v.rv WfWjptft" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21,912 EVENING EDITION Always "The Busy Corher" TSo ffioXfltflL Star "BABY MEMCluNE There lu no tlmo In tlio Hfo of n child wliun Its honlth needs -..I....1 ifiintittiir Htntl lllivltlt. flwi flraf flltwm vnnra nt lo llf.i lllulr. ...I ,1.1.. .. lm.m tint. I .... .......It llMnllll.!. .. !. ..nlnll.... f proper romcdlcB for chlldron hs wo do for adults, mid among our well selected stock tako special Interest In recommending MOTHER KROH'S BABY REMEDIES "A Beinedy for Every Baby 111" In soloctlng theso romodloj wo woro most critical and domnnd cd the highest degree- of purity and quality. Mother Kroh's IJnby BomedloH Includo ton different iirepnrntlonH, fully described In ft special booklet, freo at our utoro any tlmo for the nsklng. i f t Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE -MAIM 298 US manager of the Masonic Opera llouso hero ending abruptly. Ho loft a mnn bur of crodttors holding the ' sack. . COOS TIDES. Wnnt Tug Dr. E. Mlngus of the Port Couunls8lon Is gathering data on wrecks and vcssols In distress along tho coaBt with a view of pre senting It to tho government In an effort to serum the kccnlm; of a now- erf ul tug here for tho purposo of as-1 stating vessels In trouble in this vicin ity. , Garbage Duni Messrs. Forguson ntnl Copplo of tho Health Commit tee, or tho Mnrs! flold City Council are arranging for a now garbage Dol .w Is given tho time and holghth of high and low water at Marshflold. Tho tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino and heights on tho soc- oinl lino of each dny; a comparison , dump about a quarter of a mile be- st Class Auto Service Ipeclal rails anywhere anytime nd at siiiokoiioubo. i-iioiiu ou-j ill 11 p. ni.; after 11 p. m. Phono Kcttlucnco l'nono -'o-.i. uoou and careful drivers, I L. FOOTS. Proprietor. jEjONA1. DIRECTORY rilS. K. SIIADDUBNE. Tcachor of volco placement, Ithlng and Interpretation of song tady to receive tho public. Studio Commercial Ave. FuTb. p. winkleb, Naturopath and Chiropractor. rchronlc diseases treated. Consul- utlon freo. Office hours: 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 anu u to p. m. luropath Institute Boom No. 1. 130 Broadway, Marshfleld, Ore 0. XV. LEBLIK, OitcopMhto PbysleUa Iduate of the AmerHan school ol ibpithy at KIrkavlUe, Mo. Offlce Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 13; 1 to Phono 161-J; Marshfleld; Oregon W. UENNBTT, iMWJW. i orer Flanagan Dennttt Bank ihfltld Oregon J. T. McCOBMAO, Pbyalclan and Burgsoa Harihfleld, Oregon. fee! Lockhart Building, opposite Post OfDte Phone 10C-J BOB STORE AT FLORENCE Provisions Stolon From third Com jinny by Unknown PartlcH. Tho Btoro of tho Hurd Lumber & Nnvlgntlon Co. wnH entered Thurs day night by unknown parties who carried off some of tho goods from tho building, suya tho Floronco West. Having reason to suspect that Homobody had been In tho building tho night boforo, Win. Cnssldy, tho bookkeeper for tho company, decided to keep wntch last night and about 10:30 ho and mill watchman J. Loyd wont to tho store and found tho front door unlocked. Thoy looked through tho building nnd finding nobody, locked tho door and loft. About 2.30 Mr. Cassldy saw a man come out at the front door nnd another out In tho strcot nearby. Ho nnd Lloyd wont to tho Btoro and found tho front nnd roar doors opon. Thoy wont to tho Bny VIow Hotol nnd nroiiBod Mr. Dassonvlllo who Is In charge of tho business nnd told him what hnd hnpponod. Tho Intrudors pnld nnothor visit to tho Btoro boforo daylight making threo tlmoB tho door was unlocked by them. Somo flour, lard nnd other articles woro taken nwny. It Is difficult to toll oxnetly their val no. of consecutlvo heights will Indlcato whotlicr It Is high or low water. For high wator on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minute Dato February, 11)12. 21 hours.l.ll 10. 1 1 4.48 Tide ....c.2 m n.r. 22 hours.G.12 10.57 fi.32 Tldo ....C.2 0.8 5.0 23 hourn.n.iG 11.43 G.21 Tldo ....C.3 0.0 5.4 24 hours. 0.21 12.30 7.28 Tldo ... .0.2 0.G 3.G 2G hours.0.7 7.21 1.4G Tldo ... .2.8 G.l 0,5 10.21 0.D 10.5G 1.5 11.28 2.1 8.40 3.1 T1113 WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREOON Showers In west tonight nnd Thursday; BhoworB nnd snow flurries In cast tonight or Thursday; varlablo winds be coming southerly. liOCAL BE- TEMPEBATURE POBT. For twenty-four hourB ending nt 1.13 a. in., Fob. 21, by IionJ. OHtllud, special government mo tcorologlcal observer: Maximum 55 Minimum 38 At 4:13 n. in 38 Preclpltntlon 2G Wind northwest; pnrtly cloudy. yonil whore It Is now located. Tho garbage will bo dumped Into a deep chasm and th on will bn burled from tlmo to tlmo by grading down tho ombnnkmont on It, thus eliminating tho mnny objectlonnblo and danger ous features of It. CATCHING INLET. Farmers In this vicinity aro get ting busy for spring work. Mrs. H. F. Boss went to Marsh field Monday to have a tooth ex tracted. Bov. Connor held sorvlcca nt Mrs. Sarah Donobruko'B homo Sunday. Tho next mooting will be nt school houso lu Boss district tho last Sun day In March. 11 A. J. HENDRY'S Modem DcaUl Parlors. Vt ars equipped to do high class Ik an short notlco at the very ii prices. Examination free. ' nttondant, Coke building, oppc-; I Chandler hotel, phone 11 2-J. Coos' Bay ituropath College IIKOPBACTIO, OSTEOPATHIC, HYDROTHERAPY all branches of Naturnl Thora- Itlcs taught. Torms reasonable. ' Information address )R. BIRD B. CLARKE North lleud, Oregon. lique Pantatorium KINO. CLEANING. PRESSING U KU'AIUI.VtJ ALL KINDS Ol I tOSS .V PI '.'KtJOR Ontral avenue Phone 2fi'0 vvomc. Modern Brick niiiMimr metric Prtts, Steam Heal. Elegantly furnished Itoonit with Hot and Cold Wator. II O T E L .r. n on : 0. A. METLIN. Prop. . 60 cents a Duy and Upwards ioi. flroadway and Market .wannnifl Oregon WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY REALTY SNAPS. 10 lots In East Marshflold for. ? 800 2 lots In SengBtnckon'a Addi tion with fluo Uny vlow 030 15 acres or platting land, Enst sldo waterfront, oppoalto Ceutrul nvenuo, por aero... 030 120 acres fruit land near Alio ghnny, near river, with tho stumps on; terms half cash balance on or boforo threo years, por aoro 7.BO Lots lu Steamboat Addition to Yarrow, easy torms 100 8 lots on tho hill lu EastBldo with a nlco Dny vlow for.. 000 100 ncros platting land near Flagstagg with half mllo ship channel wntorfrout por aero -'00 One block of 12 lots, 50x100, in HongBtnckon'B Addition; easy terms itOOO Ono block of 8 lots 50x100 in Schottor'B Addition .'WOO Nice corner In Plat A Coos Bay 100x138, easy torms 730 Largo bungalow and I lotB on hill In It. B. Addition; nlco neighborhood; $1000 ensh 150 per month 0000 Modern 7-room houso and lot on Central nvonuo 1030 Homo and 2 lots on Second and K riiso uvonuo 300 12 lota In Block M, Western Addition, with lnrgo dwol .tng 12,000 Lota 7 and 8, Ulock 18, South .MniHli field, nlco location . . 2000 1 'ots in Caples Addition.... 1230 2 ! lu Bunker Hill with now fi-IOOIll llOUKU 1K00 One cholco block In Schettor'u ,' ddltlnn with flno bay vlow 'ul now modern 1 oiiko. . . . 1300 S o Tltlo Onnranteo & Abstract Co., opposlto Chnndlor Hotol. Henry Seng tnckon, inannsT. Twii Clilliltvn III Two children of Jack Carter aro 111 of tonsllltls, tho ones affected being Miss Edith and tho youngest son, Leslie. T.oiit Begins Todny Is Ash Wed nesday. th first day of Lout. Spe cial aorvlcos woro hold nt tho Episco pal and Catholic Churches In Marsh flold tills morning. Kill Wildcat Olon Bozello and Walter Oldland yostorday killed two wildcats wcat of Llbby. Their dogs treed tho varmints nnd thoy Bhot thorn, Ono of tho wildcats was an unusually largo ono. Tho wildcats had Just killed a deer. A bin Bonobrako has bought Mrs. Sarah Uonobrako'a placo for tho con Bldorntlon of $4000. Improvements nro being mndo on tho placo and Mr. llonohrnko will tako possession March 1. Mrs. Charles Jackson Is Improv ing In health. Dr. Lcsllo Is treating her. Sho is nblo to walk to tho kitchen unnsslstod nnd played Bovoral pieces on piano Monday. B. B. Boss Is also Improving. VOU'LL pay a little , more for Hart SchafFner & Marx clothes than for the ordinary stuff; it's an advantage, not a disadvantage. You get more ordinary clothes; tailoring, best style. value in all-wo them than ol fabrics; 1 m ine You want value in these things; not just clothes WOOLEN MILL STORE This store Is the home of Unit ScbulTiicr & Mar.v clothes. PERSONAL NOTES 1 B. II. SMITH nnd wlfo of Coqulllo are Mnrshtlold visitors today. MBS. E. W. SHBOCK of Emplro was u Marshflold shoppor today. SAM SHOOK, of Coos Blver, Is Marshflold today on business. In SOUTH INLET ITEMS. Fnrmors in this vicinity nro vory busily engaged in making gnrdons, J. F. Conklln being tho first to got n garden planted. Miss Nolllo Wasson Is spondlng tho wook with friends In Marshflold. Mrs. John Conklin nnd dnughtor, Fayo, spent Wedncsdny with Mrs. Loiils Lolby, Plan Social Tho Marshflold Flro Department will hold Its annual ball and social at tho Finnish Halt Thurs day ovenlng. Tho guests will bo con fined to momborB und tholr wives nnd BweothonrtB. Games, music nnd danc ing will bo followed by n banquet. Want Team It Irt oxpotcod thnt tho MarHhflold Flro Dopartmont will at an early mooting of tho council renew Its ronucst for a team 10 naui tho flro onglno nnd for other city work. Somo of tho members nro now arranging to tako tho mnttor up with tho Council. Miss Doris Lolby, of this placo, while playing .with hor dog wns se verely bitten on tho arm, Whllo tho wound Is very painful it Is getting along nlcoly nnd no III effects nro oxpoctod. John Cotell and Louis Lolby nro vory busy making fonco, ditching nnd preparing for this summor's crop. QUS PETEBSON, of Hnyncs Inlet, Is In Mnrshtlold today on business. WM. F. BOWBON, of Ten Mllo, Is a Mnrshtlold business visitor' today. MBS. M. J. ELBOD returned on tho Bodondo from n business trip to San Francisco. Bit. W. A. TOYE roturnod last even ing from n business trip to Cali fornia points. MBS. A. G. AIKEN roturnod on tho Bodondo from a fow weeks' stay In San Francisco. ly uevoro winter In that section caused thorn to decide to return to tho Day. MISS HAZEL COWAN, of Allognny, Ib tho guest of Marshfleld frlonds today. MBS. J. B. JOHNSTON was down from tholr ranch nbovo Allegany on business nnd ploasuro today. JOHN MICHELDBINK, a woll known rnnchor on tho west fork of Coos Btvor, Is a Marshflold visitor today. GEO. H. BOTNEB, manager of tho Woolon Mill Btoro, roturnod on tho Bodondo from a business trip, dur ing which ho nttondod tho mar rlngo of his oldest daughtor at San Diego. Ho says it has boon un usually dry thoro and tho drought is nffoctlng tho fruit. Mnny aro praying for rain, T. J. THBIFT, of Coqulllo, Is rogls torod nt tho Imperial In Portland, according to tho Journal. Mr. Boy Wiggins and sister, Mrs. Barker, woro North Bond visitors Tuesday. Mr. Wiggins 1b fixing fonco, cutting brush and othorwlso Improving his ranch. RESSMAKING GOWKS, 'SUITS AND BHMODELING MR.S. E. BANDEL ! l0,J' Cor. 4th nnd Park Ave. ?siw!IIAX "UTTEB CUP, I "AreillNO. Tho kind for ocirs. feuioroughbrod stock. 1". K. fJLAZIEB, Lne 299, North iiend. Oregon. I Have Some First Class "ESIBENTK LOTS -ugene to Exchange for Coos Bay Property. What Have You Got? rv 'C FBIZEEN "hi a. Marshfleld. iMSW- k,2 wn!i0.t!Hv?;??.tlnventi abI XM "KLKtEV A- Jltl.N nni rot tor. 8 aurj. Ute TurKlBU Uut., WANT ADS. WANTED Olrl for rostnurnnt work. Apply nt Imltlmoro Bostnurniit. FOB KENT Largo private family. Clgnr Factory. front room In Inqulro Forc-st WANTED Frosh young milch cow, Phono 31 1C. LOST Itlbbon watch fob with gold lockot with diamond In contor at tnchod. Hoturn to Times office. Llbornl reward. Ci'lt'hmlo AiiiilvcrHiiry Tho mom bors of Myrtlo Lodgo No. 3, K. of P., Tuesday ovenlng properly col obratod tho anniversary of tho lodgo, a bocIoI sosslon with rofreshmonta following Inltlntlon work. Thoro wns a good crowd prosont nnd n flno tlmo onjoyod. Weds Again Tho Bosoburg Bo vlow Fnya: Mrs. W. F. Bornoll, who wns formorly tho wlfo of a theater nnorntor nnd hnnd director of this city, Ib now Mrs. Guy II. Pnlmor. of Mammoth Springs, Ark., whoro hor hiiBband, an olectrlcnl onglnoor, Is )io mnnngor of n light nnd powor plant. Tho Bornolls formorly lived In Mnrshflold. Mr. Bornoll'B enroor as John Conklln wns a North Bond visitor Wedncsdny. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Cottoll nnd small son, Bobort, spent Wodnosdny night nnd Thursday with Mrs. Cot toll's mother, Mra. L. A. Lolby. DAYTON es BBOMO QUININE FATAL Win. Swan Dies .Suddenly nt Florence From Overdose. At tho Bny Vlow Hotol In Florence on Snturdny, Fob. 10, na tho result of nn ovordo8o of bromo quinine, Wm. Swnn, ngod 18 years, died suddonly. Asldo from n brlof statement con corning hlmsoK mndo a short tlmo boforo his death, nothing Is known concerning tho enrly history of tho deccasod, Ho told his nttondant thnt his parents woro killed by Indians In tho Illack Hills when ho was n boy nnd that tho Indians then brought him up. Ho hnd boon In Oregon about thirteen yenrs but hnd no homo and no rolntlvos. Floronco West. E. C. OUEBIN of Myrtlo Point passed through horo today on routo homo from u trip to California points. MiLES S. EDQEBTON, formorly su perintendent of schools nt Tncoma, Wash., nnd n prominent educator of tho northwest, stopped horo to dny to visit his daughtor, Mrs. Mil drod Chrlstonsont who hns boon spondlng tho winter with Mrs. J. A. Stnddcn. Mrs. Stnddon formorly taught school undor Mr. Edgorton. Ho has boon spending tho wlntor nt Los Angeles. SBNATOB JAS. BAINES nrrlvod horo today from El Vorano, Cnll., to look nftor business interests on tho Bny. J. D. McDOUGAL nnd wifo nnd son Archlo roturned on tho Bodondo from n fow weeks' visit nt Cnllfor nlu points. MBS. GEO. W. CH1LDS who under went nn oporntlon nt Morcy Hos pital tho other day, is roportod get ting along nlcoly. North Bend News The Episcopal Guild wilt moot with j Mrs. J. a. Horn tomorrow aftornoou. NEWS FOB nil kinds of limiting, seo Clifford Doano. Phono 331 It. WANTED Competent lndy lu con finement enso. Must conk for se'f nnd pnMont, nnd do light house work. State wages nnd references lu letter. Ilox r5, City. FOB BENT 9-room houso In Bunk er Hill. Seo Times offlco. City Auto Service I ood Cars. Careful Drivers an easonable charges. Our mot'o Will go anywhere at any tlmo." stands ninnco Hotel and Banco i;ar Store. Day Phone 78 and 4fi 'tub Phono 4 HABKEH & fiOOD U.E. Proprietor Have That Roof Fixed vow spp conriiELL Phone aiai Published Occasionally by Marsbrield Cyclery BOYS, EARN A DAYTON MAKE IT PAY FOR ITSELF. I'LL TELL YOU HOW. SHOBT TBOUSEBED YOl'NGSTEIt It'EfJISTEBS EUGENE, Ore., Fob. 21 Among tho many now students who nro reg istering at tho University of Orogon for tho spring somestor. Is Louis l Bond, n flftoon-yonr-o'd hid In knee trousor.". lioiui is tno youngest stu dont tl nt has over entered tho Unl voMtv of Oregon. Dosldes his oNtromo youth nnd his imon trniifors the sMuleut record which young nond's crcdntln's from tho Eugono High School bIiow, Is most remarkable. Evory grado throughout his high school course has been A. Louis Bond hns hnd threo brothers attend tho university boforo him. His oldeflt brother, Jesse H. Bond, n grnduato of tho dnss of 1909. was ono of tho university's star dobatora and orators, Cutton, Button, whero's the Button? The first Dayton Mutton shown me, -(s n pair of too clips free. (Thore nre oleven buttons In town.) Marshfield Cyclery Agones Phono 180-B. 607 Front. ANDBEW V. WICKMAN nnd brldo of Emplro arrived homo on tho Bo dondo from California whoro thoy woro married Inst wook. Miss Nolllo Haydon of Emplro Is n guest of Miss Alpha WIcklund todny. Tho A. M. Simpson, which la tak ing on n cargo of lumbor at tho Por ter mill, will not sail for sovoral days for San Francisco, I Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Mynntt of tho Portor hotol expect to loavo about March 1 for tho Hot Springs In Tu laro county, California. W. S. CHANDLEB who has boon qulto 111 for somo wooks, Is roport od Improving nnd may soon bo nblo to bo up nnd around. E. II. JOEHNK returned todny from n business trip to Bnndon. Ho snys Hiiya that thoro Ib nothing now from tho near Creek oil woll. F. M. MABHOFFEB Is arrnnglng to movo from Second Btreot, noar Comorclal, to tho Wall houso on South Brondway. CABL ALBBECHT nnd wlfo nnd daughtor, Vera, roturnod lust ovo nlng from Los Angoles, whoro thoy hnvo spout a couplo of months. MBS. E. C. PADDOCK nrrlvod homo on tho Bcdondo from Snn Fran cisco whoro sho has been visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Arnold, who hnvo boon visiting nt tho Mynatt homo for sovernl months, lenvo soon for tholr homo In Tulnro county, Cal ifornia. Henry Pillion nnd family of South Coos Blvor will move to North Bond tho first of tho month nnd Anko chnrgo of tho Portor hotol. Mrs. Elinor Bussoll nnd daughters, Misses Holou nnd Mildred, will loavo soon for Hot Springs, California, whoro thoy will roinnln for some- tlmo In hopo of benefitting tho honlth of Mrs. Bussoll. Thoy will visit nt tho J. W, Bussoll homo whllo away. Mrs. L. S. Parrot and daughter, Miss Gortrudo, will lenvo on tho Bo dondo for Pldgoon Point, California, reintlvos slnco the-Christmas holt-'whoro thoy will mnko tholr future days. .1. W. EPPERSON'S young son la re. portod qulto 111 of stomach trouble Mr. Epporson succeeded W. K. Wlsomnn In tho business on North Brondway. ONLV MEN "FLUNK" AT OBEOON EUGENE, Oro., Fob. 21 Flfteon studonts at tho University of Orogon did not pB8 In nlno hours pf tholr work, nnd nccordlng to tho faculty iii'lng enn not re-en tor tho unlvorslty ' irlng the noxt some-stor. Of tho flfteon who "f unkpd." n'l woro men Besblra Mn o wbo must 'oavo col 'pgo, t'PTo wns a .jooii por- rnt Of be studontH who d'd not. pa win flf feon hours of work, nnd will bo forcd eltlor to at'o'ld c sPBInn of summer school, or not to grnduato with their Hass. One hundrod and twenty credits nro required for. grad uation at Orogon. T1'f menus t' a f.udPiit tiuist earn an avorngo of fif teen crpdltB eaoh "omoster. As slx pon hours of work I n1' thnt tho nv )!; rtnrionf ' n''owrt o carry r on t'lUO H "f'U'l'-" In oi" flvo- "ni'- s-b'nnt 1 ii r ' " " n fnr-yoar course, will prevent graduation, L. KIIONENDEIKI of Dnndon Is a Coob Hay visitor today. Ho Is ln torestod with tho Estnbrook com pany in the construction of tho now steam schooner now undor con HtrucHnn nt North Bond. Sho will bo Inrgor thnn tho Flflold, and n twin ncrew vepsol. E. D. McCBABY, Sr., and wlfo, who spent last summor on tho Hay, ro turno'l on tho Bodono to make tholr homo horo. Thoy hnvo Bpont n fow months at tholr o'd home In homo, Mr. Parrot hnvlng n position ut tho llghthouso there. Dollclous CHICKEN TAMALES nt STAFFOBDS BEAL chicken BEAL MILK nnd BEAL CBEAMi dollvorod to your homo on FIVE MINUTES' NOTICE. PHONE 320.J. F'A. Sacchl. Oot your hot TAMALES this ove nlng nt SABTEIIS'. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have tLWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Pacific Livery & Transfer Co. , A TURKISH BATH will do. you s-iiitlio'-n Missouri and M'o unnsiin'- oonn thnno 2H-.T Quality High Makes People Buy SPERRY'S BEST DRIFTED SNOW PL0UR