnd is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by nil dealers. Was Slianglinled Job Dunham, formorly of Marshflold but located at Coquillo for tho past yoar, camo ovor jostorday on business. Ho lntondod to roturn on tho nftornoon train, but Jim Boono and Vorn Barker docldod otherwise. About train tlmo thoy offorod to tako him to tho depot in nn nuto. Job agrcod. Howovor, tho auto mystorlously broko down nnd would not start until ton minutes nftor tho train had dopartod. Job returned to Coquillo this morning. Plan Long Walk Georgo Thomp son, Georgo McCnskoy, A. A. Sog oraton nnd H. G. Huttor, four of tho Blltmoro boyB who havo boon em ployed in tho local logging camps nnd lumbor mills plan to loavo Sundny for Rosoburg and Portland and oth er northern points. Thoy plan to walk most of tho distance Mr. Hut tor will roturn oast, but the otliors plan to Bpond tho summer nt various coast points. Buy Property Jns. E. Boring has SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Uiion Assurance Society Limited of London, England, in tho Kingdom of Gront Britain, on tho 31st day of December, 1911, mado to tho In surance Commissioner of tho State of Orogon, pursuant to law: Income. Premiums received during tho yoar in cash $329,270.17 Interest, dividends, and rents rocolved during tho yoar 23,930.67 Total Incomo $303,209.84 Disbursements. Losses pnld during tho year $141,112.77 Commissions nnd salaries paid during tho year. 100, COG. 18 Taxes, licenses, and foes paid durjng tho yoar. 16,984.00 Amount of nil other ex penditures 109,340.02 Total oxpondltures . .$367,044.07 Assets. Value of stocks and bonds owned ' $608,847,76 Cash In banks and on hand 24,440.87 Premiums in course of collection and In trans mission 76,373.20 Interest and rents duo nnd accrued 0,808.00 Total assets $71G,019.88 Total assets admitted in Oregon $710,019.88 Liabilities. Qross claims for losses unpaid .$ 37,888.83 Amount of unearned promiums on nil out standing risks 281,036.15 All othor liabilities .... 12,011.29 Total liabilities $331,436.27 'Voifl. lusuranco In force Docombor 3 1 , 1911 $38,571,961.00 Business In Oregon for tho Year. Total risks written dur ing the yoar ..,.,.$2,113,346.00 Gross premiums re ceived during tho yoar 51,633.13 Premiums returned during tho year..,. 14,090.03 Losses paid" during the year 17,406.90 Losses incurred dur ing tho year 18,388,71 Total amount of risks outstanding in Oro gon Docombor 31, 1911 3.628,148.00 By A. II. WRAY, Manager, Statutory resident general agent and attorney for servlco: WM. ,M. PATTERSON, Portland, Oregon. I HENBY 8ENGSTACKEN, Resident Agent, Mnrshflcld, Oregon. JOHN HENDRICKSON of Coos Rlvor was a Mnrshflcld visitor today. MRS. L. STONE of Catching Inlot was visiting in Marshflold yesterday. MRS. CHA8. ENEGREN of Coos Jllv or wub visiting in tho city yestor-day. MISS LENA ASHMAN has takon'a position In tho Woatorn Union office J. D. CLINKINBEARD of Coob Rivor is looking nftor buclnoss in Marsh flold today. S. WINTERS nnd family oxpect to loavo Saturday for Portland and othor northorn points. , PROF. RAYMOND wnB at North Bond yostordny arranging to start a dancing class thoro. DAVID A. NELSON and J. C. Kcn dall returned last ovonlng from a business trip to Coquillo. F. P. NORTON Is nt Coquillo at tondlng tho regular mooting of tho Coos county commissioners. G. W. Kaufman and wlfo and baby arrived homo today from a month's visit In Portland, Seattlo and Spo-kano. GILBERT GILBERTSON has roturn od to his homo at Glcndnlo nftor looking after proporty Interests at Kontuck Inlot. MRS. ALEX. MATSON of Catching Inlot wns in Marshflold yesterday, attending tho mooting of tho La dlos' Aid Society of tho Swedish Lutheran church. HARRY BRADFIELD is moving from South Marshflold to tho houso on Curtis avonuo, near Second stroot, which wns rocently vacated by Nick Stambono. W. F. BOWRON, road supervisor at Ton Mllo, wns in Marshnold on routo to Coquillo to attend tho annual convention of tho Coos county road supervisors. WM. GORDON hns roturnod from Curry county, whoro ho has spout n fow months mining and hunting. Ho nnd his pnrtnor killed six wild hogs and n couplo of bears during their stay. FESTUS WALTER, who hns boon employed nonr Honryvlllo, Is spondlng n fow drtys at tho home of his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Wnlter, in South Mnrshflcld while recovering from an injury to his hand. FRED WILSON returned last ovo nlng from a business trip to Co quillo. Ho will bo a candidate for tho Republican nomination for coronor of Coos county. So far no othor candidate has been an nounced for tho place. His peti tions will bo placod in circulation soon. HILLIS SHORT was in from Ton Mile this weok endeavoring to ar range for tho prosecution of parties thoro whom ho suspects of poison ing two of his varmint dogs and a number of chickens. During tho absence of the Short family poison-1 ed moat was thrown Into tho yard. Ho tracked tho guilty partlos for a I considerable dlstanco and hopes to soon gain sufficient evldonco to convict them. J. S. BARTON of Coquillo was in Marshflold today, being en routo homo from Portland. ARNO MEREEN of tho C. A. Smith company left on tho Nnnn Smith today for San Francisco. MRS. A. O. Rogers and llttlo daugh ter of Coos Rivor nro guests of Mrs. W. II. Konnody today. MRS. CHAS. MAHAFFY, of Coos Rlvor passed through horo today to visit Miss Lou Mahaffy, who recontly underwent an oporatlon nt Mercy Hospital. J. C. SAVAGE, odltor of tho Coquillo Sontlnol, wns In Marshflold today. Ho roports that tho Coos County Court awarded tho contract for printing tho delinquent tax snlo notlcn to tho Bnndon Recordor, that papor bolng tho lowest blddor. E. W. WRIGHT 6f Portlnnd, who bought consldorablo proporty horo last summer, nrrlvod horo today to look after his intorosts. Ho says there aro no now railroad dovolop monts, but ho is confident that tho ' Southern Pacific will start con struction on this ond of tho lino as spon as tho woathor will permit. J. W. BENNETT roturnod today from Portland and Salom. At Salom ho argued tho caso attacking tho val idity of tho Port of Coos Bay Com mission, District Attornoy Goorge Brown of Rosoburg permitting Mr. Bonnott to roprcsont tho stato. Mr. Bonnott furnlshod tho funds to ap peal tho caso to tho Supromo Court. AMONG THE SICK. David Roborts, tho woll .known Coos Bny ploncor, Is reported qulto ill at his homo in Empire Mrs. Elliott Peterson is reported critically ill at hor homo in Bay Park. Jas. Davis of tho Golden Oak har bor shop lo laid up with a sovoro nttack of la grlppo. John Horron, who is conflnod at his homo with an attack of la grlppo and pleurisy, is roportod improving today. William Krolt7or, tho llttlo son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dorsoy Kroitzor, is ill of la grlppo. Mrs. Wm. Grimes, who undorwent nn oporatlon at Morcy Hospital yes terday, continues to got along nicely. Tho llttlo child of Mr. and Mrs. Waltor Wilson of Forndalo Is roport od quick sick. BEGINNING TOMORROW night wo will run VAUDEVILLE In con nection with moving pictures at the IIOVAIj THEATER. ADMISSION 10c. SCHOOL NOTICE. Friday is tho regular ofllco. day of tho county school suporlntondont. Anyono who may wish to consult him personally will And him at his of llco from 9 a. m. to 2 p, m. A TURKISH BATH Will do you GOOD. Phono 214 J. Sickroom Helps Little things that do much to make care of the sick easier and more effec tive. Cost trifling com pared to benefits received. Alcohol Stoves, Feeding Gups, Bed Pans, Medicine Glasses, T h c r mometers, Cologne Water, Fountain Syringes, Ice Bags, Hot Water Bags, Disinfect ants, Ituuler Sheeting, Feeding Tules, and many others in great variety at BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS Something New ! Sperry Flaked Peas Your Grocer Has Them 9