THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1.912 - EVENING EDITION COOS BAY TIMtS M. O. MALONEY Editor ami Pub. DAN B. MALONEY News Editor Address nil communications to COOS HAY DilLY TIMES. Mnrslilleld :: :: :: u Oregon Entered at the poatofllco at Marsh Oold, Oregon, (or transmission through the malls as second class mall matter. Dedicated to the service of the people that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAILY. Ono year $6.90 Per month CO WEEKLY. Ono yoar $1.50 When paid strictly In advanco the subscription price of tho Coos Day Times la $6.00 per yoar or $2.50 (or six months. below Scottsburg. The Lower Ump nuns ("Salt Chuck" Jnulnns) Inhab ited the territory train Urnndy Bar to the mouth of tho river. They wero not related In any way to tho Upper Umpqun Indians. They wore tho Kultsii tribe of tho Yokonan (amlly, a small (amlly inhabiting tho coast torrltory (rom Yapulma Day to the Uinpqun. In speaking of the Umpquns I shall mean tho Indlnns who wero known as the Upper Umpquns, In habiting tho valley nbove Brandy Bar, as tho name properly applies only to them. Tho Umpquns wore n part of tho great Athapascan family, tho most widely distributed of nil the linguistic families of North America. The Atha pascan family (ormorly extended over parts o( the contlnont from tno Arc m WOMEN SHOULD VOTE Official Paper of Coos County Geo. Watkins Writes On An Im portant Topic of Public Discussion. Editor Times: Thero Is no good reason why women should be de prived of tho ballot. There Is no 1,'ood reason why tho privilege o( mns oi iiic """ '"' ' tho ballot should bo exclusively buck. lTSnnfr,'nt,,nMnnXlC0AtfrMn Women shou.d bo allowed to vote.. An Independent Republican nows papor published ovory ovenlng except Sunday, and Wookly by Tlw Coos liny Times Publishing Co. THE COUNTRY DOCTOR. THE Pennsylvania state depart ment of health shows a com mendable concern not only (or th6 health of Its citizens, but for tho scientific and healthy up-to-dntqd-n ess of tho medical profession In general and the country doctor In particular. Realizing that the country doctor, shut out (rom tho stimulus of fre quont conferences and cxnhnngo of interesting medical experience with otljor members of his profession, suf fers from n serious drawbnek In keep ing up with tho latest methods in tho practice and theory of modlcluo, Pennsylvania In 10PG oslabllshed laboratories throughout tho state that country doctors might be able to ob t.orv tho working of tho Intest med ical cures, bo supplied with tho best preparations nnd nutl-loxlns, and havo tho opportunity of dlnguoslng dlfllcult cases tinder tho most favor nblo conditions. Such laboratories nro n great holp to country doctors In fronting sick ness and In snvlng life. They should bo found. In every country district In nil tho states throughout the Union. Tho Pennsylvania stato department of health also sends nut Informntlvo monthly bulletins .on health matters of urgent Interest. The common house fly Is tho subject of ono. It impresses tho danger of this gorm carrying and ovory-dny pest In n thoroughly scientific manner. The ovll, not to inontlon tho nulsnnco of tho fly, enn not ho too much dwelt upon until this unnecessary dnngor to health has been completely annihilated. OREGON INDIAN HISTORY. Tho following pnper was rend by J. A. Buchanan at ,a meeting of tho Douglas County Historical Society ro contly: Tho nnmo "Ump-qua" Is of uncer tain origin nnd moaning. Goorgo H. Hliues, of the Oregon Historical So cloty, wrltcb that there was a story nlloat many years ago that It was an Indian word, Hpolled "Un-ca," and moant "rlvor," but It ban never beon trncod to nny reliable source. Henry II. Woodward, a pioneer of 18G0, who probably had more to do with tho Indians of the Uinpqun Val loy than nny other man now living, says that ho was told by tho Indians that "Umpqiin" wan the namu of a great chlof who conquered and drovo out tho tribes then Inhabiting tho valley, nnd that his followers called thomsolvoB Umpquns In his honor, Solomon Rlggs, of Ornndo Rondo, tho present chlof of tho Umpquns, does not know tho origin nor moan ing of the word, but Clara Jourdan, born nt Grande Rondo, thinks that tho namo Is EugllHh (meaning not In dlnn), as they callod tho Uinpqun different In Indian, something like Aed-nn-mno, or nearly Et-nu-mno. Tho nnmo has been known since tho earliest explorations In this country, nnd old Fort Umpqun was established at Elktou by tho Hudson Uny Company In 18UR. Tho orthog raphy of tho word has beon various. Samuel Parker, In his .lournal, writes of the "Uin-ba-qua" Indians (1840), nnd again In the saiuo year ho wrltos tho nnmo "Um-bl-qun." Horatio Halo (with tho United Stntes explor ing expedition during tho years 1838-18-12, under tho command of Charles Wilkes, U. S. N.), lu his Ethnology nnd Philology, writes of tho "ITm-guns," nt pago 19 8, and ngnln nt pago 201 ho wrltos It "Um kwn." In his report on Indian nf fairs of ISfifi It Ik wrltton "Um-pa-qnnh " Oeorge Olbbs, In his "Obser vations on tho ('oast Tribes (1851), speaks of the "Umpquahs." Others liuvo written It "Omkwn," and "Unique," nnd Meek, lu II. R. Enoch tlvo Doc :i, :10th Cong., llrst action (1818), writes the word "Yniu-pe-quaw " Mr. Illiuoi has n map of Oregon of 1 S 1 0 , In which tho spell ing given Is "Ump-qua." The Indians Inhabiting the Ump qua Vn'ley wore known us Upper Umpquns nnd Lower Umpquns, tho dividing lino being at Brandy Bar. tho Pacific to Hudson Bay at the north, and from tho Rio Colorado to tho mouth of the Rio Grande at the south. Tho Pacific division consisted of n small band In Washington, nnd of many vlllnges In n strip of nearly continuous territory nbout 400 miles In length, beginning at tho vnlloy of the Umpqun Rlvor nnd extending to ward tho south nlong tho coast and Coast Range mountains to tho head waters of Eel River In California. Tho following dlnlctlc groups mako up tho division: Tho Kwnlhloqun (meaning "nt n lonoly place In tho woods"), on tho Wlllnpn River In Washington; tho Umpquns and Up per Coqulllcs; three small groups In tho Roguo River Valley; tho Chotcos on Chetco Rlvor In Oregon; tho Tolo wa on Smith River and nbout Cres cent City; the Hupa and Tlcdlng on lower Trinity Rlvor; the Hollhut on Redwood River; tho Mnttoles on Mnttolo Rlvor; the Slnkyone, Lassih nnd Kuncsto In the valley of tho Eel uivor in California. But few of tho mo m hers of this division now remain. Tho Oregon portion hns beon on tho Sllotz nnd Grande Rondo reservations for many years; thoso In California still rcsldo near their ancient homes. All tho Athnpascan tribes of South ern Orogon nro coiiBldored divisions of tho Umpquns, a part of whom, cnllod tho Nnhnnkhuntnnn, or Cow Creeks, or Cow Crook Umpquns, lived on Cow Crook. Tho nrlnclnal vll- lago of the Uinqpua wns on tho Calapoola at Camas Swalo, culled Hewut. Other Important vlllnges wero located nt Elkton, Kellogg, Winchester, Yoncnlla, Olnlla, Camas Vnlloy and nt Roseburg In whnt wns known as "Tho Grove," now Hamil ton s Addition. When tho whites first enmo Into tho vnlloy tho principal chlof of tho Umpquns wns Snu-so-soo, who lived nt Kollogg. At tho time thoy wore transferred to the Grande Rondo reservation, Wllllnmson was tie prin cipal chief, nnd othors not so great woro Potor McCoy (McKye), tho old scout; Tyoo Gcorgo, Bogus, Tom Johnson, Yoncnlla Billy, Knso, Nol Ron nnd Joe. Mllwnlotu was a great chlof of tho Cow Crook Indlnns, whoso principal vnllngo of about 200 souls was located at what Is now Glcnbrook, on Cow Crook. Henry H. Woodward enys that In 1850 tho Umpquns numbored nbout 1500, nnd could muster about 500 wnr.rlors. In 1855 thoy woro trnns forrod to tho Grande Rondo reserva tion. In 11)00 thero woro 23 of tho Cow Crooks still living. In 1902 thero woro 81 UmpqunB still living In Grnndo Rondo, but at tho prosont tlmo thero nro not inoro than n dozon of thorn loft. Solomon Rlggs Is the present chief, claiming tho chloftlanshlp by right of successlou. Tho Umpquns nnd Uppor Coqulllcs had a logend In early days nbout n gront battle that was fought nbout ono hundred nnd fifty years ago be tween tho Umpquns nnd Cow Crooks on ono Bldo and tho Uppor Coqulllos on tho othor. Tho wnr was ovor n disputed boundary, both tribes claim ing tho samo hunting grounds In tho Const Rnngo. Tho opposing forces mot nt Enchanted Pralrlo, about 20 miles west of Camas Valloy, nnd In n desporato battle lasting nil day tho Umpquns woro dofonted nnd hund reds of wnrrlors slnln. Tho Indlnns cnllod tho field "Chln-chn-tn-ta," moaning "plnco of blood," or "plnco of bnttlo." It Is snld that ninny skulls, broken sponrs nnd bows, and stone nrrow heads aro plowed un thoro oven to this day. though tho Indians must havo followed tholr Invariable custom of burnlnir their dond. HOT TAMALES nt Sartor's, oppo site Blniico Hotel, TOMORROW ovenlng. Somo Coos Bny mon seom to think thoy rnn snvo thomsolves from wa tery gravos by refusing to accept n chnsor. If you havo anything to sell, trade, ront, or wnnt holp, try a want nd. $100 Reward, $100 Thf r; Hilern e( Ihliimper fll be itriei1 la loam lliat thoro U at leant one ilremlH illxfK.e that cloiU'O 1 lieon abletoriire In nil lu k(ko. hikI hat la (Miami. Hall' (Mtarrli Cure Utlio only luxltive cure iuiw kii.-in'ii in the meilloal fraternity. (Miami (lnu ......... tltulloniil illtoato. reiiufre a roiiMttutiiMiM treat in in, llali.n ratanh cure U tnken Inter nal'y. acting ilireotlyiipou the bloo.l ami imi. ciiiisnrlaoeiiftliiktem, thereby ietroln the foiiiiilatlini of the ill.eato, ami kIiik tliu la lent lr ngtli (n bulldliiir up the rniisiltii. thin ami a-lell g nature In doing Id work. I he irorlelnrii linvx.o much fultli In fta cur allepoHerlhal they offer One Hundred l)o. Ur for any rave that II fallitornre. Hemlfor 111 of lestln.onW . a K. J. OHKNKY.U'O., Toledo, O Sold hv all lriiKKlt.7.V, Take Hall' Family I'M loreounfiiatloii Why not? It Is rlgut, It Is just and It Is fair and it will bo infinitely better for this nation when this prl -Huge Is extended to them, nnd it will bo when wo havo evolved Just a little more. Women nro In process thoy nro lu lino. These vlows nro not prompted by sentiment. Thoy nro not tho pro duct of n brain storm, but nro, In my opinion, based upon tho very very plnlnest nnd commonest truths. Thoy are not bnBcd upon tho theory thnt women nro bottor or purer thnn men. The writer hns long since pass ed tho angol orn. Personally, ho is inclined to beltove thnt tho virtues of tho sexes nro nbout oven. His vlows nro bnsed upon an ontlroly dif ferent theory. This government, ns a whole. Is tho best thnt hns ovor been ovolvcd by mnn. Thnt It Ib imperfect nobody denies. Thnt It enn nnd will bo mndo bottor, wo bollovo. But tho government Is not nuto mntlc. It does not functiinto auto matically. A government is but n reflection of public opinion, of tho Intelligence of tho peoplo. It Is whnt you nnd I make It. It Is not bottor nor worse thnn wo nro. Tho govern ment of n nntlon Is on n lovol with the enllghtmont of tho peoplo. If wo had moro sonpo, moro common hon esty, moro courage nnd political vim, wo would hnvo n hotter government. Wo hnvo Just what wo desorvo. no moro. no less. The whole fabric Is In your hands nnd mine. If wo hnvo bad InwB, or If our laws nro not en forced, or If thoy nro mndo oppres sive, you nnd I nro tho culprits. Wo nro tho follows to blame. Perhaps wo mean well, but most of us know comparatively nothing, olthor nbout tho principles of govornmont, or Its administration. Ignoranco nlong thoso lines Is apparent. Tho strnngo part of It all Is, not thnt our govern ment Is so bad, but thnt it 1b so good. Most pooplo, I think, tnko llttlo Interest ns n rulo, In thoso things lu which thoy nro nllowod to tnko no part. If thin bo true, thon with ono foil swoop, wo hnvo elimi nated nil tho women of this country, more thnn ono-hnlf of Its population, from governmental concern or re sponsibility, oxcopt In nn Indirect way. My doar sir, this Is nil wrong wrong ns It enn bo. Wo want ovory woman In tho country to hnvo a di rect Interest In thoso mnttors. We wnnt hor to hnvo nnd fool n direct responsibility. Wo wnnt her to feel nnd know that sho hns a country In fact, ns well ns In theory, nnd thnt sho Is Individually responsible ns n cltlzon for tho conduct nnd govorn mont of thnt country. Thon sho will tnko such nn Interest In these thlncs ns sho would under no other condi tions, nolng Intorostod horsolf. sho will Rtiidfthroo probloms nnd Inter est nnd teach tho chlldron, nnd thoro Is whoro wo neod hor most. Wo want moro peoplo who tnko. nn In terest In this government nnd Its management. Wo need political lonrhors nnd n more Invigorating po litico ntmosphoro. Wo need nnd must hnvo. tho nc tlvo co-operation, polltlcnllv of tho women. Wo wnnt tho wholo nation interested In govornmontnl nffnlrs nnd not hnlf of It. Wo nw nm must hnvo tho nctlvo nn'MnM -flnonro of tbo mothers nunn Mm chlldron. wl-Ir-h wo din'i nnv ipyo Tho great need of tbo counrrv is lovol-honilod, atlvo, fonrlos c'tlzons who know. Thero nro too fow of thnt kind of peoplo. Thoro nro scarce ly enough to Ion von tho who'o. As n recruiting ofllor for good vnvornmont nnd Inlollluont citizen ship, tho mother Is peerless. Tho sclenco of govornmont s'-ou'd bo discussed In every homo nround ovory honrthBtone. Evory woronn nnd o'-orv oblM sbnnM bo fnnllir with all that Is tnklng plnco nn1lttn. ly ovorywhoro In this lnnd. Tim ini. lot should not bo for mon only. T"'o prlvllo-'o should bo onnded to ovorv limn mill pvtv wnmnn who l-na t-Minii. od years of dUcmtlon and Is other wise qualified Women n- mtitnn'lv Intorovfori wIMi men H n'l o'- w'iv not in tbo 'onmgonment nnd control of tho nntlonn? "But thoy mint fight, nn' thov cnlnt sot on n Jury nnf lov'l )P n. suited nt tho polls, nn' nn' " Forgot GEO. WATKINS, The Royal TONIGHT :U()( !' EET OK NEW PICTURES. KOIl HER BROTHER'S SAKE. Tho story of a young man who loses at tho gaming table tho money entrusted to him to pay off mortgago on his parents' homo. IIo enters his favorite horse In running race ut county fair. Tlq Jockey Is drugged by villain. Sister is resourcoiui ami rides tho horso. winning honors nnd money. A gripping drnma with n highly 8onsntlonnl rnclng scone-. THREE MILLION DOLLARS, A Western I'ontniv. A rlp-roarlng, rousing, lnitghnblo western Cowboy Comedy. THE WESTERN TRAMP, A Feature Film of Itself. Tonight 10c. 0. J. LEMANSKI, Proprietor. First Class Auto Service Special calls nnywhorc anytime. Stnnd at Smokehouse. Phono GC-J until lip. m.; nftor lip. m. Phono 5-J. Residence Phono 28-J. Good enrs nnd enroful drivers. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR DR . BIRD U. CLARKE. Specialist on norves, splno and rhoumntlsm. Phono 174, North Bond. K7TRS. K. SHADUURNE. " Tcachor of volco placomont, breathing and interpretation of song Is ready to recolvo tho public. Studio 211 Commercial Ave. Dlt. E. P. WINKLER, Naturopath nnd Chiropractor All chronic diseases treated. Consul tation (rco. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and C to 8 p. m Naturopath Institute Room No. 1 No. 136 Broadway, Marshfleld, Ore DR. G. W. ."LESLIE, Osteopathic PhyilclAa Graduate of the American school ol Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to f Phone 101-J; Mnrshnold; Oregon J W. BENNBTl, Lawat. )fflee over Flanagan Bennott Bant larahfleld Oregon rR. J. T. McCORMAO, , Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. Jfllco: Lockhart Building, opposite Post OTkr Phone 105-J D R. A. J. HENDRY'S We are oqutpped to do high clnsr work on short nottco at the vor) lowost prices. Examination free Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo alto Chandler hotol, phone 112-J. City Auto Service i ood Cars, Careful Drivers and roasonnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 nnd 40 N'lght Phono 40. MARKER Jt GOODALE. Proprietors. it! RWLOCH U1I3 CO. (FLOUR I Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Across tho swilling waves thoy wont, The gumly bnrk yoked to and fro; . iiu jii,iu i-roiv on piensuro Pom Galorod, "This Is a go!" Bosl-io tho poo's'l stoop tho oai. Ho chirked and murgled In his glee, While near him In n gru Jlpon There Jumped n bard tho bard wns mo: "Gollop! Oollop! Thou scrumjours bard, Take pen, thv stylo, and Indlto A poem; my brain neods kurgllng hard, And I will fens tonight." That wonsomo bard, ho took his pen, A fllrgly look nround ho guv; Ho squoffled oiipo, he squlrlod, nnd then He wroto whnt's writ nbovo. "''" 'l.ll'. IUIIUIIMTC! nf OKM M'AFFLE KITCHEN, Front and Alder streets. , Unique Pantatorium DVEING. CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OI ROSS .V PflEGOR. 256 Central avenue Phone 250 HAT WORK. V Modern Brick Building, Electrk Lights, Stoam Heal. Elegantly Furnished Roomi with Hot aud Cold Water. II O T E L .CO OS C. A. METLIN. Prop. Hates: 50 cents a Day nnd Upwurdt Coj. Broadway nnd Market Mnrshflold Oroirnn DRESSMAKING GOWNS, SUITS AND RKMODELINO MRS. E. BANDEL Phono 1Q-.I. Cor, 4th nnd Park Avo. , Don't forget PHONE 214-J. the Turkish Bathh Union Oils iASOLINE DISTILLATS I1EN2INE KEROSENF SAMSON GAS ENGINES an -CKNTRIFUtJAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Harlneld, Ore. PROVE HOIW '" Ordorn SoIIcIipO ANCONA. SICILIAN IIL'TTFR ri'i AND SALMON FAVOROLI ' vtt FOR HATCHING. The "lnd fcr osi I have thoroughbred stock. It Is Not "Modern Throughout" Unless It Is Electric Lighted. I ft , y1 STo dwelling today is thoroughly modem unless it is otjuippod Tor electric light. Eledrie wiring and fixtures win be installed without damage or confusion, in houses al ready built. Modern methods make the job clean, simple and reasonable in cost. II76' it is finished your house has mldcd value. Let us send a representative to go into the sub jeet and submit plans and estimates. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co. Important Notice to Property Owners Give us a description of your property and we will obtain for you amount , of taxes on same. Sheriff, does not notify you. First National Bant FLANAGAN & BENNETT BAN OLDEST DANK IN COOS COUNTV, ESTABLISHED LV 1H8. Capital and Surplus Undivided Profits $1OO,000J 8,000,0) Into. st paid on tlmo deposits. SAFETY' DEPOSIT IIOXES FOIt HUNT. Tnxe8 enn bo paid through tv.i U. S. Depository for Pobtnl funds, bank freo of charge. Home Permanency vs. Home Monotony Tills Is n vital question for present day homobulldors wuetber M bnve a houso wblch In appoarnnco must nlwnys remain tbe w S.r.a,Vou? t,mt w111 Permit of a llttlo rofreshlng occasionally. JSoigliboiboods change ns do Individual tastes a framo house c enBlIy bo made to harmonize with Its surroundings n fresh coil of paint often will tnuko It ns good as your neighbor's new bou the samo ns a now suit ninkes you feel llko a new roan. A nny rate a framo houso la suacoptlblo to most any change I"" might deslro and while It Is pormanont It doos not necesiarllj neod becomo nn oyesoro or a monotony. Thoro aro lots of thlnj we ve observed nbout housos and lumbor that you should kno before building com In and wo'll glvo you our views. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HI71A1L DEI'.KT.MENT SOUTH IIROADWAY. MAIIHUPIEU'' J3 A. II. HODOIN8 T. J. 80AIKE Ci Marshfleld Paint DecoratingCo. Estimates Furnlshpd MAIISHFIELD. Phone H0L Oregoi. " ""' I. Phone 209. F. E. OLA'lElt, North Dend, Oregon. Now Is the Time T...UAVK TUAT "KSIDENCK WIUED FOH LIGHTS. ESTIMATES GIVEN Cpcs Bay Wiring Co. PHONE M7-J TRY THE EDGE WITH W FINGER. Examine a collar fresh fro inunary. inoiico iw lico.i - . or, Its even, elastic stiff"' amnnth nnd ltd nerfect shape. Then test the top edge by -. .. i. Node" your unger-up over - , aiuooin, buck iiniBu b'v- Ing there to rub, dig or Irrltat' necK. . i Thl tPRt will nrove the '" our HPrvlnA Rnnd US a trial and nnnlv the test. MprjhfieltNHand & Steam Ujjl .inuizey tiros, rrup.i - .f Clnr. W.n. fjn AnVWherB AW8 wm. ,. nuua uu .y WM. Sf TVRPW Architect 171 FRONT ST. ".-