i -T-nrviJFSf-Tr " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY MARCH 1, 1912 EVENING EDITION - j I i S-3 I inii -SS COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor nnd Pub. DAN E. MALONEV News Editor MAETERLINCK PRIZE. THIS announcement thnt Maurico Maeterlinck Intends to establish a literary prize with the pro ceeds of his Nobel award, suggests a commendable spirit of appreciation nnd a deslro to bouoflt others in a way that may bo broadly holpful and encouraging. Tho Nobel prize amounted to $37, G50 and M. Maeterlinck will Increase this so as to provide annually J1C0O or $3200 biennially. He doslroB that tho prlzo bo awarded for the best work In tho Fronoh language, wheth er lltorary, artistic or scientific. Tho statement thnt genius is In clined to bo solflsh nnd envious of tho success of Its fellows Is donled by this and frequent similar Impulses on tho part of tho really great. his resolution cnlllng upon tho presi dent for the complete correspondonco with Colombia In connection with tho canal. From this, he said, ho ox pected tho people would know "whether wo are honest nnd Just and whethor tho tlmo has not como when wo should net tho part of decency if not generosity towards Colombia." Senator Hitchcock assailed tho Washington government's course nnd icfcrrcd to what ho said was tho blunt declaration of Roosevelt that he "took tho cannl zono." That POPULAR candy salo at STAFFORD'S SATURDAY and SUNDAY. Don't forgot to see "MR. 11011" at tho MASONIC OPERA HOUSE SAT URRAY EVENING. LOCAL OVERFLOW. TIMBER CRUISER'S estimate nnd scale books at NORTON & HAN-SEN'S. GRASS HAY TOR SALE, $10 por Ion. Will trnde for cattle, cows pro .'orred. W. U. Smith, Mlllicomn Coal Mine, or Phono 30G8. REAL MILK nnd REAL CREAM delivered to votir homo on FIVK MRS. CIIAS. JACKSON is reported MINUTES' NOTICE. PnONE 320.J. vory ill nt her homo on Catching Inlet. Rnyfl Auto Dr. Holllstor of North Bond hns purchased a thirty horse power Dulck runabout from Hubs Tower. It will bo delivered In April. F, A. Sacchi. FOR HOLLY Buys Properly 13. A. Elckworth has purchnso:! tho resldenco property of Mrs. Frod Hnuschldlt In West Marshflold and will improve it. Will Move Herman Conies is planning to niovo his clgnr storo from North Front Rtroot to tho Nelson building on Front street near How ard's Jowolry storo. Meet Tonight Tho civic organiza tion which was started at a meeting at tho Finnish hall Inst Friday ovo nlng will hold anothor mooting this ovonlng to perfect nnd nnmo tho organization. HorHcnien Out. As an Indication that spring Is here, local owners or bloodod horses nro bringing out their animals for training nt tho Fair grounds track. Mnrnhnl Nay was tho first ono to fool tho touch of spring nnd brought In his horse, "Chnrloy Foster," to got him In con lition for tho season's races. SALE ROSE HUSHES, AND FRUIT TREES. PHONE I0-.T. A. E. SHAMAN. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have 1LWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Ptclfli Livery & Transfer Co. r r-m ; i . ALONG.JHRJWATER. FRONTS r rno urenKwaior win pan ai a o'ciVcfc tomolrbw1 morning for Port land. - Jl Tho RedondlAsnlls today from San Francisco for GooV Bay and will roach here Sunday. j Tho Nnnn Smith, whjch arrived In late last evening fiwm Bny Point,' will sail early tomorrow. Tho Randolph Is duo to retjurn to day from Bandon to load n cargo of general merchandise for Curry county. Tho Excelsior arrived In this morn ing from San "Francisco, bringing in considerable freight which sho .dis charged at tho Alllnnco dock. Tho tug aicnnor enmo in today from Gardiner and will tow tho schooner Lily to -son and also take a cargo of genernl morchnndlso back to Gardiner. It Is stated that tho Bessie Dollar, tho big steam schooner, is duo In here between March 12 and March IB to load a cargo of about 3,500,000 feet of lumber nt tho Smith mill for Shanghai, China. Tho A. M. Simpson, tho new lumber schooner of tho Simpson Lumber Company Is scheduled to sail tomor- Jftnv Tor San" Francisco on horjnltlal iHp. Sho will carry about 800,000 feet of lumbor and will bo towod down by the tug Horculos from San Francisco. Tho Horcules Is duo Vo arrive horo tomorrow morning oarly. Tho A. M. Simpson will hnve tho oil burning npparntus Installed at San Francisco. Captain Bondorgnrd will command tho now vessel. Captain Edgar Simpson hnd planned to mnko tho initial trip on her, but will not bo nblo to do so. Tho tug Columbln, of which Captain Bondorgnrd has been master, will bo tied up, It Is understood. Don't forget to sco "MR. 11011" nt tho MASONIC OPERA HOUSE SAT URDAY EVENING. With 8nn .lose "Happy" Smith, a member of tho Coqulllo team In tho Coos county lengo sovoral years ago nnd who lator played out field on tho Brooklyn National Loaguo toam, will play with San Joso this yoar In tho Paclflo Const Loaguo. An Injurod arm that bothorod him last soason Is now roportod to bo in good condl tion again, E CANAL ATTACK TODAY Senator Hitchcock Scores Unit ed States for Actions Toward Colombia. ' (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, March 1. Tho Sonato adopted a resolution offored by Sonntor Hltchcook calling on Prcsidont Tnft to submit to the Son ato all tho correspondonco with Co lombia dealing with tho acquisition of tho Panama cunnl zono by tho United States. to Coos Bay I By Associated Press Times.) WASHINGTON, March 1. "Tho conspiracy which requited in tho dls mombormont of tho Colombian repub He occurred in tho United States with tho npprovnl of tho highest United , tlon in every pnrtlculnr. kivB umciais nnu mo spoiintlon was o conts nnd $1.00. Remomber. you Inrgoly in tho Intorost of a comblnn-rnn obtain RoxaU Remedies in Marsh tlon of influential capitalists who, Acid only nt our store Tho Lock controlled tho French Panama Canal J hart-Parsons Drug Co. "The nusy Company," declared Sonntor Hitch- Corner , cock of Nebraska in tho Sonnto todnv. TTT'"" . Hitchcock was speaking In support of HELPFUL HINTS ON HAIR Health. f'cnlr nnd Hnlr Troubles Generally Caused by Carelessness. Dandruff Is a contagious disease caused by a mlcrobo which also pro duces baldness. Never uso a comb or brush belonging to some ono olso. No matter how cleanly tho owner may be, thoso articles may bo Infect ed with microbes, which will Infect your scnlp. It Is far easier to catch hair microbes than It Is to get rid of them, and a single stroke of an Infected comb or brush may well lend to baldness. Never try on anybody elso's hat. Many n hnt-band Is n testing plnco for microbes. If you happen to bo troublod with dnndrutr, itching scnlp, falling hair or baldnoss, wo havo a romody which wo bollevo will complotoly relieve thoso troubles. Wo nro so suro of this that wo offer It to you with tho understanding that it costs you noth ing for tho trial If It doos not pro duco tho results wo claim. This romedy Is cnllod Rexall "93" Hnlr Tonic. Wo honostly bolioyo It to bo tho most scientific romody for scnlp nnd hnlr troublos, and wo know of nothing olso thnt equals It for effec tiveness, bocnuso of tho results it haB rrodticcd in thousands of cases. Rexnll "93" Hair Tonic Is dovlsod to banish dandruff, restoro natural color whon Its loss hns boon brought about by disease, and mnko tho hair naturally silky, soft and glossy. It does this bocauso it stimulates tho hair follicles, dostroys tho gorm mat tor, and brings about a frco, honlthy circulation of blood, which nourishes tho hnlr roots, causing thorn to tight en nnd grow now hair. Wo want fvorybody who has any trouble with hnlr or scalp to know that wo think 4hat Rexnll "93" alHr Tonic Is tho host hnlr tonic and restorative in-ox-istnce. and no ono should scoff at or doubt this statement untlj they have put our claims to a fair tost, with tho understanding thnt thoy pay us nothing for tho romedy If it does not glvo full nnd complete satlsfac- Two sizes, GIVES QUICK ACTION Lockhart & ParBons Drug Co. ro ports that A SINGLE DOSE of slmplo buckthorn bark, glycorlno, etc., as compounded in Adlor-i-ka, tho now Gorman appendicitis romody, rollovos constipation, sour stomach or gas on tho stomach almost INSTANTLY. Many Marshflold pooplo nro bolng holpod. SEEDS! SEEDS! GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS Of all kinds, In packages and bulk. Grnss and Lawn Seeds. Flower Seeds. Spencer Swcot Pen Seeds, In solid colors. All tried and tested seeds. Come to hoadqunrtcrs. FERTILIZERS The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. - forSomething Just a "little Diffe 53 rm t m Just Arrived At OLLIVANT I. WEAVER "T5i Pure Food Grocers" Fresh Celery, nice and crisp. Fresh Asparagus, good and tender; nice head let tuce ; fine Cauliflower, Cabbage, Carrots, Bec,ts,; ,niqc fresh Rhubarb. ' . Try a bottle of our Imported Olives, stuffed with anchovies and'put up in pure olive oil. A full line of McVitio & Price's imported Wafers. These are'ust'thffthin'g for an afternoon tea or with the after-dinner coffee. ' Purp Coos River ITonoy, per pound, 20c. Of course, you know that wo make a specialty of Preferred Stock and Rod Ribbon Canned Goods. Our aim is to please the people with tho very best of absolutely pure foods. Phouo us your order., Phono No. 275-J. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At the close of business, Feb. HO, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discbunts ; .jon orrc. Banking Houso ......".'!." " GO'doMo Cash and Evchanges , . , . ', JJlouisS ... i . ' ' nTotal ' $644,278.01 n ! . r, . "''' LIABILITIES. '. SfasaSKa1;:::::::::::::;::::::: jaarj ' UPpo8lt8 ' : 53t,tJGi.S4 Vi T0taI : -,v: 1644,278.01 IVERYGOODCLUH has a ceroinjitu cottage of u)ll dcessad men'fdAo aro nfl particular about tlioir footwoar as in othor thinjlfl. Thoy approciato THE shoe rOR MEN bocauso it givoa thorn onuino foot-onao, tho latoot stylo modols and tho boat woar. MJr Pacltflrdfl stand tho tost of lonjj and hard woar and always look well. This moans roal shoo value THE TOGGERY "The Toggery" We Special on Men's Fine ' Haberdashery New arrivals fed Packard Shoe $4.00 to Cluetr Shirts $1.50 to Cooper & Underwear Neckwear Exclusive Agents Everwear Hosiery Showing advance styla ol apnng lints. Look cm over. Yours anxious to please "The Toggery" Successor to Cleo. Ooodrmn and TliavcnQrina COXDKNHKI) STATEMENT Of The First'National Bank of Coos Bay At Hit ('Ioe of IIiihIiichh Fcbnmry SOUj, 1012. HESOUHCKS. Loans and discounts $221,11111 Bonds, warrants and securities 73,9X1 11 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 25,00)11 Hoal estate, furniture nnd llxturoa 81,011 II Cash and sight exchange- 111,51)11 Total $313,721.!! LIABILITIES.' Capital stock paid In flOO.OOttl Surplus and undivided prollts J.MJH Dlvldonds unpaid (H HcBorvo for taxes ' j(ooo.H Circulation, outstanding !..' ..'......' . SI.COOH Deposits 410,IIMt Total , $W5,T21.TI In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stocks era Is $100,000.00. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Hv-. ? n d afrlpt'ou of your property nnd wo will obtain forjei nnminit nf tiives on Hnine. Sheriff does not not'fy you. HOW COM) W.irv AFFECT Tim KIDNEVS. Avoid tnklng cold If your kidneys are sensitive Cold congests tho kid noys, throws too much work upon thorn nnd weakens tholr nctlon. Sort ous kidney troulilo nnd ovon Brlght's uioouao may result, Htrongtlien your kldnoys, got rid of tho pain and sore ness, build thorn up by tho timely uso of Foloy Kidney IMlls, Tonic In action, quirk in results. Rod Cross Drue Stnro WANTED ! ! ! lARPIyTS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneuma- uienning company. Orders foi rork taken at GOING & HARVEY PnONE 1(XI lit? M ?Slra ' 'h3hnoMim. Inventive nbllliy IIICRI .--, writ- iiki:i.kv AuJmiii"; Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTIIELL Phono 81S1 r c 5sn b Jionvuseo. mj0 mm w wurr J Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Concerning Gas andpectric Bills i . ' i , " -i ' I ' 1 1 .1 in , , . It has been ;oll said that collections are the roof ot every business structure. No matter how firm the foundation or enduring the walls, if poor roof means loss, damage and rum. . . i o AVhcn .wo ki ; ciistonicrs to pay their gas and elec tric bills by the 10th day of the month, we do so simply as a matter of good business policy 1 he price and ruality of gas and electric'service are regulated by its cost. The cost of producing service is lessened bv prompt payment of our bills for fuel, supplies material aiuV apparatus of various kinds, and the many othor items entering into the cost of operation. 1 In order to transact business on the most eco nomical basis prompt collections are a necessity in tho electric and gas business. Iav wo em S on your co-operation ? Telephone ITS. 'Oregon Power Co, Do Not Be a Delinquent Home Permanency vs. Hrme Mbmtony Tula is a vital question for prenl day hoinebiillders whether to nave u House which In appearHiu-e must always remain the in VeluJihmT,1 atuWl11 permU of a "l0 refreshing occbIobiJ 1,Jh Li U. Chu"?e a" d0 Imllvldiial tastes a frame bouiecM nr .Hin. nfl' m ,lar1","nUe w,,h lts Hurrouiidlngs-a fresh cot i in " '" mnke u 8 a your neighbor's new bou '" "'V " t,w uU makes you feH like a new man hm rule n frnme Iiiiiihr la mia.,...n.i.. . . .,- ton i Ik it desire and while It permanent It does not wvV'St T 1y?80r? or 'notony. There are lots of thlnH we olmerved iiIkiiii houses ann i,....i.- .. .. hnU knot mire iiuiiiiinK rnm. In and C. wo'll give you our views. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, HKTUI. IIi:tmkT SOI'TII iiiioaiiumv. M lt.SllKIFU' Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, Cnm,.ii n IIKNRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offl:e Phone 191 - Marshflold Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands ft specialty. Qenaral Agents "EA8TSIDBT Coos Bay Naturopath College CHIItOlMt ACTIO, OSTEOPATHIC, livnnoTHERArv and nil branches of Natural Thera pout cs taught. Terms reasonable. For Information address DR BIRD B.CLARKE iNorth nend, Oregon. XOTIOE. City Fish Ma'rket FREE DELIVERY In Ferguson Transfer BH Foot of Market Ave. SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PHONE SAW x