THE COOS Br TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1912 - EVENING EDITION HAS BAKING POWDE Absolutely Pttr To have pure and wholesome food, be sure that your baking powder is made from cream of tartar and not from alum. The Label will guide you Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Lime Phosphates w AT iS OF COAST LINE (Continued rum pego 1.) northward mid touched at tho EiiBune extoiiBlun on tliu Pacific Coast, mid lo cated at the mouth of tlio Sluulaw lllvor. Thence going northward, the locntorn struck toward Ynquluu Hay points, Toledo, Newport, Elk City, and traversed the fruitful Slletz and Grand Hondo Indian reservations on tlio way to Tillamook. Thoy wore at Tilliunuok looking over tlio terminal Bltuatlon for sevor al du'8 before their Identity was dis covered. Tholr reconnoltorliiK work BceniH to Indlcnto tl'at the Southern Pacific 1b contomplntlng early construction of a Hue down the Oregon shore. Such n lino him been talked of for years, mid many railroad location en gineers have gone over the route, mid from reports they have made, thorn will not ho n very largo amount of heavy construction or difficult engi neering problems to ho overcome. It was only n fow duyH ago, mid about the time Englneors Hoey and Fontaine reached Tillamook that a party of Southern Pacific officials ap peared bofoie the City Council and nnnounced that tlu company was planning to give that city greatly Im proved terminal facilities and asked for additional frnnchlflo privileges to provide for more trnckugu and (witching yards. Ilnllroiul men hern have put theso two incidents togother and bellovo that the Tillamook country Is to ro colvo heavy expenditures from the llnrrlmmi purse mid In nil probability n now lino to the south. HI, 18:1 RAM1MTS KILLED Klaumtli County Has lllg I til I for Kxtci'iiiliiutlng lVhts. KLAMATH FALLS. Ore.. Fob. 'i It cost nbout $rG72 to carry on the work of exterminating undesirable animals In Kianiatli County during tie year 191 1. Itubblts art tlio big gest Item In the list of milutntH whose slaughter Is paid for lu the of fice of County Clerk Do Lap. There weio brought in for bounty ours or tit.lsa jacks. Of tluao HS.U'S eots of "listeners" were, brought lu prior to .In no 1 mid cost the county C cents a pair, but nt the Juno meet ing of the County Court the bounty was doubled to a dime- a rabbit. As a vesult, lu the latter half of the joar 33,281". ears brought lu, put :t32S..ri In tl e pockets of the hunters who slew them. The total for tlio year was $1738.10. For the scalp of each coyote $1.50 was paid, the number of animals killed being 4 89, making the money to'nl $733 GO. Unbent scalps bring $2 bounty nplcco and there were 100 brought In, totalling 200. Only two wolvis were kll ed during the year on which bounty was e'aliued. EUGENE LINE Seventy-five Per Cent of Clear ing for Noti Tunnel Finished. i EUGENE, Ore., Fob. 21 The Guard Bays: W. It. Fouutalno, engineer In charge of the Coos Hay line, re turned today from n trip over tlio lino to tlio tunnel. Ho says that work has progressed with marvelous ra pidity considering the weather. Work at all tlio stations Is going right ahead. Seventy-five per cent of the clearing Is finis! ed mid cuts aro be ing made nt the Noti, the Long Tom, and other places, so tl at part of tlio lino looks Hko n rcnl railroad. With a little fine weather tho progress which will bo made will be astonish ing. .1. T. Twohy, of tho firm of Two hy Hroo., contractors, arrived up from Portland last night and loft this morning for tho tunnel. Among tho civil cases ncted upon In Circuit Court were n largo numhor of Pacific Oreat Western Hallway condemnation suits. Most of thorn worn continued nnd a fow dismissed, having been settled nut of court. Ti'O'n which havo been continued are also In process of sottlcment. Several Electric Lines Now Projected Besides New ''Road to Coos Bay. The Hosobury, Hovlew prints the lollowlng:Jx t Following Is a complete copy of a letter, received by Geo. Pt Schlosser from II. Al. Farrcn, associate of J. Arnold DoyloMn ,tho .proposed move ment for a railroad from Hoseburg to tho Const. The letter Is bo It explanatory' nnd tud whoio matter will he consltlfcrud at the public muss meeting to bo held at the Commer cial Club Tuesday evening. Hero is tho letter: Spokane, Wash., Feb. 1G, 1912. Mr. Schlobser, Secy. Commercial Club, Hoseburg, Oregon. Dear Sir I wish to inform you that while wo were lu Hoseburg, wo wcro treated very nicely by you aud nlso tho committee appointed by you that waited on us, and wo found out the sentiment of the people in tlint valley tributary to your town as well as tho people in the town. Through all this information gathered, wo havo gono ahead very fast and havo gathered together a llno-up of woll-to-do men with plonty of hacking, to go ahead now and put this road through. Wo wired you I this morning regarding tho bonus that you spoko of when wo wero thoro. Wo hnvo now dropped the proposition of wanting $10,000 pre liminary expense money, nnd now only want a written stntomont from the peoplo of Hoseburg nnd Mnrsh flcld that a bonus of $100,000 will bo given to ub when tho line Is com pleted. Kindly attend to this at once, as It will help to rush tho matter through nt this end, with tho parties that wo now hnvo Interested lu tho compnny. Mr. Doylo nnd mysolf, with tho nion Interested, will bo back thoro on or nbout March 1. If wo ro- colvo a favornblo reply from you, anil construction will actually bogln. Thanking you for past favors, I bog to remain, Yours very truly, ii. m. farre.w Other Lines Proposed. Mr. Hart, of tho Hart Construc tion Compnny, of Sncrnmento, waB hero today endeavoring to Interest locnl people In tho construction of nn electric carllno through this city, with suburban lines through Edon bowor and Garden Valloy to Umpqun, ns well ns Hues In other directions. Mr. Hart's company aro builders only and do not suppply capital for such enterprises as heroin outllnod. Oilier' Looking This Way. L. W. Hlmes, of tho locnl firm of 1 limes & Ollvr, who Is now In tho Hast, writes to Mr. Schlosser of n company of bul'dors of olcctrlc rnll ways whom ho has Intero'ted In the matter of building such n lino from Hoseburg to tlio const. They nsk to bo supplied with dnta regarding the samo In various ways, with a vlow In building If tho conditions are deemed fnvornble. An effort will nrobnb'v ho made to supply thorn with the Information sought. - Watch Window Display Balance of this week Take your choice Any Suit in the window $11.85 Another example of "MONEY TAKS" Don't you agi'cc with us? It pays to buy for Cash. Hub Clothing Shoe Co, iuamiuiwu. -UUDQ0HI NEW SPRING SHOES ARE HERE ENJOIH PORT DRFORO CASE WITH Trv The Times' Want Ads. main Builders of Homes. Our "PROFIT-SHARING Investment Certificates' ereREALMoneyMakers Send for Booklet JC456 CorboltBld$PojuW.O(a FULL TROUPE Gladys Brockwcll Company to Open Next Monday Night R. E. Scott Manager. II. E. Scott returned on the Re dnndn from San Francisco with eight iiclors aud actresses to support his wife, whose stage name Is (iladys llnxkwell, en the Coos County cir cuit. He believes he has secured u strong company. The company which will bo known us the (llndys Ilrockwcll Stock com pany, will open at the Masonic Opera Homo next .Monday aud Tuesday nights lu '".Merely Mary Ann," a four net comedy adapted by Isrnol JCnug will from his own story of the samo title. For tho opening, Mr. Scott has arranged for popular prices, lift, .IT) and .10 cents. lio has arranged to play at Hiin leu, Coquillo, Myrtle Point and North llontl. besides MarshtleM, aud the troupe may also make occasional vis Its to Unrdiner. The members of the company ho secured from tho Alcazar, Liberty nnd Itelmond Stotk companies In San Ernmlsco. All aro good. Frank Clayton will be director of tho com pnny and II. S. Aloxnmlor, who hns been scenic artist at the Orphoum In San Francisco, w III havo charge of tho scenery. Tho othor mombors who camo hero with Mr. Scott nro Ray llunford, llert Chapman, Maurice Chick, Wm. Woodttold. (lonevlovo Leo aud Martha Lloyd, Mr. Scott has also arranged far a full orchestra and has also arranged for the production of somo of tho most popular plays that havo boon staged In tho Inst year or so, SMASH, Sli.l MANfl GOES EGG MARKET Caught In Eureka Shorlff Gage camo ovor from Coqutlla today to meet tho Alliance tomorrow. Ho has been ndvlsed by tho sheriff nt Kuroka that George Corbott, a logger wanted in Mnrshtleld on a statutory ehargo, was arrested thoro and would bo sent north on the Alliance. REAL CHICKEN tnnmles always at Stuffords. "Cackle Merries" Take Sudden Drop to Twenty Cents n Dozen lu Portland. PORTLAND, Oro., Fob. 21. Smash, slap and bang, went the local egg markot Snturdny as tho rosult of n gcnernl Increnso In tho nntlvltv 01 mo inuiiBirioiiB orogon hon. Kvon poor peoplo nro privileged to placo .cncKio norries" on tlielr morn nc bill of faro today, while herotoforo only plutocrats and millionaires could onjoy 'em boiled, fried, ponchod, serumblod, omolotted or any old wny thoy deslrod. With ono loud crnsh tho prlro for fresh Orogon ranch eggs took tho to boggan Saturday, and when tho ond of tho day camo thoy wero being sold to tho retail traio at 20 cents a dozen. Tho markot was literally scrambled. Everybody bought eggs, nnd tho moro of tho lion fruit that was disposed of tho busier becamo tho onorgotlc domlnlcker and tho ro celpts soared to a record-breaking mint of tho soason. Thoy cmno nl most In millions, and the sng In tho prlco was hammorod downward a cent or two nt a jump until tho low est mark for fresh ranch eggs for many seasons had been ronchol. The prospects nro for a continued low quotatlcn. unless tho Orogon lion should go on a strlko, which Isn't looked for. Tbero nro too many poi plo who supply tho lotnl market who ire going Into tho poultry business. Mas Appendicitis L. A. Orulk- iiiank, or Portland, was takon to Mercy hospital this afternoon to tin lergo nn operation for nppendlcltls. He travels through this section for wholosalo furnlturo houso and wus taken 111 at CoquIiIo, returning to tho Chandler last night. Action Begun to Restrain Cur ry County Sheriff From Collecting Taxes. Word has been rocolvod hero that tho opponents of tho Port of Port Or ford havo begun action to enjoin the sheriff of Curry county from col lecting the special tax levied by tho port commissioners. Some time ago, tho opponents of tho port Instituted liinndnmus pro ceedings to compel tho secretary of the Port Commission to tlio a refer endum petition on the tax lovy, but tho levy had already boon entered on tho rolls and the sheriff had stnrted to collect the tax. Now the Injunction procedlngs nro Instituted on tho ground that tho tax Is void on account of the referendum and that tho sheriff has no right to collect them. In consoquenco all phases of the various litigation grow ing out of tho Port of Port Orford case wll probably bo tried out In the honrlng on tho injunction proceedings. TWO-MOXTMS-OLD MAMV . OFTEN PllOTO(;itAPIIi:i DECATUR. 111., Feb. 21 A two-months-old baby living on North Ed wind street is probably tho most photographed child of Its ngo In this part of tho state. Tho total nuinbor of photo- graphs that have been made of It Is n' ready woll up toward 100. Its father has consider- ublo skill nnd talent ns an nuin- 4 tour p otogrnphcr. Ho is also 4 4 n proud young father and the 4 4 combination hns resulted in a 4 4 grent ninny Interesting pictures. 4 The first photogrnph of tho 4 4 baby was mudo nfter It wns two 4 4 hours old, before It was dressed. 4 4 slnco then It hns had Its picture 4 4 mndo with Its own clothes and 4 4 everybody olso s clothes on. 4 4 Ono of the Intest srows It In 4 unlvorslt.v cap nnd gown. 4 444444444444 44444 FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondi equipped with wirelkus and hummarixk hell SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. SAN FRANCIS Friday, Feb. 23 at 1 P. M. 1NTEK-OCEAN TMANSPOMTATIOX COM PAXY. O. F. M(ii:oitCE,.U Phone 1 1. tiii: friend of coos may' S. S. ALLIANCI f EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS WILL SAIL FROM COOS BAY FOR PORTLA1 Thursday, February 22, at 1 P. M. CONNECTING WITH Till: NORTH MANIC HOAD AT POUT NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone II. O. F. Mc(Ji:0IIGK,.lp Steamer Homer DATE OF SAILING TO BE ANNOUNCED LATEJl F. S. Dow, Agent After tho show try n TAMALE nt Sartors'. MOT DM1XKS ond TAMALES, first time, nt Sartors' this evening. Hare your Jod Tho Times' office. printing done a) MOW COLD FEET AFFECT TDK KIDNEYS. Avoid tnklng cold if your kidneys are sensitive. Cold congests tho kid neys, throws too much work upon them nnd weakens tbolr action. Sorl ous kidney trouble nnd even Drlght's disease may result. Strengthen your kldnoys. get rid of tho pnln nnd sore ness, build ( them 'Up bv tho timely use pi roiey KKiney pills. Tonic tn nctlon, quick In results. Red ross urug mow." ". NO CAUSE TO DOUBT .V Statement of Facts Mucked by a Strong (iiarautec. Wo guarantee Immediate and posi tive relief to nil sufferers from con stlpatlou. In every case whero our remedy falls to do this we will loturn tho iiiouoy paid us for It. That's a flunk statement of facts, aud we want you to substantiate them at our risk. Roxull Ordorllcs nro eaten Just like candy, ino particularly prompt nnd ngreeihH in nctlon. may bo taken at any time, day or night; do not cause dlarreoa, Hansen, griping, excessive loosonoss, or othor undesirable ef fect. They have n very mild hut positive action upon the organs with w Ich they como lu contact, uppnre ' ly acting ns n regulative tonic up n the lelaxed mus'-ulnr coat of t bowel, thus ovircnmlng weak'itwi and aiding to restoie tho bowels to more vigorous nnd healthy nctlvly Itoxall Ordorlies nro unsunmsstiblo nnd Ideal for the uso of children, old ioikb nnd doiicnte persons. Wo can not too highly recommend thorn to nil sufferers from nny form of cju- 8tlpntlon nnd Its nttendnnt ovlls. 1 lint's why wo back our faith In them with our promlso of money bnck If they do not give entire sntlsfnctlon Threo sizes: 12 tnblots 10 conts, 30 tablots 25 cents, nnd 80 tablets 50 cents. Remember, you can obtain Roxnll Romodles In Mnrshfleld only nt our store Tho Roxnll Store. I ockhart-Pnrsons Drug Co., "The Hiiuy Comer." EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwati ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 8 I SI. ON FEDRUARY 13, 20ASJP SAILS FROM COOS MAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE OX FH ARY 10, 17 nnd 21. I. A. PARKHURST, Agent L. II. KEATING. Agent. Phono JUIil Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract C&l MEXRY 8EXCSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqutlle Off) e Phone 101 Mnrshfleld Offlco H-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents "EA3TBIDE" leanJandiPress ladies' and GenlVSiii's Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Slcam Laundry PHONE MAIN .rr-j Blanchard's Livery We nae aecuro the llyery 'j'jl iebB if h. H. Helscer and are pre pared to render exct.lent service t tbe peoplo of Coi Bay, Ciref., Ivors, gjoa rljs jd overyth'nK hat will mean batUfnctory service t tho public. Phon us for a drtvlnr horse, a rig or anything needed Ir tbe Ii7ery line. Ve also do truck g business of il kinds. niiANCnARD MROTIIERS Phone IS8-J Livery, PeJ and Sale Srvlr. 141 First &ad Alder Streeta Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill EastsHe and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St. WANTED ! ! ! JARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneuma tie Cleaning Company. Orders foi work taken at GOING HARVEY rnoNE 1M People Take Wo havo nil lengths of to"i rn. nn nrlrnn ranclCE 'r'3 I .Ut DUtUf ..w- - - per tier up. We can loiiEth you wish. L. H. HEISNEI ., .. ivn.j or 4u ruuuu iiw - furtj City Fish Marh FREE DELIVERS InFercusonTrflnsffrD Foot of 51arkct &' SMITH & BALCH, ?M PHONE 2J- TnE LLOYD. Most modern Rooms ment-houBo In the city: Day transient.. Per week .50e ,1.0 .7.tjl ..nil im - We have nicely "'",. iA . - i i.,Hlnir bath. 1 month and up. jjairja