THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1912 EVENING EDITION a fene - DONT luv vour nutlcr, Cream hniik from t ho Coos Buy LiniflColdStoraKoOom- aiiy unless you want only lie BEST PHONIC 73 J leliverv 8 n. in. 2 p. in. cau Pot Cheese '.Pry It. Here Are Six 1110 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD lUY AM) WEAR A Royal Tailored Suit TUNY ARE EXCLUSIVE ROYAL FEATURES J All Pure Wool. 2 A Legal Guarantee with each garment warranting Full Sat isfaction or Money back. 100 i0r Cent Process Shrink. (It cannot Hlirlnk on your back. , o.Day Schedule Deliveries. 5 91 a day Cash Forfeit for Kach Day's Delay In Delivery. (I Amazing 111k Values at Small Prices. Oiiler One Today for $18.00 to $35.00 FIXlP Mjirshfield & North Bend Jways "The Busy Corner" TA OKaSJL Star atch Our Saturday Sales Today wo offer Pond's Extract Soap and L. & M. Peroxide Sonp (both splendid Toilet Soaps) regular 2oe u cako special 2 ror 20e. iTIit'se nro both Rood bargains and eaeli Saturday wo Intend having such Bales on staplu goodB watch our windows. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE -MAIN 298 US rANT ADS. Ih IMIITY who took by mistake nek Bilk umlirelhi,. with ebony Imlle nml gold hands, from Epls- tiuil Iliiziuir liiHt evening return mo to Mrs. 13. (1. Flnnngan. ItlIXT Furnished Hat closo In. bone 10 1.1. i ItlIXT ii-rooin house In Iltink- Mill. Sco Times of fit o. ANCONA, SICILIAN BUTTER CUP, AM) SAIiMO.V PAVOHOLLE EGGS FOR HATCHING. The kind for eggs. 1 have thoroughbred stock. F. 13. GLA.IHH, Phone 20!). North lleud, Oregon. iTI.'D Messenger boy; must bo it it mi i nave bicycle. Western ilon. SAI.i: Columbia urnitlionhonu Id 75 rcttrds for $20. Call at omen's I-xt halite. N'nrth llciTul. 1 .. - . ...r see. flVX LEGHORN eggs for hatch- (. mc a settiiiK; also brown Iok-I Ini tc ltercls for sale. Clina. I prr. ; Mil. OlUIlt AND ENGINE AT A BARGAIN. IS.I,l-Tcn horse-Power steam PIT mill I'll U llln miiiltmn.t ii'ltli ' Iciilar saw nml cross cut saw for P iib wood Kino for clearing, 111 ailll lllll lllir Elllllinn !,. r. .. I -n ' . n "'uttnio, uii.fiuiw J- E, 973 nroadwny, iMiuue a uti. IIIIXT .Ftirnlsliol housokoop-1 """'" mono r.i-i,,. P AX ih.W 2i ,onth; Miigio nioiils. 113 Second., )'fii.fufi'il gold filled Knlrk- watch, at or near Tabor- ii.f.ed".c.8l,ur "Islit. Reward miormnt on ns to ita uiini-. or return to Times offlco. Li' Ml1, 7-roo m house in Hay in l -" .nullum UUIIYUIII- Ie- Imiulre Times offlco. Pi: lfifl n. .....- . . Itom inn i , "uor wnti or om lan''- Inquire Lloyd Hotel. PilXliS nf hauling dnno nro...., . " nizgorald, Phono 3110. fKl) TO llDVm iaMo V . ' rm at rea S. I?"?." wth 30 or 40 cows. IniCn nifl ,olnt' Coqulllo i fn the Bay. Artrtmaa a t - i A. - -...w ., Uf ,((J lte0ri!hlns: P"ro bre S. C 'ie I.ecllOl-na nnJ TJ T r,. '. ttlng he Renj. Ostllnd. $30,000 3 ITALIA Motion Picture In. Three Reels "The Fall of Troy" Ihe R.oyal TONIGHT Reproductions of tho Trojan War 12000 Armored Gladiators ongago in deadly conflict Spectacular at tack on tho city Sottlngs dazzling with gnni.Iour Awe-lnsplrlng con flagrations, showing the giant Wood en Horse, captured by the Trojans, and the sortlo In the doad of night by the hoKilers concealed In tho ani mal, who set flro to tho city; tho torror of tho lovely Ilolen as her hus band, at tho head of tho avonglng Crooks, destroy thf Trojans with flro and sword and kill Purls, hol los or and a inultltudo of amazing Incident:!. Deautlful Women, Dashing Chari ots, Artistic Statuary, Masslvo Pal aces, Hogal Costumes, all doplctod In exqulslto photography tlntod and tonod boyonil comparo. Tills film causes any other subject heretofore produced by any manufacturer In tho world to palo Into insignificance Wo aim to uloaso our patrons. Tho exhibition of "TIIIJ I'AUiOKTWn seturod at enormous cost, is an ovl denco of our slntorlty In this direc tion. Wo show tho best films In the world 'carefully soloetod program, ttiinbliilng humor and drama with o lueatlonal and spectacular subjects. You will always see tho best pictures at this thontor. ItOYAIi THKATKIl Tonight 10c. G. J. MCMNSKI. Proprletttr. few',-, i""S": "T"": - n iieuo, I-UU1IO SwTlo'ith nl .?ee "-.... .J . BlkVr I" M . in i I ritOlli ImiicA 4 . . r0nal) ren- " "nlences. I "" ") uonuron. t Farmers Increase their cropo by planting tested seeds. Mor- chants Increase business by sell- s Ing quality merchandise and ad- vortlslng. If you have anything to sell, trs-P rent, or warn help, try a want ad COOS DAY TIDES. Del .w Is given tho tlmo and holghth of high and low water at iMnrshlleld. Tho tides nro placed in tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho flrst lino and heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of cousecutlvo heights will lndlcato whetl or It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 31 minutes Date February, 11)12. 17 hours.2.Cl 8.11 2.14 8.30 Tldo ....5.2 3.0 G.O 0.1 18 hours.3.20 8.42 2.C1 8.57 Tldo ....5.5 0.5 0.1 0.2 (By Associated Press.) Oregon Occasional rain to- night and Sunday. Southerly winds. I.OC'AIj TKMPUItATUlllS HE- POUT. ! For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 a. m., Feb. 17, by DonJ. Ostllnd, special government meteorological observer: Maximum 54 .Minimum 48 At 4:43 a. in 40 Prcclpltntlon 1.53 Wind, Southwest; rainy. was or any particulars and Mr. CatU cart thinks that possibly It may havo I) i i i.tmmel and his party. I.uiiil Files O. O. Lund has filed1 hi lieclaratloti of Intention to be ai ciunlhluto for tho Hopubllcan noinl i.i. ii lor shorlff at tho April pri maries with County Clork Wnsson. Mr. Lund hns resldcn In Oregon for thirteen years nml In Coos county for in .my live years and has boon a Ke pi bllcan nil his life. Ho Is now cir culating his nominating petitions. ME TODAY ON BREAKWATER Oltlest Oregonlnn W. IJ. Cox, con- utablo In Justlco Ponnock's court, clnlms to bo tho oldest nntlvo born Orcgoiilnu In Mnrshflold. Ho Is slxty ono years old. Marshal Cnrtor, who Is fifty-throe, Is nlBo a natlvo born Oregonlnn. Fimu-s Change Capt. Nolson of the Golden Gate Life Saving Station at San FianclBco and wi o was for merly located at the Coos Hay sta t on, In a letter to friends hero says: "I received tho extra copies of Tho TIiiicb tolling of tho lntlnch North Sitir disaster. A tad caBe Indeed, but It had to come nnd more will fol low until the station Is placed whero it rightfully bolongs." Saw Fire 13. Unndel, Instead of Matt Stonholm, discovered tho flro In tho Mrs. M. J. Blroil homo tho night boforo lust and tho alarm was turned in by Mrs. Dnndol, according to D. L. Itood, who was ono of tho first on thoiBceno. An amusing Btory Is bo Ing told about two roomers nt tho EI rod homo. Thoy wore playing cards whon tho nlnrm was soundod nnd got up nnd went to tho door to sco whnt It was. Thoy didn't notlco anything nnd returned to tholr game A mo ment later, neighbors Informed thorn nbout tho flro' bolng In their own houso. More Iteglstcr Ab n result of tho numerous petitions of candidates for nominations nt tho April primaries bolng circulated, moro voters nro reg istering. Justlco Ponnock said that ho registered moro today than nny day yet. Most of them wero Ilopub-llrniis. Plans Spray Plant P. M. Hall Lewis, Coos County Fruit Inspector, who lias Just returned from Portlnnd, Hood Itlvcr nnd Corvnllls, socurcd Bomo valuable information concern ing tho proposed plant hero for tho manufacture of sprnylng fluids. Ho rinds that It will bo impossible to get tho plnnt In operation boforo the blooming season but will hnvo It ready for tho summer sprnylng. Ho plans to put In n plant with a capacity of about 20 barrels per day. It probably will bo a co-oporatlvo plant nnd will probnbly bo locatod In tho Coqulllo Vnlloy as tho fruit growers nro bottor orgnnlzod thoro to bundle It. Tho company will bo orgnnlzod soon. Steamer Sails This Morning for Portland With Large List of Passengers. Tho Ilreakwatcr sailed this morn ing for Portlnnd. Sho had a fair car go of miscellaneous frolght nnd n good passenger list. Among thoso sailing on tho llronk water woro tho following: T. .1. Humphry, Chns. Hnldorman, T. C. Shankland, A. J. Wlso, Mrs. N. Mi Montgomery, Mr. N. C. Rowlcs, Mrs. N. C. Itowlca, S. Steovoll. Dan Starr, E. W. Cummlngs, W. D. Stev ens, A. Itobortson, A. E. Homo, Jen nie Ansonln, John C. Stevon, Goorgo Mntchno, D. McMullen, II. Mlllor, M. Ilystorn, L. Peck, John Tronntha, B. Polooto, J. Barr, J. Gardiner, Goorgo Couch, A. Holmborg, Anna Borry, Mollio Mullen, M. Flnnngan, A. II. Albrocht, A. McPhnrlnnd, 11. Hnrd grovo, E. S. McGulro, Jonnlo Walton, W. J. Snrtcr, Mrs. W. J. Sartor, Frank Lo Itoy, Miss Cannon, II. A. Phillips, Mario Wnltors, Clydo Gilo, Mrs. Clydo Glle, Mr. P. W. Davis, Mrs. W. P. Pollor, W. P. Pollor, L. A. Hooves, W. Lnslum, 0. K. Pearson, Carl Hoyland, Gus Furkrcsh, C. Ai Nolson, P. D. Cullum, W. E. Smith nnd Mrs. W. 13. Smith. PERSONAL NOTES JAS. STOCK, of Sumner, Is a Marsh flold visitor today. New Auto Horn E. S. Bargolt hns equipped his now auto with Cluxon olectrlc horn that makes n nolfin that would drown an ordinary steambont, whistle. Ho tried it out for tho first tlmo today and hnd a lot of pooplo gucsflng as to what was causing tho commotion. NOKTII INLET NEWS. Soth Johnson went to North Bond to spend a fow days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Johnson. Tho condition of our pioneer neigh bor "Jack" Nvo Is nbout tho flume. Ho expects to tako treatment In Mnrsh flold soon. Get Five Autos Flvo now Bulcks, 1012 models, arrived hero today, j Thoy woro for L. P. Pnlkonstoln, I Honry Korn and Edgnr Simpson, of North Bond, and for Harkor & Good ulo and Dr. Housoworth, of Mnrsh flold. Dr, HoiiEoworth will soil ono of his othor two machines, tho now ono being for his wlfo. Charley Hamilton dollvorod thirty head of cnttlo for Gus Potorson ono tiny this wcok. Word revolved from D. M. Hogors stntcs that ho Is again locatod In tho cranberry business, having bought n trnct of nntlvo ninrsli on tho Lowor Columbia. Ho expocts to plnnt 25 ncros this sonson. Sought TreiiHiiro Slnco roadtug tho story In Tho Times tho othor tiny of tho Klmmol murder trlnl nt St. Louis, Del Cnthcnrt has recalled that Jnko Evans, tho South Slough plo noor, told him sovornl years ago that n nnrtv nf Rtrnnirnrn worn Innktllir for a hurled Spanish trensuro thoro. Mr. Evans did not toll him who tho party Docorntod China Butter PLATES 20c Per SET nt Coos Bay Cash Storo. "FALTj OF TBOY" at IIOYATj THKATKIt SATUltDAY NIGHT. NEIL WATSON, Mayor of Coos City, Is in Mnrsjifiold on business. C. P. McKNiailT wont to Coqulllo this nftornoon on business. MRS. S. A. YOAKUM wns a business visitor In Mnrshflold today. P. E. HAGUE Is confined to his homo at Klttyvillo today by Illness. GEORGE ROSS, of Catching Inlot, Is a Mnrshflold business visitor. C. 13. HOWE and wlfo, of Coqulllo, nro Mnrshflold visitors today. CHAS. ESTERBECK, of Catching In lot, Is n Marshflold visitor today. ALONG THE AVATEIIFRONT Tho Daisy Mitchell arrived In from tho South today nnd will load with lunibor for San Prauclbco. Tho Redondo will Ball from San Frnnclsco tomorrow afternoon for Coos Bay and should reach hero early Tuesday. Bert McCollum, pursor on tho Ar eata, stated today that tho steamer Washington would probnbly leave San Francisco next week on her Initial trip on tho Coos Bay-San Fran cisco run. The Areata arrived In today from Snn PranclBilo with n good cargo of miscellaneous freight, which sho dls chnrgod nt tho Ocean dock. She will Ball tomorrow for San Frnnclsco with a cargo of box shooks, shingles, luni bor and coal. J. P. HAGE nnd wlfo, of Myrtlo Point, wero In Mnrshflold today. FRED SLAGLE, of Coqulllo, Is n Mnrshflold business visitor today. JOE SCIIAPPERS, of Allognny, Is In Mnrshflold on business and plons-uro. MRS. CHARLES ADAMS, of Myrtlo Point, Is n Mnrshflold visitor today. Auto Till 138 nt tho GUNNERY. Have your Job printing done nt The Times' offlco. Ladies' $29.00 To $36.00 Two Models Men's $27.50 To $42.50 Four Models THE ADVERTISEMENT MAKES US ALL OF ONE SIZE. A CAT MAY LOOK AT A KING, ETC. HERE YOU Mr, Retailer LISTEN!! I don't regard the BICYCLE as a plaything. A list of those who have bought DAYTONS from me would read like "among those present'1 at a business meeting. I Want to Sell Bicycles to Progressive Retailers, You are in business to make money, Are you getting all the orders you should? I believe that the way to get bus i.iess is to GO AFTER IT. Put a HUSTI E.I on a DAYTON bi jycle and send him out after orders and new business, Doesn't it cost out of all proDortion to nrofits to deliver a f . w small special orders by automobile? How about a sign on your bicycle? BLANK & CO., PROMPT DELIVERY? Furnlshod freo with your DAYTON Marshfield Is Going Ahead! BOOST! Don't s't still and be left behind, BOOST for me and I'll BOOST for me, I'm a BOOSTER from What? No, sir: from California, You are reading my daily ads, so you must know the advantage of buying a DAYTON It costs us nothing to warrant our Bicycles! we have an iron-clad, signed, five-year guarantee from the manufactur ers of DAYTON BICYCLES. Thank you for reading this through: NOW THINK ABOUT IT. Marshfield Cyclery Phone 180 R Dayton Agents, Coos County 607 Front A. KOLSTAD. of Coos Rlvor, Is look ing nftor business In Mnrshflold today. MRS. T. J. MACGENN and daughter, Isabol, of Emplro, woro Marshflold visitors yesterday. J. A. LUSH and family loft today for tho W. A. Lii80 ranch on Cons Rlv or whero thoy will spond Suntlny. MRS. BAKIL, who has boon qulto ill nt hor homo In Porndnlo, was tr.kon to Morcy Hospital todny for tront-mont. MRS. CLAUDE PIPER pnssod through horo today on routo to ho homo on Coos Rlvor artor n snort visit with friends and rolntlves nt Norfth pond. GEORGE FLANAGAN, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. G. Flanagan, loft to day for Portland whoro ho will ro sumo his course nt Columbia University. W. J. SARTOR nnd wlfo nnd bnby who havo been visiting nt tho homo of Mr. Sartor's brothor, R. M. Sar tor, loft today for tholr homo nt Pullmnn, Wash. Soup and DINNER PLATES nnd Plattors In Docorntod China at vory low prices during CL1UN-UP SALE nt COOS HAY CASH SiOIlK. NOTICE. Myrtlo Lodgo, K. of P., will put on dogreo work nt tholr noxt mootinb. Monday evening, February 19, nt I. O. O. P. Hall. Banquot will bo sorved after lodgo in honor of tho nnnivor sary of tho ordor All Knights nnd sojourning brothors nro requostod to bo prosont. COMMITTEE. Our WHITE and GOLD CROCK I0HY has AHHIYED. Como In and soo thorn. PHETTY PATTERNS nnt'l LOW PRICES. Coos Bay Cash SI ore. FLASHLIGHTS and batteries at the GUNNERY. Tho Excelsior, which hns been at anchor In tho lowor Bny for n tiny or two for tho Btorm along tho const to subside, returned to North Bend this morning to replonlsh her supply of fresh wntor. Sho probably will sail tomorrow. The Nnnn Smith was unablo to cross out yesterday owing to tho rough bar. Sho has a big deck load and Cnpt. Olson did not want to tako any chnnces ns tho bar hns boon bronklng every fow mlnutos. Ho hopes to got out enrly tomorrow. CULLINGS OF COQUILLE Coos County Scat News ns Toltl by Tho Sentinel. William Humbert nnd wlfo, of Mnrshflold, woro In town Thursday negotiating for tho purchaso of acre ngo property noar town. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Russoll nnd Virgil 13. Wnttors woro In Coqulllo Tuosdny. They nro from North Bond nnd woro negotiating for tho pur chaso of n ranch. On Saturday night at 7 o'clock a vory prot.y wedding occurred at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. I. Klmo, of tills plnco, whon Mr. Harry II. Smith nnd Miss Mnry Ethol Watson woro united In marrlago by Proachor Evans of tho Mothodlst Church. Mnrrlod Wllllnm John Mannlx nnd Mnry Downing woro marrlod at Snntn Ann, Call., Friday, Fobruary 2. Miss Downing will bo roincmborod by ninny Coqulllo citlzons ns n formor leichor of music In this city. Whllo horo sho mndo her homo with the family of J. J. Stanloy. At tho called mooting of tho Bonrd of School Directors hold Wodnosday ovonlng C. A. Howard, prosont prin cipal of tho public schools, was chos on for nnothor year. Outsldo of tho ordinary routlno of business of the Bonrd nothing of nny Importance was do no. Ono of tho most bonutlful woddlngs of tho season wns that of Miss Edna Constnnco Robinson nnd Wllllnm Francis Pollor nt the homo of tho brldo'n undo, Prod Bollonl. Tho cor oniony wns solomnlzod Mondny at high noon, Rov. P. H. Adams of tho Prosbytorlan Church officiating. Ono of tho lnrgost pigs ovor butch orod in Coos County was on display nt tho City Market Wodnosdny. It was ralsod by W. M. Rohror nt tho slaughter houso at Cunningham. Tho pig drossod 4S7 pounds. "Drossod" it would hnvo brought 0 conts por pound or $33.73. It yloldod 230 pounds of lard. You Depend Upon a Truss You depend upon a truss to do the work it is in tended to do else you would not buy it. Why waste your money tri lling with trusses of un known value, fitted by people who don't know how. Come to a reliable store whero you can got truss satisfaction. "Wo know how to fit them, and wo guarantee that you will be satisfied. BROWN DRUG CO GRADUATE CHEMISTS Quality High Makes People Buy SPERRY'S BEST DRIFTED SNOW PLOUR