THE COO,S,BA,Y JIME.S, MARSHFIELD,. OREQONt TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1912 EVENIMG EDITION asteService OUR lasto and our selection of styles, patterns, fabrics and colorings insures the stylo oi the clothes you buy here. The service we render. In fitting you properly, giving you no opportunity to liifnin anything but the best' workmanship, tested fabrics and reliable clothes insures clothing service. Quality Counts ITS TJtIC FOUNDATION 03T OUH SUC CESS. ITS THE .LITTLE THINGS THAT MAKE QUALITY. Th Fixup SIS8 fnrsh field. North Bend. coos I1AV TIDES. Del .w Is given tlio time and holghth ot high and low wator at Marshfleld. Tho tldos aro placed In tlio ordor of occurrence, with their tlmos on the llrst lino and heights on tho sec ond lino ot each day; a comparison or conBocutlvo heights will Indlcato whothor it is high or low wator. For high wator on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Dato February, 11)12. ported thut J. II. Somors, who for morly resided In iMnrshllold and who suited to promote ft number ot pro Jifia here, is said to be starting tho promotion of a rrillrdad from Grants 1 tibM 10 Coos Day, Ho and an engi neer named Morghn, from Sun Fran cisco, aro Bald to, bp going over the route now. PERSONAL NOTES W. A. LUSE was down from his Coos Kivor ranch today on business. 20 hours.4.11 Tide ....0.0 21 hours. Ml Tldo ....C.2 '42 hours.C.12 Tldo ....C.2 23 hours.!". 4G Tldo ...,c.:i 2-1 hours.G.2-1 Tldo ... .0.2 25 hours. 0.7 Tide ... .2.8 U.4U 1.6 10.14 1.1 10.57 0.8 11.411 0.C 12.39 0.0 7.21 0.1 4.07 G.8 4.48 C.5 G.32 CO 0.21 0.4 7.28 3.0 1.40 0.G 0.51 0.3 10.21 0.0 10.50 1.5 11.28 2.1 8.49 3.1 MUS. JACK 1JIIOWN of Honryvlllo . is n Alarshflcld Bhoppor. Vleld i'cat Instead of forty tons )(.! acre, Nick Dustendorf, who GEO. MYERS of Coos Itlver was a uroug..t in u forty-pound rutauuga for exhibition at tho Chamber of Commerce yesterday, sacurcd sovonty tons off an aero of turnips. Tom Coko vnys that Mr. Dastondorf's Held of turnips was one of the finest ho over nw nnywhoro. I NOT ALLOWED TO INTERVENE Iways- lhe Busy Corner" Th9 $ilCaJULsrm lON'T WEAR A TRUSS tat will not Bit comfortably, no mnttor what it costs, it will do you lore harm than good. A trims that won't stay in its placo undor all conditions you can ti your body Into should bo thrown nwny at onco. It can novor bo dicmloil upon and is euro to fall you at a critical inomont. Wo sell a trtiBB nt js.uu mat wo guarantee under all conditions nosltlvuly retain the most complicated form of runturo nalnlosslv. bis truss Is neither clumsy nor uncomfortablo about tho body, and fears well. ALL FITTING IS DONE HY AN KXI'KKT and our lock Is most comploto In, ovory surgical requisite. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. MIN 298 : THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) HONE US . Oregon Fair tonight except occasional rain In northwost portion. Wednesday fair In oaBt with occasional rain in went. Warmer in cast Wednesday. East to southeast high wind along tho coast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE TOUT. KB- For twenty-four hours, ending nt 4:43 a. in., Fob. 20, by DenJ. Ostllnd, spcclnl government me teorological observer: Maximum 50 Minimum 32 At 4:43 a. m 38 Precipitation Nono Total precipitation since September, 1911 41.98 Wind, northwest; cloudy. Seeks Son Mnrshnl Carter has re ceived a letter from Mrs. Joslo Bo lnnd of Lents. Oregon, nsklng him to try to locate her son, Hoy Bolnnd, who Is mysteriously missing. She tl inks he might liavo been "shang hnlod." Ho Is nineteen years old, six feet tnll, fair complexion and blue-eyes. May Open Street It Is roportod that 13. a. I'onlinin, who recently purchased tho olghty-ncro tract north of West Marshfiold, is planning to hnvo Tenth or Elovcnth street opened through tho tract. This will make a direct thoroughfare to North Bond as soon as Sherman nvcnuo Is com pleted and will open up a large now residence soction. Marshfiold business visitor today. . E. LAIIS0N and son, Eddlo, of Allegany, wero Marshileld visitors today. A. O. ROGERS, Jr., of Coos Itlver, Is looking after business In Mnrsh ileld today. FHANK BLACK has moved from Sumner to his residence In South Mnrshflcld. MHS. J. H. PRICE and children of Allegany wero Marshileld visitors today. Slide DcIiiyh Mull No newspaper mall wus received today from Rose burg as a result of another big land slide In tho canyon about a mllo from Laird's yestorday. Tho letter mall was brought in this morning, having boon packed through by tho cnrrlors over the worst stretch of tho road. This Is tho second bad slide In that vicinity within a, fow days. It Is ex pected that tho papor mail will bo brought through tonight or tomorrow. T. M. DIMMICK, county treasuror, returned to Coqulllo today after a short visit on tho Bay. ROY LANDR1TH of Coos River wan a Marshfiold business visitor yesterday. J. M. DIMMICK, county tronBurcr, 1b In tho city greeting his mnny friends today. MRS. P. H. BRIER and daughter, of Coos River, wero In Marshfiold on uusiness touay. HENRY PLOEGER of Myrtlo Point Is visiting friends horo and look ing after business Interests on tho Bay. Q aJL. h3 fyw-Li i t yiwfis. THE WEKH1T OF A PIECE OF MEAT Isn't always an indication of its usefulness. It Is with ours, how ovor, for ovory ounco can bo oaten with enjoyment. When you buy meat horo you get nil meat, not a lot of bono, grlstlo or fat. Try n roast for Sunday. You'll boo ovory bit of It enton, not an ounco of it goos to wnsto. That's renl economy. MARSHFIELD CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Two Markets TELEPHONES : Marshfiold North Bend 221-J Bl I10RN. JOHNSON To Mr. and MrB. II. E". Johnson at their homo on North Fourth streot, Tuesduy, February 20, a daughter. Mother nnd child nro doing nicoly. IMrulc Thursday Tho Marshfiold High School Btudonts are arranging for a picnic excursion to tho govern ment works Thursday if tho weather will permit. Thursday Is Washing ton's birthday and will bo obsorvod ns a holiday In tho schools. Mother lnd Mrs. R. II. Porklns todny received a telegram from Stillwater, Minnesota, announcing tho death of her mother, Mrs. Olson, nt that placo. Owing to tho dlstanro, It is not llkoly that Mrs. Perkins will bo nblo to attend tho funoral. Found Lost (urment Miss Mary Hanson of tho Coos Bay Homo Tele phone. Co. Is tho latest addition to ndhorents to Times want ads. Night beforo last sho lost a gray sweater. Last night sho insortcd n three-lino want adv. In Tho Times. Boforo Miss Hanson was nt hor desk In tho tele phone o 111 co tho swentor was waiting ,for her at Tho Times office Tho gar ment had been found by Mrs. Peter Scott, Jr., who road the notice in The Times want ads and promptly brought It to this olllco and It was returned to its owner. The Times want atls get results. ED BANDERBOB and Bon Mnthison of Bunker Hill expect to loavo tho last of tho wcok for Portland and other northern points. W. A. OAQE of Allegany pnBBod through horo todny en ronto homo from n week's trip to Coqulllo nnd Bandon. irties Desiring, Monuments Erected Would do well to call nt The Pacific Monumental Works South Broadway mid iiuiko sclee (Inn frdiii the largo stock now on hand. Mr. Wilson has la his employ (lie only practical marble and granite cutter In Coon county. And none hut the liest work is turned out. Son Is Horn Cards havo been ro colved In Marshfiold announcing tho birth of n ton and a half pound boy to Mr. nnd Mrs. Ohns. Duko In Port land, Thursday, February fifteenth. Mrs. Duko was formerly Miss Emily Wnll of this city. ANT ADS. for hatchlnc: mirn lirnrt s. n. Ite Leghorns and R. I. Rods; ! iew setting hons. Phono rL. Deal. Ostllnd. HDFresh young nillch cow. , e juu. -Ribbon watch fob with imld let with diamond In contor nt- !! UOtUm to Tlmna nfflpn. pal reward. ' ! kinds of hauling, seo Clifford "v, mono sal i '"-Competent lady in con- """. laso. -Must cook for self ' Patient, and do light houso- omie wages and references Box 55, City. P.iT 9rnnm linuoa In n..nn fni. See Timoo nfflna ......, w Jt 1.I) Messenter lmv! mimt i '16 and have bicycle. Western Public Take Notice Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, Feb. II), 20 nnd 21. Special Sale Singor, White, Now Homo Drop hond Sowing Machines with at tachments, in first-class condi tion from ? 10 to $20 each nt Singer Sewing Machine Office 178 S. Broadway. Phono 184-L Storm Delays Iledondo Tho Re dnndn crossod In nbout 2 o'clock this nftomoon from Snn Francisco, hnv Ing boon delayed about twolvo hours by tho northwost wind that sho had to buck all tho way up the. coast. Pbo will roach Marflhflold Into this afternoon. ApKal Cnso J. H. Barbour of Los Angeles has appealed his caso against tho Morchant Land Company. Ho Is seeking to establish a claim to a ono thlrd Interest in Railroad addition on tho ground that ho was one of R. A. arnham's pnrtnors when Graham was building tho local railway sov oral years ago and dickering In Coos Bay real estate. Tho claim which Mr. Bnrbour Is trying to establish would possibly affect tho titles ot all the proporty In Rnllrond addition. Mr. Bnrbour nnd Mr. Bonnott Bomo time ngo offerod to relinquish tholr clnlm to tho vnrlous lots on tho pay ment of $10 or so por lot, but J. C. Merchant, mnnngor of tho Merchnnt estnto, stntod tho ostato would Btand bohlnd tho people who ownod tho proporty nnd fight tho enso. In tho lower courts, Bnrbour lost. CAPT. ERNEST, who Is now mak ing his homo nt tho Rogors ranch on South Coos River, was n Marsh fiold visitor today. Rood and Marsden Not Permit ted to Enter Election Con test Suit. ' Judgo John S. Coko todny handed down a decision that D. L. Rood nnd Robert Marsden, Sr., could not Intervene In tho olectlon contest enso of R. A. Copplo vs. E. 13. Straw. In volving tho mayoralty of Marshfiold. Judgo Coko pointed out that tho stntutes govornlng olectlon contests nbsolutoly forbid any pnrtles other than tho contesting candidates bo ing parties to an olectlon contest. Tho nttomcys for Mayor Straw havo fllod a domurror to tho petition of Mr. Copplo, This, which alleges among othor things that the city council nlono has Jurisdiction over tho qualifications of city oftlclals, will bo nrgticd boforo Judgo Coko tomor row. Other Cases Decided. Judgo Coko also denied n new trial In tho enso of Wllloy and Schroeder vs. J. T. Hcrrott. In tho enso of East Marshfiold -joa. "V -tuotijuv ba Auodmoj) puoT loy et al., Involving lot 12 In block 28, Judgo Coko gavo Judgmont and its proporty. Whon tho work is completed, thero will bo ovor flvo feot of wator to Sumner on tho lowest tldo. J- W. GARuINER of North Bond was In Marshfiold today on business. Ho reports that tho ownorn of tho North Bond proporty which tho Southern Pacific has boen negotiat ing for ns right-of-way property aro anxiously awaiting tho nnswor of tho company to tho prices fix ed. Somo consldor tho prices rea sounblo, whllo othors claim they aro high. ALEX. JOHNSON has taken n posi tion with Mr. Edglngton, tho in nurnnco mnn, since ho sold his business to Mr. Storgard. MRS. ALICE KRUSE and hor slstor. Mrs. Sarah Mooro, of California, left todny for tho Kruso ranch on Isthmus Inlot nftor n short Btay In town. AIONfl THE WATERFRONT WILL HORTON nnd Miss Ruth Hor ton will ehtortnln a pnrty of young roiks nt tho homo of tiro I r par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Horton, Frldny ovenlng. RECEIVES SHOOK. Frod M. Stora, tlmokcopor at Mc Donald ami Vaughan Camp, on Dan iel's crcok, rocelved a shock whllo repairing tho tolophono lino which ho will romombcr for somo tlmo. Ho took hold of tho broken wlro with both hands Just as somo ono rang for central. Tho current was do strong ho could not movo or lot go of tho -wlro until tho, party on tho lino atoppod ringing. ARTHUR McKEOWN nnd Tom Ben nett accompanied Mrs. McKeown nnd1 son, Jooy, as far as Gardiner yestorday on her trip to Snn Fran cisco via Drain. WM. STRAIGHT of Chicago, n tim borman roprosontlng castorn cap italists who aro Interested In this soction, has been spending a fow days In Marshileld. Tho nrenkwntor sails from Port land this ovenlng for Coos Bay and should roach horo early Thursday. Sweater Arrive Tho flfteon swontors for tho mombors of Marsh fiold High School team havo arrlvod and will bo nwardod soon. They nro bluo with tho largo collnrs and will hnvo a yellow "M." Part of tho cost of thorn was dofrayod out of tho $C0 nottod from tho senior clnss pla. Somers' Now Project It Is ro- It Is announced that Capt. Edgar Simpson will commuml tho A. M. Simpson on hor Inltlnl trip from North Bond to Snn Francisco Instoad of Capt. Bondergnrd, Tho Alliance- Is duo In horo lato tomorrow or onrly Thursday morning from Snn Francisco nnd will sail Thursday nt 1 o'clock for Portland. Tho Rodondo. which arrived In lato this aftornoon from Snn Francisco, will sail from horo Frldny aftornoon for Snn Francisco. DAYTON r lllOVT I.' .'IV ... 1 I l"IU I1UU3U . ,a MOllftrn pninnnlaiiui I rnab,e ren'- Sne Ivy Condron! ' I Have Some First Class RESIDENCE LOTS In Eugene to Exchange for Coos Bay Property. What Have You Got? IIIIt IBP NEWS Published Occasionally by Marshfiold Cyclery II. M. Barnes, who was arrested last weok for violating tho North Bond vehicle ordlnnnco by teaming without n llconso, was found not guilty by n Jury In City Recorder Derbyshire's court yestorday. It scorns that tho ovldonco that Barnes was tho proprlotor of tho vohlclo that was alleged to havo been responsible for tho offenBO was not definite. Bnrnes wn arrested nnd nunlshed somo months ngo for toamlng with out n lleenpo. FRANK PREY, of Springfield. Ore, was In Mnrshflold todny, having arrived on Coos Bay Sunday. He Is bringing his family and Is mak ing nrrnngomonts to locnto hero permanently. ONE POETIC CANDIDATE SALEM, Ore,. Fob. 20 Herman Wlso of ABtorln, Ore., Is a pootlcat Domocrat. Ho Is a candldato for del egate to his party's nationnl conven tion, and says if ho Is oloctod ho will hustlo for? "Moro wool In woolen garments, More loathor In our shoos, And on our broad moro butter, Loss tax on what wo uso, Moro Democrats, good trust laws, Loss promises, moro deeds, I want to go to Bnltlmoro To arguo for thoso needs," Got your hot TAMALES tomorrow at SARTERS'. Truth may dwell In wlno but It's tho sort ot truth that needs a good forgottory. The Timos Want Ads bring result! FRANK PREY, who arrived in via Loon Lake from Sprlngllold, Oro gon, to visit frloudB In this section, reports that tho now Loon Lnko road was Inundated by tho freshet n fow days ago. . II. POWERS oxpects to leave Sat in day for Portland ns a witness In tho 20,000 dnmngo suit of Thorson vs. the C. A. Smith Lum bor nnd Manufacturing Company for porsonnl Injuries. U'. FltlZKEN fVt.trni Ave.. Marshfiold. MUD FOR CAPTURE OF PAPER TIIIEVKS A "! COOS Dav Tlmno ,lll .. reward to any party fur- evidence that will con- men or boys who steal co- 01 The Times from snh. a ,er after Tho Tim.. ii have delivered It. Have That Roof Fixed vow See CORTIIELL Phonr 1191 J). L. FOOTE. Proprietor, if Id mi I. Vf ho hire ome Intentlre bl!IW il&us writ UUKKUKV it MtlNTHIK. atMil Aiuraair, WukUilu, U. V BOYS, EARN A DAYTON MAKE IT PAY FOR ITSELF. I'LL TELL YOU HOW. Marshfield Cyclery Agents Phone 180-R. C07 Front. USF ai I FN'S F00T-EASE Tho mtlso'iHc powder to he shakon Into the pl'oes, If you want rest nnd comfort for tired, tendo-, nchlng, swollen, swent'nii feot, uso Allen's Foot-Enso. Rol'pves corns nnd bun Ions of all pn'n nnd prevents bllste-s, sore and cnlloiB snots. Just tno thing for Dancing I'nrMPS. Pnlent t enther Shoes, and fo Brooking In Vow Shoes. It Is the greatest com fort dlsooverv of tho nue. T y It to day. Sold eve vwhero, 2Ti cts. I)o"'t "cront nnv t-uhtltute. For FREE rh' nacUnue. nd''ress Allen S. Olm sted, Lo Roy. N. Y. JUDGE HALL roturnod Inst ovonlng from a business trip to Coqulllo. Whllo thoro ho Issued nn ordor per mitting tho Hnsklns youth, recent ly convicted ot contributing to tho delinquency or a minor nt Co qulllo, to leavo tho stnto without his bond being forfoited, tho bond being still good for his continued bohavior. JAS. WATSON, tho Coos County Clerk, enmo over from Coqulllo last ovonlng on buslnoss nnd nleasure. It Is understood that Mr, Watson will bo a candldato for renominatlon nnd ro-oloctlon nnd so far as known ho will hnvo no opposition for tho Ropubllcnn nom ination. As yet, tho Democrats havo not brought out any candl dato against him. SB When you buyjEft CAPT. W. C. HARRIS of Sumner, who was a Marshfiold business vis itor yesterday, reports that tho Larson d red go Oregon is making good progress on tho Improvement of the upper portion of Catching Inlet. The proposod cutoff may bo impoded owing to J. S. Masters asking $150 for right-of-way. Tho Soutrern Oregon company has con tributed tho right-of-way through1 WeCover All Your Needs In drug store goods of every kind we cover your needs. Supplies for home, bath, nursery and sick-room aro all found hero in great in'ofusion. Deliveries made prompt ly and prices aro as low as is consistent with quality. BROWN DRUG CO GRADUATE CHEMISTS Quality High Makes People Buy SPERRY'S BEST DRIFTED SNQW FLOUR J i k Lfg&ijla&j4 i,mk&&u-MtJs&iJtiuL ifir.Jl:U. - -JVttMW . .A.a, ;iMui.i-