-.- m AGE US THE CARBURETOR AND SELF CONFIDENCE IS THE SPARK PLUG vt ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES (tas Saw tms WANT ADVERTISING In The TIMES Will Keep the Income from Yonr I'uniishcd Rooms from Laptlngt YOU can really help tho family revenues by renting a fow furnlBhod rooms anil, it you know how and when to use tho classified columns, you may keep that Uttlo extra Income as "steady bb a clock." fwiH l'ut Your ll011 Kstflt0 ",n the Market" Kiiccuvoiri Lt wui put the facta about your nerty UOIorO 1110 uyuBjjuuu ijub- lie buyers" in town. Aim u Te'a one 01 mum uu ui,ui w It, you'll boh in iiDKastggnazjzgTwiM MEMBER OP ASSOOIATKI) PRESS WVW KitnlMlHHi'd m " MARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, MARCH 2,-1912, EVENING EDITION, EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall g, 197 and Coom Hay Advertiser. A'AAV 4 Tin ( OilHl Adiit Mtfem II I mmvwmmm m L FOB fl TROOPS 10 PEKH 10 JTBAG 10 INCOME TAX MEASURE PROPOSED FORMER 000S COUNTY WHAN y nnoilal of China 'Con- til Into Vcr.tablc Chan nel House. )ER, LOOTING AND .LAGING bVLKTwntnt Troops Behead Rioters. lumor r-oreign ivhs- sionanes Slam. , - II CAN TROOPS MWIIKIJ TO PEKIN tnv Associated Press.) tanoN. March 2 Strong Mimonts of United BtntcH have been omorcu to n.Lniinodlntely. nocorOJiu: to patch received from that BKIN, .Mnrch 2. Tho for- BiiulstnrH Hero alter a -con- i . ... f.l.. ! Jki CO Ut'l'liieu io uriB unu -w nil nvallnblo foreign troops Incil at the ports of China.-' ra of 1000 of Uvp various nnlitloH will arrive- Hero ' NO 01 TO ASK ELECTION The Marshfield '.Improvement League Discusses Water Question ancliElection. At a mooting of tho nowly formed clvlo organization, to bo called "tho MnrshnpJd Improvement League,' last ovonlng 'Goorgo Dalnca was tho only ono present who favored tho calling of a speciial cloutlon byituo city c-oun-ell for the purposo of voting on 'T. J. Nolan'H proposition to soli tho vn tor worlcs to tho city for ? 100,000. When tlicaunttur enmo up, thoro.wero twenty or moro woll known Marsh- Held men present. Councilman Cop I plo, who was prciiont, stated that tie wouldlllurfn 2avo.nnioxpTCHSlon from , tliu gatnorlug about tho matter. lii Raid that 1m hnd opponod tho ape rial olcrtlon. not becauho ho didn't want to tll?.w the people to cxprohs t'loir.KolTew ami Iwnuii lie fell thai Bocteicd Prow to Coos itlay to ask tsw cn-ii'lle to nxpresH t'lom- TlmeH , &lvos a .to wht'luor tJit-y wo'u in iiurrt 2. -Although f .. ?y"r..of n 0.?0ftfor a prop. f ,.l r. Iw.t.nitHmr I,. Il,,,""1 mill C3nmwiII-llHI lOOKf I . $ House Democratic Caucus Takes Sensational Action in Favoring It for All Incomes Over $5000 Per Year. ( Hy Asoclate I Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, March 2. Tho Uoiiro and Senuto leaders of nil Bhadcs of political belief gnvo thorn Bolves over today to a discussion of the sensational action of tho House Democratic caucus lust night indors ing what is In effect an lneomo tax on all not Incomes, Including salaries nbovo $5000 a yoar. That tho Houso will pasBtho moasuro by a -party voto within the noxt tea days or two weoks Is -taken for granted. Discussion thcroforo turned largo ly on tho rocoptlon of tholblll In tho Sonata. Its fato thoro BOoniB doubt ful. Plans of tho Houso loaders had tlio hill apparently will extend the excise law now rotating to corpora tions so as to lnclutlo co-partnerships and Individuals. Tho bill Is to be urged upon tho Houso ahead of tho bill to put sugar on tho "frco list." It was to mnko up a dollcit of moro than $50,000 to bo loBt in tho cus toms revenuo on sugar that tho now taxing monsuro was devised. Tho now plan of tho Democrats took tholr Republican colleagues entirely by surprise. Many of them have- not re covered sufficiently to bo willing to talk for publication. BRYAN APPROVES HILLS. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SEATTLE, "Wash., Mnrch 2. Wil liam J. Dryan today expressed his en tire approval of tho incomo tax and tho frco sugar bills Indorsed by tho mitcjenwhoUyBjclosj imm.nhled by Yuan iSKI 'Kfcl MAUI CHICKS BURNED ALIVE About :JG0 little chliflfo and fifty chickens woro crannied .nllvo In n lira which destroyed tho poultry yard of Walter Spado bolow Ferndnlo about 2 O'clock thf morning. Tho loss Ih about $300. Ho (lid not have any insurance Tlio flr Is supposed to 'havo origi nated from the explosion of an oil lit wire thuiiiHe'vcH engaged" "."" il'lare:i rlillc-MouH-to blm,i hentor in tho broodor. Ttt'lio llttlo kiB. H.ey fouglO the itt.rH'.7l0W0V7;1 '11". f to It foiin 1 wis worth only .bout ) him. aur conxldnr-i Chicks. jHJuontlv hMrlind iin nn in. the outskirts or the dlty. ' ul1 number tiff pi-oplo rtf .Varshllelfl, cubator, wro bolnir iept warm by oiitTh lliey look -we buii-, "" "" ""v o irnu imviuu hi. im:, ihc uii rinvc, iiie aire ;ni gainea Bccnpltat.d mnoy 'hcadlmH! mw-ung, wnuti ni'iicato -mat tnoy .consldoraiae hoadwy w'hem dlscov- nw ni? n tlio ntn.t in , "iinioi win nflraiinu uucciicmi -now. n.wreu. "" '" .- :" . .. - - .......i.i .,....... .t .n ..... i m.. Mnnu Willi. ull'iunI i'Iii.i1 ""Kin nuiiiiuii niv lliuillinin' liruviii- dull and many houm-fl -Hot -on I'l'lKftor It. cMltnn popuTaiKtin Inn: iioipwii mnq .nllienHVJcClarcd lill forthlrd prlvattj prt.mlst'H, "mi mt. u)jpm wiib right in op Irrlnrditi havo been eriictid I'OHlnj; tho spotlh.l election nd that Irwin. A largo part of Tao f inoy and tno rcKtiaf tlit,poxhi didn't IriiH liurnod and lootoA. c want to bo rxjmUderoiI ho half-baked TillfRlonarloH havo boon j as to think of pitying '$1(10,000 for ro by On mutineers t Tao (ion.etUing that -wmuwortli only ,f 1.10,- vconllng to a rt'port ro-v.00. Plnatlr dlialrmaii ILowan tiitonOng en today. It Is thought hvwover. In welt informed bat only ono or two havo ed. It Is'bollovod thrr -wcro ttlnillcs. lldenHhat all uoldlors In tlio ChlnofiO'army aro 1n -an It Initio pillaging movement. unaor tho hollof that tlra republican delegates from man Hill Kal moans the of tht nortbern troops from lea Ulogranhed todav to LI Yuen Ileng. commnndor of tucna troops at Nanking and vnrd nskod- tl nt anyant- j.reuu!mitnvrlsh Ml to hnvo the niattor snbmltUid to .n voto .now to say o .and Goo. Unlncs wis tho only one responding. Thoro was not ai vory large at tendance nt Ut nlglit'ii mooting, which wnn hold in tlio Finnish hall. ,Tiit .monyijorablp ocaoralUoo of itlio new organization had Jiot boon able to got to -work nnd tho committee on .taming i tho orgajilr.utldii and ar ranging other mattors concerning tho permanent orgunlz&Umi could -not re jiort owing to Chairman .I. C. Ken- ilall being Ia Ilandoa. Air. Ittolgnrd Tho .Mcnitifleld F5Lre iDwiartmont responded with Engine Jo. I and liooo enru'o. 1 nnd Is'o. iirospond- ;u hi iiiu ltp.i uiurin, uui uh ijio pince was about t.000 foot from lire noarcst liydrant they could -nocomplish lit- ilJc. (The wlnd'kopt tho flames 1tom' tho houso, but owing to Uus oil jit wab ticred for a. itlmo that itlio homo would bo endangorod. SMALL BLAZE AT ; VICTIM OF STRANGE TRAGEDY M TO GET PLANTS RERE Kuvtr Longer Itchlilciac. Tlw quettlon about tho proposed cuanno In o city charter relative to elections was discussed at length. Hkxry Jloy nnd a numbor of others urjed -tlmt tlio nlnety-dny quallOca-'ren from Lawronco attracted much Hon for votlnj; in tne out cnartor ueaitoutlon. .. ii lil J faut hi Ittnn Vtai I oiiI.aIiiiI (Iin lllJ, ron"bU',tl-N'rM'oll Improvemwit Leaguo as .. S ""' l" '.'. nl'o nanio for tho orKiinbiutiun. A natno foreign ministers r,nlinitft,i i ,,.,, fr ....ruin. tCZX'RK?:1 "'"tln: P1? nnd to d.s.gaato rill tin hW Rniiinl.. n7Vi. Ul nignu iu:'-"iig, mo orKiuiuu KarbrntS.folUtUh '' .''"VU'B .clodded to hold ...vo Huan nhf imn . SMB " 'f'11' I'ln COatrol In PnWn. t rn. do scon wnothor they aro pjr mnn uio muthioors. f"Kn rroops" l'lmiM. ion of the minister -In call- ioreign troops to Pokln on at a meotlnc r.nn. i rMiilt of a communication onao it, aRklng tho pow- ! fflPafUlroa tn nrnvnnl fur. el'Pd mid Iosh erf nrnn.irlv funlcarion Is rfgarded as out iiks foreign ministers uio action was neccfl- b loreign troops will bo nd will patrol the Hy 1 day time. pCn IS TiOOTRD. 'ed Press io Coos Bay Times.) March 2. A serious re- "' iue aiBorder occurred 1 & detnohlllnnt nf n.HL by a blind mnrnh,l !. Me Kuol Hslan, father of Kit- nJEDr nnd "holled fate. They lootod much Fi ouraod a portion of tho IUTINY AT Mrntnrcv fated Press to Coos Day Jiraea.) Xfftrh O rrt . Chinese ifrll"; fisarmed and n0i.n.,.i.i ?"tlly. The Othnr trnnn- Llpjhe barracks. -S? S!fSEAKKW candy SAT.rc n o. . 2LDAY at STAFFnnn'fl. f Q ANNOUNCEaiENT1 li AllfAn h.tti ' lm v" w open her ru?"aer millinery In Coos rrKet avenue. Mnrai,fli fMarch 6. C0?,P Blanco hotel. ILE8, 4,U"V and ES DANGER OF PASSPORT The line homo of Carl Anderson at I3ny Park, one of tho best In that addition, narrowly oscnpod ibolng de stroyed by Jluo this morning. Hnd lt not been' for tho prompt action of W.m. Jlruman, who rooms. at tho An derson homo, tho place would havo 3robnfa)y been destroyed. The II ro originated la. the kitchen, .evidently from a spark .from tho range. It had gained oonuldorablo llicadmny whca tho nunse dliKiovorod jit. .Mr.. Uurman was mtSeepLiip-Btnlrs, ibut .promptly mspondad. and by utll- Uzlng in .barrel f water lcept on tho 'back -jvoroh oxtlngulshrd tlio blnzo liufnroat spread from the Idtehon. Mrs. Andcrscm nnd two-Uays-old bifnnt'ran were In tho liouue at tho tinio nnd much lanxtoty wns fjclt for Uium. , The loss Is fully covered "by Insur uico, Angudt ;Rrlzoon, thi local ae&nt of 'tho company, staler! tills moratitg. MOR (Dy Aaiioclatod Proas to Coos Bay Timos.) WASICINGTON, Wnrch 2. Itepno- Hontntlvo WIIhoii of Itonnsylvanla told tlio House coninilUei) on rules todny that tho action of tho MnssachusottB uoldlors In stopping tho romovnl of the striken' children from Lawrence wan tho beginning of tlw passport sys tem In tno united states, itepro- Honttttlvo Wllaon argued that tho fed- oral eovornmont had the jiower to In torforo whon tho power of tho stnto was being used against tlio citizens. Tho delegation of strikers and clill- rotalued instead of biug changed to thirty days, mi City Attorney Goes and others had favored. Mr. dloy said that In t&'tlng this stand Mr. Goss was simply nctlng .In conform ity with a sfand ho was taking In tho mayoralty election contost in behalf of Mayor Straw. Mr. Hoy said that If tho 30-day qualification was con stitutional he bQlkavod that tho ninety-day provision was, also. Tho sontlment of Uio mceUng ap- poarod to bo in favor of the ninety day qualification and Jl. A. Copplo ald that if lt was detlrod to havo It made ninety days a commltteo should bo appointed to wait on tho council and urge tho cunngo. Ho mild that ho had noticed that when ever a commltteo appeared before tho council thoy got about wnat tnoy wanted. He said bo had opposed the change from nluoty days to thirty days an long ns he count nno now thought If tho league would appoint a half dozen strong lungod men to appoar beforo the council thoy might got lt changed back. Chairman How ard appointed Messrs. Rolgard, Hoy, Albrecht, O'Connell, Daines and Ras muBsen to take tho matter up with the councllmen Individually and at noxt Monday night's mooting to have tho ninety-day provision restored. This change also brought up a discussion of tho proposed division of tho proposed division of tho city In to wards. C. I. Relgard spoke against It, saying that the ward system was being discarded by all tho up-to-date cities and that If tho vote was too great to bo cast at one polling place the city could bo di vided into voting precincts. I. S. Smith, H, G. Hoy and others thought it would not do any harm to try the ward systom and If lt didn't (Continued on page 1.) Samuel Gompors, president of tho Amorlcan Federation of Labor, was piasont, as was John Golden, presi dent of tho" Textile Workers' 'Union. Representative Dergor of Wluconsln asked for fedoral investigation of tho nffalr, particularly with roforonco to tho relations of tho Amorlcan Woolen Company to tho strike of its opera tives. "The Amorlcan Woolen Company," ho eald, "has for yoara boon tho re cipient of a government subsidy in the form of a high tariff. It has been claimed that this was levied to protect labor. Yet in spite of this claim, it is generally conceded that Its oporatlvea aro among tho lowest priced of those In any industry In America. This striko took placo as a revolt against a reduction of about 50 cents a woolc out of wages aver aging less than ?G per week." IJAIt DRRDGR IUDS. Illds on tho bar dredgo for im proving the Coos Day bar were opened by Major Morrow at Portland Wednesday. Tho Fruhllng Dredgo company of Now York and tho Seattle Construction Company were tho only bidders, bidding on several different types. Doth were inside tho $350, 000 lotnlt. Major Morrow will for ward the bids to tho war department. It Is likely tho Seattlo concern will got tho contract. Don't forget to see "MR. BOB" at the MASONIC OPERA nOUSE SAT URDAY EVENING. E WILL BE HIT Bf STRIKE (Dy Associated Frees ,to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, March 2. Great ports In tho United Kingdom, particularly thoso in Walds,. from which tho coal Is shipped to every part cet tho world and tho center of an Iron and stcol Industry, naturally wero tho first to ieol tho offectfl of tho strike of moro than 1,000,000 minors in England, Scotland ana Wales. Many iron works in tho various districts aor wows in tho vnrlous districts aro In .Swansea 1b at n fltiindstlll. Tho tin pinto works in Walee aro closing, owing to a Inck of coal. Six hun dred mills will bo Idle is a fow days and 40,000 will be out of employ ment. Prices of food nro Incrcatlng rapidly vorywhero. Chamber of Commerce to Try to Bring in New Industries. Other Business. At a meeting of tho Mnrshflold Chambor of Commorco Inst ovonlng, a plan submitted by tho special com mltteo on the location of now Indus trios hero to sccuro additional fac tories was approved and arrange ments made to carry lt out. Tho plan Is to Bond copies of tho spe cial edition whlcli Tho Coos Day Times will l6suo In a wook or so to about 1200 wood working or manu facturing establishments throughout tho country with n vlow to Interest ing thorn In Coos county ns nn ex cellent location. Tho spcclnl editions will bo followed up by letters giving oven moro dotallod Information In roforonco to tho particular indus tries. This Is tho most systematic effort, according to statements by members Inst evening, that tho Cham ber of Commorco has oTor mado to bring now InduBtrlcs to tho bay. Dr. McCormac, ns president, pro- Bldwl ntlnBt evening's meoting. Thoro was only a fair attendance. KxiMsltlon Commltteo. Tlio following commltteo was ap pointed to act with othor Oregon delegations In selecting a slto nt tho Panama-Pacific exposition grounds in San Frnndlsco Mnrch 11 for tho Ore gon building: F. S. Dow, J. V. Smoaton, Arno Moroon, C. A. Smith, G. X. Wond llng, C. J. Mlllls, L. J. Simpson, S. D. Mngncs nnd J. M. DInko. Othors may also bo added if it Is found that -any other Coos Day mon are planning to bo 1n Snn Francisco about that time. It was decided to hold a special meoting noxt Friday night to tnko up tho question of closing Mill Slough. Mrs. Nettie Whetstone, Daugh ter of Late County Treas urer Dulley, Shot. WOUNDED BY NEGRO; PECULIAR INFATUATION Stewart Coleman Commits Suicide After Writing Note of Explaination. (Special to Tho Times.) PORTLAND, Or., March 2. Infat uated with n woman with whom ho wns not acquainted nnd to whom ho had novor spokon, Stowart Coloman, n colored man, last night shot and seriously Injured Mre-. Nottlo Whot Btono, who is said to bo n daughtor of J. D. Dulley, a formor treasurer of Coos county. Dollovlng thnt ho had killed tho woman, tho negro commlttod suicide. Ho left a noto saying ho hnd fallen In lovo with tho woman and nftor fol lowing hor about two weoks and ro nllzlng ho novcr could hope to marry hor ho doctdod that no ono olso should. Mrs. Whotstono wns em ployed as a domestic in a local hotol. IS KNOWN HERE. Mrn. Nottlo Wlictstono Left Coqiillle About Eighteen Montlm Ago. Tho news of tho nbovo tragody wllL bo rocolvod with sorrow-by tho many frlondB of tho Dulloy family In Cooa county. Mrs. Whotstono was born and raised Jn this county, having upom mosi or nor uio nonr Sumnor and on tho Coqullle. Judgo Jbhn F. Hall stated this afternoon that Mrs. Whotstono left Coqulllo with horr hiiBband nbout eighteen months ago for Portland. Her fathor died a fow years ago. Ho had sorvod as county troasuror for many yoarB nnd died' In ofllco, T. M. DImmIck bolng ap- . pointed to succeed him. A brother of Mrs. Whotstono re . sides In or near Coqulllo. Llttlo has boon heard of hor or hor hus band slnco her doparturo n couplo of: . yoars ago. BANK ADITS GIVE BATTLE FAILS TO END STRIKE. SPALDING Daseballs, BATS, Mitts and GLOVES at MILNEIt'S. ASIC your DOCTOR about nAINES FLOUR. For Houso CLEANING UBe SnER-WIN-WILLTAMB PAINTS and VAR NISnES at MILNER'S (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LAWRENCE, Mass., March 2. Despite yesterday's announcement of increased wages in nil but two of tho textile mills the strlko Is oftlclally no nearer settlement today than bo- foro tho news of the Increase was received. The nttltudo of tho strlko loadors and many members of tho organized labor bodies contlnuod strongly In support of tho original demands which groatly exceedod tho offer made by tho mill owners. ALONO THE WATER FRONT. The Nnnn Smith sailed today with a cargo of lumber from tho Smith mill for Day Point. Tho Randolph left this morning for Rogue river points nnd Port Orford with frolght and passengers. Tho Redondo Is due In early to morrow frm Snn Francisco and will sail from here again Tuesday noon. The tug Gleaner arrived in port jesterday from Umpqua river nnd Is waiting to tow the schooner Lily out to sea as soon as that vessel has fin ished loading lumber. It Is expected that they will leave tomorrow. "the wonder" Millinery store will be open for business In the Odd Fellows' building on Front Front street, Marshfleld, on Wednesday, March 6. The public la cordially Invited to come and Inspect the stock. TROUT FLIES, Silk Lines, LEAD ERS and POLES at MILNER'S. SAD CASE OF OREGON WOMAN (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) SALEM, Oro.r March 2". De spondent over hor Inability to oarn sulllclont monoy to keep hor foun children from stnrvntlon, Mrs. L. F. Jollson, ngod 30, admlnlstorod a drink of cynnldo of pt.tnsslum to each of thorn and then drank n fatal doso herself. All flvo woro dead at noon today. Tho tragodv occurrmi in Mm linm-i (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay ot the city In tho rear of a houso Times.) ucciipiou oy tno family. Tho pollco MONTREAL. Canada. March 2 knm? notIlnB of It until n lottor wna Surprised whllo thoy wero dynnmlt-1 1? 0,vo" tnro,Kl1 " mlla tolling of Ing the Wost Montreal branch of tho Royal Bank horo onrly today, a gang of flvo bandits, all maskod and hoav lly armed, dolled tho pollco posso and gave battlo. Ono robbor wns klllod outright and Charlos Fltz- pamcK, son of tho local chief of po iico, was uaujy wounuou, tho purposo of the woman tn win her children nnd horsolf. Tho let-, tor rond: "I. know tho law requires nn In vestigation. Do ns llttlo as posslblo. Tho plain fact Is I cannot oarn enough monoy nlono to kemi from starving. Somo ono Induced my boy of tho robbers was captured a battlo ; to l01"'0, nnl now l mu to 4 occurred In the outskirts and tho'..' .' cnH?t seo thorn starve. othors aro being closoly pursuod. I ," . , 11, ," "",0, n,?"y ,u mV I'"0 No loot wns taken from tho bank. ,,ut Ji 1 ,t,bur' "8 nl - two more of tho robbors fell un-i!' r uy"'.,u ""uu BO mc. C.s. dor tho flro of tho doIIco nnd woro seriously woundod. The attempted robbory was ono of tho most daring In th history of uanaua. i-asi night a Canadian Pa cific Railway watchman saw tho men loltorlng around tho station and tracked them without bolng noticed. Early this morning ho saw tho mon crawling through tho bank window, tho protecting bars having boon saw od through. Ho notified tho pollco and a posso surroundod tho building. Suddenly a terrific explosion In tho bank completely wrockod it. In tho confusion tho robbors mado tholr es cape but lator wero cornered In a shack In tho outskirts of tho cltv. Tho chief of police and his son In tho face of a heavy revolver flro en tered tho building and engaged In a duel with tho men. Ono robbor was klllod outright and tho son of tho chief of pollco was badly wound ed. The two wounded robbors escapod with their pals. They probably owe tholr escape to tho fact that thoy woro oquippod with snowshoos and their pursuers wero hlndored by the doop snow and finally abandoned the chaso. TROUT LEADERS with LOOPS 30 Inches apart at MILNER'S. Don't forget to seo "MB. BOB" at tho MASONIC OPERA HOUSE SAT- uiiuax .u vjiiiiiv. turbnnco, but I am too confused to writo." Upon rocolpt of tho lottor tho po llco went to tho houso nnd finding lt locked wont to n tent whoro tho bodlos of tho flvo lay huddled to gothor. Tho bottlo which had contained cyanldo of potnsslum told tho Btory of tho final act In tho llfo tragody of tho family, Tho woman, It nppoars, had boon thrlco marrlod. The1 son roforred to as having run away was Russoll K. Strong, aged 17, tho son of a formor husband. The mother had beon do pendent upon him to help support tno ramlly. Tho husband's where about la unknown. Ho is said to TlAVE YOUR PHOTOS TAICEN at tho Quatormaaa Studio. Don't forgot tho placo, BARTER'S, opposite tho Blanco hotel, for ta males. ONLY a FEW DAYS LEFT to buy at a DISCOUNT from tho COOS BAY CASH STORE. YOU can ASSIST your WIFE by getting HAINES' FLOUR. Don't forgot to seo ".MR. BOB" at tho LSONIO OPERA HOUSE SAT URDAY EVENING. Good CANDY and good TAMALES at BARTER'S, opposite BLANCO hotol.