FNERY LITTLE RAINDROP HAS A MEANING ALL ITS OWN WR NOTICE THAT? TltTISINa in Tlio TIMES WANl a ' R-tAtn "hi OI000 Sag tm WANT ADVERTISING In Tito TIMES Will Keep tho Incomo from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really holp tho family revenues by renting a few furnished roomu and, If you know how and when to ubo tho classified columns, you may keep that Httlo extra Incomo as "Bteady as a clock." Will l"1 uu ,10 Market" Effectively! n will Put th0 facls n.b0 nl .roup art boforo tho oyos of all "pos- pl? havers" in town. And If At on? of thorn who ought to ther0,f 1,,'H BOll HI own ' " MEMHEIl OP ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXV Established In 1U78 114 'flio Const Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 199 DECIDES TO HOLD SPECIAL ELECTION EARLY IN JUNE rouncil by Vote of Three to Two Choses That Date In stead ofEarlier One. HOT DISCUSSION OVER "WATERWORKS QUESTIONS Mavor Straw and R. A. Copple Ma n Warm Tilt-Plan to Force Better Service. After a rnthor nnlmatod session mt evening, tho Marshflold city 1 irii ndontod a resolution by a SS thS to two deciding to hold proposed city election to pas on wrlous Phases of tho water works Km and charter amondmonts SenSt Monday In Juno. Those Sub, in favor of tho resolution l.r9 Councllmon Forguson, Mer chant and Copplo and thoso against it wero Councllmon Savngo and Al- in this, tho council ndoptod a resolution and an ordlnnnco domnnd- g that tho Coos Day Water Com uny Improvo Its system and furnish adequate i sorvlco for tho city. Thoso re In acconlnnro with tho Instruc tions of City Attornoy Gobs na a Beans of laying a basis on which the city might bogln legal proceed ings to compel tho company to fur nish bettor water, moro of It nnd neater pressure for lire protection. Thcso actions wero tnken aftor a prolonged discussion of tho wntor work and spoclnl election mattorB, during which thoro woro sovoral warm tilts botwoun Mayor Straw and Councilman Copplo. Petition Is Presented. Tho wntor works and special olcc tlon matter was brought up by tho reading of a potltlon signed by ovor 100" asking tho city council to call a special election nt nn early dato to submit tho water works matter, tho proposod change In tho city elec tion laws nnd such other questions na might bo deemed ndvlsablo to tho voters of tho city. Tho potltlon did n6t specify tho dato on which tho special election was to bo callod. Among tho matters asked to bo sub mitted by tho petitioners woro tho Increasing of tho limit of tho city Indebtedness to fifteen per cent of the assessed valuation, tho adoption of the stato election Inws to govorn municipal elections, whethor tho city should Install a municipal wator sys tem, whethor tho city should buy the present plant for $1C0,000, whether tho city should attempt to Install a systom with Clear Lako or Golden Falls as tho source of sup pi; and any or all othor Questions that It might bo dcslrod to sub mit. After tho reading of tho petition and tho names of tho signers, Coun cilman Copplo remarkod that ho was sorry that tho council had put tho water company to so much bothor to get up tho potltlon. Councilman Ferguson suggested that as tho coun cil was now considering tho special election and was trying to got things in iaape tor it tno potltlon do iaiu en the table until tho council was ready to net on It. Prelous to this City Attornoy Cosj' resolution stating that tho wa ter company hnd vlolntcd a numbor of tbe provisions of Its f rnnchlso wnB read and adopted by a unnnlmous We of tho council. Tho resolution fsted that tho company had failed to pot I Jo wholosomo wntor, had not constructed n rosorvolr nt tho specl d height or with 250,000 gallons "Plty, had fnllod to construct tho necessary pipes nnd mains to ade quately furnish tho city with wntor, "I not kept its mains and pipes In wod condition and ropnlr, had not maintained a sovonty-llvo-pound wewure on Front stroot and thnt iu old galvanized and wood pipes "e no longer sorvlcoablo. ,"er tho passago of tho resolution "'"Straw wanted to know If thoro !!; a,ny ""ore of thoso bright doc- tZi' um Recorder Dutlor pro atw Ah0 or,lnce prepnrod by v Attorney (loss In connection -- me reso tit nn DHur? . 0,UU0M' T"o ordlnnnco Sd fr the Installation of forty AMUon. nre hydrants at tho dlf Cl v Wto ln tho city outlined by f ni 5Wcr GUUy na "ocossary to Z e. ,Kmpl "ro Protection and o . deroi ,KmpI "ro Protection and o CooiV, ,.,notlco b0 80lV0,i on tho r DaX Water Coinmiiiv tn nvtm.,1 nothftcA0 Bui)l)'y the8 hydinnts Wlm.nha? Octobor l 1912' that S an,A,lon wanted to know tost and aa,,ltl0al hydrants would n is, M .to111 H wouia b0 uo- thona..$BC eacU' 1'robably. Wre I. Jxt ihu" u ,n,8,'t not re to ney ll1 but Actl"S c At 'talLin".11 po,nt0 t that tho dered a!" of lho hydrants was or Wlnnln. ,addltional grounds for t0Panv Mlon against the water Theordin,? forco adequate service !m. fumance was imsse.i i.v n nn. "te of the council. Councils" !teml' ' ll,PollcvTn? A,len 8a'd that It was ZZlSLmi to wishes (Oontl lnued on pago 2.) STRAW VETOES AMENDMENTS Changes In Building Ordinance Knocked Out by Mayor Council Proceedings. Mayor Straw last overling roturn- od to tho city council his veto of tho ordlnnnco onactod nt tho Inst mooting nmondlng tho building laws by permitting Improvements costing loss thnn $100 to bo mado outsldo tho flro limits without n building per mit nnd oIbo permitting tho moving of buildings insldo tho flro limits whoro It docs not Incronso tho Insur ant rnto or flo hazard. In compllanoo with tho charter, tho original ordlnnnco providing for tho amendments was again put to a voto but failed to carry ovor tho mayor'H voto. Councllmon Allen, Forguson, Morcliant nnd Copplo voted for It nnd Councilman Savngo against It. It requires flvo of tho six votes In tho council to pnss a moasuro ovor tho mayor's veto. Councilman Snv ago snld that ho hnd originally voted for tho amendment but that was when ho understood that tho build ing Inspector was to bo plncod on n flat salary. Sluco tho council had boon unablo to agrco on a flat sal ary ho did not think It was right to expect tho inspector to look nftor work that ho was not paid for and consoquontly ho voted ngalnst It. In his messngo to tho council veto ing tho ordlnnncc, Mayor Straw stilted thnt ho though tho nincnd monts wero dangerous and objection nblo bocauso thoy allowed tho mov ing of buildings and their alteration nnd ropnlr without any pormlt nnd consequently without inspection or investigation. Ho said that J10 thought mat Marslillold now had about as good laws In- this respect ns any town of tho slzo that he know. Uo pointed out tho dangor of hazardous, unsightly nnd unsnnltary structures In any community unless thoro Is public regulation of thorn and stated that tho pormlt systom was tho only moans of obtaining this supervision. Ho said thnt a fow yearn ago a man was killed in Mnrshflold by the col lapse of n structuro thnt wan not being properly oroctod. As to tho cost of tho permits working a hard ship ou peoplo proposing to Improvo, ho doclarod that ho would pay for tho pormlt of any man who would npponr boforo tho council and indl cnto this was a drawback. I'nve North Front Street. C. F. McKnlght prosontod n peti tion from North Front streot prop orty ownora asking thnt tho streot which was recently filled by tho drodgo bo pavod with bitumen. Koar ly all tho resident proporty owners with tho oxception of Clnudo Nashurg nnd tho Nnnburg estato had signed It, ho snld. Ho utntod that tho prop orty owners and tho Coos Uny Pav ing nnd Construction Company had ngreod on a prlco for tho pnvlng. As tho plans and specifications for tho paving hnd not yot boon prepnrod by tho city onglncer, ho snld tho council might snvo tlmo and money by bimply ordoring them for tho bltu mon Instead of for nil tho different kinds of paving. City Engineer Gldloy said that ho had planned to proparo plans and specifications for tho threo different kinds of paving that nro now being consldorod In Mnrshflold but as long ns nenrly all tho proporty owners had signed up for bitumen on this streot ho thought that It would bo well to comply with their wlBhes. Tho councllmon nnd Mayor Strnw oxpressod a similar view. Claude Nashurg nnd R. K. Rooth suggested thnt all bo given a chunco but when It was pointed out to them thnt n largo majority of tho proporty own ers had signed for bitumen nnd thnt It would bo useless to try and get any othor kind, thoy withdrew their roquest. Mr. Small of tho company stated that tho work was to bo done nt a cost of not exceeding $2.25 per sunro ynrd. Tho Nolson Iron Works woro given permission to uso temporarily Dato street for trncks for hauling cars to and from tho wator front . Tho ordinanco reducing tho quar terly Hcenso of moving picture shows, theaters, etc., from $35 to $30 was passed. Warrants for $7G for tho support of tho Mnrshflold Public Library nnd $150 for the Coos Day Concert Band were ordered drawn. Cal. Langworthy was ordered re bated for two months on his annual license for electric wiring. Ho did not begin until tho last of February but the ordinance required him to take out a license for a year. The rebate amounts to a little over $4.00. Tho council adjourned to meet III FORCES ARE WORKING HARD Roosevelt Leaders Charge President With Trying to In timidate Federal Office Holders. ' (Dy Associated Frees to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, March 5. Tho na tional Roosovolt headquarters today gavo out tho following statement: "Furthor ovldenco of tho mnnner In which tho administration cam paign rannagors aro conducting tho light for dclogatca has como to light in tho form of a circular letter, be ing sent to postmastors and othor fodoral omploycs throughout tho northwest. That a slmllnr form of lottor Is bolng sont through tho south FEAR STRIKE IN Coal Miners in Pennsylvania Anthracite Field May Walk Out March 21. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, March G. Tho nn thrnclto operators havo doclded to reject tho domnnds of tho minors for Increased pay. Tho committee was appointed to notify tho union officials of tho result. Tho operators woro In session to decido on a courso of nctlon In refer on co to tho domnnds of tho conl minors. Thoy roportod no chango In tho miners' domnnds which woro for a twenty por cent Increase ln wages, recognition of tho union, n reduction in tho working day from nlno to eight hours without a reduc tion in pay, and other concessions. 8UPPLV ON IIAND. AMERICA Operator Havo Enough Coal to Last a Month in Cnso of Strike. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlntoa.) NEW YORK, March G. Though no logical reason Is given why tho Drltlsh conl striko should nffoct In dustry horo, It was said boforo tho conference of anthraclto operators to day that thoy foar tho moral offect on Amorlcan minors of a victory by English workors. OporntorB estl mata tho supply of anthraclto coal on hand In tho various Holds to bo about ton million tons. This will Inst about one month. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WILKESDARRE, Pa., Mnrch 5. Tt in natliiintnil hnrn bv anthraclto coal workors that thoro aro about bIx million tons of coal in siorago in preparation for striko which may nnmn wlinn nxlstlncr acreomont ex pires March 21. Thoro aro also about two million tons in now ont uny nt present, this bolng half a million tons above normal supply. Most of tho railroads havo about one month's SUPply On jialld. .n-n-n-TLra-a-J- two weeks from last night. New (inrlingo Dump. Owing to tho injunction socuro.l by Duncan Ferguson prohibiting tho city from using tho old garbage dump, tho lease on tlio hongsincKen proporty used tor thut purposo was ordored cancellod. Councilman Copplo roportod that they had secured anothor dump about a quurtor of a mllo west of tho pros ont ono that could bo used on tho agreemont that tho rofuso would bo burled In the deop gulch thoro by grading down tho ombankmont and piling tho dirt on top of It. The rontal Is tho samo as is paid for tho present one, $15 por month. In !ow of the extra work of covering tho garbage with dirt, It was agreed to pay W. H. Lingo $20 por month for caring for It Instead of $15, tho amount ho Is now paid. Acting City Attorney Kondall wanted to know what ho was to do about Ferguson's Injunction suit re straining the city from using tho present garbage dump and ho was told to forgot It. Specify SHEUWIX-W I L L I A M S PAINT, tho best, at .MILXEIt'S. NOTICE TO SOCIALISTS. All members of Marshfleld Local Dranch 1, Socialist party, aro noti fied to bo present at a meeting to bo held Wednesday evening at 7:30. nt their hall. Everyono is urged to be present as there will bo Important business. A. J. STEPHAN, Secretary. FIRST quality MAYNARD SHOV ELS from factory, at MILNER'S. alroady has been stntcd but its exact terms havo not yot como to light. "Tho letters rocolvod by fodoral omploycs ln tho northwest aro very dollcatcly worded. Such letters as only tho pen of tho diplomatic Mr. McKlnlcy could woll turn out nnd nbound ln veiled threats and plastic praise. "Uoundless cnthusInBm Is express ed nnd it 1b declared without hesita tion that tho sontlment ln favor of tho nomination of Tatt Is rapidly growing. "Hints aro thrown out that tho asslstanco of nil good olllco holders Is needed, Mr. McKlnloy ovldontly forgottlng tho optimism expressed In tho preceding paragraph." It is Bald soveral hundrod such letters wero sent and others moro porsonni nro ooing propnreu STRIKERS TO UM WO Eastern Textile Mill Managers Say Many of the Men Are Returning to Jobs. (Dy Associated Press to Cooi Day Tlmof.) LAWRENCE, Mass., March G. A gcnornl return to work by tho om ploycs within a Bhort tlmo Is pre dicted by tho tcxtllo mill managers today, following tho announcement thnt 3000 operatives who havo been on striko havo nlrondy resumed work, It Is admitted that tho ranks of tho strlkors havo rocolvod additions, but tho desire of tho strikers to return to work seems moro general. It Is estimated nt tho Pacific-Arlington mills 'that eighty por cont of tho workers have returned and nenrly ono-half of the employes of tho Washington mills nro working. Plans of tho Industrial Workors of tho World leadors for genorul picketing did not mntorlnllzo. MRS. TAFT PRESENT. President's Wife Hears Tales of Woo From Tcxtllo Strike. eDy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, March G. Mrs. William Howard Taft, wlfo of tho president, was an Intorosted llntonor to tho talcs of alleged oppression and cruelty In tho Lawrence tcxtllo striko ns told to tho Houbo Rules Coramlttco when It resumed Its con sideration of tho Industrial struggle In the mill city. AMERICANS TO QUIT M Large Number Rush From Scene of Revolt to El Paso Fear Anarchy. (Dy Day Associated Press tc Coos Times.) EL PASO, March 5. If tho ro- ports brought to this city nro corroct hundreds of Amorlcans and othor res idents of Mexico will flock horo with in tho courso of n wook. They havo placod a most BorJous construction on Taft'B wnrnlng, nnd aro getting out of tho country, which scorns to tnom doomed to anarchy. A train with n largo numbor of Amorlcans aboard loft Chihuahua to day, according to Moxlcan Central of ficials. Tho train is duo hero tonight. Tho robols are roportod in peaceful possession of tho Chlhuahun, rank ing rondy for ndvnnco on tho City of Mexico. (Dy Associated Press to Coob Day Times.) LAREDO, Texas, March 5. About sovonty-flvo Amorlcans, mostly wom en and children, passed through horo from Mexico en routo north. PROIIE SHIPPING TRUST. NEVER FORGET that HAINES has good flour. Houbo Passes Resolution Ordering Investigation. (Dy Associated Press to Cood Day Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, March 6. Tho House today unanimously passed a resolution calling for an Investiga tion nf tho so-called sldnnlnir trust by the commltteo on merchant mariuo and fisheries. NOTICE TO ELKS. All members of Marshfleld Lodge, No. 1160, D. P. O. E., and all visit ing Elks are requested to be present at initiation and social session Wed nesday evening. Dig doings. Como. GEO. GOODRUM, Acting Secretary. L IN IS S EAOING VSVVNVS . S RECORD CLEAR Calls Attention to Statement Last January Regarding His Possible Candidacy. ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, March G. To clear up conflicting statements as to what ho had said In tho paBt regarding tho presidential nomination. Thoo doro Roosovolt mndo public today a lottor which ho wrote to Frank Munaoy, publisher, last January. Ho callod particular attention to a pass ago ln tho lottor which whllo stating ho would not bo a candidate do clarcd that ho would not go on rocord as bolng unwilling to accept tho nom Inatlon. STRONG FOR HOOSEVELT. Texas State Republican Commltteo KiMiorscH nun 'lociay. (Dy Asoclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) FORT WORTH, Toxas, March G. Dy a voto of 27 to 1 tho candidacy of Colonol Iloosovolt was omiorsou hr tlm Tnxnii Stntn Ronubllcnn Ex- ocutlvo commltteo. Tho supportors of Tnft doclded to carry tho light bo foro tho votorB by some method yot to bo worked out. WILL PRODE POLITICS. Investigation of Alleged Coercion of Postmasters Asked. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON. Mnrch 4. Thorough Investigation to dotormlno whether postmastors aro bolng coor Irml In tlm IntnrnRt. nf nnv nrosldcn tlnl candldato 1b contemplated In a resolution Introduced today by Son ator Dristow of Kansas, a progres sive Republican. Porto Rico Dill. (Dy Associated Proes to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, March 5. Tho Houso has paBsod tho bill granting citizenship to tho peoplo of Porto Rico. It now goes to tno senate W Si TO QUIT NOW Mississippi Legislature Calls on Leroy Percy to Keep Political Promise. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Timea.) JACKSON, Miss., March G. A Joint resolution domandlng tho resig nation of United Statos Sonntor Lo Roy Percy wns ndoptod by both Housos of tho Mississippi Leglslaturo today. Tho rosolutlon rocltoa an al logod promiso of Percy to resign if ho should bo dofoatod In tho Domocratlo primary oloctlon last summer. For mer Governor James K. Vnrdaman won tho nomination ovor Percy In the primary. SMELTER CASE UP. Taft Gets HcnrliiK for Fanners Near Anaconda, Mont. Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.; WASHINGTON. March 4. Tho supromo court announced today Its rinnicinn in rnvlnw action from tho ninth district United States Circuit Court of Appoals, which domed re lief to tho farmers of Deer Lodgo Vnllnv frnm tlio flimOS Of tllO Bmolters at Anaconda, Montana. Tho farmers recontly appealed to rresi- dent Taft Tor niu in inoir caso. Fishing TACKLE at Mllnor's. , NOTICE Hall of Arago, Chapter R. A. M., No. 22. Compan ions: You aro hereby notified that a special convocation has boon called for Tuesday evening, March 6. Work ln Mark Master De gree. You will therefore govern your self accordingly. Dy order of the High Priest. i?'j'llllN Terrible Scenes Enacted Near Canton May Cause For eign Intervention. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS FORMING ROBBER BANDS Over 3000 Former Pirates Dis chargedRussian and Jap Troops Arrive. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day; Times.) PEKIN, March G. A loiter from a missionary nt Hwang Talon, noar Chi Fu, rocolvod hero today statos tho imporlnl troops put out tho oyos of forty Christian converts and thon naturally rebels. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Bay? Times.) HONG KONG, March 5. Sorious unrest continues In tho provinces of Kwang Tung nnd Kwnng Si, whoro many discharged soldiers havo taken to murdering nnd looting. Tho hills along tho West river nro fortified as a protection ngalnst tho marauding bands. Responsible Chinese assort torrlblo scones nro bolng onnctod dally In tho vicinity of Canton. Thoso porsons doclaro that If tho truo facta woro known abroad tho foreign powors would Intorfero and put u stop to tho slaughter and looting. In Cnntoh yesterday 3000 soldiers, who formerly wero pirates, woro dis armed, paid off and mustorod out as not trustworthy. Thoy woro aur roundod by 7000 troops until thoy loft tho city., Thoy nro oxpocted to form themselves Into robbor bands. CAPITAL AT PEKIN. Republican Lcndcnt Will Mnko Head quarters Thoro Again. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NANKIN, March G. In an of fort to rostoro ordor and Inaugurato n stablo govornment, tt is understood that Dr. Sun Yat Son and his ad visors havo decided to go to Pokln and mnko that city, for tho prosont at least, tho capital of tho now republic. This stop wns rognrdod ndvlsablo on account of tho mutinious spirit ovlnc od by tho troops In tho vicinity of tho city of Pokln nnd tho genoral unrest. HEAVY LOSS OF LIFE. Over IOOO Slain In Clnsh Ilctwocn Villagers nnd Republicans. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WEI HAI WEI, China, March 5. It Is estimated that 1000 pooplo woro killed In tho courso of tho rocont fighting botweon tho republicans and villagors outsldo tho Drltlsh conces sion horo. Tho ropubllcnn troops aro now in comploto control of the situation. MORE TROOPS COMING. Humor of Attack on Chinese Seaport Not Confirmed. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) TIEN TSIN, March G. Two Unl tod Stntea gunboats havo boon ordor ed to procoed to Taku at tho mouth of T)lho rlvor, thirty mllos southeast of this city. Throo battalions of Japa nese troops nro oxpectod to arrlvo horo to rolnforco tho international garrison. RoportB persist In Chlnoso circles that a body of nntlvo troops aro ad vancing on Tion Tsln but no con firmation of tho rumor has boon obtained, Russia Sends Troops. Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) HARDIN, China, March G. Throo companies of Russian troops havo boon ordored to proceed from hero to Tion Tsln at tho roquest of tho Rus sian consul. ORIn2 IN OKLAHOMA. Claim Three Wero Drugged, Oiled and Cremated, (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NOWATA, Okla., March 5. Har vey Hurst, his wlfo and Elslo Adams, who on tho night of February 3 woro found dead in tho burning ruins of their homo, woro drugged, thon cov orod with oil and burnod, according to tho tostlmony of Edwin DoDarr, stato chemist, at tho preliminary trial of L. C. Harkins, a sweothoart of Elslo Adams, who Is charged with tho murder. A storokoopor tostlflod that Harkins and Miss Adams bought candy the night tho deaths occurred ,-j and tho stato contends tno poison J was admlnlstorod by moans of tho candy. PLOWS, HARROWS aud CULTA VATORS at MJLNER'H. "4 'I