THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY. 27, 1 912 EVENING EDITION COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALOXNY Kdltor nnd Pub. DAN IS. MALOXEY News Kdltor Address all communications to coos hay daily times. Mnrshllcld : :: :; :: Oregon Entered at the postofflco at Marsh' Bold, Oregon , for transmission through tho malls as socond class mall matter. L S explained that other questions' limit of Indebtedness of tho city. Tho ABOUT WATER Dedicated to tbo servlco of the peoplo( that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrive unopposed. Ofllclal I'npor of Coos County An Independent Republican news paper published ovory ovenlng except Sunday, and Wookly by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. was could be submitted at the election, he said that probably a special election would bo tho only means of ascertain ing definitely what the community desired done. He suggested first that tho private owners be allowed to continue to furnish water to tho city for five years or so until tho growth warranted the city going ahead and securing another good water supply, i Councilman Merchant said that ho couldn't sco any use In submitting n proposition to buy at $100,000, be cause tho people are sure to voto It , down. IIo said ho thought tho poo-1 plo would bo willing to tnko It at AN' IMPOUTANT UKQl'ISITK. THE experience of Mexican presi dents nnd tlio desperate situa tions which tho government la continually encountering points to an old moral which the people of Amer ica do well to remember. It Is not the form of government which makes a grout nation, but the citizenship which supports tho gov ernment. For this roason tho dis loyal erratic populace of Mexico Is forovcr breeding disorder and revolu tion. Tho foundors of the Mexican ro rubllc came to tho country largely through morcennry Impulses which aro narrowly selfish impulses and jpovor likely to produce a sano nnd dependable environment for any sort of government. Tho forcfathors of our own nntlon noro men with traditions of mental woro men with traditions of mental, moral and physical significance. Thoy enmo to our shore, not seeking tho gold of tho early adventurers but a lnnd In which thoy could live simple nnd exalted lives. Tiny woro nnr xow nnd Intolerant very often, hut they had the real of a ir ent nurnoao nnd the belief in n standard of living which Is trite and Intelligently demo cratic. It Is the support of a citizenship such as this upon which any nntlon must depend for its g-entnoHn. I.nws r-nd utattitcfl run do little without tl I" fundamental stability of blood nnd brain and e'ean. rel.ablo Indi vidual living. (Continued from page 1.) said a special election would only cost about $G0 and tho council could make up this expense by eliminating a fow meetings which cost about $14 each. Finally, ho said that ho would pay ono-hnlf of tho expenes of tho spe cial election hlmsolf and snld that ho thought thcro were sufficient others present who would defray tho other half. Councilman Powers said that ho would pay his sharo of it and later unfrl flint tin wnlllfl tinv nnn.linlf nf ' tho expense. Mayor Straw, after a number of delayed now after all tho work thoy tho cotincllmcn had stated that thoy hnd dono on It. IIo thought It thought It was useless to submit the ' ought to be put up to n voto. $1G0,000 proposition because the1 Copple Against It. price was so high that tho voters! councilman Copple said that he would bo suro to roject it asked C. u.nq ,lfTniof 0i.,i,., ..... .. u eMu, ouuiidhkiiif, ti 11 uiuoikiuu present limit Is 0 per com oi mo nscssed valuation. Tito present as sessed valuation Is about $2,253,000 while tho outstanding bonded debt of tho city Is about $G4,000. In view of tho fact that If the pros ont system la tnken over nt $1(50, 000 anil that It will require about $00,000 to Improve It, tho council finally decided that tho debt limit should bo Increased to at least 15 por cent. This ordinance was passed and enn bo submlttod nt any oloctlon after tho expiration of CO days. Some of the counnitmen wanted to know what tho city would have to do $130,000. Otherwise, ho thought n if jt decldod to tako up tho Clear special election usoless and that tho Me or 80tiio other source of supply best thing to do would bo to try to n cnso the voters turn down Nolan's force tho private owners to glvo hot ter service. IIo snld Nolan had stat ed that ho was going to take It over and mnko some Improvements In It. . WUtlUttlllUll uu U(U duiu k ll ill 1IU hntcd to sco tho matter dropped or MORE RIOTING IN JAMAICA It. Peck, Mr. Nolan's attorney, If $100,000 way tho least Nolan would take. Mr. Peck said ho understood It was. Mnyor Straw snld you couldn't al ways toll what tho voters woro going to do. IIo snld that ho had figured ono tlmo thnt Dryan was going to bo elected president and hnd bet nil his ready cash at Klamath Falls and lost It. Ho said that ovon though tho re ports of the commltteo and engineers ' showed the value to bo high, ho ', didn't think It would ho fair not to I lot them vote on It. IIo snld that he was satisfied In his own mind thnt the pcoplo would voto down tho $1(10.000 proposition, but he thought they ought to hnvo n chance to voto on It anyway. And then, 1 o said, you enn't always tell how tho people are going to voto. "Can you, Copple?" he humorously nildod. "And bosldes, whnt nro wo going to do?" ho In quired. "Supposing wo reject No Inn's offer and try to condemn tho $160,000 proposition. All of these will cost more than tho city will be ablo to rnlBO under n 15 per cent bondod dobt limit. It was explained thnt nnothor apodal oloctlon would havo to bo called. Other Questions Up. City Attorney (loss explained that any question relative to the water works matter could bo submlted to tho voters nt the special election If proscntod to tho council ton days or to buy tho plant nt $1GO,000 to tho ' m before tho dato of tho oloctlon. Some suggested that tho people also havo an opportunity to express themsolvcs on condemnation pro ceedings, on tho Clcnr lako water supply and on other phnscs of It. Thcso will bo determined later. The voto on tho lntter questions, would not bo lagally binding on tho coun cil, but would bo morally as repre sentatives of tho people. voters In tho face of reports showing Ic to bo worth $20,000 or $30,000 loss than that amount. IIo snld it was not bttslncssllko to do so. Ho snld that ho had not found ono mnn who favored n special oloctlon on tho $1C0;000 proposition becnuso all thought It was too high. Besides, ho said, to submit tho $100,000 proposi tion and havo It voted down might bo used by somo ns an expression by tho community against municipal ownership. Ho snld that If It was rubmlttcd ho wnntod other proposi tions or questions submitted with It. to got n true expression of tho com munity on It. He snld that tho council could forco tho company under tho old franchise nccordlng to tho city nttor noy, to glvo bettor sorvlco and I in provo tho plant. Mr. Copple snld tho council hnd rejected tho $100,000 of- i for because It was too high nnd could do so ngnln. UKAIj MILK and UKATj CHKAM delivered to your homo on FIVE MINUTES' NOTICE. PHONIC .lilO.J. F A. Sacchl. Pltv AHnrnni finoa anl.1 flint tin Plant nnd tho value fixed through tho jwl8ll0(, ,0 ,, tj t M Q . Two Killed and Thirty Injured During Outbreak by Mob in Kingston. (IJy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) KINOSTON, Jamaica, Fob. 27.- Kingston was given over to mob rulo throughout tho night and us a result of collisions between tho pollco nnd populnco two men woro killed and 30 or more Injured, courts Is moro than $100,000? Wo have been backing nnd filling on this wnler mntter for months nnd wo might ns well shift again and throw tho responsibility on tho votors through n spoclol oloctlon. It don't mean that wo Indorso It by simply putting It up to them." IIo nlso added thnt tho sontlment or wishes of tho community might bo ascer tained through somo other questions nt tho oloctlon. Councilman Powers snld that ho thought something ought to bo dono and dono now. If It Isn't, ho de clared, no Improvements would bo mndo this summon IIo snld that tho pcoplo'B hoalth nnd proporty demand was only partly correct In quoting him about forcing tho compnny to glvo hotter service. IIo paid thnt ho thought tho city could but thnt the only penalty thnt could bo Imposed would be to nnnul tho franchise This would do llttlo good, nH tho city still hnd to havo water and tho com pnny would hnvo tho city at tholr mercy unless another water systom could bo secured. Nolan Wants repression. C. It. Peck said thnt Mr. Nolan was ery anxious to hnvo an expression of tho people horo on municipal own ership nt this tlmo. Whllo ho was going to buy tho water works any- TELLS THE CAUSE OF APPENDICITIS Lockhart & Parsons Drug Co. sta tes that much appendicitis In Marsh flold Is caused by constipation, gas on tho stomach or sour stomach. Thcso troubles aro almost INSTANTLY ro Moved and nppondlcltls guarded ngnlnst by tnklng a SINGLE DOSE of slmplo buckthorn bark, glycerlno, otc, ns compounded In Adlor-l-kn, the now Gorman nppondlcltls remedy. LIN HAS M CONFESSED Clarence Darrow's Detective Admits Having Tried to Bribe Juror Bain. (Ily Asoclatod Press to Coos liny Tl 11103.) LOS ANOELKS, Fob. 27. Uort X'rnnklln, formerly n doteutlvo om ployod by Claronco S. narrow, plond ed guilty today to having ntompted to "Influonco" Itobort Ilnln, tho first Juror Hwum In for tho trial of Jamos II. McNumnra, tho confessed dyna mltor now sorvlng a llfo torm In the San Qiieuttu prison. Tho original chargo against Frankllng of having bribed Itiiln was dismissed. Franklin was released on his own rocognlznnco after ploadlng guilty Is tho Ilnln ease and was Instructed to apopar In court Friday for sontence. Tho maximum penalty Is five years imprisonment and a Hue of $5000, but In view of tho practical certainty that Franklin will appear as the' state's clhof witnoM) when Harrow Is brought to trial on the charge or hav ing brlltod Haiti and (leorgo Lock wood, probntlon or suspended sou tonco Is oxpottoJ. After tt e show Phone 2H-.1 try it Turkish Hath POUR ed that tho sorvlco bo Improved. Ho I wny ,10 wnntod to know how tho said that ho had heard constnnt com-i, ,,y ,00" on lu Uo 8lUl1 t,mt plnlnts about tho wntor sorvlco fori " v,ow of tnl8' Mr- NoI,,n '"vorcd fivo years and wnntod to boo somo lll ,ln" of 8'"lttlK bis $100,000 notion tnkon. IIo said tho votors (off('r "8 " Proposition nnd nnothor would bo nmply Informed lnsldo of ! '"'"l,0hltlo Increasing tl o city's limit 00 days to know how to voto Intel- "' ,mk,tolo" 'or the purpose of llgently on tho questions to bo put ' l,",,M,v,nK ,ho w,,ur 8t"'v,co without up. He said ho wns In favor of sub-l !''str,ctl"K U to Ul Present plant, mlttlng nnv other nlnosMnnn .lMiro.i howoVt'r' Mr ,l'(, 'l. bo was con- j lldont that tho present plant wns the niy one the city could now i-ouslc)--en account of the greater cot of t o other projects. At any rate, he said tho city If it thought $100,000 too high a prlco and wanted to condoinn Mr. Nolnn's proporty would havo to nrrango for bonding ltolf to tnk It undor condemnation proceedings. Extent of PivM'tit Supply. Councilman Powers wnntod to know of Engineer (5 Id toy If tho pres ent wntor system would not supply n roinnuinlty of 10.000 or 50.000 peo ple . Mr. Oldley said that ho had so reported, but Hint In ordor to do so ! It would bo necessary to utlllzo nrac- tlcnlly every bit of water In Pony In let. Ho said to do this would necessi tate putting in big reservoirs nnd would bo very exponslvo. Ho would not estimate Just whnt tiw. .,, might be. Councilman Copplo wanted to know ir the vnluo of tho water rights on Pony Inlet would not decronso as tho population lucrensed owing to tho imager or tno source of supply holng , contaminated. Mr. Oldley said thnt was a mattor the speclnl commltteo appraising them had been thrashing out all day without being nblo to ngreo on It. Councilman Powers did not think It would. I Councilman Merchant snld thnt tho v.iuersneu onibrnced about six and I ono-hnlf squaro miles, while tho total nren of tho peninsula was about 13, square miles. Helntlvo to tho mlttlng any other qluestlons deslrod nlong with tho other proposition. Ho declared It would ho "doad wrong to rontlnuo to stnnd tho thing off nnd qulbblo over It." IIo de clared that tho oloctlon should bo hold bofnro May 1 . Ho said tho old council favored a voto on It. Ho snld the new high school Is without flro protection nnd that neither his homo, the homo of Councilman Ferguson and of Councilman Alton had nny flro protection nnd thnt It wns tlmo for somolhlng to ho dono nhout It. Views of Others. Councilman Ferguson snld that ho hnd henrd nothing but kicks ngnliiBt submitting the $100,000 proposition. Councllmnn Allen snld that ho didn't sco nny uso In submitting tho $100,000 proposition whon tho coun cil knew It wns going to ho turned down by the votors. I.ntor whon It SEE THE Royal Tailored WINDOW f)00 Samples up (o tho min ute, absolutely all wool. Made to (it you. Suits $ 1 8 to $35 FIXUP J Marshfiold & North Bend Women Appreciate Clean Electric Lighting It will surprise you to know how rej you can equip your home for electric to The cost is a sound, dividend paying m incut not an expense. Our representative will visit vmi ni m... "-- i"u menu filiation and make cost estimates without I charge. The work can be dono quickly ami without tearing up your home. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co. Important Notice to Property Owners Give us a description of your property and we will obtain for you amount of taxes on same. Sheriff docs not notify you. First National Bar FLANAGAN & BENNETT BAI MAI IK II KIK I I), OHKOO.V. At the close of IminIiicsn, 1-VIi. UO, Ilia;. nusnimniw LoniiH nnd DIhcoiiiiIh .' HH'il Hanking Ilouso (J Cash and Kvchnnges !!!!!!!!!!!!... lCWll Total ,n MAIIII.IIMK'Q Capital Stock paid in ' ! silt I Surplus and Undivided I'rollts 5PI Deposits ; 5J,ir Total ,i:i ome Monofojl $100 Reward, $100 Tlu fiuti-rM't till. iht rilbo .!,',1 to lorii thnt tlmo Um Vii.t omMtri'aiUM nlx'it.o ItiHt m'I iioc lint tioon nlilo to ru ro In nil jtii Um.Hinl Hint ll'tfnl Hull'. frttHrrh J tire l tin' onl-iottltcnri' now knnnii to tho nirilli-iii fraternity. Cnlnrni ticlim iiron klltiitloiml tlltHK ri'iiufri'h n I'im.lltiitliiiml lii'iitni' nt lUll.x ('Htitrrh riirt-1 talon Inter, iml y. ai'tliiK illrts'tlyiipon the hlooil hiiiI iiiii roiu iirtee u( Di.l .tom therehv iloktrmliiK the (.Hiii.lrttloii of the i1l-ao. Hint kIWiiiMIio li lent .tr-imth fu luillilhu up ilie uniltii tloii hikI Mk.letl" k nature In ilolim work the proprietor, have ,i iiuich faith In ftnenr. atle poer Hint thev rffer One Urn tlreil Pol. ar tor any ca.e tliat It falln to euro. Hcml for ll.t of tPkiiu.iintn t SoM i all liruiiKiiitii.TAe. Take Hall.' ramlly rilUlorcnnktfpatlon Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality cost of improve ments. Mr. Oldley said thnt he had estimated that It would requlro tho expenditure of ahout $00,000 to Im pvove tho Murshflold tystetn nlono without making nny imprc.-o.ueu's In the N'orth llend system. Inn vase Del.t Limit. Finally City Attomoy doss pre sented an ordinance providing for n charter amendment increasing the DONT Buy your Butter, Cream or milk from the Coos Bay Tee and Cold Storage Com pany unless you want only the BEST Delivery S a. m. 2 .Beau Pot Chccso p. m. Try It. Home Permanency vs. K nils Is n vital question for present day homohullders-wlietln have a house which in nppoamnco must nlwnys roraaln then' or a houso that will nnrmit nf it, i ' l.i.... ri!oa3 V.l..l.l 1 , .-. v.. n llbllU lUIIUOIIIIlb wvv .Neiuiboihoods chango as do Individual tastes a frame boaJtt "J"'. " ",auo J? iiarmonlzo with its surroundlngs-a IreiJ of paint often will mnko It as good ns your neighbor's ne to uto snmo as a now suit makes you feel llko a new Bit miV. i t ranie ll0,,B0 ,s 8,,8coptlblo to most nny cbangt P night doslro and whllo It Is pormanont It does not net wrfinf0"10 1n ye8oro r monotony. There are lots o!tt wee observed about housos and lumbor that you should l" w,u uu,b eomo in and we'll glvo you our views. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. 61 WHAM, I)iaItTMKN'T SOUTH IIUOADWAV, MABSWI first Class Auto Scrvic Special calls nnvuiiaw .... Stand at Smokehouse. Phono GC-J rnTUl 1nMV.,!l-s nf'?r '1 P. i". Phono u-u. (tcMueiieu 1'iiono 2S-J cars and careful drivers. Good Abstracts, Real Estate, B and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract IIKMIY SKXOSTACKEN, Mgr. CoqulllB om e Phone 191 Marsbfleld Office H-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands specUM- Oonsral Agents "EASTSIDF." I Have Somo First Class UKSI 1)13X01 lot8 In Eugene to Exchange for Coos Bay Property. What Have You Got? !'. KIM.KKX rmral Ave.. Marahfleld. Have That RoofH XOW See COBTUm Phone 8I1 D. 1. FOOTS. Proprietor I GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' 0