The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 05, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Page 2, Image 2

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M. O. MALONEV Editor and Pub.
DAN E. MALONEV News Editor
Address nil coinmunlcatlous to
Mnrtriillcld :i :: :: :: Oregon
Entored at tho postofllco nt Mnrsh
fiold, Oregon, for transmission
through tho malls as second class
mall matter.
Continued from pagn 1.)
Dedicated to tho servlco of tho
peoplo, that no good cause shall lack
a champion, and that evil shall not
thrivo unopposed.
Ono jear $6.0
Per month 50
Ono yoar $1.50
Whon paid strictly In advanco tho
subscription price of tho Coos Day
Times is $5.00 per yoar or 12.60 for
alx months.
Ofllclal Taper of Cooa County
An Independent Republican news
pnpor published ovory ovonlng oxcopt
Sunday, nnd Wookly by
Tho Coos Hoy Tlmos Publishing Co.
HERE'S tho way thoso Southern
California cities go after busi
ness. Long Beach Is making an effort to
Bccuro moro shipping. Tho stoamcr
Santn Clara was plying botwocn San
Francisco and Southorn cities. Tho
Long Reach boosters wont after tho
Santa Clara nnd ngreotl to grant tho
Bteamor lino frco dockage and frco
water for ono year. Horeaftor tho
Santn Clara will make regular week
ly trips between San Francisco nnd
Long Iloach. Tho clty'H offor was
mado posslblo bocauso tho city owns
municipal docks.
There's a lesson for Miirslillcltl in
this action of Long Reach.
North Bend News
Robert McCauu visited friends and
relatives In MnrHhfleld yesterday.
Mrs. S. S. Rltchlo, who suffered
a stroko of paralysis lust week, Is
improving nicely.
C. II. Earlsu, who has been In
(. Qardinor for the last two months,
roturued Saturday.
A very enjoyablo time wbh spent
- Saturday evening whon the Lutheran
churches gave an auction at Tay
lor's hall.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest San ford nnd
children, of Ten Mllo, lenvo tomorrow
(or Oakland, where thoy will mnko
tholr futuro homo.
Mrs. L. Hodson, who has spent tho
last two months visiting relatives
on Ross Inlet, returned Saturday to
hor homo In South Marshlleld,
Miss Olllo Richard of Sumner, Miss
Oraco Robortu of Sumner, and Mrs.
Roborta of Catcvhlng Inlet visited
friends at Morcy Hospital Saturday.
A plckod-up team from Eastsldo
dofoatod a picked team hero Sunday
in tho first baseball game of tho sea
son by a score of four to two.
Mrs. M. Drown, who makes her
homo with hor daughter, Mrs. E. E.
Hays, had a stroko of paralysis last
Tuesday ovonlng. Hor advanced
years mako her Illness quite seri
ous. Tho Christian Endeavor of the
Prosbytorlan church will moot to
night nt tho homo of Miss Hosslu
3mmol on Shormau avenue for a
combination IiubIiiojh ami social hos
slon. Tho W. C. T. II. will meet Tues
day afternoon nt i!::iO, at the homo
of Dr. II. Clarko on Sherman nvoiuio,
Thoro will be a program glvon nt
this mothors mooting nnd Invitations
nro oxtomlod to all women to be
Tho Itom In Tho Times yestordny
that Raul Welling and fleorgo Ilov
oy woro oxpollod from tho North
Rend schools was erroneous. Thoy
woro moroly suspended for a short
1 1 mo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. It. Mynatt of North
Rond loft on the Redoudo today for
Hot Springs, Cnl whore thoy will
spend tho summer nt tho homo of
their son-in-law and daughtor, Mr.
nnd Mrs. I 0. Arnold, who hnvo boon
visiting in North llond and will ac
company Mr. and Mrn. Mynatt on
tholr trip south.
dellvored to your home on FIVE
F A. Sacchl.
Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have
Livery & Transfer Co.
Many sufferers from rheumatism
liavo been surprised nnd dollghtod
with tho prompt rellof afforded by
applying Chamberlain's Llntmont.
Not one caso of rheumatism In ton
of tho peoplo ns nearly ns posslblo
and ho would llko to comply with the
petition. How over, ho stated that ho
would llko to have a llttlo moro def
liiato Information to submit to tho
otors at tho special election, espe
cially about tho Clear Lake and Gold
en Kails projects.
Councilman Savage said that thorc
was an ordinance on tho tahlo pro
viding for tho special election and
ho was ready to act on It.
Mr. Allen wanted to know about
how soon the council could got things
In shnpo for tho special olectton. Ho
said that they had things In protty
good shape now so far as dealing
with tho present company Is concern
ed. Mayor Straw wanted to know nbout
tho special roport of Engineers Stan
nnrd and Raker. City Englncor Qld
loy said it was on fllo in tho oillco of
tho City Recordor. Mayor Straw
said ho didn't want It but ho thought
It would furnish tho Information
wanted by Councilman Allen about
tho Clear Lako and South Coos river
water suppllos. Mr. Allon said that
ho noticed that J. W. Rcnnett had
sent a tolcgram claiming that tho
Clonr Lako supply could not bo ob
tained by tho city. Savage remarked
that Donnott ovldontly wanted to
hoad off the Clear Lako supply bo
foro It got this far. Mr. Forguson
said that somo rcputnhlo citizens of
Marshflold snld that Clear Lako
could bo obtained nnd ho hollovod
that tholr words could bo credited
just as much ns nnd oven n little
moro in this lnstanco than Mr. Den
nett's. It was suggested that tho city at
torney bo instructed to look up tho
title to tho Clear Lako supply, but
Councilman Forguson said 'that ho
thought Mr. Goss hnd previously been
asked to do this. J. C. Kendall said
that ho did not bcllove Mr. Goss
had Investigated it very far, hut that
he understood that warren Reed had
first Hied on nnd Inter somo Marsh
lleld parties had fllod on it, accord
ing to tho records of tho state wator
commissioner. However, these tilings,
ho said, would not sottlo the ques
tion of ownership.
Tilt Over Date.
Councilman Copplo snld that whllo
he was In favor of n speclnl oloctlon,
ho was not In favor of bolng rushed
Into it by Nolnn before the council
or city wns ready for It. Ho said
thoro wcro othor questions that somo
wanted submitted and so far ns No
Inn's $160,000 proposition was con
cerned, ho was sure tho peoplo did
not wnnt to pay that prlco for it.
C. C. Going said that tho petition.
ors had provided for submitting tho
other questions In tholr petition. Mr.
Copplo said that ho noticed that but
he thought tho council should first
get roady for tho oloctlon nnd then
tlx tho dnto for it, especially when
City Attornoy Goss had told them
thoy could fix tho dato within throe
wooks or so of tho oloctlon.
Straw Gives Views.
Mnyor Straw hero broko Into tho
discussion nnd doclnrod tho council
hnd had ample tlmo to get roady
for tho oloctlon if thoy had used
diligence Ho said he had decided
that tho only way of gotting accurato
information was through engineers
nnd this had boon socurod.
Ho snld ho know tho servlco wns
rotten nnd ought to bo Improved. Ho
said that all othors of any Intelli
gence know it ana tno ones wno
did not novor would nnd that thoy
might Just ns well put it up to "thoso
IdlotB" to voto upon now ns nny oth
er time.
"Those Idiots might bo In tho ma
jority, doctor," romnrked Council
man Allon.
Strnw retorted thnt thoy nlwnys
"That's tho reason why you nro
mayor," Joshlngly romnrkod Coun
cllmnn Ferguson.
"Woll, In ordor to dccldo tho mnt-
ter, I movo you that tho oloctlon bo
hold tho first Monday In Juno," next
romarkod Councilman Copplo.
"What nro wo going to do about
Nolan's offer to soil to tho city nt
$1 GO, 000 which thoso petltlonors
hnvo asked to voto on?" Inquired
Mayor Straw. "Tho election will
hnvo to bo hold boforo May 1 to
grant their roquost."
Mayor Straw declarod that ho
wasn't talking for Mr. Nolan, nl
thought somo might claim that ho
wns, hut that ho wanted to give the
pooplo the right thoy uBkcd.
Mr. Copplo said that thoro woro
othor things to bo considered besides htm and told him thnt ho (tho mny-
Mr. Nolan. Thnt thoro were othor
questions which others might want to
Mayor Straw said that they ought
to havo had them in now If they did
and thnt If the council didn't hurry
up and do something they would
havo nn nwful tlmo trying to ex-
or) wns out of ordor in dollvorlng
his lectures and thnt ho hnd no
right to do so, that ho wasn't oven
it mombor of tho council nnd his
position wns merely to pdcsldo nnd
carry out tho wishes of the council.
Mnyor Strnw was called to tho
phono nnd did not respond nnd on
his return tho motion to call tno olor
II I II 1 II U1IIIK8 - (.lie I1UUJMU. ,
Copplo declared that Nolan tried lion tho first Monday In Juno was put
to rush things through on a couple to n voto nnd Forguson, Merchant
of weeks' notice nnd ho didn't be-: and Copplo voted for It nnd Savage
lleve In being rushed. He snld there and Allen against It.
wero other things that might re-. In compliance with a motion. Mny
qulro nn oidlnnnce to submit nt the or Straw appointed Councllmun For-
The nntlsoptlc powder to bo shakon
Into the Bhoes. If you want rest
nnd comfort for tired, tendor, nchlng,
swollen, sweating feet, use Allen's
Foot-Ease. Relieves corns and bun
ions of nil pain and prevents bllste.s,
sore nnd callous spots. Just tho
thing for Dancing Parties, Patout
Leather Shoes, nnd fo Drenklng In
Now Shoes, It Is tho grentest com
fort discovery of tho ngo. Try It to
day. Sold evo y whore, 25 cts Don't
accent nny substitute. For FREE
requires nny Internal treatment
whntovor. This Ilnlmont Is for salo trial package, address Allon S. Olm
by nil donlors. stcd. Lo Roy. N. Y.
-f' 'f
Snow Drift Flour
Highest Quality
election. For Instance, he snld the
peoplo might want to vote on the
building ordinance which the mayor
had Just vetoed.
This apparently rnlsod Mayor
Straw's Ire and ho wanted to know
If the petitioners for the election
weren't to bo considered Just ns
much ns the -17 members of the
"Mnrshlleld Independent League."
Ho wanted to know who Mr. Copple
reforred to ns tho people. Ho de
clared that ho did not think that
Mr. Copple was honest In the stand
he was taking. Ho said that he
thought tho people would reject No
lan's offor, thnt ho would not roc
ommond It or wouldn't buy the plant
nt Nolan's prlco, but as long ns tho
peoplo hnd petitioned to voto on it,
lie thought thoy should have their
Councilman Allen suggested that
tho election be fixed for April 22, but
this was found to bo less than tho
sixty-day limit on the ordinance
Finally Councilman Ferguson sec
onded Mr. Copplo's motion thnt the
election bo held the first Monday In
"There Is no reason in this and
no uso bolng a hypocrite," Interrupt
ed Mnyor Strnw. "Copplo, you and
I woro candidates for mayor in the
Inst oloctlon nnd tho wntor works
was nn lssuo in It. You declared
you wero for municipal ownershlpnnd
promised to try nnd remedy tho sit
uation. I didn't bcllevo In municipal
ownership but I told tho peoplo I
would try nnd bring this thing to n
voto Just nn soon nB posslblo. I
wnnt to keep my promise to them.
Thoro Is no use In your backing nnd
filling in this question. You enn't
mnko mo believe you nre honest tn
tho stand you aro now taking. That
stuff don't go." Moro followed along
tho samo lino punctuntod with somo
of tho mayor's expressions and finally
Councilman Allon Interrupted him
nnd dcclnred that ho should not get
personal In his remarks. Mayor
Straw said that ho didn't want to,
but seemed nB though ho hnd.
After ho hnd finished, Mr. Copplo
nroso nnd roplled, speaking especially
to visitors nt, the council mooting.'
Ho snld thnt ho occupied n very dis
agreeable place nnd that ho prob
ably had taken more than somo would
havo, but that ho had done so try
ing to Bcrvo tho peoplo. Ho said that
If ho had mado any mistakes, thoy
woro thoso of the hoad and not ot
tho heart. Ho said that his stand
now wns Just as It was in tho cam
paign, that ho favored municipal
ownership nnd wnntod to secure It f
posslblo. Ho snld ho wns In favor
of buying tho present system if it
could bo obtained nt a ronsonnblo
prlco but that liO was not In favor
of paying ? 10,000 or $30,000 bonus
for it. Ho snld that last fall ho had
declarod that if tho present plant
could not bo houit nt a reasonable
prlco ho was In, favor of trying, ta
forco tho company to 'lvd tip to?Hif
present franchise, ami furnish boder
servlco and in a jfnwj years when t
grpwth of tho city warranted It put
In a now .municipal wntor system
from anbihor sbufco ofBupplyC 'ifo
said that so far aa Nolan's $100,0010
propositions-cat,. 0. W. .Trlbboy, one
of tho porsotis-c)rrclilntlng tho petition
for tho special oloctlon, had declarod
it would bo. rojoctod twenty-llvo to
ono. Ho said ho wanted to'sorvo tho
city and tho peoplo of it and not T. J.
Nolan. ,
Mayor Straw again wanted to know-
why tho election could not, be held .
lmAfeiA "I t rt If A IIk r A I jl tlmnfr Ifth liik.l
uuiuiu .iiti l. liu nuiu turn, liu nun
previously offored to pny one-hnlf tho
oxponso of tho election, but thnt now
ho would pny nil of It if tho council
would cnll tho election boforo Mny
1. Ho wnntod to know what ex
planation Copplo had and tho latter
rotorted ho would leave that to the
pooplo. Straw started to score Cop
plo again, but tho Intter Interrupted
guson, Merchant and Allen n com
mittee to draft tho questions to ho
submitted nt tho speclnl election.
In compllnnco with a request by n
committee heado.l by llnrry Hoy nnd
Carl Albrecht, tho city attornoy was
Instructed to draft nn nmcndnient to
thu proposed change In tho charter
which will mako tho resldonco re
quirement for voting ninety days in
stead of thirty days, as was first
Change in Masonic HUN.
Manager Scott of tho Gladys
plans for tho next bill here. Instead
of giving a vaudeville Saturday night,
ns wnB announced Inst evening, thu
compnny will present "Tho Heir to
tho Hoornh" noxt Mondny evening
nnd on Tuesdny evening tho vaudu
ville bill will bo presented.
Millinery store will bo opon for
business in tho Odd Fellows' building
on Front Front streot, Mnrshflcld, on
Wednesday, March C.
Tho public is cordially invited to
como and inspect tho stock.
S. J. Immol has Just opened n mod
ern shoo repairing establishment nt
180 South Drondwny. It Is tho only
oxcluslvo ropnlr shop of its kind In
tho city nnd compnrablo to similar
establishments in tho lnrgor cities
in point of size and equipment. Tho
shop will bo known ns Tho Electric
Shoo Shop.
Tho Interior of Lewis confection
ory on Drondwny hits Just been re
modeled nnd ronovotcd cxtenslvoly.
The now decorations nro very nppro-
prlato and pleasing and glvo tho
placo n distinct nnd roflncd appear
Don't forgot tho placo, SARTER'S,
opposlto tho Dlanco hotol, for ta
Try Tho Times' Want Ads.
Many Marshflold peoplo havo stom
ach or bowel troublo which is llkoly
to turn Into appendicitis, if you
have constipation, sour stomach, or
gas on tho stomach, try simplo buck
thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com
pounded In Adlor-I-ka, tho now Ger
man appendicitis romedy. Lockhart
& Parsons states that A SINGLE
DOSE of this simplo remedy will re
llovo bowol or stomach troublo !
First Class Auto Service
Special trips to North Dend and
Empire any time. Train and party
calls a specialty. Phono GC-J until
11 p. m. After 11 Phone 5-J. Resl
donco Phono 28-J.
D. L. FOOTE. Proprietor
Lots on Installments
Bay View, Bay Park
Bunker Hill
Eaststde and Other Locations
177 Front St.
People Take Notice !
Wo have all lengths of stove wood
for Bale, prices ranging from 1.50
per tier up. We can furnish anj
length you wish,
Phone No. 130-J or 49-L.
There Is
Just Time
To Get Your
Before Easter
From $18 to $35
Made to Fit YOU
Marshfield & North Bend
Fish Market
In Ferguson Transfer Rldg.
Foot of Market Ave.
SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors.
A. H. HODOmi
Marshfield Paint,
(Sh Decorating Co
Furnished Phone 140L Oregon
For supplying fresh air to school buildings
theaters, public halls and stores, central station
electric power performs valuable work at small
Frederick .1. Sperry, Superintendent of Public
Schools at Mankato, Minnesota, made thorough
tests of the cos! of ventilation in the JMunkato
High School.
A 5-horsepower motor driving fans saved the
school board $1.0(5 a day, and increased the ven-
t Hating ef'icienci 21 per cent.
The cost of ventilating with steam power (in eon.
nection with the heating plant) was not less than
$!.'!() per day; the cost of central station current
was only 10 cents per day.
"This means," said Superintendent Sperry
"that at less than one-third the coal cost of run!
ning the engine we arc getting a very much better
Superintendent Sperry will be glad to give any
school board the detailed result of his investiga
tion. The subject of ventilation is important. Wc will
send a representative to discuss the subject at
your request.
Telephone 178.
Oregon Power Co
At tlio close of business, Fob. 20, 1012,
Loans nnd Discounts $429 266 (I
Ranking Houao GO.Woo
Cash and Evchanges lflG.OlMJ
Totnl IC44.278.01
Capital Stock paid in j GO.000 00
SurpluB and Undlvldod Profits G7,408.U
Uopoalts C3C.869.84
Total JC44.278.01
Of The First Rational Bank of Coos Bay
l..At tlie Clow of RuIncM February 20th, 1012.
Loans and discounts $221,234.31
Bonds, warrants and securities. . , 73,926.11
U. S. bonds to socuro circulation 25,000.00
Real eBtnte, furniture and fixtures 81,011.31
Cash nnd sight exchange 144,649,94
Total MO,721.73
Capitnl stock paid In .- $100,000.00
Surplus and undlvldod profits 9,235.0)
Dividends unpaid (.00
Reserve for taxee , ... , , 1,000.00
Circulation, outstanding. . . .'. '.;.'.:... 24,600.00
Deposits 410,881.64
Total 984B.7fll.73
In addition to Capital Stock tho individual liability of Stockhold
ers Is $100,000.00.
Glvo us a description of your property nnd wo will obtain for you
amount of taxes on samo. Shorlff does not notify you.
Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire
and Marine Insurance
Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.
Coqullle Offlje Phone 191 Marshfield Office 14-J.
Varms Timber - Coal and Platting Lands a specialty.
uanerai Agents "JSABTHlUlfV
"We have a limited quantity of ALDER
WOOD, cut into 2-foot lengths, suitable for
fireplace that we will sell at $2.25 per load,
while it lasts.
C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co.
Pbone 190-.T.
182 So. Broadway.
Parties Desiring Monuments Erected
Mould do well to cull at
The Pacific Monumental Works
South Hromlwny nnd niaKo eec
tlon from tho Inrge stock now ""
hand. Mr. Wilson has in his employ
tho only prtu'tlcul marble nnd granite
cutter la Coos comity. Aud uone
but tho best work Is turned out.
4 fl