The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 23, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Image 1

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Will Keep tlio Income from Your
Furnished Rooms from Lnpslngt
YOU enn ronlly holp tho family
revenues by renting a fow furnished
rooms anil, If you know how and
when to uso the classified columnB,
you may kcop thnt llttlo extra income
as "steady as a clock."
Will Fill Vour neiu iwnio "in
tlio Market" Effectively!
It will put tl'o fnctu nbout your
nmncrty boforo tlio oycs o nil "pos
IZ buyers" 1 town. Ami If
there's 0110 of tlioin who ought to
1111 .7 in ,.tl III
own ". " "u
!-. YYV Established In 1H78
JUL. AAA v ,(.(i(i CimHf M
A Consolidation of TIiiich, Const Mull n ion
iiiiii i oos imy Amrriisrr.
prisoner is
;jty Ofricials and Councilmon:
HolJ Conference With
T. J. Nolan.
n of Calling Special
Election Before May 1 to
be Decided Monday.
.i k i l bases of tlio Coos Hay
k II i' v . illinium wure mini imiiij
t 1 ai a meeting oi some 01
..t I .. fit... .......nit .....I
ir llll.lliiri ui ii v -iij uimi;ii iiiiii
nllur ill officials with T. J. Nolan
mul i iiforney. C. It. Pook, at tho
Comicil ilinmbor lasi ovoiiiiik. no
Hnflnii nctlon wiih taicon. it U01IIK
McriiUI tlio Council should wait
ror tlic report or tlio upccini commit'
John Johnson Will Construct
Improvement Along Cen
tral Avenue Bridge.
John Johnson this nftornoon was
nwaidod tl o contrnct for construct
ing tho elevated sldowalk along tho ' would i-end Lambert ' fp In ci-stmly
Sheriff Gage Has George Lam-
hert Sent Here From
Sheriff Gago Is horo from Co
lullle awaiting the nrrlval of the
Alllniipo on which be expects George
Lnmbptt who Is charged with a stntu
(ory otfonse by Dora Goodninn. She
tr Ides hero and took the mattor up
wlih Justice Fennock who referred
hor to Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Llljoqvlnt at Coqulllo. Mr. Fonnock
bcptired tho nocossnry depositions and
iind-rstnnds thnt Mr. Ll'JoqvIst fllod
the ebnrgos ngnlnst I.nnibert boforo
Justice Iloldon nt CoouIIIp. Lnmbort
Ir a logger. IIo wnrf nrrestpd by tho
sheilff at Eurpkn who toto-trnprpd
Pliorirr Gngo that he ftbp sheriff)
Central iiventio bridge, ho being tho
lowest blddor. The bids wore opened
in tho office of City Engineer Oldlcy
this aftornoon. Tho work will be
done by private -contract through an
ngrconiont of tho property owners.
,'l'bo wa.k will bo six feet wide nr.d
77l! fnnl li.iijp It it.lll lm Itnllt .tl.,.rr
..!.. I . .. iiii.Hiilrlii llln llnlllu flf
oo in poiiiiiu ui in. m.w t..u ,... u. tho norlh Ml(lo ot tho i,r,ig0i lt wni i into ami water rights Do- ,,rotoct ,0,i0strlans from being he
ore r.iibinlttliiB the matter to a veto ... , . , f . ,
f tip people. .....,, ... I other vol.lclos. It Is to be completed
Ii be nit a lignl I o Iday. tlu Conn- u ..n.i
II wiiii t ailed as n committee of tho, Thu ,,,,, 0 t,,0 W()rJ woro nH fol.
111)10 11 .imjur on ii". V.W....U.II..UII l0...u.
and I). D. Hrndflcld,
.Mayor Straw. Coiiiicllnion
Mien ami .wcrciiiiiii worn iiuiuiio in cunu f,.p0v
o present but tlio other uiumlioriT .7r
nml oilier illy officials wero la at-
City Attorney (loss reported mat
Hip lint) beon In eonforoneo Willi
Rlcjars. Mcrcon, Fcrbaiu and (Holey,
tlio special roinmlttee appointed to
nppriilso tlio value or tlio roni estate
mid water rluhts yestorday afternoon.
I llu tmltl the ropiuilttco lind decided to
pcrsonnlly Inspect the property be
fore ntteniptliiK to rix tlo value and
Hint tlicy thoiiKlit It would requlrj
nliont n week.
Mr. Cms snld that the coiuiultteu
liml nuked blm coucoruliii; the valid
ity of the water rights and tho title
to the real estnto hut ns 1 o hud not
boon furnished with any abstract of
tho ronl estate, ho rould not definite
ly Inform tbom about, It. ' An to tho
ntcr rights, ho said that wiib n big
question nnd ono tluit l'o rould not
Five nn opinion on off lnuid. IIo said
Hint tlio rnnipntiy had not rogulnrly
fl'oil on tho wnter rlgl'tH to Pony In
let but be thought thnt possibly tho
tights nrnulred by using the wnter
for fourteen or flftosn yours gnvo
thorn life to nt lonst ns much wnter
In tnpv were now taking fro'n Pony
Chris Trlpsword, $(515.
Wllllnin Led ward. SiaS.fiO.
Hugh Mcl.alu, $150.
(Ipo. K. Ilymor, $787.
John Johnson, $I-I9.7r.
Dr. B. F. Alden Makes Incision
for Removal of His
1 Appendix.
of the cnptaln of tho Al'Innce.
New Scenery and Settings Pro
vided by Manager Scott
for Company.
Mn linger H. K. Scott of tho Gladys
Hrockwoll stock company which will
open at tho Masonic Opera House
next Monday evening hns a force of
carpenters and decorators busy re
modeling the Htngo mid putting In
new scenery at tho Mnsoulc.
Mr. Scott will hnvo ontlrcly now
scenery and settings for tho Masonic
stage, lie has a clever scenic nrtlst
who Is preparing tho now sconery.
In the now nrrangemont, tho Mnsonlc
ftngc will bo modolcd nftcr tho stago
of tho Alcnzar at Snn Francisco.
Mr. Scott snys thnt tho Improve
ment will ho rovolntlou to tho pooplo
of Mnrshflcld.
Desldcs tboao changes, ho hns a
sppplnl orchestra practicing. Tho
fompnny Is rohoarslng dnlly nnd
rverythlng Is going flno.
Speclnl scenory Iins been osneclal-
lv prepared for "Moroly Mnry Ann,"
tho ononlng bill.
Although some of tho Snn Fran
cisco t'entrlcnl hooking compnnles
Med to dlscourngo Mr. Scott nlnut
Petroskey Loses Bout at Oak
land Attell Is Beaten at
Los Angeles.
tUy Assoclntod Fross to Coos Dn
SAN FKAXC1SC0, Fob. 23 Klaus
was awarded the decision over Fet
loskiy nt the ond of n 20-round go
nt Onklnnd yostorday aftornoon, hav
ing hod decidedly tho boat of It
Uy Assoclntcd Pro&s to tb Ooas Ila?
TOS AXGKMOS. Col.. Feb. 23
Jnhnnsv Kllbnno wns given the deci
sion ovor Abe Attel at tlio end of n
so.ioiiiid bout here eterdsy aftornoon.
Report That Project Is Revived
Denied at North Bend
May Come Later.
That tho Sumiior line project to
Coos Day has boon rovlvcd and that
it Inrgo forco of onglneeis and oth
ers woro to goon be on tho Ilny for
that company wns the report In cir
culation In North IJond and Marsh
field today. Tho report had It that
a roprosentatlvo of tho Sumnor linos
bnd arranged with Proprlotor Ito
No Telegraph, Telephone or
Service From Out
side Since Thursday.
Interrupts Mail and Telegraph
Storm Probably Worse
East of Here.
Coo Hay Is today without tele
graph nud.nmll servlco ns a result of
a wind, sloet mid hntl storm Inst
night. The storm, Judging from mon
ger roports received bore, was more
sevoro oast of hero than on Coob Hny
i ne wohtern union llro went down
done to enter to the'.
Uortrmu F. Aldeu, chlof Burgeon of
t. o French Hospital, iloiiioiistd.tted In
part last Sunday his theory that self
nil u iw ' . m - , ...: .i . ii.i'viMinihu iv.wvv iiijii
ln'..t n.l ....uall.!.. no .....1, n. Mm lOIIUIOIIS lur 11 IIUIHIICllllH II 10 11(11 fl,A Pnn Pnnnlv olrniilt Iia anva
nrocput n'nnius was cnnlpoed to IniposHlblo. On ilhigiioslng Ills synip-,,,, )8 confident tho pooplo horo np
bnnil'o. Whether fev hold rl-tht to ,,l18. "i; A don cnllod In Ills BHop-j nrrnt0 c00(l plnyp nml will pntrnnlzo
t iidd tlnnnl wntor Bimnly which It l,t,u mi.ib1i.u..i "" " ' mom nnd so ho Is lor-Vn nothing un-i-
.......... . . . . ... iiiini'iitlni' I'onin Iii(i'p!ih1 the Hiilnnl nn-I .1 i i .1
is otiiuipii is pnirxro 111 i -- :" ', . , ---- ..,...........
Inudeve'riiPd nt Ponv lu'et. ho cou'd ''Pthcsla which deadens pain without
uriiiKiiiK iiiiiiiihciiiiihiii-h. 1 uii iiu
mado tlio nocpfcsnry nhdomlnnl cuts,
but nt thin point tho mat tor wns
doomed too serious for experiment,
mid two follow surgeons completed
t' o operation, removing tho appendix
with Dr. Aldon nn Intores'ed witness
of the courts, It wns doubifiu nuout "' Ibolr ninnlpulntlons. Dr. A'den is
being nine to decide dotinitoiy aUom loported to bo rocoverlng rapidly.
11.1'iu. however, ho said, ko had m-
till. I lll f . .1 ll.,tll ,!., . . ll.ll tlll I
ii"t rnv He stated 'nt In Jnstipo to
l-n rnmnnnv he d'd not wp1i tho
nowspnpr rs to nuoto Mm "h g'v'nr nn
o'bi'nTi nuninst thes" e'ulnis ns It
would require much Investigation to
definitely deteriulno toni mid oven
1 iien, owing to tho vnriuuu dec slons
dofht," is thk .motto
1 lurn.cil coiuiulueu tnut they could i.i i.-i.-h-p iim.'vmiv 11,' iv
.... .. . .. . . ... ...............'.... ...
hu uil .III HUH UiHIIIIlUO IIIU VltlUU ui 1
1110 property ana water riglus buu
Ject 10 tltie nnd tho tities comd bo
U liliiMigllluU.
" -, bugtio-tod that at tho
I'.iVlh.i apeelul u.coiIjii merely a
iiiiubiuim 10 increaso tlio harrowing
Uapaclty of tho city to a sufficient
i.".i) in iu piiiciuuo lis wnt.rwoiKh
; lie submitted. IIo asked fr Mr. No-
I ians views on It
Unsophisticated Oregon Man
Says He Is Victim of
Woman's Wiles.
PORTLAND, Oe Feb. 23 P dur
ing hlmsolf as a man uh p.ilstlcut 'd
This, nccordlnc to Dr. Hnro'd K. 1 nb far ns t..o wiles a id ways ot do-
1 Gibson, physlclnn for tho stnto fnc-1 feigning women are c iicornod, and
Doctors l'liiiiiently Mistake
.Stoiuai'liaclie for Disease.
CHICAGO. Fob. 23 "When In
doubt, saw off tho appendix."
Steamship Sails This Afternoon
for San Francisco With
Many Passengers.
Ti 0 Itedondo sailed at 1 o'clock to
day for Snn Francisco with a large
list of paBsengerB for San Francisco.
Although tho woathor hns been
quite rough off tho const, Cnpt. Mn
gee expected to bo able to cross out
this nftornoon.
Tho Itedondo hnd n big cargo of
lumber from tho Smith mill nnd n
largo shipment of potntoos from Coos
County growers besides consldornb'.o
miscellaneous freight.
Among thoso sailing from horo on
tho Itedondo woro tho following:
0. J. Snnford, Mrs. C. J, Sanford,
Miss Graco Sanford, ICmmn Sanford,
MrB. Lnura Ilausor, Mrs. W. K. Hask
ell and baby, W. V. Ogren, J. M.
Jncobson. Geo. WIKInms. A. L. Wil
liams, nob Jensen, K. P. Do Horry,
Mra. E. P. Do norry. Efflo Wlllnrd.
Mrs. S. Davles, Mrs. It. Tlbbotts, Roy
Lawhorn, A.J. Miller, Hluford Farott,
Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. h. F. Parrott,
Gertrude Parott, Mrs. M. Sundnulst,
Alum Sundnulst, Fred nnd Violet
Sundqulst, Pnt Hulorngct, C. A.
Cnrleton, A. C. Gumnnd, A. T. Cnrl
ton, Win. Krouke, Henry Gross, n.
Llborntson, Aug I.cnnns.
Find of the Hotol Oregon nt North I?"0"1. ":a.u '" veiling. Mnnngor
Hond for qunrtors for the big forco ?,, Tr n-J N;rn7Vr.,. ,por.1
0f mon I from Mrs. .Ins. Laird at Lalrd'.i about
Mr. Uogstad when called up by The""0'1'" Ji! Janil?,"l,0J". t,ho.,cTOn
Times this afternoon about tho mat- f""1, r$lhVtWJ?
tor Rni.i tim ti-o rnnH w ,,,... mnl ciirrlors from Rosohurg hod Buc-
n nn nrrmmnnnl. I.n.1 l.nnn mn.ln I 0ed0l III gOttlllg OVOr tllO Sllllo With
with him for quarters for nny forco
of men for tho Sumnor lino or nny
other project.
He snld thnt lip lind. Indirectly
hoard thnt tho Sumner people- plnn-
tiod to sond nnother fnrco of mon to
the Hay ns soon ns tho wenthcr got
good. However, 111 nrrnngomentB
'nvp bppn nipde with blm for thorn.
AMdo from this, thro wns no rnlt
wny news nflont on the Hny todny.
i.Liu.o .ir. Nolan Riinke. Mnvor
Straw mado a Btatomont of wiint had
ctiie uncii 111 the wmorworKs matter
w far and what tho spcoial cmniul.o
was expected to do.
ll'. .Ml 1111 Mild Ihnt lut UHsiinicil
after bo first canio hero last Juno to
"' 1 gate tin. puiclinso of t..o wutor
"t.hs mre that theio was llttlo or
'J fcvutliikiit lor niuiilclpai ownor
ba'p. Ho bind ho had spoon to
lniuiit o.Muib and ott.or inoa hero
auum tlio ile.nund for liiunlclpal owu-
nip as no oul not want to bconio
nohed In a controversy ovor It. Ho
l't-U IlllOrrOll flVllll .!,.!.. .o.Jlui H nt .
ne peopio hero did not want it.
f-ater when ho returned in Novom
' t, 110 bnid . 0 found a decldod soiitl
'Cnt for municipal ownorshlp aad
!" .V1 nlIa t0 make tho proposition
0 sell to the city. Ho snld that bo
understood that both sides la the last
y election wero pledged to submit
mi '!'? l r ta a vot0 a tl10 Poiplo
""a His t iii Ikto now Wus to try
,?,i Kfl . t!' Council to I nsmi tho
wumsiion of It. Ho said he would
' 0 tho verdict whatovor It was ns
I... "J" ' 'Bal po f'c y filr. Ha
1 umi if ito poop'o voted ( down
tnrv luspcctton commission, Is tho
policy thnt Illinois Burgeons hnvo
adopted. Dr. Gibson nlso contends
thnt Investigation Iwb shown thnt
tho surgeons hnvo been In doubt n
erod many times, too. Moro than
100 factory employes, bo snys. hnve
bnd tholr appendixes removed In the
lust vonr. when tvov wore not suffer
ing from npnondlcltls n n". but onlv
from "plumblsm, hotter known ns
W. Illt.Wi: UKCAl'SK
UK WAR iti:i)ii.iui:i)
riemlicr Snys Kiillicr of CounM-y's
Courage Went With Sang
uine. Thicks.
CHICAGO, Fob. 23 Frank W.
Giiiiami'iis In his sormon gavo an ev
planntlon for Georgo Washlngt'in's
ciii'qgo In fneliig hlf fat1 or when tbo
PCtornnl wrnth was palled down upon
be. rod's liPiul for chopping down the
cbei y tree
"i" o f"t'n' of Ms ponntry hnd red
iio'r " ncl Mr C.iiirru'up. "Anv ivi"
vlolt'ng ' 'lh"orv pt Wrs'ilngtin
declntlng thnt ho was victimized into
giving tho pinlutlff vnlm h o p osonta
of Jewe'ry nnd much money, Frank
L. Miller, a wealti y me chant of Au
rora, fl.ed In tho circuit court
nn answer to the complaint of Miss
Mrr'hn E. Fritz, n young wimnn who
Is cuing hi in to recover $.10,000, nl
lo''ng b-ench of promise to marry.
Miller Is married. He nilmltB that
In May. lf.08, ho did consent to mnr
ry " Ifi Fritz, but dee'-res thnt s'10
nirrc v -vU" ed to pace blm In n posl
tl 11 'v'-ero ho mlg'it )e v'ctlmlzod
and thnt s' e hnd no I'lffiiMon of
pp -Vug out hor end rf tho bar
gn'n. vi'VrV nttomcy be fo-' n conn
t(, , ' n viiioii be Is sklng to re-Po--f
'a-l. tho vl'i -f tuo pros
pp n- 1 vonpi, iviiij! Minor decinros
1 0 g-'-e Vna Fritz.
fn'i'iest to 'iv,.i.,t,iy t riuiilvli Hull
This Evening.
Just who has called the meeting
thnt is to be hold at tho Finnish Hall
this ovonlng Is what h puzz Ing n
n miber who hnvo received Inv- atloos
to attend. Tho invitations are slgnec'
1 ' o -Kht thorn wnni i il ,,o . , , vl , "K . ","' "' " . "" '," to attend. Tho invitations are slgnec'
obJcMciitnh .???! .."dexn-Mlnlpgn inekof Wns-'ntnnN VProv .committee ' a d are us f)l-
,,V. ' ,0 llls "'' 1'8 assocla es op- i,i.. Bno fV to prp t' o 'fr-' In I ' t wg." '
ne w u-riCnnvoMnrm,' X " '"" " r'h . ' "At our rocont o'eetl n 'n MarsV
(r u d like to hae tho prop- re,pn for Ms lrrve-y fieM, (zms of ;.0?.i votes wore
t' 'ng he sp'd that 1m-
"1 wlh the netf-ossltv of
" "i to o-nowr olthor
"ie c':y to take nilvnntnirn
e rnM0 season to mnko Im-
NJntlioBvstom. lie said
(Coutlnued on page 4.)
'OPp'. Prturdpv n"l "i'l-v
President Ripley of Santa Fe
Says it Will Replace
Steam Engines.
LOS ANGELES. Fob. 23 Tho fa
miliar chug-chug, tho hiss of ex'iniist
'.ng steam and tho rat'Io and clattor
of tho powerful railroad engine ts
doomed. Anywny, tl at's what E. P.
Ripley, president of tho Santa Fo
says, and tlio road for which RIpoy
Is president has recently been buy
ing tho most powerful engines over
"Dut whnt will tnko their place,
Mr. Ripley?" was asked of tho vet
eran railroad man. And Mr. Ripley
smiled nlmost Imperceptibly ns ho sat
low down In his big offlco chnlr and
"Not flying machines!" ,
"Whnt then?"
"Wi y, electricity."
Thon Ripley went on to say that
M10 years of the stonni engine wero
.lumbered by twenty-flvo, nnd thnt
n his opinion, when tho year 1937
comes around cold-weather refugees
'cm tho oast will be speeding west
ward to sunny southorn California In
ta'atlal passenger trains operated en
Mlv by o'ectrle'ty and tho spoed of
tbe'o train" will bo to tho speod of
tho trnlns tndnv as those of todny are
10 t: oto of a quarter of a century
"It septus probable," said he, "o"
noclnlly In light of f'o romnrkahlo
o"oinMnn of tho npp'lpntlon of o'ec
tr'clv during tho last few years, that
he next fow years will see o'octrlclty
iksp-i n. tho motlv p"wor of nil
trains, frolght as woll as passenger.
-"1 "-nxcintinontni as woll nB local
Warden at Walla Walla Prison
to Use Them as Instruc
tors for Others.
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Fob. 23
According to Warden C. S. Rold of
tho Washington stnto penttontlnry, ho
has ir collcgo and university gradu
ates serving tlmo In tho Institution,
nnd from this numbor ho will chooso
educators to tnko chnrgo of tho now
night school, which Is now under con
sideration by tho stnto bonrd-of con
trol nnd which Is oxpoctod to bo os
tnbllshcd In tho near future Ac
cording to tho wnrdon, ho lacks no
mntorlal to fill his corps of Instruc
tors, somo of tlio prisoners showing
great ability In cortuln branches,
such ns nro nocossnry to the curricu
lum of tho night school.
somo or tlio loiter mnll only. Bo
foro she bnd finished tho messngo,
tho wlro wont down nnd Mnnngor
Schettor hnd beon unnblo to rcstoro
servlco up to n Into hour this after
noon. Tho mall did not reach hero today
and owing to tho wires bolng down,
rostmnstcr Curtis wns unnblo to ns
(ortnln when to oxpect It.
Tho long dlstnnco tolophono wlro
went down botwoon Myrtlo Point and
Rnsobiirg about 7:30 Inst ovonlng nnd
communication hnd not beon restored
nt n Into hour todnv.
No da 111 ngo wns dono In tills Imme
diate vicinity by tho storm, tho only
Inconvcnlenco bolng loss of moans ot
communication with outsldo points'.
In consequenco of both tho tolo
grnph nnd tolophono wires bolng
down today, Tho Times wns unnblo
to secure Its regular Associated Prcsa
go to
et. Hie corrupt pract'cea act war
fiwr"i''v v'o'p'nd a'd as a result
l 0 W)n 01 'PO 'V'l't O T "IT iriBlC Hnn nt Blllilirlinn Irnlno II lu ..on.1
mTYvT'c t ''p, '"' ''''(, ' r -v " '' '"'? Giatlpiinpf ,si ioul nnd In fitter p'.-e-s
IIUMJ for - nP thing shou'd oout'nur? If no' ! n,i ?0 fnr ns I hnvo benrd Is wor'c-
meot with 100 others nt tho lCnWhting vry s'ltlsfnctori'y "
- of F'n'nnd Hall Friday ov-n'-g. Fob ' '.
Iov gouil S.VR- ?' nt S o'clock somo'lilii'i do'.ng ' FINE HAXDHAfi.S oi prnvPRi)
1 No collection will be taken." PRICES. RED CROSS DRUG Store.
Kansas Man's Love of Game
of Checkers Results in '
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Fob. 23
Flaying checkors In hopo of becoming
c. amplon Instead of working mid
paying his wlfo 'i n week to support
t olr two children, caused .Myron W.
Gou d n Leavenworth County, Kau
nas farnnr to bo ordered committed
to the Kansas ponltontlnry for two
years. Ho Is the first man to bo bant
to tho prison under tho now state law
making abandonment of his family n
Gould, a son of n prosperous farm
er, wns charged with dosortlug his
family, eoutonced to two years' im
prisonment by the district court of
Wynndotto County, Knnsns, and pa
roled on his promlso to pny his wife
$3 n week. IIo failed to mnko tho
payments nnd tho court ordered his
nrrost, Ho was found In El Dorado,
Robert Hunks Says They Aro
ploying Coos liny Men.
Robort Hanks of tho firm of Kruso
& Hanks of North Hond snys thnt
whoovor Informod tho special com
mlttco of tho Mnrshflold Chamber of
Commorco thnt they woro nbout to
bring sixty ship enrpontdrs to tho Hny
wns mlstakon. IIo snys they nro em
ploying Coos Hny Inbor nnd wbllo tho
large amount of work thoy hnvo on
hand for tho summer season will ro
quiro n lnrgo amount of labor, thoy
havo no Intontlon ot Immediately im
porting sixty men.
Tho mnttor wns roportcd at tho
mooting ot tho special commlttco by
ono of tho monibors who said that ho
wns gtvon to understand that about
thirty of tho now men would bring
tnmlllPH with thorn nnd thnt it would
bo difficult for them to accuro vncnnt
houses hero In which to mnko tholr
homo. Tho commltton planned to
trv to nrrango for houses for this
Influx of now citizens but nccordlng
to Mr. Hnnks this will not ho ncccs
First or Series of Coos County High
School Contests Tonight.
Tho North Hond Hnrbor Boys:
Frldoy ovonlng at tho high school
will occur tho first of a sorles of
county Bchool debates. In which ovory
school oxcontlng Mnrshflold, will par
tlclpnto. Ench school hnn selected
two tennis, ono of which will go to
nnnthor school on tho snmo night.
Our negntlvo tenni goes to Coqulllo,
while Hnndon'B noinMvo comes hero.
Tho topic for dl'C'iss'"n Is n most
ponulnr ono nnd n"mi'l nrovo os
peelnlly lntorotlnt nt this time T''o
subject whleh nil sM-oo1' w'" dlncuss
Is: "nesolvpd thnt l"o 'mi "ntnnn
with restricted no.i.o f iprdon
should bo s'lbcMtuto'l f"r P'MiItoI
Tbn nfflrmntlvo cm in v-rt't
noml l" Nornin P-no. F-"n',rB -'d u
pnd Dorothy "'liVr, TUn "-'n'i
nontlv tn tg o"w"l of V
Prn'tip ATrtrnrnoMo t'oi'ltp'v IH'1 Vn1-
mn Klontr.
Tlio JJnrtli , Hon.i p-t'" "
M.Mnl, prong to Coo 'l'o ' or ' " "'
t nori- r"'-v I v'o P'ipnnp" pn1
bnr'e Vnn V"-
If nil rut tit i 1 11 1 tr t tin nV inlf rt
Xnni-iri.; .hnr...,-- a' nonou drears wrist
l l rn..f.H.. n...tT.r l.l U M .
111H iu uiin-iin ninny, 11m iiiiiiuu iiji (
playing eho'-kors ovprshndows his
InislneBS, After h's nrres he organ
ized n checker toiirnninent In 'the
county jail.
a WALLA WMLA. Wash.,
WOJIHVS' Mvn, v'V vt" i--.l 0
Eleerr'cFv Is n'roiiy ii"im u-ol to rnnKFD rooii SLK SWUKT
fo"oi.)ofBi)'p oxtpn In tbn opern-i MAV offino inii.Mn 1 o'o'ook ST-
I .-1..1- nn nnll.i Hn... I.I.. l.n.l n.
tho' I'1". -' l."'U lllllll lilt IIUU III
1 nn onrly bou" bv nn fiir'fto cy
I eneo Dr. F. O. It' hi sn n lo"n'
' a iihvsiotnn, i)-',," th, t"ii,- ef
h's right wrist wb'"o" c -aiklag
I lilw piio'i'oh"o
ufd cnoss nitro store.
TIMHKS tl-nt nn TXMALES at
SARTERS on Front street.
LOl'lt of Hnlnes.
care b 'y t', e r
Special Cnrnniel Sale at S'nff r.
Saturday and Sunday.