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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1912)
THE-pOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY, 27, 11912 - EVENING EDITION r 4 za THE DRAWBACK OF COOS MY Dr. E. Mingus Writes About Handicap of Harbor and Commercial Development. Editor Times: Tho Railway nnd Marino News of Scattlo prints tho following: "Negotiations for tho construction of a big terminal company, to bo lo cated on tho north end of Harbor Island, Soattle, which havo beon car ried on for somo tlmo between Now York capitalists and prominent Sc attlo business men, havo been con- eluded, and tho proposition has been given wldo publicity by tho Seattlo newspapers. "A tcntntlvc agreement has been drawn up by tho Now York financiers on ono side, by Scott Calhoun, coun sel for tho Port of Scattlo Commis sion, on tho other side: This agree ment has been placed beforo tho Port Commission, and an effort Is mow be ing mado to adjust tho matter and to placo tho proposition beforo tho votors for their approval on March Cth. "Tho agreement in brief provides for tho purchnBo by tho Port Com mission of 112 'A ncrcs of laud on Harbor Island, by condemnation or otherwise, and for tho construction of six H 00-foot piers, thrco of theso plors to bo constructed without dolay, nnd tho other thrco to bo built with in thrco years. Theso plors and tho land acquired by tho port nro to bo leased for a period of 30 years to tho terminal company, who In turn agrees to construct at ouco eight six story wnrohouses, 30 1-story ware houses, 75x100 feet, 30 1-story ware houses, 100x100 foot, tun uillos of railroad, harbor equipment such as tugs, llghtors, etc., rati equipment, four Industrial buildings, approxl niatcly 700 foot long and contain ing 1,200,000 sq, ft. of door spaco and n permanent concroto bulkhead along tho cntlro wntor front of tho land to bo acquired, all of which will provide for an cxpondlturo of $2,575,000. "Tho terms of tho lcaso, tenta tively ngrccd upon between tho ter minal pooplo nnd tho Soattlo business mon nnd Mr. Calhoun, aro considered very satisfactory, and It Is hoped that tho Port Commission will back up tho business mon of Seattlo and Mr. Cal houn In tholr efforts to land this big improvement, and submit tho propo sition to tho votors for their approv al. Among tho shipping mon, nnd In fact, among business mon In all walks of life, this Is considered tho groatost opportunity In tho history of Seattle It means commorclnl su premacy for any const city securing this big tormlnnl company. Moro than this, it moans that in deciding upon Seattlo as tho location for this company tho promoters bollovo this to bo tho focal point of tho const for business In tholr lino. For many months a roprcsontntlvo of tho torml nnl pooplo has boon Investigating -conditions on tho Pacific coast, and lins roportcd to his principals tho ad visability of selecting tho Harbor Isl and slto. "Tho port of Tncoma Is making u dotormlnod offor to sccuro this big tormlnnl compnny, nnd is offortng In ducomontu oven grontor than Seat tle During tho conforonco recently uoui in wow vorK sovornl promlnont business mon presented n nronasltlon that Is said to havo been very attract ive to mo tormlnnl peoplo, and It Is stated by tho Seattle men who wero present Hint any slip upon tho pnrt of Soattlo will mean that Tncoma will bo tho slto solccted. "Tho Sonttlo business men, who wont to Now York to represent tho city at tho conforonco, wero Presi dent Low in a n, of tho Chnmbor of Commerco, Judgo Thomas Ilurko, Capt. JamcH S. Gibson, Joseph Illeth on, J. T. Hollornnn, Scott Calhoun una w. w. uunpm. Titroinn was ropresontod by Chester Thome, Gen. Ashton, V. J. Jones nnd ono or two othors. "It. P. Ayres, recontly vlco-prcl-tlont and manager of tho Hush Tor mlnnl Co., has resigned, nnd hatt beon oloctod presldont of the now compnny. Mr. Ayres will bo In Soit tlo early next weok, and nt that time will enter Into II mil negotiations with tho Port Commission regarding tho lease and other urrangumonts. "Hallway & Marino News, In Its Issuo of Oct. in, 11)11, published an Illustrated article on tho Hush ter minals In Now York, In which the shipping problem of thnt city was de scribed. What tho Hush tormlnul has dono for benttlo." Now York it enh do for" No doubt other tormlnnl compa nies of largo financial standing and commercial influence will scok tho Pacific coast within thorioxt three years to secure dcslrablo locations nnd It Is a great mlsfortiirio that Coos Day with Its assured ,rallwny connections Is not In a position, on account of Insufficient waterway im provements, to command some rec ognition from commorclnl enter prises asking for waterway accoiu modnttons, nnd I do not suppose that Coos Day will over bo In a position to ask for anything as long as somo jonlous minded citizen can keep de velopments bnck by resorting to legal technicalities and obstructive mon sures. Tho port of Coos Day is thrco yenrs old nnd has not been ablo to do anything of any consoqounco on ac count of harassing and Incessant pet ty attacks of a legal naturo. Twlco tho samo enso has been through tho Supremo Court nnd onco through tho Federal Court and now on nccount of tho persistent cussedncss of ono or two individuals In their conduct tow nrd tho work of tho Port Commission nnother round through tho Supremo Court must tako its courso, present ing tho samo stato of facts that havo been passed on boforo; just child's work, Just tho whim and Jonlous mind of ono or two. In tho mean time who Is paying tho bill? Tho people, of courso; tho legnl expense Is n small Item compnro.l with the loss of business duo to unimproved ship channel. Today Coos Hay ought to have a 12 fi-foot channol from Mnrshfleld to the bar and would have It I'ltid not tho work of tho port been dofonled by neoJIess an 1 obstructive legal proceedings. Ships nrrlvo hero nnd ask for a full cargo but nro tumble to take It for t! o reason t'.int cur channel Is Insufficient. Tho gov ernment Is willing to improve our rhnunol outside of Its own project nt n maximum cost of six cents per cubic yard, but tho port cannot take nd vantngo of tho splendid offer, ex cept in a feoblo way, for tho reason thnt tho port has no money nnd enn not got It on nccount of silly legal procoodlngs, just becnuso ono man has porsonnl objections to nnotlior. ELECTION III CI1Y CHANGED (Continued from p&go 1.) There linn novor been any Justifiable roason why this lltlgntlon should havo been kept up; tho opponents of tho port not only havo failed to mako out n enso but It has boon n strtiK glo with them to keep In court at nil. In vlow of all tho ovldonco ono Is constrnlncd to fcol thnt tho oppon ents In tho lognl controversies of tho port must bo looked upon as having o. poor knowlcdgo of law or playing tho part of hypocrisy. Tho tost enso tnstjtutcd by tho port for tho purpoeo of establishing its constitutional rights covered all tho necessary points as ovldonccd by tho successful snlo of tho Port of Sluslaw aftor tho decision of tho Supromo Court In tho Port of Coos liny enso. Por nil nee ossnry purposes this ought to have sufllcod, but somo astuto citizens of Coos Hay felt that things woro mov ing too rnpldly for tho safoty of tholr prestlgo so tho brakes woro ap plied. Can it bo that ono of tho pnrtloB of tho opposition who has be como mentally cnfeeblod la tho victim of mlsguldnnco, thnt In tho decline and tottorlng enrcor of his mentul nctlvlty ho was easily swayed by projudlco, that tho dimness of his ngo had despoiled his understanding? Por tho moro rntlonnl momboru of tho opposition I hopo they will hot havo tho temerity, when tho final count Is mndo in favor of tho port, to attempt to Justify tholr conduct by tho claim that they woro only Inter ested In clearing up tho situation so tlioro would bo no doubt about tho legality of tho Port of Coos liny. E. MINQUS. LARGE HOUSE GREETS PLAY Your Druggist Slops That Itch tf you aro suKorlncr from rvmn. aWrSS n7o o0uVTtorke,f,or0lUakinti'll, l1 norjr and certain that 'itchVt o8EE!?.iS0 yoU ,0 8,op l,rovo ,lmt Mr- Sc(Ut'8 8tKO manager Miss Brockwell and Company Well Received at Initial Performance. Miss Gladys Ilrockwoll and hor compnny of plnyors mndo tholr Initial nppenranco beforo n crowded house at tho Masonic thontor last evening. Thoy woro received with cordial ex pressions of approval that must hnvo proven plenBlng to all tho mombors of tho company. Tho compnny Is not an nil star ag gregation, but considering tho brief porlod permitted for rohearsals gave a satisfactory performance Miss aindys Ilrockwoll mndo now friends by her sweetly sympathetic lmper-i sonntlon of "Merely Mary Ann" and If hor support nt all times was not adequnto it did not noticeably mar tho entertainment. A very pleasing feature of tho evening was tho stago settings, which were really artistic, only thing necessary to submit to a oto of tho people would bo an amendment to tho charter providing jior primary nominating elections In stead or tho old caucus system of nominating. Councilman Copplc said that his object in introducing it now was to hnvo tho matter changed beforo tho next jalcctlon. Mayor Straw laugh ingly remarked that ho wanted It changed too, because the Inst election was too ploso to auft him. Tho other mombcrs of tho coun cil expressed tthomsolves In favor of tho proposed chnnges In tho city election system and for a tlmo it was thought that It, would bo dono by tho council ltsolf Instead of being sub mitted to a. vote of tho peoplo. Mr. Copplq said thnt if the council would do it, ho hnd no desire to try to forco It to nn election. Mnyor Straw said that ho would llko to sec tho primary system of nomlnntlug candidates also adopted as well as tho other changes mndo and finally It was decided to hnvo the amendment to the charter providing for tho primary nnd tho other elec tion chnnges submitted nt tho next election. Other Up. Hugh McLnln entered n protest over tho dolay In collecting tho lis- Fcssmcnts for tho Improvement of North Ccdnr street. He said that tho dolavs looked frivolous to him nnd as ho had waited three or four years for tho $2000 or so duo him for Im proving tho street, ho thought some thing should bo dono. City Attorney Gosb explained that ho was trying to cxpcdlto mutters as much as possi ble,, but that E. L. C. Farrln, tho at torney who Is holding tho matter bnck, had wlrod at tho last torm of court that ho could not como hero fpr tho trial as ho had an nttnek of appendicitis. McLnln snld this was not correct ns ho had soon Mr. Farrln walking around n Portland nt tho tlmo ho wan su ((posed to hnVo appendicitis. Furthermore ho said it seemed strnngo thnt Mr. Fnrrln had b?on act ing Kb city attornoy when this Im provement wns started and was now attornoy for tho peoplo who wero holding back the payment for tho work. Mr. Cobs snld thnt Mr. Farrln had promised to como hero soon to try tho enso. Mayor Straw said that ho did no, believe Mr. Farrln wav com ing at nil. Finally Mr. (less said that ho would mako nnother effort to forco tho enso to trial so thnt Mr McLnln could get his money. Contrnctor Morrlssey ams rrdorod paid $250 on tho Hull nviuie Im provement. Contrnctor McLnln wni ordorcd pnld $10 on his Donnelly avenuo con tract. It wns decided to try to ninend tho charter so that tho city recorder could honcoforth purchnso abstracts ot owueshlp of property for assess ments from tho abstract companies Instend of tl o county clerk, owing to tho long dolnys sometimes Incurred In getting them from tho county clork. Miirxlcn Hiilldlng. Councilman Savage said that there had been many complaints registered shout tho addition which Robert Mnrsden was building to tho Grand thentor. Ho said that mnny soemed to think It was not going to bo fire proof and was In violation of tho city building ordinance Ho oxplnlned thnt tho addition would bo of cor tugated Iron exterior, plastered and would hnvo n pnpor roof and thai It would bo In compliance with tho building ordinance City Building In spector Trlbbey oxplnlned thnt tho tulldlng would comply with tho build- lug ordinance, ns tho council hnd In terpreted It a few days ago In tho enso of J, A. Davis. Tho councilman fitatCil that If the building was to bo erected In nccordnnco with tho build ing ordlnnnco thoro wns nothing to .bo dono about It. Stetson Hats Stetson Shoes T i loi HkV e- & JF Stetson Shoes Like Stetson Hals AUK THE 1HCST THAT MONEY AND UKAINS CAN MAKE. IN THIS SHOE, THE SAME AS l TlfE HAT, THERE 18 MOKE STYLE, FIT, COMFOUT. ABOVE ALL, WEAK, THAN ANV J, Elt. YOU WANT THE REST, AT THE HIGHT PRICE. .... ...... ., . ...... . .... iiinti.iit.tviu uitni,u i,nn HlMMVn ih rrni n.. . .... imi diimi'V '" "MONEY TALKS" Clothing Shoe Co, Hub Mnrshfield. Bnndi on. FAST AM) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo KQUIPPKD WITH WIRELESS AND SURMARINH RELL SAILS FOR. COOS BAY FROM SAN FRANCISCO Friday, Mar. 1 at 3 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TltAXSPOHTATlOX COM PAX Y. Phone II. C. F. McGEORGi:, Agent. 'THE FH1EXD OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WlltKLKSS SAILS FOR COOS BAY FROM PORTLAND, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 at 6 P. M. COXXECTIXO WITH THE NOKTII HAXIC IIOAI) AT PORTLAND XOUTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. IMiono 1 1. c. V. .McGEOHGE, Agent. NowIstheTimi xw imvii THAT liESiDrtnl Wilt KM i.viii t...fJualII ESTIMATES GIVEX Coos Bay Wiring d I'llONB 8074 Specialist on norrot, i;,J ..miuumHni, mono 174, KorUI Str. Washington Will Sail for San Francisco Wednesday, Feb. 28, 1912 Ocean Dock F. S. Dow, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FHOM PORTLAND AT H P. M. OX MARCH .1, III, ID AND 'M SAILS FHOM COOS HAY AT SKRYICE OF TUB TIDK OX MAHCII ii, L. A. PAHKHUHST, Agent. Phono .Main :i.1u. O, 10, 1M AXD HO. TUNIS. E. SIIADHUR.VE. Tonchor of voice tin breathing nnd interpretation Ih rondy to rccolvo the poMe. I UI1 Commercial Are. rH. E. IN WINKLER, Xuturopnlh and Ch All chronic diseases trcttel atlon freo. Office bam; S to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 andttolj Naturopath Institute Roca $J No. 136 Drondvrny, MiriiltllJ rR. G. W. LF.SLIK, U Osteopathic rhyWi Oradunto of the Amerlua i Osteopathy at Klrlcsrlllc, Hi In Eldorado Dlk. Hours lOtollJ 4' Phono 161-J; Uanbtltld; Oi J. W. I1ENNWT1, Unrer, )fflee oror Flanaean & Denctafc lanhfleld Fish City Market FREE DELIVERY. In Ferguson Transfer Hlclg. Foot of Mnt'ku Ave. SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PIIONE 200J R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 121 Xoith Front Street People Take Notice! that Itch In two seconds, I no nave sold other remedies for skin troubles, but nono that wo could recom mend oh htKlily as this, n mild wuah of Oil of Wintergrecn Thymol and a few other InKrodlents that havo wrought js u oh wonderful cures ull over tho coun try. This compound Is Known as D.D.D. Prescription for I'czoma and It will cool and heal the Itchy, burning skin aa I notnins' else can. A :'6o trial bottle will prove It. Of course all other druKKlsts have D.D.D, Prescription bo to them If you can't come to us but don't accept somo tilfr-protlt substitute. Out if you come to our store, we are eo certain of what D.D.D. will do for you that wo offer you a full size bottle on this guarantee: If you do not And that It takes away the Itch AT ONCE it roits you not a cent, Ited Cross Drug Store. p nn nrtlst. Tho piny will bo evenliiK. reponted this i TEACllEltR, ATTENTION. Those proimrlnir for olthbr of the If 12 teachers' examinations should write this offlco for thq 1912 circular cf Information , If you havo not nl ready received n copy. W, H. HUNCH, County Superintendent. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU havr ITAYAYB USED. PIIONE 78 Pacific Livery ft Transfer Co, UAYE. YOU nfcnx SEASICK AXD ' COLD? Next time you go on n stenmer try Iho WnshliiBton, nnd both will bo re duced to a iulnln.iuni. Her rooms are largo and airy, stenm heated nmi equal to tho best hn tho const. Wo want all tho freight HOTII ways wo can got each trip. V Tho Washington sails for Ban rrnnclsco nnd San Pedro Friday morning. Mnrch 1. ' F. S. DOW, Acent. Ocean Dock. Phono 278. Cijy Auto Service ood Cars, Carefull Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: 'Will bo anywhere at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Oljar Store. Day Phono 78 and 46 i(?nt t'none 46. BARKER GOODALEi Proprietor. I Wo havo nil lengths of stove wood for sale, prices ranging from 11.51 per tier up. Wo can furnUh any length you wish. L. H. HEISNER Phono No. 120-J or 49-L. Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill Eastside and Other Locations I- S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front St. Union Oils MSOLIXE DISTILLATE HENSIXE KEHOBENf SAMSON GAS ENGINES -ant: CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. !nrlillelt, Ore. PHONE SOW Mail Orders Solicited. Blanchard's Livery Wo anj seciro rue livery vui- a if l. 11. Helsuei and are pto- mred to render oxc:.ent service tu f People of Co. Day. Ciref.,1 .ITO.."'"" "2. Jd ovoryYhlng ho 1, ,V. '"-""."""nciory service to oU'1 r'00.'."8''''- a driving ho 11, .. B"""ig needed In "o H7ory nno. Vo alg0 d S business of .,, knd8. ILAXCHARi HROIHERS ,, Phone I38-J Ml First anil Alrfo. a.... ..... uiiatun rR. J. T. McCOHMAC, - Physician and Burjw Marshfleld, Oreioi. Ifflco: Lockhart Dulldlof, opposite Finif Phone 105-J D It. A. J. HENDRY'S We are equipped to do b!n work on short notice it tu lowest prlcoa. Examlnatlo Ladr attendant. Coke bulldkH Ite Chandler hotel, phone UII Modern Drlck Dulldlofc i TJph HtPnm lle&L ElT Furnished rtoomi wltbH and Cold Wster. HOTEL .COOS C. A. HfETLIN. PW Qntna- RA KAtila nT lOd fH Cor. Hroadway and MuW Marshfleld. 0ri 'ARP WANTED ! ! ! 'ETS UPIIOLSTERlVfJ vn "lANOSTOCLEAN.bythePnouma lc Cleaning Company. Orders foi 'urn iBKOn ut GOING & HARVEi I'HONR lOfl THE LLOYD. Most modern Rooms and Apart-ment-houso In tho city: Day transient 50c nnd up ,e:v:e10k""1 12.00 and up - . J n'COly furn8' 2-room apartments. Including bath, $10 por month nnd up. TRY THE EDGE WITH $ FINGER. Exnmlno a collar frees tf Inundry. Notlco Its clear, ip or. Its oven, elastic tU'sl smooth and Its perfect &! Thnn fiwt tha ton edM W vnnr Mnfrnr.tln over It. K3 smooth, slick finish gln " J Inrr Ihnrn tn rllll. die Or IrfWl neck. Thin tnat will nrOVe the ' nnr Rnnd US a t' nnd apply the test. Marshfleld Hanr&St(aD I Mnuzcjr Rros. Prop PbMJ Our Wagons Go Anywhere W WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. Uniauc Pantatc THE JIODERN DYERS. ClgJ RE.M"' k.kmnnr... irn) riii.hsit.ns nun m ii Agent for Edwnra r- "ut ! mll.l.. Tfll us "1 ilIW 4UIIUIIII& Mv next Suit. ".1."5 Conunprrlal. riicf T. J. iOAIFE A.H.I s MarshfieW Pa" (Ok Tlomrat'inK "L '' ...nOOtlJ Eatlmatflfl MAI"" n..i.niat.aH Phone H"1' EM SteMfiaa3j3SI