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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY, 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION DISCOUNT SAUL In (i id it to make room we will Hell from February 11(1 to March lil Inclusive, uiiytlilng hi the store nt 25 Per Cent Discount, from the regular prices mi sales from Ijll.OO tip. Nothing Reserved. YOU CAN GET Set Cups nml Huucers now $ .0 1 g 00 Shirt Wulsts $1.50 &1 1)0 1'hltCH ..,. .......................(... ........ s .o 511 Granite Kettles .118 g ,70 (iiiis sets , i? .na :l.00 Silk Skirts $a.25 a- 00 Black Skirts $1.00 81.00 Worth of 5 and 10c Goods .75 Now 1h the chance to net your Crockery, Glassware, Grunltu Wnre, T,Hnre, Jry Goods, Etc. "Money Talks." COOS BAY CASH STORE lmt North Front Street. Always- "liTe Busy 7e ffaxaJUL Storm Protect. Yoiir Throat It Is one of tho moat dollcato parts of your body nnd Bhould bo caro fully guarded In tho sovoro wlntor montliB. Many dangerous dis eases ut tuck tho throat directly, and an Inflamed throat lays you open ' to nil klmlH of lllnoBB. You ought get It, nnd tho best way to do this SMaJlJL It reduces luflnmmntlon, takes down swelling, and you can dopond ' upon It to Htop your soro throat. No dlsuaso gornis can possibly lurk la your throat nftor you havo UBod It. 1 Every family should havo a bottlo of this groat safe-guard nnd ;. euro tdways on hand. I'rlco 25 Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE vfe a artliflrld Two Market TELEPHONES: 22I.J Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well D : fr.l J rt f.M.1 o sMtIV iinuiiiifaiutmA When you buySS Duyineoesr vp ios Delicatessen FIXE HOME COOKING. ptlTV, CLEANLINESS, IIEALTIIFULNESS Only the best of everything good Iiraxunnuio prices. Merchant's lunch dolly from 1 1 a. " - su p. m. j- I'KTItAMOl'LX. Proprietor. LUMP COAL $4.50 Per Ton Delivered . H. LINGO PIIONi: U27-J fe Clean and Press !ferancfGent's Sui's Goods Called for and Delivered s Bay Steam Laundry PHONE JIA1N B7-J Corner" to stop a soro throat as soon no you Is with Throat Gargle Cents. -MAIN 298 US VOL' LEAVI3 OUR MEAT MARKET with udmlratlon for tho perfect cleanliness which is everywhere ap parent. Your own kitchen couldn't bo nioro free from oven tho slight est suspicion of dirt. So thoro Is an added satisfaction In coming In por tion to select tho choice cuts wo al ways havo on hand. (Jive yourself and us tho pleasure of a call today. AlAliaiU'lKliU UrtBll IU1UIV1VJ.. FOURIER BROS. North Bond 01 to call nt The Pacific Monumental Works South Broadway and make selec tion from the largo stock now on hand. Mr, Wilson has In Ills employ the only practical marble and granite citttet in Coos county. And none hut the best uork Is turned out. WANT ADS. I Ol'ND- Largo brass door key with leather string attached. Owner can' get Hiiino at Times offlco by paying for this nutlio. LOST Oold headed silk umbrolln; reward for roturn to Times office FOR SALE Indian Runner duck; eggs. Wm. Shook, S. 7th st. i WANTED A bungalow, niodorn, not too fur out, complete; one or moro lots; must bo roasonnblo In prico, on liberal Installments. Address Box 7S0, Mnrshfleld, Oro. WANTED Lndy cook for llfesavlng mess, Umpqmi river; four mon; no scrubbing; wages $30. Address Life Snvlng Mess, Gnrdluor, Oro. WANTED To buy, second hand fish ing skiff, about 18-foot. Phono 3034; It. A. Landrlth, Coos River. I l-Olt SALE Cheap; lnunch Unlquo. ' Apply II. B. Cox. Phono 00-L. FOB BENT G room modern houso; ront $12:50. Call at Gom Wafflo Kitchen, 037 N. Front Bt. WANTED Fresh young milch cow. Phono 311C, I FOR all kinds of hauling, see Clifford . Donne. Phone 331R. ANCONA, SICILIAN BUTTER CUP, AND SAIiMON FAVOROLLE EGGS FOB HATCHING. Tho kind for eggs. I have thoroughbred stock, F. E. GL.VICK, Phono 200. North Bond, Orogon. HENS WITH CHICKS liltOOn OF 15 1'l'BE BRED BAR BED PLYMOl'TH BOCK CHICKS AND HEN, $.1.00. P. P. P. YDS. PHONE 'JHK. Tho Tlmos' Want Ads bring resulu COOS BAY TIDES. Bol.w Is given tho tlmo and holghth of high and low water at Marshflold. Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence with their tlmos on tho first lino and heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive holghts will Indicate whether it is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes Unto February, 1012. 27 9.25 4.31 11.64 3.5 Tldo ....4.2 28 hours. 4. 07 Tldo ....4.2 20 hours. O.fil Tldo ....4.2 G.8 0.1 10.42 CO n.37 3.8 5.38 0.2 12.20 G.34 0.2 THE WEATHER. Oregon: Pair tonight. Wednes day coolor, oxcopt near coast; north easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- POUT. Por twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 a. in., Fob. 27, by BonJ. Ostlind, specinl govornmont mo- toorologlcnl obsorvor: Maximum 50 Minimum 13 At 1 : 4 3 a. m 45 Precipitation 05 Wind southwest; pnrtly cloudy. Meet Wednesday Tro Indies 'of St. Monica's Clrclo will mcot on Wednes day In tho vacant storo room In tho w'Conneli npnrtmont building. Auto Damaged W. P. Mlllor's ntnnti-ln nntn wnn nilltn lirllllv (llltll- inged In n collision with nn olovatod walk, two of tho wheels bolng smnshed. Mrs. Miller was driving i tho mtichlno nt tho tlmo nnd Mrs. F. JM. Pnrsons was riding with her, but neither wns Injured. i Will Build J. K. Edmunds Is making nrrangomonts to build a $2500 houso on Ingorsoll, Just south of Ilnll, this spring. It will cost nbnut $2500 nnd will bo started as soon ns tho wonthor will permit. Sells Business S. S. Jeffries has ! sold his Interest In tho Loador har bor shops nt 150 Front stroot to his pnrtnor, C. A. Soymour. Mr. Joffrlos Is preparing to loavo for tho south, and Mr. Soymour will horonftor ro mnln solo proprietor of tho bulsncss. Will Visit Bay Itov. L C. Foss of Everett, Wash., foreman of tho Pa cific Lutheran synod', Is oxpectod in on tho next Brcnkwntor. Ho will hold ovonlng sorvlcos In Marshflold Thursday nnd In North Bond Friday. This Is tho first trip of Rov. Foss to tho bny. Will Give Play Tho sonlor class of tho Marshflold high school will prosont tho piny, "Mr. Bob," nt tho Masonic opera houso noxt Snturdny ovonlng. Tho piny wns presontod a fow months ago and mndo n groat hit nnd slnco thon thoro hnvo boon numerous requests for its produc tion. Officers Here Sheriff Gngo nnd Doputy Shorlff Kolly of Coqulllo nro In Mnrshflohl todny on official busl- There's a Reason for Everything Even for: E. AlysM Smyth neo Alice Smith. Marie A. Murfeo neo Mary Ann Murphy. It's n wlso provision of naturo, for tho guidance of discerning young mon. Do you romombor sweet Alysso in connection with creamod, mnshed potatoes? Nit! ' I ask you, does Mario's name I "Bring fond rocolloctlons" of nlco flaky hot biscuits? Nay! nay! (Might mnko you droam of Reno.) Dayton Bicycles Aro "Merely Mary Anns." Yours for better, or for worse. il.- DAYS A YEAR. They're a littlo heavy, It's truo. They havo to bo to carry that Five-Year Guarantee! Marshfield Cyclery Agents Phone 180-R. C07 Front. ncss. Tho hoarlng of "Corbott" Lam bert, tho logger who was brought buck from Eureka to answer a statu tory chargo proforrod by a Coos Bay young woman, will bo hold boforo JiiHtlco Ilolden In Coqulllo tomorrow. Social Tonight Tho members of tho Doric chapter of tho Eastern Star will enjoy a banquot. and socinl tlmo following tho Initiation of somo now mombors this ovonlng. Accident Slight A broken whoel on a car ulmoBt derailed somo cars on tho trcstlo leading to tho bunkers . nt tho depot this nfternoon and- lod ; to a report that someone iind boon hurt. Agent Parkhurst says tho accident was trivial and only caused a fow minutes' delay. Moves Machinery D. D. Plorco is arranging to niovo tho machinery from tho logging camp which ho re cently closed nbovo Allegany to Al logany, whoro it will bo stored until ho arranges to opon a now camp. Ho hns boon figuring on opening n camp on tho Coqulllo, but this hns not boon dcflnltoly decidod yet. Injures Hand Frank Hamilton of tho launch North Star No. 1 sus tained a badly crushod hand In an ac cident todny. In docking tho launch, tho tldo enrried tho craft up against tho wharf with moro forco than ho expectod. Ho struck to looson tho Jolt, but his hand caught botwocn a piling and tho deck houso. Mill Sold IIlllls Short, who Is in from Ton Mllo, reports that tho smnll sawmill of Prod Muotzol, nonr Lnko sldo, has been sold. Ho says that his fathor-in-lnw, P. J. DoNovuo, who Is visiting him, has been having a flno tlmo. Ho was hunting nnd fishing tho other day for tho first tlmo in nlno years slnco ho loft tho Bny. Ho caught 14 nlco trout. New Bont Hero Tho stonmor Washington nrrlvod hero lato yostor day from San Francisco with pnsson gors and frolght and will sail from horo tomorrow. F. S. Dow Is agent for her. Tho vessol wns rocontly bought from tho Olson & Mnhonoy lino by tho Coos Bny, Eureka and San Frnnclsco Steamship Company, which oporntos tho Areata, Homer nnd othor boats. It Is oxpoctcd that tho vessol will bo operated on a rogulnr schodulo botwoon horo nnd Snn Frnnclsco. Found Hand Ba Tho Times want ads ngnin proved tholr effi ciency Inst overling when n smnll nd rocovorod n valuable brown lonthor hand bag for Mrs. Chrlstlno Kruso. Tho bag wns lost Inst Frldny. It wnH found by Mrs. Dnrcnus, who rosldos nt tho corner of Second street nnd Highland nvonuo. Sho mndo Inquiry for tho owner, but wns unsuccessful until sho rond tho notlco In Tho Times last ovonlng nnd this morning sho brought tho bng to Tho Times of flco, whoro Intor It was restored to Mrs. Kruso. Tho Tlmos wnnt ads nro result producors. FINED I'OU BBIBERY. Paving Company's Agent Punished at Klamath Fulls. KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Feb. 27. S. A. McMnhon, chnrgod with at tempting to bribo Mayor F. T. San derson and Councllmen It. A. Alford and Marlon Hanks, has pleaded guilty to two of tho charges and was lined $1000 on each chargo. Tho othor chargo wns dismissed. Jnmos Hushes, who wns Indicted nt tho samo tlmo by tho grand Jury on similar chargos, wns discharged on motion of tho prosecuting attorney. McMnhon nnd Hugi.os enmo horo ns represontntlvos of tho Rudolph S. Bloma Company, n Chicago packing concern. It wns al leged by tho mayor nnd councllmen that thoy had beon approached and offorod $1000 In cash besides froo paving for tholr respectivo properties it thoy would got a contract for tho compnny. FOR AGED PEOPLE. Old Folks Should Bo Careful in Their Selection of Regulative Medicine , Wo havo a safo, dopendnblo. and nltogothor Ideal remedy that is par ticularly adapted to tho requlromonts of ngod people and porsouu of weak constitutions who suffer from consti pation or other bowel disorders. Wo nro so certnin that It will rollovo these complaints and givo absoluto satisfaction in every particular that we offer It with our personal guar antee that it shall cost tho usor noth ing If It fulls to substantiate our claims. This romody Is called Rexnll Ordorlies. Rexall Orderlies aro oaten Just Uko candy, nro particularly prompt nnd ugrconblo in action, may bo tnkon nt any timo, day or night; do not cause diarrhoea, iiausoa, griping, oxcesslvo looseness, or othor undesirable ef fects. Thoy havo a very mild but iwiultltrn twtlrin minti tlirt iri'nnu vi'lHi ! which they come In contact, appar ently acting us a rogulatlvo tonic up on the relaxed muscular coat of tho bowel, thus overcoming weakness, and aiding to restoro tho bowels to moro vigorous and healthy activity. Three sizes, 10c, 25c, and 50c. Sold only at our store The Rexall Storo Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "Tho Busy Corner." Try Tho 'ilmeB' Want AdB, PERSONAL NOTES I , J. MENDEL is making a business visit to Bandon today. P. S. DOW wont to Myrtlo Point this morning on business. J. W. BENNETT left yostorday for Portland and Salem on business. DR. AND MRS. S. C. ENDICOTT of Bnndon nro Marshflold visitors. R. E. SHINE of Coqulllo Is looking after business Interests on tho bay. FRANK ROGERS of Coos River was a Marshflold business visitor todny. MRS. JOHN MESSERLE of Cntchlng Inlet Is a Marshflold Bhoppor today. JAMES LANDRITH and wlfo of Coos River woro Mashflold visitors to day. MRS. R. A. WERNICH of North Bend wns a Marshflold visitor to dny. II, KENNEDY, and Alfred Vohrs of Lnkeport aro Marshflold buslnoss visitors. ALFRED JOHNSON, JR., of Coqulllo Is sponding a fow days In Marsh flold. MRS. CHAS. SNEDDON Is roportod quite 111 at their homo In South Mnrshfleld. MRS. NELLIE OWEN and Mrs. W. E. Dungnn returned yostordny from a fow weeks' visit In San Francisco. HENRY DIERS of North Bond wns In Marshflold today with sovornl now railway storlos, but snld they woro not rondy for publication. DENNIS FLYNN, who hns boon vis iting William Grlmos and othor frlonds horo, will loavo on tho Broakwator Saturday for his homo In Oklahoma. MRS. SARAM MOORE, who hns boon sponding a fow days at tho homo of hor nloco, Mrs. J. Albort Mntson, loft for tho homo of Mrs. Allco Kruso on Isthmus Inlet todny. C. C. CARTER nnd Frank Mitchell from nonr Kansas City arrived horo yostorday to look over this soctlon with a vlow of locating. Thoy hnvo been making a tour of tho const. MISS IDA ADAMS, tho now llbrnrlnn of tho Marshflold public library, Is oxpoctod horo on tho Broak wator Thursday from Boston. Sho will nssumo hor now dutlos nt onco. O. O. LUND roturnod todny from a trip to Bnndon, Coqulllo nnd Myrtlo Point in bohnlf of his can didacy for shorlff Bo says that Mr. Domont said that so far as ho know, Lund would bo tho only enn dldnto for tho Ropubllcnn nomina tion. MRS. ANDREW STAMBUCK of Coos River wns In Mnrshflohl todny nr rnnglng to bogln dlvorco proceed ings ngnlnst hor husbnnd, who was bound ovor to tho grand Jury by Justlco Ponnock recently for ns saultlng hor. Slnco tho trnublo, Stambuck has boon rosldlng with n brothor at North Bond. S. C. ROGERS of Coos Rlvor, who wns In town today, snyB thnt fow of tho rnnchors aro planning to stnrt tholr spring work for n fow wooka yot. With tho exception of a fow well sholtorod spots, Mr. Rogers suys thnt It Is of littlo uso to put In crops beforo about April 15. IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SENSI TIVE About tho slzo of your shoes, It's some satisfaction to know that many peoplo can wear shoes a: slzo smallor by slinking Allon's Foot-Eoaso, tho antiseptic powdor, into thorn, Just the thing for Dancing Parties, Pat ent Leather Shoes, and for Breuklng In New Shoos. Whon rubbers or ovorshoos becomo necessay and your shoos pinch, Allon's Foot-Enso gives Instant relief. Sold ovory whoro, 25 cts. Sample FREE. Adress, Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. Don't uc cent any stihstltiiU'. AMERICAN WONDER POTATOES The last Breakwater brought us a fine lot of this popular seed potato CHANGE YOUR SEEDINCREASE YOUR YIELD See SUPERVISORS HOLD MEETING Men in Charge of County Road Districts Mset at Coquille Next Week. A convention of tho rond super visors of Coos county will bo hold at tho court houso In Coqulllo Fri day, March 8, whon road matters In general will bo discussed. Tho super visors will moot with tho county commissioners and tho lattor will outllno tho manner In which thoy do slro tho work handled this year. Tho commissioners hnvo nrrangou for tho construction of moro per manent road this year than has boon built any soason horotoforo. Tho county stono quarry nn tho Coqulllo will furnish most of tho crUBhod rock. Tho county commissioners will moot at Coqulllo Wodnesday, March G, In regular sosslon and it Is ox poctod thnt a largo portion of tho mooting will bo dovotod to rond Im provement projects. ALONG THE WATER FRONT. Tho Brcnkwntor will sail tonight from Portland for Coos Bny. Tho Alllnnco is scheduled to sail this ovonlng from Portland for Coos Bay. Tho Randolph took n cargo of gen eral morchnndlso to Coqulllo rlvor points todny nnd will roturn tomor row to lond for Roguo rlvor nnd othor points. It Is proposed to clinngo tho namo of tho stoamor M. F. Plnnt, which op erates from Pugot Sound to Califor nia ports, to Yukon, and application for tho substitution hns bcon mndo at tho Port Townsond custom house Portland Orogonlan. NORTH BUND NEWS. C. F. McCollum ha recolvod a now auto from Snn Frnnclsco. Mrs. P. Potorson of May Is visiting hoc dnughtors, Mrs. M. G. Coloman and Mrs. E. E. Rlggs, for a fow days. Now Bond Done Tho now plnnk rond between hero nnd North Bond via Forndnlo will bo completed to night. Dr. Bnrtlo of North Bond enmo through ovor tho road In his now nuto this afternoon, whllo D. L-. Footo'B mndo tho trip to North Bond About sixty fcot of plnnk'lng re mnlnod to bo laid whon thoy wont through. Try FOOTH'S AUTO SERVICE to NORTH BEND nt ALTj HOURS ovor now planked road. PHONIC (KIJ un til 11 p. m. and n,T nftor 11 p. m. SOCIALISTS, NOTICE. All Socialists nro requested to at tend special mooting Thursday, Feb ruary 29, at 8 p. m. A. J. STEPHAN, Sec. A TURKISH BATH will do you GOOD. Phono 2 14 J. A. D. S. EXTRACT OF MALT A time tried general tonic and flesh builder. This is a pure malt extract which we can recommend to you as being fino for poor ap petite or weak stomach. An ideal tonic, for thoso suffering from nervous ness. 15c a Bottle $1.50 a Doz. BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS r. s. dow i hone 278 :""T