THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Y OU'LL find here so many new ideas in style in clothes this Spring that you 11 really be puzzled to know which one is best for you; they'll all look so good that you can't make a mistake in selecting Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are all-wool always: and we W have an unusual variety of eood things to show you in colors, weaves, patterns. Grays, Blues, blue-grays, browns; all sorts of combinations and patterns Fine worsteds, cheviots, tweeds, serges, im ported and domestic cloths. Suits $18 and up WTflltfW nil I!, mi i n a... I I z& vflfflmWlm W .' c' luillllHP 'III ilUIVI sr II I Ortw t icumwf & ut Woolen Mill Store This store is the Coos Bay home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. W s v ej COOS HAY TIDES. llol .w Is given tho tltno nnd height of high nnd low wntor nt Mnrshflold. Tho tides lire placed In tho ordor of occurrence with tholr tlmoa on tho first lino nnd heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive heights will lndlcnto whether It Is high or low wntor. For high wntor on bar, subtract 2 hours 14 minutes. Date March, UMH. C hours.4.34 10.20 4.CG 10.32 Tldo G.8 0.3 C.8 0.9 7 hours.5.11 11.09 G.41 11.21 Tldo 0.7 0.3 G.O 1.6 8 hours.C.48 11.59 G.33 11.47 Tldo C.5 0.4 4.3 2.4 9 hours. G. 28 12. G2 7.34 Tldo C.l 0.G 4.7 10 hour3.0.31 7.15 1.57 8.53 Tldo 3.1 5.7 0.8 3.3 lways- "!e Busy Comer" i 5teMj Storm IT'S SAFE TO SEND THE CHILDREN totblidruR storo for anything you need In our lino. They'll got tho une treatment and tho samo prices you would got If you enmo your ilf. This business was built up by miuaro denllng and fair prices umuch as by tho pure, fresh drugs wo uso and tho accuracy with which wo fill prescriptions. Talking of children, bo caroful of them In this weather. If thoy develop the slightest cough stop It right uwny. Wo can recommend REXALL IJAI1Y COUOil SYHUP. This pleasant modlclno immediate ly tltiri the Irritations of tho throat nnd breathing tubes, effects a Quick, permanent euro and has no Injurious effects. Sold with tho Rmll guarantee. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE -MAIN 298 US The Royal TDK LiailTIIOUSti KKKPEH. An onragod nnd Intoxicated lovor plans dostructlon of rival nnd brldo Happy couplo go to son In fishing smack. Storm arlsos nnd vllllnn at- tacks thq old light houso koopor and trios to pro vent his, giving warning from towor, but tho fooblo old man struggles to tho dome, lights tho beacon nnd tho llttlo boat Is saved from tho rocks, THIS EMITV Oltll). TIIK flltKKNIIOHX AM) THIS HIKL A craekln good Wcstorn comedy. 3000 feet, all now pictures. Kach ono a foaturo. O. J. LK.MANHKI, I'rop. Don't Throw Away Your old shoos. Wo fix 'am while ! U wait. TIIK KLKCTWO SIIOK SHOP 180 So. Ilroadway Mnrshflold )plc Take Notice ! ftTi bit all lengths of storo wood lt, prices ranging from 11.50 Ur np. We can furnish any k& joa wish. - H. HEISNER Pkons No. 1J0-J or 49-L. low Is the Time l8SB!wf I w" titUHXH. ESTIMATES GIVEN N Bay Wiring Co. PHONE MTJ WANT ADS. WOMAN wants to tako charge of rooming house. Phono HO J. VANTKI Hy elderly mnn, work of tiny kind. Cm clean houso, mnko garden, build fonco, clean poultry housos, paint and do rough carpon tor work. Will do anything. Host city roforonces. 20 cents per hour. L. Chapman, 212 Ilroadway. l-'OU SAM-: Tho most deslrublo property In North Flond at a bar gain, For full information ad dress to Hox 139, Myrtlo Point, Oregon, LATTIN IIOTKIj Hoard nnd room, $1 por day; fC per week; family stylo, 315 Second St., South. LUMP COAL W.50 Per Ton Delivered H. LINGO l'H0XG 227-J N Pantatorium Wi"?, ofaE. Strauss & Co. 'Suit. 8 ut ua make your Phono 250-X. '"TuTklsU Baths, WANTED Good laying hens, Plymouth Rocks or Leghorns. Phono 1271 North Rend, or V. 0 onro Tlmofi Olllce. FOR PRIVATE SAIjE Household furniture of flvo rooms. Flat 6, O'Connoll Apts. Phono 233X. FOR SALE A ranch of twenty to twonty-flvo acres well located on tho wator, on easy terms. I. S. Kaufman. Coos Delicatessen FINE HOME COOKING. PURITY, CLEANLINESS, IIEALTIIFULNESS Only tho host of ovorythlng good nt ronsonablo prices. Merchant's lunch dally from 11a. m. to 2:30 p. m. THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) Oregon Rnln west, rnln or snow oaBt tonight and Thurs- day. Southoastorly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. ' For twenty-four hours ending at -1:43 a. m., March C, by Bonj. Ostllnd, special government mo- teorologlcal obsorvor: 'Mnxlmtim G3 Minimum 40 At- 4:43 a. m 43 .Precipitation 15 Wind South: cloudy. BORN. D1HRS To Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. Dlors nt tholr homo in North Bond, Wod- nosday, Mnrch G, a ton-pound girl. Mothor and child aro doing woll nnd Henry says ho doosn't caro when that railway comos. Ho Is moro 'interested in tho1 vital sta tistics than trnmo flgiiros. nlmost barren spots. Hero tho men, women nnd children, on tho holiday to bo agreed upon,' could go to tho beach, unlto In planting tho Holland grass, for tho romoval of which tho Port Commission tins appropriated $1000, nnd havo n flno outing as well ns accomplishing nn Immenso ani on nt of work. A picnic dlnnor could bo served. Tho plan mny bo nctod upon soon. Kerry Trnlllc Capt. Alex. Hall of tho Ferry Transit reports thnt dur ing tho month of February ho carried 3529 pnsscngors, it double teams, 257 single rigs, 30 head of stock and 1G autos. PERSONAL NOTES Initiate Four Myrtlo Lodge, Knights of Pythias, at its last moot ing initlntcd four candidates. Thoy woro Al Smith, F. W. Hodson, Fred Housoly and John Shea. Injured Today Otto Capfor, an cmployo of tho Smlth-Powors Logging Company, was taken to Morcy Hos pital todny, for trontment for n se voro Injury to his head sustained in nn nccldont this morning. Decision Tomorrow Judgo John S. Coko will probably hand down his decision in tho Straw-Copplo mayor alty election contest, or rathor a mo tion in tho caso, tomorrow if tho op posing attornoys can got togothor. Count Mail In compliance with n gcnoral ordor from tho Postodlco De partment, Carriers Sneddon and Haas of Marshflcld aro counting tho num ber of plocos of mall mattor and tho weight of tho mail dollvorod dally by thorn. Season Closes Tho open Bcason for ducks on Coos Bay will closo March 8, tho day aftor tomorrow. Tho trout season opons April 1, ox copt for salmon trout, which enn bo caught with a hook nnd lino any timo In tho year. In Candidate John D. Goss of Mnrshflold Is n candldato for dole gato to tho Natlonnl Domocratio con' vontion from Oregon. His nominating potitlons havo boon forwardod to tho county clorlc. Will 11. King, former ly on tho Oregon Supromo bonch, has also had his nominating potitlons for tho samo omco ciroulatod hero. BRAINARD To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bralnnrd, at tliolr homo In North, Bond, Tuesday, Marcli 6, a nlno-pbund boy. Mothor and child aro doing woll and tho fathbr Is as happy" over' his first son nnd heir ns n successful candldnto for presi dent. "' I3ICKWORTH To Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Klckworth, at their homo nt.Mlllf coma, Tuosday, March 5, a daugh ter. Mothor and baby aro gottlng along nicely and tho father Is or orjoyod over tho advent of tholr fifth child. MATSON To Mr. and Mrs. CnrI Mat son, at tholr homo on South Broad way, Tuesday, Mnrch 5, n son. This Is their first child. Overhauling Building Tho Mer chant os.tnto Is having tho Red Cross building overhauled, repainted and nowly paporod. Open Shop Addison Conk and Frank Herman havo oponod a paint shop on North Front stroot nenr tho Alllnnco' wnrohouso. L J. PETROMOULX, Proprietor. Have That Roof Fixed vow See GOBTEELL Pbon 81 1 Meet Today A mooting of tho special commltteo of tho Marshflold Chambor of Commorco on tho loca tion of now industries will bo hold at 4 o'clock this aftornoon. D. C. Greon is chairman of tho commltteo. Meet Friday Night Chairman F. A. Sacchl of tho North Star Rollof Fund Commltteo has called a mooting of tho commltteo to bo hold Friday ovonlng nt 7 o'clock nt tho Mnrsh flold Chnmber of Commorco to tako up a number of Important mnttors that havo como up. Ho requests that all tho mombors bo prosont. Flno Picture Manager D. C. Greon of tho Oregon Powor Company Is In receipt of a flno group plcturo of tho mnnagors of tho H. M. Byloaby com pany nt tho nnnunl convention In Chi cago last January. Thomas A. Edi son, "tho Wizard," was a guest of honor and ho Is especially marked In tho plcturo, which Is being displayed In tho window of Mr. Croon's office Get Many i'ltdi Egg" Supt. Frnnlc Smith of tho local hatchorlos roports many fish oggs woro tnUen at tho Coos Rlvor and Coqulllo hatchorlos during tho last fow months. On Coos rlvor 2,092,500 Chinook salmon eggs and 2,524,000 SUvorsldo sal mon oggs woro secured whllo on tho Coqulllo 226,000 Chinook snlmon oggs and 1,894, GOO SUvorsldo sal mon oggs woro socurod. fingo After Prisoner. Shorlff Gago, of Coos county, loft hore this morning for Yrokn, Cal., to socuro Will C, Thorn, charged with desort Ing his family nt Myrtlo Point. Rosoburg Rovlow. Suggi'HtH Plan. F. 8. Dow sug gests that Coos Bay have a special holiday similar to tho arbor days or treo planting days In California to assist In tho plnntlng of Holland gruss on tho North Beach. Ho says that In California tho plan was mado a groat success, men, women and children uniting In planting trees and beautifying nnd making useful tho WANTED Placo for a boy 9 years old to do errands for board whllo going to school; or will pay for samo In good homo. Address or phono W. P. Totten, Coos City, Orogon. TOR SALE Indian Runner duck eggs. Win. Shook, S 7th st. WANTED Boy to deliver The Times. Must bo at least in fourth grade at school. Inquire at Times office. ANCONA, SICILIAN nUTTER CUP, AND SALMON FAVOROLLE EGGS FOR HATCHING. The kind for eggs. I havo thoroughbred stock. F. E. GLAZIER, Phono 299. North Bend, Oregon. Chamber of Conimcrco Meeting. All porsons Intorostod in tho pro posed closing of Mill Slough aro ro quostod to bo prosont nt a moot ing nt tho Marshflold Chambor of Commorco Friday evening, March 8, at which tho mattor will bo thor oughly discussed and a gonornl plan agreed upon. All mombors of tho Chamber of Commorco nnd tho spoclnl committees nro nlso requostod to bo present. Many Young Fish Lovl Smith Is spending n fow days nt tho South Coos River Hntchory assisting his son, Supt. Frank Smith, In tho rush of work thoro. Thoy havo about four million young salmon thoro this spring which thoy nro feeding. As sistant Superintendent Rollls Good man, who returnod from tho Coqulllo hatchory this wook, roports that thoy havo about ono million young salmon thoro. HARUY.G. HOY went to Coqulllo to dny on business. MRS. S. A. YOAKUM of Coos Rlvor Is a Mnrshriold shoppor today. W. J. LA POLME of Eastsldo was a Marshflold visitor today. DAVID COVANnmfwIfo of Allogany aro Marshflold visitors today. W. H. MORGAN "oTDnnlols Crook Is a Mnrshflold business visitor today. JESSE SMlTIlo"f Coos Rlvor is a Marshflold business visitor today. CHARLES RODINETof Allogany, was a Marshflold business visitor today. E. L. PIPER of Coos River was in Marshflold today on business. ROY LANDRITII of Coos River 1b a Marshflold business visitor today. AUGUST FRIZEENTTslted friends at tho Smlth-Powors logging camps on Isthmus Inlotyostorday. J. A. O'KolIy Is spending n. fow days at Bandou, visiting frlonds and In spoctiug tho Boar Crook oil woll, REV. FATHER KENNEY of Ban don Is tho guost of Rov. Fathor Munro and othor frlonds horo to day. REV. C. II. McKEE, who has boon conducting revival mootlngs at the Baptist church, Is visiting tho Co qulllo valloy towns this wook. S. B. CUTLIP Ml Coos Rlvor, who has beon spending tho wlntor with his family at Eugono, has roturnod to tako chnrgo of his ranch. GEORGE MONTGOMERY nnd wife loft ovorlnnd via Drntn this morn ing for a visit to Portlnnd. Thoy oxpoct to return in about a wook. MRS. JOHN BURBAOK of North Bond wns In tho city todny to at tend tho mooting of tho Lndlos' Aid Socloty of tho Luthoran church. MR. AND MRS. J. W. GALE woro In tho city today from tholr ranch on Catching Inlet. Thoy express themselves very much plonsod with tholr now homo. J. W. BENNETT Is oxpoctod homo oa tho Broakwator from Portland and Salem. At Salom ho was assist ing In tho caso against tho Coos Bay Port Commission. MRS. MATT KJELLMAN of North Bond was In Marshflold today, vIb Itlng frlonds and also attondlng tho Luthoran Ladles' Aid Socloty mooting this aftornoon. A. E. MORTON1 has takon n position as bookkcopor with tho Tltlo Guar anteo & Abstract Company during tho absonco of Soorotary R. T. Stroot, who Is making an oxtondod visit In his old homo at Salom, Ohio. MISS ANNIE SMITH roturnod today from n short visit with hor par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Smith, oa Kontuck Inlot. Hor cousin, Miss Wicks of Richmond, Cal., camo In with hor for a fow days' visit In town. A. O. Unas, ono of tho Marshflold mall carrlors, Is moving Into tho houso In South Marshflold which D, A. Jones rocontly Vacated. Mr. Jonos moved Into thtf G, A. Bono brako houso, Mr. Bonobrako hav ing moved onto his ranch on Catch ing Inlot. LES SMITH of Coos Rlvor was In Marshflold today to consult Justice Ponnock rolatlvo to tho formor troublo botweon him. and Jud Ras musson, J. L. Burns and othor ranchora over a road which Smith claims Is on his prlvato property. Mr. Ponnock referred him to Dop uty Prosecuting Attorney Lll-Joqvlst. Bicycle Riders Get the news get that "Record" by looking at the name plates on humpback frames before you buy a Bicycle. MarshfieldCyclery Phone 180-R. Agents for Dayton Bicycles. G07 Front St. Greeks in Trouble; A number of Greeks who rosldo In a building on North Front soreet became Involved In a gonornl ombrogllo Inst ovcnlng. Ono of thorn grabbed a butcher knlfo and was threatening to do things to sonio of the others when Marshal Cartor arrived on tho sceno. He was placed under arrest and put up a $50 cash bond for nppearanco at his honr Ing boforo City Recorder Butlor. No ono was seriously hurt In tho froo-for-all. Plant Palms. Carl Albrocht, who recontly returned from a trip to Southorn California, Is urging that Marshflold people observe Arbor Day this senson moro gonorally than thoy havo In the past. Ho suggests that moro palm trees bo planted In town to boautlfy tho lawns horo, nnd do claros that within a fow years Marsh flold could havo nny of tho smaller cities of Southorn California eclipsed for beauty. Ho says that handsomo four-foot palms can bo obtained for nbout $2 npleco, The Very Latest Fuzzy -Wuzzy Hats for Men and Boys In all shapes and colors at prices that will please you. Boys' Hats .',.... $1.50 Men's Hats $2.50 Wo also havo a now special The Coos Hat In soft shapes and Derbys Tho best value for tho money on Coos Bay, at $3.00 Tho Spring and Summer , styles aro now in. The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality, AMERICAN WONDER POTATOES The last Breakwater brought us a fine lot of this popular seed potato CHANGE YOUR SEED INCREASE YOUR YIELD See F . S. DOW p,,on a'8