ttSooamesarshfielCTreg L mU AT THE Dining Room Furniture , Mtrfhr 1 :tA At the Churches (Ministers and others nro request- led to band tlia Sunday church no Itlces not Inter than Friday evonlng to jlnsuro lnsortlon Saturday.) 10 o'clock Sunday morning, the Uov. Hither .Monroe celebrant. During tlio Lenten season services will he held each Friday evening, tlio Stations of tho Cross being followed by benediction of the Ulossed Sacrament. it METHODIST EPISCOPAL t K Rot. H. I. Ruilodgo, Pastor. X Sunday school at 10 A. M. Morning servlco nt 11 A. M. Ep worth Loaguo nt 0:30. Evening sorvlco &t 730. Prayer meeting on lhurg'ay oro- nlng at 7:30. Strangers wolcomo. .SOUTH HEND PRESBYTERIAN Rev. D. A. MacLood, Pastor Sunday school nt 10. Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Preaching liioiuiug and evening. CHOOL NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Rev. A. Q. L1ND, Pastor. Residence 471 Elrod Avo. Morning service 10:30 In North 1 Rend. Evening servlco 7:30 In Marsh- field. Sunday school each Sunday at 10 a. in. MARSIIFIELD . PHESHVTKHIAN CHURCH fc Sunday school at 10:00 A. M. Christian Endeavor at 0:30 P. M. INCH SCHOOL Supt. TIcdgcn acted as ono of the judges In the debnto between North Ucnd and Myrtle Point In North Rend last night. Tlio question debntod wns: Resolved, thnt capital punish ment should bo abolished and re placed by llfo lmprlsonmont with limited power for pardon. The North Duiul team hnd tho affirmative sldo of tho question nnd .Myrtle Point tho negative. SEVENTH DAY ARVENTISTS C. J. Cole, pastor. f Sovcnth Day Advcntlst sorvlces nre conducted every Saturday us follows: Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Preaching services at 3 p. m. Come and spend an hour with us; wo will do you good. FIRST HAPTIST CHURCH. Rev O. Lcltoy Hall, Residence C92 Sixth street Phones: Resldcnco 2GG. Study, 289-L. Sunday. 10 A, M. Sunday School. Glaudo Stutsman, suporintendont. Preaching services nt 11:30. 3 P. M, Roys and girls' mooting Mrs. Q. L. Hall In charge Young Pooplo's mooting nt C:30. Rev. Geo. L. White, who has held largo nnd appreciating audiences all this wook will conduct thrco services tomorrow'. In tho morning his themo will bo "Flno Fabrics"; nt 3 p. in. "A Triumphant Socialism"; at 7:30 "A Curious Question." All who can get Into tho church and can find a seat or standing room nro cordially invit ed to all sorvlces. Tho afternoon meeting will bo o poclally for mon, but tho ladles aro wolcomo, UNITED HRETHREN CHURCH OF NORTH HEND. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor nt C:30 P. M. Preaching sorvlce at 11 A. M. nnd 8 o'clock. NORTH REND METHODIST CHURCH. 4V4 44 Tho Borvlccs Sunday will bo as fol lows: Sunday school, 10 A. M. Preaching sorvlces, 11 A. M. Junior Loaguo, 3:30 P. M. Evonlng sorvlco at 7:30 P. M. Mr. Rurkcr, princlpnl of tho high Bchool, wont to Coqulllo Friday whero ho acted as Judgo In tho debnto between North Ucnd nnd Coqulllo. At no time in (ho history oL jVIarshfiold ins there heen hihjIi a choice selection of Dining Room Kui'iiiliirc as wo avo now showing. This line includes Furniture to Suit Every Purse Thero will bo no regular mooting of tho High School Literary Society this week. Tho play "Mr. Dob," to be given by tho senior cIubs for tho boneflt of the society mny take tho place of tho regular meeting. A hnndball court Is being put tho tabernacle by Mr. Qrnnnls. In NORTH HEND CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Father Springer, Roctor. ) Mass will bo eolobrated by tho Rov. Father SiHngor nt 8 o'clock. SPEAK ON SOCIALISM At tho First llaptlHt Church Sun duy nfternoon nt 3 o'clock, Rov. George- L. White will nddress tho men of this city giving n special ad dress on "A Triumphant Socialism." Ladles aro welcome. 'M PER CENT DISCOUNT sale nt COOS HAY CASH STORE. Tho basketball senson, so fnr ns games with outside towns Is con cerned Is closed, but n lmsketlmll loaguo may bo formed turning tlio boys of tho school. Several teams nro to bo organized among tho upper grado and in tho high school, contest gnmes to be hold between tliesu teams. Miss Ada Chnpmnn of tho fourth grndo In Central building wns absent from clnBHos on Friday. .Mrs. TIcd gcn supplied for hor. HIE LUTHERAN CHURCH. Cor. 3rd and Commercial Avo. Rev. D. F. Rongtson, pastor. 294 Highland Avonuo Phono 04-R Sunday School at 9:46. Sorvlco at 11:00. Servlco at North Ucnd nt 3 o'clock. CHURCH OP CHRIST Rogular sorvlces o.ry Lord's day. Sunday school, 10 o'clock A. M. Communion sorvlco 11 o'clock A.M. Y. P. S. C. E. 0:30 o'clock P. M. Prayer moctlng Thursday evening each wook 8 o'clock. GLADYS HHOCKWELL STOCK CO. In "MERELY MAHY ANN" .MASONIC THEATER Two nights Commencing Monday, February Sflth. Prices 25c. !I5c nnd noc. Entire- now sconory FULL ORCHESTRA. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hav ILWAY8 USED. PHONE 72 PaclOc Ltvory & Transfer Co. TAMALKS that aro TAMALES at SAKTERS on Front street. Don't forget PHONE 214..!. tho Turkish Datht FRESH COLU.MHIA RIVER Smelt at CITY FISH MARKET. REAL CHICKEN SARTERS. TAMALKS nt As a nalos-makcr and a bust- ncss-bulldor. do rou know of anything bottor or surer than adtortlstng, 4 English Depnrtincnt. Tho members of tho sophomoro clnsa hnvo chosen subjects for tholr long thomos for tho semester. A par tial list of tho subjects chosen fol lows: "Indlnn Traditions of Coos liny". . Myrtlo Cowan "Improvement In Prison Conditions. . Lucy Poworn Tho Work of Dr. Oronfoll In Lab rador Mao Myron "Dickon's Contonnnry" Ruth Ilonuland "Panama Canal'" . . . .Vivian Carlson "Hoy Scouts' Chester Isnucson ' Porsla and Mr. Shustor" Cnrl Larson "A Cannry Fancier". . .Albert Unities "Tho Resources of Coos Ray". . . . Tom Pnttorson "Tho U. S. Navy Under Myers". . . Wnltor Jonsou "Cnnadlan Forests" ...Rruco Kolloy "Footbnll" Guy Stutsman "Music In Amorlca" Altn Soulo "Tho Georgo Junior Republic"... Evolyn Lnngworthy "Tho Durbar" Agnes Sanqulst "Improvements In PrlBon Condi tions" Hnrrlct Hanson "Pnnnmn Canal" . . .Goorgo Johnson Theso thomos nro to consist of about 800 words. T' !TJ"nl'nrH of tlio eleventh crado AVe want ovcl-v housekeeper to conic and see this special showing of Dining Room JAirnitiu'e. This is your store, como in and express your opinion. "Wo welcome visitors. We welcome you. Dining Chairs from $1.25 up to Uiuinir Tables from $10.00 up to Special $ l o.oo ".$50.00 Rugs for China Cabinets from $.18.00 up to .Buffets from $20.00 up to Dining $60.00 $55.00 Room Special Draperies for Dining Room In fact if you want the most and the best for your money, conic here. Perry & Nicholson WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. (Contlnttod on pngo 7.) I Hnvo Somo First Class RESIDENCE LOTS In Eugene to Exchango for Coos Day Property. What Havo You Got7 AUG. FRI.EEN KM Out ml Ave., Marshfiold. Have That Roof Fixed NOW Sec OORTUELL Phono mai FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redcmdo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUHMARINE HELL SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. SAN FRANCISCO Friday, Feb. 23 at 1 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO.M PA.VV. Phono M. (J. F. .MrGKOHGK, Agent. City Auto Service i ood Cars, Caroful Drivers and roasonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhoro at any time." StnndB Dlanco Hotol and Dlanca Cigar Store. Day Phonos 78 and 46 Night Phono 46. nARKER & GOODALE. Proprietor. Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill Eastside and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Bt. THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM GOOS BAY FOR PORTLAND, SATURDAY, FEB. 24, AT 12 M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC- STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 1,1,01,0 n' O. P. McGEORGE, Agtnt. EPISCOPAL ' Emmanuel Church Rov. Robt. E. Drowning, Rector 8 A. M. Holy Communion (2nd nnd 4th Sundays), 0:30 A. M. Sunday school. 11 A. M. Morning sorvlco nnd sormon. 7:30 P. M. Evonlng sorvlco nnd eormou. Sorvlco at St. Luko's Episcopal church, Eniplro, ovory Frldny evonlng and In St. Mary's Church, North Dond, ovory Sunday aftomoon nt 3:30. "V s-ssaaass. fi Jan nous amw m.uav Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality I K$ VWJ VSV Vi V5 WSS-SO W CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. M Ckrlstlmi Sclouco hall, 327 Third itreot, North. Sorvlco Sunday at 11 a. in. SuuU't-t ".Mind." Sundny school 12 M Wednesday s p. m. 4 MARSH Fl ELD OATHOLIO CHURCH. Rov. A. R. Munro High hit's UU ho so'eninlyed nt VH EMPpc-CfffNT 0 ATs CROWING ON TOP may not seoni very modest for us, lint tho exceptional quality of our feed mnkes us feel suro that our clulnis to "top notch goodness" will ho echoed by those who hnvo bought Irani us In tho pnst, or nro now deal ing with us. In corn, onts, wheat or anything olso wo hnndlo but ono quality tho best, and wo ask only very reasonable- prices for It. A. T. Haines People Take Notice! Wo havo all lengths of utovo wood for salo, prices ranging from $1.50 per tier up. Wo can furnish an) length you wloh. L. H. HEISNER Phono No. 120-J or 49-L. Steamer Homer DATE OF SAILING TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER F. S. Dow, Agent Phono IIIDJ Waterfront, Mild. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, a imuinuouci lor l, C'unnlliiitlloiit II t'u iluolit', Sluuiiu-h Truulili., Tri'lliluji l l.o rile r ., .ml llr.iriiv um lb.r llri'iiu in, ISiI.Im :...',. Wurui rwi.r,.M LnSpo""-. At J lirui.n. Slow. tnubtltut. a. S. OLMSTED, L Roy, N.Y. - vmmC (QjW 'ill City Fish Market FREE DELIVERY. In Ferguson Transfer Rldg. Foot of .Market Ave, SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PnOXE 20DJ EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS O.N'TI.ME. hHH 1 1,0Im AT 8 P. M. ON FERRUARY 18, 20 AND2T. SAILS FROM COOS RAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE OS FEBIU'- li. A. PARKnUKST, Agent. Phono .Main 33 ARY 10, 17 nnd 21. L. II. KEATIXO, Agent. WI1EX WE OPEN OUR OVE.V DOO and you get a whiff of tho brend or rolls In It you don't havo to bo told they aro good. You know It. You'll know It Btlll better when you como to tnsto them. So will ovory member of your family. As good homo bak ers as you do so regulnrly. Coos Bay Bakery The place for good goodies. Phone 111-L Market Ave. MnrsUfloU WANTED ! ! ! JARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneuma tic Clennlng Company. Orders foi vork taken at GOING Ai IIAKVM IMIOVE inn Apart- TI1IJ LLOYD. .Most modern Rooms nnd nieiit-houso In tho city: Day trnnslent 50c nnd up rer weok $2.00 nnd up Wo hnvo nicely furnished 2-room npartmonts, Including bath, $10 per month and up. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coau.ll om e Phono 191 Marshflold Offlo 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents "EASTSIDF." STADDEN All Mnds of photograph work, bromide onlnrging nnd kodak finishing. ANCONA, SICILIAN HUTTlt JpU. AND SAUMON FAVOROLLL W FOR HATCHING. Tho kind forest I hnvo thoroughbred stock. F. E. GLAZIER, Phono 299. North Ilend, Oreg'"- rraa 'ifp'rtijnn.n...