T"V? THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 912 EVENING EDITION ASlHNfiTOX'S nmTIIDAY ' JIKAITV SNAPB. i8 n Bast Marshflold for.? 800 . I.. SPIlKStaCKOH B iiuur S with fine llavlow.... Ws of platting Inntl, EnBt- (550 nno 7.R0 (100 uoo itooo iVJMO waterfront, opposito tnil iiveiutu, per ncro. . . ..i In ii. I tmnr Alio- lores mm ... "..:." ny, ' ."L,.",V'-"'i: nins on term? iu -'" .,,.,. mi or uoioro wiruu Uli v is. tier acru n Steamboat Addition to row. tnsy torniB 100 on tho hill 1" isnsisiuo II.... ulnllt flt h n nice ""' ,u" en platting land npnr v" til t.-l Ilit altltl gitngK " ' ' "" " lllll'l WlllUIllum. (nil ..". 1nl.. lit 12 OtB, 0OX1UO, Sengstacken'B Audition; iy terms iiwk of s lotB nuxiuu in otter's Addition nHinr In Plat A Coob Day ix13S. easy tornm 750 bungalow nnu i"is on In H. U' Addition; nlco hborhood; $1000 cash llL.r month ... v-miim iiuuau ... .wv Central nvonuu 1010 nnd 2 lots on aeconu uuu no nvunuo " ,tg In Block M, Western It on, witli largo uwei- 12,000 nnd 8, Mock 18, South alifleld, nlco location . . simmi In Cnplcs Addition. . . . i-i In Hunker Hill with now " . unit nm no su "w holco block In Schottor'B Itlon with nno uny view new modern hotmo 1500 ruin Qunrnnteo & Abstract ipposlte Chandler Hotel. Henry nckon. liinnnKor, The Best Is NONE TO GOOD WHEN THE PRICE IS T1IK SAME Royal Tailored Suits Are The Best fierari rK?T Vi . Hot of the fninlllcB of' the victims of the launch North Star dlBnBtor. This i a.vud thu total cajph contributions uiroiigii ino iinioB tizua.uv, ex ciubIvo of n numbor of merchandise loru.'B mid gifts of clothing' ntld BUP llllOH. ' PERSONAL NOTES MRS. S. A. YOAKAM of Coos Itlver Is u Murshflold shopper today. ED NOAH of North Coos Itlvor Is n Mnrshtlcld business visitor. COOS HAY TIDES. Del .w Is given tho tlmo holghth of high and low water Marshfleld. and at Court In Curry Judgo Coko Is ar ranging to hold n term of circuit tourt In Curry county In April. It v 111 probnbly bo.Thold tho first wcok y, u, DUNQAN will leavo Saturday In tho month. i for Portland on business and pleasure. Alliance Delayed Agent McOeorgo received word today ti.nt tho stcum- Tho tides aro placed In tho order er Alliance had been delayed by tho AND COST NO FROM MOKE $ 1 8.00 to $35 MADE FOK YOU FIXUP Mnrshfiold & North Bend Jways fliTe Busy Corner" 7 $!aSJL Star iPECIAL rd Saturday Sale atch This Space Tomor row Night Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. I0NE MAIN 298 US of occurrence, with tholr tlmos on tho first lino and heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consccutlvo heights will Indicate whothor It Is high or low wator. For hlgii wntor on bar, subtract 2 hours ; 94 inluutv Date February, 1013 22 hours.ri.12 Tldo .. ..C.2 2:i houra.ri.4G Tldo ....G.:i 24 hourB.G.24 Tide ... .0.2 25 hours.0.7 Tldo ... .2.8 10.57 0.8 11.13 0.0 12.. 'I!) 0.0 7.21 C.t 0.32 r..o 0.21 G.4 7.23 3.0 1.40 O.G 10. GO l.G 11.28 2.1 8.49 3.1 rough weather and would not roach I hero from Eurokn until tomorrow I niornlug. She will Ball from horo to morrow nftornodn at 1 o'clock for 1 ui 1. mid. Mi'il I'rliliiv X4irlit f'nnt. T. .T. ' MuLhcnn, ii.u now cuiiimunacr of tho Mui'Bhfle.d divisions of tho Oregon Naval .Militia, today Issued a call for n mooting of every member of tho organization at tholr hall on North front street, formerly tho Hodmen's Hall, Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Ho wan ta everyone to turn out ns mat lora of Importance are to come up. WM. DOYLE was down from tho Luso ranch on Coob itlver today on business. LOCAL TEMPERATURE 1'OKT. RE- For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 n. 111., Feb. 22, by UcnJ. Ostllnd, spcclnl government me teorological obsorvor: Maximum GO Minimum 3G At 4:43 a. m 38 Precipitation 07 Wind, north: nnrtly cloudy. Kinds Fob Kay Olllvaut toduy re covered his watch fob and charm which ho lost tho other day. A de livery boy found It In tho rear of IiIb store. irties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at The Pacific Monumental Works South llromhviiy and make nclec tlon from tho large Mock now 011 hand. Mr. WIhoii has In his employ the only practical marble mid urnnlte cutter In Coos county. And none but tho best work Is turned out. Hold Examination A civil exami nation will bo held horo Saturday for poBtui clerks and mall carriers. Al though thoro aro no vacancies horo now, It Ib doslred to luivo some ollg Iblo as substitutes for tho posttlons. Abandon Picnic Owing to tho rain toduy, tho picnic which tho Mnrsh fiold High School studontB had plan ned to enjoy In tho lower Day wnB called off. Thoro Is no school today, as It 1b Washington's birthday. Huyn Auto Dr. Ira B. Bartlo of North Bond has placed an order for a now 30-horsepower Dulck runabout, tho 1012 solf-startlng typo. It will reach horo about March 10. Ho has traded his old runabout to 1. II. Tower. M. P. FOX, tho Mayor of Maxwell, Is In Marshfleld todny on business nnd pleasure. L. H. HAZARD, J. J. Stanley nnd J, O. Savago of Couulllo aro Marsh Hold visitors today. BRING SIXTY IN TO BAY OSCAR ANDERSON was down from tho Rogers' ranch on South Coos River today on buBluoss. Xinns PrcKcutH Iute W. A. Held and wife and baby today received i-ome belated Christmas presents. Thoy woro from Miss Helen Could of Now York, tho wealthy daughter of tho Into Jay Could, who defrayed tho cost of tho Y. M. C. A. work In tho army In Alaska which hns been under Mr. Hold's supervision. Llttlo Miss Helen Held wns named In honor of Miss Could. Tho presents woro shipped to Alaska and then returned horo. Although Mr. Rold will now lo cnto In Mnrshfiold, ho expects to ro tnln supervision of tho work In AliiBkn and may possibly hnvo to mnko nn occasional trip thoro. North Bend News MIbb Maggie Robertson nnd MIbb Stolln Peterson of EnstBldo nro tho guests for n few dayB of Mrs, J. H. McKay of Bangor. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snnford of AbIi lnnd nro guests of Mrs. C. A. Noll-ner. At Oddfellow' Hall Tho nnnunl social and bnnquot of tho Mnrshfiold Flro Department will bo hold nt tho OddfollowB' Hnll tonight Instead of tho Finnish Hnll as was erroneously announced yesterday. It Is for tho inombers nnd tholr wives nnd swcot-Itonrts, 'nion Oils rAMSO.V I.VE DISTILLATE IIK.V2I.VE KRitnaKNK GAS ENtJINES And-- fK.VTHIFUUAL lUMP8 iBayOil&SupplvCo. Nl. tire. PHONE tiWUt Mad Ordon, SoIJcIumI. t chard's Livery He ieenri) ... 1. , j'iiJI WANT ADS. I OK SALE Chenp; launch Unique App.y H. II. Cox. Phono C9-L. HpiTlal Svn'Ici'H During Lont, Rov. Fnthor Munro will hold spcclnl sorvlcos each Friday ovcnlng nt tho Catholic Church. No other sorvlco nsldo from tho usual Sundny sorvlco Is planned for. Frldny ovonings, tho fiorvlcos will bo tho Stations of tho Cross nnd Doncdlctlon of tho Blessed Sacrament. .Yruiit(rl for light housowork f""n 7 n. 111. till 7 p. m. or thoro nbout'B. Phono 20 (-X. I OK KALE Hoiibo nnd two lots In Schottor'B Add.; must bo sold nt once on nccount of ownors lenvlng. For pnrtlculnra soo E. O. Hall, Phono 1C0-J. FOR SALE Button plcturo nmchlno nnd siippllea worth G0; no ren Bonnblo offer rofusel; this weok only. A. W. nennott, Central Hotel. b lecure n iivo- " UOlsliBI nnd nro n,o render ox.iont service u en . 0I Duy Ciref 1.1 L u SJLat,4fnctory service to FOK KENT 0 room modern houo: rlenroT..8 ror a dvlnS rent $12:00. Cnll at Oom Wnfflo ry line aoJAhlng needed In Kltchon, 037 N. Front at. . ' Kinds. vnna t. i.ni.i.in.. ..- .j a r UUIAnn ,nn.. """"" ii.Miiibi I'"!" umu a. j. Pbona i9n.T Tl Feci anil Dl . . i J2!iMAn 'Streots l-'OK KENT Lnrco Liik Slilpment W. A. Rold to day rccolvod his household goods from Alnskn. Ho shipped thorn from Alaska to Seattle nnd thonco to San Francisco by bont nnd thonco by bont horo, this modo of shlpmont being chenpor than to hnvo hnd thorn shipped by rail from Senttlo to Port land nnd thonco by boat horo. How ever tho frolght rato Is somowhat high. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rold will movo Into tho honso nt Third nnd Central, now occupied by J. T. Hnrrlgan nnd wlfo, about March 1, when Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrrlgan will movo Into tho now Owons residence In West Marshfleld. Mrs. Laura Housor nnd Mrs. W. Haskell nnd llttlo daughter, Qraco, who hnvo boon spending n few weeks horo with rolntlvcs, lenvo on tho Re- dondo for their homo In Onklnnd. MRS. ELLEN LEDQERWOOD Baudon, is visiting friends Marshfleld nnd North Bend. MRS. C. II. ZEVELY of Bay Pnrk ex pects to leavo Saturday for Port land and other northorn points. V. SMEATON and Arno Moroon of tho C. A. Smith company hnvo returned from a business trip to Bandon. DAN CONLOCUE enmo over today from tho Lampa Creek logging camp of tho Conloguo Brothers' business. J. T. HARRIGAN nnd wife returned todny from n three or four weoks trip to Portland nnd Soattlo nnd other northorn points. MRS. HERBERT ROGERS hns re turned to her homo on Coos River nfter a short visit nt tho homo of her brother, John Fitzgerald. Chamber of Commerce to Ar range for Homes for Many New Families Coming. That sixty shipbuilders will short ly arrlvo on tho Bay to tnko positions horo nnd that probably at leaBt thirty of thorn will bo accompanied by fnm lllos was tho report mndo nt a spe cial meeting of tho committee on tho location of now enterprises nt tho Mnrshfiold Chamber of Commorco yostorday. Furthormoro, nccordlng 10 woru irom nruso uanus, wno aro bringing tho men here, It Is doubtful if thirty houses enn be se cured. Tho commlttco decided to tnko steps Immediately to try nnd provldo for homos for tho now peo ple. Tho men nro being brought hero to work on tho sovcrnl now vessols which nro to bo constructed nt tho shipyards this summer. Tho commlttco nlso rocolvod a proposition from n Portland firm which Is desirous of locating a plant horo for tho manufacture of cement bricks or blocks. Tho commlttoo will try nnd nsslst thorn. Among other mnttors tnkon woro propositions from different com panies that nro desirous of coming horo nnd opening up now nddltlons on which thoy will erect houses to sell on tho Installment plnn. As In addi tion to erecting tho houses, tho firms would Improve, and beautify tho now additions, nn effort will bo mado to further Intorcst thorn on tho Bay. Thoso presont nt tho commlttco meotlng woro Chnlrman D. C. Green, M. C. Horton, I. S. Kaufman nnd A. W. Myers. Noll Banks hns tho lumber on tho ground to erect n house on the lot next tho Dr. Dartlo rosidencc. "Tex" .Touch mid Daughter of ' University President Elopo ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Feb. 22 Soon nftor tho renownl ofi n romnnco of his schooldays, whloh was broken oft by pnrenlAl objections,. W. R'. ("Tex,,) Jones.i Chicago American Lenguo ro crult, lolopod from Wichita. Kan., with Miss Holon Stnnloy, dnug'-ter of tho presldont of tho Frlonds' Univer sity. Thoy woro mnrrled nt Kansas City. Jones, In the' spring of 1910, whllo playing with tho St. Joseph clnb nt Wlchltn, Knn., discovered .tho young womnn In the grandstand nnd on tho Impulse of the moment wig wagged In tho old sign lnngungo, "I lovo you." Sho nnsworcd In kind, nnd ho courted nnd won her. CONVICTS WANT PICTURES l?iHr Fund Pno" Johnson hns contributed $G to tho fund for tho re- DAYTON W iP'w Pose Hcfore Cnmrrn to Send Photos to Friend. ' LANSING, Mich.. Fob. 22 A crnzo for hnvlng tholr plcturos tnkon to pond tholr frlonds outsldo tho wnlls las captured convicts In tho stnto iirlcon. Each day n largo numbor vl't tho nho'ngrnph gnllory. For the few minutes they pose Mipv nro nllowed to wonr ordlnnry r'ntbos. n ennt, shirt nnd collar bo '"r loaned them for tho nccnMon. Tho photographs nro mndo by Cnpt. J. B. 8hnn. n nhotogronor who is c0rcp(f ji urn pontopco for murder, nn.i Mq pi Ir highly satisfactory to the convicts. C. T. FISHER who has been connect ed with L. W. Plnnz'8 shop here for somo tlmo, loft yestordny for Bandon whoro ho has purchased n tailoring business. HARRY STULL, supervisor of tho Alleghany road district, wns In Marshfleld yestordny nrrnnglng for mntorlal to bo vised In Improving the highway to Loon Lako. CLAUDE NASBURO nnd hrldo ar rived hero today nftor n honoymoon trip to various northorn points TKIHHLE GETS HIG CONTRACT. In Awnrdcd $.100,000 Job In Yuklnm Vnlley, Washington. W. L. Trlbblo, tho Spoknno rail road contractor who visited Coos Bay a fow tlmos last sumtnor sup posedly In connection with bids on tho construction of tho Coos Bny and Bolso railroad and n brother of W. Ed. Trlbblo, who makes his head quarters In Mnrshfiold, hns been nwnrded a big contract In Washing ton. Concerning It, the Spokano Spokcsninn-Rovlow snys: "W, L. Trlbblo, n Spokano railroad contractor, was awarded n contract by tho Yakima Vnlloy Transnorta- Tlioy nro nt Tho Chandler. Mr. , tlon Company for tho construction of Nnsburg expects to erect n now six mllos of a now extension lino of homo In tho spring. tho company which will cost approxl- matoly $300,000 nnd will glvo the L..F. PRICE of Sumner wns a Marsh- compnny ontrnnco Into tho Solnh Val . field business visitor yestordny. Ho loy, nonr North Yakima. N. C. Rich- re-poris mat overyono inoro is on- arils, presldont or tho company, thuslnstlc ovor tho lmprovomonts being made In tho Catching Inlet channel by tho Larson dredgo, Oro gon. JUDGE HARRIS of Eugono will como to Coos county to prosldo nt tho April torm of court nt Coqulllo. A numbor of ensos In which Judgo Coko wns Interested ns nn nttor noy prior to his oloction as Judgo, nro to como up nnd ho being dis qualified, Judge Harris was linked to hear thorn, JOHN D. GOSS, who oxpocts to lonvo Saturday for Portland to nttond court, will probably not leavo un til next week, owing to n post ponement of tho action In which ho wns intorosKul. A. II. Powers will nlso probnbly postpono his trip north for tho samo ronson. The Royal TONIGHT White Leghorns nnd R. I, Reds; mono iiki-l. Ilonj. Ostllnd. prlvnto That Roof Fixed1 -211! fnmlly. y. front room In Inquire Forest vow see OOIiTUELL "none 8181 1 WANTED Fresh young milch cow. Phono 31 10. SSMAKING 0W.8, SUITS AND HKMODELINO S. E. BANDFJ. 12' cr. 4lh nnd P.rk Av. "ave Some First Class t '""IUKXCB LOTS De to Exchange for Coos Bay I Property. ht Rave You Got? MO. FniZEEN """I A... iw.J.tn.jj, - "-"uwojp. I LOST Ribbon wntch fob with gol' lockot with dlnmond In center it- tinio'' Return to Times offlco. Liberal reward. FOK nil kinds of hnuMng, seo Clifford Donno. Phone 331 It. FOK KENT 9-room house In Bunk er Hill. Soo Times office. ANCONA. SICILIAN HUTTEK CUP. AM) SALMON FAVOROLLE EGGS FOK HATCHING. The kind for eggs. I have thoroughbred stock. $ F. K. GLAZIER, PKone 29 9t North Bend, Oregon. T Llhliy, VO. L. The kind YOU hm U V vVl""l'i-i 'MIOXEJ2 PacJBi NEWS Published Occnslonnlly by Marshfleld Cyclory "David Copperfield" (TANHOUSEK) Tlin'o-IUH'I Serial Produe'lon from the Novel by Charles JMckvus. WEALTHY TIMHEKMAX DIES William Carson Felled First Kcdwool Ever Cut for Lumber. EUREKA, Cnl., Fob. 22 William Carson, tho multl-nillllonnlro lumber man who enmo to Humboldt County In 1852 nnd foiled tho first rodwood over cut for lumber, dlod nt his homo hero, ngod 87. Death wns causod by dlsoases Incident to old ngo. Cnrson lenves n fortuno vnrlously estimated nt from $15,000,000 to M0.000.000. Ho was born In Now Brunswick nnd lenves n son, William Cnrson, Jr., nnd n dnughter, Mrs. R. J. Tyson, In Snn Frnnclsco. nnd two sons, J. Mil ton Cnrson nnd Sumner Cnrson, horo. nnd F. L. Pitman, chief onglnoor, nwardod tho contract, nfter confer ring with Robert E. Strnhorn In this city. "Mr. Trlbblo hns handled much of tho Important work on tho now Spo-knno-Portland short lino of tho O.-W. R. & N.. of which tho. Yakima Vnl loy Transportation Compnny la a sub sidiary company. This Included work In tho Pnlouso canyon and along tho Pnlouso rlvor. Ho will commonco work on tho now oxtonslon in tho North Ynklmn country nt onco so tho lino will bo In readiness to handlo tho crops of tho present year." It you have anything to sell, trade, ront, or want help, try n want ad. REAL MILK nnd REAL CREAM! delivered to your home on FIVE MINUTES' NOTICE. PHONE 320-J. F A. Sacchl. BOYS, EARN A DAYTON MAKE IT PAY FOR ITSELF. I'LL TELL YOU HOW. First of tho Series THE EARLY LIFE OF DAVID COPPERFIELD Tho whimsical humor nnd touching pathos of .this period of David's llfo Is convincingly s' own. Second of the. Series DAVID COPPERFIELD TLE EMILY AND LIT- AT LEWIS Chlrkon TAMALES j Washington Kind 'ii Gcortro They're hot. MASTER MILTON PERKINS knqws ie vaiuo of Dayton Buttons and Unytoji service, Ho now hns n pair if tnectjps and his Dayton .Button. This period of his llfo teems with henvt lntorest. Tho episodes that 'end up to t,ho tragic ond of Stoor forth and Hani aro" graphically re produced. Third of tho Series. THE LOVES OF DAVID COPPER-FIELD David's love affairs, his domestic happiness and sorrows nnd tho ma chinations of tip iinppeaknblo Ileop I inrm tho nucleus or tniB e-ventnu nua dramatic chapter of his llfo. . . J, ' ' ' i iiimi 1 i ffi When you buyjgjg DID YOU? Did you take cold as a result of the decid edly mixed weather we have had lately? If so; it's easily cured. A few of those B & S. Cold Capsules will do the trick in short order 25c and 50c a Box! BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS i jy?rshfi$L Cyc,e7 Royal Toifcht Quality High Makes People Buy SPERRY'S BEST DRIFTED SNOW EL0UR LtTerT- Transfen-CO. Phone 180-R, 607 Front. G. J, LEMAN8KI, Proprietor.