0 MATTER WHAT AILS YOU THE BITTER ALOES OF BROODING IS BAD FOR IT (Ham Smj tm WANT ADVERTISING In Tlw TIMES Will Keep tho Incomo from Your Furnished Rooms from Inpnlngl YOU can really help tho family revenues by rontlng n few furnished rooms and, if you know how and when to uso tho classified columns, you may keep that little extra Incomo vT ADVERTISING in Tlio TIMES Will Put lour livni jmjuuu ... .. Mm fnrtn nil n lit VOllr ! If Will IlUb fcV w.- m Jncrty boforo tlio oycs of nil "pos- v-r- .- in tnwn. Ana u hero's ono of thorn who ought to as "steady as a clock." Bwn It, yo" BU" " MEMI1ER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS II VYYV Established In 1878 L. AAAV .. C(mst Mn MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mull Jq -JgQ and Coos Hay Advertiser. IIS10N SUSTAINS $10,00010 RHJAGE FROM FIRE EARLY TODAY lenty-five Blocks in Resi- ence, warenousB dim rec tory ucnier duiiiuu. LE FANS FLAMES; ENTIRE CI IT blMUAiMutncu a ak ball Stream That uiviaes rown Enables r-iremen 10 Stop uoniiayrauun. Associated Proas to Coos Day 1'lllleB.) nitcrnV. M'nx.. Fob. 21 lin ed by u Biu t",lt uwcnt '" .w,lll of tliu corneal nuriiiuiii wuo " whiter, flames Bwopt through tho tcru section of Houston early to and wiped out 2G blocks, causing " of $0,000,000 to-$10,000,000. iy cottngea were uosuuycu u vuu many big niniiuittciuriiig !"" thousands 01 persona niu numu- nnu out 01 wont, nm b iwi ,.f tin. limn Is confined to tho fber and cotton Industries, orty-flvo tlioiiMiuid bales of cot- wcro Uiirneii, representing u wb 12,000,000. The flro uturted In a ,, .,nr till, Sdll tllLTll Pacific llwny tracks soon after midnight. heavy wind pieKon up wio iiuinua f -,.in,i tiiiini iivit tho nuluhbnr- cottnges and buildings and iib tho Hub of tho tiro grow, a iu-miiu S. mi'Mit iim HimrkH throughout tliu trlct and booh many mnniifnctur- plauta woro annuo nntt wuro- cs wero being guiien oy uiu DOS. firemen put up a terrific fight, wcro unablo to copo with tlio Bil lon until Iliiffnlo Dnyou, a Biunll m that dlvldea tho eastern part the city from tho main Bcction, i reached. Hero every pteco oi arntus was stationed nloug tho k. If the flro leaped the Dnyou, nrnn the destruction of tho city. the advaiiclug flnmea began to li Km llnvini Hi'nreu (if Streams of fcr wcro burled Into thorn, check- little .by llttio, tlio urea prog Al ciiiiin nnrrnwnr nnrtlmm of stream tho flauica leaped across tho uuiro aubsinniini mtiiuiiiga not afford tho tlndorllko fuel vlmiBly encountered and tho Mil nf thn fire vnn niovonted. Eiy persons wero hurt during tho I but so far ns known thero woro fatalities. Tho burned area la at It a mlio and a half long and nt (its a qunrter of a mlio wido. .Mimv Lives KiiiliuiL'rri'il. tho rond of tho flume gnvo wnrn- iii uiu Hunger una iiuiitiiuiiH in pons, Riving no hood to tho cold, ncn irom inoir iiomos elan only in lr nlKht c othes. Women enrry- bables, and women nt whoao '(ft flninll tlillilntii nlnniv irnt lim-atil i 'IIHII VMIIWtUll Itlltffi ttVIIVIUU he homes of nolghhora for rofugo, ) in uu uriveu out a iew miuuioa ir by tho oncoming tiro. 'Ircmcn appointed londorn nmoug Hl'MlnllR nt thn (lntim-atifjitift ilia. --. w t.v ..., .;-. .. j't t anil they, mnrahalllng tho rofu s, led them out of dnngor. Homes e quickly provided in other rOal KA KPPflntiu nt tt.u !.. fMrtM.l.w- " -.... ... IIW IHi VMl'llllMft i looi wero rurnlHiiod by a roller llntltnn nil I Hiaka In .ni.iunKnMnnlu -..,." v (til 4 tUVIU lil I Will Jf ill till 1 VI J lo BiifferliiB. Tho number of liomea siorca inirnea Is moro than ftO. QERS BRANDT FEAR STRIKE IN ENGLAND Threatened Walkout of 800,- 00 Miners Will Affect Other Laborers. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmoi.) LONDON, Fob. 2t. Condltlona throughout Great Drltaln, and par ticularly In tho manufacturing ills trlcts of tho North of England, are becoming rapidly wnmo ns a result of tho threatened coal strike, which, If It occurs at tho end of tho month, will throw 800,000 minora besides workora of other trades out of em ployment. Mnny Iron workora and othor factory mon today received no ticca from their employers that their norvlccH will not bo required after Fobruary liOth ahould tho coal atrlko ho decided on. Most of tho factories havo supplies of coal on hand for tho moat urgent work. In Lopdon nud other cltlca tho price of eonl already has reached $8 per ton and tho poor er clnssca nro paying almost doublo this ruto na they purehaao only in small qunntltlca, Promlor Aaqulth la endeavoring to bring about a set tlement of tho dispute. A WE BACK TO CALL IN A TUNNEL Freight and Passenger Collide Impossible to Reach Burning Cars. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NORTH ADAMS, Mass., Fob. 21 A fierce flro with heavy explosions In tho debris mndo it Impossible- for tho wrecking crows today to reach tho tcono of collision of tho passenger train and freight on tho Doston &. Malno Railroad Inside tho Hoosnc tunnol. Attempts to got to tho burned enrs woro abandoned until tho flro will hnvo burned Itself out, which mny bo Saturday or Sfinday. Tho dead will not oxcred four, It Is believed. Tho cniiao of tho accident has not been determined. EXPECT GILL TO WIN OUT Icused Valet Returned to rrison Until Trial Par don Is Urged. ' AS&OPlAtOfl Praaa tr rrna fin Times.) ! IMV YOUK, Feb. 21 Justlco i today sustained tho writ of corpus Issuod In tho cuso of K L. Urn ti fir nmi ntiiimi rinnttflt ho remanded to tho Tombs prison irnii Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmaa LDANY. N. Y Feb. 21 Attor- yciierai farmody announced to tost he linil ropnmnimiiliiil In "no' Dlx that Draudt bo par- ? no noiiis that there la no fenH, "" "." V"" VV D"ww l"" r-Mui. riiiiintirinH l,,IHnli.... l.k l n ' kt degree. "' "' "ul i fVOUU, X.xmk MOUNTAIN' ! "ORTLAN'n n.o ri. m in an ff:; :."."" 1t7 ti fii i V"" io seuio me om w, En Letwee Seattle and Taco- Eii.2 f.n l.he great mountain rfarn ',Vun,er n Seattle and lMno . '" iacoma, General li ITIV J!!Un of the Port- kd tw iL e8UVRl' ha3 suggest- en ,"r ulB peaK b0 rechrlat- f L ?.Iount J,m " n honor 'the -empire builder." ,, Mayor Who Was Recalled in Disgrace Year Ago Nom inated Yesterday. iDy Associated Press o Coob Day Times) SEATTLK, Feb. 21 Apparently Scnttlo has decided to glvo Hlrnm C. GUI, who was recalled from tho of flco of Mayor In dlagrnco ono year ngo, another chance. Although ho did not poll nearly a majority of all tho votea cast at yesterday's primary, ho received nearly 10,000 votes more than hlB nearest competitor, tho sln glo tax and municipal ownership can didate. Duslness mon believe. 'Gill will bo olected In the rogulnr election March 5, GUI, who rnn on a wide open town platform, promised to car ry out tho policy of his former term but with Sheriff Edward Cudlheo as c'llof of pollco. It Is estimated nt tho registration otflce- that 40 per cent of tho 73.G02 registered voters In Seattle are wom en and it Is estimated by observers nt tha nrtmnrv e'cctloii that the pro portion of wome-n who voted about tho same ns that of tho registration. In tho recnll olectlon Inst year tho women voted almost solidly against GUI. Yesterday tho women's vote wna divided among nil tho candl dn. ipi. itiol vnln for Mnvnr was fi2.- P57 and was divided as follows: GUI 24 522: Cotteriu lt.izo; rarisn i-.-700; Wells 10.822; scattering 90. NOTICE. To those receiving Invitations to the Modern Woodmen of America Social Dance, Feb. 24, tho Invitations should have read; gentlemen $1. L S Republican Members of Con gress Vote Solidly on Tariff for First Time Since Split in House. (Dy Assoclatea Press to Cooa Day .Times.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 21. For tho llrat tlmo sliico tho Insurgent re publicans broke nwny from tho rog ulara in tho light on tho potroleum duty in tho Payne tariff bill in '11)09 the republicans of tho houao todny presented practically a aolld front against tho pnsaago of tho tariff re vision bill. All tho Insurgents voted with tho regulnr republican forces ngalnst tho Underwood chemical tnr- ; ".which wna passod, however, by a vote of 178 to 217. With tho pass age of tho chemical revision by Urn house todny another democratic tar iff measure was added to tho sennto calcndnr. The steel bill Is pending In tho senate, whore only a coalition of progressive republicans and demo crats can pass it. It Is tho intention of tho sennto flnnnco commltteo to grant ainplo hearings to nil parties Interested In tho tariff bills sent ov er from tho house. Tha Insurgents opposed tho meas ure on tho ground that tho revision wna tipwnrd Instead of downward. "This bill has no support from tho Independent voters of tho House, be cause It Is n rank caso of upward tc vision," said Representative Murdock of KansnB. "It would tako scorca of articles from tho frco list and put utlps on them. It Is Indofonalblo." TWO ARE HELD TO GRAND JURY Head of Industrial Workers of the World Bound Over at Lawrence, Mass. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day TlmoB.) LAWRENCE, Mass., Fob. 21 Jo fceph J. Ettor, leador of tho Indus trial Workora of tho World in the lo cnl textllo strike, nnd Arturo GIo vnnttl, hla assistant, woro hold to the grand Jury by Judge Mnhonoy In Po lice Court today, charged with bolng accessories before tho fact In tlio mur der of Anna Lohlzzo. Tho woman was killed In a riot January 29. MANY ARRIVE N Steamer Has Rather Rough Trip Up the' Coast Sails Friday. ' Thu Redondo arrived In Into from San Francisco with a capacity passen ger Hat and a good cargo of mis cellaneous freight. Shu had a rnthor rough trip up tho coast, a stiff north west wind prevailing all tho time. Tho Rodondo will anil from hero for San Francisco Frl iny aftornoon. Among those arriving on tho Ro dondo wore tho follow. ng: Dr. W. A. Toyo, E. 0. Guorln, A. V. Wlckmnn, Mra. A. V. Wlckmnn, E. P. Nloustndt, Jus. Haines, John Morgan, Mra. E. C. Paddock, R. Alex ander, Frank Clayton, F. A. Lane let, Mra. A. G. Aiken, J. D. McDougnl, Mra. J. D. McDougal, Archlo Mc Dougal, L. G. Irwin, M. Oesnnor, Mra. M. J. Elrod, C. L. Albrocht, .Mra. C. L. Albrocht, Vora Albrocht, P. Schuttpch, Miss Leo, Miss Drockwoll, R. E. Scott, C. A. Chapman. Morris Chick, Geo. H. Ronton, Rny llanford.i V. Woodllold, G. H. Hitching, Mlsa McDonald, Miss Holen Wicks, Mrs. E. C. Kldd, Mrs. C. Palmer, Mra. E. Don MeCrnry. W. F. Rogora, J. J. Lamos, E. D. Scott, R. II. Scott, Chns. LanJo, K. Covr, E. Don McC-nry, Sh., Jus. Haggerty, It. Hamilton. ROUSE PROBE BEGINS SOON Investigation of Sensational Removal of Adjutant Gen eral Ainsworth. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Da) Times.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 21 An In vestigation of tho chnrgo thnt lod to the sensational removal of Adjutant General Ainsworth wns authorized to day by tho House commltteo on mili tary affairs In reporting tho Wntklna resolution requiring tho Secretary of War to submit to Congress all tho documents bearing on tho alleged Insubordination. E W 0 TAKES LARGE III 1 Earl Stannard, Missing Pomo na Bookkeeper, $149,000 Short in Accounts. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LOS ANGELES. Fob. 21 Earl Stannard. the missing bookkeeper of tho American National Dank of Po monn, whose alleged defalcations wero found yesterday to aggrogato $149,000 Instead of J5000 as was at first thought, Is hiding In this vi cinity according to Information said to bo In possession of tho authorities of Pomona. His arrest Is expected wit'i'u n few days. Stannard was not bonded. NOTICE TO ELKS. AM members of MorsM'e'd Lodge nf R'ks. No. 11 GO. D. P. O E.. are re quested to be present at meeting to night. Election of temporary secre tary and balloting for candidates. C.F. MCKNIGHT, Exalted Ruler. Shippers Ask for $2,000,000 Reparation for Exorbitant Freight Rates. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times) , WASHINGTON, Fob. 21. As a soquol to tho Interstate Comdiorco Commission's decision In tho famous "Spokane rate caso" that freight charges to nnd from Spoknno aro un reasonable and exorbitant, shippers of that city today mndo n domnnd on tho vnrlous Northwostorn und transcontinental linos for $2,000,000 reparation. Tho complaint ngaliiBt the rail roads filed with tho Commission nnd covers alleged oxcesslvo freight charges exacted during 1910 and 1911. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos lluj Times) WASHINGTON, Fob. 21 It Is tho largest slnglo caso of reparation ovor brought before tho Commission. In Us determination of tho "Spoknno rate case" tho Commission mndo n material reduction in freight rates to nnd from Spoknno. Tho refund asked Is tho difference between tho old rates nnd those fixed by the Commis sion as reasonable. TALKS IN ORIO Expresses His Views on Some Questions Pending in State Convention. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Da; Times.) COLUMDUS, Ohio, Feb. 21. Poll- tlclans all over Ohio camo to Colum buB todny to hear Theodore Roose velt express his views on mnttera pending In the convention which hnvo been the subject of political dobate throughout tho state. The Interest in his speech was heightened by the fact that Governor Harmon a few days ago outlined his opinions on the same convention... Roosevelt's speech was Interrupted frequently by cheers. When ho declnred for "Justice for all, big corporations and small deal ers" there was but scattered hand clapping. "I find that people do not seem to like (o) applaud that kind of a statement,'" said Roosevelt, smiling. Applause long and loud was immediately forthcoming, i t Smoking hot HEAL CHICKEN tamales at Staffprds. i 1 C NS ME CO S PROTECTION OF UNITED STATES DID NOT KNOW IT WAS LOADED St. Louis Woman Who Shot Her Husband to Death Is1 Acquitted. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ST. LOUIS, Fob. 21 Mrs. Clara Murray was acquitted today of the charge of murdering her husband. She aliot him with a cat rlflo last Oc tober after, according to her testi mony, ho had kicked her. Sho said bho did not know tho rifle was loaded. YUAN SHI KAl'S PLANS New President of China Wants to Advance Chinese. (Dy Associated Press to Coon Day Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 21 A cablegram has been received from unn Shi Knl, tho president of tho Chlneso republic, In which ho notifies tho Chlneso of the world of his elec tion. Ho announces his administra tion will bo republican, thnt ho has tho Intorcsts of tho Chlneso nt heart and will endenvor to direct tho gov ernmental affairs with an Idcn of pro moting nnd strengthening tho power of tho CiIncso In tho world affairs. BUILD VESSEL AT OT Capt. Reynolds Awards Con tract for Gasoline Schooner to Kruse & Banks. Capt. Reynolds, who conductod n cannery horo last year, hus nwnrdod the contract to tho Kruse & Hanks ship building company of North Demi for tho construction of n now gaso line schoonor. It will be n duplicnto of tho Hustler which Kruso & Ranks recently comploted for Capt. Poto Ol son. Tho vcesol Is to bo 04 feet long, 20 foot beam with 5 feet G Inch hold. Tho vcbso! Is to bo Btartcd nt onco nnd completed In about two months. Sho Is to ho taken to Alaska where fdio will bo used na a tender for tho rnnnorlca of the Dnrnos Snlmon Pack ing Company. OUTLINE PLAN OF COAST Li Southern Pacific's Move To wards Extension from Tilla mook to Coos Bay. Tho Portland Tologrnm publishes tho following additional particulars about tho proposed Coast Una of tho Southern Pacific, news of which wiis printed in Tho Times a few days ago: Engineers Hooy nnd Fontaine, who havo boon ongaged In supervising most of tho construction work of tho Natron end of tho now mniiilluo cut off of the Southern Pacific, have been doing reconnolssanco work for tho Hnrrlnuin interests for what appears to bo a 200-mllo extension right down the Oregon coast Hue from Tillamook Day to Cooa Day. The lino as reco jioitered would connect tho recently completed Pacific Railway & Naviga tion Company's road from Portland to Tillamook with tho proposed WU-lnmot'e-Pitclfln lino from Eugeuo to Coos Day, which Is now under con struction. This lino would glvo the Harrlmnn Interests -a continuous belt lino with Portland, Eugene, Tillamook and Coos Day points na tho important ter minals. Tre ground covered by Hooy and Fontaine la a richly productive ono, which hus not had tho proper In dustrial or agricultural development simply because tho territory lackod sulnb'o transport'iMon f-rl'iHe The engineers started their prelim inary work at Gardiner, which Is at tho mouth of the Umpqua River and one of tho Important points on the Eugene-Coos Day extension. From thfiTP, thnv went over he country (Contlnuail on past 4.) AMERICANS IN Claim That Robber Bands Are Looting and Destroying Their Property. ' ANARCHY WIDESPREAD SOUTH OF RIO GRANDE Rebels Apparently Only Need One Leader to Start Big Revolution. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times) WASHINGTON, Fob. 21 Advlcos from Mexico to tho Stato Department todny Indicate wldo spread anarchy south of tho Rio Gruudo. Sovoral cities and towns nro reported to bo in tho hands of tliu robots. Protests by Americana against robberies nro multiplying and robber bands nro op erating without apparent interrup tion throughout the republic. It la fenred that nil that Is needed to again plungo Moxtco Into vlcll htrlfo Is n lendor who can hnrnionlzo tho factions nnd bring tlio robolllous elements together. Slnnloa, Oxaca and Yucntan aro said to bo wnglng open wnrfnro ngalnst tho govern ment. Americans in tho Cullan vnl loy In South Mexico havo suffered to such oxtcnt from robber bnnds thnt they have mado nn urgont ap peal for aid to tho United States gov ernment. Tho situation In which tho Americans find themselves Is con sidered so serious by the Department that Its representatives there havo boon Instructed to make soml-wookly reports In addition to tholr urgent communications. G 1 T Y Vessel From Coos Bay Reaches San Diego Badly Shat tered by Storm. Tho bnrkentlno Arngo of tho Simp son (loot, concornng which much ap prehension wns folt, reached Snu Diego Sunday In a badly dtsablod condition. Sho wna a couplo of wcoks ovorduo. A San Diego dispatch gives tho following particulars of her haz ardous voyngo: Thlrty-throo days out from Coon Day, Its pumps manned nnd its decks wntor-washod, tho barkontlno Arngo, Captain Vcrzon, mndo port lato Sun day afternoon, after ono of tho hard est voyagoB recently reported on tho southern const. It was precoded a fow houra by tho schoonor Mnwoomn, Captain NolBon, 18 dnyB from Wlllnpn, tho greater portion of tho tlmo without a com pass. Ono day nut of WUlapa, tho Mawooma struck n hurrlcano nnd for nonrly GO hours tho captain nnd crew bnttlod for tholr lives. Hon Overtakes Vessel. Tho compnss nnd binnacle box woro torn away with tho first waves. Though tho ship waa running with tho wind, tho Btorm wns tho foator and for houra tho aen broko over tho veasol, carrying nwny tho lifeboat and a portion of tho cargo. For u wook tho Maweoma was hold to ita courso by tho old of tho sun nnd Btara until finally tho wind abatod and tho bnrkentlno Arngo.i flying algnnlB of distress, waa sighted. Schooner Khares HuppllcH. It was found that tho sides of tho Arago hod opened, wnter was pour ing In nt tho rato of sovon Inches an hour, moat of tho anlla hnd boon torn nnd wntor nnd provlalons woro almost out. Tho erlpplod Maweoma shared Ita mengro supply with tho sinking vessel and from thnt tlmo un til todny thoy wore always In Bight of onch othor. Tho Arago was kopt afloat by Jottl sonlng somo of Ita lumbor cargo and using a portion of tho cargo for fuol to keen tho donkey engines In opera tion aa mi aid to the crew manning j tho pumps. , DISSIPATED ROHINS ' DRUNK I'PON RERIUKS LYERLY, On., Feb. 21 Rob- Ina In this vicinity hnvo acquired habits of Insobriety. Tho bird "llcker" that Intoxlcntes thorn Is believed to bo obtained from ChlnnborrlcB, which grow In profusion near bore. Many of the robins thnt havo been found In a drunken condition havo beon watched during tholr stup- ofactton, watchers being careful in iiun nts nt ii nfe distance. and It has been observed thnt In a few hours tho birds rovlvo and Immediately go back to tho Chlnaberry trees.