r" r- THE COOS BAY TIMES tiMr?FI ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1912 EVENING EDITION I!w' WANT ADS. WANTED Girl for light housework from 7 n. in. till 7 p. m.j references required. Phono 29 4-X. WANTED To buy, aocond hand fish ing skiff, about 18-foot. Phono 3034; n. A. Landrlth, Coos River. rOItSAIiK Huggy nnd harness; rea sonable. "Snap," enro Times. j,OST Botweon Forndalo nnd Marsh fiold, n gold brooch with ruby In coiitori rownrd for return to Times offlco. EGGS for hatching; puro brod S. 0. Whlto Leghorns and R. I. Rods; I'hono 103-L. DonJ. Ostllnd. I'OUNR Lndlcs back comb, sot with brllllantB. Owner can get snmo at Times offlco. JXJGS FOR HATCHING Whlto Log horns, Qllmoro strain, Rhode Isl nnd Reds, Elliott strain. C. E. Jor dan, EastBlde. 1'OR SALE Cheap; launch Unique. Apply H. B. Cox. Phono C9-L. FOR BALK IIouso nnd two lots In Schcttor's Add.; must bo sold at once on account of owners leaving. For particulars see E. O. Hall, Phono 1C9-J. FOR RENT G room modern house; rent 12:50. Call at Gem Wnfflo Kitchen, C37 N. Front st. "WANTED Fresh young milch cow. Phono 3116. FOR all kinds of hauling, see Clifford Donno. Phono 331R. Always "TiTe Busy 7 3&S3& starm 3rd Saturday Sale PERFUMES Colgate's Canlimcro Houquct Colgntc'H Ln Franco Hono Coign te'H Mound Violet Colgate's I'miNy RIohnoiii Colgate's Yliwiif Viang Snntn Durham Heliotrope Cherry Iludu California Lllnc Hmitn Barbara Heliotrope Jockey Club Auto Queen lliirteiiNln and many more. These popular odors Along with place here; regular flOc toi$l..t an ounce Special Today Only 29c an Ounce SEE OUR WINDOW Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE DON'T READ THIS Singer Sewing Machines Tho publlo Is Invited to visit our office and Inspect our stock of the latest ball-bearing machines sold on easy paymonts. Slightly used machines of different makoB from $5.00 to $10.00. Needles and Parts for All Machines Machines for Rent Repairing a Specialty SINGER SEWING MACHINE OFFICE Phono 184-L. 178 So. Broadway., Marshfiold. oliE ! p' REWARD FOR CAPTURE OF PAPER THIEVES The Coos Day Times will pay J5.00 roward to nny party fur- nlshlng evidence that will con- vlct tnen or boys who steal co- P'es of The Times from sub- Bcribers after Tile Times' dellv- ery boys have delivered It. nli . Getting business is Just llko courting a girl you must offer f right kind of goodi, and Veep on calling." Everything Is Right At the FIXUP Even the Price Men's Suits $8.50 to $25 Marshfield & North Bend R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 121 North Front Street Comer" Palmer's Rose Leaven Palmer's Crnbnpplo Hlossotu Pnlmer'H Cnrnntlon Pink Palmer's Violet Palmer's Apple Leaven FUcIi'h Meadow Pink Fltch'H May Houquct FUcIi'h Ijovg'h Joy Fltch'H Lllnc Royal FUcIi'h Princes Grand FUcIi'h Rainbow null many others. ri many others too numerous to -MAIN 298 US TiTe Royal Tonight, A RIG FEATURE FILM Tho story Is one of tho strongest marine storlos over released with a wenlth of grand settings. Wife and son of llghthouso koepor perform deeds of heroism and save a ship load of passengers. "THE LAW OF RETALIATION" "THE REST POLICY" SUNDAY'S PROGRAM "THE MONOGRAM" "THE YIDDISIIER COWIJOY" A side-splitting Western roar of a comedy showing tho antics of a Yld dlshor that would a cowboy bo. With 1000 feet of other good pic tures. Have your Job printing done at The Times' office. I COOS HAY TIDES. Bel w Is given the ttmo and holghth of high and low water at Marshfield. I Tho tides are placed in the ordor of occurrence, with tholr time on tho first lino and holghts on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive holghts will Indlcato whether It Is high or low water. For high water on bnr, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. . Date February, 1012. ! )A kmiM n nl in on ft no fct 11UUIO.U.-1 X6.0.7 1.60 Tldo ....6.2 0.6 3.6 25 hours.0.7 7.21 1.46 8.49 Tldo ... .2.8 6.1 0.6 3.1 THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight nnd Sunday; easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- PORT. TiVlr tunntv.fniiti limiva am.1I.. ! at 4:43 a. m., Feb. 24, by DenJ. ustunu, special government me- tcorologlcal observer: Maximum 51 Minimum 34 At 4:43 a. m 35 Precipitation None Wind northwest; partly cloudy. Take Examinations Sidney Dcr nltt todny took tho civil servlco ex-, nraiunuou ror carrior. Airs. is. fll. Eddy took tho examination for clerk. In Roseburg Horbort Armstrong, of North Dond, Ore, local mnuagor for tho Meuasha Woodonwaro Co., who purchased tho extensive- holdings of tho Southorn Oregon Company, was In Roseburg on business Wed nesday. Roseburg Rovlew. For Patents Cnpt. Mncgonn says that ho Is now assured of gottlng tho American pntont on his new gns buoy Invention nnd hopes to soon complete arrangements for Its manufacture and for putting It on tho market. Ho also expects to mnko application for n patent on It In Canada. Destroy Flowers Mrs. Patterson of Wct Marshfield reports that some children enmo to her homo yester day during her nbsonco and stolo and destroyed somo vnluablo flowers and plants. Sho probably will have Mar shal Carter tako tho matter up with the children's pnronts. Road Nonrly Done Road Suporvls'" or k. r. Norton announced todny tnat by tho middle of next week ho wHJ hnvo tho planking of his section q tho Mnrshflold-North Dend road via, Forndalo completed. This will mnko a good auto road to North Rend. TJm rond bqtwecn North 13 end nnd Emplro may nlso bo Improved so ns to mnko It avallablo for autoB even during wot weather. In Trouble Electrical Inspector Trlbboy today filed a complaint with City Rocordor Dutler ngalnst John Sutton, charging hi in with doing olec BOYS, EARN WE SELL D A YTONS 0N CREDIT. . fc flsHBH?a 1 1 s"i iir nVT 1 1 "jb s 1 1 Merchants ! Parents ! TEACH THE BOYS TO WORK AND SAVE The boy who starts a savings account before he is 1 8 will never join the I, W, W, .1 ' Let the Boy Have a Bicycle The boy who loves out-door exercise is less likely to learn habits which later lead to shiftlessness and worthlessness, Dayton Bicycles Can be had upon the payment of $10 provided some merch ant or other responsible person guarantees the regular, prompt payment of $1 ,25 each week until wheel is fully paid for, If any payment is defaulted I will call upon guarantor to pay the balance due, or I Will take the Bicycle back, de ducting something for wear and tear I Sell the Bicycle to the Guarantor Not the Boy. Marshfield Cyclery Phone 180-R, AGENTS f)07 Front, trlcnl wiring without a. Uconso. Tho alleged offcuso was committed in C. A. Seymour's place-. Ho has not been arrested yet. Near HoHcburir Sheriff Gage has been npprlsed that Win. Dlugman, wanted hero for a statutory offense against his cousin, Lily Graham of , North Bend, Is at Otik Creek, about twelvo miles from Roseburg. Sheriff Qulno of Douglas County hns been re quested to nrrest htm. Brought Hero Geo. Lambort, nr , rested at Eureka, urrlved here on tho Alllnnco today nnd wnB tuuen to Co qulllo by Sheriff Gngo this aftomoon. ! Lambert Is charged with a stautory offense. He Is a logger nnd was known ns "Corbott" on nccount of his puglllBtlc proclivities. Plans Addition Robort. Marsdon, Jr., Is arranging to erect a framo addition to thu rear of tho Grand moving picture houso. Ho has leased part of tho. vacant lot in tho rear of the thonter from Win. Grimes nnd has awarded tho contract to A. J. Savage. For legislature Hon. C. E. Rick er of Gardiner, nnd W. J. Durchard of Scottsburg, left for tholr homes this afternoon, after being horo for ten days on tho grand Jury and othor Circuit Court business. Mr. Rlckor may announce his candidacy soon for tho Lcglslnturo. Ho Is a good man for tho position. Roseburg Review. Repair Oregon Tho dredge Ore gon, which Is working nt about sov-enty-llvo per cont of its minimum ca pacity near Porter, will Boon bo nblo to bo worked at Its full capacity. En gincor Loofo has boon advised that too nvv casting to replace tho broken one will bo hero about March 7, and he hopes to have It put on nnd tho dredge brought to Marshfield to All tho Market avenuo district about March 10. MAN 1-1 YEARS ' OLD PASSES AWAY COLUMDIA, Ky., Feb. 24 John Morg, 124 yoars old, prob- ably tho oldest mnn In tho Unit- ed States, died yesterday ut his homo on Indian Crook. Ho enmo to thlB country from Gor- many in 1812 nnd onllstod ln tho wnr of that year. Morg drew a pension for his services nnd papers gnvo his age 24 at tho tlmo of his enlistment. Making Level 8treet Crossings. A strcft Improvement contemplated in niugbnmton. N, Y.. which will be appreciated by nil pedestrians Is tho plan to raise all puved street Inter sections wherever possible to n level with the curb The experiment was made on Main street when the new brick pavement wan Inld and has prov ed highly satisfactory. The brick Is on a level with the walk at the street Intersection, and there Is no downward step. Thin Is especially beuellt-lnl ,to- old persons, women ylth gocurtrt.und cripples. It will lie Impossible to Im prove the cent nil portion or the city In this mnnuer on account of the street car intersections at the corners, but It la proposed to .make the repairs on othor corners tvberever.tburo ls,q brick pavomcut. and the move is meeting with .onerul public. approval. i. Have your Job printing done at Tti. Times' o"lce. DISCUSS OFFER AT Business Men There Lukewarm About Latest Railway Pro ject to Coos Bay. ROSEUURO, Ore, Fob. 24 Tho Rosoburg Rovlew Wednesday pub lished tho following: Thcro was a good attendance at tho special meeting at tho Commer cial Club TucBday evening to con sider tno proposition of J. Arnold Doylo and II. M. Farron, of Spokane, ln regard to building a railroad from RoBoburg to tho coast on condition Hint a bonus of $100,000 bo guaran teed to them hero, payablo on the. completion of tho rond. Tho lottcrs and telegrams from Messrs. Doylo and Fnrrcn, heretofore published, wero rend by Socrotary Schlosscr, who added that their proposition was to bogln actual work within CO days and would furnish a bond to hnvo tho road complotcd within two years. Other friends of Mr. SchlosBOr, who nro railroad huildors, had estimated tho probnblo cost of this road at bo tweon $5,000,000 and $0,000,000. Tho matter was briefly dlsciiBsed by Hon. T. R. Shorldnn, F. E. Alloy, E. L. Parrott, Herbert Armstrong of North Dend, nnd othors. Tho con census of opinion seemed to bo fn vorablo to tho movement, provided these men can Bhbw thnt thoy nro willing nnd nblo to build this rail road within a reasonnblo tlmo, nnd that thoy hnvo avallablo a feasible routo thorofor. With two survoys.by different compnnlos already made through tho Coiulllo Canyon, It would he very difficult to locato a third. As to raising tho required fund It will dopend in no small do- grco on where tho rond Is to bo built. Mr. Armstrong expressed tho opinion that thoro aro two largo interests on Coos Day who would glvo $25,000 each It tho road Is so located as to glvo thorn tho servlco thoy need. A bonn fldo showing must bo mado, however, before subscriptions to a bonus can bo oxpectcd. It Is well known thnt bonuses do not build rnilroads nor provont thorn from be ing built. They may chnngo routes, howovor, so ns to materially affect certain localities by putting them on or leaving thorn off such routes. On motion of F. E. Alloy tho sec retary wns Instructed to ndviso Messrs. Doylo nnd Fnrron thnt If thoy will come- horo nnd mnko a suf ficient showing of tholr willingness nnd ability to build this railroad to convlnco n committee, consisted of the presidents of tho throo local banks a,nd tho prcsldont nnd secretary of (tlio Commercial Club, then Robc-biifg- people nro willing to proceed with raising tho required bonus. Tlius tho mnttor stands until tho ar rival of Messrs. Doylo and Fnrren, about March 1st. Another Version. In Its wrlto-up of tho meeting, tho Rosoburg News snys: Thoro wns no spirit manifested for tho rond. In fact moBt of tho speak ers doubted tho good faith of tho peoplo back of tho telegram nnd wauled to bo "shown" thnt thoy could "dollvor the goods" boforo taking nny intorost in tho rond, It was con tended thnt. tho promoters should como horo and glvo somo satisfac tory assuranco to tho, ,pooplo horo thnt thoy, wero flnnncfa)y nblo to build tho road boforo. action .was tak en on tho request for a bonus. ,.,,Ono mnn prosont said thnt of all tho rnl rond meetings hold horo In tho past twenty years, this wob tho poorest showing over mado. North Bend News Mrs. A. II. Stutsman Is in North Dona ou business today. Mrs. A. Van Zllo of Sherman ave nuo Is shopping ln Marshlluld toduy. Mrs. Lottie Haunan of Portland will speuk this afternoon at tho Presbyterian Church, Mrs. J, Carlson of Catching Inlet has boon seriously ill for sovorul weeks but Is now Improving. E, Georgo Smith of Daniels Creek loft today for Portland on a business trip. Mrs. P. Potorson and children who havo been spending tho week with relatives in North Dend leave tomor row for their homo ln May. Rev. Greeno who has boon assisting Rev. Holsoy with revival sorvlces at tho M. E, Church loaves tomorrow for his homo ln Gardlnor. Tho re vival has been a vory successful one. Stanley Snnford had two flngors amputated yesterday at Mercy Hos pital as a result of his hand being caught In a sausage grinder at tho1 Union Moat Market whero ho was em ployed. Mrs. Maudo S. Jennings, visiting hor friends in Myrtlo Point and Re mote for tho last six months, was called homo by the Illness of hor OEUG AMERICAN WONDER POTATOES The last Breakwater brought us a fine lot of this popular seed potato CHANGE YOUR SEEDINCREASE YOUR YIELD See PERSONAL NOTES .1. S. DARTON of Coqulllo Is a Marsh-1 field business visitor today. PETER MENEGAT of Ten Mllo Is ill MarBhflold today on business. S. JUMPER nnd wlfo of North Iulot aro Marshfiold visitors today. JOHN B. ANDERSON of South Inlet was a Marshfiold visitor today. NEIL WATSON of Coos City Is a Marshfield business visitor, todny, R. C. CORDES and son loft today for their homestead in tho Sand hills. MRS. WILL EIOKWORTH and Mrs. Wlrth of Mllllcoma aro Marshfiold shoppors. MISS GENEVIEVE TELLEFSON of EaBtsldo Is a Marshfield shopper today. t PAUL F. SCHUTTPELZ of Ton Mllo wns ln Marshfield yesterday to mako flnnl'proof on a 40-ncro claim there. ' ' F. E( HAGUE who haB boon confined In his" homo for a few days pn ac count of Illness is roportcd recov-. crlnfe. ANDREW CARLSON nnd Archlo Dor mond who hnvo been conncctod With tho Pnlnco restaurant loft yostorday for California. GUS RODMAN, Oscar Hedlun, Gufl Green and Herman Olson who have been at tho Smith mill loft today for Portland whoro thoy will take positions. O. O. LUND loft today for Myrtlo Point whoro ho will circulate hla potltlons to ontor tho primary as a candldato for tho Republican nomi nation for Bhorlff. L. A. CRUICKSIIANK, tho Portland furnlturo snlosmnn who undorwont an oporatlon for appendicitis nt Mercy Hospltnl a fow days ago, Is reported getting along nlcoly. TOM LAWHORN wnB down today from tho ranch which ho rccontly purchased abovo Allegany. Ho Is arranging to further improvo nnd cultlvnto It. Ho brought In qulto n shin m o n t o f BnmLntodny dnughter, Miss Floronco Jennings, of Portland. Tho roport of oratorical contest in North Dend should havo montloned thnt Dr. D. Clark contributed much to Its buccobs by hor offlclont oorvlcos as superintendent of tho contest and by training tho class. It Is planned to tako tho class to Marshfiold If sat isfactory arrangements can ho made with tho Marshfiold union. It. R. CONTRACTOR HUNTING. G. L. Chlttonden, sub-contractor on tho Southorn Paclflc-Coos Day lino, Is In tho city from Notl valley, accompanlod by his wlfo. Thoy both took out hunting llconsos at the county clork's ofTlco. Eugono Guard. Don't WORRY but buy your Flour and Feed of HAINES. 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT snlo at COOS RA' CASH STpllE. DRUG SPECIALTIES There is just ns much spe cialization in drugs and chemicals ns thoro is in medicine. .When you want to recover quickly from nny illness, you go to a physician "W H O KNOWS ; when you want drugs of highest quality, you should also go to a druggist WHO KNOWS. Wo make ti particular study of drugs and chemi cals hoth ns to qunlity, strength and purity. You get this advantage, when you let us fill your pre scriptions. BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS P. S. DOW l Miuuo -7H K