The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 24, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Image 4

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M. O. MALONEY Editor nnd Pub.
Address nil communications to
Marshflcld :: :t 8: tt Oregon
Entered at tjio postofllco nt Marsh
fleld, Oregon, for transmlBsIom
through tho mails as second cIbbs
mall matter.
Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho
peoplo, that no good cause shall lack
a champion, and that ovll shall not
thrivo unopposed.
One year f 6.0
Per month 60
Ono year J1.G0
When paid strictly In advanco tho
subscription price of tho Coos Bay
Times Is $5.00 per yoar or J2.50 for
six months. " .
Official Pniwr of Coos County
An Independent Republican nows
papor published ovory ovenlng ozcopt
Sunday, nnd Wookly by
The Coos Bay Timos Publishing Co.
IT WAS fortunato on all accountB
that tho Sonato refused 8onator
Lodgo's request to discuss the
pcaco treaties In c-xccutlvo session.
Executive bcsbIous aro only nonll
nally secrot at best, everything that
transpires of Interest Is telegraphed
to tho ends of tho earth on the first
wlro. Officially the Semite is not
responsible, but of what account Is
that when nil of Europe knows what
Is said and in what tone- of voice?
On tho other hand, thero is ovory
reason that here nt homo the country
uhould know why after all these yours
of agitating for International arbi
tration, dofinltu proposals to that
end uro being held up In the Scnnte
for mnendmentH that plainly are In
tended to tnkc tho life out or tho
whole- business.
It la to bo set down to the credit
of tho administration that It wishes
nn open session and a public debate.
Let tho peoplo hear whnt the- objec
tion Is to International poaco from
tho American point of vlow.
NCE moro wo proudly celebrate
tne hirinany of a mnn
Who In tho ntorllntr virtue lead
tbo world's Immortal van,
And he commenced that leader
ship when ha was but a youth
By showing ho could fearlessly and ul-
ways apeak the truth.
And now we'll tell the story whlch-no
matter If It's old
Keeps ever Krowlnif brighter Just for be
InK often told.
"When Washington was very small he
from his father not
A hatchet, which no careful pa should
ever Klve a tot.
In consequenco that little boy with
thoushtless vim and Kleo
Went out Into the garden and cut down
a cherry tree.
When his Indulgent father took his morn
ing ftroll ho found
Ills lovely, favorlto cherry tree left life
loss on the ground,
And, picking up a handy branch, "Who
did thin deeUT" he cried.
"Father, I sannot toll u lie. I did It,"
Ooorgo replied,
"Come to my nrms, my noble son!" the
parent called, with Joy.
"I'd rather lose a thousand trees than
have a lying boy."
And thus Oeorge Washington began In
childhood to dhplay
A greatness that ban made the world
revere him for ulwny '
And wear his little hutchet In their but.
tonholes today. '
-It. c. bodr.
(JfOTUEn of. Lavev ohT daughter of the
f sou, j (
Barken and hear, for, though thy reign
bojdohe, .
One heart still worships theo beneath
the sun,
One supplicating volco Mill cries to thee.
t Tlerclng tho night that hides thy perfect
Tearing away the silence and the gloom,
Lo, onco again 1 hob thy bcuuty bloom
And dare to cry thy mercy and thy grace,
A lonely worslilpr, the las( and least,
I lift my voice and call upon thy name.
Beyond the garden of Ilesperldes
I turn my face toward Cyprus and t&e
Hearken, oh, goddess of the fearful flunk;
Hearken, oh. K)prl. risen from the
-Sara Teaadale.
i i
(Tune, "Hall to the Chief!"
HONOR to Washington, soldier the
Hero triumphant In wurf are's
grim nrt,
Pillar of safety In dangers the
Idol of every American heart;
Winning u deathless name,
Crowned with eternal fame,
looming more grandly ns ages shall glide,
Blazoned on starry flag,
Graven on mountnln crag.
Washington, ever America's pride!
Honor to Washington, statesman the
Guardian of nation In Infancy's days,
Founder of freedom on basis the stablest.
Quldo to our footsteps through perilous
airt now with giant might,
Dowered with happiest plight,
long mny hU country In glory abide.
Voicing In thunder sound,
Echoing woild uround,
Washington, ovor America's pride!
Honor to Washington, patriot tho purest,
Servant whoso serlcu was freo as the
Ruler resigning a giasp that was surest,
Model Immortal of lrtues most rare!
Join them In loudest shout,
Fling nil your banners out.
Roll your glad anthems o'er continent
w tde,
Swelling In chorus giand,
Reaching most illstunt land,
Washington, ever America's prldol
-H. C. Klnne.
If you have anything to soli, trade,
Itjrt, or want help, try a wnnt ad.
Tbo Tlmos' Want Ads bring results
.Miss Olive Richards nnd Miss
Gladys Roborts entertained at a very
oxtonslvo Valentlne-Lcnp-Year party
at tho Hotel Sumner last Saturday
ovenlng. The decorations wore un
usually many, chiefly huckleberry
nnd evorgrcons nnd hanging rod
honrts. Yellow Jonquils wore pret
tily bunched In the dlfferont rooms.
The lunch room wns nrrnnged ns n,
woodlnnd scone nnd wns very ef
fective with Its boughs nnd fcstoonB
of greens. Miss Olive Richards,
dressed ns Cupid, stood nt the en
trance holding a basket from which
tho girls in passing drew cards which
held tho namo of their suppor part
ners, nnd tho boys rod hearts with
approprlato verses. Heart-shaped
bnskets wero distributed and tho
pnrty trooped In pairs Into tho im
promptu woods, whore they emptied
tho dainty baskots of tho lunch,
dames and music added enjoyment to
tho ovenlng. Bright colored tissue
papers wore given tho guests with
instructions to ovolvo dolls there
from. At this nrt Miss Elnn Solnnd
cr was declared most skillful, pro
ducing n true sailor-boy from her ma
terials. Joe Stnmbuck with n ncnt
Topsy doll ns tho result of his efforts
won equal honors. Among those
presont woro Misses Adn Cllnkon
bonrd, Mllllccnt Byers, Silvia Rus
muss, Mny Mcssorlc, Begonia Mas
ters, Elnn Sclnnder, Ethel Stock,
Laura Mcsscrlo, Jennie Catching, Lil
lian McCann, Edna Asplund, BInncho
Lnndrlth, Olive RIchardB and Gladys
Roborts, Leonard Masters, Jay and
Robort Richards, Elijah Masters,
George Sclander, George Catching,
Mr. Crnlg, D. Fawcott, Gilbert
Stcckle, Nell Watson, Wlnnlo So
inndcr, R. Webstor, Andrew Masters,
and George, Karl and Jay Cllnkcn
beard. -O-
Herbert Lockhart was host to a
number of guests at u dinner party
at tho Chandler Tuesday evening.
Tho big table was charmingly decor
uted with pink carnations and ferns
that wero strown at each placo and
weie bunched In a beautiful center-
pleco and plnk-shndod caudles added
their softness to tho woll-nppolntcd
tnblo nnd n zest to tho dainty meal.
Among Mr. Lockhart's guests woro
Mr. nnd Airs. J. II. Flnnngan Mr. nnd
.urs. j. a. cone. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S.
Turpen, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tower,
Mr. nnd .Mrs. W. T. Merchant. Mr.
nnd Mrs. P. E. Leefo, Dr. nnd Mrs.
Win. Horsfnll, Mr. nud .Mrs. J. W.
Donnott, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Mntson,
Mr. Nolan and Mr. Smentou.
Mrs. Frank M. MnrholTer Is visit
ing In Coqulllo for a fow days.
Tho Ladles' Aid Society bf tho Bap
tist Church gave a sliver tea Wednes
day afternoon at tho homo of Miss
Mnmlc Gulovson on Fifth street and
Donolly nvenuo. A number of guests
wero presont to enjoy tho program,
Included In 'Which woro readings by
Anna Downs nnd Bornlco Pntchot: n
tnlk by Mr. McKeo; solos by Edith
Ayro nnd Eddovn Whootar. and n pl-
nun soio iy .miss Helen Gulovson.
With tho refreshments llttlo rod
hatchets woro given as favors. Among
thoso present woro Mrs. B. C. Brows,
Mrs. C. O. Gosney. Mrs. A. Itoso, Mrs.
G. R. Flnnngan. Mrs. A. J. Carlson,
Mrs. H. Rlchnrdson. Mrs, Ellon Slg
lln. Mrs. P. Clnusdii, Mrs. Robt. My
ron, Mrs. Goo. Gulovson. Mrs. A. Z.
Downs. Mrs. M. J. Anderson, Mrs. 0.
Nngle, Mrs. Alva Doll, Mrs. Patchot.
Mrs. 'A. II. Lewis, Mrs. B. W. Lowls,
Mrs. Geo. Ayro. Mrs. M. L. Stram
borg. Mrs. C. Thorwnld, Mrs. Chas.
Mnrsb. Mrs. T. II, Dresser nnd Mrs.
At tho homo of tho groom's moth
or, Mrs. Wlckmnn, In Etriplrq, Inst
tilt It n n..e .llli.i..( .., mum uuiiKiiuui reception wns
tondorod to Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Kick
man, who rocontly nrrlvod on tho Bay
from California, whoro tholr mnr
rlngo took placo nnd whoro thoy spont
their honoymoon. Tho Wlckmnn
homo was boautlfully decorated for
the occasion, forns. jonquils and oth
er llowors being used profusely. A
lino musical program was enjoyed,
vocal selections by Mrs. R. J. Mont
gomery of Mnrshflold bolng ospoclnlly
pleasing. At progressive whist
Mrs. Will Mngeo won tho llrst prlzo,
a boautlful cut glass roso bowl.
Mr. and Mrs. Wlckmnn woro tho
recipients of many hnndsomo gifts.
Among thoso presont nt tho re
ception woro Mrs. Ella J. Mnrso Mr
nml Mrs. Morton Tower, Mr. nnd Mrs.
C (J. Hockott, Mr. nnd Mrs. James
Mackl, Graham Hockott, Mrs. Anna
Rozoll, Miss May Rozoll, John Pren
tiss, Mr. and Mrs. Glonn Rozoll, Mrs.
W. Hnydon, Miss Nolllo Hnydon, Miss
Dorothy Hnydon. Walton Hnydon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Nichols. Georgo
Wilson. Mrs. John Flnnngan, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Chas. E. Golty, Miss Alleon
(Jolty, Fred Golty, Mrs. T. J. Mae
genn, Robort J. Mucgonn, Isnboll
Mncgonn, Bosslo Mncgenn, Mr. nnd
Mrs. John Morgan, Mr. nnd Mrs. R.
II. Olson, Cant, nnd Mrs. Jamns Mn.
gee. Miss Mne Mngeo, Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Podorson. Miss Alpha Polorson,
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Snuiulors, Mr. nnd
Mrs. E. w. Schrock, Mr. nnd Mrs.
junn i.ennnn, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Morton, Mrs, Alex. Lund, Miss Amy
Lund, Miss Guuhlll Lund. Miss Edith
Lund, .Mr. and .Mrs. R. J. Montgom
ery, Mr. nnd Mrs. Anton Amlorson,
Mlhs Alpha Wlcklund, Miss stolla
Wliklund. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Harry,
Mr. and Mrs. MacMullen, Capt. and
Mrs. Will Mngeo, Mrs. A. Wlckmnn,
Mibs Annlo Wlckmnn, Mr. John Wlck
mnn, Miss Mabol Wlckmnn nml .Mrs.
T. Pattorson.
Antlrow V. Wlckmnn nnd his bride
nrrlvod at Empire this weok from
Cnllfornln to mnko their homo. Fol
lowing tholr mnrrlngo at .Modesto,
Cnllfornln. they spent n fow days nt
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jns. E.
Field, relatives of tho brltlo, at Oak
land, Cnllfornln. Tho Modesto Hor-
nld contnlnod tho following concern
ing their mnrrlngo:
"MIbs BInncho Hartor, daughter of
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Hnrter, was mar
ried to Andrew Victor Wlckmnn nt
tho homo of tho bride's uncle, Judgo
L. W. Fulkerth, on Fourteenth streot,
at 2 o'clock Wcdnosdny afternoon.
The ceremony, which was porformed
by Rev. J. E. Plckott, wns nttended
by only n few relatives and close
frlonds. Following tho wedding a din
ner was served at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Hartor In tho Westport dis
trict. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlckmnn left on
tho evening train for a brief honey
moon trip, after which thoy will go
by boat to Oregon nnd mnko their fu
ture homo nt Empire City, Oro.,
where the groom is engaged In busi
ness. Mrs. Wlckmnn has resided horo
nil of her life nnd hns many friends.
Sho graduated from the locnl high
school In 1902. Her fnthor is cash
ier of tho Farmers & Merchants bank
of this city."
The formal reception that wns giv
en Inst night nt tho North Bend high
school building by tho pupils of tho
eighth grndo and high school, in hon
or of tho Bnndon debaters' was tho
most charming nffnir of Its kind ovor
given by any school organization on
the Uny. Tho reception room had
boon decorated In a wonderfully
skillful manner by the different
clnsses. Huckleberry and cedar woro
heaped In the unused corners of tho
room and gallery nnd railings woro
ontwincd with greons. Tho reception,
besides bolng In honor of tho Bnn
don guests, wns glvon by tho boys 6f
tho high school for tho girls, who
wore the winners In tho ticket-soiling
contest, nnd thus by the provisions
of tho ngreomont entitled to entdr
tnlnmont. Ench clnsa wns glvon
charge of n tnblc, nnd proceeded to
vie with tho others In producing
mnrvols of benuty and skill, At tho
guest tnblo which was all In white
tho guostB of honor, Miss Haberloy,
Miss Pearl Cralno nnd Miss Kloftor,
the Judges of tho debnto nnd tHelr
wives, Mr. nnd Mrs. Tlodgeti of
Mnrshlleld, Mr. nnd Mrs, J. F. Jlnll
or .Mnrshlleld, and Mr, and Mrs. C. A.
Sehlbredo of North Bond, tho North
Bend fnculty, Mr. Grubbs and wife.
Miss Grlllln nnd Professor Honskn,
and guests, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Haborley1 of
Bandon, wore scatod. Tho tablo of
tho Seniors wns rbsplondont In black
and gold with placo cards to match.
A miniature gibbet with black
streamers and cap swung overhead,
surmounted by tho words, compli
mentary to tho Bnndon visitors. "Wo
bollovo In capital punlshmont." Yol
low daffodils woro strown on tho
tnblo. Horo woro scatod also tho
Seniors, Harry Conro, Harold Hunt,
Grace Hunt. Zenlu Knorr, Clydo
Smith nnd Fnlth Hunt. Tho Junior
corner wns a modal of prottincss nnd
grace, decked In bluo and gold, with
canopy overhead and streamers
hanging from this and caught at tho
cornors of tho tablo with tiny
rosottes. Nankins woro rolled Into
llttlo diplomas, bound with ponnant
strips. Placo cards, pen and Ink
sKoicnes uono by Miss Ruby Wntklnp
completed tho decorations. Mlssas
Esther Irnhoff, Norma Chase, France's
Golden. Ruby Wntklns nml NnnJi
Sfnlth, Messrs. Fred Roynolds, Loo'
imgo ami iromont Hodson nro tho
Juniors. Tho Sophomore tnblo wns
purplo nnd wlilto nnd was exceeding
ly dainty and offectfvoV "Tforo word
Misses Dorothy Kiblor, Joelln Hod
son nnd Esthor Hunt, nnd Mossrs. Joo
Winsor, Win. Davis, Oscnr Cnrlson,
Austin Motlor, Aloxandor Nollson nnd
Lioyti conro. Rod and whlto wero
tno Freshmen's colors, strikingly
used. Carl Groon, Amelia Llllobo,
itoso Pulloy, Jinrjorlo Smith, Etta
Taylor, Carl Golden, Lola Rltchio,
Harold Simpson, Harold Mooro nnd
Helen Mooro woro seated ut i this
tublo. , ?
Tho eighth gradors choso groon
nnd yollow ns tholr colors, tho b'eavor
ns tholr emblem. Dnlnty placo enrds
woro a foaturo of tholr dlsnlav. Horo
woro Nolllo Crannlck, Tom and Allto
waiters, Hud
of maintaining tho purity of tho bnl-
Tho noxt mooting will bo hold noxt
Friday night whon tho by-lnwa com
mltteo will report on n nnmo for tho
organization nnd tho momborshlp
commlttco will report.
Marshfield Citizens Form Civic
Organization for Commun
ity's Welfare.
At n meeting at the Finnish Hnll
last ovenlng, steps wero tnken for tho
formation of a civic organization to
try and ndvanco the Interests of tho
municipality. Although tho organ
ization wns not named, It will be, It
is understood, Bomewhnt similar to
tho Civic League which was In exist
ence hero n fow years ago.
t,ast evening permanent officers
woro selected nnd tho adoption of by
laws arranged for. Also arrange
ments wero mado for enlarging the
Sevoral current matters were
brought up for consideration, one bo
lng tho Mayoralty election contest,
another tho plan of dividing the city
Into wards and having tho elections
conducted In accord with the state
election lnw which requires registra
tion and nlBo the waterworks nint-
Officers Are Chosen.
J. C. Kendall acted aB temporary
chairman of the meeting and 0. W.
Brlggs ns temporary chairman. Tho
meeting which was attended by about
forty was called to order by Justice
Pennock. A committee consisting of
Messrs. It. A. Copple, II. G. Hoy, C.
L. Pennock, M. C. Horton and Geo.
bnlncs reported tho election of tho
following ns permnncnt olllcers, the
election being ratified by tho meet
President S. II. Cathcart.
Vice-president Thomns Howard
Secretary F. M. Frledberg.
Treasurer Eugene O'Connoll.
Change Elections.
Timely Hints
on Horticulture
Crop Pent Series.
'1 In scopo of tho educational work
of .his sorvlco has boon broadened
to iucludo tho circulation of Infor
mation concerning tho control of crop
poets, agricultural as woll as horti
cultural, and tho recommendations:
herein contained conform to tho ad
vices IsBticd by tho Oregon Experi
ment Station, ntlaptotl to local noods,
and nro published by the press of
Coos county, grntltously, for tho bon
ellt of tho fnrmor, who Is ntlvlsed to
preserve these articles for future ref
erence. Cut Worms,
While practically every farmer In
this region Is familiar with this pest
iiuriH groon nets miii.i.
!!.. .. 'v.iviy. ni...
lUUUWBi ' "tiHI
Bran, io pounds.
Paris groon, i mih.
Suit, half uVtmu nd
Olionn molnssos, l ...,.
smaller quantity ,
In abovo proportions. T ,
pnria greon, salt and moi.?1
a llttlo water, Into ft !M-
thoroughly; then addlne
rliii? rnitHmmii.. , ur".rt
porfect mixture. Add . w"
aB neodod, but bo rr.T . ''
completed mash shall bo ,!
not saturated. Tho anil and J
in tho mixture will absorb !
nftor bolng placed on .-, "
about tho plants, henco fnr ,rot
onco In handling, tho miM
bo finished up aB dry ,!"'
Paris groon Is an arsenate ou,11'
a double poison, much mor. 2fc
nnd consequently null.: ,ol,lk
than tho common whlto arsenic '
'""'Kun 11115 UNI nf II..I.
Tho action of i.nrlH -V","
tact With tho hiiinnn .w" .""
uiul wmi mo Human skin .
corroslvo, nnd tho lmndii ih il?
protocted while n.lxlnB nn
tho poison halt. Poultry ,h'
excluded from tlm n,.!Jr.5?ll.
bnlt Is Used, of rniirm ii.. r. .'
'w iiunn..
ordinary precaution, poison bilS
no sonso dnnKorotiB. im n . H
montlonnil nn n wnmli,. .... MT'l
ob fnr ns tho dnmngo It does Is con- inusnoBS. Thn hnii Bhn..i?Z
tttw9m ntlll fnw tinl'n liiinli ult,.nnuu. Illlnfl In Inimmtlntn . t
ful In efforts to control It. This hns
been largely duo to lack of knowlodgo
ns to whnt a cut worm Is, from nn
entomological standpoint, whnt its
llfo history, or In other words, whnt
It comes from, whnt Its habits nro,
and whnte remedies will bo so effect
ive ns to mnko tholr application prof
Itab!" that Is to say, what can bo
done to protect tho growing crop
from Its ravages which will not cost
moro than tho damage done by tho
A proposal to have tho city char-. worms nmounts to.
tor nmniiileil so that munlcliml oloc- What Is u Cut Worm?
lions In Mnrshflold woud be conduct- Tho term cut worm Is applied to n
cd according to the state o'ectlon law varloty of species of worms whoso
wns ncted on favorably. Mossrs. II. habits In search of food result In
G. Hoy, 1. S. Smith, C. L. Pennock, cutting off tho Bucculont stalks and
Warren Bnchtel and M. C. Horton shoots of plnnts. Tho vnrloty Is groat,
wero named as a commlttco to draft Individual species differing somowhnt
the necessary amendment to tho in llfo history nnd having marked
charter nnd present It to the Council i preference for certnln plnnt foods.
Monday ovenlng so that It could bo Generally speaking, nil aro tho larvao
Mibmltted nt the special election of tho common moths, which (ly nbout
which Is proposed to bo held In the by night nnd nro often soon flutter
near future. It Is proposed to divide ing nbout nny lamp or light nt night,
tho city Into two wnrds. Except under rnro conditions of soil
0)msc Hasty Election. , and food supply tho worms or Inrvno
A resolution wns adopted opposing -do their destructive work by night,
tho rcnorted nhin to linVO tho Coilll-1 rmnnlnltiir rnnnnnln.l ,lnrlti,r ttw. .)..
ell call a hasty election to hnvo tho In tho ground or under somo llko
peoplo vote on tho waterworks prop
osition. It wns stated that tho elec
tion should not bo called until nil
phases of the mnttcr are thoroughly
Investigated and thus tho voters bo
enabled to pnss Intelligently upon tho
Sovcrnl Make Talks.
R. A. Copple. was the first speaker
of tho evening, being called upon by
C. L. Pennock to state tho objects
of tho meeting. Ho stntcd that there
wero two or three current matters
of Importance for present consideration.
First, ho said, ho wanted to know
protection from light. Their hnblts,
llko tholr species, vnry.
Footling nt night, somo emorgo
from tho ground nnd nttnek tho plnnt
nt various heights, from tho forks
of tho roots to tho branches of tho
stnlks, whllo somo hnvo assumed a
climbing habit and nttack tho loaves
and fruit buds of orchard trees. Tho
litthlts or thoso Insects Indicate thnt
wo must apply somo remedy beforo
tho worm has reached tho young
plnnt Interpose somo attractive halt
which will kill quickly botweon tho
plant and tho point of omorgonco
'tmi, wu Bum, nn niinii'ii ill mum , ,i,,. ,, rrii.i . , ...
how tho peoplo felt about tho contest ' "1 UHU ,",?"', Tth," for e'o
ho hnd Instituted over tho Mnyornlty f"'1"' '" r, t,""!!.".?ll;
"""" " v " iiiu iiii'iiiuni, most
election. Ho said thnt ho wns not
contesting to gain tho offlco hut be
cause ho was satisfied that thero woro
frauds In tho election. Ho said thnt
If tho peoplo wished to fight fraud, he
wns willing to holp thorn do It hut It
would, .bo norcssnry to hnVo tholr
moral support and possibly somo fi
nancial support. He also said that
it scorned to him thnt It would be
effective nnd nt this season roniiv
, tho only qno. ,
' rraciicni Itcnicdlcs.
in our mild cllmntu wo cannot
liopo to kill out tho ,hlbornntlng
lnrvao by fall plowing, thoroby ex
posing thorn to tho action of tho
frosts of winter (which In this cll
mnto do not penetrate tho soil to such
fl it nrt I It na .....l.i. tl.l.. . . '-
. I
cnllod to submit tho waterworks ques
tion beforo tho mnttor hnd boon
thoroughly Investigated and thnt ho
was.opposed to tho effort bolng mado
lo forco tho calling of nn early elec
tion. Beside this, ho said that ho
I.MIntrjwl .tin. .n unftnt. nf.l 1. n. -.!
tors. Bud Emory Paul Welling;.- f 'the ballot 'horoh In tho future
Johnson, hlvlra Bergrund, Shir- mniciIM,l elections should hn con.
ley Peterson, Hornco VaiiKlm. Hnr.
old Jennings, Anna Truman, Marjorlo
Swearlngon nnd Vera Wilson. Tho
enko of this tablo was awarded tho
prizo, and tno Senior tablo. im n
whole, tho prlzo as bolng tho prettiest
Toasts were .called for by Mr. Tlo J
gen, tonstmastor, from Miss Pearl
Crnlno, Mr. Hnborlor. Miss Fnlth
Hunt, Freomont Hodson, Alex. Noll-1
son, uari Uoldor ond Allco Wnttors.
Tho announcomont thnt tho North
Pond High School nogntlvo team had
won nt Coqulllo, thus making North
Bond champion of tho county, matlo
u niung enuing to tno very happy
Mrs. Chas. Gago and baby, and
Mrs. Grill of Coqulllo. who have boon
guests for tho past fow days of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Mnndlgo in North
Bond, loft today on tho Brenkwator
for ttioir former homo In Minnesota.
.Mr. anil .Mrs. J. D. Treshnm of
Portland have written to Mnrshflold
friends that thoy hnvo adopted a llt
tlo girl baby threo months old and
have named hor Marian Grey Tres
hnm. Mrs. Treshnm will bo remom
bored by many ns Miss Eleanor War
nock, a popular school teacher.
munlcliml elections should ho con.
ducted under the state law and sug
gested that tho necessary changes bo
made In tho charter to permit this.
I. S. Smith also spoko briefly. Ho
said that ho never favored election
contests because thoy wero novor do
cldod until nfter tho tcnuro of tho
Incumbent was ovor. JIo spoko In
favor or maintaining tho purity of tho
ballot and municipal reforms.
'" C. I. Rolgnrd spoko along tho same
lines. It. G. Hoy gavo a brief resumo
of the election contest nnd said thnt
ono of tho reasons why It had not
beon filed Immediately nftor tho elec
tion wns to pormlt a thorough Invest
igation to piako certain that thoro
wero frauds In It.
M. C. Horton spoko briefly and
uwwu immcuiariy on tno necessity
wrong to hnvo n special election i n ,'onl, ns t0 '"ko this method of-
leuuvoj, nor can we, In tho avorr
.f,u Km nun, iirncuco bucii crop ro-
intion as win, by roason of tho prof
oronco of certain species of tho
worms for certain plants, diminish
tho dnmago dono by tho starvation
method, for all cut worms possess a
dogreo of adaptability to ehango of
dlot which would dofont our efforts
In this direction. Theroforo we must
pursuo tho moro direct mothod of
killing tho worms tliomsolvos, which
Is to distribute nbout tho young
plnnts poisoned halt. This mothod Is,
by compnrlBon with tho loss of plnnts.
abor of re-sotting, with tho resultant
Interruption of fnrming activities, -t
practical anil oconomlca) and Immo
dlatoly orfoetlve ono.
Arsenic and pnris green In combl-
tintlnn wllli limn ,.-. n .... .
, "" ".vuiuiHK io various
formulas aro largoly usotl, hut a I
comparison of results has dovolopo 1 1
that tho parls greon formula as glvon
bolow Is tho surest and quickest.'
Arsenic will kill but It is too slow, i
nnd tho worms often do great dnm
ngo oven nftor thoy havo pnrtakon
of the nrsonlcnl bnlt. whoroas tho
1)1 od n mmmtlntn -...."'.
. vwiihh;j With rV.
roots talks, or follngo of th, ,J
a llttlo bolng placed nbout each t .
or applied with a seed drill alonit
rows of plants to bo protected 11
ways apply poison bnlt Immeta
nftor sottlnir tilnniu M"'II
Homo Other Worm Honird
Dry Lime, whllo of some nh
bodies, such nB slugs, has no lnrt
cldtil valuo.
Tbncc Dust, applied freelrm,
tho Bood rows of radish and Unj
plantings, hns boon found v.r.
ivo In combatting tho root mirw
and placod about young cabbt,enj
cauliflower plants closo to the iu.1i
has provon likewise cffcctlre, .
also as a fertilizer.
Hellebore, (tho powdered root
a plant), Is of groat valuo In comlt
ting certain of tho climbing a
which feeds upon tho foliage of ctr
tnln plants, This sliuuld be dtft
ovor tho plants In tho early morc!ti
whllo tho dow Is upon them.
Paris Green, mixed dry with 6
slaked llmo, and applied wlthipw.
dor or dust gun In tho proportto
of ono part of tho poison to litq
parts of tho llmo will bo tonit
foctl vo In cnsoB whoro tho dcsUli
porststont, but In this moist cllcti
should bo applied even then iptritf
ly, by reason of tho corroslre uln
of tho poison.
It Is a vory safo practice, tnl,
which I strongly recommend, to (
toct tho hnhds either by coating iU
vasollno or with gloves while U
tiling nny corroslvo poison, In tuv
ovor dilution, and nvold Inhaling ft
dust of any such preparation!.
County Fruit Inspector
Mnrahflcld, Oro., Fob. 23, 1911.
FED. 22
110 was It sated our ritbl
It jumpcil Into thoisKijt!
Ami lUtM to not nt Ml
(I. WuhIi.
Wlio woa It novor told n ll
For nnythliiBT Oh, mel Oh, rny
How dlrrcrent from ou and II
O. WuhIi.
Who wui'lt never mmlo a cent
Ily workm for the Koverwoeat
And was our irroutrst presldentf
Q. Waslu , , I
Who wus It knew enoush to quit
When bo bad not Ills sliar of It
And lived and died a prlvat cltl
O. Wush.
Who was It didn't know a trust
Except In God nnd wnsn't cuurf
My mnunatus of the upper cruil!
Q. Wash.
Who wua It was n democrat
Who always knew where ho wi
And therefore easily stood pat?
O. Wash.
Who was tt. freed from public strtl".
Preferred to live the simple life
One Has-, one codntry and ono "'
O. Wash.
Who Is It that we celebrate
Upon the present well known dati
As still the nation's truly great:
O. WobIi. . 1M
William J. Uwpt
TARY hud a little calf,
1,x And It beiran to sicken.
Bhe sent It oft to 1'acklngtown,
And now It's labeled "Chlclnn.
Take tho bettor hnlf away
from somo Coos Bay mon nnd
you don't havo much left.
Had a Strlnn.
"Old Roundsman doesn't come out
with the boys ns ho used to."
"No; ho had an accident."
"What wns that?"
"Some months ago his creditors got
nfter him, nnd he had to put his prop
erty lu his wife's uutue."
1912 Motorcycles and Bicycles
P. o. n.
4 H. P. Indian
1'itr.i: excixr
LAHGEIt MACHINES. K()U ,.,rKa ,,,,, ugt
P. (). H.
4 li. P. Barler
BICYCLES Ranging from $23 to $33