THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1912 EVENING EDITION For Men and Young Men The Now Styles of Duchess Trousers are now on view at our store in patterns and colors to please all tastes, in sizes to (it all figures, at prices to suit every purse. The makers of DUCHESS TKOUSERS change the styles, but they never change the quality. That means that the new line is right up to the latest requirements of Fashion, while every garment is made with that thoroughness of de tail for which the DUCHESS is noted and which makes the warranty possible. 10 Cents a Button; $1.00 a Rip. Woolen Mill Store nml child tiro' doing nlcoly. Mr. KiiHinusseii canioover from Dnntlon todny to inako jLhe ncqualntnnco of tlii'lr first child mid Is hnpplor than if n fow oil gushors hnd boon struck nt Bnndon and thrown him suddenly into tlio millionaire) class. Mr. and Mrs. Rnsnntsson rcsldo at Rnndun, tho residents of South Inlet who aro now dependent on tho free sorvlco furnished by tho Sinlth-I'owors Log ging Company and tho Younkcr launch Vegn. MARSHFIELD MILL-TOMAN CLOTHIERS OREGON Kt'ci'lvcs Insurance Mrs. Emll Ogren received a check for $2000 this morning from tho Modem Wood men, In pnyniont of tho policy car i'IcmI by her late husband. Council Tonight Tlio Mnrshflcld city council will meet this evening to tincu up the matter of calling a spc cln. e.eutiou to d.sposa of tho wutor works mutter. I ltulnfull to Dale The total rain fall on Coos Day slnco September 1. ,1011, Is 43.21 Inches, nccordlng to tlio orricliu record kept uy u. u. ust llnd, government observer. Kent New Store Room Going & Hnrvoy havo found It necessary to sccuro additional storo room nnd to day completed negotiations for tho lease of tho lower floor of tho Flann gan building, formerly occupied by tho Coast Mali nnd opposlto their present storo. Tho additional quar ters were required for tholr Increas ing stock nnd to provide for an en larged business when tho rnllway de velopment commences. Tho now storo room will give thorn about 3000 nddltlonnl squnro feet of floor spneo. 0 SIB, I CAN'T UT Aer XiH iilU JLXIH iCat Alt I Want to Now. No Mora iOai on tho Stomach or Sour Stomach. No More Heavy Feeling After Meals or Constipation. iNo matter wnnt you'vo tried without tun? reuor juht tux nimpio duck- wrn uarK, Kiyconnn, etc., an compounded i DLi:it-l-KAl You will bo surprised t tho QUICK rcsultn nnd you will bo bsnlcd nsnlnst appendicitis, Tho VERY iust uuai. win ncin you nnu a snort swtment with ADLUU-I-KA win mnko ku (eel better than you havo for years. pnw new ucrmun npponuiciun remeuy Itlientlcltcii llln stomncli ami lionrnln id draws off all Impurities. A 8INQLU usr. relieves im on mo stomacn, sour omach. comtlnntlon. nausea, op lienw Kline after catlnir almost AT ONCli Iihort trratmrnt often cures an ordinary 0W Ul UIJJJCIIUIUIHS, A Fresh Supply of of This Famous Remedy Just Received Sec Our Windows and Call for Free Booklet j j j j Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Phone Main 298 Us COOS BAY TIDES. Dol .w is glvon tho tlmo and holghth of high and low wntor at Mnrshflold. Tho tides aro placod in tho order of occurrence with tholr tiroes on tho first lino and heights on tho sec ond lino of ench day; a comparison of consccutlvo holghtB will lndlcato whothor it is high or low wator. For high wator on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Dato February, 1013. 28 hours.4.07 10.42 C.38 Tldo ....4.2 G.9 0.2 29 hours.O.Cl 5,37 12.20 Tldo ....4.2 3.8 C.34 C.2 0.2 INS WITH CHICKS kuotm of in l'um; bred rar- 11) PLYMOUTH HOCK CHICKS i) iii:., s.i.oo. p. r. YDS. PHONE HHH. Coos Bay ituropath College IIH0PRACTIO, OSTEOPATHIC, HYDROTHERAPY nil branches of Natural Thera pies taught. Torras roasonablo. Information nddross )R. BIRD B. CLARKE North Bend, Oregon. NOTICE. The Royal Tonight, ; . 5 THE PLAIN'S ACItOSS (Aotod by Ileal Indians.) Touching tho early Pilgrims' life on tl'o plains, Tho heart of a child and I'lpo of Peace. Tho Indian risking his llfo for tho Pilgrim's child and to provent n massacre Tho heart of n savage. Till? WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) Oregon: Fair tonight and Thursday. Continued cold in Improve Hunch II. C. Cordez is making somo extensive Improvements In his sand hill ranch, erecting a now barn nnd other buildings. Ho plans to rnlso a large number of ducks on tho place. Fire Damage J. W. Rlggs has rc colvcd a lottcr from his son, II. Klggs, who is a dentist at Orange vlllo, Idaho, stating that a recent flro tliero did much damngo and has bo rlotiBly affected tho prosperity of tho town. 1 PERSONAL NOTES I Damngo Slight W. F. Miller states that tho reports of tho damngo to his nuto In tho rccont mishap with It were overdrawn. Ho says tho only damngo was a bent spring nnd tho cost of ropalrs will bo only a fow dollars. No More Oil C. M. Mnupln stales that ho hnd another tolophono mes sage last ovenlng from Bandon stat ing that they had not yet drilled out tho sand "plug" in tho Bear crook oil well and thnt thoro wore no de velopments in tho oil strike More Petitions William a rimes Is circulating tho petition hero of Don Soiling of Portland, who is seeking tho Ilopubllcnn nomination for Unit ed StntcB senator. Sheriff W. W. Gngo Is also proparlg to start tho cir culation of his nominating petitions for shorlff on tho Democratic tickot. ' east. Eastorly winds. ios Delicatessen FIXi: HOME COOKING. pITY, CI.KAMiI.MiSS, HEALTHFULXKSS ly tho heat of ovorythlng good iuuuiiuio prices. erchaiit's lunch dally from 1 1 a. J. I'lrrilOMOUftX, Proprietor. THE SOAXDAIj MONGER A Rurnl Drama, combining Pathos and Laughter. LET NOT MAX PUT ASUXDER A triio-to-nnturo story of a man and his family. A nig Hit. G. J. LEMAXSKI, Proprietor. WANT ADS. 'LOCAL TEMPERATURE i PORT. RE- For twonty-four hours ending nt 4:43 u.'m., Feb.' 28, by DonJ. 'Ostllnd, spoclal govornmont mo Uorologlcnl obsorvor: Maximum BG Minimum 37 At 4:43 n. m 38 Precipitation 01 Wind north; partly cloudy. HORN. RA3MUSSEN To Mr. nnd Mrs. Nols Rasmussen at Mercy hospital, North Bond, n daughter. Mother Will Prencli Here Rt. Rev. L. C. Fobs, president of Pacific district of tho Norwegian Lutheran Synod, will preach in tho Norwegian church hall In Mnrshflold Thursday ovenlng at 8 o'clock, nnd in tho Swedish Lutheran church in North Bond Friday ovonlng at 8 o'clock. Rov. And. O. Llnd Is pnstor of tho local church, Contractor Here Contractor John son of the firm of Johnson & Ander son, who havo tho contrnct for tho Sluslaw Jetty, was on Coos Bay UiIb wedk arranging for tho shlpmont of it enrgo of powder on tho tug Rob nrts from hero to Florence. Ho says that tho Southern Pacific Is now tak ing options on tho right of wny bo tween Florcnco nnd tho Umpqua. Ho Is quoted as saying thnt tho impres sion nt Florcnco is thnt the Southern Pnclflc has tnkon over tho Sumner project and thnt thoro will bo only one road from Eugono to Coos Bay. J. S. LYONS of Coqulllo was a Marsh fluid business visitor today. MRS. FRANK WOOD nnd dnughtor Mildred of Bangor aro Marshflold shoppo'rs today. MISS MILDRED ROOD of North Bond was a Marshflold visitor today. E. E. STRAW loft today for Myrtlo Point on business. Today 1b his birthday Just how many is for his friends to guess. W L SLIP AT MILL Oregon to Be Moved March 5 to Do Special Work to Load Bessie Dollar. Tho dredgo Oregon, which Is now working on the channol project noar Porter, will movo March G to tho C. A. Smith mill to dredgo out tho slip there so that everything will bo in readiness for loading tho Bcsslo Dol lar, tho big lumber schooner which Is to tnlco on a cargo of about 3, GOO, 000 feet of lumber hero next month for China. Major Morrow has Just npprovod of a request from tho C. A. Smith compnny to havo tho channol at the mill dock dredged out to a dopth of 22 feet, GOO foot long nnd 80 foot wldo, nnd has notified Engineer Loofo to havo tho work dono at onco. Mr. Lcefo figures it will roqulro probably two days dredging. Tho C. A. Smith compnny will pay tho oxponso of tho work. Tho now casting for tho Oregon will roach hero March 7, according to prcsont advices, or about tho timo tho drodglng of tho slip nt tho Smith mill will bo completed. It will bo put on Immediately and tho Orogon will thon romimo tho channel work in front of Mnrshflold nnd start tho fill near tho Masonic opora houso. Bids on tho now bnr dredgo for Coos Bny will b opened Fobrunry 29. Bids on this woro called for onco beforo, but woro rojoctod on ac count of all of thom bolng too high. Tho Bcsslo Dollar is oxpected horo about Mnrch 12. Tho Coos Bay bnr, which has bcon shoaling somo re ccntly, will probnbly bo scoured off by thnt tlmo, so that thoro will bo no difficulty in btlnglng her in or tnklng her out with tho big cargo. MRS. ROBERT McCANN of North Bond Is spending n fow days nt tho homo of hor dnughtor, Mrs. Hod son, In South Mnrshflold. ED BARKER nnd wlfo arc moving horo from Coqulllo to mnko their homo. Mr. Bnrkor was formorly ongnged in tho Jowolry business thoro. Build Xew Walk Arrnngomonts nro bolng mnde for tho construction of a now comont walk around tho Chandler hotel. Tho present walk Is sloping nnd badly cracked as a ro sult of tho ground ttndornonth it set tling. Mnnngor McKcown is nlso ar ranging to hnvo tho Central nventio ontrnnco to tho hotol Improved when tho walk Is completed. LUMP COAL ;4.50 Per Ton Delivered H. LINGO IMIOXE 2i27-.T Clean and Press fe' and Gent's Suifs Goods Called for and Delivered )s Bay Steam Laundry L""m MAIN B7-4 'Saufet th0 Turk,8h nattw. WANTED Empty sneka nt Halnos' ' Feed Storo. LOTS clonred, graded nnd seeded; sidewalks built. Excavations mado. Seo Mr. Streotor at Archambenu House, 2nd nnd Market. Phono 242L. WAXTED Lady cook for llfesavlng mess, Umpqua river; four men; no scrubbing; wnges 30. Address Llfo Saving Mess, Gardinor, Oro. j FOR SALE Cheap; luunch Unlquo. Apply II. B. Cox. Phono G9-L. FOR REXT G room modern houso; rent ?12:50. Call at Qem Waffle Kitchen, G37 N. Front st. fMh l:lpf IP Old Suit Ui Another phase of the old suit of Levi Helsnor vs. Bucher, Involving a bill of about 40 for hauling Bucher'8 family to Curry county. Is bolng tried in Justico Pen nock's court thlB nftornoon. Now tho enso has developed into n contro orsy betweon Holsnor nnd Cameron as to whom tho monoy belongs. Con stable Cox holds tho monoy. WAXTED Fresh young milch cow. Phone 31 1G. FOR nil kinds of hauling, see Clifford nnnno Phonn 331 V AXCOXA. SICILIAN BUTTER CUP, VXD SLMOX FAVOROLLE EGGS FOR HATCHING. The kind for eggs. I havo thoroughbred stock, F. E. GLAZIER, Phono 299. North Rend, Orecon Mil tU of Ideal, who ha vaMMnalnrentlva ability H pleaao wrlta UHKKLKV A MtlNTiltt!, "! !., AlloJ-ucjft, WMklkaUa, U. U ADVERTISEMENTS aro liko tho Ftory that Pharaoh's daughter told. They must bo taken "uum gruno salum." Is SALUM right, Professor? It's so long ngo, you know. The SALT " Dayton Advertisements Is Try Before You Buy Dayton Bicycles Are warranted for five year. If they suit you now tlio Dayton Guarantee Will do tho rost. Marshfield Cyclery Agents Phone 180-R. G07 Front. Lininch Bout Dr. R. II. Wnltor Inunchcd his now gnsollno boat tho Get-Thoro nnd Got-Bnck" this morn- , ing. It Is a trim built craft 35 feet i long with an eight-foot beam, nnd I Doc says it will bo found true to Its I uamo at all times. D. A. Jones and Gordon Smith assisted In tho launch ing, Dave breaking a bottlo of gnso llno on tho prow as ho christened hor. M. J. OSTROW nnd fntnlly nro mov ing from South Fourth street into tho rosldcnco on First streot, for merly Pino streot, recently vncntod by Mrs. E. L. C. Farrln. PETER LUNDOREN of North Inlot was In Mnrshflold today and np penrcd boforo United States Lnn'd Commissioner Arthur IC. Peck to mnko Application for tho purchnso of n government tract of land noar his ranch. Tho land Is what Is known as mi "isolated tract." C. F. McKNIGHT roturnod Inst evening from Coqulllo. Ho un derstands that J ml go Coko will call n specinl term of court early In Mnrch to hoar tho murdor trials of Goldlo Bestscott and D. L. Footo. Tho dnto of tho special term will probably depend on tho dnto on which Georgo M. Brown enn como from Rosoburg to nld in prosecut ing tho cases. AMONG THE SIOK. .Mrs. I K. Gottlns, who hns beon qulto sick, Is Improving. ALONG THE WATER FRONT. Tho Lily will shortly comploto tak ing on n cargo of 200,000 foot of lumbor from tho Coqulllo Mill and Morcantilo Company nt tho railroad docks for San Francisco. Tho steamer Washington Is taking on n cargo of about 500,000 foot of lumbor nt tho railroad dock from tho Coqulllo Mill and Morcnntllo Com pnny nnd another Coqulllo mill at tho railroad docks. Sho will sail Friday. Tho lumbor is dostlnod for San Pedro. Tho Bronkwator Is duo In early to morrow from Portland. Sho will probnbly go on dry dock at Portland in n month or six wcoks for her nn nual overhauling, which Captain Mac gonn expects will roqulro only n short time. When tho bar tug Tatoosh camo In sldo Saturday night, from n crulso off tho mouth of tho rlvor, It wns found thnt hor mastor, Captain E. D. Par sons, hnd boon taken suddonly 111 nnd hnd to bo tnkon to n hospital. Sun day afternoon n roport rnmo from As toria thnt his attending physician pronounced that ho was suffering with an nttnek of pneumonia nnd that his condition wns serious. NEW TUXXEL MACHINERY. Elinor Vineyard of Eastsldo Is laid up ns n result of nn Injury to his linn (I nt tho C. A. Smith mill. I Iiihtnll Officers Tho Marshflold lodge of tho Loyal Ordor of Mooso hold Its annual Installation of offi cers last ovonlng. It was to havo taken place Boveral weeks, ago, but hnd to bo postponed on account of tho absence of somo of tho officers. Thoro woro no special ceromonles, but thoro wns a largo attondanco, many coming from North Bend. Mrs. A. O. KJollnnd of Portor, who recently underwent nn oporntlon for nppondlcltls nt Mercy hospital, Is re ported gottlng along nlcoly, Wnnt PostofflceMllton Lattln of South Inlet has forwarded a potltton containing 133 namos to tho post- office department nt Wnshlngton ask- Ing that a postofflco bo established at South Inlet. Mrs. Del Saunders Is the applicant for appointment as postmistress. They ask for twice a weok mall service from Emplro. The- Saunders placo Is about four miles up boutli inlet rrom tho drawbridge. The office would sorve practically all Foley Kidney Pills v'll) euro nnv caso of kidney or bladder trouble not boyond tho roach of me'Mrlne. No medicine enn do more. Red Cross Drug Store. Miss Mny Conklln, who has been qulto sick at hor homo on Hall avo nuo of tonsllltis, Is roported Improving. A. B. Campbell, who has been con fined to his homo by an nttack of plourlsy and la grippo, Is slowly Improving. Amll West of Eastsldo sustnlned a rather painful injury to his foot whllo employed In the sorting shed nt tho C. A. Smith mill. Twohy Bros. Plnn to Rush Work Nenr Eugene. Tlio Eugono Guard says; "Whon tho bonch in tho tunnel on tho now Coos Bny railroad has reached 120 feet, Twohy Bros, expect to install machinery, if thoro is no chnngo In tho formntlon which will provent Its operation. Tho tun nol is now nbout 100 foot undor ground and tho 120-foot mnrk will bo reached lato this weok. Up to tho preset tlmo tho character of tho formation has proventod tho uso of machinery. Tho big steam shovol Is on tho ground, but tho crumbling of tho walls provonted Its being put to work. In ordor to opornto this shovol tho erection of a compressing plant will bo necessary. Tho machinery for this hns not yot boon shipped from Portlnnd, but will bo ns soon ns it Is certain thnt tho shovol can be usod. In caso that It cannot bo used, somo other sort of machinery" will bo Installed." A TURKISH BATH will do you GOOD. Phono 214J. AMERICAN WONDER POTATOES The last Breakwater brought us a fine lot of this popular seed potato CHANGE YOUR SEED INCREASE YOUR YIELD See r. s. dow Phono 278